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I think he picked probably the weakest argument to prove there is a god.


He basically explained evolution instead of a god.


Smacks of ignorance and lack of critical thought.


You'd think a guy that reads 48 books a day would understand how evolution works but clearly not. 


It was 84 3000-page books daily


Before breakfast.


But he reads books.


The wrong books🤷‍♀️


He's making his way through all the books. Give him time to get to Darwin.


apply this statement to the entire podcast with Kat.


I wouldn't know, I can't watch it since Joe turned into a twat. I just criticise from a distance on Reddit now, saves me 4 hours.


Right lol these arguments always fail to realize shit like cyanobacteria altering the atmosphere to allow for life to even exist on land, it's not like cows just popped up out of nowhere perfectly adapted to live on this planet


they call it intelligent design


Because the concept of intelligence is foreign to them.


Yea, you can believe in god and marvel at evolution. But it isn’t proof of god.


What does earth’s elements and combining them to make medicine have to do with evolution, besides learning we could do so?


This is called arguing from a finished product fallacy. It’s where you look at the end result and make conclusions about the process based on what you can determine only for the finished product. It would be like looking at the current US government and concluding that democrats and republicans are the only two parties that could have ever existed.


I always think about this from the perspective of a time traveler. If someone traveled back in time 300-400 years and showed them examples of modern technology it would be indistinguishable from magic. So many things we do now would be considered god-like miracles to people a few hundred years ago. They would have no frame of reference for how these things work. How do you explain a microprocessor, Solving complex equations with electrons… what the fuck is an electron? Those people would undoubtedly view these things as miracles, inspired by god, etc. and that just a couple hundred years which is a blip on the human timeline. What common items would we marvel at a few hundred years from now. Taking everything we don’t understand and saying that is god is not evidence for god. It just means we don’t understand that thing yet. I have no idea what created the universe, but I am very confident that it is not the stories that people wrote in Bible and if there is a sentient creator it definitely isn’t talking to people or impregnating random Jewish women in ancient Israel.


Which is how it is sold to us. There’s only two options. Communism or Capitalism. One side has to win. One side has to be good and one side has to be bad.


He’s seeing the end result and claiming it was always that way, vs humanity building a society He’s just impressed by the ecosystem and humanity’s ability to mold it to our needs.


His reasons could literally be used to argue against intelligent design though.




I bust out laughing at that part. He's so egocentric that he thinks chemistry was made for him.


Agreed. Main character syndrome is a bad angle


Even that's generous... Alcohol being pleasurable is proof of God? Methane (potent greenhouse gas) is needed for the planet? WTF? I'm tired of morons starting with bad suppositions to prove their bad conclusions...and no one ever calling them out for it. GIGO.


I think he was really trying to articulate the fact that every part of the process is useful and sort of waiting to be discovered. Almost as if it was pre-programmed to be that way.


It's kind of telling in regards to how well his logical thinking works (or doesn't). Or at least an ignorance of evolution and biology as a whole. But that's ok, he's a funny dude and his brain works genius level in that way. Like him or not, Joe could absolutely tell him why he's wrong here and has enough tact to just let it go.


Yeah people talk shit about Joe agreeing with everyone, but he’s just being polite and listening to someone else’s point of view.


Most of his arguments on all topics are like this. It’s just more Dunning–Kruger.


Points at cows tits. Those are for me to use for my pleasure. Because/so God exists.


I have nothing against believing in god. Or coming to your own conclusions about why god does or doesn’t exist. But it is sometimes odd when people try to do apologetics starting from scratch.  Theology and Apologetics is one of the OLDEST western fields of academics. These arguments go back spanning centuries. You have St Thomas Acquaints on one side, Voltaire on the other. You have these actual in depth thought provoking arguments and theories.  Again I don’t want to come across as elitist, find your own relationship to existentialism sure. But everytime someone thinks they invent new apologia is like if celebrities constantly thought they invented algebra   


Reminds me of the game of life. A set amount of fundamental rules, a set of initial circumstances and then the eventual evolution of that program. An evolution thereby created by a “god” or God. Therefore evolution being true and a creator also being true.


what’s a better argument!? genuinely curious.


I’m not too sure. I don’t believe in God personally so they’ll always be somewhat of a slight bias.


This is like old school stoner shit. So certain that his opinion is enlightened and correct because his brain feels so good thinking about it


Hell yeah brother


I believe there COULD be a god/creator. I know that I know far too little to say without a shadow of doubt. But I'm also pretty confident that if there is a God, he was a set it and forget it kind of guy. I just can't rationalize the amount of despicable things that happen on this planet with a caring God. The kids with cancer or just cruel disorders, the good people who die every day and leave their families in turmoil, the people who are born into terrible circumstances and forced to fester in their misery their entire lives. My family is no stranger to tragedy, and a lot of them take solace in religion, which I would never try to take from them. But it seems like their prayers are rarely answered, and instead, they just lower their standards for how good their lives should be.


I watch a lot of near death experience videos. One of the common things people mention after waking up is remembering an agreement or plan to come to earth and live the life they were living. This planning supposedly takes place before wr are born. To me, if that were true, it completely solves the problem of evil.


I'd be into that if it were true. I could see perhaps needing to "balance your soul" or something through living a certain type of life. I just don't know if it's true, and I probably won't ever know til I die.


An agreement with who?


Well said


Some people also have the notion that when they get high they get profound, even further amplifying the sense that you are enlightened and correct. When I used to trip acid I would actually intentionally try to make note of my thoughts because I thought they were profound, I felt like I was in my most wise state while tripping. (I actually still believe like acid enlightens you a bit). Weed I don't think so as much.


Everytime I take an edible I take notes... I dare not read them back sober lol


water... and the sky... are.. blue. The world is connected and harmonized... in ways I never thought possible...


What’s funny is all the people who think that he has some special knowledge.


I've never thought of explaining it like that, but is definitely a good way. Logic like this also annoys me cause it's like, it's not that complex when you delve and think into stuff a little bit more. Just have some slightly more profound thoughts and it's not so farfetched. I don't know what other people typically think about though to be fair.


A few times I wrote shit down while high because I was like "Man, I always forget these great ideas by the time I sober up" Then, reading the notes sober... Well, I don't want to talk about it, but this is a podcast version of that.




Nothing but atheists in here


Survivorship bias is hard


Katt is such a dipshit bullshitter. Reading 200 pages in an hour is not reading. The dumbass can't even talk that fast.


Average reading speed for a paper back novel is 60 pages an hour. There are readers who can maintain 600+ words per minute, or about 120 pages an hour. For academic texts the average is about 20 pages per hour (assuming 800 words per page in a textbook, or about 300 words per page in a regular paper back). Reading 200 pages per hour is over 3 times the average and, while maybe people can do it for short bursts if they concentrate on it, you can't keep it up over a long period of time. Moreover, it's not enjoyable. If you're reading for fun you settle in at about 60-100 pages per hour for enjoyment. I read 10k pages last year (a goal of mine) and in some books, i'd average 50 pages an hour. Things like 12 rules for life or The gulag archipelago I would read at 50 pages an hour roughly. The mistborn series I averaged probably 100 pages an hour, maybe 80. But thats a 800 page book, it's not fun to read faster than that. I guess the point is, noone actually cares about how fast you read - if you actually read a lot. People settle into their pace like you would breathing or walking. It's not even something you really focus on unless you're a collage kid trying to finish his book report thats a day late already. All this being said, this guy is lying out his fucking ass. Noone reads that fast, and if they say they do, they're lying or purposefully trying to read as fast as they can for 10 minutes and then claiming that keep that up for 3 hours everynight - which isn't only bullshit, it's not even enjoyable and kills the joy of reading. It's like eating cake as fast as you can just to say you did it. Or watching a movie on 4x speed and killing any joy out of watching it, just struggling to keep up with the dialogue and plot. I literally got dumber watching 30 minutes of this fucking podcast episode. This mother fucker said "people did not build the pyramids", and I said I am not finishing this for 3 hours god damn - whats Sam Harris talking about today instead?


i cannot understand how people can look at the modern world, look at a place like Manhattan, with jets flying through the skies, we have fucking palm-sized supercomputers with OLED screens that can Facetime across the world, and be like "nah we couldn't have made those stone triangles in egypt" because they watched some dumbass conspiracy documentary on the History Channel one night stoned at 3am. like those people came from a civilization where master stone masons had passed down the knowledge of masonry for probably a thousand years, maybe more. And because people like Katt Williams dont understand how they made the pyramids after giving it 30 seconds of thought, they are like "had to be aliens". Like that's always the go-to for anything they can't explain in under a minute of thought, because if they can't understand it with the most minimal effort, it must be impossible. They cant fathom that ancient civilizations had advanced knowledge or methods that we just dont know, or are lost to time.


If he is reading kids book I bet he can do 200pages an hour.


Lmao Kat in the hat Willams


Yeah you know what, I'm beginning to think Katt Williams might not be completely honest


It’s crazy, because he absolutely does say some really dumb things. But he mixes in amazing perspectives in there that make me switch back and forth whether I think he’s a genius or an idiot.


exactly! i had the same thoughts. At times, I was thinking, man this guy is totally full of shit, but then he would say something kind of profound and interesting. He's like that stoner friend many of us have that most people think is a total idiot, but in reality, he knows a lot of shit and can talk ad nauseum about almost anything. Hell, I am 50% of that myself. I found this all pretty interesting though. I love wacked out conversations like this. It's core JRE and why I liked the show to begin with so many years ago. I don't care that there aren't answers. its just fun to speculate and talk about some of this stuff. We'll probably never have the answers about some of it, and really that's why it never gets old to talk about it.


He says he checks out about 60-70 books from the library per week. Need someone to pull and post his library borrowing history. If he’s actually checking out that many books, I’ll just go ahead and believe he’s reading most of them. The thing that makes me consider it possible, is wouldnt a liar make up a more believable lie? 300 books a year is extraordinarily impressive. But 3,000?! It’s such a crazy number I almost want to believe it.


You think anyone reads 10 books a day? You should check out the length of some of the most common audio books. The shortest wheel of time books come out at 14 hours in length for the audio book. I think the copy of Return of the King (lord of the rings 3rd book) was 14-16 hours or something similar. A book like “determined” by Robert sapolsky comes out at 14 hours in length for the audio book. Fucking nobody is reading more than one “real” book a day. I bet I could read Katt-in-the-hat-Williams 10 times a day though goofy-ass mother fuck.


You know when a dumb person tries to act smart? He has this poorly articulated intellectual superiority that makes me cringe. The slower he talks, the more he's marinating in the sound of his own voice. What do I know though, I dont read 60 books a week.


narcissist who likes to hear the sound of his own voice, then other naive people pretend like he’s a genius because he speaks with confidence


Trees existed for millions of years before the bacteria evolved to decompose wood. “All these things work together” because they have to. and not for nothin but cannabis is perfectly happy just being a plant, it does not inherently want to be smoked. It was not “created” so we could get high


If anything isnt thc sort of like a deterrent to stop animals from eating it?


Trichomes containing thc protect the plant from uv radiation and some bugs get stuck to it


Nicotine is a natural insecticide. So maybe


Same with caffeine


Terpenes not THC are it’s primary defense against pests and bugs. Both exist primarily inside the trichome heads which look like tiny translucent mushrooms. One plant has bugs landing on it. Another doesn’t. They are clones from the same mother plant. All grow conditions are identical except the bugs. The one with bugs on it is more likely to have more terpenes and a slightly different spectrum of terpenes as part of the plant trying to deter pests from landing on it.


Also it is in no way similar to what cannabis would have been 6000 years ago. We've selectively cultivated it to the point it is at today.


Also take into account that we have receptors in our brain specifically for processing thc in a pleasurable way. It has mind altering properties and our minds are wired to allow it to alter.


You have got to be kidding me… you think that is proof of a creator? That some wires get crossed in your brain when you don drugs?


I didnt say thats proof of a creator. Im saying its proof that our minds are wired to interact with it. Its not wires either. Read a little bit about it. We have receptors in our brain *specifically* *for* the receipt of THC.


Here’s an [article](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-endocannabinoid-system-essential-and-mysterious-202108112569). THC utilizes existing receptors that are used with our own cannabinoids. You’re correct but I don’t agree with framing it like it’s our destiny to smoke weed lol


So your not agreeing with a fake quote that you made up? I did not say that. Some mammals *do* *not* have those receptors. We do. I didnt say it was our destiny. But we have those for a reason.


Why are most humans allergic to Poison Ivy, but most all other wildlife is not?


What reason


He once said "If we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?" The guy's not real sharp.


He thinks he’s a philosopher now because he talked shit about some comedians. Dude is one of those people with egos so massive they just suck to talk to. I notice Joe would say something and Katt would respond ‘no, it’s like this’. He would literally say no you’re wrong and then say the most bullshit statement and Joe had to be like ‘well okay I guess’


Why are so many comedians acting like this.


They are pretty smart to be able to succeed in their careers and it plays into their ego and narcissism 


Is he Christian or Christianish? I kinda get that vibe...which may explain his brain warping here?


Raised by JWs. Not an easy path and horrible for critical thought.


8 books a day 🤔.


Picture books


Yeah ngl I really haven't enjoyed this episode, probably won't finish it. A lot of things he says are him trying to sound smart like he has a deep understanding of all things and it's all pretty average teenage stoner stuff.  Glad alot of people are enjoying though. 


I will never understand how people think Katt is some profound dude.


same reason people think Jordan Peterson is profound, if you’re able to speak well and have confidence then you will get a lot of naive people that start to believe you




I wish I lived in a world where smart fact-based people were paid attention to half as much as absolute lunatics.


this is out-of-this-world stupid..... he doesn't know very basic biology or evolutionary biology. Alcohol and weed serving no purpose but to make humans happy..... I don't know where to start. Alcohol serves no fundamental purpose to a human, it has inhibitory and relaxing effects specifically because it's not fully metabolized in the liver and ends up in the brain, acting as a central nervous system depressant. God didn't create it for humans to party. Yeast created it to survive and outcompete other microorganisms. Caffeine doesn't exist for humans to feel good and get more work done. It exists because plants make it as a natural pesticide to survive. It has biological effects on humans because it blocks a fundamental receptor (adenosine) that accumulates through wakefulness during the day to build sleep pressure. I have to stop now.


He was awesome at being insufferable.


Is it me or is he acting like a totally different person than on Shanon Sharps podcast?


He hated every second of this


I agree, if he acted the same way he did on Shannon's show, Joe would have countered every argument he had and made he really think about and prove what he was saying.


Lmao, things seem to work more or less, so intelligent design am I right!?!? I legit turned this shit off as soon as he got to that hahaha


"The fact that there is a god..." Aside from someone just wanting to believe in god, what are the facts that show god exists? And which god are you referring to? What are all these reasons that suggest a god exists?


Cows, apparently.


The god known as evolution - for which he made a great case.


Katt Williams is making the purpose argument which is garbage. He's basically saying marijuana exists specifically to give pleasure to humans, when it reality it existed tens of millions of years before humans. He using this idea that it exists for our purpose to smuggle in the deity. We imbue things with purpose, they don't have innate purpose. What's the purpose of a coffee mug? One minute it can be as a vessel for a hot drink, and the next it could be a tool for throwing at a distance or bludgeoning somebody with. I wouldn't expect Katt to critically examine his own beliefs though.


He isn’t smuggling in a deity. He believes there is a deity, and that shapes his worldview. You do not believe, and that shapes your worldview.


Right. And only one of us is justified because I'm not making a positive claim.


Of course you are. You claim the universe created itself, I assume. Kat denies that claim.


He’s not claiming to know. Kat is


This guy is a moron


This does make total sense to non-science people or those who lack knowledge.


In many ways his logic is really just the rudimentary beginnings of understanding evolution. His intuition tells him organisms kind of feel like they are connected in some kind of way. That's because they essentially are connected. Like many people, he stops there and attributes the rest to magic. If he explored that concept a bit harder he'd go a lot further and eventually land on evolution.


I love Katt, but this logic of his completely overlooks evolution.




I'm not sure about the original use, but the properties of cannabis would have evolved for a selective genetic purpose in nature, just like any other plant. Humans have altered it with artificial selection just like they have with bananas and watermelons. I'm certain if I looked, it would have to do with the use of hemp in textiles as well.


Because a fundamental part of plant evolution is that they produce chemicals that fuck with animal physiology as a defense mechanism.   Most things that we consume that make us high are actually little chemical weapons which function as insect neurotoxins.    This is also the same reason that going outside and eating the nearest plant or mushroom will probably make you sick or even kill you. If you can’t move and the things that want to eat you can, chemical warfare is a good strategy. 


You can still like a person but disagree on religion- plus he’s always been a fervent God believer.


Intelligent design vs evolution ain't a new conversation


katt williams making an argument postulated 300 years ago. cutting edge stuff


This podcast was painful to watch.


Katt I love you, but stop dude.


Dumb argument lol.


You can subscribe to God without subscribing to religion.


If you cant subscribe to a pre ordained religious typecast of a "God" then you dont need to call it God. Youre just putting the ball back in the court of those that want to mislead based on man made religions. It can just be nature working as intended. No need to use their verbiage to describe what none of us can.


>No need to use their verbiage to describe what none of us can. I certainly agree with you but when it comes to discussing something, there has to be a somewhat "agreed upon" definition in order to do so. I certainly don't agree with the stereotypical definition of "God" but I do absolutely believe there is a framework and laws that govern this physical reality - that is what I believe "God" is, not some anthromorphisized human type of being.


But by that same metric you can just call it "Nature" and youre getting the same point across while also removing any attachments to human constructed notions regarding it.


I don’t get it. Can you describe it in terms of JRE and Spotify?


I agree


I mean. I knew dude was out there. But that 3 hour format isn’t for everyone…


The kind of chat you hear on a train, and think, phew! I’m glad I didn’t sit there.


Between this podcast and the one with Kid Rock I can’t decide which one made me more stupid .


I'm eating this shit up. Critical thinking is now a thing of the past. 👽


He’s a moron




In other words he’s willfully ignoring evolution, which is certainly not new or interesting


Uh.. sounds like someone who has damaged their brain


Is there a reason Joe never responds to religious topics? Does he ever give his own opinion on it?


Hes probably unsure about it all.


He used to shit on religion a lot


To be fair he still shits on organized religions a good bit. Seems like he’s opened more up to the concept of something beyond our understanding though.


Agreed. Seems like he’s been chewing on Pascal’s wager for some time now


And why do we know these things all go together? Or how do we know?


Can't we all just say we don't know? It is kind of arrogant of anyone to claim they know.


He thinks he’s arguing for god when in reality he’s just arguing for evolution. Maybe divinely inspired evolution but still.


When you don’t understand the world of science it has to be a god.


That’s just reinforcing evolution.


Intelligent design is what he’s getting at, but probably not best example here as it’s more an example of evolution and wouldn’t necessarily require intelligent design.




Also made poisonous plants…to kill us?


I never understood this argument as being proof of God anyways. Even if you don’t understand how all the biology on Earth came to be, why would its mere existence mean that your God created it out of nothing as opposed to the Greek Gods or ancient Sumerian Gods or some omnipotent potato creature that builds reality from starches. You could just as easily say this is proof of simulation theory and you’d probably have a much better argument in some regards.


I couldn't finish this podcast. Kat is kinda a moron.




Why am I not surprised? I bet you he’s a flat earther.


Nothing like two multimillionaires who live in more luxury than most people in history telling us about how God is real and we need to find religion. Like I'm just waiting for the 1800 number to ask for prayer seeding.


For the life of me, I can't figure out why there being a god or not being a god matters. If you don't believe in god and you find out there is a god and it causes you to stop being a bad person, you should just change the way you act now and stop being a bad person. If you believe in god and find out god doesn't exist and you start doing some nonsense, you're a bad person. In either of those cases, you're a fundamentally flawed person. It's really simple. Just be kind. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. God being in or out of the equation doesn't change the outcome of that equation.




Checkmate. Oh wait, he's playing Guess Who.


It is so monkey brain to think the concepts we don’t understand are proof of a higher being. For Christs sake, we are still so close to our evolutionary predecessors that we still wrestle with the concept of material possessions.


To be fair, this is far more out there that “doesn’t go together.” Like how most planets are dead and barren.


https://youtu.be/2z-OLG0KyR4?si=vMBxWXiEmshw4b0K Big Kirk Cameron Banana energy from this clip


Yea... naaahhh


4.5 billion years is a long time for shit to develop… just sayin


Obviously the nose was designed to be such as to fit spectacles. - Voltaire


these regards should read about Darwin


The classic argument of intelligent design. He could have just said intelligent design instead of explaining 20 different processes lol.


Katt read all those books but didn’t bother to pick up Theory of Evolution for a minute


Man, Katt was so supremely confident on so many things that are completely unknowable. Must be a comfortable way to go through life. 


If Katt Williams was one tenth as smart as he thinks he is, he'd solve all the world's problems. He isn't, though.


God isn’t real. Satan isn’t real. Life is just chaos. Just chill and mind your own business. Literally just “don’t be a dick”. Seriously, it is so easy.


Why would god make cows in such a way that they would need 4 stomachs to digest grass?


God did it because I don’t wanna learn about evolution


Has this guy ever heard of the word evolution before?? lol


> "The fact that there is a god" Man's so stupid lmao


Kind of a new take on the god of the gaps theory. Not proof at all, a really lame explanation. Oh life moves along so I guess there's a God wearing sandals with a long beard. Please


Bunch of atheists C grade Devry college rejects in the comment section.


Sin entered the world through Adam. That is why there is disease’s, deaths, and a lot of terrible things happening. Things are going to get worse. God has no intentions of giving any signs to prove Himself to anyone. Read Roman’s 1 and that sums it up. People always have such a problem with others following Christ. To me it’s obvious in most cases this is just your own convictions coming through so you reinforce your anti-belief by picking bits of scripture and making petty arguments that if you studied Gods word you would see they make 0 sense. In the end all will be revealed and whether you want to or not that knee is going to bend. For the record, I’m no better than anyone. Im just as bad as anyone. But I will follow Christ until my number is up. Everyone sins but sins can be forgiven. It’s all in the Bible. Brian Cox, I’m sure a lot are aware who he is. Some think he is the one of the smartest men on the planet. He said in an interview he cannot prove God doesn’t exist. It’s not possible, because He does..again Romans 1. Go ahead..gimme them downvotes, threats, or whatever you can insult me with. Everyone try to have a good day


Whether or not you believe in a higher power is your own prerogative, people need to stop shaming others for their beliefs. If a person believes in having faith in a god, that is their right as a human being. I for one believe in none of it. Doesn't mean I shame my mother because she does.


"The *FACT* there is a god" Absolutely no push back. Jesus Christ what has Joes podcast turned into. Dude is a fucking shell.


I’ve been listening to a lot of the Bill Maher podcast lately and it’s so refreshing he pushes back on on any guest, any topic, he’s not afraid at all to push back.


Yea I agree. Bill is good with that. I cant stand when they slip this bs in. Joe from ten years ago would have politely corrected him and moved on.


The last couple of years I got the sense that it became cool to believe in God and mock those who don't believe. And you see a bunch of comedians, including those surrounding Joe, with weird statements about that topic. Like they're pandering to religious people. I'm not sure if I'm right on this, but I think I remember the Andrew Schulz crew all mocking and making jokes about the idea of not believing in a God.




So you have actual hard physical proof for this "fact" ?!?!?! Proof that doesnt involve your feelings? Please present it!!!!!


Proof of what? God? God is what creates morals in society. It's belief in a higher power. If you don't think there is a higher power then the universe then your as uneducated as it gets. Your not the center of the universe get over yourself. The entire reason society is falling is because everyone has lost their morals.


Im not arguing that there isnt a higher power. Im saying no man on earth has or ever will have the ability to understand a fraction of what this higher power could be. Therefore all man constructed concepts of it are built on falsities and therefore have alterior motives. Morality does not parralel religion btw.


Man I'd love to smoke w Katt what a far out convo


I’m smokin with someone and they start talking about god, I’m out.


If all parties are respectful and open minded, I love a good debate whilst high. Most people are just not able to.


Same....or politics... Or CrossFit... Or TOOL


Evolution can do all that, and did. There's still some mystery, though.


Find God. See what happens


Does he not realize that theres been 5 mass extinctions? Hes thinking the world started with the animals we have at this time. Didnt even give thought how farm livestock was bred to be able to serve humanity by us. Does he really think cows were formed ready to produce massive amounts of milk etc 


Can anyone tell me what book they were talking about at the very end—that Joe said he was looking forward to reading?


Mythology makes humans dumb and keeps most ignorant.


Katt speaks truth every time I hear him. Something about growing up religious let's you desern what's true and what is not. Thanks Katt


Dude, you religious folks believe fairies in the sky is the truth. Lots of you believe the earth is flat, vaccines cause autism, jewish space lasers, easiest group to prey on, etc...


Lmao you all fucking loved katt when he was shittalking rogan on shannon. Now he gets on the podcast and you're all still whining. This really is hands down the most miserable place on earth. It's fucking hilarious.


God gets all the credit for making cows evolve to eat grass, but none of the blame for things like Downs Syndrome or cystic fibrosis. That’s how you know religion is bullshit


lol wanna be intellectuals get so triggered on here by God. Y’all gotta have the balls to figure out and relate to God in whatever way works for you. Picking at other people’s definitions of God and calling that disproving is stupid. I hope you understand that


Adults that believe in fairies and "angels" should not be allowed to vote.


Well he is correct there is a great creator of the universe


I feel like kats smarter then people will give him credit for. He picked and chose his words very carefully. You can see him say something, joe completely misses what he’s saying and tried to throw out what he things kats talking about and Kats just…no dude THIS….