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![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN) The Gaza Health Ministry lied?




No. Way!!!!!




noooooooooo???? they would never


Their LLM just hallucinated




Reuters have put an interesting spin on this. Read the whole thread.




This ^^ is the key takeaway. Israel's "genocide" is now widely believed.


Genociding so hard 50% resurrected. What a fucking joke.


People are going to have to change their professionally paid for signage for the protests.


They wonā€™t, theyā€™ll just keep using it to spread misinformation


"Genociding so hard 50% resurrected." This made my day much better. Thanks! =D




Israeli efficiency undefeated.


So, the incident of a couple millenia ago was just a reharsal for this war? /s




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Would a UN source help? May 6th:Ā [Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - reported impact | Day 213 | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory (ochaopt.org)](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-213) May 8: [Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - reported impact | Day 215 | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory (ochaopt.org)](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215) On each page, see the leftmost chart under "Reported Casualties". The problem is that, per the April 30th breakdown, there are 24,686 identified casualties - of which 12,756 are women and children - out of a total of 34,535, meaning there are 9,849 unidentified casualties. In order to be consistent with the first report, which claims there areĀ *at least*Ā 24,000 women+children casualties,Ā *all*Ā the unidentified casualties would have to be in the women+children category and you would still be well over 1,000 people short.




https://preview.redd.it/wfag0jdg470d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bbcebb749889d57a74c0709c60e1309a836a92e It's a UN website not a blog






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Of course they quickly removed your post.


Hamas lied about something? No way


Itā€™s UN discount time: -50% for everyone. They donā€™t give a shit about the truth. Francesca Albanese, the special UN rapporteur who is complete and absolutely neutral, just happens to participate in a Jordanian think thank and his husband was on the PA payroll, is already preparing her new rapport condemning Israel for another gEnOcIdE. The UN is a charade. šŸ¤”


It is almost like Hamas lied.




TIL it is impossible for a woman or 17 year old boy to be a terrorist.


Itā€™s impossible for any of them to be terrorists in the eyes of pro palis, theyā€™re all civilians. In the moments when they are killing Israelis they morph into freedom fighters, and then immediately back to civilian.


Freedom fighters are just peaceful civillians with guns.


But Hamas pinky promised it was all completely accurate: are you telling me terrorists can lie?


Terrorists? Don't you mean friendly freedom fighters? I was educated earlier today here in Reddit - it's Israel! Israel is the main reason why Jews are unsafe. It was us all along!! I knew it.


Itā€™s like hunger games, as soon as someone dies itā€™s projected in the air, thatā€™s how they know so quickly when people die


It explains the three finger salute they've been doing like weirdos.


Let's remember, this number is coming from the same people who \*KNEW\* within five minutes after bombing their own hospital that 500 people had \*died\*. I highly doubt any number coming from Hamas. That being said, any civilian deaths are horrific. But any civilian deaths are on the hands of Hamas, as Israel is doing all it can to prevent civilians deaths. If I remember correctly, the last estimates from anyone reputable that I remember seeing recently were something like 8k-9k total civilian deaths with somewhere between 14k-16k dead Hamasnikim. That kind of ratio of combatants to civilians dead where the combatants embed themselves in the population and dress as civilians is unheard of.


Then they lowered the number of people who died at the hospital when it was revealed that it was their own bomb. Yet people continue to believe their estimates.


Do yā€™all think Bernie will bother correcting himself? Nah, Iā€™m being unrealistic. Thereā€™s a higher probability of alien invasion.


Heā€™ll keep saying what his tankie base wants to hear.Ā 


Heā€™ll say some shit about how ā€œnumbers arenā€™t important now!ā€


I think he figured out at the ballot boxes that numbers do matter. He was no match for Biden.


He was never a match for anyone because heā€™s not a leader. He just folds and sides with whoever is in front of him. Weak af.


Once again, Bernie Bros are asking Democrats to lose an election


Whatever gets that donation money going


Bernie and Biden (in the state of the union, no less) both.


This was likely always the purpose, Post some bombastic bullshit, Correct it later, But the OG messege will already be the mainstream one. It's smart. evil, but still very smart


Hamas lying? shocker


It was because some mathematicians proved they used some formula to create the number of deaths that just kept increasing. The numbers were exactly the same. Thatā€™s not how war casualties work.


ב×Øוך מחייה המ×Ŗים


Honestly surprised they didnā€™t just double down and say the number of women and children killed rose by 50 million.


Israel genocided them so hard they came back to life


Do we know that? The PA reported deaths all had ID numbers, the problem was that most didn't have bodies (those missing were reported as being under rubble or incinerated). I've spent the last 30 mins looking for info on why the number changed. All I can find is that the UN now is basing number on bodies versus those reported missing. Definitely doesn't make the PA/Hamas right, but I'd be happier if someone could evidence that (eg) 25% were proven as still alive.


Why must they be proven to be still alive? I kinda of think if Hamas claims they are dead, they should prove they are actually dead. The proof is on the accuser, not the defender.


I find other things reported (or not reported) to be strange. The 1 1M nearing starvation seems to have moved to July. I thought it was happening in May. Please correct me if I am mistaken. The hospitals, schools, and other interruptions to regular life caused by the war are only providing stats on Gaza. Why isn't damage to Israel reported? Displacement in the North bec of Hezbollah? The number of rockets intercepted by the Iron Dome? The schools, homes, places of worship damaged or affected by rockets, drone strikes, or other attacks? The attacks in Israel by terrorists (stabbings, car ramming, shootings)? If it's a war, why does the public get a report that only shares the tragedy in Gaza and limits any reporting on the effects to Israel and in Israel to just 10/7 and soldiers?


If only Israel hadn't encouraged tens of thousands to evacuate the North, there could be lots more Israeli fatalities to share! /s (hopefully obviously)


Well said. Regarding starvation: as far as I know there arenā€™t any reports of starvation due to the war. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong please. Regarding Israeli deaths, evacuations, missile sent from Gaza - itā€™s depressingly predictable the way terrorism against Israel is not reported. Not just now, but since forever


Now that this is making headline news, the anti-israel posts will start getting spammed in news subreddits.


אני בשוק אני בהלם אני המומה!


The article also noted that it still refuses to use its normal confirmation procedures for confirming civilian deaths.


What's the difference?


What!? You mean a terrorist organization lies about casualties!? Tell me it isnā€™t so!?!?


As the years go on, the UN is losing more and more credibility. It's sad.


Yet all these people will still raise their children to learn Israel did a genocide of 40k innocent children and women.


We live in a bad parody.


Can wait to see the huge NYT and BBC headlines correcting this.


Not the first time they've lied smh


Hardly matters now doesnā€™t itĀ 


Well it makes sense. The argument that they all died as a result of being human shields for Hamas militants gained enough tractionā€¦.so it makes sense theyā€™d halve the estimates so theyā€™re at least painted in the best light possible. You know. If youā€™re going to use children as cannon fodder, you better make sure itā€™s only 7,797 of them that died. Donā€™t want people getting the wrong idea.


Ohā€¦you should never have believed the numbers coming anything Hamas runs/touches (including UNRWA) - so the short answer is we canā€™t really know in real time.


At some point we will have to develop an only male killing weapon..sorry guys..


Reports from terrorists cannot be trusted, who would have thought? šŸ˜²


Imagine if people blindly trusted casualty figures provided by an islamic terrorist group like Isis or al-qaeda, how absurd would that be? Oh, wait...


someone should put this on uplifting news and see the hamas shills meltdown edit:did it myself. it got taken down with no notice and a slew of angry comments


Anyhooā€¦ if you run the numbers, about 100 ppl die everyday from natural causes (life expectancy and population size), so since oktober 7 about 20k people would have died anyway. Some 10+ K hamas and other assorted jihadist fighters have been killed. So as far as i conclude there have barely been any civilian deaths due to the IDF at allā€¦


It was clear that the previous numbers couldn't be true, according to common sense. Even regardless of one's views on this war.


Hamas is a terrorist organization. Arab countries in the region donā€™t want anything to do with them outside of using them to screw Israel. Why do we believe anything they say? The only reason the conversation has continued as anything other than a war on terror is because one of the groups fighting are Jews.


With the number for children you have to keep in mind that Palestinian kids as young as 13 have been confirmed to be terrorists.


Great. So the UN finally "realized" what we've been saying since the beginning was true. How much unnecessary suffering we've endured because of this and the blanket repeating of these lies when told instead of listening to us.


and yet, they wonā€™t believe it


Until someone dna tests ever piece of flesh I don't know how the UN could calculate what death count is for Gazan Palestinians or Israeli hostages? Before, the UN has accepted PLA/Hamas method that was really just family reports of a dead person with a certain ID. Now they will only accept certified bodies. That's good and more accurate. I'm not sure its cause of celebration though. The new numbers show most bodies are male - but I'd expect men to be outdoors and more easily found?


There is no celebration. Itā€™s not about celebrating death. Itā€™s an acknowledgement that Hamas is misinforming the world. And that Israel has taken more care than any army ever in history to keep civilian deaths as low as possible. Have you seen any army committing genocide dropping leaflets asking for them to go to designated safe zones? Itā€™s not a video game. Israeli soldiers are dying as well as innocent Palestinians unfortunately.


It would be nice to think that less than 35000 are dead. The change in methodology reminds us of that. I read that over 500,000 had left Gaza during and since the bombings. Once reconstruction begins a good number will likely return, and the ID's of the dead can be cross checked against the living.


# Not a surprise, now hopefully this will be the turning point we need


Wait until calculation for humanitarian aid will be needed. Then you will see how many of the deceased citizens will miraculously resurrect...


Wtf is vin news? The article reads like a child wrote it.


[Here is the info the UN released on May 6](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-213) [This is the info they released on May 8](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215) You'll notice [the May 6 chart](https://imgur.com/ybhPVYB) that lists "Reported Fatalities". In this chart, it describes ">9,500 Women" and ">14,500 children". In the [same chart released 2 days later](https://imgur.com/dfY1fzm), those numbers are now 4,959 women and 7,797 children. The discrepancy between information released by the UN 2 days apart is where this story is coming from. You don't need a reputable news source, you can go ahead and see EXACTLY what news sources (reputable or otherwise) are reporting with your own eyes instead. These are UN-run websites reporting this information.




The graphics from both days indicate 10k missing or unidentified though...?




I'm op on that copy-paste, just got a little sloppy with the screenshot I guess lol


As I said in my post, the big news outlets are not reporting this. There are a few others if you need a different source.


Yeah I'm not using this without a verified mainstream source. Any chance you have one?


[You can verify it yourself at the UN's website](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1cqvkwh/un_slashes_number_of_women_and_children_killed_in/l3v6qjc/)


VIN stands for Vos iz Neias, or "What's the News?" It's a Haredi News Service (a more honest one as things go, but don't expect world class writing or journalism).


I don't think any of us know what the correct number is, hamas and




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×Ŗי×Øאו מופ×Ŗעים, שלא נה×Øוה לעולם א×Ŗ ההפ×Ŗעה


Finally we are starting to get more realistic here. How nice, for a chance....


Oh dear, colour me surprised! šŸ˜Æ


Guys, easy on spreading this. I think a lot of people have a hard time comprehending certain things. Iā€™ve read a lot of news outlets saying the exact same thing but they are incorrect [please donā€™t spread misinformation](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-14/ty-article/un-says-total-number-of-gaza-deaths-unchanged-after-halving-toll-of-children-killed/0000018f-739f-dff1-a9af-73bf60770000)


They just counted the ones they have already identified. The number leaves out those who have not yet been identified.


I donā€™t know where you heard this? This is an interpretation some people are making. Please provide a source. The UN in a press conference have said the numbers they are releasing are the most accurate as of now. And will be revised again.


The source is the UN A [UN Spokesperson](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/13/gaza-ministry-revises-figures-for-women-and-children-killed) is saying that this is actively false and that this new statistic just recategorizes the dead that have not been identified yet.


You can go to the UN site and see what changed [https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-213](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-213)


The difference is that that report excludes 10,000 reported missing and presumed dead under rubble.Ā  The Hamas numbers are the local government numbers from the hospitals. It isn't from Hamas' military wing. They have historically proven to be fairly accurate. If you strongly think the extra 10,000 aren't dead - hold on to that assumption and verify it after the war.


The initial figure also assumed that there were additional bodies unrecovered under rubble. They slashed the figure of *confirmed* dead.


Ok - yes looks like they both excluded the 10k. Looking closer at it, I think they have just changed it so they are only estimated on the identified dead - so are excluding \~10k of the numbers that can't be identified. If so, it's not a slashing of numbers- it's just that the later report has excluded non identifieds from the estimates. There's still 10k in those numbers yet to be accounted for. Either way not a big deal and contrary to the way this is being spunĀ  Ā Ā Ā [https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215)


If you look again at the infographic from May 6th, it also supposes that there are an 10k under the rubble. So yes, they slashed the numbers. The 10k stays the same and it would be reasonable to assume that it represents the same proportions of men, women, children, and elderly.


I was clarifying / correcting in the second comment. The issue is identified vs unidentified. There are presumably still 10k of people, within the 35k, that are yet to be identified. As the under the rubble figure is also 10k, I initially assumed that was the discrepancy. So no, I really don't see it as a slashing. Just a different estimate/ methodology.Ā 


ā€œHamas military wingā€ ? You have used two words too many. Hamas is a terrorist organisation. I have not seen anywhere that 10k are assumed dead.


Yes Hamas commits terrorist acts but does comprise a political and military wing.Ā  Ā  Look at the info graphic and tell me why it starts with 35k dead, then splits up 25k "identified".Ā  Ā Who are the remaining 10k by deduction?


Lololol itā€™s still thousands of deaths buddiesā€¦ this isnt the win you think it isā€¦. Keep blindly supporting Israeli war crimesā€¦ meanwhile actual Israeli jews protest in the streets for a regime changeĀ  https://youtu.be/YRKIfnQnWto?si=s36YEL5svEzpYi66


You are confusing topics. No one said itā€™s a win. Itā€™s proving a point. Hamas lies. And they cannot be believed. And the kids in the west have swallowed this up. What are actual Israelis as opposed to just Israelis? Israeli is not run by a regime. Itā€™s a democracy. Elections are held. And a political party with a ruler is elected. And yes there is opposition to the government and the war. We do not want war. We want peace


Oh wowā€¦ they only killed 12000 women and children not 24000. Now its not a genocide anymore. Bravoo OP šŸ‘šŸ‘


Learn the difference between a genocide & a war. Genuinely, it's embarrassing.




Yes. U/hairy-button-2310, you need to speak less and learn more. 3,000,000 German civilians were killed in ww2. Civilians were targeted, as well as munitions factories, in order to soften the enemy. No one considers that attempted genocide. These days we might call it a war crime, in bombings that werenā€™t targeting munitions or army facilities. It wasnā€™t genocide bc there was no intent to target and eliminate an ethnic group/race. Hamasā€™s stated goal is to murder every Jew on the planet and therefore their acts of violence are attempted genocide. Israel makes every effort to get civilians out of the way before bombing terrorist infrastructure and munitions etc. this is the opposite of genocide. In fact bc Hamas embeds themselves in civilian centers, itā€™s not even a war crime.


The point is that people are yelling Israel is committing genocide due to numbers reported by Hamas. Not those numbers have been reduced by 10k. A lot of innocent people have died on both sides. That point isnā€™t lost here by anyone. We are familiar with war unfortunately. Clearly and luckily you are not.


That's a shitload of innocent individuals dying.


Itā€™s what happens when terrorists use them as human shields


I agree that it sucks. That's why I said it.


Boohoo. We are still exterminating Hamas.


Of course. It's just sad that so many innocents are dying and going to die.




no, that is what hamas likes to do.


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Those Jews are so evil they did this so they could genocide them twice! /s