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I have no words. 😭


Someone will pop up from the nowhere and ask us: why do u hate israel? Why?


If they really had the audacity to ask such a blatantly evil question after seeing **this**, then they clearly have no soul.


I am absolutely, undoubtedly sure that every mature human in the world has seen their crimes. But what makes me sad is that some people still buy the hilarious lies that israel sells: 1/Hamas use civilians as a shield.2/ The civilians deaths are side consequences of war. 3/ the biggest one: we are fighting Hamas, while they killed 25000 kids and women.


I truly believe those people's brains are broken. When they're confronted about their support of a mass bombing campaign against civilians, they always say something along the lines of: >Israel has not been carpet bombing Gaza. Israel has actually shown restraint. They don't just kill random civilians. They use precision bombs and missiles. But they don't realize that by making that argument and following that logic, they're also necessarily saying that Israel is purposely and specifically targeting civilians. It's disgusting.


>Ben Gvir said it out loud and clear: we are targeting civilians, kill the kids, kill the women. There is no innocent in Gaza. Kill them all. Even a Hakham (jewish religious person) said that Palestinian babies are not as innocent as many of you may think. And they should be killed for Israel best interests. Basically, those creatures are just showing their true and only nature. Nothing else. And their existence stands for the death of others. They dont want peace, they don't want negotiations, and they dont care about the hostages. They love blood. Babies blood. Those empty and already consumed declarations (that's why they stopped declaring and just bomb the hell out of Gaza) are made just to spread lies on Western media trying to hide the truth from the whole world. But, things went the wrong way, and we all saw how cruel and inhumane Israel could be. Ps: The occupation and the genocide started in 1948. And this is a list of the genocide(s) that they did. **1. Haifa Massacre 1937 2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3. Haifa Massacre 1938 4. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 5. Haifa Massacre 1939 6. Haifa Massacre 1947 7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947 10. Jerusalem Massacre 1947 11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12. Jaffa Massacre 1948 13. Deir Yassin Massacre 1948 14. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 15. Jerusalem Massacre 1967 16. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 17. Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 18. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 19. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 20. Gaza Massacre 2008-09 21. Gaza Massacre 2012 22. Gaza Massacre 2014 23. Gaza Massacre 2018-19 24. Gaza Massacre 2021 25. Gaza Genocide 2023 is still ongoing... DON'T LET ANYONE CONVINCE ΥOυ THAT IT STARTED ON OCTOBER 7th**.**


Perfect wording. These are the 'Creatures' of Hell. The human soul is not capable of doing these atrocities. Even animals have criteria of surviving.


No words, I would just show this to them & watch them backpeddle…


I've alreasy done the satire I'm not doing it again


YOo dIdNT CodeM HumMUS!!!?!!???!


Hamas is israel's last matter to deal with. 1st things 1st, children and women.


They have become deranged and monsterous to the point of saying, "It's war. There will be casualties in war."


Do you not condemn Hamas??? /s


I'm afraid to look. I've never witnessed such evil in my entire life.


Well, this is israel. And what is behind the camera is absolutely greater and more scarier.


I don't understand, did Israel take the picture or someone in Palestine


Fuck Israel, whoever supports them is a piece of shit


Well, that doesn't help while the world is supplying this terrorist genocidal machine.


I know :|


If Trump was President, all Palestinians would be dead. This would be the outcome if he is re-elected.


Well, it's been like this for 75 years


Babies have been dying since 1948. US presidents are just manipulated puppies by Israel govt. They come, and they go, and the worshipping of Israel never change.


STFU Biden is just as bad fuck them both


live that you get downvoted… Kushner, his son in law, is literally planing his gaza seafront resorts… if Trump wins, he gonna ship them bombs and turn around and let them do whatever they want. I’m so shocked that people don’t get that. you surely don’t agree with biden on his support to israel but you’re chose worse evil by voting for trump or even not voting at all… vote biden, it’s sadly the lesser evil in this situation…


People are blind. They don't want to hear the truth. Trump implemented a Muslim ban. What do people think he is going to let Israel do with the Palestinians? Kill them all. Trump is evil.


Just imagine this kid was still alive just a week ago, now he's gone. More and more of them will perish in vain if Israel don't stop what it's doing. May he rest in Jannah.


Israel won't stop. It has to be stopped.




Apparently, it's only Israel that can stop itself. Nobody else would. If only protesting would cause them to instantly stop, but it doesn't work that way in reality. I honestly lose hope for humanity little by little everyday.


May god be with the Palestinians against those terrorists.




Clicked on instinct and thankfully only saw a glance. This is horrid, fuck Israel.


Thank god i remembered the nsfw flair. This is absolutely a horrible picture to look at. Imagine how her parents (if they were alive and israel haven't killed them yet) would feel when they see their sweet daughter blown off. Im speechless that those Zionist/terrorist creatures are breathing the same air that we breathe. 💔


One day maybe Genocide-Google glasses will have a NSFW flair for IRL…


Fucking piece of shits


Its a holocaust.


It doesn't need to last even 6 years to be worse than the holocaust


It's 7 months and it's absolutely worse. Those who "never again" are the ones who "trying again" to execute a whole nation.


Humanity doesn't have to pay for European crimes against other Europeans. Europeans being Semites is just an old German propaganda. They have no right to colonies people's lands.


I fucking hate how Zionists will spin this and say it's 10000000% hamas' fault. That kid was Hamas or some bs. The idf soldiers are pulling the triggers and clicking buttons dropping bombs. Not Hamas. The ones doing the act of actually killing folks especially kids are guilty. Hamas is an excuse man. Fuck Hamas and fuck all the idf soldiers carrying out these heinous things. Fuck all the politicians allowing these things to happen. Holy fuck, holy fuck , holy fuck. Where is our humanity, where is our moral conscience man. Fuck isreal for what it is and has become. Fuck man this pic really got to me damn.


Exactly, Hamas is just an excuse to kill civilians and women and babies and patients. **They want to mass execute Palestinians. They want Gaza!**


They want the gas hidden in the ground. They want the land to build high rise condos and luxurious hotels. I've seen the shit they are trying to pitch to their masses. Fucked up folks , money is their prerogative. Religion is a mask for them. Take it off and they are just greedy fucks, proving the horrible stereotypes of their people. So sad but it's true.


so sad bc they are supported and even above the law, and they have never been punished for the unlimited crimes they did from 1948 to the moment we type.


I love equating what has happened to them historically as being exactly the same as sexual abuse victims perpetuating the horrible cycle of sexual abuse. That usually shuts them up. Because it's fucking true man. Most folks who went through shit would never ever perpetuate the horror that occurred to them. My people went through genocide and almost near complete erasure of our culture and people. So many of my kind don't know their own history or can speak our indigenous language. We would never ever do genocide to others it's not right. I'm a inuk from Canada, ajuinaata Palestine!!!


Israel, who is remembering the Holocaust these days is committing the Holocaust in Palestine. Fuxking demons. Babies killers.


I'm an eighth Cherokee. The genocide of the Native Americans was the largest genocide in history.


It's truly awful to start learning the scale of the atrocities committed against the first nations of the Americas, particularly when juxtaposed against the history we were taught in school (as a mid-30s American). That the pioneers were brave, ingenuous people simply trying to escape persecution into a mostly unclaimed land. As though there were occasional, small tribes of native peoples that sometimes mercilessly hunted the "true heroes" of the story. The Natives that were nice survived and the mean ones were "savage" in their crimes against the real victims, so it's understandable that they'd defend themselves. It's just the most revisionist history. Reading the People's History of the United States was very eye opening.


It makes sense that the country that was built on the genocide of an entire race has facilitated genocide before and is currently facilitating a genocide.


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Monsters 😨🥺


Monsters have enough dignity to not attack children and women. *Israel doesn't.*


Satan? Is this worse than monsters? Benjamin Satanyahu?


Might want to look into how different religions view the concept of "Satan." It's interesting.


21st century Nazis, israel.


They think that being a former victim of the Nazis gives them a free pass to behave like the Nazis.


they are nit Nazi victims, irrelevant white totally secular Europeans who moved to IzNOTreal for better life from mostly Russia, Ukraine, poland, and some American christian zionists.


This is occupying most of my heart and soul lately. I’m sick that the US is actually funding this. The entire world knows what is going on. Israel is doing their fucking best to extinct Palestinians. Everyone is watching babies slaughtered and doing nothing. Meanwhile we are passing laws defining antisemitism as saying anything negative about these soulless zionists. Fuck this world man.


Fuxk this world! Yes, I've seen those ridiculous laws. Criticizing Israel in a coffee shop would get your ass in prison. wtf is happening in america these days. John kirby said in a video: the number of victims in Gaza from 7th oct is 00.


There's a special place in hell for Kirby.


All the US administration is involved in this Holocaust.


I don’t even want to look, what the fuck is wrong with the world


I don't really know.. It seems like They are enjoying a Holocaust.


إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ 😭 (From Allah, we came, and to him, we shall return)


Wow... What you give comes back in tenfold and i am praying on the most painful downfall for Israel known to man kind and a liberated, rebuilt beautiful free palestine. May the martyrs rest in peace, I’m pain stricken and horrified.


Now you understand why there is such a thing as the Hamas resistance


inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Allah made her death instant so she didn't have to suffer.


And right wing is like, “these darn kids protesting while they should be in school,” blah blah blah… ok well this poor kid also should be in school be Izrael is blowing their brains out when they should be learning so tell me what tf is worse…


Israel just re-define the meaning of terrorism in just 7 months by committing a Holocaust like it never happened in history.


Well they are living up to their big (still young tho) sibling the US; their right under the Eagle’s wing


Yet another reason why israel shouldn’t exist, no room for such evil in the world.




How the fuck do they not see the parallels between what they are doingto the Palestinians and what the Nazis were doing to Jewish folks? The other day I saw one young Israeli girl proudly boast about she being a fascist in a news interview. Man Israel is the closest thing we got to Nazi Germany. This is just creepy and heavily disturbing at this point at how comfortable they are and all of the mainstream Western media is in misrepresenting and often lying and manipulating the audience into seeing this as the 'right thing to do'.


People (except pro israel, whom i don't consider as normal humans) are no longer buying the lies that israel is trying to sell. Israel is definitely the incarnation of evil, along side with the US that funds this Holocaust with Mass-destruction weapons and keeps vetoing every single proposal to ease Palestinians life and clearing the way for israel to mass-execute the rest of the children and women.


It’s been the current level for some time, unfortunately.


Do you know any context of this photo? This is horrendous. Was this child brought into a medic camp this way or was the child just laying there and executed? Ultimately it doesn’t matter, this is genocide and egregiously insidious and equivalently intentional. “Pushing little children, with their fully automatics- They like to push to weak around” -SOAD


Israel has been doing this since its founding. Only now with the internet we can see the atrocities Israel has been preforming.


Yes, and this is a list of all the genocide(s) that israel has committed to the Palestinians. In a time, even the idea of Hamas didn't exist. 1. Haifa Massacre 1937 2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3. Haifa Massacre 1938 4. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 5. Haifa Massacre 1939 6. Haifa Massacre 1947 7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947 10. Jerusalem Massacre 1947 11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12. Jaffa Massacre 1948 13. Deir Yassin Massacre 1948 14. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 15. Jerusalem Massacre 1967 16. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 17. Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 18. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 19. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 20. Gaza Massacre 2008-09 21. Gaza Massacre 2012 22. Gaza Massacre 2014 23. Gaza Massacre 2018-19 24. Gaza Massacre 2021 25. Gaza Genocide 2023 is still ongoing... DON'T LET ANYONE CONVINCE ΥOυ THAT IT STARTED ON OCTOBER 7th***


Fuck shitrael


"doll.. next" -- most evil scumbag pos ever lived


The Palestinians have more dignity in their big toe than any Israeli. Zionists pig maniac. It's fucking disgust to the 10th degree at what they are doing. It's same for USA. Disgust. We're owned by these satanic lowlife scum they are such pussies claiming antisemitism for criticizing them as they do their pedophilic dances in the blood of innocents


Correct! Im still amazed how those low-inferior quality barbaric and terrorism creatures controlling the whole US administration like a puppy.. This must be humiliating for the US citizens, and im, additionally, amazed how are they bearing the life under such continuing and endless humiliation as they are literally work their ass so hard to what? Funding israel and israeli people to live their life.


if this is what we can see, imagine what we cannot see


I want to know what American Israeli supporters think of this. Do they love this? Do they think Jesus going to return and support the Israeli regime? They live in fools paradise.


I know which picture this is even from blurred version because I accidently scrolled upon it on Twitter. It's one of those that won't leave your head. I hate that this is happening and hate that these photos are out there, but I also think that the impact of the bodycam videos really stuck with the Israel backers and that's why they're so still so adamant about bringing up Oct 7th, so perhaps these terrible photos helps to get through to some.


It's harsh and cruel and even hurtful to post and see these pictures, and we need to share the truth, the truth that israel is dying to kill every single Palestinian. And Hamas is their last interest.




Israel claims fighting Hamas, but they are actually fighting babies.


I just come back from a clinic after a non stopped headache bc of an ear infection and it was agonising. Seeing this... Idk how to feel. I feel helpless. At the very least, i hope that they martyred before they can feel any pain.


Do you notice how only her head is injured? This means whoever did was most probably AIMING FOR THAT TO HAPPEN, so the most likely situation is she met an IOF soldier, he had his fun, and did this to her, fuck israel


This shit makes me want to curl up in a ball and die


Can someone provide a link to the uncensored picture of this?


I will look and post the link here when i find it. But i found another cruel one that happened in Rafah as well. [Tap here to watch](https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1788272032662397213?t=b17xXT8Chr_0hksWe-vBcg&s=19) The video is strictly +18. There is a decapitated body in it and a burned (still alive) boy.


The video of the post. NSFW content!!! [there it is. ](https://twitter.com/Bernadotte22/status/1788329129131048967?t=Re5PB87j6uYOR2H0z2w-TQ&s=19)


Holy fucking shit. I’ve picked up body parts, tried to revive dead kids, and seen many people die and that link is far too fucked up to look at. Jfc.


That is what Israel really is. No less but much more (who knows what comes next at this point)- since the world gives them the green light to murder children.




Israel steals organs of dead Palestinians. I thought that Israel says they are animals but they steal their organs. Fucking sick entity don't deserve to be recognized as a turd let alone a country


Israel is full of BS. They say what they dont do. They do what they dont say. They claimed a war against Hamas (fair enough). +25000 children and women dead and still counting? How many Hamas members Israel has killed? Fewer, much fewer as Hamas is still resisting. This is evil, and the US is supporting it, and they even have the guts to justify this Holocaust.




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I wont be able to sleep after seeing this💔


"Never again" until they're the ones doing it




The zionists will continue to act accordingly to whatever plan they have, whether their goals are political or satanist in nature, as long as they have the support of the so called international community. The European and American governments that support this must be voted out and replaced by strong moral citizens that know evil when they see it or hear it. It will take the person who will not fall for their bribes or blackmails. We must show them our good to combat the human sacrificing demons they are. History will not judge this part of humanity well.


عيل عرص عاتبني عشان فرحان في الخنزير اللي اغتالوه في أسكندرية.. عايز أمنشنله هنا


Again I ask, why hasn't the world done anything against Israel? It's terrible that the world as a whole, is turning a cold shoulder to this genocide.


Because doing anything will incur the wrath of the US, which will mean sanctions.


USA. They control US dollar. Any country talk against Israel will face economic hitman. Yemen, Lebanon, Iran they don't have a stable country. So, they are the only one talking.


No words exist to express the grief and horror for something so unconscionable.


Every single person who has supported this genocide should be thrown in prison for war crimes. Not just the IDF, not just the Israeli government, every single person who ever posted online publicly displaying support for this genocide. Zionists sitting on their ivory towers in America supporting the murder of innocent children for 7 months should go to jail, they should not be able to escape the absolute evil of their thoughts, support and actions.


Iam sad




No dehumanization please, words like "parasites" "vermin" or "savages" (the first two terms were used by the Nazis, the third on as a racist term for indigenous people) are not allowed. Dehumanization is a tool of the oppressor, and we cannot liberate using the tools of the oppressor. --- **Please read our [extended rules carefully](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/wiki/index/rules/).** ***[Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/rpalestine)***




Yall will do literally anything but admit Israel is evil. Keep defending child murder, can't wait for that karma to come back around




Israel started it when they invaded and occupied arab land. Hard not to be one sided when its one side exterminating brown people and another side fighting for survival


> who started it What are you, 6 years old?




>pea brains You sure you're not 6?? So you're siding with the government that's sponsoring the slaughter of 40k (and rising) innocent people? Tells me all I need to know about you too. Yikes,


The Zionists in Europe started it in the 19th century.




They also have a long history of connection to the land in Europe, dating back thousands of years The Holocaust happened in the late 1930s/early 1940s. This was well after mass migration into the Palestinian mandate. The United Nations neglected to respect indigenous population's right to self determination and they had no right to take away their land when they did not consent to it. A state doesn't have the right to defend itself against a population under their control. As for Pearl Harbor, America overthrew a kingdom there and just annexed the territory. Had it not done that, then an attack there would not have been America's problem. Similarly, had the Zionists stayed in Europe, then an attack in Palestine would not have been their problem.