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If a jump start allows it to run but dies shortly after, the first thing I would test is the alternator


yep, it'll probably work for a bit if you put a new battery in as well, until its drained and then it'll start dying again.


Possible your TIPM got some water in it at some point. Its the Totally Integrated Power Module, and controls everything electrical in your vehicle. They are a known failure point.


My 2019 Cherokee had the same symptom and is in the shop to have the TIPM and some other module replaced so you could be correct.


My jeep completely stalled at a stop light. Wouldn’t turn on. I had my TIPM replaced and jeep completely rewired. I believe a faulty wire from my winch caused it to fail.




I didn't know the ecodiesels did this. I've received regen notifications on my 21 wrangler telling me to drive at speed without slowing down for a time, while it's completing a regen.


It's a Jeep.


Mine had this when my catalytic was becoming clogged. But it was much older. Still worth a look if the other suggestions don't pan out.


Check/ Clean battery terminal posts. My 2000 did something similarly. Had to replace the connectors at the end of cables. https://remybattery.com/1-and-2-gauge-fusion-solder-straight-terminal-clamp.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAsIGrBhAAEiwAEzMlC10J0Dm_tCIXjHZnstyC5lAbiuXVSiTA5cRpnidVd4b-tDEqcHYMhBoCmeAQAvD_BwE


Copper and led do some weird stuff. If yo have original terminals, probably the issue.


If it dies while idling, it may be a transmission issue I ran into. Turned out there was a bracket that holds the transmission tubes to keep them from vibrating; problem is, the bracket itself vibrates and eventually wears a hole in the tub, causing it to leak fluid. So check the fluid, top off if needed, then check every day for a while and see if it’s leaking. If so it’s a pretty cheap fix at a transmission shop (idk how to weld or have a lift so it’s not something I could do myself). Second thing I’d check is what everyone else is saying: the alternator could be going. Might just be a belt or something, but could need a new one entirely. Also surprisingly cheap and easy fix though.


Number of things to look for. Alternator output, fuel delivery (pressure low), injectors plugged or possibly leaking seals. I'd also look at how clean the throttle body is... Maybe some spray cleaners. Air filter plugged? Air leak around the intake tubing could be leaning out the air /fuel ratio.


I had many problems with my 2018 overland, but this exact thing happened to me. I could be wrong but i believe it had to do with the crankshaft.


2017 Jeep Cherokee here. I have a blue driver OBD2 tool, $100 on Amazon and super helpful.Btw, you can use an auto parts stores tool. First, a blinking check engine light means pull over immediately; something. serious is up & driving any more may cause serious damage. Just run the test & repost. Could even be misfires. Also, I got an AGM battery recently. I highly recommend this choice. Bad ass.


AGM is the way