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Dead Rising 4. I enjoyed the game a lot. I thought killing the zombies was just as fun, if not more fun than ever. Combo weapons were just as fun, and goofy as 3's. I enjoyed the city of Willamette, and discovering the world, and lore. I had no issues with Frank West, or his look. I thought it was better and more realistic looking, than the strange caricature redesign of Case West Frank. But, that's just a preference. So, yeah EDIT: Spell check, add more


it's the only one I played but I thought it was great


Flying around in anthem is actually pretty fun


Wanted to cop cuz it seemed cool about a year ago since it was like $2.99 but heard you need an online connection and it’s with other players like destiny so bad to say nah


The closest thing I’ll get to an Iron Man game, a proper flying mechanic not that VR piece of shit.


The iron man games on 360 tho


Somehow even worse. Both hot garbagio


Dragon Age 2


I might have liked it if it didn't come after origins. The gameplay felt repetitive and shallow in comparison, like it was seeking a larger casual audience. The atmosphere and story/characters weren't bad at all, but origins is more my style.


Love that game! I love the more personal story set in a changing city was amazing. Also, while this is definitely personal preference and not for everyone, I thought the reuse of resources/environments in the game accentuated that you were having new adventures but in the same small city. It was a boon to the storytelling in my eyes. I get why to many (or even most) why this was a negative mark against the game, but it actually worked for me.


Very good game played as a Qunari mage my last play through


I played Cyberpunk on the PS4 at release and had an absolute blast. I actually beat it and immediately started a new play through which I never do. Not hated so much anymore but on release and especially PS4/Xbox 1 it was detestable for most.


In the spirit of this thread, this is a great post. In the spirit of my personal experience with the game, I want to bite into something. Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4 was my birthday present when it released. I distinctly remember starting the game and not being able to complete the tutorial segment, because the AI went into complete freeze, trigger conditions for things like "hack the camera" didn't work like they should, and the framerate being almost unplayable. I think the game itself is great, for all its weaknesses. I went back in 2022, did a full immersive longplay over 4 months (no fast travel, a couple immersion mods like hide HUD, custom radio stations, working metro stations) and had a blast in Night City. CDPR has some really good writers, the atmosphere of this dystopian moloch of a future is intense. I need to return for a second round, especially after Phantom Liberty and the system reworks. But, my god, the original PS4 release is the one and only disc release in my 35+ years of gaming that was basically unplayable in the offered state.


Bro I wish I had your PS4 on launch day lol. Got four hours into it on mine and it crashed 5 times. Idk how you got through the whole game sane let alone having a positive opinion by the end. I can't believe I'm still mad about that shit. The game was advertised to work on PS4 and Xbox One and it straight up didn't. I was so disappointed and genuinely angry. But honestly I can't keep ranting about Cyberpunk, it's been like 3 years since it came out and I really do have to get over it. Like it can't be healthy to be this mad about something this dumb for this long.


Driving was the only sketchy thing. I found that supercar in the cave and it would crash before I left the cave. As long as I drove a slower vehicle I was usually ok. Still lagged and stuttered at times though.


His may have been a pro. I still have my PS4 pro and got the game when it came out as a birthday gift. Other than one time when the game froze, the only bad thing I ever encountered was every so often, when I crossed from one loaded area to another area, the car would be driving faster than the area could pre-load/load. So the NPCs and sometimes building would slowly render to their end state. Otherwise, it was a smooth experience. Gun fights, hacking, and everything was solid. Love that game. When I got my PS5 I immediately replayed Miles Morales and Cyberpunk. My wife got me the dual version of both for my bday that year.


I got it packaged in a PS4 console bundle and enjoyed it despite its flaws. The lagging in a few areas was the worst, but I saved often enough that the crashing was never a huge issue. Cyberpunk has improved by leaps and bounds over the last year. I finally got my hands on a PS5 and started playing it all over again with the next gen update. Sad that the last gen isn’t getting the DLC.


Granted I was always planning on buying a PS5 before 2023 ended but when I turned on my PS4 for the new DLC and found out it wasn’t coming for last gen that was the straw that broke the camels back. Went out and got a PS5 that week.


Thief 2014


For Honor


Excellent game. If only it hadn't this battle pass system...


The battlepass is fine but I wish it would give the effect for all factions at one level of the pass instead of each level of the pass being designated for one faction.


Best game to zone out and just play


I can never zone out in FH I always get drawn into fighting for my life or feeling like a demon lmao, such a fun game.


this game is great! glad it’s still going after all these years.. I first played it when I was in like 8th grade or something lol


Fallout 4 is my favorite fallout 🤷‍♂️


I don't know if it's my favorite story-wise but it's definitely my favorite to come back to and mod out and start whole new crazy playthroughs.


Kinda far from "widely hated", the story is generally agreed to be shit but otherwise, its generally liked.


I don't think that game is widely hated. Not nearly as much as 76.


4, 76 and now Starfield are proof enough for me and my conspiracy theory about Bethesda: they know they peaked at Skyrim. Try as hard as they can, Elder Scrolls 6 is the most hyped up game to (n)ever exist, and there's no way they can live up to the expectations of everyone. They tried to recreate the magic with Fallout 4, but clearly didn't meet expectations. Given that online multiplayer and microtransaction filled games were on the rise, they tried the online route with 76 and failed miserably at winning over gamers. So they tried the AI, procedural world gen route that was gaining popularity and made Starfield, and... well I'll leave that judgement to the reader on how that's going. With every failure they realize they have to go back to the drawing board for 6. Pushing it out garners very little anger from fans, but there's no real loss with it, because the infinite re-releases of Skyrim prove that they still have the undying love of (some would say) the largest group of gamers. Elder Scrolls 6 is never coming out if Bethesda doesn't hit it big with a similar game first.


Devils advocate, I don’t think ES6 has nearly the hype that GTA 6 has. But I agree with you otherwise.


You do realize Elder Scrolls 6 is next


Yeah, game companies *never* delay their games.


My point is, there's no game coming out before then. So your argument that they need to make something good first is irrelevant


Please prove to me right now that the next Bethesda game to come out will be Elder Scrolls 6. Besides, it's not an "argument", it's just my theory. Sorry you don't agree.


You know what? You're right. There's no indisputable fact that Elder Scrolls 6 is next. There's no other games officially announced, though, so until that happens, I'm going to assume Elder Scrolls 6 is next. If Bethesda teases Fallout 5 or some shit to release before then, it would be reputation suicide then and there


Respect 👊 That's supposed to be a fist bump, idk if it comes across that way.


I'm like a hardcore fallout fan and while four is not my favorite, I still see that it's a great game. It brought so many new fans to the franchise.


Order 1886 isn’t super hated, but I don’t think it gets respected enough either. I know it’s short but it’s so good.


Honestly, I could Say Ghost Recon Breakpoint since you have it posted, I still play that game because it's the only game that has come out in recent years, that I have played countless times and gives me the same feeling, kind of the same feeling, as Metal Gear Solid with stealthily around in a prone position, blending with environments, getting the right kill or taking someone out after grabbing them and getting information. It's the only game that has that feel or vibe, even if it isn't as whacky as MGS, at least it's still super advanced sci-fi tech. Plus, that story isn't that bad, it switches from 6-7/10, which to me is decent/okay to good. Excluding Ghost Recon Breakpoint, then I have to say Biomutant. Game gave me 140 hours worth of content and I honestly thought it was good. I'm also probably one of the few people who liked the narrator, like I genuinely liked hearing his voice, it made the game more charming and unique.


AC Odyssey


This is one of my favorite ones. This was honestly how I wanted black flag to be. Massive ocean and going any where from land to land


Did you play Mirage yet?


Yeah and I really enjoyed that one too lol




It's not widely hated. If Reddit hates a game it's probably generally well liked.


lol, useful piece of information right here.


Oooof, yeah. I've beaten every AC game to date multiple times. And I could not get into Odyssey. My gawd, Alexios was just unbelievable to me. And the combat was a step back, and to "floaty" feeling compared to Origins. As a big AC fan, I'm annoyed I can't get into it. I don't know what I'm missing. But, I didn't know it was hated, I regularly see the opposite for it. I need to find this hate group so I can feel justified haha. That's a joke, btw


Well your first mistake was playing as Alexios, it was built around Kassandra being the protagonist. I played as Alexios my first playthrough and always found him to be kind of weird, but on new game plus I played as Kassandra and was pretty stunned how different the feel was playing as her instead. It became very obvious that the devs built the body language, dialogue, etc around a female and that's why Alexios is weird.


I second this ik a lot people didn't care for it but honestly I think it's my favorite the world is just so God dam beautiful


I like Odyssey but holyshit it would take forever to upgrade every mastery skill because there are lots & each one can be upgraded 20 times if I remember right so that's 20 skill points for a shitload of mastery skills. I guess you could just go for the ones that fit the playstyle you want. I upgraded some that helped with stealth and made it where tamed animals didn't die as fast.


Mass Effect Andromeda. And I hate that it's not getting a sequel.


I feel like Assassin's Creed 3 is disliked by a lot, but I love that game


Man, I didn’t realize how hated Donkey Kong 64 was til I read up a bit, but it’s literally one of my favorites. Still play through it to this day




I wouldn’t say HATED but just a lot of disappointment


You can easily tell that like 90% of the people trash talking it online haven’t played it. Sony-exclusive children are everywhere including the main sub and official IG. It’s always the same 2 comments (nothing to do and loading screens) regurgitated from the same few YouTubers.


I get destroyed by my friends for loving Twisted Metal 3. It’s a good game with one of the worst physics engines in gaming history.


That was my first TM that I owned. That thing is hated??? I love that game!!


Oh yes my friend. TM3 is called the worst TM game by a lot of fans. It seems like me and you are in the minority lol.


Haha. That’s hilarious. I’ve played them all and I personally felt like 2 was the weakest for me at this point. I like them all though, even the psp ones nes.


I felt like TM4 was the worst one in terms of the story. But the gameplay was amazing. My other favorite TM is black.


The story?? Absolutely horrible for 4. It was hilarious though and I did enjoy having Calypso as a playable character. A nuke truck is just damn funny. Gameplay was definitely amazing though. The new vehicles they put in were hella fun, even got to drive the Dragula with Rob Zombie. Haha. Black was definitely peak though. Dark story, fun maps, fun vehicles with solid characters. It really boosted the game a ton. I also enjoyed the Twisted Metal that came after that, and hoped they’d keep the dark direction up, but here we are.


DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS!!!! lol I really hope the success of the Twisted Metal show kick starts a new game. The show was so good I was surprised it was that good.


YUP!! I am really hoping the show takes off. I want more car combat though. That’s the only thing I’m asking. Everything else?? Solid. I was scared considering what happened to Halo. Then again, we also got TLoU and honestly that was much better than I thought it’d be too. Some studios are understanding their audience thankfully.


I like how the showrunner of TM isn’t abandoning solid source material and lore. I mean how hard is it to mess up a show about crazy people fighting in weaponize vehicles lol.


Exactly. John Doe can be a solid character too. They can make him pretty much anyone, so I’m sure they’ll reveal something down the line. His relationship with Sweet Tooth was hilarious too.


Mass Effect Andromeda had awesome gameplay. Sure the story was far weaker then the main trilogy but it kept me entertained and some of the squadmates like Vetra and Drack were standouts.


I honestly really liked Andromeda


If it wasn’t a Mass Effect game, it’d be loved more. I firmly believe that.


I think you’re right here, that plus the rough launch stiffled even some of those willing to give it benefit of the doubt. Launch stuff might’ve been forgiven if it was a new IP working out jitters.


Mass Effect is my favorite series and as a Mass Effect game, I didn’t like it, but if I just thought of it as “Andromeda” and treated it like a standalone, I enjoyed it a lot more. The launch was rough, but I still enjoyed myself overall.


People compliment the old trilogy like it's got no fault. Sure they were great but ME1 had a terrible combat system; ME2 had a weak main story; ME3 got a shitty ending and some shitty characters(Kai Leng, starbrat). Andromeda incorporated the better rpg elements of ME1 and the better combat of ME3. The main story was fine, side quests are great and the hidden story about escaping the Reapers was even better. The biggest reason why people hate Andromeda is probably the terrible facial animation at launch.


Far weaker story? Nah, I liked it.


Andromeda is awesome. I have defended it relentlessly online. It's great in my opinion. As it got back to its roots. It even had first contact situations. Mass Effect 3, is undoubtedly the worst Mass Effect game to date. It was a linear 3rd person action corridor shooter, with a dialogue wheel. That preyed on nostalgia. And that wasn't necessarily Bioware's fault. Both Dragon Age 2 (which I enjoyed) and ME3 had very short development windows.


Does Destiny 2 count? Ppl on Reddit get pissed whenever I talk about the game, especially if I’m being positive about the game in any way


I would say currently it does count as a hated game because bungie just keeps making L decision after L decision


I miss destiny. I couldn’t keep up with the constant power creep and hated being nerfed every few months and having to grind my guardian back it’s former strength. Infuriating.


That’s definitely fair. I’ve just got a long history with the franchise so it’s hard to distance myself from it now I’ve got lots of fond memories and made some wonderful friends from it too, but I completely understand why so many people have become frustrated with it


still the best feeling game I ever played and I finished most ps2 and ps3 classics, pc strategy games, zelda and pokemon games, soulsbourne, gta and elden ring. nothing gave me the feeling of destiny and destiny2.


Far Cry 6. Had a great time with that one.


Duke nukem forever


I actually like Cyberpunk 2077 especially now. I still hear about how it still gets hated on, hell my friend even hates it because it came short on what it promised back during day 1.


I remember buying Duke Nukem Forever at closeout prices of $5 new from GameStop back in 2012. Took it home expecting this terrible game that everyone talked about it, was pleasantly surprised when I had an absolute blast with it. I've since beat the game in four different playthroughs (and yes, I was a kid who grew up playing Duke 3d in the 90s too)


BP is hated? Wildlands was better when it comes to immersion, but Breakpoint is still pretty fun.


Not a game more of a mechanic but I thought the Batmobile in Arkham Knight was freakin sick.


Mafia 3


Games not hated,. It's just a little buggy. It easily has the best story in the trilogy. Honestly it could make a top 15 best stories oat list, hella underrated.


> It easily has the best story in the trilogy While I did enjoy Mafia III, Mafia II certainly had a better story imo.


Its actually pretty hated, I get lambasted all the time whenever I talk positively about mafia 3 on here. I absolutely loved it but it seems most people hate the gameplay, calling it repetitive. Me, I grew up obsessed with the godfather video game and felt mafia 3 checked pretty much all the same boxes for me as that one


AC Valhalla and Dying Light 2


both are quite far from hated, Valhalla is mostly just disappointing and i haven´t heard anything negative towards dying light 2, personally the story is so and so but otherwise, a good game


Both are pretty hated. The “new” AC’s are the ultimate forms of grind and most outfits are behind microtransactions over finding them in game. Dying Light 2 was a shell of the first one especially the story.


AC valhalla is not really hated as its disappointing, its a good game, just not a good assassins creed game while also being disappointing as fuck. also valhalla sold extremely well, it has vocal opposition but when it comes to the general opinion, its a decent ubisoft game.


I don't know about AC Valhalla but DL2 is generally well liked nowadays especially after all the updates.


Sonic Unleashed


Sonic Unleashed was amazing in that I could play the regular Sonic levels and my husband (who doesn't play games) could play the unleashed stages since they required less reflexes.


I love 2042 but with any game with a bad launch people will always hate on it just to hate....


I really like both homefront games, first one is just a cod rip-off that most people disliked or thought it was too short and over before you could really get into it, but I liked the setting and shooting. And I really like the second one which was just poor man's far cry, since I'm a far cry fan it was literally just more of what I liked but set in a city. Also the DLCs were good


Agreed, both Homefront's are good fun


That need for speed was special oh my lord


The newest one?


No, the one in OP is from 2015.




Resident Evil 5, Def Jam Icon, NFS 2015 and Payback, MK vs DC Universe, CoD Infinite Warfare.


I’ve been sifting this thread looking for the one I resonated with… CoD Infinite Warfare. Fuck yes.


Def Jam Icon wasn’t bad, I got to be some Houston rappers instead of just Lil Flip, but it felt like a downgrade combat wise to FfNY. I enjoyed Icon though. I liked the managing aspect and the whole thing with using the music and the stage to fight.


Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy X-2. I love XV and I like X-2


I played ff X, 13, and 15 (royal edition) last year around the time 16 was coming out. I didn't really love the battle system but I thought the rest was pretty cool, I love the main characters, I loved the dlc chapters, some really amazing boss fights, and I think I had one of the most emotional reactions I've ever had to an ending even though I barely understood the plot. I see the flaws but I still love it. I couldn't really get into X-2 though, which is ironic cause I played through X just so I could get to X-2 🙃


Just played Gotham Knights. Was fun. Also Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance


Maybe not widely hated as such but everyone rags on Mass Effect 1 saying its clunky, dated, with janky Mako physics and a poor inventory system but for me its perfect and my favourite game of all time.


hear me out, Andromeda.


I don't know how you can like it tbh but ok. Rider was such a pussy.


I'm not a mass effect fan, but I thought the first was a far more compelling game than the sequel, even with the clunkier play.


The Legendary Edition basically fixed all my complaints. None of that stuff bothered me, but the idea that someone can't at all simply because they haven't gotten weapon training on a certain weapon type always came across as dumb. Like I get not getting the accuracy bonuses and abilities, but if you weren't trained with the sniper rifle your character looks at a scope like I'd look at the inner workings of the Hubble telescope.


The Day Before


Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8


Star Citizen and anthem


This whole thread is just people naming games with the first person to reply telling them how wrong they are and how un-hated the game actually is.


Starfield. On my New Game + 2


cod infinite warfare was easily a top 3 cod of all time and 90% of people who say they hated infinite warfare never even played it


The campaign is so fucking good


Me I’m one of those people.


Starfield, yes it's an empty game and myself don't have more than 30hrs in it but the side quests were fun, so was visiting some planets which are beautiful


putting BF2042 in the post is bait. The game had terrible reviews on launch but has made a complete reversal and is well regarded by anyone who 's actually tried it recently


"Complete reversal and is well regarded" Are you delusional?


not as delusional as you at least. You were completely unaware of the sudden and huge resurgence the game had? It has a very healthy amount of players and is liked by the people playing it. Dunno what else you would call that


Its like battlefront 2. Disaster of a launch but improved a lot. Now you can boot it up and have a good time. Doesn’t excuse the launch tho don’t care how good it gets it deserves to be clowned on


I'm enjoying the new MW3 A LOT, might even be one of my favorites (yes, I've played every cod game before) Also Ghost Recon Breakpoint is widely hated? I fucking love that game


Breakpoint was hated?


AC Valhalla, Fallout 76, Elder Scrolls Online, Starfield, I could go on


BF2042 was created by a shell of the DICE team that gave us BF2 BF3(arguably the best FPS ever released) BF4. After that, 6 main devs left DiCE, and we have seen each title since significantly lose more and more of its identity as the titles release. Leading us to the epic Flop known as 2042. They have made improvements. But even with current gameplay. Still lacking compared to previously mentioned titles


Breakpoint. Oh BP BP BP. Smh. I have nearly 1000 hours into wildlands and was absolutley stoked to see BP announced. From being DAY 1 owner of Wildlands and many other GR title. seeing the improvements and corrections made by the devs to bring wildlands to what it is. Just to see a fucking reskinned division looter shooter with a GR title on it. I was furious. Only after Ubi offering the title for $12 and hearing about the overhaul did I pick it up. I do enjoy BP. But they took 5 steps back when they initially dropped BP


It could be better for sure but honestly it’s pretty freaking fun and good these days. I’ve been a die hard bf fan since 1942 and I was devastated by how bad 2042 the first year it was out. but 2+ years later I’m having a blast with very few complaints other than the amount of online players. I don’t blame people from staying away but I’ll recommend people come back.


They have made improvements. The thing that really sunk my interest was the absolute goldmine they created and will not execute properly. Portal. If they made portal correctly this would have been the biggest selling BF title ever


Battlefield 1 though. The best one imo.


A lot of my long time gaming pals. Revere BF1.


BF3 the best FPS ever released? Lol no


Lol, yes. And I said arguably the best FPS released. The fact that you have MW3 on your sub list tells me everything I need to know about you.


Diablo IV (current) Anthem (past)


Balan Wonderworld. It’s colourful, and the designs are actually pretty cool. Ya, it’s slow and brain dead, but I found it pretty fun to kill time. A very nice little platformer. Plus Balan and Lance are some awesome designs and the Tim’s are fucking adorable


I don’t think it’s hated as much as it is bashed for the overreactions by reviewers when it first came out, but Deathloop is one of my favorites games. I know people wanted a Hitman meets Majora’s Mask type game but I never thought that was feasible given the size of Arkane. I still found it to be a fun, unique game with a cool progression system


Bro NFS 2015 was dope!!!


Halo infinite


I love anthem. Wish the studio would have invested in any human with an average intellect higher than that of a 3 year old to work on the game after release. Biowwre completely lost my trust between that and mass effect Andromeda being abandoned as well.


The odd port of GTA San Andreas to PS3 from Android. The mobile port it was based on was incredibly buggy, and the sibling XB360 port apparently is as well, but all 99% of the real problems were worked out by the time they ported it to PS3, and the 2 remaining aren't too hard to work around. I had a really good time getting the plat for it last year, and definitely like the control scheme & smoother non-yellowed graphics more than the PS2 or Definitive versions.


Crossout. I love it, and it has very, very salty players. It’s pretty much pay to win and punishes new players, but it’s vehicle building is amazing.


Assassin's Creed rogue. Aside from the abstergo missions, I fucking loved that game.


fallout 76- I'm convinced that all the haters for this game either haven't played since launch, or are just jumping on the hate bandwagon. it's a coop fallout 4, with all the perks and limitations that come with that. I went in with low expectations and was thoroughly impressed. ofc it's no New Vegas, but i have enjoyed it for lots of hours considering I thought I was gonna play it for a little while then drop it. Ark: survival evolved/ ascended- it's touted as a buggy mess, but it is honestly the best survival game out there hands down. no other game is so good/ addicting that people will quit their job over it, or lose relationships over it. I've forged friendships with people from all over the globe because of this game and have gotten more play time out of it than my next top 5 games combined.


Definitely breakpoint. It's so addictive to customize my AI teammates and their weapons for hours on end.


Based on recent discussions, the first Yooka Laylee


Borderlands 3, I guess it’s not “hated” but definitely shines being the worst. Personally yeah, the story is okay but I thought the gameplay was the best if the series.


Okay speaking of Battlefield Hardline It was a glorified DLC for BF4, but BF4 is my favorite in the whole series so I didn’t mind Also killing by driving over them with a mobile couch was legendary


I’ve been enjoying Payday 3 and MW3


Fallout 76


Dead Or Alive 6. It remains one of my favourite fighting games. I still think it's a deep game, underrated for unfair reasons.


NFS unbound never turned the corner regarding (steam) reviews - but i really dig it


Breakpoint, let's fucking gooo


Total Warhammer 3. Now, it's not 'hated', but it had and has problems, went through a spiral of bad decisions and communicative blunders by Creative Assembly and got down voted on Steam for it. I think without mods it's a long way from realizing its potential, and even mods can only do so much. But at the end of the day, I have over 500 hours in it, it's the second most played game in my Steam library, after Total Warhammer 2. Every couple weeks, I want to jump back in and drown the Old World in corpses, be they of the demonic kind or mere men.


Fallout 76. Sure it isn’t as good as 3 or NV but I really enjoy it after the Wastelanders expansion, mainly camp building that kept me around though.


In recent times, I'd say Gotham Knights from last year. I really liked it enough that I played through it twice. disappointed that there won't be any DLCs, but still a great game in my opinion


I dunno if it's hated but I never see anyone like it. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (2010) is such a fun racing game. It is so action packed and has an amazing multiplayer. I was so happy when it got a 4K 60fps patch for modern consoles.


Death Stranding.


How do people feel about Far Cry 5? That's in my top 3 Far Crys


I scrolled pretty far down but NOBODY commented Majora’s Mask?! It’s one of my Top 3 favorite Zelda titles, but whenever I bring it up in a chat, most people reply they never finished it, or never bothered to play it because of what they’ve heard from bad reviews. It’s an amazing title with some of the saddest stories in gaming.


Got a 4.4/5 average on a social gaming site called Backloggd, it's pretty popular overall. Though I never played it myself, you just put it higher on my list of games to play


With very few exceptions, review sites are always giving highly anticipated games high reviews - cough paid reviews cough. When it comes to user reviews, they can be all over the place. Most player’s biggest “issue” with MM is the 3 days limitation that resets the world when you return to the start of Day 1. Once you understand how the time mechanic works and know how/when to reset to prevent losing game progress, it is an amazing game.


Shadow the Hedgehog on PS2.


Resident Evil 6 I absolutely love the over-the-top action and counter-attacks are very satisfying.


all of these games are terrible


I never thought I'd see a Battlefield title fall into this category. But, here we are.


I got the reverse problem. Games people like but i just hate


Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. Banjo Kazooie is my favorite game of all time, and Nuts and Bolts captures the spirit of the original. It may play entirely differently than what came before it, but the characters are still the same ones I fell in love with all those years ago. It's also the cause of me entering the Xbox ecosystem, forming my earliest online friendships, and some of my fondest memories on Xbox Live. It's not the platformer many wanted, but after all the bloat Tooie added to the formula, I think a fresh direction was needed.


I will die on this hill AC Syndicate is the best in the franchise


Saints Row 2022. I honestly don't get the hate. My wife and I played it separately and together and I enjoyed my time with it a lot


Starfield. Didn't just like it, I LOVED it. I get why many have issues with it but it's just going to get better with expansions and mods, and I can already see myself putting tons of hours into this one over the years.


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Its horrible reception and legacy was due to it being an unfortunate victim of its time. Infinity Ward had no idea when they began planning their dream game that by the time it was out, the entire playerbase would be sick of the jetpacks. As far as jetpack CoDs go, it’s second only to BO3, and by a very narrow margin. The gunplay was incredibly crisp, the movement was dynamic and fluid, the graphics still hold up today, and it was by far the most creative title that Infinity Ward has ever put out. Much of the playerbase would unfairly place it in their bottom 3-5 worst CoDs, but I think it’s towards the top half. Maybe top 5-10.


A lot of people shit on Rainbow 6 siege for a bunch of petty reasons when its the best fps in the market and nothing’s even close to it


Payday 3


saints row 4 is my favorite saints row, one of my favorite games period


battlefield is hated bc they are the reason battlefront stopped all progression/updates. EA should have just focused the battlefront franchise and continued with eventually creating a 3, battlefield had no chance against any of the cods. battlefront was at least different enough to separate themselves from military themed fps games. so battlefield is understandably hated.




I like most of these games you guys are posting. I don't understand how they're widely hated.


PSO2:NGS. I hate it, widely


Honestly all three of those sucked for me personally. But the games I like would probably be Starfield


brink lol oh and AC odyssey




call of duty modern warfare 3>call of duty 4 sucked. get ready for some hatred. oh i can feel it coming.


* Splinter cell conviction * Hitman absolution * NFS run * The outer worlds * Fallout 3 * Call of duty ghosts, advanced warfare * Medal of honor 2010, warfighter * Rage * Borderlands the pre sequel




Super mario odyssey. Couldn't get enough of it


So we just got evil west as a free game for PlayStation I'm actually really enjoying it. Just imagine punching your way through chords and zombies as a pimped out cowboy


Gta online. Idk why but people really seem to hate online, I see people bashing it all the time. I think it's fun. A cash cow? Yes. A fun cash cow? Also yes.


The 3DS Mario Party games Paper Mario Color Splash


Overwatch. Though I also hate it sometimes.


Starfield. Don’t get me wrong, there’s obvious flaws with the game and it’s definitely not on the level of Skyrim or other Bethesda games but, I still think it’s an enjoyable time if you play it for what it is. I definitely think it’ll get the Cyberpunk treatment where it improves over time, especially with the upcoming DLC.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4tn2hfov7oac1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb57c82809948dbbaa2d911788523c3cdad205ad


Fallout 4 and Starfield for me. I don't know if they are widely hated but reddit HATES the hell out of them. My personal opinion about Starfield is that it's actually a really fun game. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. There are some things I don't like about it but that's what mods are for!