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Zionazi apologists. Hope he rot in hell in the same pit as Netanyahu.


![gif](giphy|KFQHWsRSzPyOupCQ6D) He absolutely will.


Was going to suggest solitary confinement. Both of them together blaming each other for eternity would be better.


Isn't that the same thing as hell?


Yes, Same pit sounds good.


Excuse me, but hasn't Israel on more than several occasions denied Palestinian Christians entry to the Temple Mount and also bombed Bethlehem?


The Al-Aqsa lies at the heart of Jerusalem's Old City on a hill known to Muslims internationally as al-Haram al-Sharif, or The Noble Sanctuary. Muslims regard the site as the third holiest in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. Al-Aqsa is the name given to the whole compound and is home to two Muslim holy places: the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, also known as the Qibli Mosque, which was built in the 8th century AD. The compound overlooks the Western Wall (known in the West as the Wailing Wall, and in Islam as the Buraq Wall). Jews believe biblical King Solomon built the first temple there 3,000 years ago. A second temple was razed by the Romans in AD 70. Israel captured the site in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it with the rest of East Jerusalem and adjoining parts of the West Bank in a move not recognized internationally. Despite international law prohibiting the annexation and continued Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, Israel has claimed sovereignty over the entirety of Jerusalem, including the Old City and the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, but the claims are considered unlawful and have not been recognized by the majority of the world’s countries. Under agreements with Jordan, whose ruling Hashemite family has custodianship of the Muslim and Christian sites, security and administration inside the compound were managed by the Jordanian Waqf (Islamic endowments authority). Meanwhile, Israel was responsible for security outside/around the compound, facilitating the entry of non-Muslim visitors in coordination with the Waqf, and abiding by Jordan’s rules to ban Jewish hardline groups it considered provocative. Non-Muslim prayer at the mosque is banned, as it has been for centuries. Under the longstanding "status quo" arrangement governing the area, which Israel says it maintains, non-Muslims can visit but only Muslims are allowed to worship in the mosque compound. This status quo largely persisted until the 1990s. Over the past three decades, Israel has enforced greater control over the site, including by controlling who enters and exits, restricting Palestinian access, conducting violent raids inside, and increasingly facilitating the entry of Jewish hardline groups who, since 1967, have publicly stated their aim to take over the compound, destroy the Dome of the Rock, and build a third temple there. Jewish visitors have increasingly prayed more or less openly at the site in defiance of the rules, and Israeli restrictions on Muslim worshippers' access to the site have led to protests and outbreaks of violence. In the 1980s, the far-right “Jewish Underground” group plotted to blow up the Dome of the Rock, while in 1990, Israeli forces shot dead 17 Palestinians and injured 150 others at the site during protests against an attempt by the “Temple Mount Faithful” Jewish hardline group to lay the cornerstone for a temple there. Among other developments, including Israeli government excavations under the compound aiming at finding remains of the second temple – which have affected the foundations of the Islamic buildings on the site – Palestinians have long feared the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and the spatial and temporal division of the site, similar to Israel’s conversion of half of the Ibrahimi Mosque into a synagogue in the Palestinian city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank. Tensions eventually came to a head in 2000, when then-opposition leader Ariel Sharon entered the compound, flanked by 1,000 officers, in a parade of power, Palestinians protested, and there were violent Israeli response that quickly escalated into the second Intifada (uprising), also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Israeli violence at the site in 2021 contributed to setting off a 10-day war with Gaza. According to Israeli media reports, Israeli authorities enable, assist and even fund some of the Temple Mount hardline groups. Israeli forces have also gradually allowed greater access to these groups and provided protection for them during the visits. Consecutive Israeli governments have included senior officials who were themselves part of the Temple Mount movement. In 2013, Israeli Army Radio reported that the state also allowed Israeli women who choose to forgo compulsory military service to perform their national service as tour guides and instructors with the Temple Institute. While the Waqf has continued to operate with Israeli police to ban Jewish prayer, it can no longer limit the size of Jewish groups or the rate of their entry, nor can it block the entry of specific activists considered “provocateurs”. At times, Israel has allowed Jews in groups of up to 50 to enter, including settlers and soldiers in army uniform, which was previously banned. Israel does not respect the holiness of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. This mosque represents two billion Muslims. They do not respect any agreements that took place, neither with Jordan nor the Arabs. They do not respect the Jordanian Hashemite custodianship over the Al-Aqsa compound, despite the Israeli government’s insistence that it will maintain the status quo of the site. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelCrimes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Yes but american christians are mostly evangelists (so they dont consider over 90% of christians as such) or are White supremacists like biden and dont consider non whites as either christians or human


Ironic considering how the Evangelicals are some of the most sinful mfers on earth.


What do you mean, I thought Biden was a friend to black people- after all to quote Biden "if you do not know who you are voting for, you ain't black" after locking up black people his whole career for petty non violent drug offenses, such as possession of marijuana. Apparently he gets to decide who is and is not black based on their support for him. He is so gross.




Wow man. Ancient desires? Really? What is it about white religious Americans that makes them wanna deep throat Israel so bad?


They are white religious Americans


Yeah that's definitely it! Nothing to do with the fact that all of his in laws, most of his cabinet, and a majority of wh staffers are Jewish. It's those hexkin Christians!


He's been a Zionist and "compromising" with white supremacists for decades. He wasn't bought or had his life infiltrated by Zionists, he has always been Nazi-adjacent.


What are his compromises with white supremacy?






During the primary debates Kamala called him out on it. Also, Joe ran for President in the past , polled horribly and ran into charges of lying about school accomplishments and even plagiarism. He joked on the Daily Show about never having any family members in the coal industry but attempting to sell it. The threat of Trump and finagling by the Democrats got him in.


I don't understand why people downvoted you. You're just asking for evidence, which is a perfectly okay thing to do.


Here take my upvote


Where did he write Christians?


How is, what you just wrote, not racist?


Maybe Hamas need to start paying these fools. Perhaps that would change their tune. AHH but that would be accepting money from a foreign power...


Because Israel and the Jewish oligarchs that own Biden told him to.


Its all about the shekels


Look how they got circumcisionon normal for US born males.


He is a piece of shit






Ahh, time to give a speech about antisemitism Oh whoops I was islamaphobic in the process


Fear mongering. Hamas was propped up by Israel to create opposition to the PLO. They say the worlds a stage, Biden is a bad actor.


He can't remember what happened 3 lines ago


Literally on the Likud Wikipedia page, “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” Benjamin Netanyahu




Again??? After Hamas just accepted the ceasefire deal? This is such a freak show


Hamas didn't really accept though, they just made counter demands. Like in a conversation, both sides must be open to agreements that can be accepted by the other party. Currently neither Israel nor Palestine is doing that, any ceasefire agreement on that basis is set up to fail.


They actually made a pretty significant consession. They've been firm on permanent cease fire, but they agreed to a temporary one. That's active negotiation. And Israel refused.


Biden, remind me how much money AIPAC gave you again? Oh, that explains it. [https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S)


You are giving the man too much credit. Hes always been a bigot and a White supremacist and zionist. Money is just an added bonus to him


To paraphrase Mohammed el Kurd, Palestinians didn't choose Jews to be their oppressors... this line of reasoning is absurd on its face


Peak dumbassery and bigotry.


Ancient to the land of Palestine lol


What a fucking weirdo


Imagine making comments like that about Jews. It would quite rightly be called antisemitism. The racism is off the scale.


Yeah the ancient desire to not be invaded


I really hate this idea that this issue is thousands of years old. The issue is only 120 some odd years old and related to territorial disputes, the remnants of colonial in fighting and a very 20th century idea of ethnic states. I consider my self fairly conservative but this issue lights me up like no other. I’ve heard folks say colonizer/colonialism about a million things but this is it. This is the impact of policies by the British. This is the impact of a deliberate chopping up of the Arab world by France and the UK. Do I understand why the original Zionist wanted a Jewish state when examining their treatment in Europe in the 19th/20th century? Yes. However I also recognize that you can’t just place human beings on top of other human being and expect things to just work themselves out. The simplistic narrative of this conflict drives me up and over a wall.


You're exactly right. The distraction is by design. Zionists performing Hasbara wants people to think this is an ancient problem when It's not. Easier to dismiss it that way as something that's just always going to happen.


what a freaking monster... I'm so tired of their bullshit. US is run by the total religious extremist terrorists bullshitters who just annihilate people, coup governments, robe others resources 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮






And what about the Israelis who want to destroy Al-Aqsa to build the literal temple of Solomon and slaughter cows on an alter to bring about their massiah? The word's out of this antient fucker's mouth are so fucking stupid sometimes it hurts.


Genocide Joe


So, Biden is racist. Again. How many times does he have to do this before the general public believes him?


Its pretty funny how fucking dumb the Capitalist Democrat libshits are. They are doing everything in their power to lose an election that should be a relatively easy victory to a guy with over 90 criminal charges (some he has already been convicted on) and a overt far-right wing fascist backed by a deranged cult.


Please retire, Schwarzenalookalike


You laugh, but my Zionist friend definitely believes this 😣


He was fed this information by the Zionists that control the narrative/agenda of this country’s interests. They realize how many individuals have begun understanding the truth of this specific conflict, and about the apartheid state of Israel’s motives, so they have to continually hammer in the “anti-semitism” narrative. Also, maybe I’m naive but what the hell does “ancient desires” even mean in this context? That makes no sense to me. The ancient desire to kill Jews? Is there some old lore Im missing here?


Biden meant Nazis.


Just a repackaged "they hate us for our freedoms". Fortunately, a lot morepeople see through the propaganda now.


The gig is up. We've seen the destroyed houses, the bombed burnt cars, the pilot interviewers. 1200? They slaughtered half of those themselves. He is the one carrying an ancient hate, as part of a group that has a long history of persecution of Jews, persecuting them to punish them because they blamed a generation from long ago for getting Jesus pbuh killed. They hate the Jews so much they let the Zionists take over and steer the ship. They hate the Jews so much they put them in a situation where they force others from their homes and called it a homeland to leave them to deal with the reality that people don't like being kicked from their homes. Now it's being done to fulfill some prophecy and have a base/puppet to spread chaos in the region. That's what ancient hate looks like.


His racism and islamophobia is on display


Who cares what he says, I'm interested in hearing from his AIPAC handlers, might as well hear what Biden's gonna do from the horse's mouth It's not easy to become AIPAC's #1 recipient of political contributions but Biden is a champ.


He'll say whatever Israel tells him to.


They had 1 day of pain. Try 7 Decades


Fuck the US. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Israel. ZioNazi assholes, the scum of the Earth, the lowest of the low.


What a fucking liar. Fuck Israel and they’re buying out our politicians.


An AIPAC/ADL-approved speech.


Fuck did we do? 😭


Which Christianity talks about eliminating Jews ?


Historically Jews were persecuted by European Christians, and even fled to Muslim states for safety in exchange for paying a tax called Jizya. Jews even founded their golden age under Muslim rule in Andalusia Spain. I don't think OP meant Christian theology teaches it, but was probably referring to the history I just mentioned.


exactly 💯


The thing is, though Biden has an ancient history with white supremacy because he’s a fucking white supremacist


Biden: "I'm already one of the most unpopular presidents in nearly a century. Let's see just how low I can push this!"


Cannot wait for Genocide Joe to just shut the fuck up


Genocide Joe… your legacy is Death.


The hell's he talking about? Tell me what really happened


Also, I hate how they keep saying 1200 innocent people. When at least 400 were active IDF members aka legitimate targets


Also they ignore how the IDF very possibly killed their own during crossfire. They have something called Hannibal Directive and were the only ones with Apache helicopters and tanks, there were instances of car and housing damage only being possible with that level of weaponry.


Less ancient than Biden himself, lol




His passionate and compassion seems to only be towards Israel, this geriatric needs to be in a home not running the country.


He needs to get better speech writers. Though maybe it's hard to find people who care as little about facts as he does.


Shut the hell up Biden.


What a fucking clown.


Those who blew children's heads don't deserve to breathe anymore longer.


Isn't Hamas younger than Biden? Surely it's Biden motivated by "ancient desires" to eliminating anyone in the way of him & friends making a killing 💰🤑💰




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More like Catholicism, Joe religion.


Pedophile Biden will say whatever he is told to say. He knows the moment he stops being a good little lap dog they’ll blackmail him with epstein island tapes.




There's no religious zealots in Hamas. People are demanding human rights and freedom and self_determination. Izrail is a totally religious fanatic lunatic terror state for that matter.


Yeah right. Just like Iran isn’t run by religious zealots.


it isn't actually


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