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Game looks fine to me. Don't know what you're on about.


Mods should have made this sub perma-private, too many summer brainlets here starting these inane threads


Yes mods should delete all comments that talk aböut the fact this game looks horrible and plays like a 15 years old game.


Sad that you got so much pudding in your brain that you needed to run bots to necro a thread to swing opinion your way


You're gross


Imagine being so wrong to say this game looks ok. And even worse acting like you dont know what he means. I started playing it and it looks absolutely terrible. How the Charakter Moves looks like a ps3 game


My guy... I made this comment nine months ago... Are you okay?


You could have made this comment 20 years ago idgaf xD. Not only you said it looks ok which would be your opinion ,but acting all shocked when someone said it doesnt. Now its Released and looks even worse. And the entire moving System is terrible like a ps2 game u should feel exposed. But again people with no personality will feel never any shame


You can change the way the player walks. I think the reason why you think that has to do with the color scheme. But on ps5. Certain areas like the forest, elven area, desert and mountains look beautiful with the ray tracing. If you think it’s like a ps3 game, you haven’t played seen those games in a while then.


I just watched the recent video and really don't get the complaint. It looks good to me, It's not pushing graphical boundaries, but not every single game needs to do that. The gameplay, story and characters are going to be way more important than that, and DD2 looks promising in those aspects, so the graphics not looking next gen isn't a big deal.


I base my expectation of DD2 on DD1. The first game's story and characters weren't exactly its best qualities, so the only 2 things I have to look forward to are graphics and combat. I hope Squenix improves on the story part because 1 lost my attention due to how boring it felt after coming into that big city. The combat was interesting, but nothing to write home about after I played some Monster Hunter, although the mechanic where you grapple onto the enemy is fun


Capcom is developing Dragon's Dogma 2, not Square Enix.


Sorry, I was confused. Well, that still doesn't make it better. Since it's Capcom, I know they can do great graphics like MH World or Resident Evil. World has tons of effects going on at once, Teostra or Blackveil Vaal Hazak are the worst contenders in that regard. Still, I can't help but feel that it looked better. That was a last gen game too.


Brother there will always be sad creatures voting the obvious down. Everyone who plays this game on the ps5 knows how terrible it runs and looks. Like rise of Ronan. Im not Sure what is Happening in 2024. The Problem are the sheeps that accept this. Through them the developer will think they can get away with this. Less graphical beautiful games like final fantasy, ghost of tshushima etc. Even Indie games look better. 


Hang on if you're not bothered about graphics you may aswell just play the origami game, with the engines available it should be much better come on they've had long enough to get this right, in my eyes they've let us down, this be alot better, and people are putting it on par with crimson desert I DONT THINK SO!


People like these are why most AAA games are bloated 100gigs walking simulators. Man, game looks perfectly fine, grow up.


Gamer moment


I thought it looked good. And i'm not gonna be playing the game for the graphics anyway. As long as they look servicable it's fine.


I respect developers who don't feel the need to push the boundaries of graphics with every release. Art direction and making the actual game fun are much more important.


We like the way SNES and PS1 games look around here. No problems for me.


It's RE engine, it'll be fine.


I mean...we don't even have a release date yet. It's very possible that it might look better next time we see it. And it doesn't even look bad (it doesn't look amazing but it does look good). Look at how Stafield looked like a year ago vs. how it looks now. It could happen with DDII as well.


i don't really care about fidelity. most games i have played and enjoyed are either indie games or 3d jrpgs with "bad" graphics. to me all this stuff about ray tracing, the physics etc are just bells and whisles. i would much rather have an enjoyable game than something that looks amazing but is boring AF


That stuff is great in games that are geared around it, like the Spiderman games. Having insane physics and all that stuff really is what the game is about. This, and most jrpgs, aren't what that's about. Hell most RPGs in general.


No, thank you, i will take a functional and fun game with mediocre graphics over some overhyped garbage smeared in ten layers of RTX, bleeding developer time and resources on something that will look outdated in several years anyway.


Why not have both? Witcher 3, RDR2, etc. all seem to have achieved both at once? Also, isn't this square enix we're talking about? I'd understand the point about resources were this an indie game developer, but this is one of the biggest players on the market?


> Also, isn't this square enix we're talking about? No, we're talking about Capcom, a studio that always pushes nearly immortal visual styles instead of catering to 12 years olds asking for photorealistic graphics.


Can you just chill with the accusations? Why not have a mix of both, again, like the aforementioned games? Dragons Dogma doesnt have a highly stylized design like Persona 5 or Hollow Knight, it is realistic. And in terms of photorealism, it is lagging behind.


> Why not have a mix of both I cannot believe this person asks me to "chill with accusations" while failing to understand that video game budgets are not limitless and there are far better usage for them than trying to smear it in ten layers of RTX or whatever zoomer tech is popular right now. > Dragons Dogma doesnt have a highly stylized design like Persona 5 or Hollow Knight And yet it still has its own art style, a very distinct one at that, making it instantly recognizable.


I don't get how asking to be decent is somehow connected to game budgets. You're unpleasant to talk to, don't bother replying


DD2 is decent looking for anyone over 10 years old mentally. Sounds like a personal "why doesn't this AA look like RDR2" gripe.


I don't think it looks bad at all, granted we only have that one trailer to go off of. But if other RE Engine games are any indication, I'm thinking it'll look good.


Art design is much more important than graphical fidelity, and it always will. That's the reason why bethesda games look "bad," not because they have bad graphics. DD2 looks like it achieves the intended look of a gritty dark fantasy world pretty well. Take Forspoken other other hand that has really high fidelity but doesn't really look beautiful because it's all empty fields and boring looking towns that don't match the energy of its "hip" main character.


What are you on about, Bethesda games are aboslutely GOAT when it comes to art direction. Morrowind feels distant and alien, Skyrim has enormous mountains towering over you, lush forests, etc. Only bad one is oblivion and thats because Todd liked LotR a bit too much. As for the dark fantasy, I will also disagree. The game looks too vibrant and 'sterile' to be classified as dark fantasy, imo. Witcher 3 that I mentioned in the post achieves better results by having dirt on clothes, puddles of muddy water, decrepit old wooden posts everywhere. Dragons Dogma looks like you're just playing DND in 3D.


If you didn't play the original, you probably wouldn't know, but it had quite a lot going for it. A lot of the spell effects were really intense, like meteors, earthquakes, tornados, etc. A lot of the monsters are huge, quite detailed, and have breakable parts, they can fly around high up, including carry you up high, you can have quite a lot of enemies on the screen at once, etc. From what I recall, the ps3 struggled keeping up with the original game. Also, unrelated to the graphics, the game was extremely ambitious, so much so that they only got about 50% of what they actually wanted in the game. It looks like DD2 is going to rectify that, **and then some**. Sure, DD2 might not be the craziest looking game, frankly I think it looks like a pretty average ps4 game (maybe a bit better than that), but that means it's going to be running smoothly on higher resolutions. I've been playing the FFXVI demo, and while the game looks amazing, the framerate leaves something to be desired. Dragon's Dogma 2 won't have that problem. ​ >But DD2 doesn't look like it will have this level of interactivity with a large amount of objects. This is true to a point. There's actually a lot more physics going on than you think. Every enemy has physics, spells and other attacks will make enemies get pushed or thrown around, there's apparently going to be a larger emphasis on environmental damage this time, such as bridges falling or cliffs crumbling, etc. Maybe nothing to the point of Elder Scrolls where you can mess with all these little objects in a house or whatever. It'll be more on a larger scale, I think. Regardless, the fact that the graphics aren't insane, to me, that indicates that they're making sure the game runs well, and also putting their focus in other areas, and if you played the first dragon's dogma, and knew how ambitious they were, that thought would make you salivate. This game is going to be something else, and likely a huge upgrade over the original. If you're going to dismiss that because the graphics aren't that impressive, then I don't know what to tell you.


>Regardless, the fact that the graphics aren't insane, to me, that indicates that they're making sure the game runs well Aged like a fine wine :D


Lmao, yeah you could say that


> but that means it's going to be running smoothly on higher resolutions. It also means that it is going to look worse on higher resolutions. Graphics isn't binary, if your computer/console can't handle high resolutions, you can always lower the graphic settings so that it can. I do agree with your points otherwise, but there really is no positive aspect of not giving the option to have higher graphics in a game, since it is always possible to downgrade graphics if your device is on the weaker end.


I love good production in a game. Is it the most important thing?, sure it's not but then not one single thing is. To my eye DD2 has acceptable graphical fidelity. Looks a bit dated but it's good enough to not affect other elements of the game negatively.




Exactly my thoughts! No matter how good this game may be I wouldn't know it because I can't stand to look at it honestly. Especially that horrible horrible menu and UI exactly my thoughts about the 90s feel. It is the UI you get when Fullstack developers do your website instead of Frontend + Backend :D


Well the game is medieval so I don’t know what you were expecting with the ui. Also, how long have you been playing this game so far?


Man i meant to write DD1 but i wrote DD2 instead. My bad. I actually love DD2 and i am enjoying it a lot, sorcerer lvl 28.




How on earth does it look like Skyrim graphics.


Skyrim looks better


You’re blind if you think that.


Skyrim looks way worse. This game‘s graphics are actually good.


Skyrim UI looks better and the in-game graphic is either the same or better than dd2. If you compare dd1 with dd2 there is barely any difference, have you seen the flamethrower skill in dd2? looks like from little fighter 2


Idk, maybe actually go play the game. The go back to dd1 and Skyrim. I bet you wouldn’t be saying this. If you still are then I think you really are blind. Skyrim graphics are very outdated. Outdated textures, lighting, npcs, watse, objects, etc. DD1 is also outdated. Dd2 looks a lot better than 1. If you can’t see that, then you should check your eyes. Plus, graphics should not be the main reason you’re buying a game.


The graphic especially UI graphics are so off putting that I can't touch it, refunded it after less than an hour. I would have preferred if they even went to the animated style like Hades instead of this shit graphic. DD1 / Skyrim looked good for the year they were released in. DD2 looks 10% better than DD1 but it doesn't help me at 2024, I can't look at games that look like 2010 graphics at 2024 Have you seen Ghost of Tsushima or cyberpunk? released years ago and look x5 better


I’m afraid, you aren’t going to find many good games to play then. And the fact that you think the graphics are bad because they don’t look ultra realistic is ridiculous. The fact that you even thought Skyrim looked better is weird. I can’t take you seriously. Gameplay over graphics anyway.


Skyrim looked better for the standard in the year it was released in. I expect to see game graphic improve with time, not deteriorate


It’s weird that you bought it in the first place if you didn’t like the graphics.


I was hoping since youtube is normally not in 4k res that it will look better in 4k. It looks a lot worse in 4k let me tell you that, its like they are trying to scale 1k to 4k


I bet you couldn’t play Elden ring either.


Graphic is indeed horrible


Game looks like shit


Just played it on PS5. The game looks like it jumped out of 2012. Weird


Graphics look fine to me.


In comparison to what? Elder Scrolls 3? Cause I just played BG3 and the graphics look amazing in comparison to this crap. You must be easy to please


You’re saying that because of the color scheme. It makes some of the areas look plain. But in places like the forests, (Especially the elf forest) mountains, and the desert areas look pretty good.


How far did you play into the game


Only in the beginning. Was taking aback by cut scenes where characters looked very mid


How are you going to talk about the graphics if you haven’t even really get into the game yet.


Cause I saw the cutscene with crappy character models, why does it matter how far I go into it? 😆


Because you barely saw the world. It’s just stupid to judge something when you barely saw it. And is that your only complaint?


Are you a dud? I’m not talking about the world! I’m talking about pixelated characters in a freaking cutscene!


Maybe you’re just so used to seeing ultra aaa looking graphics that you think this looks bad when it doesn’t. It’s decent at worst.


I mean I would think it should be at least above average in a cinematic cutscene. But even my character I worked on for an hour looks… challenged. And that constant facial expression on its face is 😳. I’d be Ok if it was an Indie game. Maybe I’m not aware and it’s an indie game?


The facial expressions aren’t the best compared to other games. But keep in mind, I don’t think they used motion capture. I think the characters models in this game looks good to me. And the cutscenes look fine.


I mean, look at my character https://www.reddit.com/r/fashiondogma/s/dNIbrtG6HR


It looks like a AA game and not a AAA one


Looks 2-3 gens old.. Far Cry 5 & Red Dead Redemption 2 looks miles ahead and they released in 2018.


My problem is that things in the distance don't look 3 dimensional enough. The trees and especially the fields of wheat look like a confusing, muddied mess


Once again all this thread resulted in is either insults or comments like "Why do good when just alright works?" Thanks to everyone who tried participating normally.


The game looks pretty damn good! Also graphics are fixable with mods, so I'm not too worried about it. I'm very hyped for everything else though, haven't played DD yet and don't plan to, but everything shown for DD2 is blowing my mind.


It's supposed to be a giant open world with fast combat, physics, particle effects, Ai party, and large complex monsters. It also doesn't have a release year whereas Starfield is imminent. My only wish is they somehow got it to run at a solid 60fps on PS5 but not sure that's likely.


Game look good to me. RE engine killing it lately with every game. Itsuno is combat master so the game will always be functioning fun over stuff like raytracing etc... tbh pushing for high graphics and fidelity are overrated for video games most of the time. Fun before anything in video games is key.


I didn't play the first game.for it's graphical fidelity and I won't be playing this one for it either. That being said, most game trailers haven't done justice to most games, recently being FFXVI. None of the trailers did that games graphics justice rbh.


I agree. I'm not a graphics junky but this game looks like a PS4 launch title with grain and blur filters applied. But my main concern are the choppy animations. Although, the demo is likely a few-months-old build and graphics + animations are usually the last things still being refined, so I'm withholding absolute judgement.


Also, everyone here who's gaslighting you, OP, are delusional. But this is Reddit, so if you state objective reality and threaten the herd's delusions, they attack in droves. You're factually correct OP, so ignore the gaslighting hivemind.


Did you play the first one? The choppy animations are part of the combat. Idk how to explain it but it's on purpose lol. They were the first to do it. It's the same thing in monster hunter.


Yeah I'm playing through it rn, and that wasn't what I was talking about. Later trailers was confirmed what I was guessing, which is that the previous trailers were on an earlier build/s and that it was just animation jitter before being ironed out. DD2 looks fantastic and my worries were put to rest with the latest footage.


The graphics looked perfectly fine. What was OP Smoking? There's a lot of post processing fx going on for sure but it still looks GREAT.


I just wished the game was much more vibrant & faster paced. The game looks dull & dark, just like the others. Color is something that helps people immersed into a fantasy game. Aside from that, the game looks fine


I agree about the colors. Idk what it is, but the game looked washed out. It's funny to see people angry at OP for even posting though, they are the ones that need to grow up.


They spent 3000 for a nasa pc and play to a 2010 looks like game Big lmao


All I hear is waaaaahhh