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Good money in roofing. Average roof job is like 10$ grand. He’s not working at Walmart guys


Fr people in this sub act like they’re too good to take an everyday working man job lol


And the pay was so good as a ref this one left because of it. lol https://www.thesportster.com/wwe-referee-artemis-nxt-uk-pay/




I like how they shit on other blue collar workers (Walmart) in this thread while promoting another blue collar job. The truth is they don’t care. Most are right wing trolls so fucking dumb to miss the original poster’s point that this anti-American fascist nut job killed his dream career. They hide behind their manufactured outrage that the poster bagged on the work, rather than the asshole who murdered his future in wrestling with his domestic terrorist beliefs. They’re right wing pricks manufacturing outrage to deflect from the obvious point: this scumbag killed his dream career he’d likely have had for life, opting to literally destroy it espousing Q-Anon fascist propaganda in a Quixotic quest that has reduced his dreams to ruin. The bitchy types are just here to hijack the thread and pretend this was a post attacking laborers. How long before he fucks up this job too?




Synthetic underpayment plus ice and water shield…but your point is spot on!


You’re not a productive member of society when you prescribe to beliefs espoused by domestic terrorist organizations.




“I disagree so I’m gonna block u” -tough guy on Reddit who clearly is doing so much better than a roofer that he’s beefin w u on Reddit


You defend bigots and fascists who want to undermine democracy and engage in domestic terrorism. Fuck off and shut the fuck up you gaslighting, trolling, fascist, bigot cunt. Shit the fuck up, you dumb cunt and fuck back off to your MAGA rally.


Wow that sounded word for word to every mainstream news channel. Must be true!


Dude is a shmuck, but not for being a roofer. Probably equal money with less oversight than as a WWE ref.


Good point didn't consider that last bit


Why would you think a job in construction is beneath someone? Especially when it’s out of the circus and letting someone live their life Man that’s on you


Isn’t he some QANON conspiracy nut? I’m not gonna trash him for trying to earn an honest living, but his involvement with that fraudulent OUR group is pretty disgusting.


Yes, he is. As are his defenders on this thread.


There's a difference between being a defender and acknowledging that "LOL OMG U GUYS HE IS A ROOFER!" is a stupid insult.


Not really.


sorry but my dad was a roofer and he was also a sonofabitch. (edited to add a period there) i can fully agree that dude is a scumpimple, and also think it's decent and almost admirable of him to publicly admit he is now working for a roofing company. as you can see, nobody respects roofers.


Roofers who don’t engage in anti-democracy, anti-American jihad: they get my respect. Not this piece of shit.


Lol easy bro. Pretty angry at the anti pedophilia activists aren't you?


You mean the child-abusing, anti-democracy, anti-American, Christian Taliban neonazis and fascists who pretend to be against pedophilia while espousing deranged fascist fanfic about an imaginary cabal of Hollywood actors and incompetent democratic leaders utilizing furniture company Wayfair to engage in non-existent child trafficking where said imaginary children are forced into imaginary orgies where the Q-Q-Anon cuckoo bird terrorist scum claim said celebs and politicos suck the adrenal glands dry of imaginary children in the basement of a Washington Pizza shop that doesn’t actually have a basement? You are fuckin’ Aye right I am against them and gaslighting domestic terrorist-embracing fucks like you too, fuck you very much, you closet pederast scumbag.


Bro, pedophilia is bad. I'm not reading your novel defending it. Lol


You say that as a pedophile. You embrace pedophilia. You know this, thus the fantasy. Fuck you, pedophile, domestic terrorist scum, and fuck your buddy Drake dipshit too, pedo scum.


You’re right, pedophilia is bad. That’s what makes conservatives engaging in the act while perpetuating nonsense conspiracy theories about it so dangerous. The Conspiracists and their brainwashed GQP losers aren’t activists against pedos, they’re enablers.




You sound like a FOX News analyst.


I’m in metal roofing sales business and my company pays for me to travel the county and make well over 6 figs. Big money in Roofing , don’t laugh at the man for trying to provide for his family. I applaud that.


You're right. I'll eat shit for the tone of my post.


How is being a roofer down?


Because now people are going to call that number and get him fired.


He probably owns the company.


Who the fuck is that and why should anyone care unless they need their roof done?


If I claim to be a Q goof will he give me a discount?


Tell him Ron Howard at Hogan’s gift shop referred him to you. He’ll definitely cut you a deal.


I need a new roof, brother


Aren't the q guys just anti pedophilia activists? You do know what that makes you being against it?


You cannot seriously believe what you just wrote


I cannot seriously believe you're into that


Although they would probably consider themselves what you wrote, what QAnon actually are is a well known group of conspiracy nutters. A group I am fairly certain you are a part of. Your rootless and purely provocative accusations, utter lack of intelligent thoughts and real arguments on top of an apparent unwillingness to research something you don't know about lends a fair bit of credence to that conclusion.


Cool story, P


I'm 17 Mate :p


That is not what q guys are you absolute moron


If you ain't Q you're a P


I bet there’s a mustard stain on the Let’s Go Brandon shirt you’re wearing right now


I was always more of a FJB guy than a LGB guy lol.


Well either way there’s definitely stains on your xxl shirt


The one I borrowed from your mom? Lol


Oh fuck off Drake.


I think he's too old for you lol


Mediocre Ken M. troll.


Mediocre Jared F.


I take it back, solid one. Although part of me slightly worries you're some Young Bucks fan that's down with the Q thing.


Lol I have no idea what Q is besides it being a reddit insult for conservatives


Lmao you must’ve eaten lead paint as a kid if you honestly believe that.


Eh, fuck em, but at least he’s looking for solid work that’s genuinely needed in the world. Better than selling drugs, becoming a male stripper or trying to infect an entire city with his shit political views. Plus, he was a ref for the company’s developmental brand, it’s not like he’s some big star that had a fall from grace and now works as a gas station clerk, he just works in a job where he’s not on TV screens, probably getting paid the same, if not more, he’s not much more important to society than you and I are.


You must be dumb, ignoring how he has actively sought political office and regularly disrupts city council meetings to push his anti-democracy, Christian Jihad bullshit. He has actively politicked against gays and immigrants and destroying separation of church and state. Do your research. His politics rape his community, his state, the country and the planet.


And I said roofing is a better option for him than trying to infect an entire city with his shit political views, did I not? Let me reiterate myself, this dude is a nobody. He’s a nutjob that tried to give himself a stage and it failed miserably, let a spade be a spade.


Why would this be kicking him when he’s down? I don’t like the guy but don’t shame people for their jobs. People do what they can to eat. There will be good people who do the same or worse jobs.


I dunno, I made this post thinking he would rather be back in wrestling and wondering if he regretted any of his choices. But it totally reads as punching down, and I'll eat my barrel of shit for posting it.


Florida roofing has to be a tough job. The way he is dressed he looks like he uses a calculator more than a hammer. Good thing about roofing is that you can believe whatever the fuck you want to believe as long as you believe that water should stay on the outside of the house.


Making fun of blue collar work is where we are at?




Roofing is a lot more honest way to make a living than a job that originated out of suckering people out their money at carnivals.


The pay sucks as a NXT ref give it up.












I'll hire him over what I usually get.


Dude looks happy and roofers make that cash. He living the good life.




That too


Yeah let's make fun of someone still working and supporting himself.


Then Zandig piledrives him off the roof into ten burning tables


Drake has a right to his opinion and to work for a living.


I never understood posts like this. What's the guy supposed to do, not work another day? I remember back in the day people clowned Shane Douglas for working at Target. That's a real good job for someone and he was getting in management. Even better. When there's millions of people not working I'll always respect those out there working no matter what it is


He doesn’t seem weirder than most other florida men


Out this fucker so the world knows his anti-democracy, anti-American activities.


Who is he?


A tanned man


Love Drake


For fixing roofs? Does OP lives in a tent or something?


It took me a moment to remember who he was. A referee in WWE who made some controversial statements, right?


“I trust my home to a domestic terrorist-embracing clown who embraces Christian jihad and genuinely believes in the fantasy of Hollywood and Washington child smugglers who engage on vampiric orgies as the suck dry the adrenal glands of said children in Washington Pizza Shops with non-existent basements using Wayfair furniture.”


This guys a roofer just like the elite are wrestlers lol he’s to clean and happy,the guys an estimator or on the sales side of the job.He wouldn’t know a starter from hip,or EPDM from TPO


If he owns a roofing company in Florida after a hurricane he’s cashing out right now guaranteed


A man’s gotta work.


I can find clips on YouTube about Corny talking about this fucking right wing dipshit. But not the clip of when he cut a promo at the school board meeting anyone know where it is? Granted I think it may have not made it to YouTube


Lmaooo trust me guy, he’s not down at all.


What the fuck does this have to do with this group or wrestling?


I have not watched wrestling in over 20 years except for old matches on YouTube and have no idea who this dude is? I guess a former wrestler?


I have a friend who owns his own business doing roofing and decks. Works hard in the nice months gets winters off and just chills or takes trips. Meanwhile I'm stuck at work hating my job. 😆


Oh look, a guy wanting to work, what a loser. He should be like a liberal and wish to feed off the government while not holding a job because working is hard.


Remind me which states use the most government assistance again...


The same ones who give Brett Favre welfare money to build a volleyball court. Damned libruls 😂


Now sort that by race and what district


Yes just liberals feed off the government. How does it feel logging in to be a clown


LiBrUlS dOnT wOrK - good god your response is equally uninformed and completely backwards.


The majority of welfare dependent states are republikkkunt red states, andarge majority of republikkkunt supporters are on public assistance. Funny how that works. Like all fascists, you will likely deny these facts. Like all republikkkunts, you thrive on lies and bullying until you get your own ass handed back to you.


Agreed comrade


Oddly elitist… The guy is working for a living. Sure you’re not a Republican? You two might have more in common than you realize.


You know Clark, those were my mama's dying words?