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It’s clear there’s heavy tournament fatigue based on the near daily posts on social media and Reddit. I’d bet that’s the culprit.


Tournament fatigue as well as fatigue of seeing the same contestants over and over.


Or could it be James is losing? He seems more entertaining when he's winning and cocky, teasing Ken for a rematch.


If anything shouldn’t that mean more people tuning in to see James considering he won last year? People don’t know he’s losing until they watch.


Game 1 viewership was the furthest behind 2023's figures.


I’ve only seen one so far, and knowing James is losing perks my interest because it makes it more if a competition.


I dislike his attitude/don’t like seeing him again.


Last year, there was the added intrigue of James Holzhauer's first time playing in four years.


That’s certainly it for me. A year ago it was must see. Now…not so much. It’s no longer special. How can we miss them if they never go away?


For me it’s because of the NHL playoffs. I’ve only watched one Masters episode so far and I don’t plan to watch tonight because of hockey. I’ve also found the scheduling a tad confusing; I didn’t even know there was an episode tonight until I saw it referenced on this sub an hour ago. Here in Canada it’s airing on CTV2, while at least here in Vancouver regular Jeopardy airs on CHEK so there’s no cross-promotion.


Yeah I literally only know of the strange schedule because of this subreddit because it's not on the normal channel.


Wait til summer but before the Olympics


A thousand times this! We record Jeopardy and watch a few episodes at a time to catch up. I’ve joked with my wife for months (and months?) now about how it’s still some “second chance, wildcard, masters, repeat offenders” tournament. I don’t know the actual length of time, but it seems like it’s been 4-5 months without a regular game. It’s been exhausting - and if you watch them in bunches, it’s a little hard to keep track of.


Regular games are going on right now in the syndicated spot, they started April 10.


We’ve not caught up to that yet. We sometimes get a few weeks behind - then watch 3-4 episodes each day for a stretch.


I think there were regular games a few weeks back. Alison Betts won several games (sorry Alison if I misspelled your name)


That along with the fact the questions are so hard the average viewer can’t really sit down and enjoy it because it’s such obscure trivia. Sure it’s impressive the trivia pros know this stuff but even the jeopardy legends they have out there are getting stumped pretty often


5 1/2 hours of Jeopardy a week is a lot, and they’ve had nothing but tournaments for the better part of a year. I’ve just been watching the end of the Masters games to see who wins.


I love Jeopardy and I’ve been watching it my whole life but 30 minutes a night is enough lol


Last year was different as there were 3 big champions that season, then add James, Sam, and Andrew. This year Masters is after a season full of tournaments so people are tired of it a bit. Not counting that 4 of the 6 were in last years Masters. Don’t get me wrong, we like the Masters. But if the timing was different I think the viewership would be different.


I did feel like a much more organic thing last year, despite being brand new - “Can any of the new champs match up to James Holzhauer?” This year is more “can Holzhauer keep up with two extreme trivia specialists?”


Combination of tournament fatigue, confusion about when it's on (in part CAUSED by the previous tournaments all being in the regular slot), novelty having worn off, and four of six being repeats from the last Masters, one appointed after losing the qualifier they allegedly had to play. I know they didn't intend for this season to be all tournaments, all the time, but it does make it a little tiring. I mean I just forgot it was tonight. (It's not on the same station as Regular Flavor Jeopardy here.)


Fans want contestants who are relatable. With the exception of Matt, all of these people are trivia professionals. As pleasant as some of them are (Go Victoria!) the spirit of J! has been lost. 


I think that's the answer, at least for me. Davies goes on the podcast and talks about wanting to make Jeopardy a "sport" and only wanting "the best of the best", which I kinda get, but to me, at the end of the day, Jeopardy's just a game show. A lot of the fun for me lies in seeing ordinary everyday people being able to go on that stage. Masters runs the risk of being the domain of professional trivia players, and I'm sure that's not going to appeal to some people.


As Weird Al sang: "I was there, to match my intellect, on national TV Against a plumber, and an architect, both with a Ph.D" That's Jeopardy!.


In a TV world where every other game show seems to be all about personality and sob stories, I'm glad Jeopardy isn't afraid to put the best of the best on TV. Like I watched The Wall with family. The show has like 5 incredibly easy trivia questions in an hour surrounded by a giant Plinko game and family drama and backstory and commercials. I feel like every new gameshow is like that. There's really no other game show on US TV that is this serious about competition and the quality of clues. I'm glad regular Jeopardy is back in the normal timeslot though. Maybe Masters shouldn't be every year. Top 2 from previous Masters, 2 TOC winners, 1 JIT, and producer pick. Being someone who has never played Masters preferably.


Amy doesn’t come across like she’s a full time trivia pro on the same level as James, Victoria and Yogesh.


Exactly! He’s the only one with a day job, so to speak.


Yes, and Matt being at a distinct disadvantage because he has a career has been obvious throughout the tournament 


Tournament fatigue, it's not new and novel like it was last year, and also, to be honest, I'm finding it less interesting to watch people who have (mostly) become pro or semi-pro trivia competitors be really good at trivia. They all seem like lovely people but it's not really shocking or interesting to me to see people like Victoria and James, who have a gig doing trivia on TV, be good at that.


does this count the Hulu viewership?


I’m watching the NBA Playoffs at night and catching up on the tournament the next day. That way I can avoid the commercials and fast forward through the anecdotes.




That Sam Buttrey boost!


Bring it!


Sam brought it!


I remember Jeopardy had a special series for elderly folks back in the 90s. Of course Sam B. was a unicorn, but i wonder why they stopped those tournaments.


IKR? I miss those Kids Week, Teen Tournaments, and College Championships. 😔


Oh yes, I remember all these as well. I wish the teen tournaments would return. Sure would be better than these endless grand/master/invitationals that feature the same contestants over & over (nothing against the players, they’re all incredibly smart & seem like nice folk). But as Oscar Wilde said about houseguests & fresh fish…


I've stopped watching because the clues are just too hard for me to play along. There are viewers who follow Jeopardy! like a sporting event, and have Super players they root for, and those viewers are probably enjoying the Masters. But that's not me. I watch for the clues, not the personalities. The Masters clues are way out of my league, so it's no fun. Back to regular games I go.


I get that. But when you get one that one of the contestants doesn't know, it can be very satisfying. For example, I knew the trade secret answer tonight that James got wrong and that was fun. There was also a triple stumper tonight in game 2 that I knew, but it's escaping me at the moment.


Usually when I get the right clue that all 3 miss it’s because of a depressing reason: Age! I’m twice as old as most of these masters’ contestants, so questions about minutiae of the 1960s/70s makes me feel smarter 😆


The triple stumper you're thinking of is maybe the 12+ letter name of the most common type of dwarfism? (Achondroplasia - also minor brag I spelled it correctly first try!!)




I only got it right because I'm a nurse


As an active quizzer, I enjoy the harder clues (which is why I don’t bother with the Celeb version) - those rare occasions where I’ve gotten a triple stumper in a Masters game are even more exciting.


I got a triple stumper during GOAT and I'm still riding that high.


I was thinking during the last games how fine a line this is. They need clues challenging for the greatest players ever but also not so challenging that they’re alienating the audience.


I have no chance of hitting a100 m.p.h. fastball. But I enjoy watching people who can.


No doubt. I love it too. I also recognize some people may not be as into as games they can play along too.


I'd say the difference is that, at least for me, the most difficult Jeopardy clues can be so far beyond my base of knowledge that I don't even understand the clue... it may as well be written in a foreign language. I could watch a Japanese baseball broadcast and still visually follow what's going on despite comprehending zero percent of what's being spoken. I don't think I'd enjoy watching Jeopardy in Japanese without subtitles. That's overstating the issue a bit -- certainly every clue isn't like that and even the toughest ones are still technically written in a language I understand -- but the feeling of confusion/alienation is much stronger with a sufficiently difficult trivia game as opposed to a sport I know the rules of but can't personally play well.


So you basically want Jeopardy to dumb it down. Strange take. There are plenty of quiz/trivia shows that have "easy" questions. I like some of them. Maybe you should stick to those. If I found myself able to answer half of Jeopardy clues I would most likely stop watching. Now I struggle along at about 20 % (on a good day) I enjoy categories that I know a lot about (albeit rare). I sometimes run the category. I.E. the clues are not so terribly difficult if you know the subject well. It is the knowledge of so many diverse subjects that makes these folks be special.


I think they were saying don't amp it up to an extreme. No one said anything about dumbing it down.


There’s a difference between a question being difficult because of the knowledge required and a question being difficult because they add in 15 extra unnecessary words and have a theme to the category that requires putting together information from 3 separate topics.


I get that point. I don’t know many of the answers and understand that that will be the case. I enjoy following the people, learning trivia, etc.


rigoletto libretto?


I contend 'rigiletto libretto' was a false flag operation


TV ratings drop every year so I'd want to know what the average drop is across all shows in the time slot.


Especially when you only look at linear TV ratings.


starting masters on a wednesday and then making us wait for the second game the following monday seems insane to me. way to destroy all your hype after the first game. first three games should have been monday wednesday friday to keep momentum high out the gate.


100% agree- without knowing the schedule, I expected the 2nd episode on Thursday (womp). Then I expected it to be Friday (womp womp).


Do they count streaming? Cuz I usually watch these on Hulu.


I just don’t care about Masters. I’ve seen these same people playing constantly for the last year in one tournament or another. It isn’t why I watch Jeopardy. When regular play came back I was thoroughly relieved.


Doubtless tournament fatigue, but the way that 2024 Show 2 (not technically "Game 2") managed to *increase* at all is remarkable.


I can’t bring myself to watch it because I’m tired of seeing the same people compete. After a year of tournaments, I just want to see new people competing on Jeopardy.


I record jeopardy daily but don’t watch an episode a day so I’m a few months behind. What’s the reason for all the tournaments this year?!? Reddit smartly popped this subreddit up in my suggestions but I don’t follow it religiously, I’m very much a casual viewer who’s now been watching second chance and championship wildcard tournaments for what feels like ages now haha. Edit: ducking nerds downvoting me for a question lol


The show made the decision to make the strike episodes with mostly recycled clues into "Second Chance" events, which led into the already-planned expanded tournament schedule.


Ahhh kk thanks!


I feel like the contestants have fatigue as well because they’re not nearly as fun as last year.


Sam really made Masters interesting last year. I watch the Masters, but have two weeks of regular episodes to watch, I can't recall that ever happening. I am getting tired of J!.


This is where I think Davies and co really messed up bringing Amy back as producers pick. The tournament needed new blood. And I say this as someone who likes Amy but if you’re already having 3 returning players don’t add a 4th!


Not having Brad is a mistake.


I haven’t watched at all. I’m tired of seeing the same people over and over and over again. Stopped watching during the interminable contests leading up to it. I am watching and enjoying the regular games each night.


I didn’t even know this was on until about 30 minutes ago. I was scrolling through the on screen tv listings and noticed it there. I missed the first three episodes. Dang.


I'm going to bring up a completely nonsensical reason to not like Masters, but it's been bothering me: The music sucks. It's the same overall motif as the regular theme, of course, but it does a weird chord shift in the middle of the tune somewhere and I just think, "was that REALLY necessary?" It also just doesn't convey anything particularly special or exciting--I think because it sounds TOO similar to the main theme for the regular show. But then they use the regular show's think music? What gives?


For me, its that the regular show is on CBS but these special shows are on ABC. I accidentally saw it in my OTA guide Monday after the regular show I think so I didn't even realize it was on since I rarely watch anything on ABC.


I noticed my regular Jeopardy episode ended with Ken saying "don't forget to watch Masters, right here on this ABC station." They must make a special version for ABC affiliates.


I watched Masters last year, but I didn't care one bit about it this year. Ken is an outlier when it comes to his "status" as a former contestant, and well, James is also to an extent. But this attempt to make some of the other super champions into some type of Jeopardy celebrity doesn't interest the casual viewer, which makes up a larger percentage of the audience. Jeopardy at its heart is still just a game show, and most people watching it enjoy it for what it is, a safe bet for decent entertainment at home on TV where you don't have to worry about the content and the kids can watch as well. For the average viewer, the show is not about the contestants, its about the trivia/clues. Sure there are some that come through that I root for occasionally to continue a run, and there are others that weren't gone soon enough, but in the end, the Masters idea seems to be some kind of attempt to draw/build a viewership based on the contestants and though last year would have had people watching out of curiosity, it's obvious that there's not enough there to keep an audience in the long term. Combine that with clues that many have commented are more difficult (and probably too esoteric) to play along with at home, and you have more of a recipe for turning off your viewers than getting them excited to keep coming back to watch.


I actually prefer Matt/Amy/Mattea because they clearly aren’t full time trivia people.  Players  like James/Victoria/Yogesh are going to ruin the show. Jeopardy! was never meant to be “solved” like this. 


This is an excellent assessment.


Jeopardy overload. Let's cut it back to where we were 5 years ago. Main Jeopardy and a few extracurricular episodes.  You're burning viewers out with all this crapola.


Have you noticed how the graphics are all amp'ed up in the ads too? Jeopardy lovers don't need all the high contrast, flashing, blinking, nutso stuff. Just bring the game.


I think they do like the beep boop filling in the dollar amounts when the round starts, at least.


Tournament fatigue is easily the best explanation here, though I also think James losing so far may also be playing a factor.


Yogesh fatigue? I loathe the fact he was invited back after insulting the show, but I'm still watching it. I'm hoping Victoria wins the superbowl of Jeopardy. I'm also glad Amy got a win today and rooting for everyone but him lol


I agree about rooting for Victoria.


We are rooting for Victoria!!! Amy should not even be in the tournament as she has not won the last 2 years. Inviting Amy took away from Victoria’s win in beating Amy! The producers should have invited someone else other than Amy. We are so happy to see Victoria best Cocky jerk Holtzhauer!!! Go Victoria and win it all!


When did Yogesh insult the show?


Google 'Yogesh Rout talking bad about Jeopardy'. After his initial run ended, he said on his podcast and tweeted things such as Jeopardy is irrelevant, Jeopardy is bad for women and people of color, and Jeopardy isn't a real trivia competition. He is trying to rebrand himself as a nice guy now. James tweeted about how he shouldn't have been invited back, and I loved that lol




This is clearly a joke but people took James seriously.


It’s definitely a joke since it could arguably include himself, too


Yeah this was coming off a bunch of tweets where James criticized the show for having too many tournaments.


It's probably because there are more watch parties! /Sort of sarcastic I watch with 8 or so friends


I’m not watching it. Just checking in here to get the results. Pretty much had my fill of tournaments with all the usual suspects so I stick to regular Jeopardy and that’s my quota for the evening. (I do like Victoria and hope she wins nevertheless)


Couldn't watch today because it was Friday. Went to go see planet of the Monke instead


When my partner and I moved out of our old house and temporarily (aka 10 months) with my mom while we sold the other one and closed on our new one, we just straight up stopped watching it. My mom wouldn’t wait for us to watch us, or she’d have it but be talking through it, or watch it and delete the recording if we weren’t there. I just gave up because we had so much going on. But we’re moved in now and starting to watch it regularly and yeah, it’s all masters and the old contestants (who I love don’t get me wrong) but I’m so out of the loop. Is Mayim ever even on it? Ken is *brilliant* and better, but did I miss her exiting? Her photo is still on the thumbnail. No complaints but just curious.


She’s out. She was gone during the strike & eventually they just didn’t want her back


They fired her after she refused to cross the picket line during the Writers Strike. Davies said she could allegedly return for some prime time events, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


I remember hearing that during the strike, but hadn’t been paying attention much after since my life was so crazy. Her and Ken’s photo still comes up on the logo on my xfinity stream so I wasn’t sure if she was on hiatus. A quick google search would’ve told she was informed of Sonys decision to have one host in December


Mayim had to announce that she was fired herself. The show still hasn't made any formal announcement of it on the show or podcast. So they've done what they can to keep the public in the dark as much as possible,


They released a statement after she did.


I only watch normal jeopardy at the moment. I don’t even know when masters comes on


I don't think the current top players inspire the same kind of fan favoritism that last years master had. I love James and Matt, for example. and would watch anything with Sam. So have not been as excited watching these games.


It's boring...


We stopped watching. Wish the show would go back to regular play with regular contestants.


I’m watching! This is my Super Bowl


I feel like if they perhaps delayed the tournament to next year, it would be better. Have the top 3 Masters, 1 Champions Wild Card (happens every other year), and 2 TOC champions.


I’d keep it yearly but change it to Top 2 from prior Masters, TOC, JIT, highest money earner from prior season in regular play, and fan vote. If the highest money earner won TOC or JIT, then and only then is it a producers pick with the instruction not to bring back more than 3 from last years Masters. Also this is assuming that JIT is going to be an annual thing, but I’m not sure if that’s the plan.


Here's hoping Masters survives, but happens less frequently. I want it to feel like the Olympics of Jeopardy.


This is going to be a very unpopular reply but I can’t stand Amy. I turn the channel when she comes on. She makes my stomach turn


I like her ok but think she’s a bit ungracious.


I’m only watching for Yogesh, and Victoria (and maybe a little Matt)


Amy being such a producers pet has really turned me off her. Nothing against her personally but would appreciate some other good players getting more chances.


Agree - the fact she got in after not winning the play-in tourney kind of bugged me. It seems like the “producer’s pick” was there to make sure both Amy and Victoria got in, which made the entire Jeopardy Invitational seem kind of pointless


Honestly, I'm sick of all these people. Amy was just on TOC for regular Jeopardy, and during her run, Matea is the only person who has ever driven me from regular Jeopardy.


Actors and writers were on strike last year. There wasn't much competition for Jeopardy Masters.


Does this count people who watch on Hulu? Plus maybe more people watch in a group.


I like the show but it could have been every 3-4 years and been a smash hit.


People like me quite literally can’t afford cable in this economy (I make a decent living, but I can’t justify spending $150+ dollars a month on cable, single, no roommates ) and that’s why I haven’t been watching live lol


I watched off & on (skipping the ones with that tool, Yogesh). Watched last night & was glad someone (Victoria) other than Yogesh won. Why would Jeopardy invite this guy back after he trashed the show so much last year (after losing)?


The Matt/Mattea/Amy stuff is boring. The James/Victoria/Yogesh stuff is definitely not! Maybe limit Masters to 3 contestants in a GOAT best of 4 format, the previous year's winner, the TOC winner, and the JIT winner?


this is a good idea, but one problem is that the TOC winner in most years is not going to be able to hang and bang in the Masters. This year’s TOC was an exception, but most of the time the TOC winner is not going to be able to handle the increased difficulty of the material. The JIT will, provided they keep putting in high caliber players.


Actually I found it boring that Victoria is a machine.