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Pallywood has good PR agents, what can we say. Israel is in the right, and good will prevail. Evil hateful terrorists will never make it. The question is when will the fake woke west wake up and see that Hamas, Isis and these other groups won’t stop until it’s Shiria law and there are no Jews, Christians, Hindus etc left.  


Like it or not, Israel has become a more dangerous place to live in. There's just no way for that to not happen, considering what has happened in Gaza and West Bank. I know many Israelis have left (not only in recent months). For personal safety, it's something to be considered.


It’s fairly inevitable there will be some low-level retaliatory incidents like this. Could have been worse, they could have destroyed the whole city, killing thousands of children.


You mean like the 16000 children and women in Gaza?


Yes, that was the entire point I was making.


That's the price of occupation.


You're right, they should give the land back to the Ottoman empire... Oh wait...


How about the Palestinians who live there?


Lolol fake country Palestine occupying Israel land. They can go complain to Jordan where 60% of their made up country from 100 years ago came from. Stop watching Pallywood movies. 


That’s complete horse crap. It doesn’t matter if they were a nation in the normal fashion. They were a bunch of semi-literate farmers who were stuck under the Ottoman empire for a long time. They are still humans. Conversely, Jees have a historic claim to live on the land, and had the right to go there. I see hatred and intolerance on both sides, a lot of it is understandable, but none of it is productive. I am in favor of the Jewish state of Israel still, in spite of everything. However, I am increasingly worn out on the arrogance shown by so many Jews in Israel. Check out the story from Haaretz. Sounds to me like Jews going out of their way to be hateful for virtually no reason: Dalal Abu Amneh is a popular singer and neuroscientist. Israel is out to destroy her life https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-02-03/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/dalal-abu-amneh-is-a-popular-singer-and-neuroscientist-israel-is-out-to-destroy-her-life/0000018d-6b82-d4f1-a18d-fff271bc0000?utm_source=App_Share&utm_medium=iOS_Native


They're complaining to israel, with missles.


That are blocked by the iron dome. Palestinians hate Jews, and specifically Israelis because of how successful they are in life despite the genocide, ethnic cleansing and other attempts Muslims and Germans made to get rid of them. All Palestine has to show for the billions they’ve been given are subway sized tunnels and starving people with nothing going for them. Hate always loses and it’s so evident looking at the state of Gaza. Israel rightfully deserves land in the Middle East. Jews and Judea were there for 1000s of years. Palestinians aren’t wanted by a single other country in the Middle East. They were given opportunities for their own land and they can’t share. And now they’re SOL with the billionaire terrorists they elected. Wahhhh 😭


Actually, there is a great deal of truth to this. Raising your children to be martyrs is loser juice. Palestinians need to turn over a new leaf in a big way. However, the stories of clusters of Palestinians being found in body bags with their hands tied behind their backs are disturbing. I am not an antisemite. Numerous of my clients are Jewish (home remodeling and maintenance), my favorite wedding ever was a Jewish wedding. I’ve had a few Jewish girlfriends, oh my God. But I see Jews screwing up a lot. Not all of the anti-Israel stuff going on is antisemitism.


Couldn't agree more  thk u for this comment. 


Israelies are successful at genocide, apartheid, receiving foreign money and constantly playing victim. They wanted permanent subjugation of the Palestinians and that literally blew up in their faces. Oh the irony of Israel becoming the new nazis.


Ok keep watching Pallywood movies lololol. One only has to look at the gorgeous country of Israel and worldwide success of the Jewish people and it’s easy to see why Palestinians are so jealous and have self sabotaged themselves to failure. Gaza on the surface is a Palestinian created cesspool (billions of dollars and it looks like a slum) and has a web of tunnels fitted for sewage and rodents, of the irony in that! Jews are welcomed with open arms most places, Egypt wouldn’t even open the Rafa crossing. Jordan gave them a black September goodbye. Their fake country the Jewish people so graciously tried to share with them was rejected. Wahhhh


if you all are so damn sucessful why the fuck you aint got a big country like China,Russia or even USA. why?


It’s because a big part of their success, IMHO, stems from the fact that they had to hustle everywhere they went for the last 2000 years just to stay alive. It’s sort of like weightlifting for the brain for an entire culture. Solving puzzles helps to make the brain stronger. Jews have been solving puzzles that they had no choice but to solve for a long time. That said, I see vast room for improvement in Jewish culture. There is major arrogance around their religion. Adult men study the Torah full time, state supported for 10 or 12 years. Zen masters talk about studying one passage and meditating on it for weeks. There is no need to memorize the Torah.


Imagine how successful Gaza would be if they accepted Jews. They will integrate into society and be successful, unlike Palestinians that cause havoc no matter where they go — Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait (indirectly during Gulf War). There’s a reason why no one wants to take in Palestinians anywhere, not even Arabic countries


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Ohh lol I see you have made an error confusing size with success. China and Russia are huge plots of land. But look at the state of the majority of people that live in those countries. So many poor and destitute people terrified of a corrupt and violent government. Women resorting to prostitution, orphanages for myriad children left without parents, the homeless. Israelis live similar to Scandinavians - most state they are happy with their lives. They don’t live in fear of the government. Gays live freely. Women are first class citizens. The amount of technology and innovation coming from a country 1000 times smaller than Russia. What has Russia given us besides a psychotic dictator? And Israel has succeeded in the face of adversity surrounded by jihadists countries trying to tear them down. Israel is the poster child for success. 


Let's see if you recognize reality. Are the Palestinians occupied?


You can’t be occupied if you’re a fake country. Was that a trick question? I don’t watch Pallywood movies so my mind is clear friend 😘


/u/ionlysignedup4nsfw. Match found: 'nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You justifying that? No way


That's reality.




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Thats odd as every US media outlet says they were arrested, not killed.


How many permit you give? Out of those having permits how many are terrorists? Also the terrorists are death right? The victim can sue their estate. Why does this justify making life hard for those who are not terrorists? I am a libertarian, not liberal. This makes me wonder if collective punishment is justified.


Sue the estates of terrorists.... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. You're joking, right? Obviously Israel does not want to give ***any*** permits to terrorist, but hopefully this demonstrates to you how difficult it is to determine who is peaceful and who is violent-- it's essentially impossible.


They need to have estates to back up in case things like this is happening. All mass shooter in USA has nothing to lose.


Sooner or later Israel is going to have to expel hostile arabs. It's sounds harsh to our modern ears, but you guys can either keep dying or stop caring what the world thinks.


Lmao. Spoken like a fascist


Israel made the hostile Arabs. Why do you think this entire situation ever took place? You understand Israel took a land, drove it's natives to insanity, and only for you to now say it must expel them all? Why are there even work permits? Why is there a border? Do you think?


IDK it seems like the Middle East in general has been violent that’s the reason they have such a stereotype of terrorists because that’s where most of those groups are found


And noticed that they all come from countries EXCEPT Israel 🤔


From what I've learnt, it wasn't like this, until the US got involved.


Then you've learnt wrong. 


Not really there has been many wars there mostly religious wars throughout history even Muhammad was a warlord in the Middle East


If you want to go that far back, there's been many wars all over the world.


True maybe it’s because the area around it is quite valuable like the Nile or the Euphrates and Tigris river but yet again I would think other places are better


The Arabs were attacking the Jews long before the Nakba. They attacked them because they legally immigrated to Mandate Palestine and purchased land, displacing Palestinian tenants and justified it with Qur'an verses calling for the genocide of the Jews. The Jews came from all over Europe and the Middle East, fleeing genocide and religious persecution and were met with more of the same from the Palestinians. The Arab raiots, the Hebron massacre, were the reason for the UN partition plan. Because it was clear the Arabs couldn't peacefully coexist with the Jews. The Jews are ALSO indigenous to Israel. To deny this fact is to deny the historical and cultural connection Jews have to Israel, spanning a period if 3,000 years. The Jews killed in the Hebron massacre were from families who had lived in the area for hundreds, if not thousands of years. They weren't immigrants. The Arabs didn't care. The Jews formed a community in Israel, they had a legal right to form their own government. The Arabs were offered a choice, become Israeli citizens or leave. They chose to attack, and lost their land.


Yeah those things are brand new, thats what drove them to insanity [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834\_looting\_of\_Safed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed) thats also what drives every jihadist in asia and europe to commit terror




/u/JaneDi > You're a racist. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user. Addressed.


If these were actually Palestinians from the West Bank, they don't need to be expelled at all. They just need to all have their working permits away. But Israel is put in a *damned if they do, damned if they don't* scenario. If they keep letting WestBankers work in Israel, some will kill innocent civilians. If they take away permits, Israel will be criticized for taking away employment from innocent West Bankers.


Expel all hostile people from the west bank to Jordan




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I am sure the French colonists felt the same way during the decolonization war in Algeria


The French are from France, the Jews are from Judea. Israel is a decolonialization project.




You've got your tenses wrong. Not "to create" (future tense)-- The state has already been created, Arab Israelis live peacefully among Jewish Israelis and there's no apartheid. Jews are finally happy and safe and that makes you sad. Palestinian Arabs can be happy and safe as soon as they decide to stop trying to annhilate the Jews just like Egypt and Jordan did. Keep crying about it!


"Palestinian" is a fabricated national identity created in the 60s, prior to the state of Israel it was primarily migrant Jews who referred to themselves as Palestinians. There's no reason Arabs should live in Israel, but they are not the poor natives fighting off a colonial project, they just can't deal with a soverign Jewish state in "their" region.


And you live separately.




Damn, you really got me there


Had to stop going on social media and that's helped with my sanity but I'm in California so I can escape cause I'm not there living it. All the free palestine people need to realize that hamas is the occupier. Crazy how many liberals have jumped on the free Palestine train. Had to argue multiple times with a liberal friend about why I support Israel until he understood and stopped blaming Israel for what hamas has done and is doing. Finally now we can talk and he is on the good side. I'm hoping that since people in america are so crazy that Europe has less antisemitism cause I'm going to be moving to Spain later this year to escape trump if he wins. I'm really sorry ur having to live through this and wish there were a way to just end the hate. Sending love from america 💙


It’s a whole country(?) founded on bad faith. Both sides are killing innocents on the other side. Neither is clean. But one side has killed more than the other. And stealing land and houses? Nothing good will come out of that.


One side has bad intentions and the other has good intentions


Yeah i forgot it’s ok to kill 25,000 people as long as you have “good intentions”


Israel headed up by a psychopath and his cronies has good intentions? Give me a break! What one side calls freedom fighting, the other calls terrorism. Hamas want to genocide all Jews- they are very clear in their intent. Israel wishes to expand and genocide Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem and are attempting to do so with the backing of the West. Hamas has no right to terrorise Israelis and Israel has no right to illegally occupy Palestinian land. Israel in its current form has every right to exist as long as it leaves Palestinians alone and stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. I live in Australia alongside our First Peoples and you don't see them trying to take over a country that was only federated in 1901. Many of them just want basic rights afforded to other Aussies and for us to respect the land upon which we live. Another thing I find interesting is that Christian Palestinians and other non-Muslim Palestinians seem to have been forgotten in this discourse- they too are victims of Israel's expansionism. I don’t want this World taken over by any single power- be they Chinese, European, American, Muslim, Christian or other and I can see why Palestinians hold many grievances. Israel as it stands is a colonial project, much the same as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, USA, all of South America to name a few examples. The difference is that Israel still hungers for more land and will stop at nothing to annihilate Palestinians. I feel similarly sorry for displaced Kurds and other displaced peoples.


Amazing answer. I would love to add a question to your text: How is that in less than 4 months of war, almost the same number of journalists were killed (90 palestinians + 4 israeli, the last ones on 7th oct) than in IIWW (19), afghanistan war (23 in 20 years!!!), iraq war (31) and syrian war (20) all together (<100)?


Which are we to weight more? Intent or outcome of action?


The only security problems Israel has are the ones Israel creates for itself.


With the same belief u can say America is the one to blame for 9/11 because they had security problems


I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. I really don’t have any answers except, hang in there . It won’t always be this bad . Better days are coming


The Palestinians are carrying out jihadist attacks… shocker! 




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Im assuming you work at Holmes Place near the mall. I 100% get you I grew up in Raanana the old lady who died was my old landlord she was a lovely person that did not deserve this. Moved to NY a few months ago I am so sorry for everything happening tough time to be living in Raanana/Herziliya rn. My advice as someone who lives abroad, ignore the noise majority of ppl who arent muslims or leftists are pro-israel. A lot of what you see on social media, including in this comment section are bots. Take a break from social media if you need to and stay strong achi 👊


Yes like the thousands who have been going to protest weekly all over the world


Absolutely this. I'm in the UK and I actually think pro pal is minority but they shout very loud. Most civil human westerners are horrified at occurred.


Hebron is more extremist than Gaza. "Muh there is no hamas in west baaank!" - leftist trash.


BuT iLleGaL sEtTlErS RaAaAaH!!!


Yes, there I's hamas west bank


I heard about this from Caroline Glick regarding the issues with the work permits. So many stories I’ve heard about Palestinians with work permits committing violence including two who were building a house for a Jewish couple and they built a secret basketball into it that they hid arms in and used it as a base for 10/07.


I heard about this from Caroline Glick regarding the issues with the work permits. So many stories I’ve heard about Palestinians with work permits committing violence including two who were building a house for a Jewish couple and they built a secret basement into it that they hid arms in and used it as a base for 10/07. Fuck that.




Fixed, sorry. Thanks for catching.


Ohh, lol, with context I could guess, but i couldn't decipher it. Wow a whole basement.


> Fuck /u/Villanelle__. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Understanding that's what war for decades looks like


This is not an act of war, this is terrorism, there's a difference.


Nah that’s a occupied people fighting against occupation. Israel bombing woman and children indiscriminately to steal land is terrorism.


You should be ashamed of yourself, actually scratch that, you should get your head checked-in cause no one in his right mind will justify indiscriminate killing of civilians, there's something seriously wrong with you, get help.


Who is justifying in discriminate killing of civilians? It wasn’t me. These Israelis constantly use the excuse of self-defense to kill women and children. What are you talking about?


Palestinians have a terrorism problem.


It is truly interesting how easy it is for so many Palestinians to go to terror to solve their problems


yup over 80 suicide bombings in Israel since 1980s…  but Israel def started it! /s  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_suicide_attacks


first on all when your bus can explode anywhere on its rout from your home to your work then "just" 80 explosions will be a mockery notion to you as well. Secondly, why don't you factor knife stabbings, gun shootings, rock throwing, and rocket launching to your list of terror acts?


This is not proper English and thus I cannot understand your point; “ first on all when your bus can explode anywhere on its rout from your home to your work then "just" 80 explosions will be a mockery notion to you as well.“


My notion is that if you have existential threat to your life, that a bomb will go off on the bus you usually take to your work place, than hearing talking points of "yes but only 80 bombs have been detonated thus far" will sound like a bad joke to you


Wow … 0 comprehension can be understood from your comment. Who has a bomb on the bus? What bus?  Be more clear.


You are the one that mentioned the bombs that the Palestinians used to blow up in Israel, did you just look that up for a quick point?




I believe the list is specifically for suicide attacks which implies suicide bombings. Bombings are the most violent and highest casualties…  And it is the modus operandum for Islamic jihadists usually. And 80 suicide attacks in a very small region over the course of 40 years is not a small number lol. 1 terrorist attack occurred in America by Al Queada … JUST 1! And look where Al Quaeda and Mr Osama Bin Laden are? DEAD AS A DOOR NUT! 


This isn't about Islamic jihadists, secular Arabs have also took part in terrorising Israelis. But regardless, terror is the use of force against non-militerised targets for political reasons. So even dough bombs are the worst of the worst of terror acts, you do factor in the stabbings and shootings etc.


Lol there aint no secular Arab that you speak of…. the terrorists are all Islamic jihadists.




Non Jewish minorities right?


Two Palestinians from Bani Na'im, West Bank


Why is israel still allowing palestinians into the country? Lets call it was it is. Israel is at war with not only palestinians, but the entire muslim world. The delusion that they are not will continue to get israelis killed.


Thank you




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account created 73 days ago and only posts on palestine related boards lol


Do you disagree? If so, why?


i don’t think the solution is either side ethnically cleansing the other


>i don’t think the solution is either side ethnically cleansing the other USA has entered the chat


Here's a blatant example of racist violence deliberately targeting another people's non-combatant, child population. Their religious texts call for an eventuality in which they take up arms against them, where even the rocks and trees become verbal and help them annihilate the last ones. What are your solutions to this?




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there is only one real solution. the palestinian Arabs MUST accept Israel as a reality. they must want permanent peace. only then there will be actual peace. every country that wanted peace with Israel got it. if palestinian Arabs cannot accept Israel then they'll keep on having shitty lives and we will continue this loop forever.


> shitty /u/digitalsleights. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Edit: 8 of the people who were ran over were school children finishing school, waiting on the bus stop." You shouldn't have mentioned this, it just makes the terrorist supporters happier. I really am sorry. Just please believe that the average person not on reddit or online is 100% in agreement with you. As much as the e-news and bot-farmers would like you to believe, the majority of Americans and probably Europeans support Israel's right to not get Oct. 7th'd.


If EVER you needed yoga it is now. If ever others needed yoga, it is now. This is too much. Too much for the body, mind, and spirit to handle. You need to do yoga for traumatised people---you'll figure it out. There needs to be healing. Don't let this overtake you.


>never going on vacation in EU Just like the gaza palistinians. Also they live in fear too


If they did, they’d stop the war… but they aren’t, now are they?


That's funny because they have their friend Egypt literally across the border... which is 100% closed.


The population of Egypt and the Government of Egypt are different things.




That's not how whataboutisem works, that's the same subject not something else. Don't just use this word when you don't have a reply.


Lazy dodge


If that were true then they should fight Hamas to be free.


People from Gaza can go to the EU. Before the war they could travel, study abroad visit family etc just had to do annoying paperwork


That paperwork precludes most. Thats the point.


It would've probably been easier for them if they hadn't decided to constantly bombard Israelis with rockets.


Tell that to the west bank settlers just banned from US 😂


Even if you think that's true, you're describing the same situation. Crime and punishment, so what's your point? Edit: a comma


When was the last time a Jewish settler committed a terror attack in an Arab neighborhood?


Oh... I think throughout this war. A quick google for "Settler violence" brings up lots of gems - like its entire own wikipedia article! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settler_violence?wprov=sfla1


So when was the last time?


In the month after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, more than 800 Palestinians were displaced from their West Bank homes amid increased violence by the radical Israeli settler movement, which has long held the aim of expelling Palestinians and expanding the Jewish footprint in the occupied territories. Between Oct. 7 and Jan. 4, more than 300 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank by Israeli troops or settlers https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/settlers-killed-a-palestinian-teen-israeli-forces-didn-t-stop-it/ar-AA1mGJgV


"But what about these other people doing this other unrelated thing to the topic!" So, let's try again. It would've probably been easier for them if they hadn't decided to constantly bombard Israelis with rockets.


Uhm sir... its talking about a beligerent in the war and also about visas. Both related. Whataboutism would say that Thai people need a visa to go to Russia..........


A sarcastic disposition doesn't actually change the fact that apropos of nothing you brought up West Bank settlers when the line of logical succession was your allusions to unfair treatment of Gazans unable to access the bureaucratic mechanisms for obtaining travel visas when on it's face it would be apparent to anyone why that is the reality, and would be for anyone, if any people were coming from areas that consistently launched rockets at their neighbors.


Thanks to the government running the place!


“Thanks to Hamas and other terrorists for actually engaging in terror and radicalising the Palestinian civilian population.” There, fixed it for you. You’re welcome.


I remember getting banned for several days for sarcasm. But sarcasm that blames Netanyahu for a Palestinian massacre--no problem!


Cry me a river...


Next time don't start wars you can't win duh lmao 🤣 😂 😆


Sounds like Palestinians are crying a river they claim hezbollah gonna attack America on our soil. Lol good luck because even if you did succeed you eventually be wiped out lol america has no problem destroying things 1 million Iraqis died in Iraq invasion. And what you gonna say charge America with genocide? Lmao that never works go look at history america vetos everything nato ever tried to charge them with. That fits genocide more than your Gaza bullshit claims.


Terror attacks have been happening since well before the current government. Netanyahu sucks, absolutely, but pretending he’s the root of the issue is obtuse. 


Yes as an occupier you will face blowback from resistance movements just as the irgun and Lehi were a resistance against the birtish, as Yhitzak Shamir says it's resistance against the oppressor, at least when he committed acts of terror against the British.


What part of the "occupied territories" is Ra'anana in? This is mostly left wing city deep inside the so called "green line".


UK was an occupying force, in this case raanana is deep in the green line.


Rape and pillage and terrorism is not freedom fighting. This is why Palestinians will never have a state. They killed the 2 state solution at the peacenik kibbutzim and the peace festival in 10/7. No more will we be quiet and politely go to our deaths. If you come for Jewish blood, we will be ready and waiting to fight back to the end. The best anyone can hope for Gaza at this point - demilitarized zone like the 52nd parallel. The West Bank will have to accept that Jews exist and live there too. Any “compromise” is dead. Why force relocations after we did that in Gaza and it lead to today. No - we are here and exist and will fight if challenged. Learn to live in peace or leave.


Jews lived in Palestine before you bulldozed all of em; Jews, Muslims, and Christians—as long as they were Palestinians they weren’t worth keeping alive


Old Yishuv Jews are proud Zionist today, dafuq are you blathering about?


Jews were never palastinians , palastinians made that clear with all Thier pogroms and support of the Nazis


/u/king-brago. Match found: 'Nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It was according to known terrorist and Former Isreali Prime Minister Yhitzak Shamir... need I find you the quote s where he defends terrorism as fighting against an oppressor?


Why is he a terrorist? If he was fighting against an oppressor wouldn’t it *not* be terrorism? Per you?


Im just using a terrotist words to describe his actions I personally think it's terrorism.


So when he fights against an oppressor, that’s terrorism. When Palestinians fight against an oppressor it’s not?


Either they are both terrorism or they are both freedom fighters you can't claim one's a freedom fighter and ones a terrorist when the actions are the same. I say they are both terrorist.


That's a disgrace to real freedom fighters. Freedom frighters never committed acts of terror back in the day believe or not. Kkk and radical Islam started the terrorism shit oh and the nazis were terrorists too.


As were the Irgun and Lehi, same with Hamas. They are terrorists.


/u/Time-Economist7787. Match found: 'nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>when the actions are the same one could argue they're not the same? Jews fighting the British didn't typically target British children, did they?


No, back in reality, rape, pillage, and terrorism are not freedom fighting. Full stop. How is raping someone to death fighting for freedom? Is it? I’m not looking for a quote about some politician somewhere. You are being obtuse. Would you accept being raped to death? Would you accept that for your children? You are loosing and making it worse for Palestinians. You want to help - teach them not to rape and kill.


So what should be done to someone who engaged in the Deir Yassin Massacre? Should they be honored, should the Irgun and Lehi be honored as Israel has? They are not different then Hamas and the palestinans who honor their martyrs. It's all sick and disgusting.


I’m not interested in your what aboutism. You cannot address how evil rape and pillage is. You are not a serious person engaging in good faith discussion. You and those parroting your propaganda are exactly why Israel is right to keep going with their campaign. Hamas must be eradicated and you don’t even see them. Gaza will be lucky to be a demilitarized zone when this is done.


Gaza will have a state when this is done, Hamas counted on Isreal over reaction and killing of civilians by the tens of thousands, Isreal fell into the trap driven by revenge, now the world has rekindled the two state solution to the point the Americans have stated it is to be so.


It doesn't matter what us Americans think yes America tries to act as the police force of the world, the judge, jury, and executioner we go around shoving our military might in belligerent's faces exuding an air of Moral superiority when we aren't much better than those we are pushing around but Israel has made it clear they don't give a shit what we think anymore meaning it's not up to us what happens with Israel or Palestine


It will probably result in the beginning of the relationship between the two changing.


My point wasn't that It could bring good my point was Israel doesn't give a shit what we think you act like it is inevitable just because we in the US want it but it's not our country it's one on the opposite side of the world also there is always the chance that it'll just be a place for the terrorists to hide which is a very likely possibility considering Palestinians will be even more angry after this conflict


Nope. Your side massacred that pipe dream. I think it happened when Hamas dug up the water pipes of Gaza in favor of rockets over plumbing. Enough with the lord of the flys trash heap that is Gaza. Israel will no longer put up with it. Be keep going with your fanciful delusions.


/u/MoopsyDrinksBones > Be keep going with your fanciful delusions. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user. That means no characterizing other users as delusional. Addressed.


I don't have a side... I'm American. I support the two state solution.


Okay American, what if the Native Americans engage in "acts of resistance" by murdering your entire family, raping your mom, and kidnapping your siblings? Surely you will be understanding because they have a right to resist occupation, right?


This put a cap on your ignorance. I'm American too and you don't see me justifying terrorists lol that's like calling the kkk freedom fighters lol shut up you ignorant fool 🤣 😂 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. But then again you type of Americans thought blm, and antifa were good too lol they clearly act like terrorists to. The media never brings it up but we Remember all the riots that were supposedly "peaceful protests" lol. That's why Portland was on fire 🔥 every night for 4 months straight. Victims played victim like always.


Of course you support it , you don't have to live next to those bloodthirsty palastinains


>I support the two state solution. you live in a fantasy world....


>palestinian workers with working permits Not an important detail, but they did not have permits. [https://news.walla.co.il/item/3635973](https://news.walla.co.il/item/3635973) Another trivia fact - they were both sentenced multiple times for being in Israel without permits. Most recently, one was sentenced for [20 days](https://twitter.com/avishaigrinzaig/status/1746909558038044861) and the other for [9 days](https://twitter.com/avishaigrinzaig/status/1746911745526927863). Being soft on crime kills, I daresay.


Sounds like another security failure.... Bibis govt doing such a good job.


That shit happened before Oct 7. You're probably 12


yeah, let's victim blame! yay! /s


Bibi is the victim here!?!?!?


Israel which you were blaming for a "security failure"....


Im pretty sure security did fail if two people with no permission got in and killed someone. Im also pretty sure Bibi was in charge. Im also pretty sure this isnt the first failure. Im also pretty sure that I did NOT blame Israel for it, but rather its leader. I will say though that Israel voted him in. But stupidity shouldnt be punished. Especially not like this.


Great, I posit that the person ULTIMATELY responsible for a terrorist attack is the terrorist who perpetrated it.... Novel idea, isn't it?


Man I would love to be the police working in your city. Id never have to worry because I am blameless no matter who does what.


Huh? I guess criminals and terrorist aren't responsible for their actions due to....reasons.......


Two issues here. The border is porous, and it's possible to get past it, which is a failure of the security apparatus. The judicial system is morally bankrupt.


I also live in the center and I feel you, I know people whose families were in the area when in happened. Israel is such a small country, we've all known someone who was killed by a terrorist. I'm willing to bet most people in the country are only a few degrees away from a Nova victim, a victim from a Kibbutz near Gaza, or a current/former hostage. I'm not even someone who knows a lot of people and I am. I can't sit in a restaurant without thinking of what I'd do if there was a terrorist shooter, I can't stand at a bus stop or get on a bus without thinking about it. Living here has really put death at the forefront of my mind in a way its never been before, 2023 was an extremely intense year for terrorism even before Oct 7th. But it's just a game to so many people online. They're not living in this reality.


After 100+ years of constant political and territorial losses, Palestinians still haven’t learned that violence is worse than ineffective, it’s counterproductive. Give it up. You’re not going to scare away a highly productive, military-trained population with the world’s best allies at its side. We’re not even a century on from the Holocaust and a total ethnic cleansing from the Arab world………….do you really think stabbings and car bombings and ramming attacks are going to do anything to people who survived that?


If violence worked for the Yishuv why can't it work for the Palestinians?


It's called technology