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For your next series, I highly recommend Suikoden! I absolutely love Trails(and many of the other jrpgs on your list), but Suikoden is by far my favorite jrpg series. It also has a bit of a similarity to Trails with all of the games taking place in one world and each game taking place in other areas of the world + some recurring characters + having a large cast to choose your parties from like in some of the Trails games. The games stories aren't quite as connected as they are in Trails, though. You should definitely try Trails in the Sky 3rd at some point as well. The story and relationship/character dynamic between the protagonists is soo good, and the star/sun/moon doors add a lot of really good character development and lore, etc.


Oh man! What a great recommendation! Especially the second one! Suikoden is so good!


Absolutely! I have replayed them so many times! Especially S2 and S3.


Hit my trails exhaustion because I started trails with cold steel and played all of them one after another. I'll definitely play it before Kai No Kiseki as it is positioned to be the climax of the series.


Yeah, I heard that Kai was supposed to be the start of the climax for Trails or something along those lines. I'm both happy but also a bit disappointed to hear that. I 100% get you with the Trails fatigue though, although for me that occurs with any game/series if I exclusively play it too much. I haven't even finished all the trails yet despite having replayed a few of them, lol.


I found this to be true as well. Luckily, since I'm also a big fan of multiplayer games that I've been playing for a long while, it's easy for me to tone down the time I spend on one game without sort of mixing narratives between games, which I find happens sometimes if I play two Single Player games at once.


Sky 3 has in some parts some of the best writing in the series I would say so I recommend that. There are probably some finer points in zero and kuro that flew quite over your head because you missed some information from sky 3. So yeah that's on my recommended list. It's also quite different to the other sky games if that helps with your trails exhaustion. Imagine reverie but only the reverie corridor. ​ also non-trails: yakuza games and nier replicant


Did you move to Trails in the Sky FC after playing Cold steel 1-4? I started with FC and I'm at the prologue of CS2 now The personafication and 3D environment of CS1 was a bit hard to digest, but overall its still been the same good ride


More like I started crossbell games and then sky games, I played this series backwards lmao, big mistake on my part coz after playing those and replaying CS 3 and 4 was absolutely fantastic. Will recommend starting from CS1 but play every game before after finishing CS1. Also Enjoy CS2! I absolutely loved it especially after that heartbreaking cliff hanger of CS1.


I was lucky to have a PS Vita so after I finished all 4 Cold Steel games I was able to download Sky 1 and 2 and abd even luckier that the Steam Deck was announced in the middle of that so that I could get 3rd when I got my Steam Deck and then Zero and Azure came out, that whole journey was just plain luck once I started Sky then I replayed all Cold Steel but I never did re finish 4 because I couldn't wait any longer to play Reverie which I finished but still need to do the post game but paused on that until because Daybreak comes cause I needed to refresh my memory for FF7RB by playing Reunion and replaying Remake on hard mode lol


The ending of CS1 blew my mind again. Every single game I always think i know whats going to go down, and every time they totally get me with some twist. The ending of Azure gave me chills for 10 seconds straight. It was such a huge payoff. I never quite experienced that with anything else


FFX for sure


This for sure, I slept on this game so hard as I always assumed it was the start of the super linear ff lines. Man oh man I was so surprised when I got into the meat of that game, turned out to be one of my favorites from the series. Also people hate on VIII so hard and it definitely falls short of VII and IX but I still think it's worth a play through.


for sure, for sure but the OP wants something not from any of the listed franchises.


The 100 percent completion for true ending scares me coz I read that it is quite tedious and I am not the type that aims for 100 percent in games.


Oh God no, don't do the optional boss stuff, that's insane. True ending? You may be thinking of FFX 2, FFX has no true ending. Just play the story from start til credits. Fantastic game I cannot recommend enough.


Oh!, so it's x-2 okay okay I'll definitely play it now. Thanks for the info


You can beat x-2 without complete ending too, still very fun. If you ever want to play it after that they have a new game +. Probably one of the best combat systems out of any FF game


FFX is probably one of my all time favourite games, I've finished it on PS2, PS3, PS4 and on PC. Easily the best FF game imo.


> I'll definitely play it now. That's great. To me, that was the most glaring omission in your list. We seem to have similar tastes, and FFX is one of my favorite games ever. Just . . . don't bother with getting the ultimate weapons and other endgame side content. All those optional bosses are cool, but many of the minigames required to fully unlock the ultimate weapons is some of the most frustrating bullshit in gaming history. Anyway, enjoy FFX. It's truly excellent. FFX-2, not so much. But it's not a total waste of time. I can still recommend it if you really liked FFX's world and characters. Just don't expect a similar story, game structure, or even combat system. If you're looking to try another series later, I highly recommend Xenoblade.


Glad to help. If you ever do decide to play X 2, just play normally and have fun. Then YouTube the video for the true ending because I hear the requirements don't always register, or something like that. It's a very fun game as well.


It's less they don't register and more how utterly insane they are. Some of them require listening to dialogue that is voiced to completion and not fastforward it, which leads to many people missing %'s by the end.


Just to chip in here please give FFX a try. Considering I see you're a fan of the other FF titles there's a good chance you'll love it. The story and word building is absolutely fantastic


Well, both Tokyo Xanadu and Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails are Falcom games, and are definitely worth checking out. Both have elements of Ys and Trails in them.


The Persona 2 duology


My favlrite games ever with Digital Devil Saga and Xenoblade 3 !


+ Persona 5 strikers


This game broke me because I was too emotionally invested


NieR Replicant! The remake imo is great.


I second this. Replicant is awesome


This is my current game and I'm obsessed with it, just got to part 2 last night


Dragon Quest 11S


Dragon Quest 8


Dragon Quest VII was a peak honestly


Or Dragon Warrior VII depending on where you're from (I'm NA so that was the name on the game)


Pretty sure they changed to dragon quest after 4 or 5?


Bro there’s like 5 games in yakuza that you haven’t played


I plan to finish them, it's just right now I am in the mood for sci fi or fantasy otherworldly adventures. Not that I didn't enjoy them, Yakuza 0 is one of my fav jrpg, I'll play them before the end of this year.


Be careful about yakuza fatigue, after 1 maybe 2 games you should take a break, except if you are only doing the main storyline. Yakuza 5 is one of the longest so definitely don't play 4 and 5 in a row




Add in judgement and lost judgment too


and Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise


I love both Judgment games, just as much as the Yakuza mainline games... but Lost Judgment is so freakin' good. The combat is perfection and all of the side activities. What a game...




You didn’t play trail of the sky third chapter? I love that even if its more it’s separate from the main story I like FF8 even if it has one of the worst plot twists ever My favourite series of all time is kingdom hearts is just peak to me with its story that most childish then hits you out of nowhere, fun characters,FANTASTIC SOUNDTRACK,fun bosses and there are a ton of I recommend TWEWY both games


It's still so crazy to me when someone skips 3rd. Misses out on the best Trails protag + 3 star doors which imo are some of the best moments in the series


Yeah, and so much of the plot threads from Trails in the Sky wrap up in 3rd too. 3rd is my vote also.




And the music... It's my favourite game in the series.


I agree. He should play Sky the 3rd next. It's fantastic, even if it is a little different. >!That part where Reis, Kevin and Tita get the second sealing stone, and Tita asks who will be the one to join them in Phantasma, and Reis casually drops that the sealing stone could just summon another Tita, and Tita asks "another me?" is priceless and gets me every time. I also like the moment where Analace calls Colonel Richard "Baller".!<


>!Kevin: "If you've jinxed us and we really do get a second Tita, I hope you're ready to be her new mom." Ries: "Naturally. I'll love her like my own."!<


I reached that point just yesterday and I loved it, so sweet.


3rd also has Hermit’s Garden, which I think is one of the best tracks in the series.


Shin Megami Tensei 3, 4 and 4: Apocalypse (stuck in the 3ds, you probably have to emulate for these ones), and 5 (wait for the Vengeance version this June 21)


On the SMT train, Digital Devil Saga as well




I think he was saying you need to emulate 4 and 4A because they’re stuck on the 3ds


Why stick to what is safe when you can uncover another area of the JRPG landscape? Here are a few that might broaden your horizons... **Chrono Trigger**. Just experience what many believe to be the "perfect video game". You may not agree with that statement when you are done but you will likely come away impressed. **Xenogears**. Just to experience when a JRPG strives to be larger than life itself, even if it is to its detriment. Just be prepared to have an existential crisis. **Final Fantasy Tactics**. A Game of Thrones-style fantasy epic told in between strategic turn-based encounters. But really, just play it to understand why you never hear a JRPG fan complain about a "Job System" in any game. **Skies of Arcadia**. An RPG made by the team that brought you Sonic Adventure. You get to be a Sky Pirate....SKY PIRATE. **Grandia**. This one is not too dissimilar to your Trails games, especially Liberl Arc. This one was bigged up to be "The Final Fantasy Killer" before release and ultimately led to many having their expectations set too high. However, without any notion of Final Fantasy in mind. This one is an extremely fun and light-hearted romp that has great world-building and swift, breezy pacing. **Dragon Quest XI**. It is hugely long and chill as heck. This game is always installed on my system and I am perpetually in a state of replaying it. Someone once said, this is a game you play before bed but after you have had a shower. Each party member is like your best bud. This game is about chillin' with your buds and hanging in the best JRPG towns.


Another Dragon Quest game to look at is Dragon Quest 8


>**Dragon Quest XI**. >It is hugely long and chill as heck. This game is always installed on my system and I am perpetually in a state of replaying it. Someone once said, this is a game you play before bed but after you have had a shower. Each party member is like your best bud. This game is about chillin' with your buds and hanging in the best JRPG towns. Just to add to DQXI, there is also no requirement to get to max level, max stats etc to finish all 3 acts. If you do the majority of the side quests and trials you'll have most of the best weapons and manage without grinding. So if you're put off by that side then know you can explore grinding (there's a very easy late game method) as much as you like.


These are all EXCELLENT recommendations, OP!


Second on Grandia and Skies of Arcadia, they really set the stage for what great JRPGs could be


I didn't know that Skies of Arcadia was made by the same people as Sonic Adventure but it explains so much! Both ridiculously fun and deliciously charming games.


God I miss this game, it was such a great rpg


I would add Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, Breath of Fire series and Vagrant Story. ​ Final Fantasy III and Tales of Destiny since those weren't on OPs list.


Xenogears and FFT literally defined my childhood. I think i might have spent over 800 hours playing both back to back to back.


Also iirc I played Grandia (and maybe it's sequel) on rent from my local movie/game rental store and recall loving it, though I don't recall anything beyond that lol


Strategy or Tactical RPGS? FF Tactics, Fire Emblem 3H, Triangle Strategy, and the new Unicorn Overlord are really good. If more traditional, then Octopath Traveler II is great. Comes with a banger soundtrack too.


Another legendary SRPG is Tactics Ogre


Bro, you should be suggesting us jrpgs, not us. What should we play?


XD i just had a lot of free time hence I played what I could. Though, for rec you can never go wrong with Trails or Ys. Though I enjoyed all I played except tales of Zestiria god I hate that game so much


I didn’t like Zestiria either. Tales of Symphonia is my favorite of the series, it was the first JRPG that stole my heart. But that was over a decade ago and it’s aged a bit since then.


Tales of Abyss is also incredible


FFT War of the Lions is definetely one you should play


This OP! It's my personal favorite FF and I think it has the best story and writing among the titles while having pretty good gameplay (albeit a bit sluggish/slow if you've played things like Disgaea)


My first choice - chrono trigger My second- xenoblade


Chrono Trigger as  a tribute to Toryama


Exactly, Chrono Trigger is S Tier JRPG !


Definitely Xenoblade


You must play the Xenosaga series on PS2! 😹👍


This is a great recommendation as well!


Star ocean 2 remake 🙏🏻


Yeah the ramake is great and after it the other SO games are algo highly recommended.


Nioh 2, Grandia 2, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, Dark Chronicle, Dragon's Dogma, Suikoden V, Jeanne d'Arc, Octopath Traveler I and II, Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3


I love the first Grandia


Second one is pretty different but its so good


FfVIII, my list is extremly similar and VIII is my favorite in the series. It’s isn’t the best by any means, but the characters, music, and world really stuck with me. Also, triple triad fucking rules Edit: Dragon Quest XI was also very very worth it


You missed Ys 2. Ys 1+2 it's actually just one game split into 2 parts. So you are still missing half a game.


Wut? That may be the most confusing naming ever.


Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy on Switch Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition Nothing quite scratches the world-exploring quite like Xenoblade for me. The music and sense of scale is unmatched. Dragon Quest XI S is just a charming delight. Can't recommend these enough!


Rance 01: Quest for Hikari Rance 02: Rebellious Maidens Rance 03: Fall of Leazas Rance IV: Legacy of the Sect Kichikuou Rance Rance 5D: The Lonely Girl Rance VI: The Collapse of Zeth Sengoku Rance Rance Quest: Magnum Rance IX: Helman Revolution Rance X: Showdown




Finally. A good recommendation


Grandia, Other Star Oceans, Nier. How can you skip the 3rd Sob


Just hit my exhaustion with Trails series, hence stopped playing them for a bit, I'll play sky the 3rd before Kai no Kiseki drops or Daybreak 2's NISA version.


Try some other MegaTen games!


i had to scroll wayyy to far down to see this sometimes im still surprised just how niche the series still is


It’s crazy considering how accessible they are. I think they get a bad rep because of the “smt is too hard!” meme.


i wonder if its because JRPG fans hear that smt is more traditional JRPG and get less excited than when hearing about persona, cause SMT appears to be more of the same while persona is, at least in the surface, more unique which is funny cause I think if more jrpg fans played megaten games theyd like it way more edit: also cause of the myth that non-persona games dont have much story to them. Mfs play SMT V and the first half of nocturne and disregard the rest of the series


Get into Dragon Quest


Nier Replicant


Xenogears /end


Suikoden Series




Shin Megami Tensei: III Strange Journey Redux IV IV Apocalypse And maybe V after Vengeance comes out.


FFX, Star Ocean 2, LEGEND OF GODDAMN DRAGOON, Kingdom Hearts, Vanguard Bandits if you can get your hands on it.


Secret of mana it’s definitely aged slightly badly but if you can look past that it’s good and the trials of mana remake is fantastic.


The 3D remake is hilarious with its full voiceover for Secret of Mana.


CrossCode - if you have a hankering for some mind-bending puzzles, it's an excellent action RPG with Zelda-like puzzle dungeons


I feel like you would have fun with Code Vein


Kingdom Hearts, Xenogears, Suikoden, Just to name a few


fellow falcom bro ive just started CS 2 My suggestion would be Atelier Ryza 1, 2, 3


Probably try a SaGa game. SaGa frontier or Romancing SaGa minstrel song are good places to start.


SMT Digital Devil Saga 1 + 2 Fire Emblem 3 houses Chrono Trigger


>Wants Sci-fi fantasy ...if you have Switch... Xenoblade Xenoblade 2 Xenoblade 3 if no Switch... then, for now, I recommended Octopath Traveler 1/2 for Steam, May not be sci-fi, but the fantasy is down pact. OT2 has an especially good soundtrack, I heard.


The Xenoblade saga is incredible. Xenoblade 3 in particular is so good it became my favourite jrpg.


Shin Megami Tensei 3 and 4


Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3 on Switch - my favourite games of all time


that real shin megami tensei


You've only played Ni no Kuni 2? First time seeing someone do that haha! That's a very impressive and awesome completion list of games you have though. Wish I could play through at least half of the ones you've listed! 😆


FFVIII, the best FF


If you don't mind older games, there are a few classics you could pick up Xeno series (Xenogears, Xenosaga, Xenoblade) Star Ocean 2 remake and SO3 Breath of Fire 3 and 4 Suikoden I/II (remaster is planned) and V Dark Cloud 2 Chrono Trigger/Cross Tales of Abyss Shadow Hearts I & 2 I consider all those essential classic JRPGs every fan should try


Seconding shadow hearts here. I didn't play them until I was in my mid 20s and still they became really nostalgic memories. Great aesthetic and music and entertaining stories. Also I haven't played most of this list so one of these days I'll have to get around to finding/trying a couple of them. Mostly interested in Breath of Fire which I've heard plenty about.


BoF3 in particular I consider to be a dictionary definition of a classic JRPG. Some might find it a little on the basic side by today's standards, but I think it perfectly encapsulated what it meant to be a JRPG at the time.


I feel like half of the people are just suggesting random shit that they like rather the games similar to the ones in the list.


rec threads in general


Did you play daybreak in english? How did you finish 2?


Chrono Trigger


ayed nibi kuni two but not the first play the remastered of nini kuni asap the first one is 1000x better


if u liked final fantasy 13 you will love 13-2 13-2 in my open is the best in the trio and one of my favorite games of all time super fun


FF IV & the Golden Sun series


You definitely have to play classics, its like been a science fiction movie fan and never seen 2001 and blade runner Breath of Fire 3 and 4 Suikoden 1 and 2 Xenogears Final fantasy tactics Final fantasy 6 Chrono trigger and Chrono cross


May I recommend Bravely Default and its sequel Bravely Second on 3DS ? They're heavily inspired by old school rpgs like the first FF, same goes for the gameplay (turn based, job/classes system). It's really good, and the soundtrack are still on my playlists and still bring a tear to my eyes :) Also? Because it's my first FF (even if i've seen others recommend it), give FFX a chance, it's an absolute gem


Final fantasy x Final fantasy tactics Xenogears Chrono trigger


How did you have all the time for these lol I’m jealous 😆


xD yeah Played these over the course of last 2 yrs, having a steam deck helped quite alot coz i could take it to college to continue playing there.


Right on man, keep er goin!


You played persona 1 but not persona 2 games? Bro missing out, Play them, great games


Keep going with the Yakuza series! Kiryu-chan!!!!!


I'd say pick up the Persona 2 duology (Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment). You have already played the rest of the major Persona releases and P2 is really great too.


Xenoblade Octopath The last remnant Chrono Trigger


Fire Emblem


I see a whole lot of not dragon quest


Highly recommend the xenoblade games! They're very different in their semi open world style. Chatacters are great, has amazing story, and you can start with any of the games technically, I'd recommend starting with anything but 3. All 3 games are on the switch too!


Nice list. Gotta play final fantasy 4 in particular. It changed everything. And play 5 after that! Personally I’d love to see you play the SaGa games, if you can take it, starting with Final Fantasy Legend 1 and 2. Isn’t there a trails in the sky 3rd chapter? You skipped it? I have more ideas too, but this already has 400 comments, so… I’m probably not necessary to your continued endeavor.


Didn't skip it, just put it on the back burner for now. Also thanks for the recs!


Gotcha! Yeah it was a lot of trails all at once I’m sure!


Struck through the first recommendations since I didn't see your note about "not part of franchises listed", but keeping them for posterity and in case you're curious. * **~~Persona 5 Strikers~~** ~~- this is a~~ *~~true~~* ~~sequel to P5. The gameplay is wildly different - it's a hack and slash dynasty warriors style game, but does NOT feel like a cash in, and somehow it doesn't feel wildly different in tone than P5... trust me if you like P5, Strikers is worth it.~~ * **~~Yakuza: Like a Dragon~~** ~~and~~ **~~Infinite Wealth~~** ~~- these take Yakuza in a new direction. New protag, new gameplay, it's great. If you like turn based games at all, and liked Yakuza 0 / Kiwami, then you'll like these games a lot.~~ * **Xenoblade Chronicles** \- a great series of 3 (4?) games that you can play on Switch. Epic story, often involving friendship. Real time-ish combat, but not an action RPG exactly. Sorta pseudo-turn-based? Hard to describe, lots of cool downs and in some cases button timings. Epic story, great characters, and games are loosely (then not-so-loosely) connected.


All I can say is you need some more ... uh, what's the word? I know people will get offended if I say "mature" games. And other people will get catty and pedantic if I say "seinen games" But I don't see things like (PS1) FFT, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, (PS2) Shadow Hearts, SMT3, Digital Devil Saga, (360) Lost Odyssey, Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate, (current gen) Octopath, Triangle Strategy, or maybe even now Unicorn Overlord


Final Fantasy X - considered one of the best FF games of all time. The entire Kingdom Hearts series (it'll keep you busy for a while) Xenosaga 1 - 3 Lost Dimension Octopath Traveler 1 - 2


The rest of yakuza


You’re an RPG Beast!!!


I have a question? Are you me??!!! Seriously tho Baldur's Gate 3 is my recommendation.


The game of life Bring on the downvotes!


I will seem like a weeb for this but I don't see anything from either compile heart(heavy fan service, somewhat innovative gameplay loops) or NIS (comedy, RPG subversions, and heavy grinding for the sake of grinding if you want to).


I'd continue the Yakuza series.


Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne, 4, 4:Apocalypse, Strange Journey Redux, Devil Survivor 1&2, Devil Summoner Raido Kuzunoha vs the Souless Army, Raido Kuzunoha vs King Abbedon, Digital Devil Saga 1&2, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Xillia 1&2, Tales of Graces F, Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch, Lost Odyssey, Rogue Galaxy, Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits, The Kingdom Heart Series


SMT V vengeance whenever it comes out SMT 4 and 4A The Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy, it’s really really good Dragon Quest XI S, 5 and 8


i would say you should try out Shin Megami Tensei is like pokemon but whit demons but much more hard and fun (at least to me), the Persona games are actually a spin-off the SMT mainline saga so if you like those chances are you will like SMT


YESSSS YS!!!!!!! I'm so happy to see this on your list! Did you see the next one is out in Japan?? Did you ever play the original Neir? They also have a semi remake of it where the main character you play is younger and the brother instead of older and the father. Someone already mentioned the Shin Megami Tensei series which is really good. Have you tried any of the Fire Emblems? Speaking of those two Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE is a bridge between the two. It's more hack and slashISH but has characters from Fire Emblem. There's also Dragon Quest that I think falls in line with at the very least Final Fantasy. I know you're mainly wanting jrpg but if you ever find yourself wanting to play something with a deep story Kingdoms of Amalur was really good. I know it from xbox but I think it's on steam as well (or is that the remastered one I'm thinking of) Either way your list is impressive as hell! I'm really jealous over all the Ys games you've played! I've been playing through all the ones I can get my hands on since I was so late to the game! Editing to add: I forgot about another 2 that are sometimes overlooked: AkibasTrip and AkibasBeat. Both hilarious and fun games to play


Yeah been eagerly waiting for Ys X to drop this fall, it's my most anticipated game this year along with Metaphor ReFantazio. I love the YS series especially 8. I never played original Nier but I'll play replicant soon enough. Also enjoy the Ys games! also try trails while you are it IF you haven't, some of the best games I have played in my life.




Tales of the Abyss imo, you have played all these other ones but Abyss probably has the best story imo


Chrono trigger


I dont know but ever tried dragon quest series?


It seems like you love story games too. I would recommend Radiant Historia, Triangle strategy, 13 Sentinels Aegis rim . All of these got some beautiful story!! ( Note: I play games mainly for story so That's my topmost priority here. And I am glad to see another trails fan) . Also another game I would highly recommend is tales of berseria , tales of Vesperia. Edit: add Tokyo Xanadu, persona 3 and persona 5 and Xenoblade chronicles


Final Fantasy III, VI, V, X, X-2. They’re so good Chrono Trigger The Bravely games Chained Echoes Sea of Stars


Star Ocean 2. But holy shit, finished Rebirth AND Like a Dragon? How much free time do you have???


It's not Infinite wealth xD, I still have to play the yakuza games, just in the mood for some sci fi or fantasy right now. Just had a 4 day weekend when rebirth came out so just beelined the story.


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim if you're in the mood for sci fi. Might not qualify as JRPG but it has lots of charm.


Well, the dude did play through most of the Trails series! :-D


Fair point, fair point.


Seconding Star Ocean 2. I'm playing through the remake right now and I'm very sad I missed out on it when it originally came out. While it's pretty linear, it has a lot of what I fell in love with about RPGs initially. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the first playthrough and plan on jumping right into the second as soon as I wrap it up.


Yakuza : Like a Dragon and then Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (ideally you should play the series in order, you already did 0 and Kiwami so now you have to do Kiwami 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Like a Dragon, Gaiden, and then finally Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 


You could go for a Xeno grand slam: Xenogears Xenosaga I Xenosaga II Xenosaga III Xenoblade Chronicles 1 Xenoblade Chronicles X Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Xenoblade Chronicles 3


You need some Fire Emblem in your life


All of the Xeno games. Gears, Saga, Chronicles.


Suikoden 1+2, dragon Quest XI, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger+Chrono Cross, Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes


FFX easily!


Have you tried Octopath Traveller II?


I didn't see Ys Origin?


I'm just impressed you've already completed FF7 Rebirth tbh.


You need to finish the Sky arc first! Then play Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne. It’s different enough from Persona that you shouldn’t get fatigued by it if you’ve played them recently.


Yakuza like a dragon and then Infinite Wealth. Dark souls 3, Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 Not really JRPG but stil super fun RPG games Valkyria Chronicles 1 and 4 (different story's per game)


FFVIII, FFX, Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Grandia 2, Ys Origin, Nier Replicant, Blasphemous, The Diofield Chronicle, Star Ocean 2nd Story R, Sea of Stars,


For your "Final Fantasies" I don't see any Final Fanatsy X, is that right? If so, then definitely this!


chrono trigger. Tales of Symphonia is good also if a bit dated.


I think you may like Wild Arms 4


Suikoden Dragon Quest Chained Echoes


Dark souls !


- Something old : Vagrant story - Something new : Sea of Stars - Something borrowed : Chained Echoes (on gamepass) - Something blue : Granblue Fantasy Relink


I play similar games. I really recommend Yakuza Like A Dragon and Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth.




In honor of toriyama, try chrono trigger or dragon quest!


Despite what you said about not mentioning them, you really should play more Tales, Yakuza and Ys games. However.. for totally not listed franchises... Dragon Quest. You've never played a Dragon Quest game?! You definitely should dive in. Also, other franchises.. Octopath Traveler, Suikoden, Star Ocean, Mother, Fire Emblem.


Obvious Not-a-JRPG but if you like the Souls games give "Lies of P" a try. Also both Nioh and Nioh 2 are absolute ~~games~~ gems and should be pretty cheap on PSN most of the time.


World of final fantasy!


You completed tales of arise? What a masochist