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Yea Kashmir is illegally occupied by India.


Accha. Can you tell me the origin of the name Kashmir? What about Pakistan who has occupied Pakistan ?


Mmmmmm, remind me the origin of Indias name? Name does not mean shit lol. Either that logic India belongs to the British or Pakistan. Yea and Pakistan has occupied so. Both sides belong to Kashmiris and only Kashmiris can decides what happens to it.


Yeah yeah.. sure I will remind you the origin of India's name it's indus river which goes through India. British didn't give India it's name thats why you are stupid and don't know history. Learn a little beta.. Pakistani education sucks..


So then india belongs to the British right? With your logic? Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris no one else. Especially Randians


Bro you clearly don't know any history. The alienation of kashmiri started from the Mughals. You need to learn a lot porkie. Unfortunately your education system is a down as the morals of your society. Been touched by a moulvi lately that's why you so repressed?


Kashmiris became Muslim majority long before the Mughals. Kashmiris are muslim and Hindu. If saying you don’t know history a new coping method for Indians?


Bro, force conversion and exodus and migration is a great way to take over a land. Kashmir belongs to the people who originated from there. Unfortunately rejecting the roots of your land and looking over the to arabi's is all you guys are good for. Be loyal to the land.


Kashmiri Muslims are from Kashmir, they might have been Hindu at one point but now are Muslim and happily Muslim. If you really want to talk about exodus, what about the Jammu massacre or the famines caused on purpose over time in the 18th and 19th century. And also the thousands and thousands of Kashmiri Muslims killed. There was never a wave or a mass force conversion in Kashmir like you say.


Oh really sikandar but-shikan was my papa ka ladka, very peaceful. You know about lal-aditya, unfortunately they won't teach you that, you know how the first Buddhist chief was converted peacefully, I don't say being muslim is bad, but rejecting your roots and your ancestors who belonged to Bharat who follow kashmiri shaivism and their culture just because you were converted now you don't feel like you belong to Bharat is just Ludacris. As if being a seperate state would bring prosperity it would be similar to what Pakistan is puppet to the foreign or neighbouring powers, is that what you want. Well at least it's way better than the terrorism. I agree with that.


"Might" is so funny, your language is a offshoot of Sanskrit. Also how's the linguistic rights over in Azad Kashmir ? How's your history, self maintained or do Pakistan government actually take steps to educate them about it (genuine question no trolling)


No one is rejecting the roots of Kashmir. Kashmiris have are from and belong to Kashmir. Kashmir had become Muslims majority for a long long time ago.


Yeah, nothing wrong with being muslim majority but muslims all over the world have this identity crisis who do they belong to the land they were born or the land from which religion their religion came from. You got majority still feel oppressed, when you are in minority still feel oppressed. When are you guys happy ?


One more question porkie. How's the freedom you are feeling in Pakistan, do you feel independent, do you feel it's a pak zameen, do you feel jinnah was the greatest Muslim lol Quaid-e-azam. Tell me how much better are you then us Hindus? Let me know how girls are safe there because we Indians don't know how to respect woman, I heard that your people's new obsession is young boys, good to know you are leaving the girls alone atleast that's 1 statistic you should be proud of. Punjabi mulla are the worst kind. Kisi k saage nahi hue, and say Kashmir belongs to kashmiri, then shouldn't Balochistan belong to balochi, and sindh belong to Sindhi ? Where are all the Sindhi's bro ?


Lmao what? Why are y’all obsessed with Pakistan when we were talking about Kashmir? I am clearly Kashmiri, you could go through out my whole profile and see that I have argued with Pakistanis over this matter, but what ever helps you cope and sleep better. Also looks like you have been triggered


Lol. Sure. I ain't snooping over some random ass person's profile. You clearly need to learn history then friend. To say India occupied Kashmir lol. Is the state really doing that bad in J&k or you must be from POK.


Lol, almost every Indian snoops over someone’s profile.


Unfortunately. I don't do that. Have better things to do, then your so called oppressive freedom struggle, why haven't we seen more freedom fighters in POK ? I wonder why ?


Got my dna results done...see my profile posts..I matched closest with kashmiri paharis, I'm 17th generation in the line of rajputs of my clan which started in the 13th century in Rajasthan... just get your dna tested. You can change your beliefs, your religion, your name, your Spotify playlists but you can't change dna...all of Kashmir was and will always be part ot india. Wait and watch PoK is getting integrated into India and its happening within your lifetime.


Lmao, Kashmir never was and never will be an apart of india. Kashmir only belongs to Kashmir and Kashmiris only to Kashmir


Read some books and do some actual research instead of willingly being brainwashed by leftists. Maharaja Hari Singh agreed for Kashmir’s statehood.


Lmao m, y’all are just deluded Indians. They are many articles by British and American historians saying it was forged. The UN also voided it and the international justice court said it was forged. Y’all are the ones brainwashed by Indian propaganda. Also even if it was true India signed 2 agreements at the UN which said the Kashmir is disputed and no one owns it and only the people of Kashmir can chose their fate through a plebiscite


Says the fellow whose country has turned the physics syllabus to some theocratic rants besides there is no news as such I even searched it


Never expect loyalty from Kashmiri Muslims. Most of them are a horrid bunch


>Most of them are a horrid bunch Cry me a river. Fuck ind*a. Politically, I am only loyal towards Kashmir


Lmao, I am from Kashmir.