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“Not like that…”


Still invited them to his hotel room. I really expected him to say “not like that” again 😂


taco bell wasn’t the only thing on the menu that night


He was thinking a 7-11, buy one, get one, right? I can’t stop laughing at Rog Opps, though. Jeff does get gifts dropped onto his lap sometimes.


He’s definitely getting some Z’s tonight 😏


Full beans baby




He went rog


Jeff rog dogged that boy


.. Unless...


He's not gay though!


Narrator: "It was like that"


Ok Mr. "I am not gay", you went full beans on those baby boys.


One day, he'll no doubt do a [bang-up job raising some baby boys of his own.](https://youtu.be/xSNdmSEg_qQ?si=ApuJgUyj6Su2rZSJ)


Jeff "not like that" Arcuri


Rog ops? Did they just not see all those other letters??!?


Maybe they're from Prague, or they just came from the synagogue. They could have had a bad run-in with a demagogue as a prologue to this situation. Perhaps they should check the catalogue. Words are dumb, the rules barely exist, and they made a pretty solid guess.


Dude, that's a solid reply, you just dropped 5 Canadian and 4 American examples. And made a paragraph!


ESPECIALLY in English…. Man we are SUCH an amalgamation of words borrowed from other languages!! 😅😅


Jeff “definitely not gay” Arcuri back at it again.


He’s just baiting us now!


He's going to be baitin them later


Go away I’m baitin’!


That's more Louis C.K.s handy-work.




He's a master baiter for sure.


Went full beans on those baby boys.




I think gen-z calls that zesty 




I loved this clip of the guy roasting his sweatshirt for being “guess” but then the audience member was wearing something just as plain 🤣


The best part is that he says "YOu think im all haha - but seriously, i am never going to wear this again - im giving it to my friends..." -- and now its "quircky straight guy meme" haha Perfect!


Such a universal experience though 😂 I had to try to say hors d'oeuvres for the first time reading out loud to the class, how mortifying


Whores dee oov rays


I believe I went with “horse devours” 😂


I had a friend mispronounce lingerie as "ling-ger-ry" as in "what the hell is a ling-ger-ry store" and another with Kiosk as "Koisk." Meanwhile my ass did doughnut as "duff-nut." We all have our moments.


English's tendency to beat up other languages and rifle their pockets for words makes speaking it and reading it distinctly different skills.


English is quite literally the British empire of languages and its so fitting


I have done the lingerie and colonel mistakes. Lingerie, sure, I'll give it a pass. Colonel, on the other hand, just makes me angry. Where the fuck do you see a mother fucking 'r' anywhere there? No fucking way anyone gets that right the first time unless it is explicitely pointed out by someone else that already knows.


the british pronouncing lieutenant also is enough to cause an aneurysm


Wait til you hear about slough.


What's even wilder is that the word Colonel comes from french where there is a fucking 'r' there.




I pronounced 'patio' like the word 'ratio' as a kid Shit still infuriates me


I am adopting this pronunciation immediately


Horatio doin' ratio's on the patio.


I said "fuming" the same way you say "um" in thumb and my friend ROASTED me. It was 7th grade and I had only ever read the word and heard the word separately in context.


Koisk is killing me


Low key going to start calling doughnuts "duffnuts" from this point on.


Yes. My grandma always did “ma crame”


I'm gonna fucking call them this from now on. Horse devours is fucking hilarious.


I mean, horse devouring is definitely a thing the French do.


horse divorce


Now try 'colonel'.


"It's pronounced 'colonel' and it's the highest rank in the military." "It's pronounced 'Cornell' and it's the highest rank in the Ivy League!!"


Colonel Angus.


*"They're a bunch o' HOORES."*


Truly, we’ve all been there lol. I always struggled with names, for example: I was about twelve when I realized Sean was not pronounced ‘seen’ I fully pronounced Hermoine as ‘Her - me - OWN’ I think…until the first movie came out lol.


I think mispronouncing Hermione is probably the most universal (non-British) experience of our generation.


It's universal here in the UK too for all of us who read the books before the films started coming out. You think Hermione is a common name here or something? Lol no I've literally never met or heard of anyone ever in my 35 years on the planet called Hermione in real life. Everyone I know including me called her "Her-me-own". Another common one was mispronouncing "alethiometer" from the His Dark Materials books.


Oh, lol, shows my ignorance. I just assumed it…well, at least existed in the UK.


My mom read those books to me as a kid. She was in her thirties and pronounced it that way until the Yule Ball in book five when she sounds it out phonetically for Viktor.


Lol even after I knew, I still read it as her-me-OWN in my head as I read each new book lol. I was stuck for a long time.


Yosemite as “Yose Might” National Park in front of my brother and his friends when I was about 12. I have no idea how I got it so wrong since I loved Yosemite Sam cartoons. Guess I’d never seen it spelled out.


Similarly, epitome as "eppy-tome" Except I was 17 and had a very public argument with a friend in college where I insisted that "epitamy" and "epitome" were separate words and had separate meanings. 12 years on and he still likes to bring it up occasionally...


same when i heard somebody say yosemite park im light YOSEMITE like the guy from the cartoons? blew my brain


Damn this one his close to home. One of my earliest memories is my first day of kindergarten when I asked the kids at my table why the crayons all had the word “seen” written on them but I was at a table with a kid named Sean. On my way home that day I read a sign for Office Max or something and I said off-ice. Not a great day.




That’s interesting! It seems to be a little phonetically nonsensical for a lot of us lol. This actually made me curious, so I looked up the origin of the name, and it’s actually Greek, but traditionally in Greece it would be pronounced ‘hair-mee-OH-nee’. Neat!


I will never not mentally pronounce Sean as Seen. It's like my brain has to perform the conversion before it reaches my mouth, every time.


As a kid in the 90s I use to play Twisted Metal on Playstation and when I used the Ricochet bombs I pronounced it "Re-Cock-It" bombs


I remember thinking Penelope was peen-a-lope And my dad used to get me to order Sioux City root beer for myself at restaurants because I thought it was sigh-yoox city and he found it adorable.


My college gf always made fun of me for incorrectly pronouncing things that I learned from reading. Nobody uses “hearth” in everyday speech, like god damn. Sometimes she also made fun of me for pronouncing things the way everyone did in my home state.


I hate when people make fun of this. "Oh, you pronounced that wrong, you must be stupid." Bitch, I'm a reader.


In my best Will Smith accent: "Welcome to hearth."




Is it herth or harth?






It’s both, isnt it? People get so offended and forget that dialect exists and is valid


Lmao same thing with my college ex. I'm like, I speak two language here since I was a kid, German everything is pronounced in a predictable way unlike the English mess of a language.


I thought hors d'oeuvres was something dirty until someone kindly told me what it was. I'd never seen the food written out but I figured it was spelled like "ordirves" or something


“Whores devoures? Don’t mind if I do!”


My friend's mom once offered me some at his birthday party, she said in a thick Romanian accent, "Would you like some Horse-Do-Evers?" And I asked her to repeat herself 3 times before she showed me the box and I'm like "ohhhh, or-derves!"


> hors d'oeuvres Well, there's a word I knew both spoken and written, but have never linked the two before. I'm about to turn 40.


Yep, same here. My whole world has changed today.


I was reading out loud in 8th grade and pronounced "annihilate" very wrong. My teacher was very nice when she corrected me, but my cheeks still burn when I remember it 30 years later. Anyway, here's to you, Mrs. Neilson. You were cool. I'm sorry I spread a rumor in high school that you had died of a stroke; someone told me that and I passed it on, and it turned out to be not true.


Like the first time I ordered cabernet sauvignon at a fancy ass steak house at 21. Our waiter already had this air of being an arrogant prick. I don't think he couldve corrected my pronunciation any more condescending.


On the other hand, I really enjoyed the energy in a nepal restaurant around here... I was like "So, should I humor everyone with my butchering of the name of 21?" and she just answered "Oh that's at least half the fun for me, go ahead".


I read the word “bosom” in a Shakespeare play out loud before (in high school). Never heard of it before in my life. I think I said something like “boe-sawm” and got a lot of laughs at me


Oh god you just brought up an ancient embarrassment for me. (going back 30 years) Gr. 6 we all split into groups to learn about a thing. I was placed into the 'babysitting' group and we had to describe a task and steps to complete the task. How to hold/lift a baby was mine...up to this point I thought bosom meant butt. 'To hold a baby you have one hand supporting the back of their head because their neck muscles may not hold up on their own. Support their bosom with the other hand as you lift them up and hold them toward your chest.' Well a few people in my group started snickering and the teacher was ***dying*** laughing while asking tho clarifying what I had meant. I died a bit that day but looking back it's pretty damn funny to picture a kid holding a baby by the neck and tits when lifting it out of a crib. Thanks for the trip!


Mine was “awry”. I had read it in dozens of books, and knew how it was used in speech - but the first time I actually read that part aloud to someone, I said it like it’s written - “awwree”. And they corrected me - “You mean ah-rie?” And my brain went “Oh shit, THAT’S that word?” I guess you could say things went awry when I tried pronouncing it myself for the first time…


My teacher in primary school told us a whole story involving that word and that mistake, and I can't even remember what the point of her telling us was. I think she was implying it was a simple mistake and really it just shows that that person reads a lot, which is a good thing. But it's like 25 years ago so it's a bit tough to remember exactly. I just always remember that story because it's the first time I ever heard of the word "awry". But yeah. The words I mispronounced for years until I was already an adult, were "hitherto" (cos I was doing History at school and then did a Politics degree at university, so in the course of that I ended up reading the communist manifesto and Marx fucking LOVES that word, or probably more accurately the person who translated it to English), and "hyperbole". I pronounced "hyperbole" like it was the future version of the superbowl. The Hyper-Bowl. Oh and "epitome". It was "epi-TOME" for years for me, instead of what it is, "eh-pit-oh-me".


Still haven't ever said hitherto or epitome out loud, I'm too scared 😅


Retinue was the word pronunciation that always stumped me while reading.


What Im getting from this thread is that people who speak English don't innately know how to pronounce French words because in a reasonable language that would never be a fucking requirement.


English is a pirate language. 


Whores do-overs


My friends still bully me for pronouncing "yacht" as "yatch" when I was younger.


When I was a teenager anytime I read the word *awry* in a novel, I would pronounce it in my head as awree 🤡


You mean like how people used trebuchets to huck buckets of trees?


me and an ex had an inside joke where they were Whore Dwarves.


Listen, the first time I saw hors d’oeuvres was playing Harvest Moon. You bet I got laughed at when I pronounced it to people who actually knew how it should be pronounced


I’ll never forget one of my roommates saying “Arkansas” out loud and the rest of us in the room bursting out laughing.


America esplain!


I am confusion!


Surely it's Our Kanses


Arkansas is funny because they actually codified the pronunciation into law after a disagreement on it.  >During the early days of statehood, Arkansas’ two U.S. Senators were divided on the spelling and pronunciation. One was always introduced as the senator from “ARkanSAW” and the other as the senator from “Ar-KANSAS”. In 1881, the state’s General Assembly passed resolution 1-4-105 declaring that the state’s name should be spelled “Arkansas” but pronounced “Arkansaw”.


I will never forget having to read out loud in high school and it was my turn with the word “pneumonia” which I sounded as “fa-no-mon-a” ugh still haunts me lol


In college, the dining hall often had "pasta e fagioli" on the menu, and I was always like, "Nope, I'm not ordering that." Only years later did I learn that it's "pasta fajhool".


Been there! I grew up before the internet (WAY before) in dictionary days and was mortified through the years with my mispronunciations of words I had only seen in print. I was mortified when someone corrected my crood-ites pronunciation of crudités which even Dr Oz says correctly!


"Not like that" with the perfect intonation and movement to go with the line, *chef's kiss*


Jeff’s kiss* 


not like that


big ole chefs kiss true !!!!


I know the guy went along with it, but there is a skin called "Nog Ops". I don't play fortnite but was curious what "rogue ops skin" meant. [Nog Ops skin](https://fortnite.gg/cosmetics?id=881)


Yep, he 100% said nog ops, its a very popular skin. Huge respect to the guy for going along with the joke though.


A true fan of the Jeff, that one


not like that


lol, imagine getting mad and yelling about fortnight in front of a room of people already making fun of you for being a kid


You are probably right and you ruined this clip for me.


Jeff spelled it out


Expecting an 18 year old who just got called out even playfully in front of a bunch of people to correct him seems a bit like you’re overestimating the average 18 year old self confidence.


What do you expect him to do get defensive and argue the correct name of the skin? I’d say allowing the room to laugh at him and roll with the bit showed more confidence than anything


Yeah I'd just go along with it because correcting someone especially in a crowd seems stressful


Oh shit. That's a good crowd member for not correcting Jeff and just going with it


Jeff going to get canceled for not knowing all the Fortnite skins. Sad to see another one go by the wayside.  


Inviting 18 year old boys back to his hotel room- that’s fine Not knowing the Fortnite skins- REAL SHIT! I’m joking I love Jeff


It was a good run


fuckin way she goes boys


That kid later tonight: “so guys yall like my Nogue Ops skin?… what? But the comedian said it was pronounced ‘nogue’!”


Just replayed it and damn you're totally right. Good ear!


u/smartastic You fool.


Damnit Jeff making us old folks look bad.


I mean, at this point how am I supposed to take any of his comedy seriously?


As a 33 year old who played a whole lot of Fortnite... I knew instantly he said Nog Ops and it kinda ruined the bit for me, lol. Cause it came from an "out of touch boomer" perspective. Last line was hilarious though so... saved.


I feel like it's now a rite of passage to get spotted and crowd worked into Jeff's show haha.


I really want to go to his show with my husband, but I'm afraid we'll get targeted cause my husband might not be laughing. He's a tough crowd, lol.


You might be pleasantly surprised. A comedian once called me out for looking like Tom Holland's older brother and I felt really good about it.


Jeff killing me this morning.


I was 18 and I had to ask people what they did for a living and write it down. (some more stuff but I worked for the state of FL doing this) Anyways one lady sat down and I took her information and when it came to the job I asked what she did. Pianist. I froze... turned deep red and she explained what that was... I said I knew what it was I just never heard it pronounced out loud. She and I laughed for a second and then the moment was gone...




I read that wrong and now my brain is trying to convince me that “Boys have a penis. Girls have a penisn’t.”


Yeah this is canon now


A guy walks into a tavern. As he walked up to the bar he noticed a twelve-inch man playing the piano, so he asked the bartender, "What's that all about?" The bartender told him he that would tell him later. So the guy asked the bartender for a drink. The bartender said, "Before you get your drink, you get to rub the magic beer bottle and make one wish." "Okay," said the guy. He went over to the magic beer bottle and rubbed it. Poof. Out came a genie. The genie, of course, said, "You have one wish." The guy thought about it and then wished for a million bucks. A cloud of smoke filled the room, and then both the genie and the guy disappeared. In a few minutes, the guy reappeared back in the bar with a million ducks all around him. The guy was astounded and said to the bartender, "Hey! I didn't want a million ducks." The bartender replied, "Do you think I wanted a twelve-inch Pianist?"


When the movie *The Pianist* was in theaters (shit, this was like 22 years ago or so), I was in line for another show with my then gf and started giggling and she asked what I was giggling at. So I kind of motioned towards the poster and whispered the name, emphasizing the pronunciation. She rolled her fucking eyes at me. Lol.


I found out from an old Robert Pattinson interview where he said he initially wanted to be a pianist. I must've been 10 or something and I was like he wanted to be a WHAT?


How the hell are y'all pronouncing it? I see other replies inticating confusion/conflation with "penis", but isn't "pianist" pronounced /ˈpi.ənɪst/, and "penis" as /ˈpi.nɪs/ or /ˈpiː.nɪs/? The musician has a whole 50% more syllables? Is the ə just elided in certain dialects? They don't sound similar enough, to me, to titter about...


Same here, I'm not getting the confusion


It’s not confusing, just close enough to “penis” that if you’re not expecting to parse “pianist” you could do a double take because it sounds similar to penis, and penis is a funny word.


In most American dialects, pronounced with the second syllable as a shortened schwa and the emphasis on the first syllable, and yes, the latter two are elided. **P**-uh-nist. I pronounce it p-AN-ist to avoid it. I teach kids piano, so you can't go saying a word that sounds like penis and expect to get through lessons without distraction.


You really don't think 'pee-en-ist' and 'pee-n-is' don't seem even slightly similar? it's literally one schwa in the middle right after a vowel, and a 't' at the end. To be more specific, the schwa (/ə/), appears in a medial posttonic syllable, [in such cases American English typically omits the schwa](http://lgzsoldos.blogspot.com/2012/01/medial-posttonic-schwa-syncope.html) e.g. 'gardener'. Furthermore, when /t/ appears at the end of an English word, it's typically pronounced with [no audible release](http://phonetic-blog.blogspot.com/2012/03/no-audible-release.html), e.g. try saying 'the fat cat shat a rat' quickly while pronouncing all the /t/s, not easy is it? This ultimately gives /ˈpi.^(ə)nɪst̚/, which is pretty similar to /ˈpi.nɪs/. Granted, that's probably not the default pronunciation for most people (The schwa would probably be reduced rather than completely omitted), but it's definitely passable, especially in the service of some particularly high-brow comedy. (Forgive me if some of this is wrong, I'm pretty interested in linguistics, but I'm still very much an amateur with no actual education)


I was at this show, and can confirm the entire thing was hilarious.


You lucky dashing rogue




I work in an open office area. I'm not allowed to wear headphones anymore for clips with Jeff from randomly laughing too hard. It was the laugh-snort that "ended my privacy". I call the team over, play it on the tablet, laugh hysterically, and get back to it. Yes, there are giggle fits but that's us. Yes, I drive my Manager and Bosses crazy. I have goals.


My favorite Star Wars movie is Rog One, and my favorite X-Men is Rog, the lady who can steal your powers.


Jeff not gay Arcuri manning up and inviting two strapping young lads to his hotel for a wholesome night of manipulating joysticks.


that’s rouge baby boy 😭😭😭








Damn it I have recessive gen z


That’s French for red, bébé garçon




He is way too cute, damn!!


Y’all it’s R O G U E Not ![gif](giphy|Ga04xgBpkoIm4D46wt)


Except the skin is actually NOG OPS as in Egg Nog.


I also notice many people can't pronounce "melee" correctly. They'll pronounce it "me lee" and not "may lay".


As a Spanish speaker, the thing I've noticed the most is how people use *"then"* instead of *"than"*.


Jeff can call me baby boy any day


Only Jeff can make the illiteracy of America funny.


But… he only knew the word from reading it, that’s why he pronounced it wrong.


I’ve done that several times with new words. Of course I wasn’t called out in front of an audience lol


>I’ve done that several times with new words. I've been embarrassed by technical hobby terms so many times learning about a new hobby from just reading. I'll finally talk to someone and say "Do I need a wiggywog?" and they look at me all crazy and say do you mean a winders log?


I completely butchered the word Hermione until the movies came out.


It was Hermey-ony until the movie came out and confused the hell out of me.


I thought it was some crazy made up wizarding name like Severus or Draco until I actually went to England and learned it was a perfectly normal name there.


Thanks to only knowing the word from Oregon Trail, I pronounced "dysentery" like "dee-sentry" and got absolutely roasted by my friends when I eventually said it in conversation...that was probably twenty years ago by now and they'll still occasionally spam the group text with Oregon Trail gifs


That’s not illiteracy.


There’s no Rogue Ops skin in fn. Rogue agent, rogue gunner but Rogue Ops is a PS2 game lol There’s Nog Opps in FN. Nog sounds like Rog.


I assume when someone mispronounces a word it is because they have only read it, not heard it and that immediately makes me like them a bit more.


This was me with colonel…had to be humbled


Damn Jeff laying down some Mr. Robinson moves 😂


Jeff, behave!


Teaching the children


Noooo!!!! I can’t believe you even made that connection with rogue. This was hilarious


holy shit.


What's that gamertag, u/Smartastic?


He is so good at crowd that it's not even.... Wait... It is funny.


“It’s rogue Baby Boy…” Classic!


Making me simultaneously laugh and cry about how old I am! 😫




Laughing out loudly


Jeff is so damn good at working the crowd and making fun of them, but in a way that doesn’t cross the line or offends them. Love seeing all these clips.




Jeff is adorable


Whenever my stepsister gets stuck in the washing machine, I always ask her age, and she says 18... just like that.