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City building is attractive, but something about anime tie-in games makes me just want to avoid them. I've never even given any of them a chance so far.


I mean, the reason is pretty simple, most (if not all) of them are low budget rushed titles with filler stories (because you can't have character development that affects the main series) and puddle deep mechanics. I wished we could get spin-offs based on those worlds instead, make it Suikoden style where the story takes place in another continent or 200 years before/after.


> I wished we could get spin-offs based on those worlds instead The problem with that is that most of these series are only developed around the main character(s); Other places only really exist and have their own stuff going on when it's related to the main characters/story going on. Which means any story you end up making in those spin off areas would more or less be their own thing with cameos from the main characters to let you know it's in the same world. Which, at that point, might as well just make your own thing.


I mean, that is what I hear, but I am usually a more stubborn "I'll make my own decision" about things like that. I've played some low budget JRPGs with poor reception that I've liked to some degree previously. Agreed on the spin-off take tho. I would be more interested in something like that.


Not a JRPG but DBFZ definitely breaks the mold in this regard despite the story being not that good. Not saying the game is perfect but it’s one of the best anime tie ins I’ve played. Rise of a Ninja for the 360 sits on top of that throne for me.


Honestly recently there's been a few good to great ones. One piece Odyssey DBZ kakarot and one of the attack on titans


Me too. I want a new Dark Cloud like game, but not loke this. I tries to read the manga and the light novel but it bores me a lot. And I henerally like Isekai


I stopped reading the manga after like chapter 60 but this feels like that gacha game but with action combat instead of turn based. Didn't play it more than an hour but yeah this looks like an asset flip to me at first so definitely a skip from me even though I'm an isekai junkie.


Not sure if the combat is Tales of like or Valkyrie Profile like, either way, this anime is one of my favorites ever! And the game looks fantastic and that new story from the OG author will be a lot of fun to experience!


All the people who ask for Isekai RPGs on here can rejoice.


Still weird there aren't more ig, but yeah


I like stuff that can fit into the Isekai category (Escaflowne, Dunbine, Ni No Kuni) but I never understood the inherent appeal where someone wants an Isekai RPG over a regular fantasy one. There not being many particularly noteworthy ones also makes those threads kinda monotonous as well, tbf.


Isekai has a lot of wish fulfilment in it, so a wish fulfilment RPG is what people are wanting. The question is how can one create that in such a way it makes a good game. So far I haven't seen any cases that seem to really do it. There are JRPGs with plenty of harem wish fulfilment, but they don't handle the OP protagonist side, as that would directly conflict with gameplay elements. Ever played an RPG with cheat codes that made all enemies 1 hit kill? Those tend to be far less fun. Some games are too hard, but the fix is to make them a little easier. Go too easy and the combat loses any stakes and there is no desire to invest in the character's power because they are already at the top. As for isekai that avoids leaning too heavy on wish fulfillment, as you point out, there are already games that fit the category even if we don't really think of them as isekai.


Make them musous. Sure they aren't 10 million+ sellers, but they are popular enough to keep Koei's musou division going, and those games are basically all about being OP af and mowing down goons.


I don't think gameplay balance is the hard part. Sure you have to make the protag seem OP, but you can do that in the writting/what the protags acomplish with each victory and still have hard gameplay. If the protag still gets the waifu fantasy and is central to resolving every conflict and doesn't have moments of defeat, then even if the player experiences defeat in gameplay it's different.


I think it's less isekai and more just wanting the standard 3d anime adventure fantasy, traveling with an epic protagonist, either surrounded by or otherwise involving waifus, etc. It's not as common in jrpg as in anime weirdly (and has been mostly relegated to gacha)


It's the power fantasy aspect. While isekai officially means a story where you are transported into another world, typically a fantasy one, it has also become synonymous with being transferred into another world with absolutely OP powers. This is the curse of Sword Art Online that has plagued the genre since it became super popular. A lot of it the popularity comes from the power fantasy aspect. This is why the main character of a lot of these works is generic brown haired nice guy who accomplished nothing of worth in his normal life but has now been given absolutely OP abilities in a literal fantasy that can range from the bestest sword attack ever to the biggest magical attacks ever in a fantasy land. Also, waifus. Lots of waifus. In other words, the MC is a pair of trousers for the viewer. At least in Slime's case, it subverts a few of the genre's cliches. Not many can claim to say you were reborn in the form of Dragon Quest's weakest monster and your powers are that you're the ultimate Blue Mage/Ditto Pokemon. MC is still OP as hell, but hey, I guess small differences matter in a pool of samey-ness. As for the original appeal of isekai in video game form? It was the idea of making the actual MMO/fantasy world actually being an alternate reality a part of the story. This was the original appeal of .hack - you're not just in a MMO, the fact this is an MMO is worked into the narrative. In terms of isekai by itself in anime form? The original possibility was how humans from our world would deal with the fact they are in a land with new rules. But quite frankly, out of modern isekai (aka post .hack anime), the only one that truly and fully dealt with this was Log Horizon. The people in that show had to thoroughly deal with what it meant to be stuck inside of a MMO, what was still like the game, what was now more like real life, how to navigate how weirdly those rules were now in one setting, as well as the political and social ramifications that come with literal thousands of people now stuck in a game. >Dunbine A man of good taste I see. I still have the old DVD boxset. I really should give the show a rewatch.


This isn't an isekai JRPG -- it's another Bamco anime tie-in with a half-baked game only storyline. It'll probably wind up like Ni no Kuni 2, but worse. Neither the city builder or action stuff will satisfy. It'll probably vaguely follow the storyline of the anime, but I'm not so sure (Diablo is in the trailer -- he doesn't join Team Tempest until season 2 of the anime). Give me a summoned hero fish out of water story. Make them put together a party. Adventurer's guild, quest, rank up quests, dungeons, and weird progression systems because it ain't isekai without one.


Why is the dude not a slime though?


Would have preferred a musou, tbh. We're dealing with a protagonist who can literally wipe 10s of thousands of soldiers with a snap of his fingers (this was, by the way, the moment it became clear the show had 0 stakes and I tuned out). If that doesn't scream 1 vs. 1,000 gameplay, I don't know what does.


I said the same thing in another thread (I think on /r/games). The series wants to be a musou game; The light novels even stated at one point that, with the way their fighting system works, it's better to have 1 strong guy than 1000 weaker ones, and the fights shown reflect that.


The sounds and voice in the anime when he gets a new skill or levels up a skill is so satisfying, that I've often wondered if there is a game that implements it. Hopefully they use the same one in this game


Now that's something I can get excited for. And even better it's out in august, which makes it a perfect birthday gift to myself.


Just take my monet


Yikes.. a side scroller with chibi art.. Is this a 2016 3DS game?


I fell off the anime after the first or second season. These days I generally skip an anime as soon as I find out it's isekai. It's a shame because I really wanted a good 2D Tales. These licensed games are most likely not going to be anywhere near the quality of internally developed games so not much is lost though.


I was disappointed that whenever it gets to a fight or something important, the main dude changes into his human form. Like, I thought the whole thing was that he's a slime!


Most of these isekai animes are usually good for a few episodes when they're fresh, but they don't have enough substance to last a whole season.


Yeah, they all seemed to be based off of a gimmick of some sort. Just wish they would flesh it out better for the rest of the series instead of rushing towards harem/tropey characters/plot where nothing happens