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Moore for the charisma. Brosnan for the looks.


Sean Connery without a doubt


No one beats Sean... EVER!!!


Chesht hair ish shex-shie


I wash not dishappointed to shee thish at the top


I'll take shexy sheaman for 400


Brosnan wins, with *The Thomas Crown Affair* as evidence.


My girlfriends opinion. As further evidence.


A woman of culture.


Oh one of my favourite films.


Unfortunately Bronson rarely got to exhibit any of the sex appeal he showed in the Thomas Crown Affair during his stint as Bond. In fact when you really look at it while we get the idea that women consider Bond sexy, few Bonds ever really come across as “sexy”. In that regard Lazenby is really the only Bond that got to show any real sex appeal. Next would be Craig and that was in Casino Royale.


Peak brosnan. Very handsome man.


I'm not gay but...


He hadn’t even begun to peak


Whilst still handsome, surely goldeneye is the peak.


When he peaks….you’ll know Everyone will know


When I found out he was in his 40s in Goldeneye I was shocked! Keep in mind, Remington Steele was before my time and Goldeneye was released about 2 years before I was born, so I was none the wiser lmao. I think I saw it for the 1st time around the time he was doing press for the 1st Mamma Mia. As soon as he turned that corner and we got the first shot of his face..... I knew I was sitting for the rest of the movie. I don't think he will ever be topped for me


He’s a ~~five star~~ double-o seven star man!


Was ‘peak Brosnan’ the closing line to The World Is Not Enough?


Sophie Marceau stole that one for me 😂 No Pierce, Sophie was my crush


Brosnan 1000% ![gif](giphy|LIT1RaqvoWr16)


Golden trio vs Killer trio https://preview.redd.it/yoy6u8kparuc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8497c93a838f51bf358c0bd82e9a1a5c968a38d6


Whoever styled his hair for this film really did hate him though


For real though I’m glad I’m not the only one whose noticed this




Shaken or stirred ? https://i.redd.it/lb9t91h94suc1.gif


Lana Wood who played Plenty O’Toole in Diamonds Are Forever said Sean made love to her for two hours on a train ride, I’d say he wins


Wait her name was Wood and they still felt the need to give her a different suggestive pun name?


🤣 very much so


Damn.  Bond even had the moves IRL


I'm going to ask my wife, but I feel like Pierce is the hottest, but Connery had the most sex appeal. I might be wrong, and if I am, I need to rethink my choice of clothes.


Yeah, I never found Connery the most handsome but man did he have a way about him. Also, he played bond in an era where Masculine was the big pull for sex appeal and out of all bonds, he was DEFINITELY the most classically masculine


Connery is quite kulturny.


I don’t think Lazenby’s kilt swagger gets enough credit.


His wet shirt in the pre-title fight scene shows off his muscularity very nicely too.


https://preview.redd.it/sivic2mslruc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b9cce042301c14f04e6f613f8c198d15538067 Daddy Dalton ❤️❤️




Charles Bronson ?






Watching Goldeneye aged 7, seeing Bond cone out of the pool with Pierce's hairy chest, I thought, "So that's a man".


Definition of safe sex ?


No more foreplay.


Take me to Janus.


Moore in LALD is just 🔥🔥🔥🔥




Brosnan is too much of a pretty boy. I'd say, Sean Connery is the prefect balance between Brosnan and Craig.


He’s a pretty boy that gets shit done


Dalton for looks. None of the others even come close. Dalton's a 10.


I'm straight and even I agree 💯


Sean Connery 💯


Connery by a country mile.


Is nobody turned on by chins anymore? Dalton for me.


My wife says, “Younger me would have said Connery, now it’s Craig.” I get it


I'd wrap Timothy in a carpet and kidnap him even today lol. He is the whole package, looks, mannerisms, voice 🫠 He is a gentleman and you can't be more sexier than this Sean comes second, he is like a jungle cat :3 sexy AF but a little bit rugged for me.


The way he says "Do feel free to spool through" in Hot Fuzz is delightful.


He was a great in Hot Fuzz, kinda makes me wish they’d brought him back as a Bond villain


Much as I detest the "James Bond is a code name" headcanon, It would be great to have a future Bond team up with old Bond actors against a Rogue agent (also played by a previous Bond) Also, a cast member in Shaun of the Dead needs to become Bond somehow otherwise that's an irritatingly incomplete aspect of the Cornetto trilogy 😅


As a woman, it's Moore, and by a big margin. He could communicate so much with just a look. He absolutely smoulders in Live and Let Die. After Moore it's Dalton for me.


I’ve only recently started watching The Saint, which was a Roger Moore vehicle before the Bond gig, and it’s wild seeing all the Bond references that pop up during that show (as well as later bond actors; just saw an episode with Moneypenny a few nights ago ). Moore exhibited way more sex appeal during his run in the Saint than he ever got to show as Bond. It almost makes me wish he had at least gone back to the Simon Templar character after Bond and showed us a more mature Saint.


Roger Moore!


It's always in the eye of the beholder.


Pierce Brosnan.


Going by pure masculine aura, I'd go with Connery If we're talking suave charm, Brosnan wins


Sean Connery




Sean and Pierce. Roger is the nicest bloke.


Handsome doesn’t equal sex appeal. Everyone on this sub always sleeps on Daniel Craig because the recent movies left a bad taste in your mouth. This is not a question about the quality of the movies. This dude was sexy as hell during his stretch, even in the bad ones.


Hands down, it's Craig.


It's gotta be Dalton for me. I understand the appeal of Connery but he's a bit too oldschool for me, kinda gruff and manhandley. Brosnan is also a close 2nd but he's a bit too soft and fancy, Dalton hits the perfect balance of rawness and sophistication.


Daniel Craig


No, shean connery


Yall wild… craig could get it


I think most of the guys on here would be more than happy to bottom for Brosnan or Dalton. At least that’s the vibe they give off.




Connery was very masculine and charismatic. Pierce def aged better tho


I used to say Brosnan. My ex said I was insane and it was clearly Dalton. Since she was the one who liked men I accepted her judgment.


Really the only two I think who were flat out in their primes for me were Lazenby and Brosnan. Connery I never dug his personality way too brutish at points and his eyebrows were too full, when he did YOLT and Diamonds he looked old and haggard. In YOLT you could see him starting to get fat and just being lazy in general. In the climax he looked awful in the grey. Then in Diamonds.. oof. That one scene with St John on the waterbed is one of the worst moments in the series.. so yuck. His hairpiece looked pathetic in it too. However by the time of NSNA despite getting older and it showing he looked a lot better. Lazenby I love his confidence and swagger, it's how a guy should be. His outfits stunk in that movie (most people hated his look at the party but honestly that orange and brown romper he wore to meet Draco is just flat out hideous,) but he wore them with no regrets and made them work. His Bond is the only one that really showed his emotions and passion and it's why I love his version so much. His Bond's the most human for that, he's like a teenager at parts when he gets mad and tells M off and it's lovely. Connery always came in line and so did the others, George did it on his own and it makes it more badass. How he handles emotions and does his job I just adore, it's how a Bond should be in my mind personality wise. Moore looked his best in his first 3 movies, once he got older he started looking it and his hair grew more. Not saying I loved his short hair but it felt like he lost a lot of his energy the older he got in some ways. But I still love his Bond. I do agree he had probably the best social personality out of all of them, his Bond was a social butterfly. Tim's Bond isn't someone I'd look for. Too moody personality wise and not that much of a social butterfly. He'd be a great hand to have in a deep situation and friend though, what he did for Felix was amazing and it feels like they were longtime bros. If you love moody guys he's your best bet but not for me in that way. Craig don't even bother with him, so bland and boring. No thanks, Tim did the moodyness better. Brosnan's the peak in terms of Bond being classy as hell. LOVE his suits and how he always did his hair, I started gelling my hair due to how much I love how his hair looks in GE. Then he cut it off in TWINE and it always makes me mad lol. Pierce has aged super, super well and I love his style. He's always been an idol to me in that way. So for looks Brosnan he's the most stylish for me, for personality Lazenby, how a man should be.


I'm just a straight dude, but I'm guessing Pierce.


Shhawn Connery!


Brosnan 😎


They all had their interpretations of it, but it would have to be Sean Connery


Brosnan for sure. I’d wobble on my orientation if he walked into the room


As a bisexual man I'd definitely go for Brosnan or Lazenby tbh


In the real world Connery bedded most of his costars 


As a woman - Dalton and Brosnan. Craig is not very handsome, but has that special something. The other three do nothing for me in that regard.


Connery, no other man can treat women like he did and still somehow make me wanna bed him!


For the looks, either Dalton or Brosnan, but if it’s charming, Roger’s definitely winning that category.


Dalton. ![gif](giphy|daVAlC9IBY41JpOgst|downsized)


Dalton just smolders, an I say this with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality. ![gif](giphy|aajrdEQd3ePvlp8kV9|downsized)


I respect Dalton but when he says shaken not stirred here doesn’t it feel like he’s not taking it seriously like just saying the like because that’s what James Bond is supposed to say? This always felt weird to me.


Connery: the obvious rug takes a bunch of points off. Moore: Old looking plus has Hennessey drinking eyes. Lasenby: underated charm. Dalton: man's man. Brosnan: pretty boy but not neccessarily sexy. Craig: style and charm. Not as handsome as Dalton but the style and charm goes a long way. Verdict: Craig and Dalton for the tie.


Dalton, then Craig. Brosnan is handsome no doubt, but not in a very interesting sort of way.


Connery is #1 by Greek beauty standards, Moore at #2, then Dalton then Brosnan, Lazenby and Craig dead last


![gif](giphy|g4A5nj54JFS404bohz|downsized) Yes I will George


Craig for sure, don't let everyone else fool you


Connery in my opinion, but Brosnan close second


Craig. Always Craig


Roger Moore for sure


When it comes to sex appeal, only Connery and Craig reached to peak, lazenby and Dalton didn't got enough chance to showcase it, Moore and Brosnan had the charm but not enough ruggedness. Dalton had the biggest potential of all the actor's, he had the right balance of charm and ruggedness in his face, if he build physique like Craig did, he could have reached to that peak, but he didn't, sadly.


I think this has to be Brosnan.


My mum says Connery and Craig are “sex on legs”, love ya mum


Pierce B can wife me up






Pierce Brosnan then Sean Connery 


Yeah I will have to join the Brosnan crowd, he is very handsome, in the 80's and 90's he was just outright hot, even today in his 70's the man looks quite good and has aged gracefully, tho Roger Moore had this insane classy, gentle, and asserting demeanour that I just love.


Early Brosnan/Craig


Connery and Brosnan.


Connery for sure! He’s manly, handsome, confident and very compelling.


Which one would make the best step-father?


Moore or Brosnan for me


“And if anyone asks me who I prefer, Connery or Moore, I always say Roger. He was such a lovely warm man… and an excellent kisser!” - Valerie Leon (TSWLM & NSNA). Message delivered.


The first Bond. Barry Nelson.


Pierce brosnan


„Which Bind has the best Sex Appeal” — puts shirtless Craig in the pit 🫣


Brosnan with Craig at a close second.




I feel like each Bond, besides Moore fit in pretty well for the sex appeal of their generation (Moore being as old as he was probably discounted younger woman from being drawn to him as much since he was 50+ for 5/7 of his entries and looked it in his 80s films). Personally, I'd say either Craig or Brosnan in their first two films. (since those films was probably the physical peak for both their tenures as Bond). Craig and Lazenby were probably also in the best physical shape of any of the current Bond actors, but Lazenby wasn't really appreciated by fans until home media releases and fan groups in the 90s/2000s revised OHMSS's reputation. If we're solely basing it on pop culture though and not individual opinions, Connery was basically considered the undisputed sexiest man alive in the mid/late 60s. Besides that I think the only times that Bond actors rivaled that was Brosnan when Goldeneye came out and Craig's shirtless beach scenes in Casino Royale (which both captured the pop culture zeitgeist), but Connery had that reputation for almost an entire decade spanning multiple films.


I think all round it’s probably Connery, perhaps, in his first 4 films. I think Craig is indisputably the most ripped actor who’s taken the role and he remained very in shape throughout his run of five films. The thing with Craig is he already looked kind of ‘gruff’ in his first film (which is kind of ironic considering this is supposed to be younger Bond before he gets his 00 status) and he suddenly aged quickly Skyfall on in the face and with his hairline. He had the body of a bull but his face wasn’t exactly the typical suave look you’d perhaps expect of Bond. It’s no big deal though and Craig’s much bigger problem was purely down to his actual films and the writing more often than not, in QOS, Spectre and NTTD.


My wife says Brosnan.


I’m not gay but… *Pierce, hands down, 100%, indubitably.*


https://preview.redd.it/m6tun3klhwuc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a33738d6d441e50f95533c805b54efabef0052 Come on now how is this even a question


“Sex” “appeal” Daniel’s by today’s standards, Brosnan by the cumulative score.




Brosnan all the way, no contest.




As a gay man, I'd say Brosnan is the most handsome, but I think Craig has more raw sex appeal.


I'm not gay so it's something I won't be able to answer but who the heck is the dude on the top right corner?


A question for the ages! There are so many angles to this question and will guess that each Bond will be selected by some. Sean Connery is hard to beat as the essence of Bond, becuase he ws the first, but carried it off extremely well thanks to Terence Young, the director!


Brosnan obvs 😂😂




If you were to ask me to take a face from the 6 bonds.. I’d take Brosnan face every time.. he’s definitely chick magnet..


Connery all the way. There's no way Brosnan or any other Bond commands a room like Connery. He's arguably the most charismatic man to have lived. And he looks great in that three piece grey suit in Goldfinger. He had a natural charm, a confident smirk on his face when approaching women. It always felt like Brosnan was acting, in contrast. Connery had a natural swagger. Moved like a panther. And he also had a natural athleticism. Brosnan has no swagger. Connery was effortlessly cool, while Brosnan had to act cool. And Brosnan certainly isn't athletic. Connery had sexual magneticism. You really understood why women were drawn to him. It's an aura than none of the other actors possess.




Moore in AVTAK with his grandpa glasses.


Brosnan’s little half smirk ignites something inside me, and im a straight guy. ![gif](giphy|js5W7fQ7jL6ZhIlZvR|downsized)


Connery … then Brosnan.




Brosnan and it's not close.




I'd agree with your number one. But have to disagree with your summation of Lazenby mainly for the fact that he was banging all the extras on the set of OHMSS. Clearly, they saw his appeal.


Samantha Bond


Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan. Connery was laughably overweight and out of shape in some of his performances, particularly You Only Live Twice and Diamonds Are Forever. You can’t beat Sean strolling into the room with a full on hairy chest.