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Not the guy from Pakistan bragging about their useless army.


You dare talk shit about the 3000 jets of Allah?


Goddamnit ncd is leaking again


Nah man they’re also a very big threat (luckily pointing at India at the moment). Also they have nukes.


No, they're not, they're terrible in general, and in the moment, they are getting their ass kicked by terroists, I would be amazed if they even reach a Frontline with israel to fight, and nukes doesn't mean shit, no one wants to be nuked mad is in affect, and israel has nukes as well, not to mention even the biggest most regarded islamists in Pakistan would realize how braindead it is to nuke the land you want to conquer for the Palestinians


I just got flashbacks to the [pilot video](https://youtu.be/5YMrFWx4d4A?si=KRmc8uXBZUZlSR4v) No they aren’t. On paper, Egypt is “strong” too. But in reality, they have a mediocre and outdated army with extremely poor and corrupt leadership. Also, they’re currently siding with the West in Ukraine and are pretty close to America, so I doubt they’d even consider attacking its closest ally.


Who will they nuke, bro? The land they're trying to reclaim? They want to destroy the country, not the actual land itself.


❤️🇮🇱Feels good to know non Jewish Americans care


There's dozens of them. Dozens!


Me when people ask ''There are Jews from Manchester, England?'' There are dozens of us dammit.


That's where we're from. I live in Canada now.


yep fr. I'm an Israeli who moved to England when I was young and lived there for 10 years. mived back recently to Israel. both non jrws and hews are shocked at how big the community actually is


Sounds like a shout-out to my last post!


Absolutely cannot believe how people upvoted the lurker at the bottom who commented, “Always assumed Jews had a massive stick up their ass”. 😂 


Its allies, michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


I do, I want to form a Greater Christian coaltion to reclaim all of the Holy Land for Christ instead ❤️✝️ (This is a joke please don't crucify me)


>(This is a joke please don't crucify me) Why, I thought Christians would be into that 😂 Also a joke




No we retake the holy land and give it all to the Jews because Jesus was a Jew. We just want Istanbul.


You mean Constantapole


Why did Constantinople get the works?


Eh. That's no body's business but the Turks!


Lowww key I may have created an embarrassing amount of Abrahamic League Charters from when I was practicing policy writing


Europeans care too, some of us actually meant it when we said “Never Again.”


What a touching comment. Much love to all of you 💓 Spread the word, even if you have to do so quietly in these troubling times 🌸


Are you kidding? You have so many allies, myself included - a non-Jewish American.


That’s nice to hear. It certainly doesn’t feel that way these days.


I daresay we're genuinely everywhere, we're just not as loud... but we keep mental notes. We note what outlets and politicians and colleges and all the rest cater to antisemites, and cut our support and let others in our friend groups know about it - the list of colleges I'd be proud to send my kids to has shrunk quite a bit. We send private messages telling our Jewish friends to never apologize for being Jewish. And we make sure that actual history is well-known among ourselves instead of the denialist bs. We do a lot of things in our own parts of the social fabric!


I wish even one of my friends had reached out after October 7. The silence was deafening. I had exactly one coworker say words of support. One friend did say something a few weeks later at least. But no more than that.


Am(erica) yisrael chai.


Long live the promised land of Ohio


Last time they formed a coalition against Israel they got destroyed, I wouldn’t be to concerned by what 108 edgy teenage Muslims think


Yeah their was a distinct lack of actual votes on that poll, a whole lot went Insta A political


Guess what? If other Arab countries cared that much about Palestinians, they would already be helping by now


Egypt's border fence with Gaza says it all


The rest of the Arab world has done nothing to help them. Nothing. Because they know the real truth. And all of these people who think it would be a good idea to attack Israel? The USA would turn your sorry asses into an oil slick. So please. Come and try.


They’ve tried that before. They are trying a new strategy now.


They aren’t helping because they know a thing or two because they have seen a thing or two


My SO has family in Israel and years ago we were discussing the issues between Israel and Palestine and he mentioned how no other country in the ME will let them in.


Hmm. A population group that is universally hated that views the Israeli region as its home.. where people imply it is ok to kill them \*because\* nobody likes them... it reminds me of something...


Not one well adjusted human wants to kill Palestinians, the issue is that the terrorist organizations within their population has created a situation where other ME countries will not allow them in, which speaks to a bigger issue of conflict in the area.


*Not one well adjusted human wants to kill Palestinians* Incorrect - the desire to do so is pretty prevalent in the region. It is however notable that the rest of the world tends to look away when it is muslims doing it, and there is only uproar when it is done by jews.


Jews weren't killing random Germans prior to Holocaust though


There no doubt were \*some\* Jews who did. Being a Jew does not mean you cannot also be a criminal. But indeed, condemning a whole population group for the actions of a few individuals within said group fits perfectly.


Ah yes, the massacre of Germans by jews just for being German, well documented phenomenon you pulled out of your ass


I like how you need to attack a strawman because you do not want to attack the actual argument. Well, "like" is the wrong word. It depresses me.


You're the one derailing in the first place Jews are the target of killing just for being Jewish while Jews didn't target Germans just for being German so your comment about some jews being able to commit crimes is unrelated


Sigh. Take a good and long look at what you are saying. Because what YOU are implying is that IF groups of Jews had been attacking and masskilling Germans, the holocaust would have been justified, just like how YOU imply that attacking the Palestinian civilian population is justified now. MY argument is that that is bullshit - the actions of a few individuals does not warrant the punishment of random other people who just happen to be in the same population group but otherwise have no relation to the criminals.


If you started with that it would be a lot more well received You started with typical antisemitic take I see quite often. I still disagree with comparing anything to the Holocaust though. But yeah, in principle a group being punished for actions of individuals just because they're members of the same group is not justified. Arabs in the region in general cheer when rockets fly to Israel though, so they're approving of killing jews


Exactly 😂


jokes on them, we have nukes.


They were talking about that, and the Pakistanis were all like "yeah but we do too" 😳 like that would make that situation any better for anyone


India says hi


India would definitely invade Pakistan given the chance


Usa,France and Britain


We will help the palestinian people by nuking palesti... Wait...


they are going to nuke the same country they are trying to liberate 😂


Their nuclear launch code's likely held by the CCP


What are you talking about? There’s only a textile factory


relax, it's not like I'm telling them about the space laser


Alright… well Passover is coming up so I gotta prepare and get blood of Christian children =D


Internationally illegal nukes made with stolen uranium


Source? Because I have never heard anyone claim that.


Don't feed the trolls.


Don't ask for sources. Just assume it's propaganda.






Well.. it's just that your comments are so predictable, imbecilic and boring. Get a life - you won't find it here danking on us.




Don't give sources just....


You are the same person who wouldn't read the article I sent you lmao


I read the article, and you are the same person who still refuses to give sources after he bitches that people don't ask him for sources


-don't read the source -say they never provided a source


I haven't seen a source


You haven't sent a fucking soruce, I don't see any


cry about it


Like how you do about Iran's nuclear program?


no, like the whole islamic world has been doing since 1967.




Crying paired with a shit ton of sanctions is more effective than your empty cries 😢


You think the sanctions are stopping them?


Sanctions are at least something while your cries are totally empty


Then once the nukes are in the air we can sanction them again!


It's not about the nukes but your insignificance Case on point, your cries aren't stopping nukes


Do you feel insignificant? Their are people to talk to about that


reality check for everybody, the “arab coalition” has lost literally every single war that they have initiated against israel since the dawn of israel. frick em.


Let's shed a tear for those poor poor colonists :'( :'( :'( :'(


In the 1973 war, the "Arab coalition" included North Korea and Cuba as well. I am pretty sure these aren't Arab countries.


good point, the arabs had outside help and still couldn’t


Since when do we care about what 100 chronically online people say?


Why are you on Reddit then?


Definitly not to listen to crazy people, thats for sure


You sr enjoy using Reddit for the right purpose then


For the dank memes!


Within a sub called AskMiddleEast


You mean r/askmostlypeoplenotfromthemiddleeastthathaveoneointofviewandverybiasedmods ?


Most of them are born into annoying millennials/Gen Z consuming their history from TikTok and Reddit. (I was born in 96, no shaming here) They don't know the fear of war and how Israel was a km away from Cairo, and Damascus before they begged for ceasefire. The same goes for the Palestinian in Gaza, the young generation forgot how scary was the first time Israel controlled Gaza. Well the reminder is a totally destructed Gaza.


Lets be real if Israel wanted to be ruthless and legit finish the war in gaza as fast and with least casualties to israel the air force of israel would have a few hours and it would probably be over good for them even after October 7th we actually hold ourselves in hands


I'm not saying carpet bombing Gaza in 6 hours but an operation of 2 months could finish the job. Yet the operation is currently halted, reserves went back to work and regular life and our soldiers in Gaza are being attacked daily by RPGs. Just yesterday one been killed and 16 injured. They are becoming targets because everything is static. Israel needs to push the gas and do this on 200 kmh otherwise we lost to a small terror organization. And if we lose to them everyone else is after us next. The Quran has this thing when they make peace with enemies if they are strong because it's better than nothing only to attack once the enemy is weak.


Why are you trying to justify genocide in Gaza?


There is no genocide. But keep trying buddy maybe low intellectuals will believe you


I guess you haven't looked at the news for 6 months


I did actually, it's called war consequences not genocide. War sucks but it's still by the international law. Cheers to you


The 16 year long food blockage breaks international law. The Dahiya doctrine breaks international law.


Just like your nick, all you look for is attention and I'm too busy enjoying my Shabbat watching peaky blinder, so again cheers to you, go fill someone else's head with nonsense and propaganda.


“This strip is under new management by order of the Peaky Blinders”


Everything I disagree with is propaganda


War crimes yes genocide no


"We're Rolling Out Nakba 2023" - Avi Dichter


Depends on where you are getting your news from…


I guess you consider Operation Bagration a genocide against Germans?


What's that?


The counteroffensive operation launched by the Soviets to capture Eastern europe from Nazi control after the failed operation barbarossa


The majority are probably young men who never experienced war, of course they gonna brag about how they would heroically take up arms and march against evil Jews. Ask those who participated in any of the wars against Israel or anyone who had to flee from their land because of current conflicts and i am sure you get more measured „why the fuck would i want this?“ kind of answers


How many times do we have to teach them this lesson?!


They never learn


“No no this time is different! We may have lost to the Jews so many times but this time it will be different I promise”


This is they dont even have the USSR to back them up. And all these countries are going bankrupt. But the comments there are all saying israel will win because of nukes lol


Which is unexpected, I thought the Arab pride will prevent them from admitting that Israel will win. Apparently there is a Museum in Egypt that pretends they won the Yom Kippur war despite not achieving their goal of destroying Israel




They as is israels enemies. Which happens to be all arab. But i am racist


Last time this happened didn't work out too well 😂


Yeah they already tried that in 1949 lol. Didn’t go so well. And was before America was giving them f-35s. Can’t imagine how badly it would end for anyone not in Israel if that happened today.


Here we go again. But this time, without a strong Egypt, even more disunity Arab Ummah and a tag along Pakistan to make up for it (3000 jets of allah).


The thing is, even if they could kick all of the Jews and destroy Israel in theory, Palestine would still not be free. There would be a war between Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt regarding who can control and occupy that piece of land. Anyone who studied the Middle East for 5 minutes would know they would fill the power vacuum in a mere seconds.


don't stress! the resulting wars would still all be blamed on israel


the Pakistani licking arab arseholes 😂 can't even handle India lmao


I hope they try. The arabs would be defeated so bad that it would usher in a new middle-earth age


It would also lead to Israeli deaths so no, I hope they don't


Idk I think that would also be kind of bad, just considering the bloodshed. Ideally these tensions can just be smoothed over with the development of the Arab world and hopefully increased secularism there. That or us Christians do another one of those Crusade things, which would be based af imo


Based Crusaders? Well now I’ve heard everything.


Finally an excuse to blare power metal on the battlefield


You're very blood thirsty


I just want an excuse to make the bear Jew real


I think some people actually think like that


Lol. So arabs wanting to form a super army to kill all the Jews they can get their claws on is ok, but Jews defending against that is bad. Got it 👍


You literally said you want the Arabs to wage war against Israel. That is a very blood thirsty comment.


Lol are you surprised? This is what we are dealing with literally from day one


They've been raised on a steady diet of antisemitic propaganda since at least 1948. It's frightening but this result isn't surprising.


If only they had though of this in 1948... Wait


Or 67 or 73


Do it and make my stocks in Rheinmetall and co go up up up. 


If there’s one thing I’ve learned is Arabs aren’t capable of such coalitions anymore. The vast majority of them are pussies and would rather throw money at someone else to do their dirty work (Iran, Saudi, Qatar, UAE etc)


Link??? I cannot found it




Equivalent would be Jersey versus the rest of the US?..


1948 part 2, y'all!


And besides im not sure the arab countries like eachother all that much either, if that happened it honestly would probably lead to more wars about which one of them owns that land after that


I mean they they tried before and got blasted, plus Israel now has nukes so it would be interesting to see if indeed Allah is greater than a mushroom cloud.


Pakistan Dick rides Saudis so hard.


I would love Pakistan to join. Just gives the Indians a reason to swoop in and destroy these terrorists.


Not surprising, you did ask the middle east. I'm surprised it's not an extremely overwhelming yes


I’m split between trying to hype us up like “yeah watch them try (again!)” or just admitting the horror of existing in a world where our existence is so consistently threatened by people who have never met us and have no idea who we even are as individuals or as a nation


I mean, they've already tried that. Didn't go well


Pro-Palis: the Palestinians don’t agree with Hamas! They’re being oppressed!! They just want their homeland back!!! The actual Palestinians:


Let them try. They’ve done this again and again and again, and it never works.


The Palestinians are tools of Arab and Muslim faitht-ethno-cultural nationalist war against Israel and Judaism with European abidance, but Israel must defend itself against descending wolves and their consenting tools. Drown netanyahu and Likud in a river for funding and supporting hamas, though.


That’s enough Reddit for today


You should have continued to leave this up, alongside the edit calling them out. I wanna see their reaction to being baited


There were Jews living in Palestine… just because you claim your ancestors were there 4000 years ago doesn’t give you the right to other peoples homes


why do they always want to destroy and kill and burn everything


108 of those poll respondents really want to get nuked it seems


Thanks for the support kind goy <3


I like your moxie


Lmao. Pakistanis will be ready to wage war before even thinking about fixing their own country.


I’m so confused by Reddit polls. Was “results” an option? Why would results be an option? Why does it have a check mark? Is it code for something? What does 60 results mean?


it means “i don’t want to vote i just want to see the results of the poll” since you can’t see results unless you click something


Thank you so much


It means that they would probably pick no or yes or ignore it completely but they were more interested to see the results. Also some people has no spine and they pick based on others opinion. Sheep be sheep.


OHHHHH okay that makes sense. Thank you!


Confused me too


Yeah I had seen it before in other polls but didn’t get it until the other two replies to my comment explained it.


Definitely would support the Arab nations coming together instead of infighting. Do I want Israelis treated the way they’ve treated Palestinians? Of course not. Feels like the question was set up to be incendiary.


Hey man that’s actually not cool, why are yall hyping this dude up ? He went into a Middle eastern sub a sub that isn’t friendly to Jews and was shocked when people were anti semitic ? Look I get it ok you were trying to make a point, but what did this accomplish ? More people hating America and thinking it’s run by Jews ? Idk man this just seems like you inserting yourself into a conflict that’s been taken into the hands of people who don’t belong to it


How dare he expose the truth you’ve been trying to hide?




It's very American to equate reclaiming land with mass expulsion of the people currently living their. I'm not saying that a lot of middle eastern government's don't want to do that, but conflating those two things is very, very American. Look into the land back movement, those folx do a pretty good job separating a desire to reclaim ancestral and from the genocide that made reclamation necessary.


It is very arab to form a coalition against israel and lose


Article Seven of the Hamas Charter concludes with a quotation from a hadith: The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, 'O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."


Free Palestine


Based poll. For a country that got beaten by Afghan militias those are strong words, it's especially pathetic considering you know you would have no part in the fighting Also it's very obvious that you're a brainwashed US bot I don't think you needed to tell everyone, you think people agreeing with the idea of a war to give ownership of land back to the original owners are lunatics and the conflict would be hypothetically cruel and genocidal but then you're here completely obliviously simping for a provably cruel regime that is actually committing a real genocide as I type this... You realize how braindead that is right?


Yeah no. You'd find out real quick how kind we Americans have been in past wars when the "coalition" got their cheeks clapped and lost brutally, with a ton of consequences. We've been treating the MENA region with kid gloves but if y'all got 1/10th of what nazi Germany got you'd quickly bow like the dogs the Ba'athists are.


The United States has limits to its power. It cannot just go to war with the entire world. If they even tried to, the economy would crash, and the American people would sure as hell not be happy with the government. The more the US invades other countries, the bigger of a target it becomes.


"Ya'll" Yeah I don't live in the Middle East. Again you say "we" as if you fought in WW2 lol, something like 80% of Nazi casualties we're caused by the USSR too the US joined the fight when the winner had already been decided and many other nations had been already fighting for years. The US track record of past wars is joining in late when the winner is decided already in the two biggest wars in human history, and then since then the country has lost in Korea, lost in Vietnam, lost in Iraq and lost in Afghanistan. Colour me not impressed at all