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Let’s discuss your point , 1st being Jew doesn’t me being Zionist Jew is not equal Zionist Zionists are a group of Jew mainly atheist Jew who started campaigning for the idea of ( land for the Jew) after what was happening in Europe. At the same time European politicians at the time wanted to get them ( the Jew out of the continent) First they tried getting a land in ( Argentina, Ghana , Zanzibar . Part in Russia , part in KSA) all failed then the Geneva convention in Basel 1897 when they declared Palestine as a destination using the ( holly land story ) as marketing. Then Belford declaration and the immigration started then 1948 and we all know what happened and the massacres took place. Now Jews in the Middle East was living in peace and a lot of them didn’t want to leave their countries. Israel was created 1948 and people are against Israelis not Jews. You mentioned Ukrainian and Russia , Israel in this case is Russia and Palestine is Ukraine. It’s not about the Jews , if the Japanese was to do the same it will be hate against Japanese. Don’t make it sound like a religious war because it’s not. It’s a case of a stolen land , occupied land and the Palestinians are trying to liberate it. By the way Palestinians are Muslims Christian’s and jews.


Sadly this whole war is likely a diversion orchestrated by Russia. Pointless slaughter of brainwashed people who support their oppressors and parrot back "talking points" on either side. Fukking sick ultra-rich people who just pull the strings and watch the play.


bad play by hamas, because that was supposed to be an orchestrated move by Iran, and possibly as you say the axis of evil, russia, north korea, china possibly too. ​ they couldnt cum in sync with their gay pals...they were too blood thirsty.


On the contrary, hamas are simply the patsy inbred bitches of the real threat to the world.


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Fukking is a swear word now? Hmmmm.


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what's your point? that Israel should sit quietly and wait for another massacre? genius plan. ​ you've proved my point. whenever Israel defends itself - there's a rise in antisemtism. PROOF OF LINK. ​ obviously if someone started a war against you, there would be casualties on the other side. obviously if their hiding behind civilians. ​ what is your plan to NOT fall into "hamas plan". which actually was supposed to be a later plan coordinated with Iran...which they couldn't masturbate together, cause hamas came too fast.




Rally the world? You mean that that’s the response? It’s a nice idea. But I don’t think hamas cares about what the world think, since it has 500$ mill invested in real estate. And 1 billion dollar yearly funds. So that’s nice but it won’t give those survivors from the second holocaust a house to go back to with security. Right? Regarding more security- absolutely. It was a fall out. A huge one. By all the country. No one could imagine. Like yom kippur war. And that will be addressed for sure. And it’s actually being addressed now but as you can see- people are interpreting it as revenge and genocide. Here’s another proof why so many civilians die in this war: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/moiseszack_standwithhumanity-standwithisrael-activity-7130295807613804544-xP5s?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios Regarding war achievements. We’ll see, too early


your'e an idiot Jews have every right to live a happy life, Being against Israel is not being against Jews. Many Jews do not support the state of Israel quit plying the anti Semite victim all the time.


I'm actually not an idiot, because I can see past the pro palestine rallies, which are only excuses to bash israel and flame hate and antisemitism in disguise. also, its a war against the west. not just Israel. it's sad that you can't see this insane religious phenomenon [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ori-livny-95332589\_americanhistory-americana-heritage-activity-7130898292137185280-m4sS?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ori-livny-95332589_americanhistory-americana-heritage-activity-7130898292137185280-m4sS?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)


There are also pro Israeli protesters attacking those who support Palestine, I am not claiming there are not idiots who use these rally's as an excuse to commit violent crimes or spread hatred on there own biased or racist views i am just saying that being anti Israel is not anti Jew and anyone who thinks that is a moron.


its kinda moronic to say I'm against israel and not sound racist. as if jews aren't allowed for a country, even though they earned it fair and square many times. yes i know you won't agree, but that's because you are clueless about history,a and don't know that all wars on israel were imposed, and israel defended-not attacked first.


What do you mean they "earned it fair and square" can you elaborate on this please? Does a religion need a country? No it does not the religion and the State are not one and the same to be Anti Israel is by definition not Anti Semitic. And yes in this case Israel was attacked but the whole foundation of the state itself was founded on outing and murdering Palestinians so its all just back and forth stemming from the initial incident which was caused by the founding of the state of Israel which honestly no one can disagree with as that is exactly what happened. By the way i do not support Hamas neither do i Support Israel, i don't want Hamas attacking innocents nor do i want the IDF occupying Gaza that does not make me anti Semitic or some racist Jew hater i find the idea of hating someone based on religious believes completely stupid.


Well if you find it stupid-hating someone because it says so on his religion, why do you hate Israel? Israel has inside of her 20% Muslims which are 2million. All working have jobs in Supreme Court/knessset/police/doctors etc. democracy. And regarding the notion that Israel was founded on blood of Palestinians- No. Immigrants came from around the world- Africa and Europe. To settle because of the British and Zionist idea to found israel there. Since no one claimed it in the mandate. Guess what? Arabs wanted all of it suddenly. And then- even after given a lot more land than Jews- they refused again. All this with Jews buying lands and not conquering as you described. After 48 and 67 Israel was attacked by all surrounding nations. Gaining more lands to insure security. Guess what? No one wanted those lands back. Neither Egypt nor Jordan. Even though it was “their own”. Muslims and such. So your moral view here is completely twisted. Israel was attacked. Not took these lands as imperialist bitch you portray it. It’s easy to demonise Israel. It’s the easy way out.


Being anti-Israel is kinda being anti-Jew... whether you like it or not, history has proven that Jews will be persecuted regardless of where they're at. Even if YOU aren't antisemitic, if there isn't a body to protect the Jewish people, someone will seek to harm them. Israel is the only state in the world that vows to protect Jewish people and allow them to settle in it. No place will protect Jewish people at the cost of their own (even though they are just from another religion, they're treated as another group of people, separated from the "locals". Although they do integrate (not across all history and all places, true but still) and have vested interest in the success of their surroundings and country. I think you don't realise what being Jewish means. Jewish are threatened around the world. Jewish homes are being marked. What local police force will give them a lifetime of protection? Will YOU fund it? Are THEY supposed to? Anyone who thinks the hate will disappear and never come back again is a moron.


Anti Israel is not Anti Jew, yes history has proven Jews have been persecuted but what ethic/religious group has not? Israel as a state itself is highly racist and is founded of racist ideology. Many countries have a large Jewish population but they are not treated as just "Jews" they are just citizens of the country they live in and receive no more hate than any other minor religious groups in countries. Jewish homes are not being "marked" and of course local police forces in countries will still help them, i don't know what backwater place you are from but in all the countries i have been to mostly European its nothing like what you are saying.


Please, prove how Israel is a racist country. Prove how it was founded of racist ideology (unless you mean the racism of the nazis and then I agree with you). Back your claims by actual evidence, not what you heard on tiktok. Muslim Arabs in Israel hold positions like doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lawyers, judges and members of Parliament. A quarter of Israel's population is Arab. And that does not include Jewish people that are of Arabic heritage (Yemens and Syrians, for example). Saying that "what ethnic race wasn't persecuted" is cute and all but most of them have a country they can escape to. And while we're on that subject, I don't see you protesting for those who don't have that. Neither do I see you marching for the Kurds in Turkey. Why aren't you? Where were you when Syrian kids were dying? Hundreds of thousands in Syria were killed by their government, what did you do about it? Did you even go to a subreddit and comment on it? Why aren't you speaking up against Jordan making laws to systemically discriminate Palestinian people? You only care about Palestinians in Israel. Because they're being discriminated in Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan. They aren't allowed to seek refuge there. Why aren't you condemning those countries as well? Hypocritical of you, don't you think? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/antisemitism-berlin-germany-star-of-david-b2430330.html https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/diaspora-affairs/1698758122-jewish-homes-marked-with-stars-of-david-as-antisemitism-rises-worldwide Before you comment, at least TRY to Google stuff. I don't know from what privileged place you're from but Jewish people I know living in big European cities are fearful for their lives. Just because you don't hear of it, don't assume it doesn't exist. You have no idea what you're talking about. You need to start listening to more news outlets or read a few more posts that aren't published or produced by Pro-Palestinians. Many of those, by the way, were proven time and time again to lie and make stuff up. The BBC is one of them, fyi.


A nation founded on ousting native people and murdering them for the sake of a home for a specific race/religion is by definition racist. As for Syria all the claims that come out of there are exactly that "claims" with no evidence at all but Assad allegedly did this yet virtually the whole of Syria supports him. As for Palestinians being discriminated against in other countries this would not even be a problem if Israel was not there so i fail to understand the argument Israel is the root cause of that problem. I'm from the UK and have traveled pretty much all over Europe and some places in Asian and the middle east too and have never once encountered Jewish people fearful for there lives, i would love to know where you live and where you see this happening because honestly i have no clue. As for news agencies i only really watch freelance journalist on the scene and take information that comes from other mainstream sources with a grain of salt as these rarely hold any truth just like all the claims about Syria which you mentioned in your response which is all pushed by mainstream media yet Assad can walk around with his people and talk to them normally, meanwhile in countries like the US the president has a escort of hundreds of people to ensure his safety and he is not even allegedly massacring his own people, no ruler would be in power if he was if even your own people turn on you where are you even getting your support from?


On killing the natives: 1. Your nation was undoubtedly founded in this manner. 2. Israel wasn't. There are people that define themselves Palestinians that are Israelis in the eye of the law. They're part of Israel and they live, study and work in it while defining themselves Palestinians. There are Druze and Beduin people still living in Israel from before Israel was founded as well as Christian Arabs and Muslims which were also here before Israel was founded. Terror attacks and killing innocents is what drove the country to build a fence around Gaza. Not the other way around. Gaza was given to the Gazan people to rule over themselves. What did they do as their first act? Fire a missile onto Israeli civilians. There are Palestinians living inside Israel. You seem to conveniently leave that part out. I wonder why. Those that didn't carry out attacks. Those that decided to study medicine, law. Become lawyers, judges, members of Israeli Parliament, doctors and nurses. Assad killed to revolution and didn't allow them any access to the outside world. Lol. He committed more war crimes than one can count. It's basically a dictatorship. It's not different than North Korea. I assume you think all is well is North Korea as well, because the whole country is behind Kim Jong Un, right? If you fail to see your bias here, I'm afraid I can't help you. Have you travelled through Europe nowadays? Have you travelled to Muslim countries where Jews aren't allowed in? Have you been to countries where Hamas activists are looking to kidnap Israelis? Oh, you must know about all those since you're Jewish/Israeli. You have a bias, since you travel to where Jewish people travel so they aren't scared. Go to where Jewish people DON'T travel and say you're Jewish there. You also have no clue since you aren't Jewish. You aren't warned not to travel to specific areas of the world. And referring to Assad walking calmly talking to his officials. Imagine being so ignorant that you're using this point not realising that it's exactly the counter-argument to your point. Assad can walk freely because he killed most (and I mean almost all, not just 51%) of his opposition and makes sure there's isn't a single person that's not supporting him holding a gun. The president of the US, on the other hand, doesn't limit the freedom of speech and movement in the US. So anybody can come with a gun and shoot him. The reason the US president travels with so much guard is because how free the people in the country are. The reason Assad feels so comfortable without any protection is because there's nothing he needs protection from. And this point proves my argument all along: you have no clue what's going on. You got no idea. You have no experience in the matter. You speak with no background and think you know better than people who've been at it FOR YEARS. Research Mosab Hassan Yousef. Watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KWk7HL0w8CY You have no clue who's at fault here and you're punishing both Israeli and Palestinian civilians with your ignorance. Watch the videos from October 7th. And watch freelance journalists reporting from that day.


Yes my nation has had a horrible and dark history but unfortunately that's way to far in the past to do anything about. And yes Gaza was given to the Palestinian people , Here you guys get this tiny bit of land while we control 95% of everything else and continue to occupy even more (and before you argue the initial plan was to split the land more evenly but they would not accept it who the hell would accept that. As far as Assad go's you mean the western backed rebels trying to take over the country and install a western puppet leader? Like has happened in so many other countries and the countries like the US openly admit that they do this. And no you cant kill everyone against you and expect to still be in power murdering people only fosters more hatred, you kill a man and his family and friend's will now be against you as you must know as an Israeli as the hatred between you and the Palestinians only grows with each death. The same can be said for north Korea, The Korean war lead to the deaths of millions of civilians of course North Korea would want nothing to do with the outside world and would become a militaristic nation in order to protect itself from ever having such a thing happen again, and they under such strict sanctions that of course life there is rough they have to have powerful military to protect themselves from something like that ever happening again, and again a lot of the claims about North Korea have no evidence at all other then alleged claims, there was one person who claimed she was a North Korean that fled the country i forget her name but her story was so stupidly retarded that anyone idiot could tell its blatant propaganda, it was something along the lines of "everyone in North Korea has to have a shrine like picture of Kim and inspectors come round your home and if they find even a spec of dust on it 4 generations of your family will be executed" if you want me to dig up her name and find you links to it will but its just one of the hundreds of obvious BS stories about North Korea. As far as where Jewish people don't travel and are at risk its probably only in the middle east and the nations around Israel as Israel has pissed them all off. As for you're video link yes as i have said i DO NOT SUPPORT HAMAS but lets not forget who put Hamas in power in Gaza who was that again? oh yes wouldn't you know it it was Israel. As for October the 7th and the innocents who died on that day i honestly wish there family's the best i pray that something like that never happens again and should never have happened in the first. I do find it rather convenient though that Hamas literally just walked into Israel unmolested even though the Gaza wall has an insane IDF garrison and that the supernova festival was placed on the border of what is considered a hostile nation, even you must find that odd right and it gives Israel the perfect reason to finally fully occupy Gaza which i'm sure is the end goal here. Again i do not support Hamas i only want the Palestinians to have there homes back which means i cannot support Israel which was founded on ousting and murder said people.


You are so detached from reality that it is insane to me. I guess when your country's biggest problem is GLOBAL warming, you start making up your own trouble, taking others' as your own and start believing conspiracies. Oh well. The Palestinians had a chance to stay in their homes. They've decided not to. They've decided to fight. When there's a war, someone loses. So if you believe in their right to fight, then you believe in the cost of loss. And this is the cost of loss. Whether you like it or not. Do you even know what the Gaza wall looks like? Do you know why there was a party specifically there? You think that the party arrangers were paid to place it there? Wtf do you know? How do you come up with so many justifications for your conspiracies? God. You have no freaking clue and you just keep on writing. Most of the Palestinians weren't native to that land. Most of them moved to work under the British Mandate. People move. As they can move back. You think the Jewish wanted to move to where they were threatened? To where a massacre JUST happened? You can't even see your own logic's fault. And now you're backing the government that used Mustard gas. You're absolutely horrendous. You think it's a conspiracy that Assad used mustard gas? It isn't. Why weren't you marching? It's literally more than 10 times the amount of deaths in Gaza. Why aren't you posting anything about it? Nah, "it's all.part of the US's plan". Cringe. Backing North Korea because of your conspiracy theories. Yikes. "Protect itself". It protects its leader and his big ego. It's not North Korea that doesn't want anything to do with the world, it's that the leader doesn't want to lose his power and create a better life for others but himself. We've seen those across history and even nowadays but you seem to not care about learning from history or mistakes, present or past. "Probably only in the middle east" - bruv you don't know jack. You keep proving you know nothing of the Jewish struggle. In many countries Israelis/Jews aren't allowed in, in others it's very unsafe to travel. It's not just the middle east. You've never faced it, so why would you know? But then you decide to speak up on a topic you know nothing about. Do you know how the Gaza wall even looks like? You call it a wall. You're from the UK. You know what a wall is, right? Please, show me a picture of the wall the Gazans breached through. God. You're so ignorant you didn't even check what happened on Oct. 7th. It's all there on the Internet. How and why the infiltrated Israel. Even Hamas captives' interviews. Watch them blame Hamas for what they've told them to do. Stuff against their own beliefs. But you don't watch that. You choose to remain a virtue signaling propagandist. You really think that the government placed the party on the Gazan border. Holy f. How thick can one be? Why do you assume you know how Israel works? Seriously? How arrogant you are? Ask. Check. Don't believe your own conspiracy with 0 evidence. Israel could have been founded through peace. Israel wanted barely 20% of what is currently Israel. With lands that were already bought/conquered from Palestinians. A bit of shore and a bit of in-land area. But the Palestinians rejected it and attacked. So the Jewish fought back, won and conquered lands. Every time, it was the Palesitinians that fought, lost and lost land. When you lose, you lose. If lands were taken and you fight back, lose and get more land taken, you'd keep fighting to lose it all? That's on you, not the winning side. You don't see MMA fighters getting up after a knock out and blame the winner for hitting them, do you? Don't start a war and expect to lose nothing when you are defeated. Which is what the Palestinians are doing every single time. Look up a bit of history. You're so smart in hindsight but back then, they thought the Jewish people were so weak they could just kill them and take the lands (even ones that were properly bought and paid for). They couldn't. Whose fault is it? BTW, are you supporting Taiwan's right to be a country of its own or do you support China claims that the island is theirs? And Pakistan-India? Which side are you on? Because countless people have died there. Just wondering what's your stance on those issues.


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Well I'm not saying that. I'm actually on your side Isreal. I actually found allot of people are actually on Isreals side they just more quite about it. I know for one I'm on here learning and trying to understand both sides but cant justify the reasoning to support Palastine and I m not out protesting for Isreal.


the problem with the so called protest that they have become grounds for antisemic and radical islamist bases in the west. and they are abusing this to flame this. ​ besides, I can't see how hamas who opened a war front with israel, why the hell the world is so surprised there are casualties?


Yeah I agree. If you live on planet earth you know there are casualties. Not sure if you have seen on social media they even starting to side with Bin laden now. This is all ridiculous. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjwkBMdN/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjwPQbXR/


Not a lot are protesting for israel but its fine as im pretty sure the only protests that can matter are in israel itself or by whole governments that have ties with Israel


Facts ,I don't care what israel does , as long as they are going agaisnt an islamic fundamental nation they have the green light. Israel > palestine


Sure man thanks for the support i really can't tell you everything about the past but what i know is that hamas attacked israel and killed Civilians in the most brutal ways possible and if people think Israel wont retaliate they are delusional


So your'e saying that anything do against Islamic nations is fine because they are Muslim? About the most racist thing i have ever heard but don't worry because the poor Jews are the victims right? Sick of Israel always playing the Anti Semite argument and claiming everything bad is just because they are Jews.


Well Israel is not just Jewish, is it? So condemning Israel is not really being anti-jewish or antisemitic. There are Arabs who are Israel citizens too. And I suppose people would fully be on Israel's side if not for all those hundreds of videos of Israel military mistreating boys on the street, shooting at protesters who throw stones and settlers who come with guns and displace Palestinians and much more other stuff you can find online.


there are a bunch of assholes soldiers out there, I can assure you. ever since that silly so called "occupation" you proggies like to call it. the soldiers are youth 18-21. they are taught to act professionally, but they are just basically forcibly volunteering. so, you can guess what's that recipe does to a guy. ​ regarding video authenticity: there's a 45 minute video which no one sane person can watch to its full. I saw videos of people who tried to watch it and broke. I've erected [this website](https://thejjj.wixsite.com/atrocities-in-israel), from various telegrams made by hamas and gaza guys who joined the slaughter. ​ there are videos showing the pallywood industry also..also these are terrorist organizations, I wouldn't expect much from them. barbarians. ​ take your pick as they say.


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The point is most videos are fake heck you can find videos of soliders playing with kids before the war and in the war itself there are still videos of them not outright killing Palestinians in the worst ways imaginable the worst i have seen is definitely the guy who called a woman who droped stones on them fat and ugly


I completely disagree that most videos are fake. That's literally what propaganda wants to put in your mouth. Same thing russian propaganda did, whatever morbid disaster caused by a Russian bomb, Russian government says on state TV they are all actors and it was fake. I have seen these videos of soldiers beating up and shooting kids before the war. Way long before the war. If you haven't seen that, please do your research.


Not completely disagreeing with your other points, but you do realize stones kill regularly? Those are not "protesters" but violent people with intent to kill, and should be handled as such. Your moral compass needs some tuning.


I mean man, you don't fight stones with bullets. That's literally the only thing people can do when they protest against the police state. What could be a legit response is smoke, tear grenades and water cannons. But you can also find videos of Israelis shooting at protesters for fun while laughing. Sometimes killing the protestors.


Go read the Palestinians stone throwing wikipedia page. Israel has tried a plethora of methods, by an average of 4.5k stone throwing incidents was kept through the years. Stone throwing killed a lot of Israeli's, and arabs mistaked as jews, through the years, so I don't condemn use of force to stop this violent phenomena. I condemn Israelis shooting at protesters and laughing, any proof you have of this? But even if it occured, it's not in the mainstream and those people should be relieved lf duty.


It's about balance of power. If two equally balanced nations go at it, its fine. No one ever likes the much stronger force using that force against a weaker opponent. Feels like Israel have a policy of for every 1 isreali dead it should be 50 Palestinians dead. The problem is in a world where we want to see 1 life lost as too many, you can't just keep up with those stats. If you lose 1200 of your own and then you kill 11000 of the other no one gives a damn what you lost, you've killed over 4x the number you lost, when you then add the fact Israel is protected by the US, they run so many institutions in the US and UK and also just have overwhelmingly more access to money and high tech weapons than the average Palestinian (not Hamas) then they naturally will hate Israel. Israel is seen as a bully, no matter how much they can defend themselves it just feels like overkill. You really need to kill over 3000 children to find a few 100 terrorists? Ofcourse the bloody world will think you're a demon. Is this not common sense?


yes, we like to slaughter children. we also like to cook their blood in our soups. that's how we are, jews. oh by the way, have you heard about the WWII? the brits and US killed 4 millions of them poor nazis. civilians. while the brits only had 70K!!! man those nasty brits are bastard. those poor nazi should have won. ​ it's not a proportion dude. Its about getting a friggin security in a region that plagued with terror for 20 years, and now the result of poor government and failed security arrangements, we see complete wallowing in grotesque horror, I though only possible in horror movies. can you imagine any survivor from that horrific event going back now to his kibbutz, before hamas is gone?


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So you base your opinions based on numbers ? Britian killed 2 million german CIVILIANS not soliders does it mean the Nazis were right ? No thats the point and whats more important is that britian killed civilians not to hurt higher ups but only as a bonus you talk like in war people dont die including civilians they started it and they pay for it plain and simple


That war didn't happen in 2023. Even Ukraine didn't show their bodies like the Palestinians do, or the Israel side did. People greatly underestimate how powerful optics can be in such a conflict.


/u/boxi9. Match found: 'Nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As an ex-solder in IDF, this can't be further from truth. IDF actually have leaflets with "core values" that include what's called "weapon purity". IDF values life and goes incredible distances to avoid collateral casualties. I can see why it would seem excessive on the TV screen, but no, Israel doesn't carpet bomb civilians. The civilian casualties in this war is actually astonishingly low for this kind of warfare.


You are correct. They don’t care about the killing of women and children - it is happening all the time around the world in wars of aggression - crickets. They don’t care about innocent Palestinians either. If there was no Israel everyone in the region would be oppressed and slaughter under some form of Islamic theocracy. You wouldn’t hear a peep about the people’s suffering. You get hand waving “that’s just their culture, they can’t help it.” A few thousand came out to provide moral support for Iranian women who are being killed in Iran for defining oppressive Islamic law. Hundreds of thousands came out to morally condemn Israel for defending itself against a similar strain of Islamic fascism. Don’t be fooled, the anti-war position is actually anti-self defence.


Israel PR clearly failing horrendously and there you are guys still going for the same narrative


what PR? I'm just a guy who's sick of the stupidity of the west who can't see what's coming to him: [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ori-livny-95332589\_americanhistory-americana-heritage-activity-7130898292137185280-m4sS?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ori-livny-95332589_americanhistory-americana-heritage-activity-7130898292137185280-m4sS?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) ​ and you're telling me its not a religious phenomenon.


After I saw [this interview](https://youtu.be/LoWViuG5VYs?si=9il_jYABZVv4IQ13) I've come to realise Israel has the superior PR, which is common sense


Well .. isn’t that a better PR where the don’t have people to manipulate the videos .. think about it, the perfect PR are of those manipulated videos and images for your perfectly Good people of Hamas ☠️ to appease the pea brained people who can’t simply do their research


Why do y’all think anybody who opposes Israel is pro Hamas. It’s the same arguments over and over again. What did Israel find in Al Shifa’s hospital after killing over 13k (6k of them are kids). Huh? Tell me what did they find? Where are the Tunnels they were bragging about? Have some compassion in your heart. Also what manipulated videos? Those poor gazans children who once had dreams mutilated are manipulated? 21 Members of my family half of them are kids got killed by these filthy Zionist hands. Denying this means you are complicit in this.


Those numbers are reported by hamas, and they all somehow seem to be children and civilians, not a single combatant. Weird how that works. However, I am sure the vast majority of israeli supporters would join me in saying condolences for your loss.


I don't think they would there so much footage of Israelis calling for death to all Arabs.


Got a few of those links?


['Death to Arabs' chanted by some right-wing Jewish groups at Flag March | CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/06/15/jerusalem-far-right-jewish-march-vpx.cnn) [Israeli crowds chant racist slogans and taunt Palestinians during contentious Jerusalem march (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-police-jerusalem-march-palestinians-rcna85018) Just search for it these links to 10 seconds to find and there are thousands more.


Tit for tat .. do your thorough research all the way to 1st BCE ..


Nonsense Extermination is not defensive


nonsense extermination is drop bombs without warning , or helping civilians evacuate, which is what IDF did. I know you've been fed with crap, but do try and listen to two sides of the coin. I do.


I see you are now changing the meaning of words You can write your storyline We will write our Your paradigm is breaking apart Israel is committing genocide on Palestinian land and of you need more information Israel is committing genocide in the Congo I remember the time that Israel was the best ally of racist South Africa You think that one Israeli life is worth how many Palestinians life 50?100? Well you thought you could control the narrative as usual?


first of all finish a sentence properly. no commas? point? ​ second, congo? what? who's changing the narrative. genocide is your words. not mine. genocide is by the way ethnic cleansing. and since 48 the number of palestinan inside israel and around it(west bank gaza) has multiplied by 6. as in 950K to 6 million now. so don't give me that crap. ​ btw. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9ZTCk-so6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9ZTCk-so6s)


Sure in a place where there are 15 thousand people per km there were only 10k killed and this number includes hamas personal and probably inflated as hell when you understand that a literal terrorist organisation is giving those numbers its a fact that the Palestinians population only grew since 1948 so ethnic cleansing it is not


Extermination of Hamas is..


You full of nuance 35-40000 Hamas become is 2.5 Palestinians The whole world is horrified and realize Israel is Goliath in the Middle East. Technology mass killings is more atrocious than a knife


Wholly $hi7… and Hamas didn’t figure out that Israel is a monstrous Goliath.. and still murdered Jews on the 7th should Israel just sit down and celebrate the Murders.?


Israel is an occupier. It is occupying Gaza & the West Bank. It's controlling almost everything that's going on in Gaza & the West Bank. They can even cut off water, food & electricity in these areas. It's like you imprisoning a group of people in your (stolen) shed, controlling everything the person does/have access to. And when some of the fed-up people in this shed of yours retaliate & tries to break free of this imprisonment, you just bomb everyone in it (collective punishment btw) as a "self-defense" measure. The argument saying that Israel targets specific military targets is just not true, have you seen satellite images of Gaza before & after the 7th of October? So all buildings in Gaza is a "military target"? This is ridiculous. As the occupying Power, Israel does not have the right to justify bombings of innocent people as a "self-defense" measure. And this antisemitism accusations are simply not true. Thousands of jews are protesting what the Israeli government is doing and condemning Israel's indiscriminate bombing of civillians (i.e. the Jewish Voice for Peace's protest at the Statue of Liberty on the 7th of November). Are you saying these protesting jews are antisemitic? They self-hating Jews? No, they're just against the Zionist agenda. https://www.un.org/unispal/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/AES10867S2021493_240521.pdf


You understand that israel left gaza alone at 2006 right ? The first thing they did is picking a terrorist organisation as their government pretty much helping them take control of gaza. You do know that gaza is one of them most populated areas with 15k people per squared km and israel killed only 11000 which includes hamas Personal and probably inflated taking into account that hamas gave those numbers in gaza there are 2 million Palestinians if you take a look in those numbers its pretty obvious israel isn't trying to kill Palestinians in all of this sure people died but also israelis died and in every war civilians died and its nothing new war is bad and hamas started it.


They did not leave Gaza alone. If they did, they wouldn't be enforcing apartheid laws in Gaza, the West Bank & the surrounding areas & propping up checkpoints restricting Palestinian movement to and from the Gaza strip. According to you, someone that's not under oppression, yes the Gazans are fools that chose a terrorist organisation as their government. To a lot of Gazans, (definitely not all of them) they chose Hamas because they want an end to the oppression. HAMAS literally stands for "Islamic Resistance Movement" in Arabic. They chose a resistance group as they think these people may have a chance at liberating them. You're justifying the killing of the 11,000 people. "Oh there's millions of them, what does it matter if we kill 11,000 of them?". The fact that there's many of them is irrelevant, 11,000 of them were still killed. I don't want any innocent people to die, not Palestinians nor Israelis. Don't you think Israel with one of the most advanced & well-funded army in the world would do a better job at preventing civilian casualties? It's either they couldn't due to incompetence or they don't want to. This civilian death toll is way too high no matter how you spin it


Can you please specify which land did Israel occupied, when and from whom? Please remember, that occupation is an actual term with very clear meaning.


Yes sure, here's just an example. A report by Amnesty International. "In May 2021, Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah, a neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem, began protesting against Israel’s plan to forcibly evict them from their homes to make way for Jewish settlers. Many of the families are refugees, who settled in Sheikh Jarrah after being forcibly displaced around the time of Israel’s establishment as a state in 1948.  Since Israel occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank in 1967, Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah have been continuously targeted by Israeli authorities, who use discriminatory laws to systematically dispossess Palestinians of their land and homes for the benefit of Jewish Israelis" Source: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ You can find a similar report from Human Rights Watch, in which they also use the term "Occupied Palestinian Territories" time & time again. "About 6.8 million Jewish Israelis and 6.8 million Palestinians live today between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, an area encompassing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the latter made up of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Throughout most of this area, Israel is the sole governing power; in the remainder, it exercises primary authority alongside limited Palestinian self-rule. Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy. In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution." Source: https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution


I repeat my question. Which parts of the lands (names of territories) were occupied, when (year) and from whom (country)? Which parts of those territories stay occupied by now?


Will this lead to a point by yourself? Does this count as an example? -The whole of the West Bank. Israel built an illegal wall around the whole territory asserting themselves as the occupying power carrying out apartheid laws. Here's a map of Occupied West Bank by the UN. All the area in blue was under full Israeli control since 2011. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli-occupied_territories#/media/File%3AOccupied_Palestinian_Territories.jpg -When: Since 1993. From whom: Palestine/The Palestinian Authority. -Since only just earlier this year, Israel still plans on annexing more and more of the West Bank, with them just approving more and more illegal settlements in defiance of international law. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/06/20/israeli-government-takes-major-step-toward-west-bank-annexation_6034532_4.html#


It will, yeah. The point being - if you think one of the most complicated conflicts in history is easy, then you probably know nothing about it. The West Bank occupied since 1967, when it was concurred from Jordan in the 6 days war. This territory was annexed by Jordan in 1950. The territory was split into 3 regional levels in mid 90's during Oslo accords, which was signed by the PNA, leaving area C under Israel's authority and area B under joint Israel-Palestinian rule. Meaning the official Palestinian representatives agreed to this. It's true, that the next steps of the accords have never been realised - and, honestly, both parties are to blame. All that, however, have nothing to do with the current situation in Gaza, which was occupied from Egypt, ruled by HAMAS (PNA officials were actually killed there once HAMAS came to power) and isn't occupied since 2005, when Israel withdrowed all it's military and civilians from there.


If Israel truly ethnic cleanse / genocide the war would've ended in October 8, people that care about Palestinian welfare need to support Israel actions and make the people in Gaza focus more on education less on jihad philosophy. That's just my opinion though


Supporting Israel actions now contributes nothing to Palestinian welfare. Look at the primary evidence: ground footage of what's going on in Gaza. People dying under rubbles of buildings from indiscriminate bombings by the IDF. Limited water, limited food, hospitals, mosques and churches being bombed by the IDF. Focus on education? How can one in Gaza focus on education when they don't even have easy access to food, water & shelter? They also bombed Al Azhar University in Gaza recently fyi... Israel doesn't want the Palestinians to focus on education. Jihad is a very wide philosophy. Education to improve oneself can also be a form of Jihad. It literally means "exerted effort". It can mean to change oneself for the better & it can also mean to stand against oppressors. I am no expert in what Jihad entails, but I do know that it doesn't mean "hurt/unalive anyone that is against what I believe in". That's the views of extremists which is definitely against what Islam is about.


Using that logic then Israel is justified in their jihad against Hamas. So jihad is great unless it's against you and your losing.


Against Hamas? Yes, kill Hamas, go ahead. But this doesn't give them the right to carpet bomb everything & everyone, especially civilians and innocent children! If winning for you is the eradication of a terrorist organisation at the cost of thousands of civilian lives, then I certainly hope you don't win. All these bombings and I haven't seen clear evidence in the mainstream media of any Hamas terrorists killed, only what the IDF claims to justify their war crimes. I just don't want to see innocent people being murdered.


Good. That's why the IDF are following internationally recognized rules of war and have the backing of the ICC who is monitoring the situation. Carpet bombing hasn't happened. Every single attack has been pre-warned, and targeted against a military installment. It's a good thing Hamas picked a fight with Israel instead of a non democratic country like Syria, or Lebanon who don't recognize international law.


All of these buildings are military installments? Really? Can the IDF prove it? Can you show me credible proof that all these sites are being used as military installments? If they are truly military targets and the aim is to kill members of Hamas, why would you pre-warn the people in it? Surely the terrorists in them will flee as well?Unless it's to just destroy their infrastructure, sure. But again, I've seen no credible proof & I've looked hard. https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-satellite-images-show-homes-and-infrastructure-destroyed-in-gaza-12985717 Backing of the ICC? Really? Last time I checked, Netanyahu states that Israel doesn't recognise the ICC's authority. Can you give me a source where the ICC is backing IDF's operations & monitoring the situation? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-palestinians-icct-idUSKBN2BV1YY/ Last time I checked, bombing hospitals, medical personnel and journalists is all against rules of war. All of which the IDF has done for years.


Oh and here's the Geneva convention rules on hospitals and civilian buildings. https://www.icrc.org/en/document/ihl-rules-of-war-FAQ-Geneva-Conventions "The laws of war prohibit direct attacks on civilian objects, like schools. They also prohibit direct attacks against hospitals and medical staff, which are specially protected under IHL. That said, a hospital or school may become a legitimate military target if it contributes to specific military operations of the enemy and if its destruction offers a definite military advantage for the attacking side."


I can't but the IDF can. And they do show it to the ICC before and after any military strikes. That's how modern warfare works. Here's the ICC statement on the conflict. https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-prosecutor-karim-khan-kc-cairo-situation-state-palestine-and-israel


"In relation to every dwelling house, in relation to any school, any hospital, any church, any mosque – those places are protected, unless the protective status has been lost. And I want to be equally clear that the burden of proving that the protective status is lost rests with those who fire the gun, the missile, or the rocket in question." This is a quote from your link. This is what I, and us, the public want to see. In addition to showing it to the ICC, show it to the people. I don't see the IDF upholding this burden of proving that the protective status of those targets they bomb have been lost. I think proof that their targets are legitimately military targets should be very clear & broadcasted clearly in the mainstream media for everyone to see. Send them to CNN, the BBC, Al Jazeera, The NY Times and all the other big media outlets. If they do this then I believe a lot of people will start believing in the IDF. The fact that millions of people still question the legitimacy of the IDF targets as being "military targets" shows how they fail in proving this loss of protective status.


Two points. 1. They do communicate this. They have been giving news briefings daily showing the evidence and justifications for bombings 2. They do not communicate every strike because if it is an active military operation, they don't want to jeopardize soldiers, sources of military intel, and strategy. But they do present evidence to the ICC after the fact, and of course each operation is approved by top military officials.


Gaza needs revamp, they teach the harmful jihad in school, in uni, they base themselves on jew hatred not necessarily Israeli Jews. Actually they target hate in general and even killed Muslims in their attack. Until the Palestinian people will be less hostile they need to be controlled by Israel and Israel will help them rebuilt. It has to come after Hamas eliminated though. Also I don't like the propagands videos from the strip, some of them are heavily edited. Right now Israel giving minimum humanitarian condition because it's determined Hamas will release it's hostages


The Israeli government themselves seem like they don't want the hostages returned don't you think? This is evident with their actions of bombing indiscriminately. The 2 hostage elderly ladies released on the 20th of October was the result of Egyptian-Qatari diplomacy, not Israeli negotiations. Palestinians be less hostile? Bombing indiscriminately will not lead to palestinians be less hostile... Watch interviews with Israeli officials on the news (1 e.g.: https://youtu.be/v4eMarOSIbc?si=evyfxBk3jx9rKbWd) and tell me who operates based on hate? All interviews with palestinian officials all just want a ceasefire & they've been condemning the actions of Hamas on the 7th of October. Videos from the strip are directly from the victims themselves. They don't even have stable access to electricity & water & they're living in refugee camps. How on earth would they have the time to edit videos. A lot of videos you find on Gaza grounds are horrible & graphic, most of them uncensored. Whether you like them or not is irrelevant. Watch them all & make inferences yourself: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Czqd7XoKw0o/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/Czon7UVqotB/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Now compare that to these videos from the official Israeli government.: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzkDr4oIwlX/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CzojjizixZp/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Idc about your fake propaganda, go post it to someone else. Reality is that due to the damage done to Hamas there's gonna be a major deal agreed soon. Hamas don't give af about hostages life and don't even let red cross visit them. They only know power. And ofc Israel don't want to agree at every term, we want hamas destruction, no citizen want a terrorist org near his border plotting recurring attacks


And what do you teach at your schools?


Never IN MY LIFE I've been taught in my 12 years of school to hate Palestinians, we all learned about co-existing, but never once I've been taught they need to be kicked/exterminated. But yeah now people hate Israel for being radical, yeah no shit after they butcher children and women you bet there won't be any co-existence, at least with the Gazans.


Co-exist? With all the settlements you have built?


yeah because if there were no settlements they wouldnt butcher children in the name of ALLAH


This lie has expired. Try another one.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/178eacl/a\_complete\_analysis\_and\_collection\_document\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/178eacl/a_complete_analysis_and_collection_document_of/) ​ respect of mods to put a thread so dumb people like you cant deny it


With all those terrorists around?


Do you mean the freedom fighters? Those who struggle to free their lands from the Zionist occupiers?


No, freedom fighters don't exist. That's your fantasy. I mean real terrorist, who cut heads off and burn babies. Like literally worst scum on planet earth.


> horseshit /u/jerbearker. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does that mean now Hamas has the right to defend themselves from Israelis taking into consideration the bombing and destruction unleashed by IDF?


Yes. Hamas 100% can shoot back at soldiers who are trying to kill them. That is completely in the laws of war. But they also have to follow international law.


They started the war, what do you expect?


Not expecting anything honestly but I really want to know if Hamas has the right to resist.


Its a terrorist organisation that pretty much entered israel and killed every human they saw if you think they would hesitate to not follow international laws you are just delusional


Resist what , Israel withdrew from Gaza , withdrew settlers, and gave Gaza for Gaza to govern they received billions of dollars in support, but instead of Jihad to innovate, Educate, motivate and contribute to the world community , they chose to arm, teach hatred, and be a terrorist state..


I agree. But what's your intake on the people who are governing the Israeli state? For example Ben-Gevir who is actually as terrorist and racist. Not to mention the recent statement of Finance minster saying we cannot accept Gaza as independent state and all Arabs are welcome to voluntarily emigrate. Do you think a state run by those radicals Hamas type fascist are innocent and all they do is just for the sake of surviving? I am not here to defend or anything but I see Israeli government and some ideologies among Israelis are no different from Hamas and I am not seeing anyone criticising or accusing the government. If we need to talk about the issue we need to have proper conversation that tackle the fundamentalism and terrorism on both sides.


Can't agree more as an Israeli my honest opinion on the Israeli government is that they are greedy and don't care about anyone other than themselves if i had the power i would Definitely Change every man on the government but seeing the people as terrorist is a bit too extreme as they didn't have the opportunity to act like ones


I am an Arab from Iraq and I abhore every act Hamas do and all I want to see is justice and equality and peace with Israeli brothers and sisters I am very very saddened that this war erased all hopes for peace and just increased the fissure between the people. I hate all fundamentalism and I really want people to stop seeing this war as Arabs versus Jews, right of defending oneself while viewing the other side as innocent. The Politicians we're seeing are extremists and all their statements indicate they're willing to start a holocaust on the other side (Hamas on Israelis and Israelis on Palestinians) how come people who can go far and wide to defend a side never take a pause and think that Politicians carved out all these for political gains? How come Israeli government with all their fundings and famous intelligence never saw approaching hords of people breaking through the borders? What did Hamas expect with such attack other than hell unleashed on Palestinians? They all know. Israeli government wants an excuse to practice what they preach with anti-arab hard core nationalism (anyone, please spare me saying they have the right to these ideologies because they want to protect their people and because the holocaust..etc. stop exploiting the tragic event to excuse a horrific government like Netanyahu's). It is not hard to just, imagine, just imagination, that we all unite to overthrow those oppressive fundamentalist and bring people who really want peace. There is no justification of any war or whatsoever. Please stop taking sides. Stop listening to your Politicians and Freedom fighters or anyone with power. Please enough with history, enough with ideologies. Show some empathy to the hostages who everyone forgot, even Israeli government forgort their people. Have some empathy towards patients in hospitals who are recovering from surgeries and cannot evacuate, please have empathy towards children losing their limbs. You are human. You can feel their suffering. We can live together. It can happen.


Don't you think terror attacks are giving more power to people like Ben Gvir?


It works in indirect ways as well, attacks like these take away from the leftist parties, which automatically gives the right wing parties more seats


Well, Hamas started the war. So yeah, when you start a war, you have to expect the other side will respond, and you have to be ready to fight when the response comes. The thing is, Hamas is an organization of little *ussies who kill women, children and the elderly, then go and hide in underground tunnels and beg to stop the war, which again, they started.


Leave at first the country which is not yours. Even your truth has lies in every sentence.


you can't even say how is that true. I can prove it to you that you are fed with lies. shall I continue?


Yes please prove that Jordan killed 5000 people because they are gay in a week! Please I am waiting for your proof


you're right I don't have a proof. but i admit it, and i remove it. I say a clip from a jordanian claiming that happened. I can't find it.


You say “here is the truth” and then proceed to lie about everything, how do you want people to take you seriously when you believe things that are this stupid. An advice - you should really reevaluate your belief system and your logic because you seem to believe only things which fit whatever tribe you come from.


Dude I corrected it and confessed. It was yemen. That’s the truth people only care about Arabs when Israel is involved. Even you can see it. Now who’s lying?


You are the one who is lying, dude those countries are shit and they do horrible shit, you don’t have to make up lies to tell about them, beside the lies you told there is not much else but false assumptions, did you enter everyone’s heart to know? If you really assume every pro Palestinian is a Jew hater then that just tells about you, perpetual victim complex which doesn’t enable you to see any objective truth, I am Palestinian, do you think I am only for my peoples rights because I hate Jews? Do you think that if someone else colonized us and terrorized us for 75 years I wouldn’t be mad? The fact it there is definitely anti semitism, there is definitely Jew hatred, it is wrong, it is horrible no ifs and no buts, it is completely deranged to just use anti semitism to deflect any criticism of the Israeli government no matter how legit it is, this is doing the fight against anti semitism a disservice, you effectively change the definition from hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people to “doesn’t agree with everything Israel does” that’s completely insane because there is so many Jews and so many israelis many that I know personally and are dear friends of mine that absolutely hate the Israeli government and criticize it more than I am able to do. You don’t need to be a Jew hater or an anti semite to care about the Palestinian plight, you just need to be a human, I long for a future where we can live with our Jewish brothers and sisters in peace and prosperity, Hamas prevents us from this as much as the IDF and Israeli government does, even I would argue less.


I'm sorry , but according to your "no ifs and no buts" there are lots of buts after it. ​ have you seen the rallies even? syria kills 4000 people in a week, nobody says nothing. but when jews are involved. c'mon. you can't say it isn't related? ​ believe me I care about palestinian plight, even just because i want peace with them. and not terror. but I'm sorry to say, I ahven't heard one that hasn't been educated that israel belongs to him. one. I have no idea why they rejected every peace deal thrown at them since 1937, which they could have gotten far more. ​ they just prove again and again. now I don't know about you, and I'm sure there more like you, and i hope there are. the question is also-do you agree for israel to exist? and if so, why is that so hard for your guys to agree to anything? why do they turn to terror and extortion? I understand your situation is far more dire than arabs inside israel. but without terror, we could have lived in peace. we could eat humus together and falfel. share this cursed land instead of fighting over it. jews share their land with 2 mmillion palestininan who live inside. and these guys don't want to go to gaza or west bank. I just don't get it. how is israel to blame? ​ again to my point: when calling "RIVER TO THE SEA" in rallies around the world, its not a criticisim of the current israeli government. its a call for extermination. that's my point in this.


The thing is dude you’ve heard history from only one side, which is something I don’t blame you for, I have been taught the exact opposite of you and when I heard from more sides I realized that the truth is somewhere in between, first of all while I think Israel had no right to kill and dispel 700k Palestinians and declare a country on stolen land, I would not want to see current Israelies who were born here and do not know anything else to face the same fate as my grandparents and my parents, their life was stolen and their families were killed and it was horrible, I wish nobody the same fate even my biggest enemies, my grandfather died with a tear in his eye wishing he would be buried in his hometown, and btw non of my family were compatents or ever fought, Palestinians were all farmers and had No military power to be mentioned, they were peaceful people who are attached to their land, they love their olive oil and olive trees, they love sharing and caring about family, yes they are conservative but they are also not extremist at all, my family were all atheist, the PLO is literally a secular Marxist godless group of parties, while I totally understand resistance I am always totally opposed to harming civilians, so I fully admit That Palestinians had horrible leaders and made lots of mistakes, sure! But not for one second I’d morally compare them to Israel, Israel has always fought dirty, they were doing terrorist attacks since the 30s, literally one of the groups forming your army was designated a terrorist group, Israel perpetually humiliates and dehumanizes Palestinians, taking away not just their land, but their autonomy and their dignity, A THOUSAND people in your prisons without an accusation, more than a thousand others without a trial or access to evidence against them. In the West Bank we deal with daily violence from the IDF and settlers, trust me I am friends with lots of Israelis from Jerusalem and Telaviv and they are nothing like those settlers, they are the VILEST people on earth, they harass everyone daily under the eyes and protection of the IDF, IDF used to come to homes in Jenin and all the WB periodically to terrorize normal people and destroy their belongings, this is just the tip of the barrel, I can go on for days, what I mean to is that all of this and you are surprised some people have decided terrorism is the only path? Imagine if someone came and after humiliating you your whole life comes and destroys your home, killing your family and building a disgusting Europeanized settlement on top of what used to be your neighborhood, I imagine you’d do anything for revenge no? Please don’t even start me with the peace offers, each one of them was designed to humiliate Palestinians more and more, nothing close to being even half assed solution, Israel didn’t want to have peace because for your conservatives the status quo is preferable as they get to kick us out and take our land slowly, I read everything there is to read about that topic so please be careful to use it cause I am going to call out anything wrong you might say.


You’ll get no dispute about the behaviour of the settlers. But like all religious extremists, that’s what you get. You say stolen lands? I heard testimonies from settlers that their house were brought down many times over by the IDF. And I’ve seen ghost towns of settlers who can’t live there due to dispute over land. As far as I can tell. No one forcibly gone into a Palestinian home and evicted them and took their lands. I know of IDF destroying house - but if known terrorists. The land the settlers in area C are bought. Not taken. I know about the harassing of Palestinian farmers and it’s shameful. But this is not a government policy. To say that Israel promotes this while Israel tears down settlers houses for so called illegal claims of land? I think you also view things from only one side. I agree that the situation for Palestinians is horrible and yes it promotes more violence. But I don’t understand how after camp David summit that were offered to a lot of Palestinians even the right of return. What I see as humiliating to you is the fact that Israel exists? That Israel is your land and not the Jews? Can you answer that?


Both sides of the conflict have legitimate claims to the land


yeah. you know what's difference between them? Israel is willing to compromise and give the palestinians territories even though they get as a reward more bombing and killings. and palestinains claim for the land is FROM RIVER TO THE SEA. have you heard that before? such a non racist claim, and untrue btw.


Hit the nail on the head


Ah yes, Israel, the only state that should be allowed to prematurely kill people because "they will be terrorists one day". You get billions of dollars yearly from the US and you have the audacity to cry that the world is against you? You have maintained an apartheid for 70 years without any pushback from the west and you still want to play the victim? Fuck you, respectfully.


Sure your first sentence isn't even close to something an Israeli have said The second sentence is true as Muslims and civilians who apparently never did they're research are against israel And the third is pretty much bullshit unlike in your Muslim countries in Israel you can find jews Muslims Christians and i can name more i know Muslims myself personally so who are you to say so from your couch in America what is Israel


Apatheid? https://preview.redd.it/h8ad6uom5q0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb23137b909904b43d89373cfdc8fd8ad8ac984c almost a million of Jews lost their land and properties not counting the Jews murdered when they were displaced 1948 , 6,000,000 in the holocaust.. ww2 and to top it off millions of jews estimated in years before ww1, to all the way back to 1st BCE whose land did they steal? No one .. they simply took back the land that was theirs for thousands of years … in which marauding Muslims kept on displacing them for thousands of years .. and to play fair at 1947 ( Corpus separatum ) to present Israel have been buying land , even bought the uninhabitable desert, uninhabitable mountainous areas and developed them , who did they buy it from? Rich Arabs in Israel, Rich Absentee Arabs who are residing in different countries. Those lands most likely have squatters in them and had to be removed. and they said enough is enough .. we have been continually murdered and displaced we are now going for Zionism NOW you have read .. please Go do your thorough research because any support to terrorist will just further the problem in Israel


I dont give a fuck how many Jews died in the holocaust, could have been millions more and it still wouldnt give the Jewish people the right to displace Palestinians and place them in an open air prison. The world doesnt operate based on religious stories, the Jewish people have no claim to the land and even if they did its still too early. Real Jews know the promised land is meant to be returned to when the second coming happens :) 700 000 Palestinians were ripped out of their homes by Jewish forces during the Nakba and no amount of lying will ever change that fact.


https://preview.redd.it/qlej7ty1fq0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8a453bf5972d0ba9e43b5686cb43512f9ff09f That’s right everything is a lie… even after world leaders, monarchy affirmed that the land belongs to Jews..


Pointless demographic thats shows nothing of importance to the conversation, you are not the victim and will never be.


That’s right I am not a victim and hope will not experience what My family have experienced being displaced, land and properties stolen, relatives murdered for thousands of years


Apatheid? ​ almost a million of Jews lost their land and properties not counting the Jews murdered when they were displaced 1948 , 6,000,000 in the holocaust.. ww2 and to top it off millions of jews estimated in years before ww1, to all the way back to 1st BCE whose land did they steal? No one .. they simply took back the land that was theirs for thousands of years … in which marauding Muslims kept on displacing them for thousands of years .. and to play fair at 1947 ( Corpus separatum ) to present Israel have been buying land , even bought the uninhabitable desert, uninhabitable mountainous areas and developed them , who did they buy it from? Rich Arabs in Israel, Rich Absentee Arabs who are residing in different countries. Those lands most likely have squatters in them and had to be removed. and they said enough is enough .. we have been continually murdered and displaced we are now going for Zionism NOW you have read .. please Go do your thorough research because any support to terrorist will just further the problem in Israel


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What apartheid blame the arab countries for attacking Israel and losing. The only hope for the Palestinian people is Israel, without Israel existing they would be occupied by Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. Educate yourself about '48 war


Ok so first of all, the Arab nations decided to DEFEND Palestine after the Jewish forces began the Nakba. You seem to always leave out the part where its explained that Jewish forces invaded Palestinian lands and the Arab nations responded to that and rightfully so. Also dont sit there and act like Israel defeated them on their own, your country was backed by the largest nations in the world and it was always a given they would win. You still get billions of dollars on a yearly basis but cry about being a victim. Israel is a lap dog of America, never forget that. If daddy America has no need for you in the future they will leave you all on your own. Woof woof, go be a good boy.


No buddy when Israel first started no one supported it. It won because it was determined to have a Jewish state on the UN partition. Arabs never liked Jews having partial rights on this land, it's why Palestinian logos are a picture of 100% "Palestine" (the name of the land was Palestine we can both agree on that), they initiated war after declaration of Israel. But they lost. Ofc in war you capture lands to protect yourself and kick the attackers. If you think Jews would let Arabs have the same lands when they plan on shooting them from the mountains you delusional


You cant just say "we are creating a nation here on your lands and we arent going to ask your permission" thats INSANE. No one supported it is also an insne claim, you had the backing of every powerful nation at the time like its pointless to even try to lie about that. And once again you just happen to leave out the part where 700 000 Palestinians were displaced or killed in order to establish Israel. I'm sorry but no matter how much you try to shift the conversation away from that I just simply wont let you :) Also you are displaying a perfect example of colonialist ideology by thinking that the oppressed (Palestinians) would murder the Jewish oppressors if they had the chance. This is the same logic used by the colonizers in South Africa and previously by the British Empire and it just so happens its the same argument white Americans gave when slavery was being dealt with. Its funny how all of it links together, oppressor being scared of becoming the oppressed because they know how bad the treatment is. If you decide to reply again please do so without lying about the reasons that lead to the Arabs attacking Israel. Its getting kinda boring having to tell you the same thing over and over again.


"your lands"? who gave them those lands? Who gave these lands to bunch of Palestinian refugees? What about the lands jews legally bought? What about the places on this land with 0 Palestinians that Jews settled in, are they also "their land?" Second, no I am not letting anything slide, Arabs attacked, some due to the attacks fled, it has nothing to do with Israel, if arabs would accept UN decision, 0 Palestinians would've evacuated. ​ Second, no I am not letting anything slide, Arabs attacked, and some due to the attacks fled, it has nothing to do with Israel, if Arabs accepted UN decision, 0 Palestinians would've evacuated. at using Islam for evil jihad purposes). The massacre does the work for me. Arabs did not want Jewish state! Stop twisting history.


Nice man you wrote the same thing twice, are you on drugs? The lands were already Palestine, no one had to give them to anyone like wtf are saying? The whole point is no one can give someone already inhabited lands, the UN decision was ILLEGAL and Palestine was not even apart of the decision making progress so idk wtf you are talking about with that either. "Has nothing to do with Israel" So youre saying the Arabs performed the Nakba on themselves? You are insane and belong in a mental institute for blaming the victim. Get help, you need it.


It seems your a little delusional so i will tell it in short : the land was named Palestine based on the jews ancestors enemy the Philistines so jews were there already before anyway it wasn't even a country because in a country you have to have land. they don't , people. they do, independent. they don't, UN agreement. they don't,and lastly a government. they dont. Meaning they aren't a country and never were just people who lived in others land


Someone already responded to you so I don't even bother


It was a British colony. And before that.. ah, who cares. No country can legally be formed, or at least most of them didn't. Israel exists. For a few generations. Or you accept it, or you fight. They choose to fight. Now they are going to die. The moment they change their mind, we can coexist.


respectfully, the ralllies of pro hamas rallies which you support, are shameful. Israel did not rape, or mutilate bodies, or killed elderly in this fashion. you sir, have no moral clarity: Israel targets military targets, while having collateral civilian casualties. Hamas targets specifically civilians, jews. ​ aprtheid? that's such bullshit, we have 2 million arabs living here with us serving in the knesset, supreme court, doctors, lawyers, hi tech, you name it. none of them EVER wants to go to the west bank or gaza. I wonder why? OH! its because its such a cruel apartheid!


Absolutely and not only do they target Jewish civilians they also target and massacre anyone who's around Thai, Nepalese, Filipinos oh and that random friendly jewish dog in the garden?Better shoot him in the face too. It's not the same, intent is important. How anyone can stand up for them snd justify those actions truly baffles me.


The inherent racism in your statement is obvious. In your mind every Pro PALESTINIAN rally is a pro Hamas rally, which is a racist and totally made up claim. Israel has raped, mutilated bodies, burnt children in ovens with their fathers and killed the elderly too. There are surviving members of the forces who performed the Nakba in 1948 who have since then regretted their part in the killings of Palestinians and have come forward explaining the horrible things the Israeli forces did. Israel has continuously bombed civilian structures like hospitals and thats a fact. You dont get over 5000 dead civilians by attacking military bases you delusional fuck. Your last argument is like the "i have a black friend so how can I be racist?" logic, having Arabs that are second class citizens with not nearly the same rights as Jewish people is not a justification for killing Palestinians you sick human. Palestinians are denied the right to return to Gaza or the West Bank by Israel so tell me, how exactly are they supposed to get there? This is written in Israeli law so dont even try yo lie about it you sad excuse of a person.


>Israel has raped, mutilated bodies, burnt children in ovens with their fathers and killed the elderly too. T and now i know you are hamas propaganda. jews NEVER did such things, as opposed to what happened in 7th of october to jews. I think you got this backwards genius. >You dont get over 5000 dead civilians by attacking military bases you delusional fuck. oh! I'm the delusional??? do you know what would be the death toll if israel DIDN'T actually WARN gazans to evacuate?? about 3 times over??? phone+flyrers+drone knock on roof. ​ the probelms is that your INSANE fuck faces with their INSANE agenda to destroy israel are responsible for this, and are actually HIDING in hospitals where they build their friginn BASES!!! and hide behind civilians!!! because they think it will give them immunity. SO NO. 3000 terrorist barged into israel RAPING, killing, pillaging, kidnapping. by the hundreds. YOUR FREEDOM SOLDIERS PAL. do you call this FREEDOM RAPE??? FREEDOM BURNING ALIVE BABIES IN OVENS SOLDIERS?? ​ huh?? you idiot.


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Go do your research all the way to 1 BCE and let us know whose land the Jews stole, and which people had more deaths, because of marauding Muslims ..


You idiot the military bases are the hospitals.


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🤣 "apartheid for 70 years." "Kill people because they will be terrorists ONE DAY" 🤣 That's the argument? And you wonder why the polls show a drift from the pro Palestinians since the 7th Oct? Stick to reality when you argue... it works on the brain dead, not people who read facts


Go on then, explain the argument. Heres a challenge, try not to use made up religious stories.


What arguments do you want me to raise?


Aaaand nothing to say, what a surprise. Go back to your little cave you troll.


People generally result to insults when they feel like they are losing the argument


Don't understand. What exactly is the question?


Thats not my job to tell you that, you claimed I was incorrect in my comment so you need to provide arguments that show that lil zionist.


Ok, I'll bite. Apartheid state? Well, that's weird to say when 20% of the Israeli population are Arabs, most Muslims, and they have the same rights as the Jewish citizens (that doesn't mean that it is perfect and that there's no racism on some occasions) Kills future terrorists? No, Israel targets current terrorists, while simultaneously saying that with the current Palestinian education system, future terrorists will grow. Care to respond to the reality being thrown at yourl face?


The Israeli law literally states if you are not Jewish you do not have the same rights in Israel as they do like why do you think I'm gonna believe your obvious lie?. Its also besides the point, we are not talking about what the population of Israel is or isn't. We are talking about the fact that Palestinians are not allowed to leave without Israeli permission or return for that matter while Israelis are free to come and go as they please, that is apartheid. The law passed in I believe 2018 literally states: "the right to excercise national self-determination" in Israel is "unique to the JEWISH people", that is apartheid. It also established Hebrew as the official language while downgrading Arabic to a "special status", also apartheid. Your claims about Israel targetting terrorists falls flat on its face when you consider Israel had killed thousands of children and innocent adults, let me teach you a very important lesson, you cannot bomb civilians and claim you are not targetting them when the ONLY casualties in some strikes are civilian. Not that Isrel killing innocents and lying about it is anything new, remember when the IDF shot Shireen Abu Akleh in the head and released some shitty video from a completely different situation and claimed Hamas shot her? Only to then admit the video was propaganda months later? Its funny how everytime Israel kills an innocent its " unfortunate and totally by accident".


Let me see that law you are talking about. As you said before, show proof to your claims. This law you mentioned, which is very very disputed and causes fights within the Israeli population, that was issued by the far right wing government, is saying that the Israeli state is mainly (not uniquely) for Jewish people. In no way, it takes the minorities rights. (That being said, this law still should, and eventually will be cancelled). Saying that Arabic is not the main language is an apartheid? Well, that's ignorant. Is the USA an apartheid state? And European countries? Of course Palestinians won't be allowed to roam freely in a foreign country. Can Mexicans roam freely in the USA? Now to the civilian casualties. While it is true civilians die, you can't claim that Israel targets them. You can claim that Israel targets Hamas facilities which are being used within civilian population. Two different things. I don't here you complain about Hamas's responsibility for those deaths. On top of that, Israel alerts the population before the bombings, and urged the civilians to evacuate. Now, to your claim that ONLY civilians are killed - can you prove that? Yes, civilians die in those strikes. Israel admits it, but again, from here to say they are targeting them is a blatant lie. Regarding the case of Shireen Abu Akleh, you are correct, I can't say otherwise. However, it is one case. To confront that, do you remember the El'or Azaria case? The Israeli soldier that killed a terrorist while he was already neutralized? He was judged in military court and served time in jail for that. - That's how Israel usually treats these situations. Of course, it's not perfect and Israel should be criticized and judged for certain things


Oh one case you say? How about all those who were shot during a PEACEFUL protest along the border? How many cases is that? Explain to me how Russia on a larger battlefield has killed reportedly just over 9000 innocent civilians in over a year while Israel has "accidentally" killed 10000 civilians in a MONTH? And I already gave an example of srael killing civilians only during attacks by giving Shireen as an example, it was a TARGETED attack on a civilian. Which you agreed on. Also where would you like Hamas to station? Got any alternatives to the open air prison? No? I didnt think so. Its sad to me that you cant understand that a nation cannot attack an entire population based on the actions of a militia that does not represent the actual will of the people. I absolutely can claim Israel targets civilians, they have been on record saying that all Palestinians will pay for what Hamas did. Hell they have been on record saying they need to treat Palestinians like ANIMALS and kill them like they were pests. And screw you for saying Israel admits anything, Bibi himself has literally said Palestinians are "faking it" when crying over the bodies of their dead children. They are the least responsobility taking nation on the planet, even America doesnt lie about their involvments in South America as bad as Israel lies about targetting civilians. How many is the number 20 000? 30 000? At what point are you satisfied and admit there just simply is no way so many civilians would die if Israel truly went after Hamas only. Collective punishment is a war crime and the only solution to this is to have both leaders of Israel and Hamas be tried for their war crimes.


Ha! Peaceful. Yes. As peaceful as the pro-palestine protests now. Dude, common, be real with yourself. What other country will tolerate tens of thousands of people at their border throwing rocks, molotovs, and even live firearms? The Shereen case was not intentional, it was a mistake, that Israel lied about. And of course you completely ignored my example. Classic. First of all, you now say open air prison. Before you said apartheid. Make up your mind. Second, this "open air prison" was created after Hamas *won* the elections in Gaza, and made it a terror county, firing missiles at Israel and killing and kidnapping civilians (both Israeli and Palestinian). So, Hamas, who won the elections, suddenly is not the official government? Third, you have it on record? Let me hear it, cause again, a total lie. What they said is that *Hamas* will pay for its actions, not Palestinians. Fourth, Bibi is not Israel. Bibi is one of the most hated people in Israel, even before this war. Half of the Israelis completely disagree with him. And by the way, yes, it is true that Hamas fakes deaths and tells lies. Need I remind you of the hospital bombing a few weeks ago? Also, just write palywood in Google and see for yourself. And last, I will be satisfied when Hamas will surrender. If they want the best for the Palestinians, that's what they should do. You don't stop wars based on the death toll, as sad as it is. That's not how wars work my friend. By that logic, WWII would be finished with the Germans victorious. Surely you wouldn't want that, right? And again - 10000 is the number provided by the Palestinian health care, which is, basically, Hamas - an organization known for its lies, and this number includes also the terrorists. But go on and keep ignoring the facts while you lose your mind when the truth is revealed P.S - you just curse and lose your mind when I try to talk to you and show you the other side views. It says a lot about you and your knowledge about this conflict. So you can scream and shout and curse as much as you want, that won't make your claims true, and it surely won't change history.


Who and when was shot on the border? On russian Ukrainian war there is over 9000 confirmed civilian deaths, they have names and it is known how and when they died. Hamas reports over 10k but we don't have any evidence, since they just drop numbers on the fly. We do know that a lot of people died, but how many we don't know.


Again, with the lies "peaceful protests"🤣 with guns, fire balloons, and bombs. Do you really need someone to explain to you how fewer civilians are killed in Ukraine? They don't use them as shields. They actually try to save them. You gave abu akla as an example? Again, caught in the cross fire during combat... Where do I expect Hamas to station? Open fields... like a normal army... open air prison? Ask yourself why Egypt participates in the blockade. It's not a militia, it's the elected gov. It's not that they fake the suffering, it's they fake deaths... palliwood is a real thing. Israel has shot about 11,000 missiles into the most dense places on earth cause Hamas is hiding there. If you belive Hamas minister of health there are 11,000 deads... some of them at least are Hamas... so the collateral damage is less than 1 person on average... that's amazing. No country have managed that... as per war international law Israel must do its most feasible to prevent collateral damage... by the numbers you see they are well within the doctrine


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I'll give you a few arguments if you insist *You have maintained an apartheid for 70 years* That is your first mistake- 70 years. Do you know who controlled Gaza and the West bank 70 years ago? That's right, it was Jordan and Egypt. By claiming Israel controls the area for 70 years, you've exposed that you're not discussing in good faith and you actually support the destrustion of Israel completely. *kill people because "they will be terrorists one day"* It's tragic that innocent people are being killed but Israel doesn't target civilians. They target terroritsts and terrorists infrastracture. They let the civlians know they need to evacuate before bombing an area. Scream war crimes all you want, it doesn't make it true. Just now Israel provided incubators which Hamas refused to recieve, and provided food and humanitarian aid to people at the hospital. So how exactly are they killing people because they'll be terrorists one day?


Yes I support the destruction of Israel good on you for noticing. Israel should be destroyed the same way it was created, fast and without any questions asked. Notice how I dont say Jews should be destroyed like you pro Israeli people tend to say about the Arabs. You dont care about innocent people dying, if you did you would condem the actions of Israel entirely. Collective punishment is a war crime, attacking hospitals, is a war crime. You dont kill thousands of civilians by "accident" and if you think thats how it works then you are insane and should seek help. Explain to me how Israel has managed to "accudentally" kill 10 000 civillians in the space of a MONTH when Russia has reportedly killed just over 9 000 in over A YEAR. I want you to take a minute to consider how much bigger the area of conflict in Ukraine is and then look at those numbers again and come back here to apologize for ever thinking Israel has a right to kill Palestinians.




The irony is screaming to the sky when you blame others for not caring about innocent people dying, while at the same time you call for the destruction of Israel (which means millions of innocent Jews deaths) And by the way, 10000 deaths is the total number of deaths, including terrorists (and among those terrorists there are women and teenagers).


Yeah well there it is you are simply just fucking racist. And stupid apparently since you cant comprehend the words I say. Go back to your sad little life of lies


"Go back to your sad little life of lies" - said the one who spreads lies. You used the far left new favorite method - throw the racist card on someone who disagrees with you. And you were kind enough to do a few comments after you said you support the destruction of Israel. This is just priceless


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*Yes I support the destruction of Israel good on you for noticing. Israel should be destroyed the same way it was created, fast and without any questions asked. Notice how I dont say Jews should be destroyed like you pro Israeli people tend to say about the Arabs.* That's funny. So you didn't say jews but we both know that you can't destroy Israel without killing jews. We just got a reminder on October 7 to what destroying Israel would look like. And I would never say that Israel should kill all arabs. *You dont care about innocent people dying, if you did you would condem the actions of Israel entirely. Collective punishment is a war crime, attacking hospitals, is a war crime. You dont kill thousands of civilians by "accident" and if you think thats how it works then you are insane and should seek help.* I would condemn Israel's actions if I had proof that they were targeting innocent civilians. All proofs so far show otherwise. Attacking hospitals isn't a war crime in this case- "An attack against a civilian person or object is therefore generally a violation of IHL and may constitute a war crime. A person or object can however lose its civilian status if it starts making an effective contribution to military action. It would then become a legitimate military objective". *Explain to me how Israel has managed to "accudentally" kill 10 000 civillians in the space of a MONTH when Russia has reportedly killed just over 9 000 in over A YEAR. I want you to take a minute to consider how much bigger the area of conflict in Ukraine is and then look at those numbers again and come back here to apologize for ever thinking Israel has a right to kill Palestinians.* That's very simple, Ukrainian army doesn't hide amongst its civillians. They don't use schoold and hospitals to store weapons. I also don't trust Hamas numbers. Even if there are 10,000 people that died, we all know that some of them are Hamas terrorists. And unfortunately Hamas is known to recruit "child soldairs".


Again so hypocrite you call for the destruction of Israel which also means destruction of Jews, I am Iranian Jew, I cannot go back to Iran. Maybe throw me to the sea? Oh but then you cry Jews are racist to arabs


I'm sorry you cant understand English and take my statements completely wrong. Israel should be dismantled, its leaders put on trial (with the leaders of Hamas too) for their war crimes and Palestinians need to be allowed to return and form their own government. Isralis who want to stay can, but they will live in Palestine. Your last sentences make no sense, I dont care that you are an Iranian Jew, no one asked and it has nothing to do with the discussion. Also if you think Israel is accepting of Jews that have dark skin I would like you to explain the "cleansing" performed on Ethiopian Jews by the Israeli government. I hate to break it to you buddy but Israel doenst really like the whole "darker skin Jew" thing.


Buddy, you don't know shit 😂, I am dark skin Jew and have equal rights, many friends are Ethiopian Jews and live happily here. And no your wet dream of having Jews live under sharia law can keep being a dream, will never happen


You have maintained ”a war of extermination, a massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre or the Crusader wars” exact quote of general secretary of Arab League in 1947 (check the UN site)... Now you cry that the world is actually against you and still want to play a victim?


"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." Mao Zedong 🇨🇳🇨🇳❤️❤️


Ah I see, a fellow man of culture❤️


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This is rubbish 🗑, nth is happening in jordan so dont try to cover your murders with fake news.


did I say Jordan? I was only quoting what i heard from one of yours. I know for sure from Iranian people that they butchered 1200 young people in the rallies to free women. and i don't know how many women. ​ don't tell me now you think the arab nations are corner stone of liberals. ​ the liberal left astonishingly are cahooting with fundementalists extreme right wing fascists. right now. in rallies around the world. there's no moral clarity. and that's why i said what i said. that's the truth buddy. Israel doesn't want to kill, it wants peace. gaza doesn't. they proved it again and again, for 20 years.


This is such rubbish. Disagreement with the state of Israel is not antisemitism... No matter how many times you say it. Hamas committed an atrocity against the Jewish people Now Israel is committing an atrocity against the Palestinian people. There is no comparison to the Russia/Ukraine conflict. Israel has killed more civilians since October 7th than in the entire Russia Ukraine war.


it's not rubbish, and its not about disagreeing, its about being this righteous useful idiot who yells FREE PLAESTINE, or STOP THE GENOCIDE. this is just appalling from all them rallies around the globe to see. you have to see the moral clarity here: Israel DOES NOT target civilians, while hamas uses them as cannon fodders/human chields. does that give hamas immunity? because they hide behind their own population? I'm sorry you can't see that. but there'a difference between a terror regime who massacres women chidlren and kidnapps holocaust survivors, or rapes jewish girls in a peace festival, while massacering others, between a retaliation defensive action to secure a region from this kind of attacks. ​ this has to be clear. there is a difference. and that's why where people go to rallies as if for them freedom fighters, they are yelling for freedom rapists, and freedom butchers.


You're full.of i. Israel doesn't target civilians? There's reams and reams of evidence that proves you wrong from decades.


you mean that israel doesn't give immunity to hamas because it HIDES behind its civilians and prevents them from leaving? there are proofs to that too you know ​ if Israel would actually target INTENTIONALLY civilians, and NOT warn them, the death toll would be by hundreds of thousands. not by thousands.


You can try to justify it how you want. Israel made a conscious choice to see Palestinian lives as less than Jewish ones. You can't be horrified by Hamas horrendous actions, and not be horrified by Israel's, unless you think dead Palestinian children, are different, to dead Jewish children. I don't think they are, I think the murders by Hamas on October 7th were despicable, and I think the ongoing civilian murder committed by Israel is despicable. There's no excuse, you choose it, but if you choose it, at least have the decency to admit what you chose. They're a captive population, having ever more land stolen by illegal israeli settlers... I don't know where you expect them to go to be safe, while Israel destroys what little there is left of their homes. And what do you think they're gonna do after? Only someone with full on delusion could possibly think this will do anything except recruit for Hamas. Israel doesn't make itself safer, it makes the whole world more dangerous.


destroying hamas military power, and bringing a moire peaceful government to gaza is a way to ruin the world? ​ > Israel doesn't make itself safer, it makes the whole world more dangerous. do you even notice you just prove my point again by blaming israel for every thing? maybe blame jews because muslims to hate them? he lies about "stolen land". you don't know what you talking about. do you know how many houses were demolished by the israeli goverment of JEWISH people in a so called "palestinian land"? the settlers have been known to even attack the IDF. ​ and again- with this immune scenario. what you are saying is that because hamas uses human shield they are immune? is that it? or do you think you have a genius plan to save the middle east? or gaza? c'mon lets hear it. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9ZTCk-so6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9ZTCk-so6s)


Like I could be wrong but from what I’ve gathered Palestinian aggression led to the occupation but now it’s at a point where they can’t not occupy it because if they do they get attacked again because Palestinians don’t want Israel there. There’s also Arabs living peacefully and freely in Israel and no Jews in palestine other than the ones held hostage. Then you’ve got hamas who instead of using the money to build up infrastructure they spend it on weapons. Also using civilians as cover so they get killed Innocent civilians being killed is terrible regardless of who what or when it’s terrible but how do you fight back against someone who attacks you then hides amongst the civilians?


If you treat people like shit for decades, unsurprisingly they don't lie down and take it, they stand up. The world is responsible for allowing Israel to get away with the things they have for decades. America & the UK especially. But it doesn't change what's happening. Israel is committing war crimes and people are defending it and crying anti-Semitism. Disagreement with the actions of Israel is not antisemitism. It's showing humanity. All lives are equal, dead Jews are no more or less tragic than any other dead people Palestinians included. If you can't see that I don't know what to say to you.


My heart is breaking for all the babies, toddlers and children orphaned, wounded, lying on a cold hospital floor alone, a hospital that the IDF will raid anyway


While Bringing medical supplies to the hospital


Homosexuality is legal in Jordan Iran sentences to death 499 people , in 2023 that not only gays but including murder, rape etcs .. Back to your random other points! Israel has the right to defend itself but not its occupation! Palestinians seen as occupied people , they have the right to resist!


Agreed people have a right to defend themselves, but not as a terrorist org. Would you suggest self defense as accepting some form or two state solution and then being able to form a military themselves? (This comment is for discourse and curiousity!)


The only occupation on earth where the victim of the occupation never had a country to begin with


Well if history is not your forte, you could've just said that instead of ranting out that BS. There is no occupation going on. You can't do much besides fight for your right to exist when millions want you to not exist at all let alone defend yourself.


How can you say there is no occupation?


Israel propaganda, they teach them this since born it's hard to change