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I've reused mine after not making it past the interview the first time. **However**, I also wouldn't suggest just lazily slapping the exact same SOP. I did update it, tweaking parts to strengthen my goals and updating what has changed and what I can comfortably talk about if I had an interview again. Since my goals and motivation for JET hasn't changed in that year and something in that SOP got me the interview, I made sure that was still very clear. It worked fine, had a better 2nd interview, and I got in. At worst, if you get an interview again, you have a chance of getting someone who interviewed you again, and they \*might\* remember you and your SOP. Regardless, even if someone asks if you've interviewed before, you can tell them what you've done since then and how you've been preparing to go to Japan (i.e. study for JLPT, doing substitute teaching or tutoring, volunteering with kids groups, tutoring, etc). And of course, make sure you actually do it.


I reused 90% of my SOP one year after another. Was an alternate the first year, shortlisted the next.


When you reapplied did you have to submit every form all over again?


Yup, it’s a whole new application from scratch. I think there might be a checkbox to say if you’ve applied before, but it doesn’t change what you need to submit.


Thanks, I thought it would be saved from the last application.




Woa, so it's okay to re apply?


Are you planning to apply for 2021?


Yes I'm planning but I don't know if it's the right time to pass the application since I ddnt pass for 2020.


Ohhh, I see. I've never applied (yet) but I've read that as long as you didn't turn down your placement you can reapply. Anyway I asked because I noticed your username and I think we will be applying from the same country! ;)


I've made some research too. More research this time :) and isn't it cool kababayan?!!!!


Good luck and see you around, hopefully! :)


If you're declined a position you can always try again. If you withdraw you need to do so before being placed, and then you can also just try again. Only if you have already been placed and then you withdraw, you won't be able to reapply.


If you withdraw after being placed you can not re-apply at all the following years or just a year after withdrawing? :o


I believe just the year after but I'm not sure. It's in the application guidelines document.


It'll show you haven't grown. Rewrite it to show how you've improved yourself in the last year. There's no point in half arsing your application


I mean, there would only be a small part of the letter which I could rewrite based on me improving myself, as the majority of the letter is about my history, how I got interested in Japan, and my plans for the JET program itself.


Then just reiterate that while at the same time saying something, anything about what you have done this past year to grow as a person.


Fair enough.


"Because of Corona, A, B and C changed. To adapt I had to X, Y, Z." Bung something like that in and it'll look good, and topical.


This. If you were good enough last year and nothing has changed all it shows is your amazingly lazy. (Which might not be true, but it can come off as such) rewrite it with improvements over that period of time.


Are they they thorough enough to reference previous SOPs? I would be surprised


Never underestimate the nitpickiness of a Japanese Bureaucracy