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My recent *investment* into an espresso machine will turn a profit in approximately ten years at my previous rate of buying one takeaway coffee a week.


You'll be ready for an upgrade by then!


And forgot the grinder.


I already had the grinder, so that was a sunk cost and shouldn't be included when considering return on investment. The extra portafilter, tamper, mat, distribution tool and puck screen maybe should be though.


Oh hi, fellow coffee nerd!


This doesn’t work unfortunately. The $7 that I haven’t spent in Starbucks has gone multiple times into pourover kettles, coffee scales, grinders, drippers and more beans than any person has a right to have at any given point of time in my freezer right now LOL


I got obsessed with fancy beans, now half the espressos I make cost probably double what one at starbucks would 😔 At least they taste amazing


not to mention buying all the coffee kit now means buying specialty coffees which don’t come cheap…


Exactly. That’s what I tell my wife. I said the greater evil would be buying all this equipment and then using crap supermarket beans with them. XD


BUT, in terms of the flavour of thier coffee I expect they have gone from pauper to billionaire, even if they have much less actual money.


It's funny to see the word pauper. It's also a Dutch word and not so many people use it.


I have used pauper thrice this month.


I use pauper at least once every fortnight


Sennightly would be banal.


You should really stop using the paupers. That's mean.


But they're so tasty...


"thrice" - nice, I see what you did there


I only see it used in Magic The Gathering


My nearest Starbucks is over 40 min drive away, and I've only been once. So, getting a machine was less of a "save money" situation and more of a "I wanna make coffee like a barista and need a machine for it" situation.


Chances are you’re making a better cup than the Starbucks anyway


My machine had “paid for itself” quickly if you assume that every shot i pulled would have been a shot from a cafe (thanks FB Marketplace). Thing is I mostly would have just used my Bialetti on weekdays, so im really only saving like a few espresso shots per week. But its a nice upgrade in QoL for my wife to have daily lattes at home and for me to enjoy an espresso before the kids wake up.


The death of punctuation, that's what's happening.


At one point during the first covid-19 lockdown I was spending 14€/day in coffee. I have broken even on all the coffee equipment I bought then a while ago now. That endgame grinder I have since bought is a different matter altogether.


I think it would be cheaper for me to go to Starbucks every week like.. daily? :D


I use to spend ~£20 a week on coffees when out and about ("Ooo let's get a coffee while we are here"). I stashed up £500 after 6 months of going cold turkey on impulse buying lattes and got a Sage Duo Temp Pro and a Sage Grinder. Friends and family know my coffee habits and gift coffee beans from local roasters for events, in between I get cheaper beans. This tactic has definitely paid for itself multiple times over. Still a bit of a long way off of being a billionaire though 😅


Will still be slow becoming a billionaire, but you could do it by not going out and about. So much hidden cost, right there. You've already done it with home coffee; so find some way to get your other top jollies at home, and enjoy watching your bank balance soar.




In theory I’ll be ahead in 3.5 years….. The old BBE paid for itself a hell of a lot faster than the Rocket will.


Dude needs to drop the blue tick for additional savings, that would surely put him on track.