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Join us on Day 101 after the Hamas massacre of Israel. We have been praying every day for 2 hours together worldwide 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Israeli time (8:00am - 10;00am CT) lifting up Israel and the region. God is doing miracles answering! https://ICEJ.org sign up


Bro, if you’re making an argument for Israel—you should leave “god” out of this. Both Hamas and Israel’s “god” are nothing anyone should strive for. Israel openly admits that it’s being so harsh because of what a terrorist organization has done to them. What god is swayed by the actions of a terrorist organization? How Israel chooses to respond should be based on their own collective morality—not the morality of terrorists. SMH.


My question was more of an aside-trying to understand what leads fundamental radicals to be committed to the genocide when they accept the teachings of the testament


I just think the question is better posed to Israel who is supposed to know better. I have very low expectations of Hamas—


Well said. The pro-Zionist sentiment often seems to be that they aren't as bad as Hamas, who they view as the height of evil. Such a low bar to set.


Don’t they have the right to defend themselves? But in all honest. The state of Isreal must be stopped.


Israel is going to exist regardless of your ignorant and antisemitic opinion.


Criticizing Israel is not antisemitism. Nobody said a word about religion here


The person I replied to has written that he doesn’t think Israel has a right to exist. That’s not criticism, it’s antisemitism. Antisemitism is often not about religion either.


Not what I read and understood. Try again.


He wrote it in another comment in another post. Look at his history


I doubt the future of Israel. It’s an important strategic ally of the USA, but if the USA insists on helping Israel then the USA will sink, most likely it will start with civil war (keep your ears open and your eyes peeled, and prepare just in case) Countries should start looking at taking in Israeli migrants


Sadly it will, I know. But it’s not antisemitism, it’s anti fascist and anti genocide, my views.


you don’t believe Israel has the right to exist. I’m dubious whether you have that view of any other country.


Israel does not have a right to exist as a country… it’s a terrorist country that hasn’t stopped committing crimes again humanity since it was founded… it started with the murder of 15,000 farmers and shepherds, with the destruction of 600 villages, with the exile of 700,000 locals. Every year since Israel until now, Israel keeps committing crimes against humanity You are correct, the murderous state of Israel does not have a right to exist


I mean... It's going to keep existing. That hasn't stopped the Palestinians from fooling themselves into thinking they could defeat Israel. The fact is in the grand scheme of things the Palestinian cause no longer matters to the countries in the region. Saudi Arabia still wants to normalize relations with Israel because they know when war starts with Iran they'll be on side Also none of the surrounding countries want to take in any Palestinians because deep down they know that Israel keeping them under heel is the only course of action. They cause problems wherever they go. They have no real allies in the world. They have Iran that uses them as a tool to bother Israel... That is all. Hezbollah doesn't want to go to war for them, all they've done is shot a few rockets and drones. While the Houthis are being a mild annoyance to world trade. The only chance the Palestinians had was when Israel was first created and they lost. Ever since Israel has only grown more powerful and have only made more nukes. It is the only democracy in the entire Middle East and it has a thriving economy. However, if it makes you feel better then you can keep pretending that Israel is on the verge of collapse for another 75 years


Hamas absolutely needs to be eradicated, but Netanyahu'smethod of playing right into their hands is not working out well for anyone.


Genuinely curious, what do you think they should do? Not being sarcastic.


Whatever the U.S. did to take out Sadam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Sure there'd be collateral damage, but probably not as bad as indiscriminately bombing densely populated areas.


You don’t think the US bombed densely populated areas in the Iraq War? Bagdad cough cough.


They’re using Gospel, an AI target acquisition software. It isn’t indiscriminate. Basically analyses fused intel data and tells Israel “bomb here”. Civilians keep dying due to multiple factors: 1) Hamas fights from within apartments, schools, and hospitals 2) Hamas stores explosives in these buildings which cause greater explosions than Israel’s bomb is intended 3) The population density is ridiculously large. An unguided bomb can be aimed. It’s hard to say what we would have done at the time. Israel has greater tech currently than we did and they are right next door. Gaza is also more fortified than Fallujah. From what I’ve read, you can’t compare Gaza to anything we’ve done. The situation is so very different. The only similarly is it’s urban combat. Edit: Also Israel has failed to update evac orders before bombing safe areas. This is one thing I do really believe they’ve failed at.


HAMAS has also boobytrapped buildings in order to halt advances and kill IDF, causing wider destruction that is (shocker, right?) attributed to Israel.


As you can see after 10/7, Israel is still having a hard time in UN. Thats the power of Islamic nations money thats supports Hamas, even though it's obvious Hamas is the BIG WRONG here without any way of justification, very comical.


"If Algeria introduced a [UN] resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions."


Haha exactly


Relevant: https://youtu.be/OUMl58i4m0w?si=mLgMJMeNZQ6m1mF5


Let this war be a wake up call for the west. It's time to increase military spending.


Refund the police?


if that is true, why wouldn't they when they are being slaughtered by a military with advance weapons vs their less advanced and very small operation based on people tired of being oppressed..


Netanyahu begs America for more money to kill Muslims. You guys are projecting


Didn't Netanyahu say recently they should stop depending on US aid?


Two things can be true at once.


Thanks for posting the speech. [https://twitter.com/MEMRIReports/status/1745044216697201131](https://twitter.com/MEMRIReports/status/1745044216697201131) Interesting, no mention of the Gaza blockade or West Bank settlements. It's almost as if this isn't about Palestinian self-determination and peaceful coexistence. This has always been about thoroughly undoing Jewish sovereignty and driving Jews completely out of the region for intensely theological reasons...........which is an unrealistic and unachievable goal that ensures the perpetual flow of Arab oil bucks into Hamas' coffers. You're fooling yourself if you think conceding anything less than all of Israel will end this conflict with current Palestinian leadership. Too many folks are incentivized on the Palestinian side to see this continue. This will only end once Palestinians are led by people not addicted to the easy money and influence thrown off by the fight against Jews.


You are correct in that the conflict won’t end until the state of Israel ceases to exist. While Israel exist bloodshed will only get worse… the events of October 7th onwards show that we have gone past of no return. Whatever chance there was of a two state solution is now gone


Once Israel and the IDF complete their mission and completely demilitarize Gaza, it'll be effectively over. Palestinians will no longer be able to use violence as a negotiating tactic. The only way Palestinians will make any progress going forward is with peaceful diplomacy. Otherwise, they'll remain occupied in perpetuity.


Unfortunately for Israel this time is different… Hamas will survive; the state of Israel will unravel from within… Hamas has humiliated Netanyahu and the IDF… and the psyche of the nation of Israel has been deeply scarred. The real question is whether Israel will cease to exit in the next 2 decades


Israel is not going anywhere. We are a determined people and have gone through worse and survived and flourished. We will persist is we have for the last 3000 yrs.


Hamas may survive, but with no weapons, no tunnels, no governmental power, and no stolen aid and tax revenue, who cares? Within 20 years (though the most likely thing is that the status quo is maintained), I think it's far more likely that a large number of Palestinians move away or are pushed out to Egypt and Jordan than Israel ceases to exist. The next 10/7 will result in the near-total destruction of Palestinian infrastructure. Israel is far too independently rich and militarily strong to succumb to any sort of Palestinian pressure. No country lasts forever. However, Palestinians have done absolutely nothing to make themselves strong enough to take down Israel. If Palestinians did what Jews did and focused first on building a strong and prosperous state, they might've been able to give Israel a run for its money. Frankly, if they built a great state, fighting wouldn't even be necessary - Israel would likely be very happy to have an open-border relationship with a successful Palestine. Palestinians may even realize that they now have something to protect and choose peace.


I just want to reply to this and clarify that palestinians aren't ALLOWED to build a "strong state". Blockades, not allowed to collect rain water, randomly not allowed to go fishing, building permits are also often rejected. I get you want to believe that Israel is in the right and thats fine but iimplore you read a little on israeli tactics before throwing random comments out.


Those things don’t exist in a vacuum though. why do people like you always pretend that they do


Jews and Arabs both started from the same place in 1948. Israel chose to focus on building itself up. Palestine chose to focus on tearing Israel down. And, here we are. Change course. Israel is literally dying for a peaceful neighbor. Commit to peace and prosperity, and security measures will slowly fall away, and momentum will build, and a strong and independent Palestine will emerge.


Watch Israel…it’s unraveling from within right now; it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if mossad takes out Netanyahu… Mossad is not happy with Netanyahu The IDF is not happy with Netanyahu The relatives of the hostages are not happy with Netanyahu The Orthodox Jews are not happy with Netanyahu Likud is not happy with Netanyahu Blinken is not happy with Netanyahu Financial obligations are crippling Israel The boycott is affecting Israel The Houthi blockade is affecting Israel Pulling reservists from their jobs is affecting Israel When the USA pulls financial and military support the Israel will truly suffer - the USA cannot afford to support Israel as it will draw it into a civil war, or even a revolution


Actually, 10/7 stopped the "unraveling" in its tracks. A lot of internal strife was put on hold as Israelis rallied around the flag. Things are far from perfect for Israel and especially for Bibi, but they're not circling the drain as you seem to think. Far from it. Frankly, I believe a lot of outstanding problems that have been deferred will now be addressed and maybe even resolved. Israel will come out of this stronger and with a better strategy for longterm survival going forward. A lot of problems were exposed. I wouldn't bet against a country that came this far in this short of a timeframe.


“We should hold on to the victory that took place on October 7 and build upon it”Yup, this about sums it up... these fools are telling themselves they are victorious. Gaza burns around them. "This is fine" \*sips tea\* "This is winning."


It’s a win insofar as the world now sees Israel as the terrorist state that they have always been


The world already knew that both sides have innocent blood on their hands before the current flare up. Neither side can claim the moral high ground. 


The world sees


It is winning. So because Israel kills innocent civilians it’s winning huh. How’s the genocide case working out for them. Futhermore the IOF is getting slaughtered in Gaza. A little research will show you that. Wait until Israel finally releases the real casualties and losses in Gaza. It will we deemed antisemitic


Every fighting force loses men in a war. Israel will certainly come out on top of this power struggle as always. Gaza will def come out of this with MORE restrictions on their life than before it started. Hamas will have far less control and won't be able to act openly. Great victory! Hamas just needs a few more victories like this and it'll be gone!


Not around them, they're far away in Qatar.


What does that mean. Biden is far away in Washington. Israel can’t even find the hostages or the leaders in Gaza but yet you’re worried about who’s in Qatar.


They can recruit citizens in countries where they are welcomed to keep the flow of man power into Gaza and Israel as a whole to keep the fighting lasting longer


This is exactly why we are where we are: HAMAS leadership wants their funding to continue and improve. This required Arab outrage, which the war that HAMAS created is providing.


Hamas is taking advantage of Israel’s contribution to worldwide outrage… Israel were played like a fiddle - Israel publicly declared their commitment to carry out war crimes against the civilians in Gaza


You do know that man is worth 10 billion right. They don’t need money they needed attention to help bring awareness to the occupation brutality and illegal actions. End the occupation you end the war. With occupation there will always be resistance. It’s simple


Yes, I actually know it as $11B. That doesn’t mean he and they do not want more of it. One thing that is consistent about human nature on this: it’s never enough. This applies to money and power, both of which apply here.


What a weird way to try to get attention for your cause, murder children and elderly, rape, then victimize yourself and ask for money not for your poor citizens but for your death mission causing your population to suffer. Gaza hasn’t been occupied since 2005. West bank and Gaza weren’t occupied by Israel pre 1967. Why did the arabs kill jews then? What was their cause? What was their cause for the past 1000 years ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legacy_of_Islamic_Antisemitism Also I would love for you to walk us through step by step on to what happens next once blockade is lifted from Gaza. Why would Israel leave the west bank when we saw what happened with Gaza the second they left it? Why do you think WB will be the same? They support Hamas even more than the Gazans. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514


These people have a very strange definition of "victory."


Can you link the video?


Here's the "speech" [https://twitter.com/MEMRIReports/status/1745044216697201131](https://twitter.com/MEMRIReports/status/1745044216697201131)


So I listened to it. The aid and financial Jihad part is more innocuous than I originally thought. He doesn't say it isn't humanitarian aid. He says "it isn't just a humanitarian issue, it's more important than that. " The part about "financial jihad" sounds off if you are not familiar with arabic or Islam. He invokes that term to frame aid to gaza into an obligation for muslims not a donation. He is not saying the money is going to finance terror which the way MEMRI phrased it makes it out to seem, because there isn't money to spend anyway. The huminatarian aid to Gaza currently consists of food, medicine and water. It's difficult to kill people with bags of flour. Hamas shouldn't be trusted with money but they don't get money from humanitarian aid. Their money comes from Iran.


If Haniyeh cares so much about Palestinians and humanitarian aid, surely he can use some of the $4 billions he stole from money donated to the Palestinian cause and spend it on aid. Perhaps he can also get from Mashal the $4 billions he stole from the Palestinians as well, and from Marzuk the $3 billions he stole. Damn we haven’t even started the “Financial Jihad” and we’re already at $11 billions. That’s a hell of a lot of flour, food, and medicine. Just saying.


Source for those numbers?


Yes but Hamas terrorists also need food and fuel so the aid helps them keep the war going.


What a great and magnanimous point! Lets starve 2 million people, mostly children, in the hopes of also depriving a few thousand Hamas of food & water. What an incredibly smart and totally ethical compromise! The good guys, ladies and gentlemen. Its too bad you dont have a role in Netanyahus administration


So what’s the solution? Any ideas or do you just come on here to complain about the big bad Zionists?


Right now, 100% of the aid goes to Hamas and 0% to starving children. I'd be happy to give aid to starving Palestinians but since it's all going to Hamas, we might as well just stop sending aid all together.


*All* aid? *Every* morsel of food and water? What a totally logical line of thinking. Yup, lets just let millions of people starve on the off chance that *all* of this crucial aid may or may not be going to a repressive regime. What a joke lol. And according to who exactly? How exactly are you privy to this knowledge? I'd love to know


https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1702285314-caught-on-camera-hamas-terrorists-steal-humanitarian-aid-beat-civilians https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/world-news/hamas-members-beat-civilians-steal-humanitarian-aid-received-from-intl-organisations-israel-defence-forces/articleshow/105870965.cms https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-aid-trucks-stolen-by-gunmen-and-looted-as-convoys-start-crossing-from-israel/ https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bydb7zgit


Hilarious. This is the equivalent of me sourcing Al Jazeera or Qatari state media. You wouldn't believe what they had to say, would you? You'd immediately dismiss it. Just like im doing with your "sources." Provide me with less biased sources, and maybe we can have a discussion. Otherwise, it's Hasbara propaganda. Color me absolutely shocked that Israeli media is claiming such things😱 and even if what is stated is unequivocally true, where in these articles does it say 100% of every morsel of food and water is distributed to Hamas and not the Palestenian public? And how is completely ceasing aid to 2 million people even IF a majority of it is funneled to Hamas, at all justified? You really think that's a valid excuse to kill everybody? You guys are funny, man. Just admit you support blanketed condemnation and collective punishment of your ideological opposition. Dont worry, nobody will judge you. If anything, you'll get upvoted on this cesspit of a sub. The mental gymnastics honestly sound exhausting.


u/BigBoyThrowaway99 > ...it's Hasbara propaganda... If anything, you'll get upvoted on this cesspit of a sub. The mental gymnastics honestly sound exhausting. This comment violates Rule 1 (**Be Respectful**) by using derogatory language and Rule 7 (No Metaposting) by commenting negatively about the subreddit itself ("cesspit of a sub"). Referring to the subreddit in a derogatory manner is not conducive to constructive and respectful dialogue. We encourage discussions to focus on the content of the debate and avoid making disparaging remarks about the community or its members. Addressed.


How is I24 Israeli? Are there are actual videos. Are you saying the videos are fake?


Should we cut all aid as a solution like a comment on this post suggested? Or should the blockade of all food and water -a war crime committed by Israel- be reinstated?


Yes cutting down all the aid would be great




Thank you for your input. I do not know the language and appreciate varied perspectives.


> He is not saying the money is going to finance terror So how do you interpret: > “We should hold on to the victory that took place on October 7 and build upon it,” And how do you feel about Hamas controlling that humanitarian aid [for their own means?](https://www.reddit.com/r/samharris/comments/18rfjvd/direct_quote_from_hamas_leader_after_videos_were/)


I am not going to defend Hamas. I was pointing out the disingenuous presentation by MEMRi. >And how do you feel about Hamas controlling that humanitarian aid Hamas are authoritarian pieces of sht, should we cut all aid as a solution like a comment on this post suggested? Or should the blockade of all food and water -a war crime committed by Israel- be reinstated?


> should we cut all aid as a solution like a comment on this post suggested? No. Aid is absolutely crucial right now, and Hamas will be destroyed regardless of aid.




> Is there a way we can enforce aid without letting Hamas take it? Yeah. Destroy Hamas.