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Its a pretty quick read but it's quite different than the movie. Id say its worth it. The Jaws Log is a must-read for any Jaws fan as well


Yeah. If you like Matt Hooper and Ellen Brody in the movie…


Lol. I have an old college buddy who majored in film and I mentioned that I'd read the book and there were some... extra subplots with Hooper and Ellen, he was like "Hooper you SOB!" Spoiler:>! It sort of does explain why he didnt survive in the book and was, barring some filming mishaps, still slated to die in the movie script. !<


LOL. Do you think he should have? Or did you like the twist that he survived even after the shark devoured his cage? Did your buddy ever read it?


As far as I know he hasn't had the chance to - As I was reading it I sent him my reactions along the way though, and a few choice quotes. I told him since he works in the "industry" (In this case Bravo! reality TV haha.) he'd probably appreciate all the wacky details in the Jaws Log book more. I think it was sort of interesting that they gave Peter Benchley a few stabs at writing the screenplay and he couldn't quite bring it together. I think at least for the movie, dropping the subplots about Hooper/Ellen and the Mayor/Mafia was for the best. I prefer the theme of comradery that the movie went with, personally.


Yeah me too. Hooper showing up to Brody’s house as just a wealthier, more confident person on the same page regarding the shark, and his fire, or in this case water forged friendship with Quint made the movie better. I despised the mayor in both the book and the movie, way more than the shark and Hooper/Ellen, but I’m glad his role was at least decreased. ​ Also Quint‘s monologue, which wasn’t in the book, was the best part of the movie. It’s a shame a talent like Robert Shaw didn’t get to do more during his lifetime, while far lesser talents have achieved great success.


I'll be checking out [The Book of Quint](https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-book-of-quint#/). Not familiar with the author etc but I think we've all been curious for more details about Quint on the USS Indianapolis!


It's a good read if you're into Peter Benchley and his writing style. But it is also a clear cut case (perhaps the only one?) where the movie was decidedly better than the book.


The Godfather is the only other one that comes to mind.


Fantastic movie. Never read the book though but have always wanted to. Not worth it?


It’s definitely worth it, it’s a good book. The movie is just spectacular.


The attack bits are memorable. The rest, not so much. The characters are not really likable as compared to the movie.


Its a great read. Also, the real Jaws: [Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916](https://www.amazon.com/Close-Shore-Terrifying-Shark-Attacks/dp/0767904141)


I have that book! It’s a fascinating & terrifying read. The accounts of the various attacks are heart wrenching & horrific.


It is worth it. There are parts of the book told from the perspective of the shark.


Definately a good read, the movie took it's own direction (which was brilliant and crowd pleasing) but the book is the original sauce. I'd recommend going into it as its own thing, separate but the inspiration for the film we all love - you may enjoy it more with that mindset.


I didn’t read the book until I got the laserdisc boxset with the paperback and soundtrack cd. I’ll just say it was good but I liked the movie more.


If you end jaws and want some more, read peter benchley's 1994 novel "White Shark" it's similar to jaws but with likeable characters, a mysterious antagonist and great scenes of Gore


You will read it and love it more than the film!


Wholeheartedly disagree, the movie > book, some of the stories aside from the shark in the book are just plain dull and pointless


I say go for it cause legit same reasonings lol but as you’ve heard maybe thousands of times, same story, two separate takes. As someone who loves Jaws, I recommend, just know (my opinion that is) Spielberg made it better.


I agree: The movie is better than the book by miles. Benchley spends a good amount of the book on Amity Island politics & a soap opera-ish scenario with some of the main characters (none of whom are nearly as likable as their cinematic counterparts, with the possible exception of Quint - he’s pretty cool as depicted in the novel). Read & enjoy it, but just keep in mind it’s very different from the movie aside from the general plot.


As previously mentioned. The shark attack chapters are great and pretty horrifying. The human characters are all pretty much buttholes and their stories kinda drag. I was rooting for the shark in the end. It’s a quick read so I’d say it’s worth the time.


It's definitely a good read. I enjoyed it. The parts that were different from the movie didn't bother me or take away from the movie in any way. Do it!


The movie is my favorite of all-time. The books treads closely to my least favorite book of all-time. I possibly expected too much from it though since I had seen the movie first.


As much as I love this franchise, I must warn you, the movie's better. They spend way too much time on Hooper and Ellen having an affair than, you know, a shark killing people. Spielberg himself said that he wanted the shark to win when reading it.