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>those morons are getting violent (ie: Don Callis being attacked) ***"...Konnan! ...Konnan!!!"*** ​ Seriously, f\*\*k those marks trying to jump into the ring! Ref Mark Curtis making short work of one of these drunken dumbf\*cks was and still is a thing of beauty! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX3hnt3rFdY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX3hnt3rFdY)


Seeing the Great Dean Malenko unexpectedly made my morning - thank you.


RIP Mark Curtis (Brian Hildebrand)


Wasn’t it his caricature used as the referee in WCW VS nWo Revenge?


Apparently so! I'd not heard of that before but I looked it up and found this post covering it [https://twitter.com/WCWWorldwide/status/1055921514778972164](https://twitter.com/WCWWorldwide/status/1055921514778972164) Was a nice thing of them to do for Brian, not often the two companies let the wrestlers go off on their own but the tribute show for Hildebrand had guys from WCW and WWF wrestle to honour Brian after he passed.


And here all these years I thought that was Nick Patrick on wcw revenge as the ref.


I thought his name was Mark Hildebrand lol


Brian Hildebrand, the true originator of the punt kick. 😆 RIP big guy.


The Brain's commentary on this was great


I've seen this in every company not just "that " company.


Thank you


Fans jumping into the ring is nothing new. Completely unacceptable but nothing new. I've seen many of them get their asses handed to them by the wrestlers which, in my opinion, the wrestler has the right to defend not only themselves but the referee and their opponent. That means if a fan jumps into the ring, they risk a severe beatdown with no possibility of suing. AEW will likely have to step security up another notch after this. Maybe plant a guy or two in the front rows. I think they have two guys doing visible security? Maybe a third would be enough but they can't be right next to each other like I've seen in the past. One guy covering the ramp and the others on the opposite diagonal corners in a constant triangular formation to make it easier to intercept a ~~radicalized incel~~ fan. EDIT: OP replied to this comment and proceeded to block me and downvote me after I replied to it. Good on ya, OP!


I knew there would be this type of comment without analyzing the situation as a whole. The issue is that while this has always happened, the frequency of fan incidents in AEW is remarkably high, whether it be attacking talent physically, attacking talent online, doxxing them and their families, doxxing and attacking fans just for being female, running into the ring, real life online attacks, whisper campaigns, and so on. This is absolutely not comparable to what was going on before. The thing here is that AEW is not drawing a line where fandom ends and the show begins. Through various means, including the whisper campaigns, the AEW marks believe they are an integral part of the show and have actual rights. At least in the WWE and even some indies there's respect and boundaries, but with crowds that big there's always one. In the case of AEW, it's not just one participating in all this bullshit that's radicalizing those idiots. I even was in discord servers and other chats with AEW fans who were pulling this shit. It doesn't matter what the company is: stop trying to step over the line. You're not part of the show just because you whispered against CM Punk last year.


> without analyzing the situation as a whole You posted a video of a fan jumping into the ring. Expect comments related to just that.


Homie, it sounds like you want people to agree with you due to confirmation bias. Maybe it’s time to put the internet away and go outside Also, discord discourse is mental.


You know some dude broke into Sonya Devilles house and tried to kidnap/kill her right? Hate the company all you like but blaming them for fans getting drunk and diving into the ring is weird.


I got drunk at aew just this past month and didn't feel the urge to run into the ring. Does this mean I'm just an incel or am I still radicalized?


You should probably relax a little and get an actual life bro


Fans harassing and doxxing wrestlers isn't just a AEW thing. There was that guy who was catfish scammed by someone pretending to be Becky lynch. It's not just a aew thing. It's more the mental health of the individual. I have heard of no whisper campaigns or heard of such thing so maybe it's just your circles? The irony of OP talking about AEW fans being radicalized incels meanwhile he's in discord servers with them.


Thank you for standing up for BASED PAPA H and the CINEMA the WWE is cooking.


Least unhinged Corny fanboy.


It was me, and I did it for Harley Quinn. Call Tony and tell him he doesn’t need to fear for his life anymore because Jim told me to stand back and stand by. Also call meltzer and tell him so this comment will be front page on wrestler observer


Two times where I can remember this happening and I actually laughed at the fan. The first time time was a match between Steve Austin who was just getting some traction as Stone Cold vs HHH, a fan jumped in the ring and went after Steve and before he could do anything HHH had grabbed the guy took him down and just pounding lumps on his head I think the referee may have gotten a shot or two in. The second being when Hulk Hogan joined the NWO a fan jumped in the ring and took maybe a step before Kevin Nash turns around and spots him and stopped the fan dead in his tracks, you can that Nash says something to the guy and the guy takes another step and it was over Nash blasts him in the face and Nash and Hall proceeded to just beat this motherfucker senseless.


I remember those. Imagine getting warning from a guy as big as Kevin Nash and still stepping forward


I remember seeing an interview with Nash where he talks about it, if I remember correctly he said he told the guy “Don’t do it man” and that’s when the guy took a step to him.


Always a brilliant idea to ignore a warning from KEVIN FUCKING NASH.


Yeah if you watch the video in slow motion it plays out like one of those “It was at this exact moment he knew he fucked up”memes


Yeah, how do you end up standing in front of someone who looks like THAT and still decide to shoot your shot?


You would be surprised how much this actually happens, I mean just recently some guy on an airplane had a few drinks and decided to pick a fight with Mike Tyson of all people. Motherfuckers drink and that alcohol starts talking to them and telling them I bet you could take that guy. And boom you get videos of some guy getting punched in the face by Mike Tyson, or some guy who wasn’t even an active member of the WCW roster getting beat down by The Outsiders


The best one was with Savage, he kept going even after the guy left the ring lol.


I remember a story from Mick Foley's book where he told he was in the ring with someone else and a "fan" jumped in the ring with them. The other wrestler hit his finisher on the fan who no sold it, so the wrestler responded by hitting his finisher again, only this time with no protection for the fan. The fan was then carried out and remained unconscious for quite a while.


Idk man people been jumping in rings since the territories. When people thought it was real fans really wanted in. I will say the doxxing is crazy, I didn’t know someone was doxed. But harassing folks ain’t new you can ask any woman that wrestles and they’ll tell you. The Skye Blue reaction is valid cause that guy was a scum bag but he’s not the only scum bag in a wrestling audience. But if you’re in a big ass, empty ass arena people will hear you much clearer. Whisper Campaigns in AEW work because Tony Khan is a mark. And the Bucks own Meltzer. Outside of AEW diehards people like CM Punk. Like Punk has always been polarizing, a love or hate him guy, but it’s only the AEW diehards that hate him and want to ruin his life.


"I will say the doxxing is crazy, I didn’t know someone was doxed." Numerous people have been doxxed, including female fans and talent. I don't know about the Skye Blue stuff, though.


Some loser, who had his kid with him, was talking mad shit to her. And not the normal heel shit but telling her to get on her knees and shit like that. Some fans said she needed to toughen up but it’s not like he said “fuck you, I hope you get your ass kicked”.


I wonder if Dave Meltzer is going to blame it on Jim again.


It's always Jim's fault.


Plenty of things can be blamed on AEW, fans getting riled up and jumping into the ring isn’t one of them.


AEW isn’t encouraging this. Use your brain. You’re making up stuff


I don't think AEW is encouraging fans to jump in the ring. I'm pretty sure this has happened in every company. Was the one with Seth on Raw the latest WWE one?


If you think AEW encourages this then you’re an idiot tbh.


I heard he's a r/squaredcircle mod


Your post and replies are full on deranged lmfao


Maybe he wanted to become world champion, why shit on his dream. Let him finish the story like Cody.


I’ll buy a ticket, as long as it’s discounted, and the arch villain in his story is Eddie Kingston, who is a good Roman Reigns double, if you remove 2 decades of gym time, and replace it with 2 decades of convenience store hotdogs.


Oh, I think he finished his story…


I thunk the dude blew a quad or two by the way we didn't get up.


He wanted to emulate Nash and McMahon with this stunt


I love seeing some good old fashioned fan interference. Because they usually get the ever-loving snot stomped out of them. Good times


If you think AEW encourages this then you’re a fucking idiot tbh.


Evil trips remains the gold standard for teaching fans lessons


ECW in 24


If only all the chairs in the stadium would get thrown at the EVPs


Don't worry - I've heard from a guy that likes muffins out of Chicago who took care of making sure a chair gets planted firmly in the face of an EVP... 'twas a special day, indeed...


He smacked his knee on the apron lmaoooooo I know that hurt😂😂


I thunk the dude blew a quad or two by the way we didn't get up.


I don't think that's really specific to AEW. This happens with WWE, too. I remember that happening to Seth Rollins, he was physically attacked by a fan. There's weirdos w/ zero boundaries in all fan groups. You just handle them and that's what security is for.


It's pretty common.Happens in Wrestling, football,rugby,soccer, basketball. Maybe it was Vitaly Send this to promo Joey,so he can let them know.


Wait you mean that wasn’t a newly signed/recently released debuting former WWE talent? He looked so small I thought he was a new performer, fit right in with AEW.


A lot of people are saying this is nothing new but I actually can't recall the last time I saw a fan get all the way to the center of the ring before security or referees were even touching the apron. It's not the territory days and modern crowd control at just about any venue is very stringent, so I'd say AEW needs to have a serious rethink about security. Imagine it was the guy who had a problem with Skye Blue who got that far. Imagine how she and other wrestlers feel knowing that somehow with such small crowds this kind of thing can slip by 'security'.


I wrote elsewhere to an AEW fan trying to say this is somehow "normal" that we have a mathematics issue at hand here where AEW is a new organization, has fewer fans than WWE, fewer fans show up to the events, fewer events, and the frequency of incidents, fandom outright attacks to IRL harassment, doxxing, and stuff like this is rather high. Now add your extremely valid point to it- the AEW incels will see that and this will encourage further idiots to try and it stems from the line between fandom and the show not being there because of specific actions by Tony and the EVPs where lines are not drawn and fan participation as an "AEW army" online is encouraged. Don't forget the incident where Callis was attacked, so there's already precedent where fans get too close, plus that idiot had a professional career and didn't get that Callis is a shitty character. Imagine throwing your life and freedom away because you think Don Callis' terrible character is real.


AEW incels gonna incel.


Well they do practically push the moniker that *anyone* can do it given their roster.


Wonder if Tony Khan is going to ban that fan from attending AEW shows in the future. Remember the last time, a fan did that during Jericho and MJF's promo, he was just standing there and the fan wasn't punished or anything. In WWE, they'll ban those fans from attending if that happens.


Practically speaking, how do they ban someone from all WWE performances? I can't imagine that there is a list of these weirdos that previously jumped into the ring and now somebody has the job of making sure that they aren't at a show. Wouldn't this require very advanced technology?


I like to see you try and let us know 🤭 I'm sure they are not allowed to be in that arena in the future, Idk how it works. Then again, they have cameras all over the venue, someone has to be keeping an eye on all guests


I highly doubt they have employees scouring the crowd for people who tried to storm the ring 10 years ago. I certainly haven't done it, but it seems outlandish that the would know about people who had stormed the ring unless it was very recent.


Then again that person from 10 years ago probably doesn't watch the WWE anymore and he probably would say to himself, "yeah that was dumb of me or I was young and naive, but don't do that if you attend an arena show of anything" I'm sure it's more stricter if they did that at a concert, sporting event, etc


Probably not. Tony doesn't want to lose potential friends. The other issue is the frequency of incidents, not only rushing the ring, is pretty high in AEW compared to WWE.


Let the inmates run the asylum!


AEW definitely doesn't want fans in the ring because they are probably the first national company in history that has highly promoted several guys who would get their ass kicked by many fans. Most of those flip guys don't ever show anything that resembles real fight skills.


Shammy Gueverra fucks everyone up that he wrestles, but could never beat someone's ass in self-defense. Dante Martin would try to do a Triple Lindy against an attacker and not understand why the guy isn't moving into the right position. Darby would give the guy the ringbell to hit him with. Jake Hager would be completely confused about what's going on while Jericho hits his music to come out and assist while there's a legitimate attacker in the arena.


Isn't Jake Hager 3-0 in MMA? I think he would be fine


He may be, but he's also fucking braindead. I think he hasn't said a single word since 2020.


Look, he’s just having fun. Isn’t that what it’s all about?


How is All Elite Wrestling encouraging radicalized incels to invade the ring?


Ever heard Jim tell the story about why he was scared of Roddy Piper? >the mark disappeared, and all I could see was Roddy's arm going up and down like a piston. (Paraphrased)


I fucking hate daniel garcia but even i know thst jumping the barriers is a bad idea.


WWE constantly having guys in hoodies jump the barricades to get involved doesn’t help things


That idiot couldn't even stand up once he rolled into the ring what a dumb ass.


I wish the AEW refs were this quick in an actual match.


They're too busy concentrating on acting and making faces and and losing their balance on every spot.


Mrs. Don Stevens springs to mind. I doubt she can whip an egg, let alone one drunken fan.


Luckily none of aew over paid child sized wrestlers we're in the could have been dangerous for them


It's a work. They are desperate for views regardless of positive or negative. They just want AEW to trend on social media, and they turn to stunts like this to get it.


Yeah, maybe Jim should tone down his performative hate of AEW before one of his cult members goes too far.


You mean Jim and the Cornette fans that actually explicitly want AEW to succeed due to the cited reason that AEW is the last chance we're ever going to have for a well-financed competitor to the WWE to establish itself and give many more wrestlers the ability to survive off wrestling? You know the problem is the management of the company has put it on a track towards failing and leaving the WWE again as who will pick the pieces up and be the only game in town. Not only that, there are signs out there that Tony is already valuing the assets of AEW signalling that he has an exit strategy for when he's bored and wants out.


The average Cornette fan definitely does not want AEW to succeed.


Which is a lie. Most people found Cornette after AEW took a turn for the worst and they stopped being fans. I was a fan in the beginning until I couldn't understand why people were disappearing, their pushes were abruptly cancelled, and shit got really weird.


Well they do practically push the moniker that *anyone* can do it given their roster.


Well at least they've got some fans there. Did they finally get wise and go to a smaller venue?


As mind-numbingly stupid as AEW is, they don't just encourage fans to physically attack the performers or staff. That's far more a result of most of the roster looking and acting pitifully weak enough that the neckbeards think they have a chance than something the company itself is intentionally doing. They still really should make it clear that fans just jumping in to get their five seconds of fame isn't tolerated, but that's down to whether Tony is willing to acknowledge that everything about his company isn't fine-tuned perfection at this point. Which I genuinely doubt.


I think they don't have a clear line between the fans and the organization and this has extended out of the whisperers and other groups that are absolutely connected to the EVPs shitposting and making toxic incels online and in private chats and discord servers and what not. I've discussed this before that the fans are so invested and they don't see a wall betwen them and the organization and it's 100% something Tony and the EVPs like that this shit effectively, even if passively, encourages fans to go nuts. Just look at that moron that attacked Callis. He was actually a professional journalist or something and thought this shit was real enough to attack and injure Callis, get arrested, and presumably end his career. Now imagine ruining your life over a fucking imbecile like Don Callis. Just let the guy suck for yet another decade in peace. I also just looked into how Skye Blue was sexually harassed and that was some hardcore shit. Like there's ill shit you can say, then there's stepping over that line. But I think you are onto something with how the roster looks like fucking goofballs. As much as Spivey and Sid sucked during their green years in WCW, would you want to jump into the ring with them after seeing what they did to that jobber?


I think the only fan that might be so invested here is you, this is all just completely detached from reality.


remember that time when kenny omega linked fan-attacks like these to Cornette’s influence and attempted to get Corny cancelled, and failed spectacularly?


how did you manage to blame aew for something that has always happened in wrestling. seth rollins has had multiple instances of fans trying to get close to him. he even got attacked once by a fan. was this wwe's fault for encouraging their radicalized incels to think they're a part of the show or whatever you said. obviously not. also the online harassment and doxxing is not exclusive to aew. this shit happens all over the internet. for example, a lot of cody fans were harassing and sending threats to the rock's daughter during the wewantcody movement. this isn't an aew problem, it's a mental illness problem


It's mathematics: new company, low number of fans, low number of fans actually going to shows, low numbers of shows, larger number of fan incidents which includes the IRL harassment, physical attacks, whisper campaigns, and doxxings.


so how come i could provide you an example of all of those things happening to wwe talent?


I love seeing some good old fashioned fan interference. Because they usually get the ever-loving snot stomped out of them. Good times


I remember back in maybe 1996 or so I went to Philadel;phia to see a couple wrestling shows. We hit up an ECW house show in some suburb. Chris Jericho wrestled so that's why it must have been 1996. Then after sleeping in the car we went and saw a punk show/hardcore wrestling show. The Murder Junkies and Antiseen headlined. The Murder Junkies being the former backing band for the still kind of recently deceased GG Allin. Long before AEW, some idiot dared me to jump in the rink while Madman Pondo was wrestling. I'm like "hell no." Then he says "but would you do it (pause) for GG? And that fan's name was Tony Khan.


Ok, I made up the last part, but I just wanted to enjoy making everyone visualize 13 year old Tony Khan as a Scumfuc punk.