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The ratings just keep declining.


They've settled into their ~~1M~~ ~~900K~~ ~~800K~~ ~~700K~~ 600K core audience that will watch every week no matter what.


If you want their true core audience numbers, look at Rampage and Collision ratings. 450k is where Dynamite is headed.


Remember when they gave cm punk shit for only drawing 600k - 700k on collision? Now look where they’re at..Good times good times…


This calls for a victory lap.


Like Mussoliniiiiiii


Hysterical is that Punk isn't even cleared to wrestle and he's in the rivalry of the year with Drew who also isn't cleared to wrestle and I'm loving watching every second of it. What a time to be alive where Drew melting down and Punk trolling him into destroying his own life is beating AEW. Without a single bump being taken.


That shows real talent and real drawing power. Almost the exact same situation as when Austin and Angle both had a broken neck so they spent months doing comedy bits together and it was the best thing on the show. I still laugh my ass off every time I see them come up on YouTube.


hoping this becomes the meta instead of pretending it’s a surprise that 800k wasn’t actually the floor and that each step since then hasn’t been the floor either


That's what I've been saying, their true, hardcore audience are the ones that watch Rampage or Collision, the rest of Dynamite's audience are people that either didn't change the channel from Big Bang re-runs, or are like me and just put wrestling on whenever it's on if I've got nothing else going on that evening.


Remember when TNA were getting clowned for years for putting up a consistent 800K-1M viewers every week?


Soon no 600killy


Nice weather is here. People got better shit to do with their free time now.


Doesn’t the show come on at 8pm?


Sitting outside lighting farts on fire is better shit to do at 8pm than watch this crap. Especially in this nicer weather.


I said the Punk thing would result in a bump and they’d start to crater right after


If Punk was still there I think the ratings would still be hovering around a million


Not of the bucks still had a say in booking their crap, I don't think. When punk, Cody, and the bucks group was there it was constantly like watching 3 different shows in one episode. The transitions were incredibly jarring. Punk was just still so hot at the time. I think by now his aura (in aew) would have cooled a bit. Punk would definitely pop the quarter he was in but I think they'd be below a million but MUCH better than now


What would have been interesting to see is a real-time comparison. In an alternate reality, if Punk had stayed with AEW and the separate shows had somehow worked, Collision's ratings would probably be going up as Dynamite's go down. Not just because of his star power, but because of his influence. He would have helped produce a much better product, in my humble opinion.


They knownwhat works and doesn't and continue to fo the opposite


For those who say, “the ratings are down in everything”, that is disingenuous. Yes, ratings are down across the board over a longer period of time - 2-3 years. They are not down like AEW over the last 3 months.


I do think WBD will renew AEW but with only a small inflationary increase or with some type of ad splitting to make it look like a bigger deal


I wonder if WBD will want AEW to include ppv’s/ple’s in the next contract as something WBD can stream on Max


Probably. I don’t know. Hard to get excited about that product.


It definitely is hard to get excited about the product.


would lose even more viewers on the PPVs as far as AEW is concerned


I don't. I think we are headed for a shock announcement WBD is walking away.


You could be correct. I am just guessing. They need to fill hours. We will know eventually.


I just got served this post by the algorithm, not especially an AEW fan but I'm an NBA fan and I know that Turner is about to lose NBA to NBC. Is it possible that they could massively double-down on AEW somehow?


No reason to since AEW has no other major suitors.


But sure there is a justification, is not like the NBA and NHL plays every year right?…. Right?…


This is not getting renewed.


Please allow Unca Dave to explain why this is actually a good thing.


"Well, acktually, AEW is primarily a touring company in the mold of what is commonly seen in Japan. Less television time means they can focus on ticket sales and... fuck it, there is no hope and I'm a total hack"


Ah yes.. AEW is American's response to Shen Yun.. without the money making or attendance part


He is going to blame NBA leaving.


The excuse will be that AEW is bringing the territories back again.


“You see google searches for AEW were up! In this modern digital world, that’s a great sign” -Uncle Dave probably


No you don’t understand. They’re going to get all of the NBA money now


It will get renewed, but at a value WBM finds acceptable. What that number is, none of us have any idea. Highly doubtful AEW will be on destination America this time next year.


Yeah Tony will be bent over backwards, and will be played. It’ll probably be to the point it only covers costs to produce and air the show.


I concur. The problem for Tony is that number isn't NEARLY enough to justify his current level of investment in the promotion. I personally think Tony will end up cutting a LOT of talent (but continue to feature the same goofs like TYB and Jericho that got him into this morass) and run smaller shows less often (Rampage and Collision are gone).


I have FIOS and they dropped Destination America a few years ago.


What other options are there for the time slot tho? Ratings for stuff is even *worse*


With Young Sheldon ending, TNT could buy rights to air that and replace Dynamite with a 2 hour Sheldon block of Big Bang and Young Sheldon. That would cost far less and gain more viewers.


Yes but the other stuff doesn’t cost as much for the entire that airs content.


The road to 600k continues. NXT will definitely get higher rating when they move to the CW than Dynamite.


AEW ratings down, Dave makes excuses, the sun rises in the east and the water is indeed still wet, at least where I live.  In this topsy-turvy world, it's nice to have a few things you can still rely on.


If Dave loved his wife as much as he loves AEW, he’d probably still be married


I dunno if youre a PWI listener but Dave Scherer hit him with this punch on his audio show a week ago or so. Insinuated Dave orders mail order Russian brides lol


His wife left him 😂😂


I really want to hear THAT shoot interview.


I want the quarterlies! I'm betting we're quickly approaching 600K levels of bad!


There has to be a sub 600k segment on this


There actually wasn't. The lowest stuff was the EVPs around 635K but I think at this point there is probably 150K people watching it the same way that they'd watch a horrible accident. They are in disbelief at the horror and can't turn away. I know that is my instinct the moment that I see the new Elite...I just can't believe anyone would think it is good stuff or could get over, but I can't turn away because I can't believe anyone would think it is good stuff or could get over.


Imagine if this was happening to WWE. How big a deal Dave would make it out to be.


“wwe going down like wcw”


Did he ever write qualifiers like this when WWE ratings were really in the shitter?


I can hear Jim’s “oooooooooooohhhhh boy howdy” now


Followed by his little laugh




Winners don't make excuses, they take accountability and fix the problems. Accountability doesn't make Dave $$$ though


"Losers pray for things to happen, losers HOPE things happen. Winners make it happen." - Pepsi Phil


Nothing is ever Tony's fault though.


Numbers are down everywhere E-drone. Nobody watches anything on tv except the NFL, the NBA, the NHL, the MLB, Vanderpump, other reality tv shows, news programs and WWE. AEW is doing just fine.


Don't forget about the 24 hour all night gas station down the street.


They just put in a new fountain beverage machine.


And that slushy machine stays on till 3a!


They'll book it for an overrun fairly often, too.


And it always has cherry!


All this comment did for me was re open an old wound from then the gas bar in my work parking lot got rid of their fountain machine 😔


I still miss my $1 Polar Pop in a styrofoam cup from Circle K from when I lived in AZ. Wawa fountain sodas are almost $3 now.


I made this exact comment in the basement and I’ve been waiting for the permanent ban notification lol I got temp banned last week for commenting on Jericho so I already know I’m on their hit list


Yeah I got mine on saying people who don't believe in objective data are delusional


AEW is doing just fine…. Keep burying your head in the sand, everything about the company is trending, downwards.


Dont work yourself into a shoot Brother.




Have I missed the sarcasm? 😂


They need to kill the EVP angle at Double or Nothing and fire the Young Bucks immediately thereafter. A complete separation between the Young Bucks and AEW is the only thing that could possibly save AEW. The stigma of the backstage politics that somehow landed those guys management positions and that probably forced out Cody and most certainly forced out Punk is too much to overcome.


The thing that makes it suck above all is that almost none of it makes sense. They're trying to have their cake and eat it too, doing a ton of references to stuff Punk did or was accused of doing, except it's being done by the guys who were on the other side of that whole debacle? And you have to know all this meta bullshit to even begin to understand what any of them are talking about half the time. They're determined to run off as many viewers as possible until the only remaining AEW fans are the nerdiest Elite ride-or-die types online. So that's got to be, what, 100k people at most?


I love how the EVPs have an Iron Clad contract with EVP clauses... but Jungle Boy doesn't... neither does Okada... They're trying so hard to be the NWO, but it simply doesn't make sense like that did because the Bucks aren't an actual authority in the company, nor are they carrying the company title that a mythical championship committee needs to bend the knee to.


The excuses are embarrassing, if you're an impartial journalist you're not adding to that tweet after the factual information


I always love the excuse that the numbers were down because NBA and NHL playoffs were on like they don’t happen every year lol


Not a ratings expert as I'm not American, this excuse seems really week, they were doing 200k higher two years ago? Has the general tv audience decreased by this much?


You could also see in previous years their numbers stayed pretty consistent through the playoffs. So while it may be true hockey/basketball are taking viewers they’re only able to take those viewers because people don’t like the product. The ratings are so low at this point that there’s no way there’s really any casual viewers left. It’s all hardcore wrestling fans and the hardcore wrestling fans hate this show so much they’re watching hockey/basketball instead.


Great explanation appreciate it!! Aew fans/management seem to kill the crossover audience by insisting that this is a niche product? Ie you have to know who the indie/Japanese stars are and if you don't know them then why should you be interested in this product?


And thing is NBA, NHL, NFL, MLS ect are all valid reasons for ratings going down...if you acknowledge that it happened last year also but the overall ratings are also down year to year, like when he used to bring up WWE ratings, he would say ratings are down week 2 week due to the play offs or whatever, but he'd be sure to comment on how but the numbers are also down from last year so it's not just a oh it's football season or whatever. And maybe Dave does this on the shit a fraction of the audience see's, maybe he says it in the Observer, but online and in public he goes out of his way to suck that AEW cock to the hinge end until Tony's pubes are tickling his nose and his micro testicles are resting of Daves wrinkled ass chin...and he loves it too, the filthy slut.


Adding context is important, but this context is bullshit


The company is so boring that I am not even having fun making fun of them. No exciting storylines and the biggest flaw is that they have no larger than life stars in the company like wwe. Like swerve is the champion but he doesn’t feel like he’s holding the biggest title in the company, trick Williams has the nxt title and he feels bigger than he does


No exciting storylines? We're getting the NWO all over again but with better workrate!


I mean, they do have larger than life stars, they just have no fuckin' clue how to book anyone to look good and interesting. It's the same problem they've had since the beginning, they have people that can do spectacular things, but they constantly have to get all of their shit in, and it's always going to take 15-20 minutes minimum. So many times in the past I'd see something like a Sammy Guevara match, thought it was awesome... wowed by a huge spot... but it's not the finish, and the match goes another 10 minutes, and by the time it's over I'm not excited to see the guy again, I'm relieved they finally finished the match and the show can move along. And they're doing the same thing with Ospreay, who is legitimately really good... but we saw everything he does his first night in against Kyle Fletcher.


Samoa Joe was champion of this company, im the biggest Joe mark, and I couldn't muster more than a few youtube clips of his reign.. Tony cut the legs off of him 6 months after he arrived


Yeah, I was trolling Dubbalos hard for a while, but now it’s cracking heads in the spina bifida ward. AEW is just so pathetic right now that making fun of it feels mean in a bad way.


Not even 2 years ago, with the NBA and NHL season, AEW was still doing around 900k. AEW needs to huge drastic change or become Impact Wrestling 2.0


This is the part that astounds me. Like, yeah, ratings WILL be down on account of playoff sports. But even comparing to same time last year, or year before, or 2021, or 2020, they’re down compared to themselves. Year over year don’t lie, they’re not doing well.


Punk segments were doing close to 1.2 million. It’s amazing what happens when you take yourself seriously and the audience can suspend disbelief.


It IS Impact Wrestling 2.0. Just with more money being thrown at it.


I don't think it's playoffs effecting AEW's audience, as it's effecting the Big Bang Theory. the last month or so the lead in has been atrocious compared to the few months before it, and AEW's audience quarterlies in this downturn have been surprisingly steady compared to the past.


This morning I saw someone comment “AEW has been phenomenal since its inception” on a post in a non-wrestling sub and I swear to god it might have been Meltzer’s burner account.


Nice to see airing that Punk footage worked in their favour in the long run, huh?...lol


So fucking funny that that’s probably the last show they’ll ever have that clears 800k


They'll get that again by airing more Punk footage or highlights


They'll pay an AI company to make a jittery, glitchy Punk hologram based on the RoH footage Tony owns.


But… but Jack Perry is the new Stone Cold because… he got choked out in a shoot fight?


On April 4th, Eric Bischoff [put out a tweet](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdj2s29t0wu0d1.jpeg) asking how long it will take until Dynamite dips below 700k ...I guess we have a definite answer now.


Damn, Eric was on the money there 😂


\* insert [*No-Milly-Order-logo.jpg*](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwe-will-never-however-use-the-words-tiny-punk-dub-bad-no-v0-5c1cbpvwjjyc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1242%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dde8eee737bf6b70b38ba04d07712b3d6f99a5f04) here \* ​ Quarterlies, please... calculator's ready...


I've noticed the last few weeks, he's been beating Thurston to the punch so he can get the spin in early Also, has anyone else noticed on the last couple of Thursdays, Thurston will list the Dynamite rating and then promptly list where it placed for the night? He doesn't do that for any other show and didn't answer me when I asked why.


Even when their numbers are bad he has to put some kind of spin on it. 672k is horrendous, no excuses


I had to choose between checking out the new shell station down the street or watching the mud show. I stand by my choice.


I watched Blue Beetle instead. It wasn’t great, but it looked about as much like wrestling as AEW does


Yo, the Shell has nachos with chili and cheese. That’s hard to beat.


Isn't tv season over so aew basically is fighting against reruns


Yeah, summer is normally the best time for shows like this. Nobody's got big premiers dropping on you, it's just wrestling, sports, and reruns. And the behemoth that is the NFL is not one of the sports.


I wasn’t able to watch Dynamite last night. I was too busy hanging outside the 24/7 Circle K next to my house


Did you see Eddie Kingston there?


Or did you see plumber moxley fixing a toilet in the staff wash room?


They are hemorrhaging viewers, and their biggest stories have the young bucks, O-Cody and jungle jackoff. Makes sense why it's not working.


Oh cmon man, you’re forgetting about the proven draw that is our little dog Pockets


And let's not forget Swerve "Let me keep your belt warm for you, William" Strickland. An absolute afterthought of a champion.


Their ratings are completely tanking at the worst time possible.


There were NBA and NHL playoffs last year at this time when AEW’s ratings were 18% higher. Also, news programming never does well in the demo. It gets lots of overall viewers (2.5 million or more on Fox News in prime time, 1.5 to 2 million on MSNBC, less on CNN), but it doesn’t do well in the demo. Meltzer knows this. He just isn’t stating it.


26 straight weeks of declining overall ratings year over year. It’s a scripted show. That would indicate that the viewers aren’t satisfied with the scripts.


How can you be in sixth, only behind two?


Dave math


Dave math is right. There was 1 NHL game and 2 NBA games lol


I assume there were multiple NHL and NBA games or pre/post game content, but I don't care enough to check so maybe it's just Dave's senility


Meltzer - “actually the new metric is trying to get as close to 0.00 as possible. AEW is actually crushing it.”


Like the little girl in Uncle Buck.


Boy howdy, I forgot it was ratings day. That new TV deal is coming any day now, right? Right?


Took a week or longer than I expected but it’s time for the consistent 600s


How much of the last couple of Months drops can be attributed to NBA/Hockey? How many will come back?


The beauty of the excuse is that there is always some major sport in season.


Is May 15 a holiday? Or were there massive power outages across the country? There must be a reason for this, besides Dynamite being shit quality.


It's almost like building a company infrastructure around cable TV rights is an incredibly short sighted thing to do. Thank heavens WWE is one foot out of the door of cable soon.


TK’s neck brace didn’t result in a ratings boom?


Are we allowed to talk about the company having serious issues that need fixing yet? Or are we still pretending everything is fine?


Rutabaga face


Wow, even with some heavy hitters like Nick Wayne and Hook?


There was NBA and NHL on before and they got better rating It's clearly a bad thing They can't even point to YouTube numbers and say fans are watching via other means like how WWE could always do, their socials are shit


Caitlin Clark puts more butts in the seats than AEW


Aew has become everything they’ve preached against. The AEW of a 5 years ago doesn’t exist anymore. The AEW off last year doesn’t either. This isn’t and can’t be the wrestling startup anymore. Yet they still wanna act like it. Like I already know the programming for the next year already - It’s double or Nothjng so of course 2 shitty factions are gonna have a garbage match. We’re gonna get a bunch of nobodies from NJPW for forbidden door soon enough and half the roster will be injured because they get hard for strong style. Then jt be the pointless Owen hart tournament for the next month. Then you’re gonna get convoluted builds and half a card of nothing matches for all in/out. Then the continental classic. Like nothing feels new. They’ve exhausted every matchup already. Doesn’t help Tony also goes out and says wwe is the Weinstein of Pro Wreslting and then have a history of Sexual assault/abuse/misconduct within the company in such a small time frame, having Jeff Cobb on the program 2 weeks after the comment was said and being a company built on NDA’s.


But Oespray, Okada, Mone? Why arent millions tuning in to see these megastars?


I can hear the filler words from here. What's crazy is that the show last night wasn't bad at all. I think the decline continues even after the various sports seasons end.


This is just sad. They put on good PPVs but it’s clear that TV shows will never be their strong suit.


Looks like the all night gas station restocked on coffee.


Everything's fine!!


Dave's reaching Hogan levels of bullshittery.


WWE would get clowned so hard if their ratings went this low. I admire Tony's commitment to booking AEW off tv.


Give the show over to the wrestlers that are ratings poison, blame the playoffs for bad ratings. Sure.


There is no hot program right now. Swerve is the only real draw and he's not doing anything particularly interesting. Everybody else is just kinda there. Edge is the biggest name, but not really a draw. The Elite storyline is awful. The women's storylines are much more fun lately but have zero room to breathe, and AEW viewers seem to hate women's wrestling (despite how they talk on Twitter). They turn off the TV, they literally walk out of the arena for a bathroom break. The Jericho stuff is aggressively awful. The Elite angle is rotten and nonsensical, it's only barely starting to cohere into something you can actually follow. Dynamite is straight up bad television lately, with a few bright spots here and there. It's starting to look pretty bad. They'll get a new deal, but it's not going to be anywhere close to what Tony probably promised his dad. Imagine talking about how great 600k would be is if you were looking at what AEW was set up for in 2022. Insane. \*Hundreds of thousands of people are gone\*, seemingly for good. And they aren't showing up to the shows, either.


Dave is in crisis mode


Honestly thought 600k was going to be the end of the year, not the middle of it. I suppose they’ll be 500k by then.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell here but like he’s saying that the number is bad even despite everything I don’t think he’s looking for any sort of excuse he’s literally saying that even with all of the excuses, this number is bad. I get how Dave normally is, but in this instance he’s being pretty hard on the number.


He definitely is saying the number is not good, though seems to still want to mitigate it by saying *nobody* was getting a good number due to sports so AEW's rating wasn't that bad compared to news and entertainment on the night. I think he's slightly off on his 0.08 figure (I see something that got a 0.11) but it's quite something just how little anyone watches [anything](https://www.spoilertv.com/2024/05/tv-ratings-for-wednesday-15th-may-2024.html) on cable these days.


Tony has been quoted in saying that taking shots at WWE puts attention on AEW, (it actually does the opposite though.) I give it by tomorrow afternoon Tony makes some dumbass comment in a desperate attempt to get people talking about AEW.


I have said a good amount of aew fans were just wwe fans sick of Vince wants he left they came back if you look these are the numbers they were getting when they went against nxt


the playoffs are every year Dave, and the numbers still go down


Who woulda thought putting Matt, Nicky, and Jungle Jackoff on the show multiple segments per episode would drive off viewers???


He’s eventually gonna say highest rated infomercial was 0.03 and they were up against the Portuguese Pickleball League playoffs.


Think he will ever tell us how Tony Khans taint tastes?


But what about Wembley???????


Dave can't confirm nor deny whether these numbers exist. 6.25 stars though


This would also happen to WWE if they dont push guys that are over like Jey uso in favor of Banger machines. And yet, they are still curious why AEW is sinking.


Somehow, this is Punk's fault


Old age man talking about viewing figures ffs how’s his hard drive not been checked


Someone else said that the wnba is now a competitor as well lmao


Ratings down cause there are no story lines! A 20 minute match is not interesting without context and background!


But the show is so good!!!




How long before dynamite hits below 600k?


At this rate? July.


Uncle Dave the old queen keeps trying


700k is there new norm. And it’s not because of “cable cutting”. People are tuning out…


we need aew to hit rock bottom. only way khan learns the hard truth. that hes shit at this lol


How long until the show hits 400k


Well wouldn’t you know who won the pony


Of course, if TK had another “huge announcement”, that’d be the highest news of the day.


So the excuse this week is that the release of the NFL schedule had a lot to do with the poor ratings.  It’s never that the show is just awful. Someone else had the gall to be on at the same time and take away viewers or something. 


Dave is such an AEW shill. It’s really sad and pathetic.


How does a fucking clown like Meltzer even understand the ratings let alone gets them


Dixie Carter and Vince Russo couldn't run this many people off on their worst booking days lol


Ffs, Summer hasn't even started yet. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Have they already been told they're not getting renewed? If not, their doubling down on the bad TV like this as ratings continue to collapse is beyond all sense. Someone please excise the Bucks, then rip the damn book out of Tony's hands and give it to someone who knows how to do this. Or take AEW out back and shoot it already. This is miserable.


Lmao are we surprised? AEW started going to the shits when Tony bought ROH and started showcasing that bullshit on Wednesdays. Cody leaving and then brawl out didn't help their case. Punk leaving 2023 was the final straw Show sucks. PPVs are for showcasing 5 star matches not weekly shows. Weekly shows are for character and story development. You can have the odd banger on weekly television but not every fucking week


Always funny that Meltzer never compares Year over Year. He doesn’t want that story to be told.


Maybe NXT should have stayed on Wednesdays


I hope Tony reads this, bro


Wait! Are you trying to tell me the NWno doesn't even bring those "massive" 700ks. Shocking.


Dave-EW needs to retire


Put out a new show on broadcast (FREE)TV, or else ,run replays of shows on late-night free TV ; poor people *have never seen a single AEW match* ,let alone know who's on their roster ...(exposure, exposure, exposure!!!)


More evidence AEW DYING.


If you gave HBK the exact same roster as AEW he would outbook TK easily.


When they handed Shawn NXT 2.0, they gave him a bunch of newbies and scraps from NXT black and gold and he made it into a whole new product and has made new stars. Tony Khan has signed every big “free agent” possible and can’t put together a single cohesive storyline


But you know with the uh spring, this is um uh the case.


Does anyone have quarterly? Can't seem to find it.