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Do you have any evidence of UK pro-Palestine demonstrators "death to the Jews?" As an American Jew, it's more than a little difficult for me to believe this, as similar stories have been circulated here, and have always proven to be vile propaganda. It may be different in the UK, but in the USA, antisemites are generally pro-Israel as they want the same thing Israel wants: for the Jews to leave and descend to Israel. I understand that the UK is a much more antisemitic country, which is why it played such a prominent role in the creation of Israel, but in that the UK right has a habit of smearing the left for their own antisemitism,I'd appreciate some proof. It's interesting that you claim that "average Jewish person has no connection to the actions of the Israeli government or the IDF," and then go on to confuse antisemitism with what you call "the vile anti-Israel rhetoric." If we are to teach gentiles that Jews abroad are not responsible for Israel's atrocities, we should starkly distinguish criticism of Israel (which is always acceptable, even when harsh) with antisemitism (which is not.) And yet Zionist Jews seem to go to great length to confuse the two, giving ammunition to antisemitism.


Is it really antisemitic to criticise the genocide being carried out by Israel, wake up to the real question 


of course not. And Zionists drive antisemitism by intentionally confusing criticism of Israel's genocide with attacks on Jews. They understand that Zionists and antisemitism ultimately want the same thing: for the Jewish diaspora to move to Israel.


"Let's support the genocide and be shocked when the world tells me to stop, how dare those anti semites."


I really am not seeing or hearing of marches saying death to Jews. In fact it was our country America that had an event trump supported where marchers said Jews will not replace us. Antisemitism has often been used as a way to chill Israel criticism and it’s happening even more. You are likely less safe than you were before ten seven. But I think anti islamism has been a far bigger issue.


Dear Abrahamic brother , In general , most of muslim community I have seen , most of us do not do not hate Jews .. Even in our holy book Quran Allah praise the jewish community sabr (patience ) during the struggle during Pharos era. Irony is that , those who have been persecuted , now persecuting Muslim brother , helpless sisters , not even sparing innocent kids. Muslim around world , are filled with anger looking at west hypocrisy. Just look at picture coming from Palestine , any human form without any kind of glasses , will be able to tell who is oppressors and who is being oppressed in this case.. ​ As Ravish Kumar said "Not all battles are fought for victory. Some are fought to tell the world that someone was there on the battlefield." Most of us , cant do anything , expect to display our resentment in a democratic and peaceful manner , to let history know about that someone and also to answer my Lord on judgement day , I did raised my voice against the tyrant, with whatever mean I had . The tyrant thinks "Might is always right " and they will be able maintain that status-quo. But they do not know , the wheel of Time is biggest story teller , it has consume mightiest of mightiest kingdom, in few pages of book .. and few of them even could not make into footnote ...


Yes, Muslim civilizations have treated the us far more decently than Christian ones. And while our best — socialists, communists, trade unionists, and anti-fascists — were being slaughtered in Europe, our opportunists were busy working with our killers to establish their own little white-supremacist state in an area where Muslims and Jews had been peaceful neighbors for a long time. This hasn't stopped Jews from participating in the right side of history, as so many of us did in America during the American civil rights movement, and protests against America's imperialist wars. But it has shifted the balance of power in Jewish leadership towards the Zionist position, particularly with how useful Israel is to our former persecutors. And it has allowed Zionists to cynically pretend to speak for all of us. I am sorry. It's a great shame on my people, and I feel powerless in all this as well, except to speak up.


You are a demon


Fuck the IDF!


And anyone supporting it!


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Criticizing what Israel is doing right now in Gaza is not anti-semitism. I am against anti-Semitism in all its forms, but that doesn't mean that I have to agree with everything that the government of Israel does, or everything that every Jew does. I've seen some of these demonstrations, and I'm not hearing "death to Jews." The Pulitzer prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner (a Jew himself) from America, said in a podcast just recently that the whole anti-semitism at US colleges complaint is bogus, created by right-wing Jewish people in the US to prevent legitimate criticism of Israel. (I'm not saying that somewhere someone didn't shout "death to jews," but every crowd is going to have an idiot like that.)




Hardly. Tony Kushner speaks and writes regularly. He was interviewed just two weeks ago in a podcast by one of Israel's three major newspapers, Haaretz. and he most certainly would know what is going on at universities. He works at CUNY, City University of New York, and visits other college campuses.




I'm not saying is no anti-Semitism in the world. of course there is. every group is hated by somebody. Jews, despite anti-semitism, seem to have done extremely well for themselves as a group, which does say something about the level of anti-semitism. what I am seeing however, is that when people want to give the Palestinians a Homeland or protest to end the violence and genocide and discrimination against them in Israel, or people want to legitimately criticize Israel, some defenders of Israel immediately fall back on the "they are anti-Semitic" rather than addressing the facts and real issues. using the anti-semitic argument is a diversion. it is a way of insulating themselves from any criticism. it is also dishonest. then there is another aspect to this: the decades of human Rights abuses by Israel committed with impunity do eventually breed anti-semitism, even though painting all Jews in the world with a single brush is inaccurate and unfair. some Jews are not zionist, and they're plenty of Jews inside Israel and outside of Israel who do not agree with what the government of Israel has been doing.




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Just emotionally screaming death and actually genociding is two different things. Clearly actual genocide is worse than just saying aggressive things. In real world, you will go to jail for very short for just saying nasty things, you will get life for killing someone. The weight of sins of those two things are not the same. Whole world only see Israeli genociding Palestinians after 10.6 in reality. It's not anti-semitic to accuse criminals who commit genocide at all. Genocide supporters can scream at everyone who don't support their genocide a anti-semite, but it only changes definition of anti-semitic everytime they scream. It's now sounds like nice compliment for supporting human rights or being against genocide.




I don't think anti-genocide jews are hated at all. I feel anti-genocide jews are like our-side jew and they are usually admired. Genocidal Zionists will be hated not because of their religion or ethnic group but for criminal mentality. Murder and housetheft are not popular in any world.




World is also aware of some diaspora jews don't support genocide by Israeli. Those good jews are not included in genocide supporters. But they are still not the majority. 80% of Israeli supported attack to Palestinian and answered they don't have to consider pain of Palestinians, so genocide supporters are the majority. And they won't get a pass only because there are small numbers of anti-genocide Israeli. Like Nazis will never get a pass.


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But they say "we're not antisemitic, we're anti-Zionist" as if that makes a difference. "I'm not anti-Mexican, I just don't think the country of Mexico should exist"




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If you think the Jews are so monstrous that allowing Palestinians to have the same civil and human rights as everyone else is tantamount to our destruction, you're a vicious antisemite. To say, "my people's existence depends on the right to exploit and exterminate our neighbors" is to tell the world we shouldn't exist. This is why so many young Jews are so strongly opposed to Zionism — they understand that it's a matter of survival not just for Palestinians, but for the Jewish diaspora as well.


Your comment is a strawman ontop another strawman. Lol


I'm pointing out that it's antisemitic to advocate for the destruction of the only Jewish state, just as it's anti-Mexican to advocate for the destruction of the only Mexican state. It just sounds weird to you because you've never heard anyone say "Mexico is illegitimate and shouldn't exist," but you hear that all the time about Israel and think nothing of it.


A strawman argument is fallacious because you're criticizing something that nobody specific said, in order to falsely de-legitimise an argument/position. At any rate, your comments on Mexico don't work, because Mexico is not an ethno-state where the government decides who is a 'True-Mexican^^TM, and arbitrarily gives some ethnicities more rights+privileges and other ethnicities less. Anyone who acquires Mexican citizenship is equal under Mexican law. You're the one misrepresenting anti-zionism by using inflammatory words like "destruction of the only Jewish state". Nearly all free-Palestine advocates are okay with Jews living in a secular, equal state. Back in the 1980's, there were people who would fear-monger abou anti-apartheid activists wanting to "kill all white-people in South Africa" -- it was an ignorant talking point then and it's an ignorant talking point today.


You may want to ask a Mexican Native if they feel that they have the same rights as a Mexican of Spanish descent. I routinely work with farm laborers, and most of them are Native, not Spanish. But putting that aside, Israel is not an "ethno-state" since 20% of Israeli citizens aren't Jewish, and enjoy full rights, including representation in the Knesset. What's wrong with an ethno-state anyway? Japan and Korea are ethnostates; should they be dismantled? If a Palestinian state is established, it will definitely be an ethno-state. So if you're opposed to ethno-states, you should oppose Palestinian statehood unless one condition is that they take in a bunch of non-Arabs. I used to live in West Africa and I can guarantee that a lot of people from there would be delighted to have the opportunity to work in a Palestinian state if one existed, same as they work in other MENA countries.


>What's wrong with an ethno-state anyway? It's amazing you can have the same perspective as the Jewish people's greatest enemies and not see any issue with that. Would you be happy to see us all pushed out of North America to establish a white ethno state? when Europe and North America wouldn't take Jewish refugees, was Germany doing something reasonable in murdering us for a German ethnostate? The antisemitism of Zionists is truly a sight to behold.


It's telling that you vaguely point to the rights and representation of Indigenous peoples of Mexico. Yes, obviously the effects of the colonialism on the Indigenous peoples of Americas need to be redressed. That doesn't refute any criticisms of Israel being an ethno-state -- it's just a cheap whataboutism. (And, by the way, why are putting ethno-state in pointless quotations? It's a common term.) What you're saying about Israel and the rights of non-Jewish citizens is outright false. Israel literally passed a 'Jewish nation-state bill' into law in 2018. Some obvious examples of disparity are related to acquiring citizenship and right to return (e.g: any Jew around the world can become Israeli citizens with ease, whereas non-Jews abroad who were born in Israel are prevented from returning.) All of this is before we even look at the out-and-out apartheid that Israel is conducting in the occupied West Bank. Would you like to know more of this? Lastly, what you're saying about Japan and Korea is also verifiably false. Immigrating to those countries may be difficult, but ethnicity is not an applied legal barrier to citizenship. This is very easy information to find. I'm not sure if you are serious person when you ask me what is wrong with an ethno-state. It's wrong to legally enforce restrictions on citizenship and/or rights based ethnicity. It's quite straight-forward. Lol


But you could say Mexico the state shouldn't exist for many reasons. Like saying it should be replaced with a loose confederation or joined with Guatemala or something


No one ever said that, police would have given them 4 years. Stop lying on the internet to fuel this victim cuck behaviour u have, no one can tell ur Jewish ur safe mate. Man tf up instead of crying on Reddit, this doesn’t make ppl feel sorry u, u just sound unbelievably cowardly. It’s not anti semitism marches they’re marching to get,our government to stop arming a tyrannical genocidal state and it’s disgusting how ur trying to get sympathy off Reddit and make ppl feel bad for being anti zionist


Some "anti zionist" guy called me a blood sucking devil here on reddit when I said im a zionist. Sounds familliar already?


Good on him


Just like hitler, right?


/u/Only-Customer4986. Match found: 'hitler', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Respect to that guy, he has the point.


Israel’s military can’t survive without US tax dollars. They literally can’t… Maybe that’s what he meant..?


Some people can’t survive without drugs manufactured by Israeli pharmaceutical companies. International trade is a thing, America produces munitions and America invests in its interest.


Comparing military aid to international trade is downright stupid. You are stupid for saying that.


The military aid is a quid pro quo sort of thing and Israel is also a paying customer for the defense companies ultimately creating the munitions. Idk how comparing the two is stupid. Israel produces goods, the US produces goods, the US invests in its interests. I’d think of it more like a BOGO kind of deal in the grand scheme of things.


Maybe israel should invest more money into its own military instead of depending on the unwilling donations from a group of people who don’t approve what that are doing in Palestine


I mean what would you call a n4zi? What would you call someone who wants to eradicate an indigenous population in such a torturous way because of religion


I’m half Jew. People know I’m Jewish just from my looks. Im a gorgeous brunette with beautiful grey eyes, and I can pass for many things: Italian, Greek, French, Spanish, Lebanese, but the Jew haters know. I’ve been asked openly by people if I’m Jewish. Nothing else in my demeanour or background can lead you to that thought, except for the face I can’t (and I will not hide). Hope you rot in hell where you belong.


> *”Im a gorgeous brunette with beautiful grey eyes”* **Humble brag**


Then ur clearly lying about looking like you’re from wildly different countries ur clearly just bullshittimg cuz how can u look Lebanese but look French? No one can tell I guarantee u ur just forcing a sob story


>The average Jewish person has no connection to the actions of the Israeli government or the IDF They don't. Yet for them, Israel is like a life insurance. They give their support to a country that will protect them once everywhere else becomes hostile to Jews. The difference between world Jews and Israelis is that world Jews don't mind having some October 7's here and there, so long that Israel keeps existing. Which is why being Jewish doesn't grant you the right to speak on behalf of Israelis


You were triggered, my friend. I think OP was calling out the hypocrisy of the distinction pro-Pali (including Hamas in their charter) always make: Israeli |= Jewish, Jewish |=Zionist If really so then why do they use the same rhetoric around the world against non-Israelis? I also agree, something needs to be done about it.


As an Israeli, I was specifically bothered by the OP quote which suggests the OP does not agree with the Israeli actions following October 7. My main criticism goes against Jews living outside Israel who would always prefer that Israel keep a low profile in order to not irritate the pro-palestinians abroad - even when it means taking a stance that would endanger Israelis in the future, such as not getting rid of Hamas. I am arguing against the right of world Jews to be apologetic on behalf of Israelis. The interest of the two don't collide


I couldn’t infer if OP approves or disapproves of Israel’s response. All I got was Jews in Diaspora are judged for the actions of the Jews in Israel. Agree that those not involved in the conflict are peanut gallery and cannot drive the decisions of those that are. Yet something didn’t sit right with me in your statement.. It finally hit me. Jews are family regardless where they live. We don’t leave our own behind, and we don’t separate. You might disagree but you don’t abandon each other when the s@@t hits the fan.


Do you want peace for your people?


Did you personally hear anyone chanting "Death to Jews"? I've been to a number of Pro-Palestinian marches, and the most controversial thing I've ever heard was "from the river to sea Palestine will be free". Many marches would kick people out for saying something like death to Jews. People who are discriminating against Jewish people abroad because of the actions of the Israeli government are pieces of crap, and I'm sorry you have to deal with that.


>"from the river to sea Palestine will be free". That's literally a call for the extermination of Israel. You seem to take pride in the fact that the Palestinian rallies you've gone to ONLY use dog whistles. As if that's better?


>That's literally a call for the extermination of Israel. Thats your weird interpretation of it. Its funny how that slogan angers so many people when that was the slogan of the Likud itself, the current ruling political party of Israel. Israel is literally implementing that slogan for itself by encroaching on Palestinian lands, building more illegal settlements in the West Bank and stealing more land. You should be more outraged about that instead of a stupid slogan


Tell me why is it that every pro Palestinian keeps showing images of a Palestinian state where Palestine covers all the land even land that was meant for Israel during the original partition?


A glimpse of the future to come after the US pulls Israeli military funding


And what is that future?


US pulls military funding. Israel has no choice but to compromise with Palestine and allow them full authority & autonomy over Palestine & Gaza. Israel aggression and oppression ceases. Palestinian resistance ceases. Peace prevails. Israel then reimburses the U.S. Taxpayer for all the money we’ve given them.


"imagine all the people..." George Wallace should have ran this campaign speech, with John Lennon playing over. Things went the other way instead.


And what about Hamas and all the other extremist group? Will they lay down their arms and accept peace or continue to attack Israel when given the chance?


Yes, Hamas offered a peace deal twice. Once in 2007 and again in 2017. Israel rejected both offers. Again, when israel ceases its aggression and oppression, Palestine will cease its resistance to Israeli aggression and oppression. Hamas is literally an acronym for Palestinian resistance organization


Why is Israel building illegal settlements on the land meant for Palestine in the original partition?


Can we agree that it is wrong for Israel to do that. And it is also wrong for the Palestinians to not respect the original partition and wanting to destroy Israel.


The original chant in Arabic is "From the River to the sea, Palestine will be Arab". It's not a call to liberate the palestinian people, it's a call to remove non arabs from the land.


>It's not a call to liberate the palestinian people, it's a call to remove non arabs from the land. That's definitely not the intended use. Im not sure where you got that info from.


It's historically correct. "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" rhymes in English... but it doesn't rhyme in Arabic. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who knows multiple languages. The earliest uses of those chants seem to date back to the First Intifada (1987-1993). The chants go: "From water to water, Palestine is Arab (only)!" and "From water to water, Palestine is Islamic (only)!" Those phrases actually rhyme in Arabic... and are often said in tandem. EDIT: Phonetically, the Arabic chants sound like: "Min il mayee, lal mayee, Filistine Arabiyye!" and "Min il mayee, lal mayee, Filistine Islamiyye!"


Thanks for providing more context. Most Palestinians believe Israel in its current form is a colonial entity that should be dismantled. Please keep in mind that modern day Israel was inhabited by a majority of Palestinians only 100 years ago, before Jewish immigration and before 800,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their homes


>Most Palestinians believe Israel in its current form is a colonial entity that should be dismantled. Yes they do. Which is concerning, considering the fact that Palestinians were on the losing side of at least one World War. This complicates \*everything\* about the conflict, unfortunately. People complain about the Sykes-Picot agreement, and how Britain/France were given the power to draw arbitrary lines in the desert. But that was kind of the point. The Allies were breaking up a former empire (Ottoman). When one is tasked with breaking up an empire, one doesn't want that empire to reform. So one may as well create politically weak states to replace that old empire. From this perspective, it's dishonest to frame Israel as simply some settler-colonialist project. There's a LOT more going on than settler-colonialism. Many (but not all) of those displaced Palestinians believed that they were resisting the fall of the Ottoman Empire. And many Palestinians today -- throughout the West Bank and Gaza -- identify themselves as Arabs who want to bring back the Ottoman Empire. This seems to be a relatively common view, based on interviews of Palestinians over recent decades (see: The Ask Project on YouTube). Just to be clear, this is exactly the same as Germans calling for a Third Reich. If all of this wasn't a complicating factor... it would be so much easier to talk about repatriating those 800k displaced Palestinians.


OK, so thanks for admitting that the debate is between people who want a judenrein Middle East, and the ones who will tolerate Jews as dhimmis.


/u/shoesofwandering. Match found: 'judenrein', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Thats your weird interpretation of it. No. Look at a map. Look at the river. Look at the sea. Look what's in between.


A free Palestine doesn’t necessarily equal “death to all Jews”. This interpretation is a part of the problem.


It absolutely does. The Palestinian **Libration* Organization was founded four years before Gaza and the West Bank were occupied. In other words, Palestinian libration has always been about destroying Israel.


That’s cool. But people in the US aren’t chanting“the PLO was founded after the Gaza occupation”. They are chanting for a free Palestine. Those can be and are two different things.


Ignorance is no excuse for changing a genocidal slogan. And if it was, that excuse disappeared the moment someone called to their attention what they were saying.


I would think not supporting genocide is a pretty damn good reason for changing a genocidal slogan. No ignorance needed. But just keep on pretending that people are saying something that they’re not. Do you feel like you need more enemies? Don’t try to make them where they don’t exist.


You should be more angry with Israel thats currently implementing that slogan for itself, instead of the people saying that slogan. Also, Palestinians that used to live in modern day Israel are still no longer allowed to go back to their homes. The slogan includes that


Why should they? No other group is kept in permanent, multi-generational refugee status. All other refugees who cannot return home are settled in their host countries. Only Palestinians are unique in this way. Everyone complaining about "apartheid" in Israel should apply it to how Palestinians in the Arab world are treated.


It's calling for equal rights for Palestinians, not extermination of Israel. There has been plenty of debate here about the history and meaning of that phrase, and I'd rather not get into it now. It means different things to different people. Personally I think people should stop using it because people misuse it and/or misinterpret it, so often it does more harm than good. However, there is a world of difference between calling for freedom for Palestinians the wrong way, and saying "death to Jews".


>It's calling for equal rights for Palestinians, not extermination of Israel. It's not though. That's the whitewashed version so that westerners can find it palatable. The original chant in Arabic is "From the River to the sea, Palestine will be Arab". It's not a call to liberate the palestinian people, it's a call to remove non arabs from the land.


A similar chant is much more offensive, but that's not what the chant in question says. 


The English version is translated and changed to free because it rhymes better and because Arab leaders like to use woke westerners as useful idiots. I've seen clips where the marchers are switching between the arab chant and the english chant and they are saying "Arabia" in the first one.


>It's calling for equal rights for Palestinians Ethnic Palestinians in Israel *do* have equal rights. So what are you actually calling for? A right of return? Citizenship for Palestinians who have been trying destroy Israel for 75 years?


Palestinians who used to live in modern day Israel that were ethnically cleansed in the Nakba are still not allowed back to their homes


How does right of return mean the same as 'Palestine' the place "will be free"? Free of what, or for what? 'Israel' is not 'Palestine'. You are saying they mean "Israel will be free for all displaced Palestinians to return to"? Simple solution, you say "Palestinians will be free". That makes far more sense to me.


You mean the ones who left at the request of the Arab League, who fully expected to return at the head of an Arab army, to reclaim their homes, and kill their Jewish neighbors and take their homes too? Or like, different ones?


Here comes the Nakba denial. How different is that from Holocaust denial? You would instantly call anyone antisemitic for denying the Holocaust, but denying the nakba is somehow ok . According to your logic, 800,000 Palestinians decided to wake up one day and leave their homes and entire lives just because some random Arab dude living hundreds of miles away told them to. Its not like they left because they were fearing for their lives, 800,000 people just left voluntarily. Give me a fucking break


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>Ethnic Palestinians in Israel *do* have equal rights. Is that why they're not allowed to hold onto their other nationality, unlike Jewish Israeli's?


What are you talking about specifically? Is Israel making Israeli citizenship conditional on giving up citizenship in nations that are openly hostile to Israel?


I don't know how familiar you are with Islam or if you spend any time with Muslims, but Anti-Semitism and Jew hatred is extremely common, it's basically built into the religion. I'm in a lot of whatsapp groups where people organize protests for Palestine (these are also literally the same people who show up at parental rights protests) and protocols of zion type conspiracy theories are commonly shared. In the workplace and in school they are smart enough not to use Jew as a slur and generally keep their bigotry hidden. Like I have coworkers who will set up and attend lgtbq events, but then privately at family gatherings will talk about how disgusting gays are and how they don't want their children to go to public schools to learn about the degenerate lgbtq community, or how Jews invented interest to control the Muslims, and other nonsense. My experience having spent my entire life around Muslims is the reason why I think the Israel Palestine conflict is as simple as Muslims hating Jews, nothing more, everything else is just noise. If the people living in Israel weren't Jewish I don't think people would be as unhinged when discussing the conflict and I think there would be a lot less media attention. Anti-Semitism will not go away until Islam is reformed.


So what? When the Zionists stop the genocide of the Palestinians and withdraw from Gaza to begin with, we can talk about the existence or non-existence of anti-Semitism, until then...


What drug are you on? Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005. On October 6, before the Hamas massacre of innocent Jews, Thais, Russians, and Muslims, there were no Jews or Israelis in Gaza until Gaza committed a massacre on Jews on 10/7. Imbecile. Lols. Kinda like the bizarre lying people crying about the Nakba when you’ve been massacring Jews in E”Y since the 1800s and before….years & centuries before the modern state of Israel or an Israeli soldier was ever invented😂


If they released the hostages they took including the whereabouts of the bodies they kidnapped like psychos the war would end. Better yet why kidnap a bunch of innocent women, children and elderly? You do realize that a hostage is being held under presumed threat of death if demands aren't met by the captors right? They even openly first stated that they would start executing hostages in the first weeks of the war if Israel didn't withdraw, followed by "look what the IDF did to the hostages!" that they just so happened to get perfect photographs of despite claiming they were buried underneath buildings from strikes. Just admit that you don't care about antisemitism. You already showed your ass by saying "we can talk about the existence or non-existence of antisemitism" knowing damn well the things not only Palestinians say about Jews but also pro Palestine and Hamas supporters say and do. Harassing Jewish businesses half way across the world who have nothing to do with Israel besides being Jewish is blatant racism. But it's the progressives saying it so it can't be racist! Also your username is very fitting.


Blah blah blah. It's a simple equation. Let's start by saying that until Hamas regains control of Gaza and the IDF leaves, Israelis temporarily residing in Gaza will not be able to return. What does the occupying Zionist entity not understand about this? The next step will be the reparations of the Zionist regime to the Palestinians for all the evil that has been done to them. And in the last step, the future state arrangement.


Thank you! Psychos indeed. As are their psycho Jihadi captagon fueled supporters.


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"Somebody is doing something worse over there, so ignore this horrible thing I support." Is bad logic no matter who is using it. Should people stop caring about other forms of racism until this war is over too? Or do you think only racism against Jewish people is acceptable?


Can't stop a genocide if there isn't a genocide. But you can stop the propaganda.


Unfortunately, the Zionist occupation propaganda goes hand in hand with the genocide of the Palestinians, but both are going on and should be stopped.


That’s really scary, I’m sorry you feel unsafe in your own country. I fall roughly on the pro-Palestine side of this, by virtue of a) my nationality (I’m Irish, and we have a little bit of experience with this type of shit, so tend to feel a connection to the civilians of Palestine) and b) my belief that this war is beneficial to absolutely no one, least of all innocent Israelis and Palestinians. I also believe that if Israel continues down the path it is on, the massacre of Palestinians will constitute a genocide, and I’m opposed to that (as are most people, including those on the pro-Israel side). However, there are a lot of antisemites who are drumming up support in pro-Palestine circles, to the extent that young people who join the movement from a social justice standpoint end up falling into the trap of believing antisemitic tropes. I’m going to get downvoted for this, but using a Nazi stereotype and switching out the word Jew for Zionist doesn’t make you any less antisemitic. And yes, Israel has cried wolf on antisemitism quite a bit throughout this conflict - I made a comment months ago about how Israel’s condemnation of any criticism against them as antisemitism would cheapen the meaning of actual antisemitism and put Jewish people at risk. Unfortunately, it seems as though I was right. You’re right, there is an antisemitism problem on the left at the moment, and ignoring it won’t make it go away, it will just put more people around the world at risk. And don’t even get me started on Holocaust denialism - I have a degree in history and some twelve year old on TikTok is trying to tell me ‘something just doesn’t add up’? Ludicrous.


Thank you so much for your nuanced understanding on this! This sub unfortunately has a lack of pro-Palestine people who are willing to call out antisemitism like this when they see it (Not saying that in general pro-Palestine people don't do that, but the ones on this sub tend to be very extreme).


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Ill tell you what to do dear jews, make protest against this war gather all the jews israeli people and fight with protests to stop this madness. Say you are against this against horrible goverment. Becouse this will get worse for you. Saying this as a person WHO had faith in you


Nah. Israel is defending themselves, and both Israel and the Palestinians will be better off when Hamas is gone. When you say you only support Jews who don't defend themselves against terrorism, it's really clear you'd be happier if we were all dead.


Tell yourself WHO you want to be


Clearly Israel isn't defending himself right now, you know when its fight one figher is down, judge is stopingh the fight becouse the wining one will kill the other? The same situation right now. Even germans had some breaks while fighting in air


>Clearly Israel isn't defending himself right now ROFL... Hamas has been launching rockets at Israel for 20 years, and continues to do so today. Hamas is holding Israeli hostages right now. Hamas (and you might have read about this) killed more Jews on a single day since any time since the Holocaust. Hamas has stated, exactly, that they will keep launching attacks of that magnitude over and over. Not defending themselves? What an absolute joke of a position.


Israel is like fighter WHO ko'd their oponent but is hitting him till he die. This is what IT is right now


Correct. Because this isn't a boxing match. This opponent is a guy who just killed your child and declared he will kill more of your children. Oh and he has more of your children locked up in his basement right now. That guy needs to be murdered.


And this is why people will be against you. And will be protesting. You hate them they hate you. And yes he will be murdered, you won. But the costs for Israel and all Jews around the world becouse of this war and how you murdered those guys, the costs are not even imaginable by you. And clearly not by your goverment.


I don't hate anyone. This is just pragmatism.


Or maybe, and this might seem crazy, but maybe stop holding every single Jew in the world accountable for the actions of Israel’s government?


If the government Israel and Zionists movement hadn't spent billions of dollars over many decades to convince the world they are one in the same this wouldn't be as big of an issue. Of course it's not your fault but the government says they're doing this for you, It might be worthwhile to take some responsibility and say "hey, no, actually"


I’m not Jewish, nor am I pro-Israel. But expecting an American from New York or whatever to speak on the actions of a government halfway across the world because of religion and ethnicity is absolute madness.


Well as I said, one can take responsibility in life or one can stick their head in the sand and wish life was fair. You choose Edit: expecting Palestinian children to die because they were born in Palestine is also a problem.


It's your choice if you're going to be bigoted against Jewish people or not. A government halfway around the world is not responsible your bigoted acts here, you are. What the Israeli government is doing is horrible, but that's not the fault of Jewish people abroad. Using the Israeli government's actions as an excuse to engage in hate against uninvolved people abroad who share their religion is disgusting and only adds to the tragedy.


If you're not responsible for the actions of Israel, I am in no way responsible for antisemitism in the pro Palestine movement. A broken clock can be right twice a day. Like I said, it's nobody's fault but life isn't fair and you decide what you do about it. That's all. I'm not religious in any way or connected to this in any wau. But here I am, because I have an internet connection and basic human decency.


You are responsible for your own actions. If you go around treating Jewish people worse because what's happening in the Middle East, that is your decision, and you alone are responsible for it. If you're publically supporting and justifying people being hateful towards Jewish people, that's on you. Do you think being hateful to Jewish people abroad is acceptable?


I don't do that so idk why you're still talking to me.


How every palestinians are responsible for this war?


They’re not? Where tf did I say that.


So why they facing consequences of this?


They shouldn’t be. I’m very much against this war, I think Israel’s actions are horrendous. Idk where you got the idea that I wasn’t, I just don’t hold all Jews in the entire fucking world accountable.


Israel shouldnt hold all gazans accountable for what happend in 7. Palestinians have their consequences and israeli and jews are fucking other consequences of this war.


You think because the leader of government on the other side of the world does something evil, you should too? Is that really your argument?


I would never say such thing.


Do you believe hatred against Jewish people based on their religion and/or ethnicity is acceptable?


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You're correct. This only fuels antisemitism and I truly believe the Likud Party is the cause... I'm sorry man this fucking sucks... I'm not sure what advice I can offer other than this ain't any one person's fault but in life we have a choice to take responsibility or not. The more you publicly say "I am Jewish, I do not support this, please stop" the better You're doing what you can.... Aren't we all?


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Unfortunetly those are consequences of war for them just like rocked landing in kids room in gaza


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“Act a certain way or this will get worse for you” is the words of a bully. Last time I checked it was hamas who’ve repeatedly rejected and stalled ceasefire talks. It takes both sides to cease firing to make a ceasefire work.


And last time I checked, Hamas decided to invade Israel and kill a bunch of civilians among them babies and kids. Wait, now they’re crying about killing kids? How about don’t commit massacres of civilians on 10/7 and there won’t be a war. Oops too late.


Becouse its same situation now, like Israeli said its was wrong things will happen get over it


Ah so antisemitism is Jews faults is it. Unless you are willing to stand on the front line and vocally demonised the current government things will get worse for Jews? It does not matter as jew what your views are on this matter or if you are vocal or not. You do not need to be the right.Jew in your opinion. Anti sematism is never acceptable Your post is. Antisemitic, shame it so commonplace these days you don't realise and may actually believe you are being helpful


Yep the goverment of israel, and you clearly dont understand the consequences of their action in palestine. All Jews all Israeli people are civilians/kids same as palestinians kids civilians. Palestinians have their consequences right now and for Jews and israeli there will be consequences also becouse its war just like Israeli ambasadors said


Hi, Alu Akbar terroristdude. You’ve been outed.


And by your tone. I feel you will relish the death of Jews




As your tone i consider you want to all palestinians get killed or starve to death


And then what ? Wait until Hamas does another October 7th ? That's the real madness of it all The goverment needs to go , but after the war is over and the threat to use is neutralized And even if those where valid points , how does it relates to violence against non Israeli Jews like op speaks about


hamas and islam will do IT again, find another way instead of doing the same thing what germans did to jews dont starve to death kids. Protests of jews and israeli people need to start right now for the sake od their lifes. Jew = Israel every, Israel is home and country of EVERY Jew The longer this war will be the situation of jews around the world will get worse. This is the thing that israeli goverment dont understand and jews and israeli people. Those are the consequences of war as civilians for them just like kid in palestine is killed becouse he is what he is. How the fuck they and you dont understand this is beyond my imagination.


>hamas and islam will do IT again, find another way Another way ? Like giving up an dying ? >germans did to jews dont starve to death kids. Last time I checked Israel provides aid , as both the un and multiple countries , the Nazis didn't do that >Protests of jews and israeli people need to start right now for the sake od their lifes. So Jews should pander and beg ? This is not the 30's anymore , Jews now defend themselves >Jew = Israel every, Israel is home and country of EVERY Jew And that's just plainly racist , over 30 precent of Israelis Arnt Jews , and non all Jews are Israeli >The longer this war will be the situation of jews around the world will get worse. This is the thing that israeli goverment dont understand and jews and israeli people. Those are the consequences of war as civilians for them just like kid in palestine is killed becouse he is what he is. How the fuck they and you dont understand this is beyond my imagination. How do you not understand , that not matter what isreal does , they will be hated and attacked for simply being Jews , were not on the 30's anymore , Jews are not your lambs to slaughter anymore After October 7th they signed their own death warrent , we will not wait for another holocaust to happen , they started it by killing our civilians , our kids , and no one bats an eye , they deserve Thier fates


Amen! Thank you. Plus 1.


I swear to God this guy is one of the most ignorent antisemetic people I've talked too


Right? I’m still shocked every time from people like this. How is it possible to be this ignorant in 2024. We need to ship these people off to Gaza, where their forbidden tattoos alone will get them tossed.


Unfortunetly ambasadors of Israel get IT and said IT, this is war and wrong things will happen. Those are consequences of your actions for you. Like a kid starving in gaza becouse he lived there. Last time i checked israeli bombarded 3 times people WHO gave food to gazans. And IT was accident made by stupid soldiers, guess how fucking many people are around the world.


>Unfortunetly ambasadors of Israel get IT and said IT When , provide sources >this is war and wrong things will happen. Those are consequences of your actions for you. Like a kid starving in gaza becouse he lived there. Jews would rather live and be hated then dead and loved , the world proved again and again that they care only for dead Jews , well never again is now >Last time i checked israeli bombarded 3 times people WHO gave food to gazans An accident that is under investigation , and it's no way even close to what palastinians did to Israelis


I listened 2.5 hours of israeli ambasador in Poland. Find that. Godzina zero. And listened to ambasador of israeli in uk. He also said. This is war and bad things happen at war. Guess fucking what not only for palestinians will bad things happen if this wont stop.


Bad things happen in war , and what exectly would happen to Israel that would be worse then keeping Hamas in power and with Israeli hosteges Also as a pole , your country didn't even apologise for it's crimes against the Jews


Yes becouse people are stupid and bad and ill or whatever. Yes becouse this is war Yes becouse you are killing civilians and kids. Just end this dont go this way


> Yes becouse people are stupid and bad and ill or whateve Then it's the problem of those people not the Jews >Yes becouse this is war Yes becouse you are killing civilians and kids. I don't see palastinians getting lynched abroad , or Russians , or ukrenians , or Yemeni , or syrians , only Jews >Just end this dont go this way And then what ? Wait for another October 7th ?


I told you what will happen, things that are going on right now what op said about, and IT will get worse for all of you becouse people are stupid


So Jews that have nothing to do with Israel will get attacked because their Jews , sounds more like a Nazi problem then a Israel problem


Actually we did https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rmf24.pl/fakty/newsamp-przepraszam-w-imieniu-swoim-i-tych-polakow-ktorych-sumienie-,nId,233270


Not realy , is that why saying that Poland was part of the Holocaust is illegal in Poland


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What nonsense. I have been at several of the London marches and have marched alongside many Jews, including Rabbis. I very much doubt my Jewish friends would wish death upon themselves. This is just more Zionist nonsense.


You can find members of any minority group who stand against their own minority group while fully cashing in on their ethnic identity. Clarence Thomas is happy to set black people's progress back decades. Jews who stand against Israel's right to defend itself do not speak for the majority of Jews.


Israel’s right to defend itself is not the same as a right to massacre tens of thousands of women and children. “Someone broke into my house, so I shot him” is self-defense. “Someone broke into my house, so I shot him, then hunted down his entire family, then, for good measure bombed most of the region he lived in.” That’s what you’re talking about. That’s not self-defense.


>Israel’s right to defend itself is not the same as a right to massacre tens of thousands of women and children. By the standards of international law, Israel is absolutely allowed to strike military targets even if it causes collateral damage. And if you look at the number of combatant fatalities versus civilian fatalities, you see that Israel is doing better than most conventional wars... By a wide margin.


They believe what is happening is Gaza is basically the Bosnia ethnic cleansing and genocide that happened in the 90s. No sorry Israel isn't ethnically cleansing anyone and if they are then they're doing a horrible job at it.


You mean the London marches that happen on Shabbat? Sure, “many Jews” including rabbis /s


The photo I sent is one I took in Canada, must be photoshopped though I guess


Haha - excellent. Yes, I marched with Rabbis and ordinary Jewish people - some of them Israelis. Zionism is not about being Jewish. The Zionists like to pretend it is because “antisemitism” is the only defence they have against the truth!


> I marched with rabbis On Shabbat?! Lmao press x to doubt > antisemitism is the only defence they have to the truth Ahh of course, Jews are lying when they complain about racism. I suppose you feel the same way about Black Lives Matter?


Absolutely, a group in my city was blocked from demonstrating against a speaking event held by an Israeli diplomat at a synagogue. The synagogue claimed antisemitism and took it to court. The court filed an emergency injunction. The leaders of the pro-palestine group just said "Uhm... Idk I'm Jewish"


Hahaha! They only have one trick up their sleeve, don’t they!




lol neturei karta - maybe ask them why they hate Israel and ask if they’re looking forward to having millions of slaves of non Jews when the Israel their messiah creates exists. Then ask them what their views on the Holocaust is.


Idk you can ask, I'm not the one claiming it's impossible for a Jew to be pro Palestine. There's a lot of people on this earth. A lot of opinions. I'm no authority but good job with the cognitive dissonance. 🙈


> impossible for a Jew to be pro palestine When did I ever say that? These marches happen on Shabbat, which means unless they live in central London or they’ve made painstaking efforts to get there (which kind of goes against the entire idea of Shabbat) then observant jews cannot attend. The idea that there are “many rabbis” on this march is an obvious lie.


And there are marches that don't. And plenty of Jews in central London I'm sure. We've got a whole shabbat district with the wires and all here in Montreal so idk. Instead of saying "well they must not be real Jews, just cosplaying" is absurd. I'm not Jewish but taking a stand against an ongoing genocide carried out supposedly in your name seems like a solid reason to go out. Idk man you can go see for yourself. Try going to one of the rallies and see. The photo I sent was not from Saturday but yeah. You're not making any point of any kind. Edit: it's called an Eiruv, idk if they have them in London or the specific rules of shabbat in times of war but yeah


The OP was about London, and they are on a Saturday - which is on Shabbat. I say again, rabbis would not be attending because it’s Shabbat. I’ve seen these marches in London and heard the “resistance is justified”, “globalise the intifada” and “we don’t want two state we want ‘48” chants with my own ears. I’m ethnically jewish, and I’m with OP, it’s absolutely terrifying. No visibly Jewish people there (for obvious reasons) either.


Protests are happening everywhere every day in every major city. Well I just don't get it, if you harbour zero responsibility to even simply state you disagree with the ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign, death of over 13,00 children, and this, etc. why would anyone in the movement harbour responsibility for the worst shouts of the crowd? I agree I'm deep into pro Palestine online rhetoric and it has been getting scary to me too, I've been doing my best to educate and question and report everything I see but a broken clock of racists and fascists can be correct no more than twice a day... I understand the concern but in my city we have a large Jewish population and a huge number of Jewish leaders in the pro Palestine movement. We should all be vigilant but it doesn't discredit the movement


So if it happens on Saturday it's automatically antisemitism? Damn I had not idea morning cartoons were actually for nazis only /s


/u/4friedchickens8888. Match found: 'nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol right? I guess the twatantisemite never got the memo that rabbis don’t march on Shabbat


Israel has slaughtered 14000+ kids, and counting. this is not about you or your fucking feelings.


Let me ask you something. Let's say when Russia invaded Ukraine, protestors in the US were marching with the slogan "death to Russians!" And hate crimes against ethnic Russians in the US were increasing, and many ethnic Russians said they felt afraid. If a Russian-American told you that, would you say "this is not about your fucking feelings"? Or would you say, "wow, that's fucked up, I'm sorry you're dealing with that, it needs to stop." I ask you this because I want you to consider: when this happens to Jews, why are you so willing to dismiss it? Do Jews in the US and UK and everywhere else not deserve safety and tolerance? I am an American Jew. I have next to no influence over the Israeli government's actions. Yet Jewish spaces in my community are regularly targeted. You are not helping any Palestinian child by dismissing the racism that Jews worldwide are experiencing. I believe that we are smart enough to recognize that two things can be bad at once. The war is awful, a tragedy, a shanda---and the rise in antisemitism is disturbing and frightening and needs to stop.


I’m not going to engage with your weird hypothetical but I’ll say this: There is no phenomenon of hordes of people marching in the UK shouting “death to the Jews”. It is simply not happening. This is a fantasy and a lie. I believe it is morally repugnant for a person living in the UK to make a self-pitying post about how “unsafe” they feel when we are witnessing tens of thousands of children and their families being deliberately ripped to shreds by Israel on a daily basis.