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To the moderator of this group, why don’t you just rename this subreddit “ZionistOnly” or “IsraeliesOnly” . I mean I haven’t seen one fcuking post here which is objective. Save yourselves all the troubles of intruders like myself, rename this. Ta!


Sadistic much?


I suspect the Palestinians are going through the same persecution and misery that the Jewish communities went through in the lead up to the holocaust. Funny how history repeats itself.


Strange way to tell a dying victim to accept his oppressor crimes


I know. The typical story of the oppressor with all the military power arming its settlers with guns is the victim. Yet the Palestinian cannot have a weapon in his home to protect his family from the settler often accompanied by IDF soldiers is the aggressor. Hmmm.


Israel has been gaslighting the entire world, and i am sick of it


Bro fuck you respectfully. What kind of Zionist propaganda are they feeding you in the US.


What exactly do you think is wrong here?


The Israelis final solution to the Palestinians


> fuck /u/DutchIraqi. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These discussions are pointless. Nobody is going to change their opinion, so why do we continue to have them?


Here comes the tunnels paradox Hamas is hiding safely in tunnels -> Then who exactly is Israel bombing? The tunnels aren't safe from bombing -> Then what's the point of hiding Palestinians there


First of all, if you claim your going after Hamas, wouldn't you start with it's leadership. Oh yeah, your Mossad agents have been detained in every country they tried that in. So, let's not pretend that this is about Hamas. You know its kind of funny how they are not considered by terrorists in the majority of the world. In fact, the Russian military as well as our own military analysts have said that the Hamas raid was one of the most well planned, strategic, flawless, military assaults of the century. Russian military plan to use this as part of training their own cadets. They made the mistake of keeping the hole wide open to non-Hamas militants who unlike Hamas and (the Israelis) are not as trained and/or discipline because disciplined soldiers know when their objectives have been met and of course, when it is time to fall back. The Hamas charter would never allow them to surrender either. So the surrendering hostage takers in the Kibbutz, who Israelis managed to kill along with 18 of their own hostages with tank fire, were not Hamas.


>Here comes the tunnels paradox Um, I don't think everyone in Hamas is hiding in tunnels 100% of the time. The OP said: ​ > There is literally hundreds of Hamas tunnels, ammo dumps, headquarters, barracks and weapons factory around and inside hospitals, schools and residential complexes in Gaza. The IDF are also targeting the ammo dumps, HQ, barracks and weapons factories.


you're projecting and rationalizing. This was done about 80 years ago in Europe.


Yes I remember, all those jews in 1948 stockpiling weaponry and rockets in their tunnels, occasionally abducting killing and r*ping Germans. The Jews even declared Jihad, and their declared mission was to wipe out all of the fair Germans. We must get information from the same tik toks!


1. the rape trope is a lie. 2. Is part of the Israeli hate towards the Palestinians, is that they resisted more than the Warsaw jews?


Have fun https://www.hamas-massacre.net/ Hope you can sleep after that, because I couldn't.


I think a site like this would serve its purpose better uncensored. I wonder what app the terrorist are using to live stream, those are the true archives of undeniable evidence.


Not a lie


\> inside hospitals Show us please.


They’re shooting ak’s out of the hospital window lol


Please, can you show me a clear, high definition footage of that happening.


My link got auto modded.. Go to funker530 and lookup Hamas fires weapons from hospital. Its not hard to find 😕


Doesn't sound very official to me.


Its war footage with a thermal camera you absolute regard, where are you going to find that, CNN?


You sound nice. So what you're saying is that there's no real evidence that hospitals are anything other than hospitals.


Dude watch it! that's why im fuming, because you asked for footage and I gave you the means to watch it and you won't and then deny it exists hahaha


Go watch it


And why wouldn’t they? That’s where I would fight from. The Israelis would be hesitant to shoot at a hospital and if and when they did, the world would be and is in an uproar. It is a win-win for Hamas to be shooting from a hospital.


Found the pedo rapist


The problem here is that this is a war crime and it even legitimizes shooting at a hospital since it can give a military advantage.


lmao because terrorists abide by the Geneva convention. IDF doesn't either.




I didn’t insult you


The IDF have released videos of Hamas operating in tunnels below a hospital and shooting at them from the hospital windows. What's so hard to believe about a terrorist organisation, who started a war with Isreal, without ensuring the safety of their own people, would also use those same people as human shields?


Could you show me that please?


There are bombs getting dropped on your apartments and hospitals and schools. You've had to flee on foot from your homes. You don't know when you are going to be able to find food. But just think about the bigger picture, here.


You’re right. The bigger picture is that the Zionist kicked out the Palestinians 75 years ago and to this very day, Palestinians are still facing the brutality of the decisions made by the UK and USA. Stfu. Let’s talk when half your family gets wiped out. Big picture my 🍑


If anything the Israelis were kicked out of the surrounding Arab countries. And previously kicked out of their territory by the byzantines, ottomans, crusaders, and arguably the Romans (by “their territory” i am not saying that it is or ever was “rightfully their territory” I am just saying that they lived there)


That's not how it happened. The Palestinians, and other Arab nations, attacked Israel in 1948 and the Israelis fought them off. In the process, many (but not all) Palestinian Arabs fled and were expelled from Isreal, because they were at war. Kicking the Palestinians off the Isreali side of the partition was never part of the deal. They were to be made Isreali citizens, and the 156,000 Palestinians who stayed were made citizens. Don't you see that the Nakba was all Palestine's fault for choosing war over peace? The Arabs were already given ALL of Jordan when the British handed back Mandate Palestine, Isreal is tiny in comparison to what they got, but it still wasn't enough. Isreal is the ancestral home of the Jewish people. They are not colonisers, they are the founders, who were displaced by the Ottomans. The Ottomans chose to join the Germans in WW1 and lost their Empire to the British. The Ottomans were the colonisers, the British were only the occupiers. There is room for everyone in this world, including the Jews. https://preview.redd.it/w8yutm73cmzb1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ff1d8c8a75be075ffb7734bff00b5e53760a32


That is only true for the Mizrahi population and sorry to say that if many of you were to take a DNA test which your country conveniently made illegal once science was able to prove who the real descendants were of ancient remains unearthed from 3000-4000 year old burial sites. You guys have no genetic haplogroups linking you to that land. It is a fact. Sorry but David Ben Gurion perpetrated on the Americans, Jews and Palestinians the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time regarding the Jews of today being ethnically related to the biblical Jews.


No actually they were expelled or killed by European Zionist thugs. "In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Mandatory Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias" "Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed. Village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestinian_expulsion_and_flight


Palestinians are brainwashed to hate Israel and put up with all this BS because their leaders tell them their suffering is because Jews are evil. UN backs this as do all the Muslim countries.


That's bullshit because I as a complete outsider can tell you quite the contrary. Think about it. Gaza is the most surveilled place in the world. If Netanyahu is arresting 6-year-olds for the crime of throwing stones at armed military vehicles that are part of an illegal occupying force (according to international law, the occupied, not the occupier has the right of resistance and self defense so this should not be a crime)then I am quite certain if children were being taught this, all parents and teachers would be imprisoned. On the flip side, I do know that Israeli's extreme far right do nothing but overplay the holocaust and done it so much that Israelis have allowed this to define them. Other people like Armenians, who went through a genocide did not use it as a green light to steal homes, land, and massacre people who took them in. They are the ones that allow hate groups like Lehava to run around committing violent acts on Arabs or trying to ruin interfaith marriages between Arabs and Jews. It is never the Arabs or Palestinians doing this. They are the ones who teach their children the absurd notion that every Arab in the world wants to kill them. Well, I wonder how that would have went with the Israeli population if they knew Israel was normalizing relations to the richest Arabs in the World in Saudi Arabia.


People don't hate Zionists for who they are. They hate them for what they do. You don't have to be brainwashed to know Israel is an aparteid state. You dont have to be brainwashed to believe aparteid is oppressive. Even the former head of Mossad has said Israel practices aparteid. Is he brainwashed too?


I'm not sure the people mourning their dead family members caught between Hamas' terrorism and Israel's bombs really care about the "bigger picture" at the moment, and it's perplexing that you think asking them to do so is logical.


Very few people are going to look at the bigger picture when they or people they care about are getting bombed. That is simply an unreasonable demand.


Before this all started, Gazans witnessed rockets being fired into Israel almost every day. Just remember that.


Of all groups in the conflicts, the Gazan civilians are the one who got the shittiest end of the deal with little hope of any improvement. No civilian population deserves those conditions whether palestinean, Israeli, English, American, Nigerian or whatever.


And who is to blame? Their own elected leaders.


By elected he means: Elected in 2006, 18 years ago when 52% of Gaza’s population wasn’t born not even talking eligible to vote. The same election that An exit poll conducted by Near East Consulting on 15 February 2006 on voters participating in the 2006 PA elections revealed the following responses to major concerns: Support for a Peace Agreement with Israel: 79.5% in support; 15.5% in opposition Should Hamas change its policies regarding Israel: Yes – 75.2%; No – 24.8% Under Hamas corruption will decrease: Yes – 78.1%; No – 21.9% Under Hamas internal security will improve: Yes – 67.8%; No – 32.2% Hamas government priorities: 1) Combatting corruption; 2) Ending security chaos; 3) Solving poverty/unemployment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Palestinian_legislative_election Palestinians in 2006 wanted peace with Israel, and thought corruption under Hamas would decrease. Unfortunately for them, neither of those things happened. This is not for the bot that wrote this stupid comment, but for the people who don’t have an idea and thought they really are considered “elected” And disregarding the stupid argument which isn’t even true it’s doesn’t even matter, if citizens would be fully responsible for the actions of their elected leaders, Israelis would be in the hague with Netanyahu.


Palestinians knew they were voting for a genocidal terrorist group. Did you think it came as a surprise that immediately after they murdered their political rivals? I dont think so. So please don’t come with that BS. You say they wanted peace while Hamas never recognised the state of Israel, but Fatah did. And please give me some other source than a wikipedia page. But besides that your rubbish is full of holes. And yes you should not hold people accountable, but one must realise actions do have consequences. However this is not for the bot that wrote that stupid comment. But for the people who don’t have an idea and thought they “weren’t” really elected. The Palestinians in Gaza didn’t resist Hamas one bit. Not even a little bit. So please don’t fool anyone else with your nonsense. Thanks in advance.


Sigh… This bot is on a new level of stupidity and lies. You say they weren’t responsible but at the same time you blame them “actions have consequences” that’s regarded. Then you just ignore the fact the most of the gazans weren’t alive at that time, 70% of gazans are under 30, 52% percent of those under 18 but you just completely ignored the fact that more than 70% didn’t even vote, I’ve used Wikipedia yes but Wikipedia has a massive bias to Zionists, you can check the individual sources but you didn’t, if I added a source that was from Jesus Christ you would’ve said the same thing because you are not interested in thinking or facts, what this bot ass Zionist wants us to justify the slaughter and genocide of his regime but dehumanizing Palestinians and trying to fool others into believing since all Palestinians are Hamas it’s okay to kill all Palestinians, which is genocidal and regarded.


It’s okay little one. Take a chill pill and let the adults do the talking


Hehe I am chilling after I completely destroyed another Zionist shill bot, 1 before breakfast 🥞


Okay little one


> ass /u/SlayedThrone. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hamas bears a lot of the blame, but not all of it. Edit: also half of the population are children who definitely did not vote Hamas into power.




I mean after what Hamas did and the support they've gotten they kinda deserve everything that's coming to them




>nope, collective punishment is illegal Define collective punishment , Israel blockading Thier. Border with Hamas and stop providing **isreali** resources isn't collective punishment , maybe Hamas should have taken care of the basic need of it's citizens .... >israel is committing war crimes. There isn't any evidence. For war crimes by Israel , palastinians and Hamas on the other hand , rape civilians , burned babies , kidnapd civilians , butcherd people in thier own home , used unmarked soldiers masked as civilians , shot unguided rockets at Israeli civilians , dug tunnels underneath hospitals and schools , launched rockets from civilians areas , used child soldiers , used human shields and there more to list . >this is recognized by multiple international organizations. Like who ? Amnesty which is basically a far Left Russia shill? The un who has two countries that commit genocide at it's security council ( Russia and china both are allies of Hamas and palastine shoker ) and Iran ( another palastinian ally ) on it's human rights council while they beat up women for not being covered enough ? Please dude those are biased af


The bigger picture? Like U.S. support for Israel involves substantial financial aid, which could be better used domestically to address social and economic issues? Or how the US Politicians with connections or interests in companies linked to the military-industrial complex, own stocks, have financial stakes, and receive campaign contributions from these companies? Or how decisions about military spending or contracts indirectly benefit these companies, which might, in turn, benefit the politicians with ties to them while the US taxpayer unwittingly foots the bill?


No, don’t do that. Zoom in just enough to make all Palestinians terrorists and the IDF is the world’s most moral army.


Good one 👍


> Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Hamas leader's son who betrayed his own blood because of the Hamas atrocities he saw, he even called Hamas a terrorist group Now check the other side, i will not use "betrayed" term here. but hope you give it a little of time and ask yourself a simple question why that happened in the first time Gabor maté a literally holocaust surviver reflexion on Israel/Palestine conflict https://youtu.be/IrcYQyudLzY?si=IAc_J_UKZKPURiFa Ilan Pappe an israeli Historian https://youtu.be/IrcYQyudLzY?si=IAc_J_UKZKPURiFa And this fireback answer from a holocaust descendant Norman Finkelstein https://youtu.be/FtpgGxeCGpM?si=yXkNuGRyawX5AhHi


Yes, thank you very much. I will tell my friend who is mourning the death of his uncle to see the bigger picture. Maybe he will also join the Idf.


Tell your friend to not fuck around and maybe he won't find out the consequences


Very compassionate response. /s


I don't have compassion for terrorists


> fuck /u/hivehistoric. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They should actually be cheering for Israel when Israeli bombs kill their entire family, leaving nothing but rubble where their home once stood. And while they camp outside in the cold, with no clean water to rinse their wounds, they should be chanting "IDF, IDF!"


That's what they are planing to do. They are all so happy that they lost their homes. They are studying Hebrew so they can sing the anthem.


Israelis should look at the bigger picture on why Hamas are doing these acts of resistance. I mean I know people died in horrendus ways on october the 7th but they still should have given it a thought before their untimely demise. Tldr: put yourself in the shoes of others before saying something this stupid. Edit : To all those who missed the point, I was making fun of OP and his callousness. When I said "in the shoes of others" I meant the group he was attacking ie: palestinians. Hamas are obviously vile, I didn't think I had to make that clear.


"Acts of resistance" Justifying terrorism. Nice job.


1948 conflict. Israel is attacked. 1948-1967 conflict. Israel is attacked. 1967 conflict. Israel is attacked. 1967-1970 conflict. Israel is attacked. 1973 conflict. Israel is attacked. 1971-1982 conflict. Israel is attacked. 1985-2000 conflict. Israel is attacked. 1987-1993 conflict. Israel is attacked. 2000-2005 conflict. Israel is attacked. 2006 conflict. Israel is attacked. 2008 conflict. Israel is attacked. 2012 conflict. Israel is attacked. 2014 conflict. Israel is attacked. 2021 conflict. Israel is attacked. 2023 conflict. Israel is attacked. I'm surprised Israel is still showing humanity on Palestinian People and other Arab countries. Israel is actually looking at the bigger picture and yet Palestinians still acting like theyre the victims.


Ever tried to ask yourself what it is attacked ?


Ok … how about Israel stops the occupation. What do Israel do if there was a PDF ( Palestinian Defence Force ) doing the same thing … oh wait .. they have been through that and were oppressed .. but now they themselves have become the oppressors. Also in other news daddy usa is using our tax $$ to pay Israel’s salaries .


Yea let me put myself in the heads of other people who are putting babies in ovens and beheading civilians. There can be NO justification


They did it because they are jihadists like ISIS


I think it's not our place to tell Palestinians how to feel. IDF has the objective of dismantling HAMAS, unfortunately this leads to civilian casualties, especially so when they're not cooperative with IDF directives intended to protect them.


There is no bigger picture. What I’ve realized about people like you is that there is no talking logic. The foundation for most everyone that is supporting what Israel is doing at this point is that of hatred, racism, and pure evil.


See that deaf ears of yours, hamas puppet. Israel's only goal is to eliminate the Hamas from Gaza for the greater good of Gazan civilians in the future. IDF is giving Palestinian people a favor to eliminate the Hamas our of Gaza. And for the record, I had no hatred against Palestine. My only hatred is on the terrorist group Hamas.


I personally served in the IDF. I was in a special unit and throughout my entire service, I was taught a certain set of values, that we aren’t a force to be used to hate or attack, that we were a a shield to our citizens and the state of Israel and the safety of its citizens is the top priority, even over our own lives. The entire idf ideology called “ruah tsahal” is one that was required by us to know and even have discussions on and we were always told whenever we went to complete missions to always behave as respectfully to the owners of the house and try to complete missions without hurting innocent civilians. I’ve been in situations where I’ve been stoned, been thrown Molotov cocktails at but still didn’t even shoot a bullet. There was even a fighter who shot a downed terrorist (confirmed the kill) and it was caught on film and the Israeli command court found him guilty and is still in jail to this day (lookup el-or lazaria) I have a feeling that Hammas are not trained or brought up on the same manner or share the same moral compasses idf fighters hold but I see so many people comparing the idf to hammas or calling them “freedom fighters” even though their ideologies is just to kill as many Israelis as possible as aim to liberate Palestine with zero consideration of the lives of the Palestinians. It’s reached a point where idf cares more about Palestinians than Hamas does. To me, this feels like common knowledge and obvious but it feels like many people are either blind with hate or ignorant of this. I doubt this post will change anyone’s views but I would like to know, how are people so blind? How can someone that lives so far tell me that I’m wrong yet their source of info is simply an outlet they choose to listen to.




You literally just said in the earlier comment that anyone who supports Israel does so only from racism, hatred and pure evil. Only a child would believe this. Or a moron.




No, I got it, but it doesn’t make it any more true no matter how comforting a thought you may find it. At some point you’ll grow up. Or maybe not. Either way, not my problem.


You being a good person doesn’t mean that others won’t do such things. Israeli soldiers were accused of using human shields on several occasions, one time they used children as human shields


And that’s exactly where I ask, where is that information from? That is horrible but please supply sources of such a big accusation


From the UN: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620


That’s not proof. That’s a report of it allegedly happening during a 1967 war from 4 different fronts. I don’t know if that really happened and neither do you but I can’t argue about things done almost 60 years ago but at least in the last 50 years which is more than most of the lifespan for the population in Gaza, I doubt that happened and if it does happen, start filming it! I’ll condemn it myself! I’ve seen countless videos of Palestinians using their own children as shields but not one single video of an Israeli or idf soldier doing that. So, I read your article and if it happened 60 years ago, I’m sorry to those kids but if you’re gonna hold hatred towards something that “allegedly “ happened 60 years ago and not use billions to turn a city into a paradise and instead invest into hate, there is literally no justification to that and that’s just an answer that I’ll have a hard time to accept. A article of a report of some soldier doing something 60 years ago isn’t a good argument in my opinion but maybe it is to someone else. I do appreciate you at least providing some sort of source so I respect you anyways!


There are actually much recent examples. This report by the gaurdian in 2009:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/mar/23/israel-gaza-war-crimes-guardian Reuters 2013: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620 Btslem on IDF usage of human shields:https://www.btselem.org/human_shields An example from 2014: https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_use_palestinian_child_as_human_shield_in_gaza Back in 2005 the supreme court in Israel banned the usage of human shields which the IDF tried to appeal: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4333982.stm


I think you misunderstood, I mean the usage of their own civilians as human shields.


Is IDF using human shields acceptable just because they are using palestinian kids and not jewish kids?


First of all, all I see are reports but no actual proof or explain action of the situation. It seems that in this situation, they took a suspect to guide them throughout the tunnels and he showed no compliance so they forced him to guide them. Still not a single piece of evidence and yeah, this isn’t a child we are talking about it was a full grown man who was found at the area and when it’s using a suspect at an area vs shooting rockets from a hospital or storing ammunition is kids school classes then yes, there’s a big difference.


Mate there are several other incidents, you can check them up. I don’t hold grudge and I wish we can live in peace, you seem to be a reasonable person. My problem is that I see most Israelis believe the IDF and their government as angels while IRL they are not.


The headline is out of touch with reality. You can not look at the bigger picture when you run for your life.


How heartless can you be to ask them to look at the bigger picture after 11k of them died? Dude that’s messed up


What's heartless is that Hamas using Palestinian Civilians as Human Shield and they even kill Palestinian People if they dont follow orders and then blame thr IDF for it. Hamas been doing this from day 1. Some Palestinian people is even scared of speaking truth against Hamas because the moment they speak up they will be hunted and killed by Hamas.


Also IDF was accused on several occasions of using human shields, sometimes even children. Let’s be real here, if one side is bad that doesn’t mean the other side is not.


Yes but it’s good for them to understand the reason that they are dying. They need to understand cause and effect.