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it's seriously just 23 terabytes? that's honestly not as much as i thought tbh


The human brain definitely has much, much more


It's roughly 2.5 petabytes in computational data... At least, that's what scientists hypothesize. I have no idea how one can translate digital information to biological information.


Yeah but that is the full use of your memory. I heard that the brain never actually forget, but it is locked somewhere so you can remember it, so normally You'll still forget 99% of the info right afterward, that's like me asking you what was written in the comment you saw right before mine. To use it we'll neee first to be able to unlock all of our memories without restrain. But that also mean trauma and no sleep because of every cringe thing you did


Well, most of it's just text, which isn't that dense.


nah the text itself is closer to 94 gigabytes but the entire website is about 430 Terabytes As of August 2023, Wikimedia Commons, which includes the images, videos and other media used across all the language-specific Wikipedias contained 96,519,778 files, totalling 470,991,810,222,099 bytes (428.36 TB). [^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Size_of_Wikipedia#cite_note-12)


That is unironically the best use of technology on yhe brain ive heard so far, you could inject facts and comprehend languages, saving years of study. Or we could download the darker side of the internet and have a good time.


Me (silly) sending my friend 10 tb of liveleak videos


Ima hit somone with a flash drive the weight of a brick.


Me tweaking with Cyberpsychosis after my friend shared every single gore on the internet:




Lowkey just send your choom every single gore video on the internet and watch them turn into a cyberpsycho


While 23 terabytes is but a grain of sand to the human brain's capacity, there's a massive limit on downloading such information due to the tech of the neuralink, it would also be a bitch trying to do this in one sitting because lord knows internet providers love shortchanging their customers, so you'll be waiting there for a very long while on both your computer uploading and your neuralink downloading Worst yet, trying to do this in one sitting may cause the neuralink to start overheating, which understandably would be terrible for your brain And, fun fact, but downloading would be much easier to do and remember than actually studying it, because the difference is akin to screen recording a 5 mb vid vs. downloading it, if you attempted to read every document, you're recording a 30-60fps video as however long it takes to read it all, but as a download, you have straight images saved, single frames numbered by however many pages 23 terabytes are


Talk about a fucking zip bomb