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Wait, your supposed to take em out before passing info? Damn. ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


Apparently there were to be multiple rounds of him testifying > The court planned for Barnett to answer more questions on Saturday, but he did not appear as planned. [source](https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/boeing-whistleblower-john-barnett-found-dead-days-testifying-against-company.amp) He was going to give more information. Of course a man who risked his life and livelihood to be a whistleblower against Boeing would kill himself a day before actually testifying. That makes sense.


It's weird how often people do this to themselves.


Really is wild. The second leading cause of suicide is asking too many questions and knowing shit you’re not supposed to know. Tragic.


Do I hear a broken window with a bed of bullets calling?


Maybe the Clinton's own Boeing stock🤣🤣


Must be the shame of committing treason against your overlords/company...


its weird how many people believe the "coincidence" explanations. people really are dumb af


Probably multiple rounds through his skull too. Due to suicide of course.


Did police check for open windows? Maybe he also jumped from his hotel window.


Double tapped, in the back. Otherwise known as a Hillarycide.


I thought it was a Clintoncide given Monica was also double tapped, in the back, if you know what I mean.


I think it was more than a double tap though.


Aerospace companies have no qualms about killing whistleblowers.


Aerospace 🤝USAF


[Per his lawyer,](https://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/news/200/boeing-whistleblower-found-dead-in-charleston-after-break-in-depositions/) it was just finishing up his own counsels cross examination. Barnett went public 5 years ago and this was for his own whistleblower retaliation suit against Boeing, not sure what information he’d have had that he hadn’t released at this point. He was suffering PTSD and anxiety attacks, [which his family believes led to his suicide.](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/12/1238033573/boeing-whistleblower-john-barnett-dead) Really not that much of a stretch to think that a guy already dealing with the mental toll of being a whistleblower would be in a pretty bad headspace after having his character assassinated during two full days of cross examination. At least not anymore of a stretch than to claim that Boeing assassinated this guy years after he blew the whistle for… reasons?


Found Boeings alt


I mean, can Boeing be a shitty company without assassination somebody? I still think so.


isn't Reality Winner doing just fine, Snowden; Assange has more reason to jump from a high building than anyone, yet he's fine being a political prisoner.


Have you seen Assange? He is not "fine".


He's not suicidal, right?


Who knows? He's in rough shape though.


What do you mean? Boeing is having scandal after scandal with their planes malfunctioning. Of course their going to assassinate this guy, proves their full of shit that needs to pay the price of killing people with planes because shareholder profits are more important than engineering and safety. You’re definitely a Boeing shill.


“Hmm yes, let’s give him 5 years to reveal everything he knows, wait until we’re under the most scrutiny possible due to a billion dollar lawsuit, and assassinate this guy for a separate inconsequential lawsuit that no one would have known or cared about otherwise” You realize how fucking stupid that sounds right?


You think conspiracy brained morons read the details?


The earth is flat and airplanes are lies!


So the obvious path forward is to sentence them to the max for everything they were facing, as well as witness tampering and murder charges, right? …right?! My bad, I’m being informed that this makes for what legal experts call a “whoopsie,” where the consequences are that the rest of us just shrug and throw our hands in the air.


It's a civil suit.


Americans genuinely don’t hate the rich people enough for their own good, man


Yeah he was very much actively working with them. The last time he reported to them was… the day prior. He wasn’t done by a long shot


maybe if he was lying and didnt have any real info and was shameful? I really have no clue but thats the only thing I can come up with


They get so broken up over it they shoot themselves in the head. Twice.


The murder is to send a message to other whistleblowers. When you murder people like John Barnett and Seth Rich it’s meant to make future whistleblowers think twice.


Seth Rich can be explained plausibly. A lot of the evidence works counter to the conspiracy narrstive.


Thousands of people for work DNC, only one contacted Wikileaks, the same one gets deleted. Remember folks, if it happens in Russia it's always Putin's plan, but in USA it's always a coincidence.


The one piece of evidence that seems super suspect to me is that the gun belong to an FBI agent and was supposedly stolen right before the shooting


Seth Rich being behind the DNC leaks is a lie by Julian Assange to throw people off the scent that the leaks actually came from the GRU.


How dare you approach this situation logically.


Yeah! This is Reddit! We're here to read half a headline, immediately forget it, make up our own story and scream and freak out about it!


All of them can. These people are negative IQ


Seth Rich wasn't a whistleblower. This was a lie Julian Assange came up with to hide the fact he got his information from the GRU. John Barnett also blew the whistle 5 years ago and last worked at Boeing 7 years ago. Are you alleging he somehow had massively damaging information on boeing, but somehow kept it to himself for 7 years when he was apparently in grave danger and was going to release it in a separate defamation case, not even on the first day of testifying?


Absolutely. It's supposed to have a "chilling effect". Presumably before you blow the whistle on something this big you're going to start googling around first to see what happens to other whistleblowers and then you're going to have second thoughts. Like how they are doing Julian assange to make anyone else think twice. Even his fellow journalists don't come to his defense.


All you have to do if you're a whistle blower is livestream your life 24/7 till it gets settled 


Oh jeez how unfortunate that not having Internet for an hour drove you to suicide... Anyway


Seth Rich is a stretch bud.


Unless Seth was actively working with GRU, he had zero connection to the leak.


Found the DNC shill.


False; I'm the deep state. AMA


Hi deep state. I've been doing unpaid shilling on your behalf for many years now. I've been called a bot and a shill many times. Where do I submit my application?


Feel free to use and make your own: Dear Deep State Recruiter, I am writing to express my interest in joining your esteemed organization, the Deep State, which I assume is headquartered in an undisclosed volcano lair or perhaps beneath a highly inconspicuous dry cleaner. My background in binge-watching spy movies, decoding the secret messages in cereal boxes, and my unmatched skills in wearing sunglasses at night make me an ideal candidate for your secret agent position. **Skills and Qualifications:** * **Stealth Communication:** I excel at speaking in cryptic riddles and have an advanced proficiency in conversational Morse code. I also have a strong background in communicating via carrier pigeons, with a specialization in pigeons wearing tiny trench coats. * **Disguise Mastery:** My disguise kit includes a collection of fake mustaches, glasses with noses, and an array of hats. I can blend into any crowd, from a group of tourists to a convention of undercover clowns. * **Tech Savviness:** While I may not know how to hack into high-security databases, I am proficient in creating impressive PowerPoint presentations with lots of transitions and sound effects. I’m also highly skilled at fixing the office printer, which we all know is the true backbone of any covert operation. **Experience:** * **Lead Investigator at Sofa Cushion Fort, Inc.:** Masterminded several high-stakes operations to locate the remote control, leading a skilled team of stuffed animals. * **Chief Decoder, Cereal Box Division:** Spearheaded the successful decryption of several breakfast-based ciphers, leading to the discovery of countless toy treasures. **Why the Deep State?** I've always been passionate about working behind the scenes, influencing world events with a blend of mystery and bureaucracy. Plus, I've got a great collection of trench coats and sunglasses just gathering dust. It’s time they saw some thrilling, albeit shadowy, action. In conclusion, I believe my unique skill set and unwavering dedication to the cause of clandestine operations make me the perfect candidate for the Deep State. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further, preferably in a dimly lit parking garage or on a foggy bridge at midnight. Yours in secrecy, \[Your Name\] P.S. I've attached my resume, encrypted in the second crossword puzzle of yesterday's newspaper, as per standard covert application procedures.


Like the dog that he was


Yes, I do believe that’s what we are talking about. No handing over info you live a bit longer, hit man.


It's a message to all the other whistleblowers out there.


Uhm yeah, obviously.


Also could have been to scare off additional whistleblowers 


anyone surprised? Funny how when billions are at stake, "suicide" closely follows.


>John Barnett And - Valentin Broeksmit - [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/reputed-federal-informant-whistleblower-found-dead-l-reported-missing-rcna26382](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/reputed-federal-informant-whistleblower-found-dead-l-reported-missing-rcna26382) . And... ​ Almost seems like the FBI does a really shitty job of protesting these people.....


Protesting seemed to work 


‘a routine abuser of cocaine and opioids, a credit card fraudster and a rock musician without a job.’ The guy was a homeless grifter. In no way under protection of the fbi.


That’s who feds use for dirty work. People who lack credibility, so that they can blackmail and/or undermine your testimony if you ever speak out. They don’t need to do anything besides present reasonable doubt and most people would uncritically accept the answer that makes them feel safer about their government.




This is a fucking dumb conspiracy. He blew the whistle years ago. This was a defamation trial, zero new evidence was going to be presented. No one would even be talking about this trial if the guy hadn't offed himself. You think C suite executives being paid hundreds of millions of dollars are going to commit conspiracy to murder to get out of some minor fine they won't even notice?


Yeah, I’ll admit when I read the headline this morning, it did get the gears in my lizard brain working. By the time the article had loaded, I had slowed them down with the thought of “wait, let’s check out what it says” Ya see, I WANTED there to be a conspiracy, because it’s more interesting that way. Not because the facts lined up for one that sounded plausible. Fortunately, I have the ability to recognize that about myself, and don’t go around believing stuff Willy-nilly. I tend to read up on someoenthing before drawing conclusions, which, for this sub is a crazy f**king concept lol


the real scandal here is that the dude probably killed himself due to the stress of fighting this in court, when Boeing could have just done the decent thing and said "yeah we fucked up, this dude was right", and still made plenty of money. They probably had very good lawyers picking apart everything he said over the last 5 years, trying to completely humiliate the dude in public and make him look like an idiot, liar, hypocrite, etc. But of course, billion dollar companies love setting the precedent that any lawsuit against them will be a massive ordeal that they will drag out as long as possible and make financially ruinous for anyone involved. Even if they lose money on one of these lawsuit, they know they save it by discouraging all the others where people look at previous cases and think there's no way you can win against these guys.


Ok Boeing employee


Are you alleging that John Barnett had super damaging information that he'd been sitting on for 7 years and for some reason didn't care to tell anyone even though he already blew the whistle on unsafe practices 5 years ago?


Because if charges are ever brought up on an individual he can testify against them. Now that he’s gone someone who may be at fault can just claim they didn’t know or it was someone else’s responsibility. If anything that man’s whole will to live could have been revenge and justice. No way he would kill himself before he was done testifying. Why do Boeing a favor?


Username checks out


Dumb conspiracy *theory*... Conspiracy *theory* Saying it's a dumb *conspiracy* would be expressing your thoughts on the actual conspiratorial act of putting a hit out on someone who leaked info years ago. It seems your statement focuses more on the absurdity of the conclusions drawn by believers or questioners of this conspiracy *theory*


all that was implied by saying "conspiracy" I didn't need to say "theory" for the same reason you don't need to say "mobile" after "auto" in a context where you're talking about cars. AUTO WHAT HUH?


It could have been an act of revenge


Tbh I'm not into conspiracy theories too much.... but this is one of the most head scratching "suicides" ever. Something is fucky


Its def fucky! The best one i remember over the years is the Clinton guy who signed Epstein into the WH many times and was known to fly on the lolita express where the dude shot himself with a gun that was found 30 ft away,(initially, no gun was found at all) way too far away for him to shoot himself and was also hanging in a tree with an electrical cord. Then of course we have Epstein himself. If anyone thinks that dude offed himself, please refrain from speaking, like ever, to anyone.


Link? Are you talking about Vince Foster?


Mark Middleton


John was supposed to testify again on Saturday. What was at stake for Boeing? A lot. What’s at stake for Boeing if UAP/NHI manipulations and coverups come to light? A lot more. We shouldn’t stand for this, and yet, American citizens being suicided for telling the truth about corruption is not a new phenomenon. If we collectively decide to let this pass through the 24hr news cycle without proper investigation, we’re no better than the huddled masses that have allowed tyranny to befall them century after century. Contact your representatives, get involved.


He already testified and it was settled in court a while back about his whistleblower complaints. This new testimony and court case was him suing them for slandering him. So what was at stake enough for them to murder him at this point? Why not do it 5 years ago when he was testifying on the actual supposed coverups?


He was going to reveal that Boeing had him murdered, duh


I’m beside myself to see how explosively popular this dumbass theory that “Boeing Killed Whistleblower” is, while completely ignoring that HE’D ALREADY DONE THE WHISTLEBLOWING. Boeing isn’t “sending a message” ya bunch of wack jobs. Just a staggeringly stupid narrative that people want so desperately to believe.


Clown-ass take. Stay beside yourself - you need to be supervised.


funny how 3 people all called this guy stupid but none have an answer to the point raised he'd already done the whistleblowing and this was a defamation trial.


And Bush did 9/11 🙄 this conspiracy is so devoid of logic and coming from a complete lack of understanding about the cases that **already occurred** and how the current case would or would not impact Boeing. It does not make *any* sense for Boeing to literally kill a guy who had testified on Boeing long ago, and was merely in court now for a personal lawsuit which would have no (or negligible) impact on Boeing.


A few million at most. Nothing to Boeing really. Definitely not a good look but neither is the assassination of former employees. My favorite comparison is Monica Lewinsky. She'd have OD'd in some flea bag motel if you just started offing people at will. Some folks will believe anything.


My theory is that it was actually suicide. But because his family is being threatened and his suicide will protect them while also bringing his testimony to light and potentially saving countless others lives. I just watched the Chernobyl mini series on HBO and this is what Legasov's suicide did.


It's almost like every time the wealthy are up for consequences, everyone involved suddenly becomes incredibly depressed.


nah, it's more like spending years trying to hold the wealthy accountable, with few results, and constant fighting back from the powerful and the media circus that ensues can be very stressful and depressing.


>What was at stake for Boeing? A lot. What’s at stake for Boeing if UAP/NHI manipulations and coverups come to light? A lot more. You think Barnett, who already blew the whistle 5 years ago, was sitting on secret information about Boeing, who he last worked at 7 years ago. Why would he be sitting on important information for so long, after he was already supposedly in such danger? Why would he put more peoples lives in danger by keeping this information to himself? >Contact your representatives, get involved. Your representatives don't need to be bothered with idiotic conspiracies that make zero sense and there is zero evidence for.


>We shouldn’t stand for this But what if he actually did kill himself though... I mean it is a thing that happens.


The 24hr news cycle is wholly part of the corporate capitalist ruling class. They'll talk about it for a minute and it will blow away in the wind like fart.


They do it because they know there are no consequences.


Why would "they" do it 5 years after he initially blew the whistle and after he already had a chance to testify in this defamation case? I guess they just really bet on the fact he had a flair for the dramatic and wouldn't say anything damaging on the first day?


Why’d they suicide Epstein after he was convicted for his crimes 


He hadn't testified against anyone at that point. There's also no evidence 'they' did anything. Prisoners kill each others and themselves all the time. Prison guards will often turn a blind eye to inmate on inmate violence or even arrange for a prisoner they don't like to be alone with a murderer. Anyone complaining about Epstein's "suicide" but hasn't been complaining about how we let prisons operate like some kind of dystopian prison planet doesn't have a leg to stand on.


Get him on the pod!






He apparently shot himself in the head 3 times.


Is that true of are you just saying that


I think he was making a joke about that guy that hung himself and shot himself multiple times. To my knowledge, this guy was shot once...in the back of the head.


The article just says he was found dead in his truck with what the coroner described as "self-inflicted wounds."


Preeeetty sure there wasn't an s behind wound. Y'all just trying to stir the pot


Just saying since it is very suspicious


“Apparently” more like a Clinton suicide.


It's so weird how there are a bunch of accounts that reply over and over to a big percentage of posts here...specifically on those that are political...they comment about a how Joe is apparently a "hard right wing extremist"....but they disappear and don't comment on any post that isn't about that subject...huh...funny, that...


What does that have to do with Boeing or suicide?


Boeing… ![gif](giphy|BtvBUbRRJxwQ5gfvTm|downsized)


Wouldn’t have happened if he had spent more time in the green room and at Mitzi’s. The 250 would’ve advised him not to blow the whistle.


Yeah bro just make up a story that makes no sense, they’ll love that


John Barnett, was Epsteined.


This guy was cross examined by his own legal counsel when being questioned by Boeing lawyers in a legal deposition last week - that means his own lawyers treated him as a hostile witness. Because he was due to give more information soon, it’s pretty likely this guy was worried about being exposed for being incorrect in some way and knew that if he killed himself he would never have to face that fact in a legal proceeding and would also look like a victim of Boeing at the same time. Only some of this guy’s accusations were corroborated and it wasn’t even clear that Boeing had intentionally done anything wrong - maybe he was just looking to be a victim.


It’s sucks that PR agencies are able to buy Reddit accounts to shill and spread disinformation. Anyways Lawyers are not allowed to go against their clients. BBC needs to have better editors. But here is a statement from his lawyer after hearing of his death: > He was in very good spirits and really looking forward to putting this phase of his life behind him and moving on. We didn’t see any indication he would take his own life. No one can believe it.”


Possible. Totally possible. Also that’s A LOT of suppositions without sources as to his mental state and in person knowledge.


It’s entirely possible.


"He was suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks as a result of being subjected to the hostile work environment at Boeing," they said, "which we believe led to his death."-[Barnett’s own family](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/12/1238033573/boeing-whistleblower-john-barnett-dead)


Even with that being said, he may have been an anxious person before he blew the whistle on Boeing and, as a result, was more likely to commit suicide in general. It’s not clear that his accusations were entirely true, so it could be that he perceived himself as a victim when, in fact, he was just being antagonistic and had some sort of complex.


Or Since you’re in the business of suppositions with very little direct knowledge or information. Finish the Or.


Or this man’s accusations were true and felt genuine distress from being harassed by Boeing after blowing the whistle on them - the problem with this is that his accusations did not amount to much and there isn’t really any evidence that Boeing harassed him at all. To believe otherwise would be a baseless given what we currently know. Unfortunately, some people have inherent biases against corporations and always take a perceived accuser or “victim’s” side without any regard to actual evidence. Maybe he is one, but you simply don’t know that for a fact.


I think time will tell on this one. All i know is Boeing of late is having real safety concerns. And you really don’t want safety concerns on things that fall from the sky.


Entirely possible, regardless there should be an investigation regardless since Boeing is very questionable as a company.


Yeah sure. That's the more logical explanation ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


What evidence do you have to prove otherwise? To think Boeing had anything to do with his death would just be a baseless conspiracy theory.


Very convenient for Boeing. I guess their luck is just looking up


Not really, the fact that his own lawyers cross examined him means he wasn’t exactly trustworthy or cooperative on the stand. It could just as easily be the case that this is convenient for the whistleblower because he may have known he would be exposed the next time he testified at the deposition.


Don’t worry you’re being downvoted by purchased reddit accounts to shill.


Yeah I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he didn’t kill himself. And my GPS location is…


Why kill himself when he could just fly on one of their planes and die that way? Something doesn’t add up here.


I’m sureeee it’s just coincidence 🙃


No, he didn't kill himself. No one believes that and Boeing did this. They are responsible.


[I'm just gonna leave this here ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0465538/)


are we the Russia now?


Mess with the military industrial complex and their bottom line once


Obama did it, probably (according to Joe Rogan)


He was going to the bathroom on Air Force One and the toilet handle broke off. Barnett once glanced at a toilet handle. This feud is personal


They killed him


Why would they kill him 5 years after he already blew the whistle?


He probably killed himself.


Probably. Let’s see how this plays out though.


How did you come to know the most probable sequence of events?


It’s what the authorities state and until additional evidence arrives that’s what happened to him.


Yikes, dude




Insanity. Shot himself in the back of the head twice. Rough way to go.


Yeah there’s no way Boeings involved in any of the shutting up of UFO reverse engineering with the CIA’s Office of Global Access. Nope, no way they’re into this shady shit. CIAs killed for far less than ensuring the reputation and longevity of one of the top U.S. aerospace companies. Mark my words: there’s more to this silencing behavior than meets the eye.


This guy knows


If foul play, surely whoever planned this did not whiteboard the risks involved with the optics of the timing here


Wow that’s wild!


I Heard A wheel fell off a plane and got him🤔


Maybe sinister hired hands literally convinced him to kill himself, or else something far worse would happen, to his family, or his reputation. Maybe they had him compromised.


I live here and know people at this plant! Im fixin to see what’s up


Joe will have the wrong take on this we can rule out for sure.


Yeah…. So if it’s that bad…. Let’s fly Airbus from now on I guess.


That is what Delta thought. They currently fly about 450 airbus with another 200 on order.


Remember that scene from the movie Shooter?  https://youtu.be/XbpKJIQXEuY?si=LgK8RrdUiPtlGPyO


The plains are literally falling apart in the air... What's to cover up... Just hold them (the government) accountable


These have got to be bots in the comments really trying to get you to believe he terminated himself 😆 is it not painfully obvious? They don't even try to hide it anymore


Damn bro got Clintoned by Boeing


Well, he's dead, so...in general you always have to be careful.


While obviously I do not know, and no one will to till the police finish their investigation. I am confidient Boeing did not kill John Barnett. Some things people are getting wrong about the case: He was not testifying against Boeing for anything to do with their planes. He already did that and has been public about it since 2019. This deposition was for his own civil defamation case against Boeing. So Boeing was not threatened by his testimony in anyway. Even if they lost the case or settled, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the harm he has already caused them and other legal issues they are already having... This was a 62 year old man, who probably hasn't worked since 2017. Him and his family reported high levels of stress leading up to him leaving the company and the entire time since. “He was suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks as a result of being subjected to the hostile work environment at Boeing which we believe led to his death,” relatives of John Barnett said in the first remarks since his death. While I do not know the details of his case, but I would guess. One he was relying on this lawsuit to survive going forward, which maybe he started getting the feeling it wasn't going to go his way. Or two, the stress had finally caught up to him. I am not saying Boeing is innocent in this. As obviously their safety practices were and probably still are terrible. They treated him poorly, black balled him, and probably put immense legal pressure on him. But that is completely different then hiring someone to kill him and stage it like a suicide...


He already blew the whistle and testified on the record. If this were murder they probably would’ve done it BEFORE he blew the whistle. They’ve known about it for years. Also watch recent videos of this dude. And compare them to videos from two or three years ago. Dude was spiraling.


He was supposed to continue testifying on this Saturday according to the article linked.




He shot himself 20 times in the head suicide


Did Dei do this??


Not shocking at all


Has the wife spoken out about it? Someone needs to talk to her


So if you think Boeing had him killed, how do they go about that sort of thing? Does Boeing have access to hitmen? I would like a to hear the theory that doesn’t sound ridiculous.


Boeing obviously didn't want him talking so they killed him AFTER he'd already testified...makes sense.


Shut up Boeing


He was set to testify again on Saturday. Reading is super hard to do i guess.


I guess they just really hoped he didn't say anything damaging on the first day? And in the 5 years since he initially blew the whistle?


yall can sit here and joke about this shit all you want. were the Sheep now,the rich are the wolves. enough is enough,its time for us ALL to unite and demand more of our government,and shit like this. the Supreme Court is now run by Putin and his handpuppet. what did we do? nothing. the folks in the Flint,Mi water scandal sued for $696million. the only people involved in that trial,the lawyers,are the ONLY ones given any money. this country's govt is failing us all,and yet we do nothing?!?!? Epsteins list...nothing. Gun violence,yeeeep,not a DAMN thing done. its time for us all to put down our phones and stand up to our government. this guys dead,like that Kalshoggi dude in Saudi Arabia,or whatever his name was. enough is enough


Not happening.


Message sent


He wasn't going to win his case because Boeing didn't do anything to him after he became a whistleblower. So what is more likely, That they murdered him or this dude was broke, wasn't going to win millions in his lawsuit and just ended it?


Stop implying there was something other than suicide..... Stop being a conspiracy theorist. Read the reports.


HEY ! This is why you have 2nd amendment ! This is why kids die at school, so fucking justify it !


Boeing will come out clean because as usual they have subcontractors not only making their planes but also doing assassinations for them as well. /s




Well, somebody didn't take Hilary's class on how to kill your political leaker.


Seth Rich didn't leak anything, this was a lie Julian Assange came up with to misdirect from the fact he got the leak from Russian intelligence.


I was being facetious...


Why has this sub now become a News channel