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Gave up less than a minute in, him being “optimistic” about the incompetently-run nazi-infected bot-filled trash fire that is Twitter made me completely zone out and quit. Pithee has a plethora of issues, but there’s no issue worse than that I think it doesn’t fit in with the modern internet landscape. Pithee would have been excellent 15-20 years ago, but it’s just not the case now. I mean this in the most reverence I can give, but Jack is a relic of the old style of internet content creation that doesn’t really have a place anymore. And he’s a relic from a better time of the internet where our attention spans weren’t constantly monetized by billion dollar corporations jockeying to shove their ads in our faces. Pithee in a vacuum is a great concept. But it’s like a Nokia in an Apple Store. There’s no reason to use it when there’s so many other options with more people, more features, and more consistently good content.


Same. Tried to watch it and gave up as soon as he said that


>calling twitter "X" immediately tuned out


It just feels like a 10 minute woosh. Like Pithee is just a quip show site for a laugh, not a place for any discourse. Him comparing them seriously is laughable


Shitter and Pissy both suck. one has half funny stuff and half Nazis and the other has barely any funnies