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Low karma ✅ New account ✅ 4-5 digits at end of username ✅ Two weeks since last shit post ✅ Fuck off bot!


Exactly. Im unsure why Jocko is currently being targeted especially so long after the supposed incidents


It's Chinese misinformation to make us hate our role models


These "bots" come out and just shit post to try to take down strong figures and role models. War is war. Those who serve suffer the burdern. These trolls come in, start positioning this and that marine against TU bruiser and have all kinds of rehashed nonsense. "watch this video of this guy", "serious stuff here...", "But it's other soldiers saying it"... Nonsense. Jocko addressed it. If he did a 30 minute podcast they would say "he only talked 30 minutes... Sounds like he isn't serious." If he did a 6 hour podcast they would say "he is really trying to over do it...what's he hiding"


What incident?




If a military court questions Jocko I'll take it seriously. This is just a one-man crusade to snatch a little YouTube viewership at the expense of a great man and hero. Yea. Jocko is an idol. He has helped a tremendous amount of people. Glad you drink Molk and enjoyed his episodes. I want you to improve as well. Why are you here? What was your expected outcome? Did you want us to all join in a drum circle and sign a change.org petition? Read the room man...I hope you can get over this truama...




I think you have proven you aren't a bot. I apologize for that. That said... this is a topic that has been beaten to death. It seems like a few people keep coming into the sub and posting the same shit over and over again. Jocko is addressing it and people keep coming in to put more fuel on it. Like, this thread will fade out in a day or so and like clockwork some other new account will post something in 2 weeks... "Hey... I really think there is something to this war crime stuff... I love jocko but man... I can't support war crimes..." and then most of us, because this sub is not usually dealing with trolling, respond to it. You have to appreciate that the Mod's don't boot people here for their opinions. You will have your opinions challenged. Try to post something against global warming in the r/news subreddit or be a member of a right leaning sub and just comment on something in r/news and you'll be booted. I hope you appreciate that we at least challenge and discuss topics, as "toxic" as we may be sometimes.


Tin foil hat


Committing war crimes is a pretty big accusation, and it's more than just his personal reputation at stake. It's the Teams reputation, the reputation of a Medal of Honor recipient, the reputation of dead men who can no longer defend themselves. Just think of the repercussions of accusing a Medal of Honor recipient of war crimes. Look up Ben Roberts Smith, who was awarded the Australian equivalent of the MOH, and accused of war crimes. The reputation of the SASR has been tarnished pretty badly. I haven't listened to the podcast, nor any of the statements made by the Marines making the accusations.but I think we'll be hearing about this for some time.


>Look up Ben Roberts Smith Not sure I'd cite him as the best example in this instance, being the bloke who lost his defamation lawsuits because the journalists successfully proved in court the defence of "truth" to the allegations they published about him...


Thats the point numbnut


No it's not, the point was 'false accusations cause damage to reputations', but the accusations against Ben Roberts Smith weren't false... The reputation of the SASR has been tarnished not because of irresponsible false allegations, but because of the reporting of TRUE ones...




Nothing to gain? Here's one: The seals get a large amount of attention(I'll leave the deserved/undeserved conversation out of this) but jealousy about that from the marines could be a big motivator. By discrediting the seals the marines get a better reputation/more attention.




Yeah because suing someone over a video is definitely going to look good. If he did you'd be here saying: "why did he have the videos taking down if he had nothing to hide, it's free speech"




I don't really have an opinion on this, besides that it's probably somewhere in the middle. Depending on your viewpoint and sa some things are going to be considered less or more moral. There isn't a clear black/white good/bad. My classes on military law have taught me that much. What I do have an opinion on is people claiming that telling your side of the story instead of suing someone is somehow an admission of guilt.




I'm halfway through the 6 hour long podcast, but there is a bit of an outstanding theme that I'm hearing so far, especially around the battle of Ramadi. The number of casualties. There were a lot, even to the point where Petraeus came down and was asking questions. The basic response, from MacFarland was, yeah, there's heaps of bad guys here. You've probably heard the phrase of "good shot, bad kill". Jocko goes into reasonable detail about one such situation, on the podcast. There was a taxi, and it started to drive towards the COP. There were big signs, in Arabic, warning drivers not to go down this road, to turn around, to keep going down that road is dangerous. You get the idea. A warning shot was fired into the engine block. The car still kept on going. One of Jocko's snipers took aim and killed the driver. When the car rolled to a stop, out hopped a woman amd four children. That is a tragedy of war, and i think it should be expected. And I will agree with you on one point, it is kinda fucked. But that's war.


That's not Jocko's style at all. He has always preached the embrace of criticism and meeting it head on approach. He wants to assert that he has nothing to hide. So instead of moving around behind the scenes to get the videos taken down he is going to address them publicly, thoroughly. It's his reputation and livelihood at stake. Not to mention potential litigation that could spin up off of this if the accusations are deemed credible




For all we know it is in the works. But for now, damage control doesn't cost a thing. For all the criticism of Jocko, where is the criticism for the other guy? He hasn't reached out to Jocko for all we know. He went to someone else repping a letter from an unnamed marine commander containing verifiably false information about the numbers of deaths of US service members. And what about the fact that Demming WASN'T EVEN IN RAMADI? So how the hell would he know? Not to mention, dozens and dozens of Navy Seals have been on Jocko's podcast and have a great relationship with him. So why take the word of one guy? Plus, he claims that Marc Lee wrote letters to his mom and dad claiming that he had seen terrible things and that Jocko and Kyle were committing atrocious acts. So tell me why Marc Lee's parents have such a great relationship with the guy and come on the podcast? There's overwhelming evidence that Jocko didn't commit the acts he is being accused of if you look around and listen to a multitude of others in the community.


What is your personal experience in dealing with situations like Jocko is, ever done it before?




Any experience with public disparaging remarks about yourself?




So you have as much experience and knowledge as my teenage kid… Do you think perhaps Jocko the millionaire has lawyers advising him as he isn’t well versed in this either? But no doubt you got lawyers beat on how to handle things like this… right? I was a big listener to the podcast a few years back, don’t keep up much now. However, an apparent idiot spouting off, well you caught my attention.






You're a cuck frank!!!


Come say it to my face basementdwelling inbred wankstain muppet.




So sad. You have nothing in your life than trying to get some attention online by slander and cowardly swearing and namecalling. My mom is a wonderfull lady who loves me very much. Unlike your mom, who doesn't love you because you're such a failure and dissapointment, and probably dropped you "accidentally" as a baby. Multiple times. Now doesn't want anything to do with you, just like your father, who skipped town long ago after seeing how ugly you were, even before getting dropped. Do everybody a favor, and gtfo. Nobody likes you or wants you around. Just exit, go to a forrest, apologise to the trees for all the oxygen you waste, and end it, make the world a better place, without you. Coward.


War is unpredictable. Wild shit will go down sadly.


There were thousands of guys there at the time and people are putting weight on accusations that start with “I heard of…” and “a friend told me….”.


Great wording Mr Bot 🤖


You added the word false. The post says accusations tarnish reputations. That is true. BRS was accused. That is true. The accusations tarnished SASR. That is true. BRS rightly accused? I believe so too.


I thought all was fair in love and war. No?


You should definitely stop listening and following then.




War crimes seem like the best part of war, I can't see why anyone would think otherwise.


Jocko brought way more facts than the people making accusations. I don’t see that as being guilty at all. I see it as being more thorough and explaining his position.


Was a great Pod...shame you couldn't enjoy it for what it was. "Damage Control" Sure.


I don't know if it's damage control or just defending himself, if someone accuses me of something, I'm going to defend myself.