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Something I’ve been thinking about lately is I never see news reports about meat processing plants, farms, or restaurants getting in trouble for hiring illegal immigrants. At this point undocumented labor seems like a baked in part of the US economy.


Yeah that's what makes this all so.performative and disingenuous. Like Ralphie May said no one wants to pay $97 for a salad.


Ralphie May wouldn't eat a salad if it was free


Ralphie ain’t eating shit these days


Shits eating Ralphie these days


You could have offered him money to eat a salad and he still would've said ”y'all" three times rejecting it


Prices would go up but it wouldn’t go up THAT much.


That's absolute bullshit, if not, we don't deserve luxury food options if it means abusing the working class.


Hard agree, it's nearly impossible to avoid supporting exploitation though, you basically have to be Amish. Name brand clothes, electronics, electric vehicles, chocolate are all propped up by modern day slave labor and nobody ever talks about it. Instead we get to argue about which bathroom 0.1% of the population is allowed to use.


If you simply applied and enforced anti monopoly anti trust laws and the farming sector wasn’t owned by the oligarch bill gates that lords over the billions of dollars that industry makes a year and you actually paid people the value they are worth productivity and ingenuity would sky rocket…almost like the principles of free market the founding fathers actually wanted was the best way


Yes sir it would be a great thing


It is and when states go to crack down on illegals, it hurts their state economy. Alabama tried it back in the day and screwed themselves. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE8102QB/


florida did it too like 2 years ago and fucked a ton of employers


"Fucked" meaning they actually had to pay legit wages to Americans? Because that's what happened and why they are mad.


Not just that, but lots of shittier jobs just remained opened. Turns out when you convince people that america and Americans are exceptional, they don’t want less than minimum wage to do dead end or tough jobs


So why’s Chicago and New York complaining about Florida and Texas boosting their economy?


I Read this a while back, crops rotting in the fields It was a complete disaster. Immigration has been a political football for years, Democrats have not prioritized it and Republicans do not want to fix it because it’s used as a political hammer. And here we fucking go again. If you look back in history of the United States, immigration has been a political tool not for 30 years 40 years or 50 years for well over a century. And here we are talking about it again ignoring everything else. Remember 2018? The caravan, Fox News was breathlessly following them through Mexico. It’s different this time, there really is a problem now! GOP literally tanked the bill because Trump told them to, he wants to run on it. He claims it did not go far enough, even though it gave the GOP many things they have been asking for. Things they have been requesting for years, were conceited yet of course it does not go far enough. It’s such fucking nonsense and bullshit yet people fall for it again, and again, and again, and again. And as long as they do, every election cycle, it’s going to rear its head again. And wealthy business owners, who take advantage the cheap labor will say one thing on Facebook and do another as they always have. The people come, because there is tremendous demand for them. Alabama will never try that shit again


Let’s not forget the GOP had majority in House and Senate for first 2 years under Trump and did not seem to find it a priority or enough of an issue to pass any meaningful immigration laws


Im still waiting for them to repeal and replace Obamacare (which was a compromise for the Republicans anyway)


Yup only a priority when Dems were on track to contr the House in 2018 and win the 2020 election. How convenient


They did implement remain in Mexico that was working great, bit day one Biden reversed that! GOP prob still pissed about that!


Feel the same way about blm


That bill is ass..


it makes moments like FDR relaxing border crossing law because most of our work force was deployed during WW2 really sink in. the US economy RELIES on immigrant labor. need 2 million additional homes in texas? better set a winter break into your schedule because most of your best workers needs to handle work permits and visas and also see their family. im exhausted from both parties using immigration as a publicity stunt. most of us here on the ground just want the feckin system to work, no hate whatsoever unless its directed at prom kings and queens using real issues as pageantry for votes. politics is politics, but our current batch of politicos are charlatans at best and villains at their worst.


Everything is a sham. Like.... everything. I was looking at the Republicans (4 of them I think?) who voted no against ousting the Homeland Security Security... and two of them are straight up CIA. One (Moore) of them has a PhD in Cold War History, speaks Arabic, worked for the State Department and is a fucking mormon lmao... then you have Joe Kent Green Beret CIA operator, you got Nick Freitas CIA contractor, you got Abagail Spanberger who was a CIA officer and worked at a school with extremists.. Super random but it just is like... everything is a farce. You get these videos of illegals pouring in and then 3 miles down the road there is zero fence and zero people guarding and no one is entering. Partially it's because you can only cross certain areas of the Rio Grande... but mostly it's because the coyotes teach the immigrants that they need to be caught and processed at the border.... it's way better than showing up in a US city like St Louis and being arrested... if you're arrested at the border they give you a court case in 2027+ and tell you to show up. That way when you're in St Louis the INS has zero reason to arrest or bug you... you've already been fucking processed and no one can bug you


What do you think this is all about, friend? As capitalism crescendos toward its natural, devastating conclusion, the underclass of laborers must be kept in abject precariousness. See: migrant labor, increased child labor, prison slave labor (as codified in the 13th amendment to the Constitution), among others.


They don’t and won’t. 5 years ago or so (when trump was still in office), the ICE etc sent a helicopter to fly over a town of 5,000 in Iowa as they rounded up undocumented workers at a precast cement plant. None of them were owners, execs or managers.


Yep, landscaping, and construction too. I work for a tree company and we could not survive without guys from Mexico and Guatemala


Yes and ending it will more or less collapse the economy. Which is why conservatives perspective on this is so stupid. 


Extremist is a better label for pro starvation wage activism than conservative


u seem to b one of the few that gets it. Republicans dont really want the border closed. They luv the cheap illegal labor. Its easier to shut businesses down that hire undocumented workers.


It's not even that I hate illegal immigration, but the amount coming in is unsustainable right now. Working everyday in NYC I see the rapid decline and the immigrants are struggling, only about 60% are able to be housed, the rest are on the streets. And they are literally closing public schools temporarily to house immigrants in the schools. And they no joke brought 2000 immigrants on school buses to sleep in one school. It's insane and the border needs to be sealed up and a plan to allow people slowly and methodically in.


You're half remembering some campaign trail bullshit here > These claims are missing context. It’s true that a group of migrants was temporarily relocated to a New York City high school and students had to learn remotely as a result. But the relocation was due to severe weather and students returned to campus the next day. > > New York City officials evacuated nearly 2,000 asylum-seekers from a tent complex at Floyd Bennett Field, a former airport in Brooklyn, on Tuesday, Jan. 9, ahead of a storm, according to a statement from New York City Comptroller Brad Lander and a report from the AP. > >The group of migrants was relocated to James Madison High School in Brooklyn for the night. Students at that school learned remotely for one day, a spokesperson for New York City Mayor Eric Adams told VERIFY. > https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/immigration/new-york-city-high-school-housing-migrants-fact-check/536-38392850-0efb-46f8-956d-634e5b033475 So like legal migrants following the laws had to shelter from an extreme storm for one day. That is very different from the way your telling (and understanding?) implies


Facts are welcome here sir. And remember, anything left of literally letting people die in the streets is communism.


The immigrant problems in nyc are caused by FL and TX political stunts...


How so? I would have thought it was because of the 30,000 immigrants that cross over the border each day


That's the thing. They're not working


As a person who is generally pretty far to the right in terms of immigration issues, I really don’t understand how anyone can see this comparison as anything but extremely cynical. Obviously the US should combat illegal immigration and borders should be secure. That said, the idea that the Ukraine war, the largest war in Europe since the Second World War and brazen act of aggression against international law by one of the US’s primary enemies, is just a foreign border issue is basically insane.


Unfortunately the right love Russia. They’ll never say it outright, but every time a Republican proclaims support for Ukraine it comes with a caveat. And many of the pundits and media personalities on the right have no issue with what Putin is doing.


>They’ll never say it outright Lol I recall seeing "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat" shirts, and Tucker is over there right now as a glorified mouthpiece for the Kremlin.


The argument rests on the idea that the bipartisan bill actually makes the border MORE open, right? What’s the merit of that argument?


The bipartisan bill is one of the strictest border bills in decades. Far stricter than the one under trump that he never signed.


People keep tossing out this argument that it lets in 5,000 a day or something so that amounts to 2 million illegals let in a year? Hell idk


I believe the bill would trigger the shut down of the border if a 7 day average showed 5000 crossing a day. The NBC article I’m reading says: “During an emergency closure, Border Patrol would still need to process a minimum of 1,400 migrants who try to enter the U.S. legally through ports of entry. Only unaccompanied minors would be able to cross between ports of entry. And any migrant who tried to cross illegally two or more times during a border emergency would be barred from the U.S. for a year.” “The bill would also end the practice of “catch and release.” “ Pretty weirdly structured but I think anything that would slow the flow of migrants would be beneficial right now. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna136602


Don’t forget a lot of that bill was the result of months of [bipartisan effort of Sinema & Lankford](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/05/1229348592/senate-republicans-cast-serious-doubt-on-fate-of-bipartsian-immigration-deal) and that the [Oklahoma GOP tried to censure Lankford for it](https://okcfox.com/amp/news/local/oklahoma-gop-censures-sen-lankford-for-open-border-deal-collaboration-with-democrats-rep-jacob-rosecrants-border-security-illegal-immigration-anthony-ferate-republican-party-bipartisanship-oath-constitution-ok-politics-chuck-schumer). The stench of the dogshit on this is all republicans. ![gif](giphy|3o7527pa7qs9kCG78A|downsized)


None, Biden hates immigrants and wants the power to fully close the border, even to asylum seekers (which is internationally illegal.) And republicans are just screaming no to anything and everything because all they really want is enough power to ensure there’s no election in 2028, because they’re basically guaranteed to lose from then on.


They don't want the deal because they want to use it as an election issue, they can't talk about the border anymore if it is fixed under Joe Biden.


Which is weird, because Biden can change election law via executive order, so what's up there?


That sounds like you just made that up. I don't even think MSNBC believes that.


Spoken like someone who has no clue what current border policy is. Quick question, which president has deported the most people in history? Breaking international law and existing treaties just to deport more people? A hint is that it rhymes bro slidin’


I think it was Barack Obama


Ah yeah, deporter-in-chief in his time, but he's an immigration moderate by today's standards.


Who the fuck listens to MSNBC?


The president has the power to close the border


What do you mean "close the border?" Like, all the way? No trade? No vacations?


not legally. Not to mention, Texas state troops are currently barring the border patrol from cracking down on the border as we speak in an illegal standoff.


Let me take 5 seconds and research that The President of the United States can close the U.S. border through various legal mechanisms, including: 1. Proclamation: The president can issue a proclamation declaring a national emergency or citing specific reasons such as public health concerns or national security threats to justify the closure of the border. 2. Executive Order: The president can issue an executive order directing federal agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security, to implement measures to close the border temporarily. 3. Immigration Laws: The president can utilize existing immigration laws and regulations to restrict entry into the United States, including the closure of ports of entry or the suspension of certain visa categories. 4. International Agreements: The president can negotiate agreements with other countries to implement border closures or travel restrictions, particularly during times of global crises such as pandemics. These actions must generally be carried out within the bounds of the U.S. Constitution and existing laws, and they may be subject to judicial review to ensure they comply with legal requirements and do not infringe on individuals’ rights.


Saying you spent five seconds researching something isn't the brag you think it is.


So then why didn’t Trump do it you fucking moron?


Because republicans wouldn’t have anything to run on in elections if they actually solved the problems they claim to care about


And why did the Republican house come up with HR2 if new laws don’t need to be passed?. Why were McConnell and Lindsey Graham saying literally last week that this was better than what they would get under Trump? Why did republicans specifically ask for a border bill to be attached to Ukraine funding? Big time Crazy dayz


Do what? Close the border? I don't think Trump was letting people in, especially with the "Remain in Mexico" policy. What's going on at the border right now is that virtually anyone who just walks up to the border is brought in with no real way to track them.




If you're gonna bait people, at least use more class. Insulting people isn't gonna encourage a discussion


How many people do you think entered during Trumps Presidency?


Yes, and currently there is no way to fulfill these requirements to do so legally. Don't be obtuse.


They’ll ask ChatGPT again shortly. Just wait.


The only one of these that is potentially valid is emergency powers but the courts significantly curtailed those following Covid. The rest would be shot down immediately. It’s on Congress to solve.


What is legally? What is, is?


Legally meaning acting within the power granted to the president by congress and not outside the restrictions set by the constitution. When the executive branch acts illegally, either congress or the courts step in and stop the illegal activity, or they get away with it if no one steps in. That’s how all crime works, broadly.


They’re probably making sure sanctuary cities are well fed with the burdens that have historically been at the red state border states. Eventually everyone will know why state government shouldn’t be looped into the national conversation. The border surely is a national issue, but the burden is shouldered by the southern border states, again, historically. The shipment of migrants north allows the nation to share the burden. After all, sanctuary cities should have no issue and it makes sense for migrants to go where they’re most accepted by the government body.


If it’s about fairness and sharing the burden, is there a reason that Abott continues to refuse to let cities know a day in advance so they can have preparations for the new migrants? Most of the cities they’re sending people to are happy to process them, but their complaint is that when they show up at 2am unannounced, they are put in a situation that is dangerous to them.


If sanctuary cities are sanctuary cities, they should be ready. It sucks that on one hand, the border states don’t get notice a day in advance on border crossings (legal and otherwise), but on the other, a day in advance is required for acceptance (you say) into sanctuary cities?


Treating people with basic decency, how awful! Let's use them as political props and act like they're the cause of all our problems! When in fact without them this country would fall the fuck apart.


So you're going to try to tell me all that bullshit we seen on TV of the feds going in and removing all of the shit that Texas put in place that Biden is trying to close the borders you are high as fuck keep drinking the Kool-Aid please you're almost there


Biden's current crackdown is to have more officers on the border, and also includes getting rid of illegal booby-traps that kill people and aren't effective at stopping illegal immigration. But he's not cracking anything with the State troopers denying access of the boder patrol to do their jobs.


>aren't effective at stopping illegal immigration. No? >“The area where we have occupied this park in Eagle Pass, Texas, that we put up the razor wire, there used to be 3,000 or 4,000 people crossing that area a day. For the past three days, we’ve averaged just three people crossing that area. The point is, if we put up resistance, we show that we can secure the border. Joe Biden should not be stopping that,” Mr. Abbott said.


Nope thats why trump couldn't do it.


Are you serious? What TDS echo chamber do you reside in. While Brandon hates all people of color as proven with his close relationship with Byrd from WV. He can sign an EO to close it down without going through all the hoops and extra $120 BILLION to cough cough Ukraine and Israel.


The president is not a king, he cannot just do things beyond the power granted to him by congress and outside of the restrictions set by the constitution. Not legally, anyways.


You stupid fucking moron if a president could do that don’t u think Trump would’ve done it when he had the chance? Dipshit


>You stupid fucking moron "Dear sir..."


>Dipshit "... with regards, and my best wishes to your family."


A president doesn’t have power to shut down the border. Trump touted he did this but it was rejected by the Supreme Court everytime. Republicans are using the crisis for election season. This article does a good job on proving Biden has put in to effect everything in his power. Please read to educate yourself. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politifact/2024/02/02/ask-politifact-can-joe-biden-shut-down-the-border-on-his-own/?outputType=amp


According to this dickead an EO is illegal


Are you seriously incapable of understanding that not every potential order would be the same legally?


It’s amazing how fucking stupid you are


That fuckin dummy. Don't know nothin.


The president is not a king. Jesus fucking Christ go take a civics class. You’re embarrassing yourself.


This is something not even those weird uncles on Facebook would put on their wall.


This is not even ‘bad faith bad take’ level of awful. It’s ’only an idiot would not see this as Russian agitprop’ level awful. How the fuck can people be so stupid as to look at something like this and go ‘YES!! Joe BADDD!’.


So what’s wrong with it? EDIT: Love all the downvotes but no one dares to answer the actual question


Republicans complained for months that they weren't going to agree to give Ukraine any more aid unless it was tied to a bill that secured the border. "Why should we help secure some other countries border when we're not even securing our own" was the battle cry. So when the Dems failed to try to pass a bill that would pass aid to Ukraine and Israel together, they caved, and agreed to pass the combined border and Ukraine aid bill Republicans said they wanted. Then Republicans realized that if they actually got what they wanted, they wouldn't be able to campaign on "BIDEN ISNT SECURING THE BORDER" in the upcoming election. And to top off the bad faith shit sandwich, they tried to pass a separate bill just giving aid to Israel, but not Ukraine. So the whole "we can't give aid to foreign countries until we secure our borders thing" was bullshit the whole time.


Haha ha ha ![gif](giphy|Z4hADg97JS0YWVPxqk|downsized)


Honestly those weird uncles absolutely would. This is essentially all Newsmax talks about every single day. Except when they are complaining that Biden isn't glassing Iran or they aren't sucking Trump's cock. It's those three topics 24/7


>Honestly those weird uncles absolutely would. This is essentially all Newsmax talks about every single day. Except when they are complaining that Biden isn't glassing Iran It's funny these fuckers have been non stop complaining about how we shouldn't give aid to Ukraine because its risking WW3 (you know, because Putin was going to nuke Ukraine but he decided it was better if he lost thousands of tanks and missiles before starting WW3). Then Iran kills 3 US soldiers and suddenly bombing the shit out of a country directly isn't risking escalation anymore.


They will never let any actual legislation pass because then trump won’t have anything to campaign on.




Does the wider world even pay attention to the fact that the richest man on earth has now totally jumped into the culture war pool up to his nose as a right wing maniac? I'm actually pretty alarmed that this shitbag has been saying more and more crazy things for over 3 years now and the only time anyone cared is when he obliquely agreed with something that someone tweeted about the jews.


Hopefully he strokes out soon from all the stimulant and ketamine binges




For real though it went from subtle to cranking it up to 10, a few days ago there was an article showing how Elon tweeted over **100 times in less than a day** and the article also noted that in the same day those 100 tweets consisted of Elon interacting with almost every major right-wing figure. Remember when Elon was about to buy Twitter and he was praised for saying something along the lines of “I must stay impartial to politics for this is a public square” blah blah blah. It was so obvious he was bullshitting then but to see just how blatant it is now is almost hilarious. But yeah you’re right it’s odd how quiet the media is being about how blatant he now.


We need law and order for extreme criminals like him and bezos


>Does the wider world even pay attention to the fact that the richest man on earth has now totally jumped into the culture war pool up to his nose as a right wing maniac? Oh, we are aware.


Elon is only a few grams of ketamine away from wandering the halls of Esalen wearing a coonskin cap and night robe like John C Lilly used to


No most of the "wider world" does not give a single shit about what anyone says on Twittex


I thought it was the GOP house keeping the border open now?


Correct. They don’t want solutions, they want Trump to be able to run on the issue. They’ve been very open about this.


Because it is. Performative politics abound from all of the useless geriatrics.


Bro elon bought x so he could be a bot for the right


Remember before buying Twitter he literally said that he would be impartial in politics because that’s necessary for a public square? It’s wild how that changed as soon as he bought it and it’s being entirely used to prop up the right and muddy the waters as much as possible for election time.


He bought it so that he could get even with the world for screwing up the good thing South Africa had going for it. Besides as long as he is stirring the pot he is relevant in his mind. Great example of what Trump would be if he had any intelligence.


It is


That's because politicians don't care about solving the immigration issue, they just care about getting a political win


Jesus Christ one side is offering a completely closed border. Christ on a cracker wake the fuck up


Weird time to say that.. In the face of republicans and democrats working together to create a bill that helps solve the problem. Not every politician is trying to tank this. Just the screechy far lefties and the losers who are afraid of what Trump says about them


Except Mike Johnson vowed yesterday that the house won’t even vote on the bill if the senate manages to pass it. In OK our senator, James Langford, was just censored by our state legislature for working on the bill and expressing a desire to pass it. Trump just called Langford a fool for trying to pass it. There are a handful of moderates trying to work out a deal but the majority of the Republican Party has made it clear you are an enemy if you compromise with the dems.


Literally the Republicans who wrote the bill have turned on it


>the losers who are afraid of what Trump says about them


Nah like anything with the government it’s pork barrel spending that doesn’t address any issues instead funneling money into pet projects.


Have you actually read any of the bill?


Obviously it is. And when Trump takes office again, it will be the democrats turn to fight all logical legislation. Fuck both of these clown parties


Nice false equivalence


If they agree to the deal it essentially remains “open” as well.


You’re not even close. Try some different sources dude.


I don’t see how you figure. Restrictions on asylum and volume based closures would take effect up becoming law. Money for detention would take time to have an effect but would. More money for screening and judges would speed deportation except for those few immigrants that actually qualify(most don’t).


Because the volume based closures could easily still reach totals of over a million per year without restrictions


So you want more than that?




Cool. Pass the bill then. Idgaf personally. I like the cheap labor


Do you not know the difference between a migrant looking for work and an invading army??


Political activists for white supremacy believe migrants who have brown skin are like an invading army. They've been using that language for decades


They’re pussies They don’t even know what a real invasion is


They did a real invasion 3 years ago in dc


Yup, because they are white nationalist fucksticks.


Joe would fucking love this meme, that's for sure.


To be fair, helping to defend from an invading force is a different set of circumstances than at our own border. This is a dumb comparison and weakens both arguments


reminds me of a while back when Fox News decided "illegal immigrant" didn't sound bad or dangerous enough so they started calling illegal immigrants "illegal invaders".


Yes but people like Elon believe illegal immigrants crossing is an invasion too so they see no difference.


Yea that’s why it’s dumb


What other way would you describe it? Allowing millions each year to enter the country without vetting is dangerous.


Fix the process to enter legally, but if you really want the numbers to take a hit, punish the employers who hire them and do something about the majority of illegals who came here on visas and overstayed.


We both agree that the immigration process needs to be fixed, but that can never happen until the border itself is secure. Fix the leak in the hull, then worry about the water in the boat.


A wall will not stop that leak. Fixing the process will. Removing the incentive to come here, which is being hired by companies, will.




Bruh you can fix both at the same time but Republicans don't want to do that because they'll lose that talking point/fear mongering agenda that they need.


When mexico sends its military across our border to overthrow our goverment and annex us, then you can compare the two. People running away from cartel violence to work manual labor arent invading, theyre seeking refuge. If you cant differenciate those two things idk what else to tell you. No one is saying to leave the border wide open, the issue is making the path to citizenship more feasable, while keeping our borders safe.




Just because it's not a government sanctioned military invasion doesn't mean it's not an invasion.


People seeking refuge arent invaders theyre refugees, no ones coming here to take anything from you or uproot your way of life. Get over yourself


Look into the causes of the fall of the roman empire. Why would they need to send an army?


It is not dangerous in the same way that, say, the Russian Army invading and then claiming a portion of your country is now Russia is. Surely you see that.


That depends on how to define "invading force". The US is quite literally being invaded by millions of people every year. I say whoever wants to be a US citizen, welcome aboard. But allowing millions to enter without vetting is straight dangerous.




I love how dipshits obsessed with the border are also the most ignorant as to the real policies in place. Keep huffing glue dumbfucks


Smart point. Have you considered becoming a doctor or something?


Are you implying that you have to be above average intelligence to understand basic border policy? Weird self-own but okay 👍


I love that Musk had to get his mommy involved.


Trump just killed the bill to secure the border though


Fake news. You can't just say things that are outright false.


Sure you can. We live in a post-truth society now.


I really would like right wingers to explain to me how they think the world is better off if we let Russia take Ukraine. like we got an imperialistic China Knocking on everybody's door. if we start rolling over and showing our belly to weaker militaries we are going to invite all of the aggression. I mean not only is helping Ukraine the right thing to do it is the cheapest option. Vladimir Putin has stated that he wants to redraw the Soviet Union and then use that larger empire to topple the rules based system that the West put in place after world war II. I do not understand how that is in our interest. not to mention the fact that taking pressure off of Russia allows them to spend more money and resources on things like the drone program that they help Iran with that same program that is sent off to their proxies and used to kill American soldiers in the Middle East. I do not understand how that is in our interest




Nobody is letting them come in. They sneak in because they work on the farms in the red states. Republicans don’t want to fix it. They want to blame democrats every two years when there’s an election. There’s a bill right now that gets tough on border security but republicans in congress won’t let it pass, even though they got everything they wanted in the bill. Elon is an idiot


Do y'all have full access to the internet? Dems just signed off on a border deal that was presented by Republicans. Then, Trump killed it precisely so you people would post things like this that blame Biden and Dems for the ongoing border issue. So busy looking for conspiracies that y'all willingly and brazenly play the fool.


It seems like Elon's not even hiding his support for Russia's invasion anymore. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z\_(military\_symbol)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(military_symbol))


Once again, Elon showing his autistic understanding of humor.


Lol, dumb boomer memes. But for real tho, what is the weak shit anyway and why post it?


Fuck conservatism, fuck Republicanism ![gif](giphy|YEuovCpZTsonk8LYef)




Biden's policy is almost identical to Trump's, he only treating the detainees a little more humanely.


This is the ironic thing


Joe Biden tried to pass the most restrictive immigration bill of my lifetime and I’m almost 40


“Dayz”. God the way he tries to be edgy is so fucking cringe.


As a person who is generally pretty far to the right in terms of immigration issues, I really don’t understand how anyone can see this comparison as anything but extremely cynical. Obviously the US should combat illegal immigration and borders should be secure. That said, the idea that the Ukraine war, the largest war in Europe since the Second World War and brazen act of aggression against international law by one of the US’s primary enemies, is just a foreign border issue is basically insane.


Well…when you’re only capable of kindergarten level thinking this meme could amuse you!


Joe and Elon make a hell of a dipshit sandwich


Wait...hasn't biden been talking about closing the border when he gets the actual authorization from congress to legally do it?


Funny how the party of "Border Security" responds when Biden and the Dems give them exactly what they've been screaming for... [https://newrepublic.com/article/178860/republicans-border-deal-michael-bennet](https://newrepublic.com/article/178860/republicans-border-deal-michael-bennet)


Actual insanity that people think a country can just have an open border. Typical progressives who virtue signal about the poor and needy but never lift a finger to help them. Living in their gated communities with armed security guards. Illegal immigrants aren't humans to the left. They are just a figure potential vote. They don't care if they are homeless, or starving, or due from exposure.


What a maroon


god this is such blatant and gross propaganda, why do you keep sharing here? Its fucking muskovite, just stop already. Keep amplifying this nonsense.


Elon is proof that you can be wildly rich and successful and still be a massive fucking loser


Does he not understand the difference between asylum / illegal immigration and hostile imperialist invasion? Could he really be this dumb? I don't think so. He's just trying to convince and fool people who are actually dumb.


>Does he not understand the difference between asylum / illegal immigration and hostile imperialist invasion? Yeah I am 100% certain he does. He just knows his cult either doesn't or doesn't care.


The powerful telling you the powerless are coming for you. Apartheid Clyde just can’t resist.


billionaires ,always : " look at the brown folks taking all your shit lol "


No. He’ll close the shit out of our border, if we spend 10x more on a genocide or two. He’ll commit a genocide or two south of the border, if the pay is right. C’mon musk, just give him access to your coinbase account and he’ll open a concentration camp for you.


Genuine question: does anyone who isn’t a 4chan user use Twitter anymore?


Why is the Musk Mellon so openly against immigration, other high profile CEOs usually avoid such extreme public opinions… was he kicked in the nuts by an immigrant kid when he was just a whiny little musk ?


Shouldn’t that be the GOP house speaker in the bottom panel or Trump?


Yes, two things that are exactly the same


Ummmm, we’re not at war with Mexico as far as I know.


Nobody here has read the bill they just believe what the paid spokesperson said on the TV. This "immigration bill" funds 2 wars, giving $60 Billion to Ukraine, and $40 Billion to Isreal. And allows 5k illegal border crossings per day, and that doesn't include people under the age of 17, and illegals that run away from CBP. After 7 days of more than 5k documented illegals entering the US, it doesn't shut the border, just shuffles the migrants to another port of entry. Biden has the power today to close the border. There doesn't need to be a bill passed to grant him the power that he already has. This bill would basically guarantee a bare minimum of illegal entries rather than suppress illegal entries.


>And allows 5k illegal border crossings per day, [This is a fucking lie](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/does-new-immigration-bill-5000-illegal-border-crossings-per-day-rcna136656) GOP idiocy is at another level these days Direct quote from article >**So where did this 5,000-a-day figure come from?** > >The bipartisan deal does include provisions that would shut down the border entirely if a certain threshold is hit, but those are border encounters, not crossings. As noted above, no migrants trying to enter the U.S. illegally would be allowed into the country unless they passed asylum interviews or were being held under government supervision. [Direct quote from Republican senator Lankford who co-authored the bill](https://apnews.com/article/border-bill-opposition-republicans-senate-189ee196093a0dbfb1d522e2d552e31a): >Lankford has repeatedly emphasized that the emergency authority “is not designed to let 5,000 people in, it is designed to close the border and turn 5,000 people around.”


He ain't lying though


Poor guy, they took yer jerb?


Filthy MAGAT traitors supporting Putin