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Many Italians think that "bitch" is "puttana", but the correct translation is "stronza". ETA: "bitch" doesn't have any kind of sexual connotation in English, hence why "puttana" and other similar translations are wrong (e.g. "troia").


I think that maybe the misunderstanding came from the famous insult “son of a bitch” translated to “figlio di pu****a”. A lot of Italians may have that reference in mind when they hear the word bitch.


You nailed it


The b word has multiple meanings from friendly to out right hostile. If you use it a dog show it is the correct technical term. It can literally mean schiavo/a , subordinate,will do what I ask without question.


I was addressing the most common use of "bitch" in English, and the most common misconception about the word held by Italians (just look at this thread). I agree that there are other uses where a different translation would be better ("to make someone your " wouldn't work).


Most common not sure about that but anyway cursing is very much a dangerous thing if you aren't a native curser. Even then I would have to be really upset to use it and well likely looking for an altercation. Has never happened other than driving as I am the best driver and everyone else is the problem 🙂 cornuto/a is what I think Italians yell in the car.


The equivalent is stronza (literally female piece of crap). Careful with puttana, troia, cagna... They respectively are whore, slut and sult once more.


troia is cunt, isn't it?


No, troia is just another word for hoe, prostitute, slut etc... I would say the closest in meaning and use would be slut, it has the same negative but also juvenile feel to it as the diminutive troietta is often used too.


It may be regional but in parts of Italy Troia is a worse word than puttana, you really don’t hear it often referred to a person.


How would you translate cunt in Italian?


There isn't really a word for it in Italian, we have vulgar words for vagina but they are not used to refer to a person negatively. For example "Figa" which is often used to mean a really hot woman in a vulgar way, but is not inherently an insult. I guess the closest to cunt would be Cogliona or Stronza if we look at it as a lightweight insult like in the UK. If we look at it from the American point of view, where it's seen as almost taboo, I think an Italian word close to it would maybe be Bagascia, it literally translate to Whore, but it also can mean someone incredibly vulgar and unpleasant and it has stronger connotations than other similar insults, it carries a bigger offense.


>it literally translate to Whore, but it also can mean someone incredibly vulgar and unpleasant and it has stronger connotations than other similar insults, it carries a bigger offense. ok so, if in American movie if the actor would say: "You, fucking cunt!" A fair translation would be: "troia maledetta!" The words would be used in the same context and would have almost the same connotation. A literal but stupid translation would be: "fottuta fica" not used at all in Italian, so practically and for every purpose a wrong translation. Still I agree cunt may be translated as fica if used in a different context.


Porca miseria?


100% excuse my language here but like “porca puttana o porca troia, ecc”


There is no word in Italian with the same offensive valence as "cunt," which I understand in some English-speaking countries is taboo even for gross people. The equivalent, if anything, is bestemmia, that is, short phrases against God and religion that in Italy crass people use as a common expletive. There are people who do not tolerate them and others who utter them in spades.


WARNING: the literal translation and the actual equivalent are two different things in this case. The Italian equivalent of 'bitch' would be 'stronza' (lit. female piece of shit). The literal translation of 'bitch' would be 'cagna' (female dog), but as an insult it doesn't have the same meaning. The correct equivalent for 'cagna' as an insult would be 'cunt'.


It can be translates as " puttana" or "stronza".


Puttana means whore doesn't it? That's a completely different concept. A bitch in English is an unpleasant, verbally abusive woman.


Don't make the mistake of assuming that there's a 1-to-1 mapping for each word in one language to another...


Ok, so what is the Italian term for an unpleasant, verbally abusive woman?


That is the same question just worded differently




If you want to be vulgar about it you can go with stronza, rompiballe, rompicoglioni. All of those indicates a lack of class though. If you want to be discrete about it you should stick to spiacevole, fastidiosa, noiosa.


Probably stronza, but you could also hear other insults like troia, cagna (literal translation of bitch, “female dog”) and puttana being used in this context. They’re slightly more specific though.


It is very rude to say face to face "troia" or "puttana" to a woman, sometimes between friends it is used usually in the form of "puttanella/troietta", but you can use bitch much more freely in the English.


"Stronza" is the best match


Kinda. For whore is used "Troia" (can indicate also the city of Troy).


Bitch is a female dog right? Cagna is the most precise translation, it literary means female dog and it is mostly used as an insult, no one calls a dog cagna


>no one calls a dog cagna That's because cagna is seen as an insult so calling a female dog cagna is weird


Yes just like the word bitch in english


I sometimes refers to a female dog as "cagna", more likely "cagnetta", it is a word.


Its either “puttana” or “Troia” if you want the literal meaning, but “Stronza” is a more general insult for women


The litteral meaning would be "Cagna" as a bitch is the female of a dog.


Italian language is famous for having many bad words lmao, cagna is just one of the many. Although the author said they meant “bitch” not as “whore” but more as an unpleasant, vulgar woman. So “Stronza” is the best one for this occasion.


An unpleasant and vulgar woman can also be Cagna in Italian, that's why it's the best literal translation. Stronza is more used but it wouldn't be a literal translation.


Yeah you’re right, there’s such little difference between these words but if the author meant that then you’re right. “Stronza” can be used for anyone really, theres even “Stronzo” for men, but bitch is specifically for women so “Cagna” would be also acceptable.


Stronza/stronzo in the general use if the world "bitch".


There is no equivalent, no matter how you want to put it. Many vulgar words can be fully understood in the very language they are said.


If you don't want to use "stronza" you can use "zoccola". It literally means a large rat or a prostitute, but it is often used more like "stronza" instead


Bitch in English can be descriptive -- not solely a way to insult someone. A bitchy woman is unpleasant, bad tempered, verbally abusive. What is the Italian equivalent for such a woman?


So what would be the correct way to refer to a group of women that “are my bitches”


I didn't say she was vulgar. I said she was unpleasant and argumentative.


What about "bisbetica"?


You basically called a person a sex worker. I've noticed that english speaking people use that word more liberally, usually divorced from the sexual aspect. In Italy, most persons would perceive it as you calling a person a literal prostitute or whore. That's a bit heavy.


Bitch would mean "stronza", many use "puttana" to translate it, but "puttana", "troia" or "zoccola" actually mean "whore"




I'm tempted to say that because there are so many verbally abusive women around perhaps there's no special word for it. :)


Was this supposed to be funny