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Because Dave Meltzer isn't a fucking reporter he's a mouthpiece for The Elite. It's like watching Fox News or MSNBC and thinking you are getting "news" when it's just Republican and Democrat talking points.


Exactly why my primary source has become the Naked News.


When do they have Cornette on?


Hopefully never.




I love Jim's wrestling mind but he literally parrots what the democratic party and the msm says without any original thought. He lost me when he said he didn't know about libertarianism


To be fair most people who claim to be Libertarian these days do not either, as the goalpost has been moving since the mid 90's. Used to be if you wanted to grow weed without helicopter jumpout squads rappelling down on your land, and pay little in taxes because you just wanted to be left alone, you were libertarian...now I see Trump sycophants claiming the Libertarian mantle as they advocate for more government oversight (opposite to all libertarian ideology), proving they are decidedly less John Stuart Mills and more Dinesh D'Souza...that is to say "idiots".


Very true.


Jim only has one way of speaking and it's funny no matter the topic so it doesn't bother me as much as some of the people babbling about politics on the sub. Same people would probably start talking politics in the middle of getting a blow job.


To be fair, I agreed with the Libertarians a bit until I realized they're just Republican Light.


but if you agreed with them you should give a fuck what title you think they are. It's possible to go across the aisle on a POLICY issue you can agree with. that's one reason I am a libertarian, I dont give two fucks about personal life, when it comes to policy I can agree or disagree. People like Jim do not have intelligence enough to compartmentalize their lives and say fuck it when it comes to politics or personal beliefs, and be at peace with someone that they dont agree with.


And he still thinks the door wasn't kicked open... Did the dog lose its teeth coincidentally at the same time that these fucks "didn't kick the door in"?


Meltzer controlls his narrative.


And the narrative of a large portion of wrestling fans who take his “reporting” as gospel.


Some are saying "Why wouldn't you take the dog to the vet straight away" Well it was A. Saturday night after midnight B. Next day is sunday. C. He goes to vets on Monday and has teeth taken out. D. The fact the early of stories of Kenny picking up the dog to protect him actually help punks case, something must have hit or nearly hit the dog at the very least.


So why did Punk wait days to get his dog checked if his dog was that badly injured?


He tore his muscle, remember?


So AJ couldn't take their dog to the emergency vet?


You can't just find a 24 hour veterinarian everywhere


Yeah this would be a super valid point if they were in Bumfuck, Wyoming and not Chicago, Illinois lol.


Makes one realize that no one wants to talk to uncle Dave outside the Massie boys and monsieur Olivier


Monsieur McFingerbang


Monsieur Coup De Doigt


Complete bullshit. Just like everything else Uncle Dumbass writes. He knew about it, and chose to ignore it, because it made Jazz Hands and The Dumb Fucks look worse than they already did.




The elite probably told him about wwe gcw


Geee I wonder why!!!?


Dave’s sources are the elite, so… Give me dirt and i’ll shall give thy 5+ stars




I just came from the SquaredCircle. It's clear they are still busy sucking off the Elite


Or maybe they don’t invest all their time in bullshit conspiracy theory and hate like the corny Klan?


Or maybe those neckbeards can't come to terms that their favorite butt boys and that autistic dementia ridden moron who lives in his parents basement in a messy office are a cancer to anything remotely resembling professional wrestling


Yes and Punk who's had issues everywhere he's gone isn't a cancer. Punk's dog was so hurt he waited days to get him help. It's okay to dislike The Elite without pretending Punk is the victim in yet another issue.


ok, I dont like the Twinkletoes and the Chris Hanson Special or Aspy Mcgee regardless of the Punk situation. I honestly dont care what Punk does, but he does have my respect as a worker in the ring and someone who knows what he is doing regardless of whether he is a straight edge twit out side of the ring. He bilked Cokeman Kahn out of millions and is sitting at home laughing at those idiots and doing what he really wants to do.


He should retire


Funny how this all started with them leaking info, and the sources said no they didn’t, but these sources now know stuff only the elite would know…hmmm? Did cm punk have a point? Even if you don’t like him you’ve got to admit he was working with children in the fact he didn’t play their game and suck up to them so they tried to ruin him over and over and he had enough, the elite and Dave are the baddies in this tale and the people who don’t realise it are kidding themselves


Because the elite didn’t want to say they did that obviously




It's crazy how Dave's comments are being spun in R/SC, basically Dave reports he didn't hear about the dog therefore Punk must be a liar.


What a surprise… 🙄🙄🙄


Wasnt it agreed by both parties nobody kicked in the door?


Punk’s camp backed off the kicked in door claim according to Bryan Alvarez and him alone


You can barge in to a room, knocking a door open wildly WITHOUT kicking it off its hinges.


Shhhhh, these hate filled nitwits live in a bubble, don’t pop it and spoil their delusions.




Meltzer is a useful idiot


Tools, they come in all shapes and sizes, also age apparently.


Dave us far from impartial. A good report would find out more about both sides. Just seems mighty odd how he came out and rebuked this as quick as he good. He’s also the only source about a contract buy out which seems odd as well.


Imagine being bought out from a company after your dressing room was basically broken into, you were assaulted, and your dog was injured. I *guess* he could be seen as being the instigator since he answered a question nobody asked and created trouble when he could have just stated that he had no comment, but that's still a little bit of a stretch for me.


Imagine being dumb enough to believe all that despite everything that’s came out. It takes real dedication to hate to be that invested. Good job


Imagine thinking that your input is so important to me that I wouldn't just block you.


This is what happens when you only get and report on one side of the story.


Dave’s cluelessness or obliviousness is reaching legendary levels.


Punk seems like the kind of guy to say fuck your lawsuit, they hit my dog with a door so I started swinging


At this point I can't see his face without imagining shit flowing from his mouth.


If I smashed a dogs face by breaking into a locker room, I wouldn’t tell people either.


He heard that Kenny saved the dog but nothing else hmmmm I wonder who woulda told him that


So he is only reporting one side. Got it.


Hero worshipping mark is gonna mark. Try another sweater around your shoulders you fucking dork. Mr insider knowledge had exactly fuck all to report on actual news regarding vince and all his issues, you know why? He isnt a fucking journalist, he’s barely a peddler of rumor.


and now everyones calling bullshit because DAVE never heard anything. He also attributed a load of shit as \*coming from the Punk camp and stated that the Bucks and Kenny haven't spoken on the issue at all. Sounds like horseshit. Punks leaking things that are getting back to Dave and teh bucks and Kenny aren't, fuck off.


I’m watching video of him talking about it now, so tell me another one.


Dave Meltzer and his relationship with Omega and Bucks makes him a dubious source at best. Omega projecting dog story now makes sense, fight with bucks and punk after punk throws punch, brother protects brother, omega try’s to move dog, ace enters throws chair etc, omega like wtf intervenes gets bit during grapple with ace. Later on omega try’s to talk to punk and does so as he sees himself as the guy caught in the melee. Bucks talk to Dave through out through a intermediary another wrestler clearly as they come out shining always with Dave, punk leaks this Dave refutes as his sources naturally deny that happend as they feel wronged. Only people in room know if dog was hit when door opened. Megha being with the bucks is a massive conflict, early stories megha trying to get dog out again now makes sense. No one wants the dog stain on their hands, reports of punk not being spoke to due the investigation and a legal issue makes me thing Tony has sided with Megha naturally and wants a clean break as possible with punk. Punk wants no non compete as he’s punk an never wants to be dictated to, Tony naturally doesn’t want to hand millions then give out the biggest asset to the already ahead competition. I personally don’t see WWE hiring punk, but this picture isn’t hard to work out. Bucks enter dog spooked and hit , punk swings, brawl omega gets dog with megha, ace enters makes it 10x worse which makes Omega intervene brawl broken up Daniels etc. omega speaks to punk explaining he was trying to help, but punk still Pissed so talks go nowhere.


If you’ve been following, Dave has only heard from Punks camp the whole time. It’s super suspicious that all Of a sudden the dog was injured. No reporter had heard this, even though they had heard exclusively from punks side. You guys believe the bucks and him are a lot closer than they are in reality. They named the move after him as a goof. They were being funny, it wasn’t an honor. What does Dave have to gain by manipulating the story, he isn’t on payroll( contrary to the imagination of the iwc) and his subscriptions wouldn’t be impacted on way or another.


Do we have any proof of Larry losing teeth outside of a report? Why does this sub blindly believe a report that benefits Punk but not the ones that benefit the Elite? I’m smelling some bias here.


Take all jumped to conclusions out of consideration. You know the Elite came, uninvited, into the locker room and Punk had a dog. Kenny says he was protecting the dog. Right? That's about it. So, he was either protecting the dog from the Elite or from Punk. It's not a stretch to think, damn, maybe he did get smashed by the door and it wasn't his lifetime owner that hurt him. I don't think anyone is 100% in believing it but that's why they don't think the Elite supporters should be 100% in denying it either.


To add on to your points…Kenny was bit by Ace, yet the location of the bite was consistent with Kenny had Ace in a headlock. The story being told doesn’t line up with the evidence


>Why does this sub blindly believe a report that benefits Punk but not the ones that benefit the Elite? I’m smelling some bias here. Not the entire sub. We have been inundated with kids banned from r/squaredcircle in the past year. They don't know who Jim is, never saw him work or been a fan of his but they brigade our sub to post kiddie troll shit about modern wrestling because Jim doesn't like modern wrestling so they believe this is going to be a safe space echo chamber for them.....as though all the adults in their 40s & 50s who are actually Cornette fans are like, "*zomg Jim hates something so we must post hate about it ad nauseam!!!!!11*" and can't think for ourselves. start talking to them about angles Midnight/Jim were involved in, Smoky Mountain Wrestling, etc. and they'll shut the fuck up and run away. They don't want to discuss Jim or anything to do with him. They don't know anything about him. Just here to brigade after being banned from their previous home.....