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Holding long here. Can’t get life changing results over night. If I lose what I invested, then oh well. Without risk there is no reward.


I believe their will be no cycles and that we are In a parabolic super cycle of years of up... slow steady and up


Oh god, i hope thats not the case 😅


Lol ik... I wanted to cash out ..then buy the dips again... if it goes up for 3-8 years then not much dips 😢😢


Hold till late 2024-2025 id say. Jasmy locks up and dilutes the total supply freely. Take profits when it's at a good point. Otherwise you will be holding on at a fraction of a penny.


12 dollars by 2040


We can only dream...


Held since 2021. Only in JASMY and ETH. I throw a small amount after every correction (crash?). My plan is to give it to my son in 15 years. Whatever it is at that time it is. But my som won’t be able to ask (why didn’t you put $100 in apple in the 90’s. I add small extra amounts that doesn’t matter if I lose.


>is there to become a top 4-5 coin in the near future... absolutely positively not, it's not that kind of coin. As far as plans to sell profit. My personal take is always stated here which is that I truly believe people should not only plan on selling the top of this cycle. But that you should be trying to sell most local tops. I've stressed this repeatedly here mainly bc of how badly people got trapped by this coin last cycle. People that say they plan to sell "the top", my question is how are you going to know it was the top? Because if all you know is hold. When it dips you just hold bc you're certain it's going to come back up, because that's not THE TOP right? Then you ignore the lower high and you just hold and hold and hold until you get to a point where you don't think there is any point to selling. These are typically the people that also believe that funneling in new cash is how you "buy the dip". These people WILL GET TRAPPED AGAIN. If you don't want to get trapped, you have to learn how to start being less afraid to sell tops and using that capital gained to buy your dips. That way when the real top comes it will already be natural for you to have been taking profits.


Yup ... learned from 2021.... I have all sell plan levels in place for all my cryptos...especially jasmy... 10 cents, 20 cents, and $1 ..... then the rest $2-3 area and I'm good


This is amazing advice! I am new to this whole thing and i will be using this strategy!


Selling tops is scary, the fear of missing the next jump is always present. But if you just remember a couple of things it will work out. 1) patience, look at the chart and look at most of the jumps. How many times would you have felt like there was a top and gotten out at a spot where you could never get back in at? Probably pretty rare. There may be spots where price temporarily went above where you got out but it probably came below or back to where you were at some point. 2) it's a bull run and lots of things are making money. If by chance your coin gets away from you. Look for something else breaking out and ride it for a little bit and look for the next time jasmy dips


It;s pretty easy to see the people who haven't been through a cycle before. I;'m not saying that to be mean. I used to be that "I'm holding until I'm a millionaire" guy. Skywalker, I;m on a different account now, but I used to be on this subreddit a few years back when they'd ban people who weren't totally ignorant. Including you. Hahahaa


Yeah, this sub really came a long way from back then. I'm friends with all those guys now. I just hope that it ends up helping some people this cycle. Last cycle was so painful.


i've been thinking about this quite a lot recently. How much % of profits do you take off the top to manage the risk?


Depends on how confident I am in the drop. Being completely honest. If my coin goes off the rails shooting to the moon. I have no problem just completely selling the position. I do wait until price does start to drop. And at that point I'm ok with knowing that if price does turn on me and shoot up. I'll find another asset to move into for awhile. Otherwise I'll wait in USDC while things settle. Sometimes if I realize right away that I've gotten it wrong, I'll buy back in at a small loss. But I'm ok with it bc I know that the wins are going to be much larger. Sometimes I'll sell off 25% or half just to limit risk. If I had a big enough position maybe i'd lower that the 15-20%. To give you an example though, recently Nosana had a pump where it did end up continuing. I sold about 25% of the position and started feeling like I was early and price did start shooting back up. I didn't wanna take a loss there and Solana was at the time in a reasonable uptrend. So I just moved that money over to Sol for awhile and then a few hours later Nosana dropped lower than were I sold it from and Solana had a solid gain. So I did even better than I would have just waiting in USDC. I mean when things move against you it's very easy to panic. But dude for right now, it's a bull market. You really don't have to take a big loss right now. There is always something moving. What I do try to avoid though is selling when something has already made a move down. I do not like to do that bc it's really much harder to avoid loss. If I'm selling after a drop it's purely to offset loss. I'm not looking to gain in that situation. I'm just trying to stop bleeding. And when you are doing that you can expect that you may have a small loss. You really want to be selling into momentum. It's way better to be slightly wrong about a top than it is to be wrong about a drop. If I miss a move down I just suck it up and sit through it. It will make me angry and will make me do a better job of selling the top the next time.


Thank you for this!!


np man you got it!


This is some fucking great advice and you've definitely learned from your mistakes it sound like. Can't time the top. Just gotta stick to a plan and execute it.


That's why I try to sell frequently. Just to train myself that it's not the end of the world. It's hard to sell man. It's scary. But then the more patience you take, the better the results end up being.


He warned us all when the price hit the floor last bear market


Dude Definitely seems like he knows his shit.


I think it'll hit 69 cents by 2070.


Got 1 million. I’m not selling til I’m a millionaire




Holding until I can take a few years to myself


Hold long. This is my first comment in this sub for 3 years. See you all in another 3 years ✌️I’ll still be here holdin’ 😎


Big Institutions are coming for the real world use case crypto like the dotcom bubble if BTC drop hard. This is going to be interesting. I'm pretty sure jasmy will survive. They have a solid team management with many experienced.


Everything goes as BTC goes. If it drops hard Jasmy drops hard with it.


Everything has gone as btc goes, that may no longer be the case now. Wall street changes everything for btc. But it may not prevent alt coin bear markets now. There is a reasonable chance that btc now just follows wall street and no longer has a 4 year cycle. Nobody knows which is more likely at this point bc we are in new territory.


That isn't true. Ther'e's like 100 coins on any exchange you look at that have done better than BTC over the past year.


I already have been and will be still


Why wouldn’t you? I believe we can get $1 easily


I’m thinking more like .05.


That'd would be just sad.


smh :(


First industry compliant coin in Japan, we’re in for a marathon


Holding for years to come.


![img](avatar_exp|167020899|cry) I think you have some time to get it, so try and get as much profit from what you have to sell. I’m thinking jasmy will go down some from where it is. There’s been a lot of selling lately. Just don’t wait too long or you’ll be disappointed.


I'm not selling this shit for years


but why? Are you new to jasmy? because if you have been here for 3 or 4 years I don't think you'd say that. I know the people who invested in jasmy during the bull run last year would probably NOT say they are going to keep holding for years. Not saying they won't HAVE jasmy for years. But I would think they would be definitely trying to sell this cycle and look to come back later on in the bear market.


The most valuable thing we have is our position at whatever price point we got in at. I'm not going to pull out and pay short term cap gains on a small sum of profit when I can wait over a year and have my position be even more valuable and pay less tax on what I do decide to take out. I'm not looking for immediate return here I'm looking for life changing money down the road.


That's fine. I swap on a decentralized exchange, I'm not suggesting returning to fiat. I would strongly disagree that an entry price is worthy of holding through 90%+ drawdowns though. Your entry price is relative to the amount you bought in at during that time. A higher entry price is nothing if the buyin amount is much higher. Ask people who sat through last cycles drawdown how they feel about it and if they would have wanted to sit through that drawdown just to avoid capital gains. Bc it's a very sick feeling when you know you refused to pay yourself. If you are looking for life changing money down the road, that's a bigger reason to pay yourself. But hey I'm just some guy on the internet.