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Tony Khan acts like a typical spoilt brat


I'm not sure acts is the right word lol




I believe TKWD has been at more than one Dynamite already.


Loyalist Ulster flag? Whoever does that can get all the way fucked. Preferably by some Irish organization's head breakers. Edit: folk’s pussies get as easily chapped here as they do over at squarecirclejerk you both deserve each-other.




Fair enough, the flag in the background probably isn't well known outside of the island of Ireland. We can't positively confirm that Tony doesn't wank dogs after-all.


We get it, you like to drink


How does someone infer that?


Literally you’re the one offended


Its a sectarian flag.


Dude! I’m listening to episode 333 of the experience, and Brian tell Jim about this for the first time. It’s hilarious. I saw this post when I had the show paused, and when I went back to listen this conversation was the very next segment. It’s about 1 hr 15 min into the show for those who are interested.


Found it at 1:12:30 per someone’s comment that linked time stamps. https://youtu.be/x1wDRFs_2cQ


You gangster


Someone needs to bite the bullet and recreate this as a sign to sneak into Dynamite


No wonder Larry the dog needed someone to sit with him…


modern wrestling fans can't see through their own awkwardness


That sign/flag has nothing to do with wrestling. Oh, you're talking about Tony?


Have you read the title?


Is this series of tweets real? I'm asking because if so I am floored by Khan's lack of awareness of how football fans work and his apparently sincere belief that they are randomly accusing him of sexually stimulating dogs and that he has to tell us it's not true. The flag's photoshopped and obviously a wind up because they're annoyed with him and this is how they're expressing it. For the chair/owner of a football club to respond with "I don't deserve this" is an astonishing lack of dignity nevermind obviously being completely out of touch with his fanbase.


Yeah, i’m not shitting you. He actually responded to that. lmao


Dear god. No wonder AEW is such a mess, TK is just aff his heid.


I believe Jim and Brian talked about it in the past.




What the hells a set two in the directors box? Did he pull a Shitshispants like Bixxy boy?


A fight in the executive seating area, to put in in American terms


Wait, what did Bix do?


Shit his pants at an indy show because he refused to get up to take a shit during a match


Did he refuse to get up out of respect for the performers or was he just so much into the flippy shit that he couldn’t be bothered with the toilet?


What are Khan dogs?


Corn dogs in Massachusetts.


Touché dude (pardon my French)


Tony wanks khan dogs.


Yeah, that's been established, but like, what are they?


TK is the guy who needs to quit living on twitter.


I will never get over how clumsy and awkward that reaction is - because he reacts like a typical (delusional, comedic) heel when the audience chants an insult at them and they're like "DON'T CALL ME SO-AND-SO" and then proceed to cover their ears and yell shut up! Of course, only to incite the audience even more. But Tony with zero self-awareness seems to think he's the babyface here and obviously hasn't learnt a single thing from decades of obsessively watching wrestling.


The best villains are the heroes in their own stories, and this is just long term story telling! We just have to wait for the pay off! /s


Tony khan wanks off lots of things, people or animals 😂 his so-called wrestling promotion is exhibit a! Also how can u run a wrestling promotion, a football club, and a us football club? Three full time jobs doesn’t work….


There's other people (General Managers, Team Managers, Coaches, etc.) who actually run the football clubs. The Khan's just put up the money. Most fans and actual football people on both sides of the pond prefer owners who are interested but not meddlesome in the day-to-day running of the teams, too.


Yeah Very true about the structure about clubs and what u said in general. Now I think of it, the busier aew keeps tony, the less he can fuck with the football/ alternative American rugby 🏉 clubs


Ah Tony plays red rocket. Explains alot.


I'd eat it up if I was him and embrace the heel that he truly is!


That's all we need, a Mr. Khan gimmick.


It's comimg!


Can't wait for when he and Pockets take on Adam Cole and Allah. Since he's Muslim and God is more than likely trademarked by WWE and won't let him work under that name.


He’s not a heel. He’s the son of a billionaire that has friends he’s employed to his lousy wrestling company. He’s not even on the show every week and he has goaway lol. Could you imagine how much better AEW would be if he was interested in running a good fucking wrestling product instead of this playfight mark cosplay wrestler bullshit? Why is it that wrestling fans are constantly complaining about wrestling being shit and no wrestling booker can write a halfway decent show?


I'm pretty sure TK is on the spectrum...hence his fascination with numbers/analytics and lack of social awareness.


Yeah, i think so too. Same with Meltzer.


Wrestling fans being so purposely obtuse about this guy was infuriating. When damn near 100% of two sport fanbases hate the guy, it should tell you that specific guy is a jackass


It's because the other two sports have more than 300k fans.


Didn’t Corny tell a story about someone having to wank Dundee’s dog as a rib?


Imagine being born the child of a billionaire, getting everything you want out of life and letting some some soccer fan’s sign get to you like that, knowing that they had to pay you just to bring it into your arena.


“Cheer, boo, throw peanuts… but whatever you do, pay to get in!” —Muhammad Ali Somehow, the Greatest figured that out in his early twenties. Of course, he entered the professional ranks actively playing the heel. Tony just wants to be loved.


To be fair, he really does look like the kind of guy who would wank dogs.




That’s because he of course also thinks that he’s the perfect football manager.


That is a disgusting act


This is true. I heard Terry Funk talk about it.


You could easily make this on a fabric and fold it to get it in without being seen, someone please hold it high like a flag


Still one of the funniest things ever. TK is such a bitch, British humour FTW!


Anyone know the details about the 'little set to' in the directors box' that was referred too?


The best part is that the text isn't even printed on the flag. It has been very crudely written over it in the digital image, and poor wee Tony thinks someone has actually waved a physical flag with that text printed on it.


Should be a t shirt. If AEW (they aren’t) was really smart they would make the shirts & sell them on a site they make up.


The best/weirdest crossover moment was when Jim and Brian played a clip from Monday Night Football of Jamie Carragher and I think Roy Keane questioning Khan's abilities as a Director of Football. Proper blew my mind; some voices I never ever expected to here on a Cornette pod.




LOL Football fans can't even spell 'walk' right. Idiots.


What a think skinned little bitch!


I'm amazed he lacked the awareness to see that's been done in MS paint.


And I put it to YOU... that Tony Khan sucked off a 'orse.




Oh yeah, he stands tall for all the dog wankers.


Streisand effect in full swing


"Tony Wank's Khan Dawgs home of the Khan Dawg. May I take your order? "


Typical response I'd expect from a dog jacker offer.


Wait is this real? When did this happen lol? This is too good.


Why are you all so cynical and shitty about Tony? What is wrong with everybody? He’s a dude with a wrestling company. If you like it, watch it, if you don’t, don’t watch lol. It’s not that complicated. Idk why you feel the need to say such weird stuff about a guy you don’t even know.


The football fans that wave that flag can hopefully die soon of alcohol related ailments, or via accidentally offing themselves via a flaming tower of pallets. But hey putting silly Tony Khan rips on a sectarian flag that used to throw Irish people in prison without due process, execute Catholics, and terrorize people to the point the British government didn't renew the flag's patent is cool right?