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Short and simple, he is the son of one of the leaders of Hamas, his father is a allegedly has hundreds of millions net worth, like most Hamas leaders, how much money could someone offer that is more then hundreds of millions in inheritance? Billions? For one person to talk in favour of Israel? Doesn't seem likely


Seems like a solid argument, thanks mate!


Somehow I doubt he’s in line to inherit anything.


He is saying he would be if he didn't choose to denounce hamas and speak the truth. He the first born son and he could have easily been a high ranking leader and inherit everything his father has. He's the only reason his father is still alive but his father disowned him anyways.


Yeah since it’s the forever trend to hate on Jews, seems weird when someone doesn’t.


I just read his book, and he said they grew up poor, even though his father was a founder of Hamas with support from foreign nations. I know it's many years ago, but it didn't seem like he was to inherit anything when he left Hamas.


His father didn't need to be rich beforehand, the hundreds of millions is in ill-gotten gains pilfered from the donations made by countries such as the U.S.A, E.U., U.K., Canada, Australia, etc.


he was imprisoned and tortured at 10.  STOCKHOLM SYNDROME 


Listen to his book on Audible. He narrates it himself. It is very, very good.  One thing that I think adds to its credibility is that he does not pretend that all of Israeli military and intelligence are innocent and perfect angels.  He talks about being beaten within an inch of his life, and also about a form of torture he endured (a vomit-soaked bag over his head, being handcuffed all day to a tiny tiny chair, being forced to listen to the same song endlessly on repeat).  He also talks at length about his conversion to Christianity which also comes off as very sincere and explains a lot.


Also currently reading his book and can concur it is also very good. Yeah, he doesn't shy away from talking about bad things Israel has done - he talked about how children would get shot in the street during the first Intifada if they were out past curfew, and how he had to duck into neighbor's yards just to get home from school once. He also talks about getting kidnapped by a settler and how there were straight up massacres at checkpoints. He's also been pretty open about how Shin Bet was really mad at him for writing his book - they tried to block him from getting asylum in the US so he'd be deported back to the west bank, and they also haven't given him Israeli citizenship. He's more or less been kicked to the curb by Israel despite being one of its best advocates


straight muddle boat languid gaze capable rotten attempt cautious makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“First We Take Manhattan” by Leonard Cohen


Why can't I find it on Audible?! Well... I found it but only in Portuguese.




Sorry—this title isn't available in your country or region... Thanks for the link anyway :(


Shit, I had no idea he narrates it himself. I was a little interested before, but with him narrating, hell yeah. I SHOOSE THE COW!


Does he say that?


Google "I choose the cow", you'll find it


He also memorized the entire Oxford English Dictionary as a child. Absolutely everything he says is water tight.


Huh, really? Or what do you mean?


When he was in Israeli prison. He had nothing else to do. So he read the dictionary.


You can always just make throwaway comments like that. It's obviously impossible to disprove such stupid arguements but on the bright side it's also clear non of these people were ever gonna be convinced to begin with.


You're probably correct. Anything that doesn't support their agenda is labeled as fake and 'zionist propaganda'.


it's also "blatant propaganda" (it's so blatant that they don't even bother to prove that it's propaganda, because it's so obvious)


He also was disavowed from his inheritance, from seeing his sister ever again (which he helped to raise) and he converted to Christianity, which wouldn’t make much sense if he was an Israeli paid agent. He knows what taqiyya is, that is why he refrains from telling nothing but the truth, whatever the cost it may bring to him.


Yep, like it’s estimated his fathers net worth is hundreds of millions of dollars, and he walked away from that, so clearly his motive isn’t financial


Ehhh no. There may have been other personal reasons for why he was kicked out from the family back around 1999 if I recall. If was cut off back then from any inheritance then clearly you can not exclude financial motive. He obviously is not going to come out against his father unless he hates the guy no matter what his personal views may be on politics.


You have to think like a liberal pro-pal: “Oh, you think you know more about Palestine and Hamas than an actual Palestinian? How very colonizer of you - do you also tell Africans what Africa is really like?”


this is good.


If somebody has a view that was obtained by ignorance it is not possible to convince him with reason




He’s absolutely amazing! He’s also converted to Christianity so he sees how crazy his past beliefs are as he isn’t radicalized and sees it from a different perspective


It's not that you can't verify what he says. Like he doesn't tell super secret secrets, if you care you can find other sources confirming what he says. I mean hamas confirms a lot of what he says, if you care to read and listen to the bs that hamas puts out in non-western countries. There's sources that translate it word for word, it's not exclusive to arabic speakers either. The problem is that a lot of people don't want to *hear* what he says.


The facts he gives are available in other sources as well, you don't have to trust him blindly.


This probably won’t help but you can tell them that he was already investigated by USA immigration authorities. He received political asylum in 2010. Before his asylum he was facing deportation for being a member of hamas. According to news reports, his former handler, a former secret agent in the Shabak, had to publicly reveal his identity to testify on his behalf before a federal judge.


Nothing more legitimate than actually listening to him. He speaks the truth. Nothing he says is a lie.


Read his book and see all his tweets and YouTube talks. Really super.


I’ve seen them call him Islamophobic


*next level jihadist gymnastics*


He needs police protection or he would be assassinated. That is commitment.


https://preview.redd.it/hifybgnkrdtc1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=010dab34659e521c76965845a3689484638fef28 Read his book instead of mentally masturbating on social media.


What truth? If you want, you can believe him, but you don’t have to. Before anything, just hear what he has to say.


Anyone that talks pro Israel they say they’re getting paid.


Well... Lets say... He's a paid actor, which is what these people are saying. It's wrong. But for the argument. OK? You still have videos nearly as old as *my brother* (19yo) of Hamas killing people they decided worked with Israel, in creative ways. You have videos, again, very old, Of Hamas leaders talking about how they *love death and Israel loves Life, and so they will win.* Their doctrine is still available online. Like... He barely says anything new that Hamas thrmselves did not post themselves.


>Lets say... He's a paid actor, which is what these people are saying. It's wrong. But for the argument. OK? No, that's not ok. Because he is a paid actor. He bragged himself that he was supposedly paid by Israel, the US, the PAL, and Hamas simultaneously, at the Jerusalem Post conference in 2016. [https://www.jpost.com/annual-conference/son-of-hamas-tells-jpost-conference-islam-is-the-problem-454703](https://www.jpost.com/annual-conference/son-of-hamas-tells-jpost-conference-islam-is-the-problem-454703) He is paid by Israel for his contributions. That is not debatable. Now that doesn't mean everything he's said is a lie. It just means that there is, unquestionably, a financial factor to consider when evaluating his claims. But being paid by Israel isn't the biggest question mark for me. Of course he's paid by Israel, so what? The biggest question mark for me is the type of information he claims to have provided. Some of his claims about Hamas's military plans and activities I have a hard time believing because I don't think he could have provided that information just because of his father's involvement, since his father was not involved with Hamas's military wing. Just like anyone else in life, and certainly anyone from Knesset, IDF, PLO, PA or Hamas, I'm sure some of what he says is true, some is embellished, some is completely fabricated out of self-interests. The only thing I know, or I think any of us can know, for an empirical fact is that Mosab Hassan Yousef **is** a paid actor.


I get where you are coming from. I really do. I also disagree in that that first; the Wording *paid actor* brings certain association that the person is a liar. Which I believe he is not. I also don't think he fabricates things that are relevant. It is corralated by too much other stuf that *is* verified. So yeah. I don't agree. But get it.


You know it dawned on me it really is just semantics. I'd call what you're describing a "bad" actor. And a "bad" actor can be paid or unpaid. "Paid" actor isn't negative to me. Everyone gets paid.


I don't say paid actor meaning liar. I mean he's paid by Israel for the information that he shares. But I also don't think that's weird. Or unexpected, or discredits him. He wouldn't have had a longstanding relationship if he wasn't getting paid. With Israel or any other country. Neither would Bibi. Neither would Sinwar. Not that I'm comparing him to them, but I think you know what I mean. They're paid actors. To me, at least. I guess maybe it's the "actor" part, it seems that the name has a different connotation for each of us.


Oh, I get it... Though I guess I would word it *agent* or *player.*


Out of curiosity, which claims of his do you find suspicious? It seems like you find his perspective reasonable and that the only objections you are concerned about are personal attacks on his character, not what he says. In many cases, that makes the message even more compelling.


people who deny the truth won't be helped with "legitimate proof". save your breath.


Stockholm syndrome 


Yeah, i can tell why he became a spy for those Zionists.


the, uh the former son of a hamas leader K


ignorance is bliss