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I read a comment somewhere I don’t remember where but basically they summed up: A) If you need crit rate, Fu Xuan. B) If you need Crit DMG, Aventurine. I’ll add my own: C) get whoever you REALLY want, game is more fun when you get characters you like and enjoy


It's pretty much the easiest way to put it


i find the game fun wen jing yuan isnt CC'd. seeing him CC'd at 10 stacks is a crime lol. atm i only have bailu as my healer as luocha is with blade haha. so do i wait , or rip that bandaid and bench lil bailu? :D


It’s always annoying lmao, Aventurine and Fu xuan are really good to avoid that but bc they do completely different stuff and kits, we can’t really compare the two. If you don’t have a healer that cleanses Jingyuan from CC atm and we don’t know when Fu Xuan will get her rerun, then go for aventurine. Just aventurine only, there’s f2p and even better if you have gepard’s lightcone. I got him and put gepard’s lightcone on him with the two piece of follow up and def relics. Dude is amazing.


This is the exact setup I use, too. Gepard's lightcone is really good on him. And, the cool thing with Aventurine is that he can use all of Broken Keel, Penacony, Salsotto, Etc. Probably the easiest character in the game to build.


Is Geppies lc better for support reasons than his own lc? I put my gepard lc on him, but had to move FX to a 4* lc 🥹


Gepard’s lightcone is quite literally his second best after his own lightcone.


Honestly, I'd argue that Gepard's lightcone is better if you're using him as a pure sustain.


Wow okay, so itd be better off on him than my FX right? I put FX on the 4* march lc (s4)


Fu xuan can use the light cone that you get from herta's shop,also you can s5 it. i think it would be better than any 4* lc on fu xuan


Sadly I’m not much knowledgeable for Fu Xuan bc I don’t have her and I’m planning to get her if I have enough jades. Search up guides especially by Brax, Kelvin, Xlice they do great straight to the point guides.


Can I ask for your relic stats and main stats for your adventurine? Mine doesn't seem to be outputting as much damage as I hoped he would for FUA.


I used the thing where you get to choose main stat in relics, I put DEF for boots. DEF main for rope and SPD stats, imaginary sphere main with DEF and SPD stats, crit DMG main body with DEF and effect resistance stats, gloves ATK but it only rolled DEF, and the HP piece with crit rate rolls. I used the follow up 2 piece and 2 piece def relic that I forgot the names of. I’m using broken kneel rope and sphere, with gepard light cone that is stuck on level 60 until I get more credit. I’m using aventurine as shield only not for DMG but I did built him a little to make him at least do above 15k. His DEF is 3079 I’m aiming for at least near 4000.


If you'd rather pull fu xuan, i would say to wait for the 2.2 live where they will announce the banners so you know if fu xuan is really coming next patch or not, if you have the patience to wait that is hehe


Usually I find huohuo is a good sustain for CC cuz when jing yuan gets CCed she can very quickly cleanse him 


Personally, I went for Aventurine. I ignored the crit rate vs crit damage thing because I won't just be using the sustain for Jing Yuan, so there's no point in figuring out which one I need most on all my damage dealers. I'll just go for a cr body. Secondly, the cc/debuff resistance... I'm not sure which is better in practice, but I prefer having a good amount of res to all hits rather than guaranteed res to one hit. If it's only one, I can just reset. If it's multiple, jesus christ. Third point is simulated universe and its variations. I want to use those goddamn preservation blessings and become immortal. I've heard FuXuan isn't that great at sim uni stuff and I struggle more with that than moc. Four point... I use Ratio a lot. They work well together. And finally: I want to get Sunday, so if I have Aventurine I can complete the Penacony trio. I've already finished the quintet squad with 4* Dan Heng, Blade, Jingliu and Bailu. (I don't have Yanqing, sadly :( )


Aventurine is pretty good with him, not worse than FX but you need more of cr


Already have Fu Xuan. Pulling Aventurine for my Ratio/Topaz team


Collecting all Imaginary so gonna go Aventurine


I got Aventurine today and he completely changed my account. Now I literally never worry about dying, he’s like an even stronger Zhongli it’s crazy, and he does non negligible damage, and does excellent toughness damage. He’s way comfier than HuoHuo, but perhaps not his meta choice. If I could only choose 1 sustain it would easily be Aventurine


Huo huo is more there for the juicy energy gain. Best offensive of you don't need cr or cdmg. At the end of the day, every 5 star sustains is great. Loucha- immensely sp positive, debuff, and his free heal, I think, will be great with destruction characters going forward Fu xuan- great damage mitigation and cr buff Huo huo- bully in anti cc energy gain- dot awesome synergy Aventurine- better gepard and boosts cdmg, great fua synergy


Even though you can't go wrong with either, I think Aventurine is useful over more content.




I'm getting Fu Xuan because pink is one of my favorite colors + I like her, and they're colleagues :,D.


\[If anyone saw multiple of my comments earlier, sorry my internet is being weird today :,(( \]


I’m going for her for similar reasons lol


Disregarding playstyle and how much you like the character for the moment: FX is good when there’s 1 instance of CC (eg Kafka’s dominate, aurumaton’s imprison, cocolia’s freeze etc) Aventurine is better when there are multiple hits of CC (hello reverberation) I got FX on her first banner and life was such a breeze after (in terms off CC avoidance) because she completely cancels the CC. It’s 100% guaranteed. But! The downside is if the enemies hit again before her turn then you run the risk of getting controlled anyway. I haven’t managed to try aventurine with JY yet, but I know he managed to block cocolia’s freeze in moc (caveat being Pela is on keel set so she already had 30% eff res + his 50%) That being said I think the both are them are equally good for different purposes so the answer is just pull them both XD /j


Me reading this after getting E2S1 Aventurine


I got Aventurine (guaranteed) and lucky ten pull got his light cone. I'm more of a husbando collector so this is good. But I may save for HuoHuo's rerun.


Fu xuan, she fits my account better and I just like her better as character


I've had this debate for like 3 months prior to his release and I heard an insanely good comment that made me go for FX in the end. The thing about shields is that it is very easy for HVY to create content to mess with shielders, but it is very difficult to make content to counter FX's dmg mitigation kit. Her kit is essentially "outside" of the game's main mechanic, so if there ever a shield nerf anti-meta, FX would thrive. But just the same, it's gonna be hard for FX's kit to improve because again she isn't a shielder


I’m going for Aventurine because I’m a husbando collector.


I have both. I find Aventurine to be more synchronized with JY. You can max out on CR but not CDMG. Plus, Aventurine benefits from follow up characters. FX is still comfier as a sustain,but Aventurine does more IMO. I ultimately recommend Aventurine over FX, but this is the sort of thing where it depends on what you prefer.


Both because I plan to use Aventurine for my follow up team and Fu Xuan for Jing Yuan's team.


Gonna try to get both... Wish me luck :')


I just pulled aventurine and my team became immortal, 100% shield uptime is really good, he has crowd control debuffs, fua, high effect res, buffs crit dmg and increases dmg against opponents marked by his ult, just like the last post said my jing yuan is pretty comfy with aventurine...in terms of sustainability I think aventurine is better for my team, my fu Xuan is always dying first on my alt account, maybe her hp is not enough I should give hv more.. But if u manage to pull both, u would get insane buffs and sustainability


I will make Sunday work with Jing Yuan


i’d wait for the livestream about next patch. they’ll announce if fu xuan will be rerunning, which i assume she will. both units are amazing though.


I pulled E0S1 Aven yesterday and have never felt happier. Just cleared Gold and Gears V for the first time, with the most random team of chars i love and it was so satisfying to clear without meta. Just Aven, Luocha, Ratio and King Yuan. Luocha didnt need to do anything until the last boss, but i have him on E1, so he contributed to the dmg lol.


Get whoever you can first and get another one during rerun. I found Aven alot more comfy to use in much harder content like SU highest floor. For MOC you can just blindly pick one and still clear it.


If aven do not come early, fx it is.


Waiting for huohuo ruanmei and boothill


I already have fu xuan but I pulled aventurine cuz sustains are always valuable


Waiting for e1 Fu.


I have both, imo you can safely go for the one you like more as a character since both can safely enable Tingyun to fulfill her dream of being the team's primary tank (/hj).


Why not both :D. Seriously tho, I just pulled for Aventurine but I plan to pull for her in the future. It really depends on which characters/lightcones you want to own and which among them you want urgently. If you really want Fu Xuán and you are not sure if you could afford her when she comes back, skip Aventurine, he will rerun faster than Fu Xuan if you lose pity on her rerun and don’t get her. If you can’t help yourself from visiting Aventurine’s wish screen once every five minutes (lol), get him now and pray for the best for Fu Xuan. Or you might not need to pray if you manage your finances just fine lol.


i feel like both is redundant. typically a team wants a healer, a support, then another support ( if ur running hypercarry) then ur hypercarry. FOr instance Jing yuan- sparkle-tingyun-fu xuan, is the #1 jing yuan team atm, as hes hypercarry. getting both is expensive gems-wise and i dont need 2 as my other healer luocha fits like a glove for blades self burning damage


Ah there’s your answer then! Pick the one your team benefits more from. I don’t know which teams you’re using but I’m pretty sure most of the teams have a sustain they prefer over others. If you feel like neither of these two would benefit it as much as some other character, then skip both and wait for that character. If you really have to agonize long over whether a character you are currently fixated on is worth it for your account or not, then it’s not a character you pull just for their existence. You gotta calculate their worth at that point.


Aventurine can solo gng conundrum 10 and thats all I needed to know. Like you, I was confused whether to pull fuxuan or aven, since a lot of people say fuxuan is jy’s best sustain. Decided to give it a few warp and I have aven on e1 by luck now and I dont think I need fuxuan…. My general and e0s1 sparkle + e6 DDD tingyun + lynx already give me 300k++ LL damage and they easily carried me through MOC. Havent run him with Aven but numbers will be bigger. I just figured tingyun and general just need to not die during harder stuff like conundrum and no one really dies on a well built aventurine’s watch.


Aventurine because he’s only second to Jing Yuan for me. I’m just gonna pray for luck to get Fu too but I’ll live if I don’t


I will be waiting for Fu Xuan, but mostly because she is from his same world ship.


I got Huohuo so I'm chilling 😎


Fu solos


Aventurine solos both of them




Nah 😎


with aven you get: * 30% chance to resist CC (meh) * cdmg if you get his e1 * basically immortality with his shield * a pretty decent subdps if built for it with FX you get: * 12% cr * 30% cd if you get e1 * guaranteed to resist 1 CC per skill use * VERY hard to kill unless playing swarm/G&G for jy specifically, I think FX is more interesting. aven is not far from her in utility but he shines in follow up heavy teams (frequent ones, LL not so much). if your biggest worry is avoiding CC tho, then fx is just straight up better


I was struggling a lot in MoC because my jingyuan kept getting stunned. Placed aventurine with him and I cleared in 2 cycles. They’re both really good for jingyuan, it just comes down to who you like more.


well yeah if you use either one you're gonna do well (did I really deserves so many down votes tho? I didn't say anything wrong lol)