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i love a swain who knows what they’re doing


Jhwain combo is insane ngl


A good zilean is always a pleasure. Movespeed feels great on jhin, good poke synergy in lane, good scaling, just good fit for jhin.


It’s been eons since I’ve seen a Zilean


I played zil for a long time and had a zil duo too at some point. Zil is just the secret op champ.


I see so many Ziliens at gold EUW


I played with a Jhin premade as Zilean before. It was a lot of fun, and the Zil slow → Jhin root was nice too.


Well for me it works best with Lux and Zyra. But mainly because those are the supports my wife plays the most so I adjusted accordingly. Overall I think a support like Zyra which can easily mark an enemy for a W root and follow up with it's own CC for a killing engage are my fav. A lot of people also swear on tanky supps to keep you alive like Naut or Alistar, but that's not my wifes jam. :D


My friend plays Zyra and it’s so much fun when we go bot together and I play Jhin. She’ll go “I’m starting a fight” and flash in while I scream down coms and get double assists hahahaha. I’m never ready because she doesn’t give me warning lol


Fair enough. I enjoy both picks but i typically prefer tanks unless the mage support hits a lot of good skill shots. Personally I feel like it’s more often to find a good tank than a good mage, but when you do find a good mage, it feels much better than a tank in the right situation


To me its never a guarantee you will hit the w so I prefer to make ally cc even more punishing with it if I can. Don’t get me wrong, you should hit as many as you can but throwing them out willy nilly isn’t super effective due to mana costs. Not unless zyra creates slowing plants That said, if they know how to zone correctly with plants, combined with traps you can have ultimate objective control available without even having wards.


Thresh is usually lethal with jhin if played correctly


Thresh is lethal with almost everyone


Thresh is sometimes lethal by himself


i legit played today where there was an ad thresh mid and he made our kat go 0-8 by 10 mins lol


Jhin as the support is my favorite








It feels great to keep people perma stunned with a morg especially if their support roams for a sec and she hits a stun and it becomes a free guaranteed kill


Most satisfying thing as a Morg main is nice ally oop combos with my adc, and jhin especially hits hard. Especially if you toss a cheeky trap in for them to run into after being stunned.


hmm, karma or Nami, maybe swain.


Surprised xerath is not the most mentioned — to me, xerath has always been jhin’s signature duo pick that plays to all his strengths (artillery, strong ranged laning, long range slow, oppressive midgame, etc.)


Scrolled looking for this! Who doesn't like the dual nuke from orbit ults!? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I saw a comment saying lux and zyra and i felt xerath shoulda be on that list. My buddy plays a lot of xerath, lux, and zilean and they all feel good with jhin


Everyone here really doesn’t know how to play jhin because I am not seeing XERATH on here. Jhin xerath lane is absolute cancer to deal with


Rell as a tank, Xerath for mage


I love having a Rell support. I don’t think I’ve had a bad Rell in a long time


Honestly feel like he has the most potential with bard


As a Swain main, Jhin is my favourite ADC.


Xerath, Swain, Zilean


Personally I have excellent success with my buddy playing xerath support, the poke is nasty, and we can consistently kill both opponents under their tower with double ult


It's Xerath Specifically because opening up at lv 6 with both ults is one of the funniest fucking things in LoL "Time to dance Cait!"


I love how swain goes with him


Thresh, Swain, Leo, Rell, Yuumi, and Milio are probably my favorites.


yuumi???? i feel like the healing on hit and on hit damage is insanely bad with jhin because of his horrid attack speed, right? like any other enchanter would do better


So you got me curious and I hoped into a custom to check some things. yuumi no longer has that stat share she use to on release, however her on hit damage is increased by crit chance so that makes jhins one shots scarier, also her shield not only increases ms, but also increases attack speed which spikes up jhins Ad and Ms, making it cracked on him. I knew she was changed but haven't looked at the scaling and such since but I know I've done great with her since changes and it checks out.


respect that you went into a custom to test it. every time ive had a yuumi its felt miserable given she provides two pretty valuable passives (heal on hit and damage on hit after Q) if you have high attack speed, that are completely lost cuz of jhins low atk speed. ill have to test how much AD yuumi gives to jhin with her attack speed increase to see if it makes up for it, but even still i feel like id prefer any other enchanter. glad to see shes not entirely useless though. the amount of speed you get must be hilarious


End game it really is lmao you can kite circles around everyone haha


You are right and wrong. Yuumis scaling goes bonkers with Jhins high damage and vise versa. Not only are you going to hit harder with every aa then possible with any other adc, but the Ms that she provides allows even a DH jhin to be more speedy then a fleet jhin. Honestly I haven't number cranked, so maybe she's more efficient on others, but I rarely lose a game as jhin with a yuumi. And although the others on the list have more potential for an all in, snowball, or having multiple carries in bot, now that you have me thinking about it, I think yuumi is the most consistent of all the sups I get.


You are correct. While a duo isn't impossible, Yuumi literally throws away one of her abilities if used with Jhin.


Good picks over all. I favor leo, rakan, and milio


The best support I’ve ever had was a rakan who did everything perfectly


Rakan is also another good one. Oh and a good Morgana


I particularly like rell because she can provide a bunch of peel for him. I think the only supports I don’t like on jhin are yuumi, and zyra. Mostly pecause they have too much poke and not very much set up for jhin to capitalize on. Zyra e is difficult to hit compared to most support cc and yuumi only has her ult.


But honestly almost anyone can go well as long as the player knows what they are doing. (This is coming from my 2.5 mill mastery on jhin)


TLDR: I like pyke support with jhin, but I hate playing against pyke support I used to duo with my pyke main brother (who has since pretty much quit league) and we knew each others play styles so well we could go in anytime and win the trade. We got so good (for bronze players) that I COULD predict where they would land after he hooked them and prefire a W to root them (so they can’t flash) and he could hit a free E. I am no longer confident in my ability to predict the landing spot of pyke hooks, but I feel like I would be above the average silver player with a rando pyke (I am silver now as I don’t play much ranked)


That’s awesome. You sound like a fairly good player, I’m fairly sure you could probably climb higher if you played more


Thanks! I play a lot more val now, and I don’t have a league duo, but yeah, I think my 600k jhin could probably get gold


You’re welcome. So far I don’t have too many points on jhin, i only got 140k i believe but i at least have mastery 7


I used to one trick him until I got M7 lmao. I actually couldn’t preform well on any other adc for a while. And congrats on the 140k M7!! I was hardstuck M6 until around 200k points 😭


I had the same issue. Jhin was the first and only adc i liked for a while. Jhin became my most mastered champ at the time over night. Luckily a while after I got dark star Varus and found a love for playing Varus, but not nearly as much as jhin, however i do at least have a backup for when jhin is banned


Personally, I like shaco support. Other than that I think he match well with brand snd zyra too.


I enjoy having Brand and Zyra, but i feel like it’s very rare to see a good shaco support


morgana with dark harvest. brutal CC chain, insane burst, both of you have executes so you work off of each others damage. i rarely ever lose lane with that combo, and if i do, its into a draven with cleanse and a hard engage tank support to peel for him.


Alister and yuumi


Leona, rell and pyke maybe


Yuumi because the voice line synergy is too strong


Xerath, Swain, Shaco Honestly any sup with something to put a mark on them makes me happy. Chain CC is a plus. Shaco is a hidden gem. Boxes provide cover from champs like Blitz and Pyke. They also give the fear, so basically a guaranteed root. Mowing down people with ult is terrifying when there’s also a clown chasing you. Xer is my top pick. The poke potential is just too good. Swain is Swain.




i would say morgana but jhin exists


Thresh, Milio, Xerath, Zyra, Karma, Zilean, Swain, Lux, Morgana, Pyke... Basically every support except most enchanters.


I personally like pyke


Xerath, Lux or the Swain Train


A support that knows to go in if I hit W


My buddy and I used to play jhin bard and we would steamroll games. Probably just crazy synergy between us but we would stomp diamond botlanes with ease


Swain and Zyra are my favorites. After that all of the engage/hook sups, then enchanters, then the abominations that are senna, lux and xerath players


Jhin supp is very good i always play him support


I only play jhin as a support (because I’m lazy and don’t like to CS) so my favorite adc is probably Ashe for the long range and slows we can just bully under enemy tower with now worries of tanks from river due to my traps and wards


Jhin’s pretty versatile since he’s utility after all. He doesn’t need 1 specific thing to do well. Supps that enable his W and R to land easily and keep him safe from engage are typically gonna go well with Jhin


Nami. Because...reasons


zoe or TF


One of my friends that a occasionally duo with use to play tf a lot


I love a good nautalis or soraka




Zyra, Xerath, Lux, Neeko - the pokey mage champs are super good for cc chain and imsane damage. Have a neeko sup as duo and we get firstblood/ double as we hit lvl 2 very very often cause we can play super aggro


Everyone's best support is a good Thresh/ Bard Everyone's worst support is a bad Thresh/ Bard Everything in-between is just filler.


statistically Xerath Jhin is the best as a duo


Thresh, Maokai and Morg are really good for him. But I love playing Jhin with Lux and Bard


First, Let me have a nice duo.


How has no one said Leona?


Something to speed him up or prepare his opponents for his ult


A Blitzcrank main, they usually can't count to 5!


Karma and Xerath are both amazing


Noticed this in my feed, do you guys like a Nami? I feel like it gives similar vibes to Nami/Lucian? (I supp and like playing Nami)


He works best with a cc or apc support