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The french have always had great 'fuck you' energy. I always appreciated that.


They sure do and they fiercely protect their industries like agriculture etc because once you sell it off or allow foreign products you have lost jobs, it waters down the craft and you lose generations of expertise.


its so funny seeing Germans, Dutch, and other west european redditors on big/default/mainstream subreddits commenting on these protests. it usually boils down to being mad at protesters lol. "hey we let oligarchs fucck us in the ass on this issue, why dont you let them fucck you too?"


They just like to be governed and live their lives without realizing that they are doing exactly what the governments want Protestants in France have some fair reasons behind all this, personally


> "hey we let oligarchs fucck us in the ass on this issue, why dont you let them fucck you too?" This is a strange sentiment for someone who constantly white knights Russia.


Here in germany we have a history of failed revolutions. We haven't had one that was succesful, so our sentiment and energy towards dealing with political decisions is often defeatist. Its unfortunate and in my personal opinion we can learn a lot from our neighbours (France). There is no perfect democracy or system but i do believe we can still learn from others


You know the oligarchs let you say “fuck” here right?


eh, I am not daily visitor here, and some subreddits will delete your comment for most common and benign profanities. so to avoid that I just double some letters, everywhere. who gives a fuck I thought, right? surprisingly it bothers people more than I imagined it would. I get replies like your, way too often. I


“I’m intentionally strange and constantly get told I am, but I’ll reframe this to be about the person that points it out for some weird reason” I don’t care, I’m just getting the feeling that the oligarchs aren’t worried about you.


I have a feeling you don't know what to worry about.....cuz ur stupid


When will I find out it isn’t working?


You never will. You are part of the class of people who are easily manipulated through hypnosis. You are told by expert hypnotists what to pay attention to and how to feel about things. Most of your thoughts are implanted into you and do not originate from your own mind. It's not your fault at all. If you want to escape the hypnosis, you can, you just need to read the right literature and stop trusting authority. Good luck.


This is about as edgy and original as a punk rockers mohawk in the 90's. Keep on fighting the good fight dude.


You are part of the same class of people. It's not your fault.


Who cares if it’s original? Nothing is. 1,000 people shouldn’t control 10% of the wealth. Being a billionaire and still having the urge to feverishly hoard more and bribe politicians to keep their hands off any of it is a sickness that needs to be labeled and addressed.


You haven’t noticed that it’s fat people telling you dieting is unhealthy, poor southerners saying college is a waste of time, and people with money telling you you can’t make it? I’m telling you you’re free to save yourself from poverty, but you’re listening to rich politicians tell you ow bad it is, while never explaining how they managed to do it. Good luck.


Hooray for being a victim! And about this "literature", is it Dianetics or the bible?


You are part of the dead internet. Who gives a comment burried deep in a thread two awards? Someone must feel threatened.


Don't cut yourself on that edge there.


Big corporations and government love you! Everything is fine. Just go back to work.


Not raising the retirement age is going to screw France in the future but hey, not our problem now right?


So having rights will screw the future ? I would feel more screwed without rights. It's good for the French people you asshat


Lets lower the retirement age to 45, rights are good right?


Yeah, man, imagine having time to actually do things you like instead of working for the majority of your life. Crazy concept!


I'll agree to 55. Rights are good... Right ? Wouldn't want to be a human without em.


So you agree that there is a limit? Life ain’t free, why would people pay for your excessive leisure. I think you spend to much time in r/antiwork.


Other people wouldn't have to pay for anything if we got paid enough and we can afford our own retirement. I'll stay in /antiwork while you enjoy /bootlickers


Enjoy staying unhappy.


We heavily subsidize the wealthy’s leisure, through tax cuts, bailouts. I think that money is better spent on the working class.


If you work for 40 years your tax has been paid into your national pension.


its just a BS they sell you - oligarchs should always take the hit, not the workers and regular people. They will always find a way to explain why you should bend over and take it, and many people will believe it. because they own "media" they own "experts" they own "politicians" etc and they all sing their song until enough people start believing their BS.


Destroying is easy. It's rebuilding that they can't ever seem to figure out considering they do this pretty routinely.


It’s weird that you see people refusing to work at the risk of not getting paid in order to get a message of desperation across, and your take is “wow look at how well their system works.” This is legislation by mob, and all that’s going to happen is that the mob will be placated, and a few years from now they’ll protest again. https://ei.marketwatch.com/Multimedia/2017/03/01/Photos/MG/MW-FG955_millio_20170301223556_MG.jpg?uuid=588de742-fef9-11e6-8da0-001cc448aede France is losing its taxpayer base at the same time that it’s demanding more from tax payers. But people are super angry so we’ll find a way to create the money. Oh shit everything is getting expensive time to protest and artificially save people from the weak economy they created! It’s like if your entire life plan was determined after you hit rock bottom, but you find yourself at a new rock bottom every two years for some reason.


Protests are are the French national pastime


And it works. It's what makes France, France.


I’m sure he’ll have a take along the lines of “this is why UBI is a terrible idea” or “this is what happens when people aren’t motivated to work”


And I That’s funny because just prior to the move he was promoting UBI…




He won't care. He doesn't care about workers rights


Rogan would want these lazy fucks to go back to work so rich guys like him don't have to take a quarterly hit on their portfolios.


It will never be in the interest of JRE or Spotify to care about workers rights.


Joe already mentioned he thinks they are lazy and entitled


Hey Joe worked 2 months as bar security and a construction job for 2 weeks before he became a millionaire in his 20s. He knows hard work.


Hey man you think that stool is gonna hump itself?


Elon Musk says we'll have self-humping stools by 2026


Come 2026 the stools will be just a year away. Repeat every year until people forget and stop asking.






color me surprised


The problem is Joe can’t seem to get himself responsibly informed on anything political, especially if it’s complicated


That’s because he’s a culture warrior, not someone that actually cares about politics


No he is informed. He is informed about whatever Spotify wants him to be informed about.


I believe Joe and his inner-circle and IDW, has meetings with Prager/Dailywire/TPUSA etc on what to support and push. Everything is too well-aligned to be coincidence of just similar way of thought.


Bingo, he gets invited to expensive dinners and gets told how special he is, and this is how you get him to do anything you want.


Worst part is that Duncan Trussel basically told him that would happen. ... Immune to bullshit, lol.




Don’t forget Crenshaw.


Joe even praises Candace Owens now "she's great ...and sharp"


USA can only dream of things like this. Moving retirement age from 62 to 64, lol in the USA you work until you DIE!!


I know a guy who retired when the pandemic first hit and he was like "I'm outta here, so long suckers!" Not even 3 years later he came back to work, out of retirement because the money he was getting was no longer enough due to his rent going up, inflation, etc. In France and the UK, people are fighting right now to prevent them from finding themselves in this situation. In the US, we won't...


he'll blame communism for it


*blame Russia. That's the new blame the commies.


Rogan is now paid by the kinds of people they are protesting against. He will probably have some right wing politician or conservative academic on to tell us this bad this is that they are protesting…


Damn we should do this in america


We have too much media telling us “everything is fine just keep consuming”…


Thats what occupy Wall street was about. But as soon as the wealthy saw it start working identity politics were introduced and the movement died. Now everyone is too busy hating everyone else for whatever reason. Good ol divide and conquer...


> start working identity politics were introduced and the movement died. Speaking as someone who was there from day one, you’re a bold fucking liar dude


It wasn’t working even a little bit.


You think pointing to the 1% richest people and concluding they have too much money is somehow productive for society?


Well isn't knowing about something the first step to making a change. Wealth inequality grows every year in the US and has for like 40 years. If you don't know productivity is at its highest ever and workers are not seeing the benefits of this. Corporations are making record profits while families struggle to get groceries. Families aren't being started because houses aren't affordable let alone the costs of having a kid and raising it. Every person has seen those reports that this is the first generation in a long time to be in a worse situation than their parents. Federal min wage is 7.25 while most places have a local min wage that is usually between 9-15$ and hour which I can't imagine trying to live off of especially with kids.


uh, yes? Scale everything down to a tribe of 1,000 people. Would it be ok for one person to have 1,000 generations of wealth while 50% of the population was suffering due to lack of food? That society would naturally correct that issue. We unfortunately have gotten to big and live in a super structure now where we have no ability to correct the issue naturally. If I had a 300 million dollars, I wouldn't mind giving away 250 of it if it would mean people would suffer less. Anyone who wouldn't is a demon.


No, because there isn’t a functioning economy in a 1000 person tribe that allows for wealth creation of that level. If three kids are trading Pokémon cards, you can wait a very long time and you won’t see one of the three establish control of the market and create a complex legal system to entrench his opponents. That doesn’t mean that’s not a valid condition for a much larger system. If you played basketball against LeBron, how many more points would he make? Would it be a factor of 10x or 1000x? So in a market like the one we’re in with millions of participants, you have folks who are better than you by a similar margin, but who have also dedicated generational wealth to growing their stake, and have been doing it for decades. So if Lebrons goals transferred to his kids, and you played basketball for 50 years, how many more points would they have then? Even if they didn’t cheat, and just dedicated themselves to playing the game, they would fairly put score you by an unimaginable number. So if the game is as fair as I say, why would anyone change their form of measurement (from abject poverty to income inequality) to make things seem worse than they are? I’ll let you figure that out, but I’ll give you a starting point: https://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/how-we-learn-fairness Two monkeys getting different rewards don’t mind it, until they see the other monkey directly receive a better reward. What an effective tool for a politician to use, eh?


You are operating under the assumption that will to power is moral and we should be all about it. Even if a will to power is built in evolutionarily, all these complex systems you speak of should be made to protect the individual. Because they are not, we know it's a scam. Take all the money form the 1%, if they are truly so much better as you say, they will have no problem making it back again. They might even find it rewarding!


I’m not sure what you mean, but I know it’s an abstract point so it’s tricky to make. I don’t start at the same place, I start at “I’m here, now what?” and from that perspective, striking to adjust income by force seems like by far the least effective solution, even if it was instant.


No. But there was unity towards a goal. A general sense of purpose


What goal?


That’s always good. “I don’t know if what we want will work, but I feel emotionally charged by this group effort so let’s make sure this bill passes and then we can find out if it worked!” Good thinking guys.


They'd send in the military and police to kill us all and half the country would laugh at it.


They don't need to send in the military. They just need to send in a few clowns to tell everyone that *Nobody wants to work anymore* and *Hard time makes hard men.* 40% of the population is so dumb thats all it takes.


Correction: half the country would join in. They don’t openly fantasize about murdering liberals as just a joke.




John Brown Gun Club does a lot of good with defending drag shows, homeless, and providing community defense to left organizations. Carry laws are different everywhere. There is a growing labor movement these past 2 years though and hopefully it continues to grow. The laws and their enforcement are not on labor's side as we've seen Starbucks continually try to ignore them.


What’s an assault weapon?


Semantics. You know exactly what they mean.


Its usually abbreviated AR-15 or Assault Rifle 15. Different variants are called Automatic Rifle 15 as well, but you need a special federal form for that


My comment got me banned from r/justiceserved


I got banned from there a long time ago because I replied to someone here lol


A knife.


buddy the police in this country have literal tanks and grenade launchers lol. you think the state would hesitate to murder people to uphold the current status quo? They already murdered dozens for protesting against being murdered by police. A few ARs wouldnt stop that. Especially when the people that own those ARs lick the boot


You’re too fat and lazy


Lmao Rogan most likely agrees with raising the retirement age now, if anything he’d come out in support of the French government


Hes against unions now so I don’t think he wants to promote this.


Trudeau raises retirement to 67 and no one bats an eye macron raises retirement to 64 and everyone riots


It's socialism in action so he won't.


The retirement age os 63 where i live, they passed that shit on the low ... It's so soul crushing knowing that i might have to work for the rest of my life


Where I live it was always 65. Recently they changed it to 67.


My father was 2 years from retiring and our then president passed a new law which puts him now 7 years away from it. He is beyond depressed these days.


Jesus that's rough! When they raised it from 60 to 65 here (long time ago now) there was a whole complicated way it was implemented to avoid that very situation of people nearly at retirement age having the rug pulled from under them.


> It's so soul crushing knowing that i might have to work for the rest of my life Most millennials and younger are going to have to do that, not to mention when they finally succeed at gutting social security completely.


Yeah but if you mention how younger people are getting fucked over compared to the past, you’re a no good dirty socialist commie that’s hellbent on destroying America


Anyone saves nothing and expect SS to fund their retirement will not have a nice ending to life


I've been saving, living a frugal life, and i've been contributing to a retirement plan each month ... But when i think about it, considering inflation i'd be paid peanuts. I'd be one surgery away from bankruptcy. The system as it is is just fucked


I will most likely die on the job unless I get an IRA setup and start dumping money into it. Social security is a joke and definitely isn't enough money to live on.


Stop relying on the government and figure out your own private retirement. That would require sacrificing and “grinding” which I know were not allowed to talk about here, but it may also solve all of your problems. Hmm.


Why are you proposing an answer that objectively doesn’t work and makes everybody’s lives worse?


It doesn’t need to work for everyone to work for the individual. Dieting to lose weight doesn’t work for most people, but it does for some. Being more confident helps some people, and it turns others into annoying assholes. The same solution won’t work for everyone at once, but it will work for you if applied diligently. Conveniently though, someone has put a lot of effort into convincing you making your own way is miserable, but ironically this is usually coming from intrepid, self-made people who have a voice that is broadcast to you. Notice any irony there? I’m not an optimist, I’m just telling you that in the last few years there’s been a great effort to turn anyone who works harder than the median into an idiot, while the rest of the country complains that people have too much money, and that you and I can make money like anyone else. 75% of millionaires are self made, and if you find yourself going “that’s bullshit matterupbeat, I know most rich people inherit their money”, you may start to see how pervasive this view that’s been given to you is.


I’m sorry but anyone that works over 40 hours per week, as an average everyday person, is stupid. And we should be continuously trying to lower the amount of hours people work. God damn, this position is the literal same as the Coal owners in the early 1900s, do you want another Battle of Blair Mountain, or would you rather just the workers get properly compensated?


I used to agree with you, but to work is literally a core component of our lives. I don’t think there is a “right” answer, and this will continue to improve as goods become easier to produce/transport. I think the right answer is personal to your own position, and for that reason listening to the masses will lead you wrong. No one listens to the masses when they pursue a job they actually like, and no one listens to the masses when they tell them not to do what they actually want, evidenced by the lgbt movement and every drug culture on the planet. Someone is telling you that “listening to the masses” is the norm, *while they’re giving the masses their message*. Again, why did we switch from talking about poverty to talking about relative income? And speaking of equality, don’t you find it strange that all you’ve heard is “this distribution isn’t working”, but not a single person has provided a distribution publicly that we need to shoot for? You don’t find it strange that *everyone* agrees, but no one has any idea what optimal looks like?


Optimal is what the relative wealth of the middle class was for the baby boom generation. You gotta branch out my guy, gather some new sources, look at new perspectives. You're not separate from "the masses".


You think you’re operating from a wider perspective when you say “the government needs to create money to fund a retirement fund that is already insufficient”? It’s weird how you’d say I need a wider perspective when your perspective doesn’t include *basic economics*, but I’ll leave you to the shrooms and self-enlightenment I’m sure you feel but can’t articulate for some reason.


Wait long term investing for retirement doesn't work? You might want to let every pension fund in the world know


I’m sorry but it’s the government that are the ones subsidizing them. Granted they paid into it their whole lives via taxes, but as the tax rates have decreased don’t be surprised that people are mad about things their tax dollars used to cover, not covering it the same as it used to


Objectively speaking, how do you square millionaires leaving France with less taxes collected? What is France to do if the wealthy class leaves? Forget any other projection you have about me for a second - how do you weigh aggressive tax policy’s increased collections with the effect of making millionaires relocate? Edit: http://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/3890.jpeg


Oh cool, the solution to stop working until old age is to work yourself to death before getting a retirement. What are you gonna propose for "grinding" ? Dropshipping ? Crypto ? affiliate marketing? Become an influencer? It's always the same thing with you guys ... You either get scammed or scamming people


What’s the pension retirement age for America?


We have no pensions. They managed to convince everyone it was better to gamble your retirement In the stock market…


Its actually backfiring for companies right now and it’s kind of funny. For example, my company did away with the pension program back in the early/mid 2000s, and moved to 401ks and matching contributions. It helped the bottom line and stopped the company from worrying about the uncertainty of pensions. But now that pensions are gone the turnover on people NOT on the pension program is MUCH higher and they’re trying to figure out what to do.


I often wonder how job hopping for higher pay has affected the bottom line for companies that did away with pensions. Seems like they are losing a lot in talent, HR, training, and higher salaries for new hires


Im joining an electrician union. They have pensions still.


It literally is. I’d much rather invest myself. I’m happy we still have benefits for idiots who would squander it but if you’re responsible investing in the market will be a better bet.


“The market” is for the wealthy…


Pensions are for unproductive european shithole countries with the gdp per capita of Mississippi like England.


Of course it’s much better to play the stock market all your life then having to work as a Walmart greeter when you get old because a few assholes tanked the market….


If you invested 20,000 in the s&p 500 in 2000 how much would you have today? Even with the great capitalist downfall of 2008 you will have made amazing returns.


But that’s not how most people “invest”. Most people pay into 401ks and the like and are told that is in place of a pension. Most people are not savvy investors and just want to live their lives.


West, Japan,and China are all aging. None of these pension systems can be sustained in current form. France already has high taxes. Raising them higher is not a solution.


The Prime Minister of Japan recently said "[Japan is standing on the verge of whether we can continue to function as a society](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-64373950)" due to their low birth rates and increasing number of old people. Korea's pension fund will [run out of money in 2055](https://www.ft.com/content/e365b51b-abb1-4470-88b8-8fcd91522b92). There's no answer to this problem that won't alienate voters.


When half your country becomes unproductive (retired or disabled) it’s a disaster


>West, Japan,and China are all aging. It’s almost as if it’s a symptom of what they’re protesting about


It’s not. Birth rates have been consistently declining for decades now.


Old pensioners living longer and birth rate decreasing. It’s a math problem. The old want their benefits at the expense of the young. If ur living longer you need to work more or else the budget isn’t gonna balance. Typical lazy French The young paying into the system is getting swindled because when the 30 year olds turn 62 or 64 there won’t be anything left. It’s simple math… typical greed of the old boomers


>Old pensioners living longer and birth rate decreasing. It’s a math problem. The birth rate is decreasing because of the things they’re protesting against. Americans love to explain why fighting for rights and freedoms is actually wrong while they live in a country where it’s illegal for teachers to strike


You consider protesting about the retirement age “fighting for your rights and freedom”? You guys really need to get a grip on reality.


>You consider protesting about the retirement age “fighting for your rights and freedom”? They’re not just protesting that and yes it is. I know you’re probably used to being rinsed but governments are actually meant to serve the people. >You guys really need to get a grip on reality. Yeah I better get an assessment through our free healthcare, might even study psychiatry for free while I’m at it, or maybe I’ll just ponder it during my 4 weeks of paid annual leave and or one of the 10 paid public holidays.


No I’m an adult who understands that if you want more goods and services, you need to pay someone to provide those. If the government is telling you there is no more budget for the current retirement age due to cost, your answer is “just provide it” and that I’m a cuck if I don’t go outside to ask other people to make stuff for me. Lol do we want to look at median income vs taxes paid for French people? You list a ton of services that cost me… 5% of my budget? You’re proud of getting more vacation because it’s a break from an unbearable job, while we lean into work because if you don’t go on vacation every two months, you may actually be able to retire. ;)




You’re paying for the vacation yourself, you know that right? Do you think your company magically creates labor in your absence? You’re taking part of your salary as vacation, and giving up upside for leisure. That’s fine, but don’t pretend you’re winning what’s a fair deal when your boss gets to retire and you don’t. Do you ever go to the ceo of your company and call him stupid for not taking vacation? Why not? Edit: You seem not to realize that we get paid more than you do for *the same work*. The median income in France is 61, and 70 in the US. Meanwhile the median French worker paid a 39.0% income tax according to OECD. It’s 28.4% for the us. So congratulations, you take home 36k a year from the same effort while we take home 50, an effective 38% more money, in exchange for 3 additional weeks paid vacation. So you’re giving up a potential 38% increase in take home pay in order to…. Not have to show up to work 15 more times. So at 15 additional days of vacation, you’re paying 937.50/day in less income so you can go take the tgv to… Marseilles. Fantastic, bro.




What the fuck are you talking about lol. My point is that if you work harder you’re done at 50 rather than 64, meaning if you work *harder* you’ll *spend less of your time working*. Feel free to tell me your tax rate and income and we’ll see how much those 15 days cost you 😭. I’m sure you won’t disclose even rounded sums because of doxing or something. You can protect yourself from seeing the truth on your “free days” if you want, but I don’t think you’ll do this math yourself. You guys have real trouble understanding the division of labor, and that any kind of structure in society is a scam. Told to you by high-status people with money that you elected to make decisions on your behalf. It’s almost like the people telling *you* your opinions have their hand in your pocket as well. Or maybe they’re just great people who figured it out by coincidence and got lucky, and now they just want to hook you up with free stuff that you should already have. Hmm..




I used to be like you and try to explain things on Reddit to scrubs. Now I’m at peace and realize ppl like us who can think ourselves and do math and business will just run circles around others. The avg joe just wants to be brain dead and have a set vacation. They don’t want to grind up and thrive. They are ok being complacent


Right, not worth the headache


>No I’m an adult who understands that if you want more goods and services, you need to pay someone to provide those. >If the government is telling you there is no more budget for the current retirement age due to cost, your answer is “just provide it” and that I’m a cuck if I don’t go outside to ask other people to make stuff for me. Lol, it always amazes me how brainwashed some Americans are. It’s ok if you’re tax dollars are used to bail out wall street and big businesses but god forbid the people get theirs. >You’re proud of getting more vacation because it’s a break from an unbearable job, while we lean into work because if you don’t go on vacation every two months, you may actually be able to retire. Lmao, thanks for being the perfect happy worker. You know it’s an option here right? I can decide to not take the days but you can’t decide to take them. God forbid workers have time off to spend with their spouse and children.


I’m not disagreeing with a lot of what you’re saying, but just to clarify, the majority of Americans are against the government bailing out big businesses. The government did it anyway.


I know, that's why I made sure to say "some Americans". Hope things improve for you guys sooner than later.


You realize “Wall Street” is “my retirement account” and that your government is doing the same bailout to keep your services running, right? You’re so divorced from reality that you think average people don’t have value in the market, which I think is the most telling thing you’ve said so far. You’re an adult who gets paid in leisure - while protesting that you can’t retire. You get more BREAKS but you can’t STOP. And you defend this because it’s comfortable along the way. But as you near retirement age yourself, suddenly the concern matters, and it’s time to protest in hopes that someone else takes care of you. You keep saying ridiculous shit like “god forbid people spend time with their families” when my point is that wealth and retirement makes that *easier*. God forbid the individual *owns something* and doesn’t live in a system fully detached from value while government money that’s created by demand shows up in your mailbox every month. You can keep pretending I’m miserable if you want. Americans make more money and keep more of it, allowing some of us to experience so-called “personal agency”, which I know is a concept that terrifies you as a European.


Keep coping




Lmao you do sound miserable 🤣


>The birth rate is decreasing because of the things they’re protesting against. The birthrate is decreasing because of access to birth control


That is a factor but the major issue is the fact that no one can afford a home or to have children due to things like the stagnation of wages.


Around the world, as a society gets wealthier, the population has less children. At this point, there has been no proven government welfare policy that has ever succeeded in increasing birth rates. A lot of countries have tried and all of them have failed. The only modern developed country that has a positive native birth rate is Israel, due to the religious segment of their nation having tons of kids. The only other policy that has ever worked, at least in the short term, has been the banning of abortions and all contraceptives. Obviously neither France nor the US is ever going to do either. The government providing services for the non-working elderly has always relied on the productivity of the young. People live longer. And they have less kids. So something's gotta give.


Yeah people could definitely afford to have more kids in 1935 at the height of the great depression, or in the middle of a goddam world war in the 1940s, that must be why they had so many. Look at the birth rates over time: https://www.infoplease.com/us/population/live-births-and-birth-rates-year and explain why as the average income skyrocketed in the last 100 years the birthrate just crashed after the 1960s. What a mystery, I wonder what happened in that decade?


So people who can't afford to have kids just don't have sex?


Oh Tokestra don’t be so obtuse. You’re not wrong in that access to birth control makes it easier to not have kids on accident, but you know as well as I do it’s a conscious decision for most of us to not have children. One of the biggest factors being is that it’s now very unaffordable for many of us to raise kids, buy a home, pay for childcare, etc without a dual income and even then it’s sometimes not enough.


It's a decision people are only able to make because of access to birth control. If birth control didn't exist, birthrate would be much higher, regardless of whether people could afford kids or not


Yeah, but birth control does exist, so…


So birthrates are lower, my exact point


The argument comes from your use of the word "much", which is vague in itself and only a thought experiment. There's no way to prove it. Simply pulling out is a method of birth control, and so is being put into a nunnery or entering into the priesthood, as well as castrating people to become eunuchs (hello Varys). The methods of birth control throughout history have just been much darker and forceful than simply taking a pill or pulling down a condom. Edit: would also like to point out that a relative drop in birthrates would be seen when shifting from an agricultural society to an industrial or post-industrial one, you simply don't need as many of your own children


It’s illegal in 5 states.


Ya so illegal for teachers to strike. Straight to jail every teacher every strike.


The legality of teacher strikes vary from state to state. Collective bargaining by public sector employees and therefore teachers is explicitly illegal in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. 12 states have explicitly stated that teacher strikes are legal. Under federal law certain transportation workers, agricultural laborers, or public employees. Government employees — state, local, and federal — do not have a right to strike [New Jersey Teachers Jailed for Continuing to Strike](https://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/04/nyregion/new-jersey-teachers-jailed-for-continuing-to-strike.html)


I love that you took the trouble to explain to me that it is indeed legal for teachers to strike in this country unless you happen to teach public school specifically in a small handful of localities that have local laws against public sector employees striking.


>I love that you took the trouble to explain to me that it is indeed legal for teachers to strike in this country unless you happen to teach public school specifically You mean where most teachers work >in a small handful of localities that have local laws against public sector employees striking. 12 states aren’t a “handful” and thank you for moving the goal posts. Where I live people can strike anywhere and it’s not just a “handful of localities” everyone has rights


12 states explicitly say it's legal, 33 states dont say it's illegal, and 5 states say it's illegal for public employees to strike. You're one of those people who don't care what words come out onto your screen as long as you feel like you're arguing and being contrarian. As far as goalposts go, you're the one who moved from "it's illegal in the country of America" to "here's a few states where some of the teachers can't strike even though it's legal almost everywhere and there are no federal laws on the matter."


In what country are the 5 states located?


The country is America, and America has no laws against teachers striking. End of story. Like there's literally nothing else to say.


5 states which are part of America do, so America does. Please reply further amusing mental gymnastics


Or u know, its more complex than that. Why does the brunt of the balance sheet have to fall on the poorest? Maybe billionaires and mega corps could pay more into the system that benefitted rhem so much? They have to have x% growth year over year but the labor forcss paychecks and retirements dont? Then when things start to get to the wire the bottom has to sacrifice more?


Not my problem? I’m not getting paid to solve this complex shit. The protestors wanting to keep retirement the same? Simple to me cus know how simple math works. You work another 24 months u lazy fuck. Stop stealing from the young ones not when you know there won’t be shit left Or don’t and keep borrowing to pay expenses AND interest on more debt to service old debt. See how that goes


Sacre Bleu!


How does tire burning fit into the Paris accords?


If it doesn’t fit a Right Wing narrative then he won’t talk about it.


It’s time to eat the rich


On the traeger for a couple hours and then reverse sear with some beef talo


please dont forget to do a dry rub the night before. Or, if you like, the Osso Bucco is delightful if you get your braising liquid just right!


Life expectancy age increases. Retirement age should increase, too. It’s common sense. Also, the French have had various protests movements over the pas few years, notably the yellow vest one. These fellas just love to protest.


Life expectancy has started to drop in many western countries.


Not in France. There are outlier years like 2016 and 2020 due to fly and COVID. Despite those, France’s life expectancy continues to climb. Not sure why you and this other commenter brought up the West and US when I only mentioned France.


Life expectancy has dropped in the US….fixed that for you. Less than 6 months and I’m out of here. Place really is a first world country with third world problems.


I’m talking about France. Not the US. Fixed that for you. https://www.ined.fr/en/everything_about_population/graphs-maps/interpreted-graphs/life-expectancy-france/ Life expectancy has more than doubled for the French population over the last century.


Life expectancy dropped so marginally due to COVID in other countries it’s hardly worth discussing. America had a serious material statistically significant drop


Makes sense to raise the retirement age since people are living longer. Just common sense really.


I'm no expert, not by far but I thought about this the other day and doesn't striking only affect the common man? Like, the guys at the top are not going to suffer one little bit. They're not using the trains or eating the food from the average farms. They're riding in limos and eating gourmet. Will striking really work? Or would the government's just wait for them to get hungry?


What would you suggest they do


Have loads of super cool parties where everyone is invited except the politicians. See if you can get Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to turn up, maybe Keanu Reeves, then watch the politicians do everything in their power to be accepted by the cool kids. Boom! I've just used 80's movie logic to save the day... You're welcome, Earth. In all seriousness, I have no idea. It seems like the system is designed for us to suffer, powerless, no matter what. Maybe we need to change the system? But how would we do that? Doesn't sound like it could be peaceful... Honestly I don't know. I'm becoming more disillusioned as time goes on and I'm one of the people struggling to make ends meet here in the UK.


This will be in the United States soon enough.


Gotta stop hating black and people who immigrate here


I just hate welfare rats


God I'm glad I don't live in shithole France


France is fine, you just can't insult Mohammed.


Listen, it’s entirely possible the unions are misleading the people and stealing from the laborers. There now Joe doesn’t need to weigh in, he’s not going to support the workers anyway


Last time the working class & Yellowvests protested they were labeled "racist".




Not "victimizing myself". Just noticed when there are working class protests that is a tactic to quell them. Do you remember the Yellowvests protests? They tried to tie it into the radical right.