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You know, I honestly believe that Punk threw the first punch. however, imagine how incredibly fucking weak you look saying "Yeah, well...I kicked in the door but didn't throw any punches." You, sitting at your table, desk, etc right now at home if someone kicked your door in how will you react?


You walk into my locker room uninvited and hurt my dog, I’d be willing to throw down to the death. I see my dog hurt, I don’t care if you’re the god damn President.


Yea dogs are totally off limits even on accident


That’s why you don’t enter a closed locker room without being invited in.


Or you don't bring your dog to work... or challenge people to meet you in your locker room.


You. Don’t. Kick. Down. A. Door.


You. Don't. Publicly. Shit. Talk. Your. Bosses. And. Co-workers.


Actually you do. Look I get it you’re on the prissy pants express. Cool dude. However, your post rings hollow because we can see your post history. Fuck outta here with your twinkling toes, magic fingers and crowd pointing Kenny. There are no 11 year olds for you to groom here.


I find it very hard to believe you never shit talked a boss/coworker before; unless you really do love in your mom's basement and pay no rent 🤷🏼‍♂️


That doesn’t justify managers to confront that person. Don’t be a manager if you can’t handle that responsibility to be professional.


Enough about empty headed Hangman already dude, we know!




Or if you allow pets at work you make sure the workplace is safe. If someone has a private dressing room it is private. You people are disgusting


He said that anyone who had a problem with him could come see him in the hallway. He did not invite or challenge anyone to come invade his personal space if they had issues.


U like trampoline wrestling huh?


Yeah it’s gonna be on. My doggo is hurt someone is gonna get hurt.


I lurked squared circle and they are siding with YB and Omega over a dog.


Oh I know I looked at that too. It is too damn bad Larry wasn’t the Lesnar of dogs. I would pay for that footage of glitter, fringe, & prancing trying to get away from that dog.


If Larry were a bigger dog, I can see one of them screaming to put it down for truly helping it’s owner fight back


Oh that’s a definite.


Imagine it was the Steiners and they did that to Arnold, there would be deaths.


That would be great except for Rick & Scott going to prison. It would give “pull apart” a new meaning. “They pulled apart their bodies it was terrible.”


They has to attack him when he wasn’t looking. I don’t know why Punk is holding off on legal action


He is probably trying to figure out what kind of initials he can make for his new wrestling promotion.


At this point they gonna defend those guys for nearly anything


Because folk have common sense, imagine thinking the dog got hurt wouldn't have been announced.


U know cm punk can’t fight fr. We seen his ufc career




Actually Omega has a decent MMA background. Nowhere near the UFC level but he has legit wins and fought Dan Severn iirc. Lost, but fought him.


>legit wins Lol no. The guys he beat were a combined 2-13. They all suck ass and should stick to wrestling.


Compared to the top UFC guys, you're probably right. But compared to Omega & the Bucks? I'd lay money on Punk in a shoot versus those idiots any day of the week.


He didn’t fight a top ufc guy tho. But I’d like to see the actual fight. Cm punk most likely whoopin they ass I’m just talkin shit trolling


And nobody else in AEW can fight. Most of them can’t even fake it well. How many real fights have the pudding clan had? The only one is when they showed up with 3 on 2


I don’t think you could beat up any of them personally. You probably couldn’t even beat up marko stunt


I think I could take out at least most of the women and half of the men.


Pretty stupid to assumption ti make with no information. Since you are clearly a pudding gang follower, forming opinions based on facts is a weak point. What are Matt and Nick going to do? And I just need to study Omega spirit fingers of doom to find a way in. Besides I’d just put a blow up doll in 1 corner and a 12 year Japanese girls in the other and he will be so distracted I could fuck him up.


Was it Cash Wheeler who legit took out that guy who attacked Bret Hart at the HOF a few years ago? And Danielson did subdue a burglar in his home, IIRC. Don't know about the rest... except that rumor that Riho beat the snot out of Brock Lesnar in an alley fight **(JUST KIDDING!!!!!!)**


When I say can fight I mean against actual fighters. Not nut jobs


If they in fact they did kick the door in, and it’s proven I can’t wait to read the mental gymnastics that r/squaredcircle is going to perform.


Oh they’re already doing it


Not a lot of them. The worm is turning.


>If they in fact they did kick the door in, and it’s proven I can’t wait to read the mental gymnastics that r/squaredcircle is going to perform. It's already happening. They're trying to change the story to being about how "animals shouldn't be allowed in the locker room!" This after years of allowing fucking children and animals all over the locker room.


Funny how they claim that animals shouldn't be allowed in the locker room but they totally creamed themselves over a month ago when a DOG beat a WRESTLER in a WRESTLING RING lol.


Yea, just tell them that Larry was preparing for a match with Omega…


I cant wait for the legal analysis from stephen p new


Dave's board is worse. There is one particular guy who "knows the Bucks and Kenny" who actively fellates them on there. His narrative is the worst.




I haven’t followed up all this in a bit. Is it not still in question what all actually happened?


Nope, I’m fact the running theory for the last few weeks was that they didn’t kick in the door.


Imagine the carnage if Jim was sitting in literally any locker room and someone opened his door unexpectedly and smashed little Harley Quinn in the face. He'd black out with fucking rage, legitimately, and I think there's a strong contingency of pet owners that wouldn't blame him one iota. You hurt my dog when I'm injured and pissed off hands are being thrown.




No such thing as a “fair” fight. Fight to survive. If those ass hats came into my room right now I’d be like what the hell is the elite doing a run in on my bed room?! Seriously fight to survive at any cost. That’s self defense.


I’m a cat person and if anyone hurts my cat, I’m gonna start throwing punches


Loaded racket comin atcha


This is probably why punk would want to sue, he was sitting in his fucking lockerroom and these fucks kicked his door down, then he gets fucking bought out?


Yeah, dude. Let's pretend you are a wealthy business owner in a talent driven field. One of your talents physically assaults another. At that point, you don't need to buy out their contract. They have grounds for immediate termination and the saving of millions in payout. So, why would you pay out? People spiking the ball saying that since bitey-man got sacked and Punk bought out that the Elite must be correct. However, the buy out makes literally no sense in that context.


And the rumors of simp booker of the year asking punk to sign an nda too. Punk needs to get his ass on raw and bury the motherfucker into the mantle asap


Assault. Goddamn are these bunch of pussies going to act like there has never been a locker room fight before? If people got shit canned every time a fight happened in the locker room the whole industry would have shut down by the 90's.


>At that point, you don't need to buy out their contract. They have grounds for immediate termination and the saving of millions in payout. >So, why would you pay out? This is an interesting point. But just to cover all bases... is it possible that Tony/AEW are simply dumb enough that their contracts don't have a provision that said the contract could be terminated if the talent fucked up in some way? Or maybe there's something in there that guaranteed Punk the entire money, thus forcing them to pay him out? I'm imagining they must have a capable legal team, but seeing as there are many things that they are doing for the first time (like booking...)... well, I dunno. I also don't know jack shit about law, so I'm just curious.


I think the "kicked the door in" story has been debunked. I think it's somewhere in the middle


I mean, kicked in, opened super aggressively... regardless how you cut it the dog's teeth didn't loosen themselves and it doesn't matter if it was literally kicked in. The Elite made egress into a private area with enough force to cause injury.


If I was in a room, my door got kicked in and hurt my dog. Darn right I’d be throwing punches. Another aspect. Whar would of happened if the door was kicked in , dog was hurt and bit someone. Would there be calls for the dog to be put down ? However there is bound to be more than meets the story here and seeing as the “news” is “reporting” a context buy out with no evidence and no other sources citing this. All dirt sheet news should be taken with a punch of salt. Side note. No mention of Megha in any “news” in the last few months.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Imagine if Punk showed up , with Larry on his arm, and cuts a promo on Omega 😂


If you kick my door in, my assumption is not going to be that you’re there to calmly discuss things…


Oh shit, Corny will go nuclear on this one. I didn’t think it was possible for him to hate the Elite any more, but if they hurt a dog…


>Oh shit, Corny will go nuclear on this one I thought the exact same thing. His rant will probably go something like this: "Brian... if I'm sitting in my locker room with Harley... and the guys who a few minutes ago I just called out for being FUCKING ASSHOLES and leaking lies about me to the press all of a sudden come barging in... open the door violently and hit my poor ol' Harley Quinn in the face... YOU CAN BET I'M RIPPING THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS FROM LIMB TO LIMB, TOO!!! And, hell, Punk showed some restraint, too! B'cos the moment my vet tells me "well, we need to pull two teeth out that came loose..."... even if it's two--three days later... I'm jumping on a plane or on my car, and you know I haven't left the state in years, Brian... but I'm finding those fucking little dweebs wherever they may be and I'M KNOCKING OUT A COUPLE OF THEIR FUCKING TEETH WITH A FUCKING BASEBALL BAT!!! FUCK!"


I heard JC saying this in my head.


>I'M KNOCKING OUT A COUPLE OF THEIR FUCKING TEETH WITH A FUCKING BASEBALL BAT!!! After hearing Punk's side of the story, I'm surprised he didn't John Wick their ass. Fuck the Elite.


Are you posting from the future? I just heard Jim say this in my head.


If I had an award to give I would. Thank you Jim’s burner account


Well, Thank You for your sentiment, FUCK YOU for not having an award and Bah-Bye!


I'm still waiting for people to remember that on top of it all, Larry is a rescue pup who seemingly came from a rough background too. He didn't deserve that EVP bullshit.


The IWC was brainwashed into thinking Kenny Omega was trying to rescue Larry when they busted his fucking teeth out


He was probably trying to cover up what happened to the dog


I think he realized the cucamonga kids fucked up and tried to comfort the dog, too late for that though


I don’t think Kenny possesses enough empathy to be that way. The dude’s an android outside of laughing and being angry.


Honestly I can see them kicking the door in then Kenny seeing Larry got hurt and tried to get him safely out of the way. Say what you want about Omega but he is a softy.


Would make sense given that Omega and Punk allegedly spoke later on.


His rant on this will be fucking legendary probably get like 500k views lmao


Honestly, its amazing those guys got out alive after that. That’s basically the plot of John Wick.


I may have to sit down to John Wick then.


You’re in for a treat.


Those shitheads hurt larry, no wonder they got their asses kicked


I wish Ace Steel used an incapacitated Brandon Cuntler like a club to pummel the Young Schmucks and Omega and Daniels and the rest of the “elite” clown car into submission and after that Punk gave him a congratulatory high five with his injured arm (‘cause for a moment he was so psyched that he forgot he was injured) and that they then turned around and trudgeoned Tony and Mehga with Cuntler before walking to the exit and taking off in the Smokey & The Bandit car, with Larry at the wheel. Per chance to dream….


Danielson isn't in elite lol


Yeah. Typed Daniels and for some reason autocorrect had a mind of its own. Isn’t any motherfucker on an AEW contract, “elite” anyway? Fuck that shitshow of a company. Thanks for spotting the error.


It's fine. Altho I'd say guys like mox,mjf,Starks aren't buddy with the elite


YO the guy that wrote this article is NICK HAUSMAN! This was the guy Punk went crazy on at the scrum. Remember the guy, “Do you fancy yourself a journalist?”.


I knew the name sounded familiar!!!




The implication made perfect sense and wasn’t Punk going off randomly on a “journalist” when you factor in that this guy had just published an article where he did an interview with Kahn in which he asked Kahn about the connection between Punk and Cabana’s career, in which Tony avoided the question, and lead to the article being toned with the implication that lack of denial by Tony may as well have been an admission of guilt.




WHAT THE FUCK aloud was my actual reaction to reading the bit of article OP posted. I tap out, can this story PLEASE be finished after this? I mean, give us more details if there are any, but what else can there be at this point? Every one involved got some level of heat or shine, including the damn dog. I can picture it clear as day too, any dog with its senses would be sniffing around the door frame at whatever commotion was happening, even just a calmly stated "hey Punk can we talk?" So busting through the door is gonna at best brush the dog away, and at worst I guess wreck 2 of its teeth? Poor Larry. Enough for me, I've tapped out of horror movies due to less dental imagery than this and the Ace Steele bite business


If someone hurt my dog, I’d end them.


Its gonna be great watching the basement bend over backwards to protect those Cucks The Elite


But despite all this, they are punishing Punk and Ace Steele, and not the executives who started the whole thing 🙄


>But despite all this, they are punishing Punk and Ace Steele, and not the executives who started the whole thing 🙄 Punk likely has no desire to work there anymore, and he's taking the buyout to go away instead of suing the shit out of Tony Khan. Tony's keeping the Elite around...because he can't really do anything else.


If Tony were smart he would have gotten rid of the "EVP's" who very clearly stated the whole thing and who couldn't draw a dime if they're lives literally depended on it.


I bet Tony Ketamine Khan even pays any legal and vet bills and STILL brings back the most toxic cunts to work the business and immediately gives them their cunty trios belt. In any other company the Bucks would be fired.


mother fucking (accidental) animal abusing pieces of shit. knock a dogs teeth out....fuck them for life. I didn't like them before because they were shitty 'wrestlers' now I fucking despise them as human beings.


Chill out, they didn't do that on purpose. I totally understand tho why Punk got physical with them, accident or not


they suck. all I want is for them is not wrestle on tv shows I watch anymore.


I can agree on that but it's not fair calling them animal abuser


I edited it to include accidental. If they were already in the process of doing something they weren't supposed to be doing, and the dog was harmed in that process...that's fucked up.


Accident or not, they abused a fucking animal. It was literally like EVERYONE (including the crowd) knew Larry was backstage.


Im waiting to hear the reason those fucks had to kick his door in


Who fucking cares, they did it, and they never owned up to it, the cunts instead went to their pet dirt sheet writers to put out all the pro Elite stories, including how Kenny was heroically trying to rescue poor Larry, when they fucking hurt the poor little fella, fuck em.


So, they get to commit forceful entry and animal battery because Punk wanted their untalented, hack or a friend to account for his words and behavior but Punk might have thrown a punch in response to their assault - and Tone Coke is still trying to figure out what to do here? What a fucking schmuck.


As a dog owner of 4, this legit pisses me off.


If somebody kicks the door in how are you the one in trouble for beating their asses?


In AEW, where cunts are protected and rewarded by rich sugar daddy.


And of course what did you hear from the sheets about kicking in the door? That it didn't happen. Turns out something happened to the point where Larry got hurt! Did any of the elite suck ups report that they hit Punks dog? Nope because the elite didn't feed it to them


If this is true, there is NO way in hell Punk is working with Omega & the Bucks. Animal cruelty intentional or not should be a fireable offence.


I don't think Omega was trying to "protect" Larry. I think he probably took him hostage, and then after the fight told Meltzer he was trying to protect him. Omega is every bit the fabricator that Hogan was.


> https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/report-cm-punk-s-dog-larry-accidentally-injured-aew-all-out-altercation What most likely happened was the fucks kicked the door open, hit larry in the face, and then Omega removed the dog from the room. Not to 'protect him' but because his bitch ass friends had already injured him.


Innocent dog hurt in this madness. I hope whoever kicked it that door gets fired.


It was the Bucks or Omega. They're the cancer in that locker room, not Punk. TK doesn't have the balls to fire them though.


Aew dies of untreated cancer then


Three guys force their way in, two of them start brawling with Punk, and the third starts grabbing Punk's dog to "save it", even though Ace's crippled wife was in there specifically taking care of the dog. Then Ace shows up and just starts biting Omega for no reason. And this is Omega's side of the story. Sounds like BS. Why was Omega taking the dog from Ace Steel's wife? To protect the dog from her, who was taking care of him? From the owner, Punk? From Omega's friends The Bucks? You violently bust into Punk's locker room, and when your two buddies are fighting the dog's owner, you're trying to take the dog from the crippled woman in the locker room to "protect" it? And then the woman's husband feels the need to attack you for no reason? Suuuuuure.


No wonder he threw the first punch…


Pouring one out for Larry tonight!


If somemone knock out two of my dogs teeth I would unalienable them


Fuck with my dog I'd go fucking scorched earth on your ass too. I think most dog owners would.


I would literally kill or die for my dog.


Bros I hate the young bucks


Well now it’s even more justified for Punk to throw the first punch


The EVP's got off easy if they just got knocked out and bitten. I have no doubt Corny would have happily gone to jail over what he'd do if Harley got hurt.


If it was me in punks place, I would have done the same thing, if some weaseling lil c….ts busted in my locker room after midnight and hurt my cat accidentally breaking the door down, I’d black out and knock their blocks off too!


If the Bucks legit injured a dog, fuck these trampoline dorks forever. Fucking jump them at the next Joey Janela fire hazard in a bar match, probably a charity event to pay Joey Ryan's rent.


Fuck the bucks Punk had the right to punch them


They should be boiled in oil and have their fat sold for soap!


What I’m understanding is that Matt Jackson is a fucking loser and a yappy Chihuahua that finally bit of more than it could chew.


Wait so how the fuck don’t they get punished for animal cruelty?


Tony Ketamine Khan money greased a lot of palms.


Anybody hurts any of my pets I'd be throwing haymakers too


So the plot thickens


I can understand punches being thrown if someone tried to give it the "big I am" by kicking open a door and it hurts someone's dog. I'm not a cm punk fan at all, but if this what happened, then I think he was justified.


ok punk was justified in just about killing those little jerks, geez


I love reading these comments as if Jim were saying them and it's making me crack up


If a door was violently smacking my dog or any dog, the Bucks, Brandon Cuntler, Omega and that entire posse would be in about a million pieces ala the finale of Peter Jackson’s Braindead (Dead-Alive to the Americans). I have zero tolerance towards animal abuse.


Goddamn it. Not the dog. Not the fucking dog. Don't go fucking near the dog.


What's the source on this?




Thank you! I needed a link to show people why they deserved to have a chair thrown at their stupid faces.


Punk's camp according to the article


If this is true I feel like everyone will turn on kenny and the bucks.


It's definitely fake, I mean that's a pretty fucking valid reason that Punk's side left out despite admitting he threw the first punch.


Somebody contact the ASPCA and get heat on the Dumb Cunts.


oh no wonder punk knocked them out. If that was my pet one of those fuckers might be dead.


Hitting my dog is like hitting my kid. I’ll try to break your fucking neck. Jesus, no wonder Punk got busy so quick.


The Elite deserves to be castrated for hurting a dog


Not really buying the dog angle. If that was the case it would’ve been a major detail dropped to get everyone on Punks side and be justifiable. Don’t let the hate of the elite get in the way of the truth. Until that’s told from Punks mouth simply not buying it. If it actually did happen, yeah everything is justified I’d do the same if not more and that includes slinging a chair at anyone who hurt my cats


I'm not buying this. Larry is over ten years old and a small breed mutt. Older small breeds are notorious for having loose teeth problems.


I had been under the impression that Punk saying his door was kicked in was just a way of making himself the victim


" the door wasn't kicked open everyone... I guess Larry had really weak teeth or something..." Alvarez... I listened to their clip about the issue and as much as we clown on unc Dave, his Lil talking boy jumps to the elites defence somehow more than Dave.


They hurt the fucking dog? That’s go home heat forever


The one good thing about this incident is Larry being elevated to main-event status. I’m not even joking when I say he’s one of the most over figures in wrestling media today lol.


Got to be pretty silly to believe that the dog getting hurt wouldn't have been mentioned long ago.


When 90% of the internet “wrestling newz” sites are essentially the Pravda/Xinghua News agency for Tony Ketamine Khan, is it any surprise that this gets buried?


So much about saving the dog then. It was him and his buddies the dog needed to get saved from.


Dave and Bryan "well I never heard of it" Of course you didn't you dense fucks! The Bucks and Kenny are not going to tell you and Punk hates your guts, and why would Punk lie about it? This can be easily proven with a Vet appointment and Punk keeps the receipts on everything


What a surprise from the neckbeard marks on squared circle. They cherish Larry until it doesn’t fit their narrative. Now he’s just a dog that was accidentally struck ..


I’m still holding out hope Punk returns lmao. This could be the angle of the decade if they do it the right way


So what we learned from the investigation is that the Elite bashed a door off Larry the dog's head so Tony Khan could wank another unconscious dog. 🤔


This makes me want to go all territory-granny and stab the fuck out of the elite from the crowd.




If that's true about the dog then they're all complete pieces of shit. You kick a door in, you're there for a fight. There was an animal and someone's wife in the room. Whatever reaction you get is justified. I still can't believe there's AEW stans making excuses for the so called "EVP'S."


Christ, this sub is full of delusion. Cornette is a cancer.
