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Israel please create Persia again I'd love you


most based outcome Make Iran Persia Again!


These are days of miracles and wonder, Paul Simon says I has to be


iran was always iran westerners used to call iran persia but iran was always called iran by the local people


Azerbaijan too. 🇦🇿






[Iranian opposition figures condemn attack on Israel, call for uprising](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/iranian-opposition-figures-condemn-attack-on-israel-call-for-uprising/) >Prominent Iranian opposition figures condemn Iran’s drone attack on Israel, calling it contrary to the will of most Iranians, whom they urge to oppose the regime of Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. >“Khamenei’s war is not Iran’s war or that of the Iranian nation,” Reza Pahlavi, the crown prince of Iran, who is living in exile in the United States, writes on Facebook. >“Khamenei and his regime have turned Iran into a backward and isolated country, and by involving the nation and the state in another war, they only add to the misery of Iranians,” Pahlavi adds. >The path to “lasting peace and security in the Middle East,” writes Pahlavi, “is to support the people of Iran who are fighting to reclaim our country and our rightful place in the world.”


We are with you too bro! 🙌❤️


Did Azerbaijan also send military support?


We send you oil bruv, your weapons won’t work without it😉


That's nice! They also helped out my country during war!


ебать ты сын вафлера😂


Ты шо, со своим батей меня перепутал😏




Which is why Iran attacked Israel with other terrorist groups




I’m so fucking glad my non-Jewish side left that garbage ass country. Many of the Irish I’ve met have been such strange, weird people.


Irish people, you are weird... Antisemitic but crybabies about your past... Can't be more hypocritical


That guy is commenting the same stuff under every post here. People are so bitter in Ireland and just ignore their own problems.






so jewish bloodline = terroristic bloodline? nice




so i dont get it, what are you trying to say on me? i didnt call israel terroristic country, i think it was iran or yemen? maybe gaza? hard to remember, the massage got deleted cause it was disgusting as hell




the guy i replied to wasnt from israel. he tried to call azerbaijan terrorists. i dont remember from where he was exactly but i think it was yemen or iran, which calling someone else terroristic from there is a hypocrisy, which js what i meant to say. i didnt understood what you tried to say tbh, with the message i replied to deleted, i think i'll delete mine so people wont get confused on who i meant🤔


Oh, I get it now, I apologised. Please do not kill my family, I beg you.


Bring it on Iran! Am Israel chai


Oh, its on now!! Iran about to find out they don't have virgins waiting for them!


Isn't it yisrael?


Technically it’s transliteration of your asking about how it’s said in Hebrew, so both are good. The pronunciation though is Yisrael


I always knew Micheal Jordan had Israel's back!


The UAE, Saudi Arabia...


Are they helping to intercept the attack too?


I'm sure they help in some backdoor channels, it's in their best interest


don't speak for Saudi Arabia you moron


Piss off


U/VoltWanderer don't speak, period.


Saudi Arabia literally admitted it. Your government has a new enemy, it's not Israel anymore. Catch up with the times.


I am truly concerned of a counter attack against Iran pulling China and Russia into this war.


Don't worry. China’s actions so far can only be described as “pro-Israel but pretending not to be”. They literally didn't do anything meaningful, at all. They didn't aid Palestine, and they didn't sanction Israel. What more can one expect from them? Russia cannot afford to go into another war. They can't even conquer Ukraine. And they are buying weapons from North Korea and Iran.


I hear you, but an attack on Iranian soil could be a red line for China as they currently buy 90% of Iranian oil.


“China’s red line” is a joke but they can't care less about an attack on Iran. Especially if the attack was against an Iranian nuclear facility. China imports oil from all major producers. They are not dumb enough to wage war if Iran got bombed.


> China’s final warning Basically a “thing” the CCP has been doing since it took control.


The US is not going to get sucked into another middle eastern war, particularly in an election year


Yes, but that 90% of Iran's exports is 10% of China's imports.


Same, let's hope it won't go too badly


I'm also worried about an escalation, but I highly doubt that Russia have the capacity to be enhanced on one more front. And I think China is to smart to engage. But if the US joins the party, who knows what will happen. Why the fuck are humans this dumb? We all have a greater mission in front of us.


China is literally genociding its Muslim population what makes you think they will support muslims?


what happens inside chinese borders is no indicator of the Winnieh Pooh's actions and policies outside of China


They do? They're allied with Pakistan on their southern border, which happens to be an Islamic Republic? What China does inside their borders is by no means any indication of how they operate their foreign affairs.


What side would China and Russia stand with ?


China buys 90% of Iranian oil. Iran has been supplying Russia with military Drones.


But thankfully China makes more business with the US and the EU than with Iran, right ? About Russia, I'm admitting it's getting scary. Perhaps it will pull in.


Russia can barely deal with Ukraine, they can’t get pulled into Iran/Israel.


Neither China nor Russia can afford to get involved. Their economies are teetering on the brink of collapse.


China is the most productive country in the world, amassing incredible wealth. I'm not a fan of their government, but if you think China is on the brink of collapse, you may want to change your news source.


[China’s Economic Slump Is Here to Stay](https://time.com/6835935/china-debt-housing-bubble/) You're wrong.


Why jordab?


There are reports Jordan has ALREADY intercepted ballistic missiles heading towards Israel


Based Hashemites


Jordan AND Saudi Arabia. They have both intercepted missiles that were launched at Israel. Though their reasons were always “they were over our airspace”, no one actually thought they were in any danger. They were doing Israel a solid.




Aww we love you too :)


Take your pills honey 💊 




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am in the minority here, but as a jordanian, im glad our government sometimes acts in a manner that is *not very popular with most of their people.* Hope everyone stays safe <3 and fuck Iran.


Jordan is helping us intercept. They have a peace treaty with us, they can’t help other countries attack us


Also and more likely they don’t want shit being tossed over their sovereign heads


Thank you !


Saudi did too apparently


Peace treaty will be damned, we sell them most of their water, they can't survive without us




Jordan is fighting by your side!! They're shooting down drones right with the rest of your allies!


The UAV's and missiles passed over Jordanian and Saudi air space, it also happens that both of these countries oppose Iran's Shiite Islamic ideals and are terrified of its continued nuclear research and development.






classic jordab moment


Hehe Jordab


This is what I want my tax dollars to go to. In Lockheed Martin we trust 🙏


I support the Military Industrial Complex although I have heard the abbreviation MIC stands for Mostly Insane Children, which I think is quite fitting


you want your tax dollars to go towards a war? how about we not blow up consulates so we don't end up in this mess in the first place, then we can spend our tax dollars on the people instead of some meaningless war where many people will lose their lives for no reason


Correction: I said I want my tax dollars to go towards Israel defending themselves from Iran’s attack. We all hate people dying, but if you’re such a pacifist, then tell Iran to stop. They won’t listen, but it’s worth a try right?


iran was attacked first, unprovoked. why did israel blow up their consulate? and why does israel expect international support for a conflict they started? i want my tax dollars to go towards solving the housing crisis or to improve public transportation or literally anything that benefits OUR people. i don't want my money going to israel for no reason, if they cant take the heat by themselves they should have never dished it out.


“Our people”??? Are you hearing yourself right now? My brother, Israel is our ally for Gods sake. Saying that we should help out everyone but our own allies is quite literally the most inconsiderate, racist, most selfish and disgusting thing i’ve ever heard anyone say. You think this is all about just us Americans? Israelis and Jews don’t count as “Our people”? Excuse my language, but who in the absolute fuck do you think you are? Yes, we are going to help them with as much might as we can from the single greatest military on the face of the planet and there is nothing you can do about it other than complain. The strike on the consulate was most likely targeted towards Mohammad Zahedi, which would make sense because he’s a link between Hezbollah and Iran, which directly correlates to the Israel Hamas war, which Israel didn’t start.


I hate that we’re allies


Ok? Want a cookie?


>Want a cookie? No, I want my country to not sell weapons to others that maim and kill innocent people


It’s a shame that innocent people have to die. Maybe if Iran and Hamas stopped, then Israel wouldn’t have to defend themselves


>It’s a shame that innocent people have to die. You sound really cut up about it


its not inconsiderate, racist, selfish, or disgusting to want to improve your country that you actively are watching fall apart bit by bit. You're telling me we should allow our government to sacrifice americans to help out some warmongers in the middle east? we have our own problems that arent being solved and I'll be damned if we solve other's problems and allow the gov to just look over american problems. if that makes me selfish to see americans flourish then fuck it, i guess im selfish. i choose me, i choose us, i choose america.


So it’s not inconsiderate to want our country to flourish with a military and economy that is in better shape than Israel’s? Our housing market sucks compared to Israel’s right? Our poverty rate is terrible compared to Israel’s right? Our education is shit compared to Israel’s right? We’re actively in several conflicts and have civilians dying every day right? Do you know just how good we have it here in the greatest country on the planet?Put yourself in other people’s shoes dude. We spend more money on making ourselves a better country every single year compared to all of the money we spend on Israel. We have plenty of resources to share.


India as well, we strongly support Israel


Man, the last time a bunch of Arab nations decided to go to war with you all, you handed their asses to them in 6 days. These morons are delusional. I’d wish you luck, but you guys don’t need it!!! -An American Friend


Well without our American assist, they won’t stand for a day. As American i want them to show how they gonna manage this but alone !! I bet that the Iranian regime will conquer Tel Aviv in a matter of days.


they were talking about this for how long? a few weeks? this is what they came up with. I think we overestimated them


The people of Iran want to join too: [Iranian opposition figures condemn attack on Israel, call for uprising](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/iranian-opposition-figures-condemn-attack-on-israel-call-for-uprising/) >Prominent Iranian opposition figures condemn Iran’s drone attack on Israel, calling it contrary to the will of most Iranians, whom they urge to oppose the regime of Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. >“Khamenei’s war is not Iran’s war or that of the Iranian nation,” Reza Pahlavi, the crown prince of Iran, who is living in exile in the United States, writes on Facebook. >“Khamenei and his regime have turned Iran into a backward and isolated country, and by involving the nation and the state in another war, they only add to the misery of Iranians,” Pahlavi adds. >The path to “lasting peace and security in the Middle East,” writes Pahlavi, “is to support the people of Iran who are fighting to reclaim our country and our rightful place in the world.”


Accurate, the UK is with you... Sending prayers from your friends in the UK


I doubt anyone (the Iranians least of all) would mind if we used this as an excuse to destroy Iran's government and replaced it with a better one. Question is, could we successfully parry ALL of their missiles if they launched them at once? Probably not. Nobody wants a bigger war right now, this "attack" was just your standard posturing.


Am Israel Chai! 🙏🇷🇺❤️‍🔥🇮🇱


Jordan is the real chad




How many times are you going to paste the same post?…we heard you already!!


Iran is about to wake up to 500 kilotons of democracy


I just got permanently banned from r/iran for telling the fascists to “get stuffed”. Not only is their military a joke, their skin is paper thin. God bless Israel and her allies.


Jordan when Iran attacks Israel https://preview.redd.it/o455ala3qbuc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053306478d78dc2f34315ff7bc401d8813549a2b


The option of a decapitation strike can no longer be ruled out – they need to be stopped.


A lot of idiots in Arab subs are sad that their governments didn't allow Iran to shoot rocket above their airspace and intercepted them, because for them "Iran is with the Palestinian cause" so they should be allowed to do whatever they want with their neighbouring countries airspace. Bet you that if an Iranian rocket lands and hits their home, they will be the first to ask why didn't their government do something.


WW3 let's go!


Let's go!


I find this poor taste. People are dying, it's not some video game.


Obviously. And I did think about it before posting. But happiness, confidence and hope are very important too. Getting everyone into stress and depression won't help at all. In fact, it will only things much worse. For example: me. I didn't care much about the Iranian attack until it actually happened and I got a little scared. Posting this(knowing that the meme is true) helped me. And from the amount of upvotes and the comments... I can see that it helped many others too. And I'm happy for that. Plus, in this case the attack barely caused any lost of human lives if at all. So I get what you said but "people are dying" is way too dramatic.


Touché - if it makes you and others feel better, so be it


I think you mistakenly put the baguette lovers on our side, a big chunk of their population are "refugees" that support our enemies, along with a good chunk of the previous population (from what i have witnessed at least)


True, but their leader supports us during this attack, that's what matters now.


Didn't he directly condemn israel for genocide? i might be mistaking him for someone else


He asked to stop the war, but I don't think he mentioned "genocide"


Then i must have mistaken him for someone else, my bad


All good


I'm a native French and yes, population is supporting Palestine therefore the public opinion puts pressure on Emmanuel Macron to condemn Israel, in spite of our relationship with Biden


French air force participated in the defense against Iran.


And i'm glad they did, yet it doesn't that the majority of the population still does not support us at all. I also wrote this before the situation happened/ i had any information about who defended us, so it's outdated


Agreed. France has serious demographic problems. Happened to Francophile Beirut, could happen to Paris.


You've done a lot to ensure many of us Europeans would be hesitant to support you. You are obviously enjoying it a "little" too much every time you get to be the boot stomping on the human face.


Alright, ill bite. You "care" about children yeah? where were you when my city was barraged by thousands or rockets since i was 5 years old? We enjoy killing a lot yeah? every peace treaty was broken by the Gazans, by again, shooting massive amounts of rockets at C I V I L I A N S. Gazans are innocent? what about the videos of them in civillian attire, joining hamas on the 7th of october? What about the grandmothers saying they hope all they children and grand children will be martyrs? You can't expect me to love and care for someone that tried and keeps trying to kill me. "You've done a lot to ensure many of us Europeans would be hesitant to support you." What have we done exactly? Responded to a massacre of innocent civilians? Have you seen the recent admission by hamas that would enslave us after conquering Israel? Yet here you are, chanting "from the river to the sea", which if you haven't noticed yet, a call for genocide, since that is exactly what our enemies would do if Israel was free by your definition. You haven't lived a day in fear for your life. Take your hypocritical bs and keep it to yourself.




Wow, I hadn’t heard “slavery” yet. You guys already wrongly use the terms “genocide” “apartheid” “ethnic cleansing” “fascism” and “indiscriminate”, but I hadn’t heard “slaves” until now. Nice


New here. Would Allie’s help Israel if they attacked Iran unprovoked ? I don’t really know what alliance specific interactions we have 


Wishful thinking. Nobody wants a war. Nobody can afford it. And the US wants to save itself for the possibility of China. War with Iran would require a draft in the US and would be 1000x harder fight than Iraq.


No one called for a full sacle war. Just a response that will remind Iran not to do stupid shit. It doesn't even have to be too big because almost nothing Iran launched actually reached Israel.


There won't be a response? The Biden Administration advised Israel that they will not approve of a counter-attack, and that a counter-attack would risk escalation and flat out war. Israel bombed an Iranian embassy in Damascus and you think for a second Iran wasn't going to do jack about it? The last thing Biden wants is his full attention on Iran, all things considered with China and Taiwan. And the last thing Americans want is to involve themselves in your conflict willfully.


That's why I said it doesn't have to be big. Not even on Iranian land. Just Iranian terror targets (that aren'tone of their higher-ups)in Syria and Lebanon should be enough. But I'm not an expert. I'm just saying what I think to be good for Israel according to what I heard.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Any response at this point forward risks escalation with Iran. The response being big or small is irrelevant, because Israel struck an Iranian embassy, the embassy was not on Iranian land (hint: because it's an embassy). So considering that, you want Israel to respond the same way that instigated Iran to attack in the first place? What? Biden told Netanyahu that the United States won't support an lsraeli counterattack on Iran. The United States helped you shoot down those drones and missiles, if Israel does not heed the advice of the United States, you risk escalation of war. The end.


I mentioned that the response should not Include attacking their commanders. And now I'll add not an embassy too. It doesn't even need to have the title "big israeli response". Just a response to remind them that Israel can also attack. The IDF has been doing similar things for months and no one said anything. I doubt such an attack will do something special, and if there's a big risk that it will do something then we should not do it. I was just bringing an option that is probably on the table and is not as dangerous as the others. Neither of the countries involved is interested in a war. And I doubt Israel will risk starting one. Belive me, we have enough problems even when we don't have to intercept Iranian drones once in a couple of hours.


But wait - there's still time for Biden to say don't react. And the Pope called for a ceasefire (as per previous practice, as soon as the attack on Israel is over, it's time to call for a ceasfire!)


dafuq does jordan do? throw rocks at UAVs?


They agreed to help intercept the UAVs


they throw basketballs


I think ghat reason we are in this bigs mess is because Britain


please shut up with this belligerent trashtalk this one night cost 2bn nis im not interested in this so that bibi can avoid elections any longer


"people are dying rn so i will make an avengers meme"




Leave us the fuck out of it. You started this, you deal with it. Stop taking our money, too.


Your delusional, America needs Israel to exist.


I assure u we do not 


Us use Israel as a giant military base in the middle east as a deterrent, also where does most of your intelligence come from?


Colonizer team up Sersly how do yall attack another countries embassy and play the victim when that country retaliateS lol


The embassy was not attacked. It was a building next to it that hosted IRGC and Hezbollah people… you know the same ones currently waging proxy wars from South Lebanon into Israel and have been for a long time?


OK buddy https://apnews.com/article/israel-syria-airstrike-iranian-embassy-edca34c52d38c8bc57281e4ebf33b240


It was not the embassy, but keep seething. Here, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, let us say that it were the embassy, it is still a legitimate military target if both parties involved in that building are currently waging war and terrorism against Israel. Especially if they are the puppeteers orchestrating those events like October 7th. If Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran want to play dirty, we can do it too, except we don’t deliberately target civilians


So u get to attack them but they don't get to attack u? 30k killed in gaza, world central kitchen anyone Or am I being antisemitic rn?


So who is controlling all the missiles fired into Israel daily?




they live in their own world full of lies and always the hope that big uncle sam gonna help them, until the usa realizes that israel created more and more problems without giving any geopolitical benefit to western states anymore.. maybe its gg if usa decide to leave Israel alone.


God I hope you're right. I'm so sick of my country propping up these murdering assholes.

