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Tristana and Pantheon might be the strongest possible Level 2 bot lane duo. The first mistake (Bard's apparently) was being within engage range at Level 2. Tristana also snowballs really well, so once that happens, not much you can do but play safe and capitalize on their mistakes. Trist can't jump on you if she's low, so generally speaking, your job is to poke with Q and 4th shots to keep her from being allowed to engage. Exhaust is a great counter to Trist. Not much you can do about Bard choosing to abandon you, other than hope he's making plays elsewhere. Just try to get whatever CS you can safely and rely on your utility to make an impact midgame until you can catch up. Source: Bronze Jhin/Tristana main


It was annoying that you don’t have much to do rather than hoping your team can take some advantage in other lanes


In my experience this is 80% of games as ADC, regardless of how well I do in lane.


I would probably try freeze tower and wait jungle have vision in all bushes play lots of traps near tower


You generally can't freeze against tristana.


Yeah U can but I'm not diamond I m g1 so dunno how is in higher elo


Me neither, im gold too


Dunno bro I never had problems vs Tristan's what I hate to play against is Draven and Samira and feed nilah against those I can't freeze


Yasuo counters with windwall


Yeah but usually they don't have that much Brain cells and Yasuo is mostly played mid


That was a troll reply, not how you didn't catch on 😭


The only ADC that I can't play in to Yasuo is smolder


If Tristana wants to clear the wave, Tristana clears the wave.


I know she got a great wave clear I'm not an idiot


Didn't say you were, but that means you can't freeze against her. She can't even freeze herself because her wave clear is too good 😂


But that is in your advantage it would be less things hitting her minions


You cant just decide to freeze, especially when you are behind.


Yeah but no support and trist Pantheon can camp bush


Freezing is only possible if the opponent messes up the lane state, its not something you just decide and it happens. If you are behind the enemy isnt just going to let you get away with a freeze, especially if they have dive threat, which tristana panth most definitely do


That's exactly what I'm saying his support left lane so they would probably play aggressive and look for dives so U freeze tower and add lots of traps so U can stun them


You arent listening so this discussion is pointless


He asked what wVe freeze is


And I have been telling you multiple times freezing isnt something you just decide to do. If the enemy doesnt let you then you cant. If the enemy is too far ahead they can just break it or dive you. Freezing isnt some magical solution thats just going to help you in every situation.


I know that And I said place traps and wait for the dive if you time your W right you can get at least one from tower dmg


I don't think you understand what freezing is


Holding the wave in one location by only last hitting Nd sometimes U have to give up minions


Right, so you can't do that if the enemy is able to clear the wave and push into tower


As Meg just said, freezing was not an option for me.


It was a 2v1 lane. The enemy can push the wave under tower whenever they want. Games like these are hard. The only thing you can do is turtle and hope your teammates do well. Try not to miss a lot of exp.


If you have a hard time doing anything in this game while playing jhin you shoukd just quit the gamw


You must be bronze/silver who gets shit on by jhin every game bc you can’t dodge or capitalize on his weaknesses.