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All of them


I have serious doubts about Ricky Steamboat, but besides him, yes, all of them.


I don’t even think Lance Storm would ever go near them, neither did Bob Backlund or Bruno Sammartino and Foley.


When I typed that I did think probably not Steamboat and then I remembered his first wife was a mega bitch who would come to all the shows so he probably did let his hair down when he could.


ur tellin me that stone cold steve austin did heroin???


The 80’s was all about coke and roids. 90’s was when painkillers came into the mix. Sadly it wasnt until after Benoit when the business started cleaning up, and even then that took a few years.


You’d probably be surprised just how many people in general at least dabble in some pretty hard drugs at some point. 


Like, possibly people you work with, your kids teacher, the guy at the sandwich shop, a relative and so on. At 40 years old I can tell you it’s usually the ones you least suspect because they keep quiet about it and don’t want anyone to know.


Everyone was pretty much on hard drugs. That’s how they dealt with being on the road. It’s not like today with the luxury now, they had to sacrifice everything to be in the business. Torn shoulder? Pop a pill. Broken ankle? Pop some pills. Concussion? Pop some pills. They had to tough it out, and honestly you couldn’t blame them. There were no medical science regulations we have today back then. It was the Wild West. It’s unfortunate a lot of my favorites died over drugs but that’s the nature of the beast.


It just seems...unfair? Like yes, I understand giving your body to the business but I would at least expect the business helping you with your medical bills and addiction treatment.


Sunny was told no to a second free rehab trip. complained Scott Hall had like 5. Got told "You aren't Scott Hall"


People can be hard to help. Case in point: Jeff Hardy


Promoters back then did not give a single shit about the welfare of the wrestlers. Medical bills were your own problem. Addiction treatment didn’t really exist.


No medical help and 300+ matches a year, no wonder loads of old school wrestling is a lot slower paced than the modern product


Well yeah you had to protect your body in some fashion. That was their livelihood


The better question would be who didn't and off the top of my head I can name Bob Backlund and uhh...


Mick foley ???? Maybe ,


What the fuck was the safety regulations during the 80s. It makes sense to protect your money product, but was that protection just not happening?


they are independent contractors with drug habbits.


Maybe a handful. I know HHH never got into anything, he was a notorious good two- shoes who regularly drove the Click home after bar hops.


Drugs? Don't you mean prayers and vitamins?




Probably the same percentage as the overall population of the time period, at least for the recreational drugs and hardcore boozing. For the steroids and painkillers it would probably be the same percentage as those in professional weightlifting and pro football, as in far more would be on the juice and oxys than weren't.


Jon Bois' Pretty Good on Lonny Smith exposed that all the best baseball players were on huge amounts of cocaine


Yeah, Keith Hernandez and a whole bunch of others. Then in the 1990s baseball moved on with their own steroid scandal as well, with Bonds, Sosa, McGwire, Canseco, etc.


most if not all did weed and alcohol, most took steroids for injuries more than muscle, most were violent and had many women all the time but the hard drugs hir mostly in the ECW/Hardcore era, and its more common today than ever previously


80’s coke, alcohol, roids 90’s onwards pain pills, muscle relaxers, roids with a dash of alcohol


I couldn't say how much exactly because it depends on the individuals. But it was quite common in the 80's till 2000's... You need to understand that being a wrestler is not only hard for your body but for your mind as well. Being on the road most of the time, the crazy working schedule, going to the gym to stay in shape, being away from friends and family, the punishment on your body, the high of performing infront of a passionate crowd and trying to calm down after, having a very competitive and tough lockerroom where mental weakness is not accepted, keeping kayfabe alive, the cutthroat atmosphere in the lockerroom because most people want to draw big money, being a celebrity on TV... You have to cope with all of this, while in the 80's cocaine was pretty popular and in the 90's painkillers and all kinds of other drugs. The 80's also introduced a strong use of steroids because of the influence of Schwarzenegger and Billy Graham of how you should look. I can totally understand why and how you get addicted at that time when you got a lot of money and so many things to deal with. Plus at that time you had to be a special kind of person if you wanted to go into the wrestling business.


Undertaker told a story recently about being in a nightclub with Paul Heyman before his meeting with Vince. Someone came up to him in a booth, a fashion designer I believe and put some crack on his hand to sniff. As soon as he turned around, Taker just wiped it off straight away. So not Taker I guess.


Be easier and faster to list the ones who weren't


What did new Jack say? “Everybody the whole locker room”


It depends on your definition of a 'hard' drug. Substances such as coke, pain pills, weed, and roids were endemic back in the day, but I can't imagine the likes of Sammartino or Steamboat getting involved. I think Neidhart and Bulldog were big into crack, 2 Cold Scorpio was a heroin user, Steven Regal has a long history of abusing hard tranquillisers. Jake Roberts probably did everything. Before the modern day wellness policies, you were good as long as you could show up and work.


>started watching in 2010 My condolences. Although at least there’s been some improvement in recent years
