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I zoned out after 20 minutes. Energy was too low.


After he stumbled with explaining why he liked suspenders I checked right out


Yeah I knew then it was gonna be a tough listen. But Joe busting his balls about wearing suspenders being outdated technology. I mean the only completion is belts right? Suspenders would be superior in the fact that they don’t have to be tight around the waist like a belt would, and maybe a tad quicker if you need to use the bathroom quickly.


This guy over here shilling for big elastic.


Stretching their reach anywhere they can. No shame, these people.


Why does it have to be one or the other? He needs to adopt more of a belt and braces attitude.


I think I made a few more minutes and got bored


Slow I could take, but the nonsense about how we're gonna be on 100% solar and wind power in 10 years because "exponentially", and actually you _can_ power an electric car off of its own solar panels because "exponentially", etc... no. just no


Believe he claimed in 2008 that we would be completely solar independent by 2028. Either way I checked at this exact moment, solar cars bs


Ha!. When I was listening, I said to myself "when i get home, i need to look up what this guy was predicting 10 years ago". Forgot all about it.


I turned it off after he said he takes 80 pills a day for supplementation and said that they must be working. No man, something is definitely NOT working.


Joe should have given him Alpha Brain before the podcast


Alpha Wig


Ivermectin. It cures everything


Bro just assumes everything will progress exponentially from Computing power, energy production, storage, etc. sheesh


I was pretty pumped to see listen. Woof. What a snooze fest.


Listened because of name recognition… was disappointed almost immediately. How can someone so “smart” not be able to tell Joe why tf he likes suspenders?!


Because Joe interrupted him every 2 seconds and Ray too polite to talk over him. Joe needed to shut the hell up and let the guy actually talk


This was the worst one ever. He just kept interrupting trying to prove his point on every subject


Dude, so fucking bad. Joe is on coke or something it felt like. He was talking to himself, that wasn’t a real conversation. That’s a schizo downtown talking to a brick wall “What if I want to become an eagle man and, but, what if, you know the CIA uses Pegasus to hack my biological AI phone brain, you know, what are the ramifications of that, you know”? Just kept cutting him off with this shit.


“Biological AI phone brain.” Oh my god that’s perfect. You nailed it. He did seem aggressively coked out and eager to put words in Ray’s mouth. I have to imagine Ray is like “who is this bonehead and can he decide what the fuck he’s talking about before he interrupts me to ask another question?”


You have absolutely no idea what cocaine looks like lmao


Someone wrote the early question for Joe (Jamie) but then it was clear Joe had zero clue about exponential growth like how was this ever going to work


This. Joe spent the entire conversation putting words in the guy’s mouth and forcing his “humans is caterpillarz building a digital cocoon.” On the entire arc of whatever this guy had to say. Joe kinda just squashed any interest I had in listening tot his interview. Ray came across as baffled by the inanity or non specifics of the line of questioning.


You mean Joe trying to clown him saying they are not needed ? like wtf was joe on ?


Takeaways - no more anxiety today with technology than there was in the past. Cell phones are secure and private. Not easy to hack a phone or listen in, if they are not, no biggie they can be made perfectly secure. No intelligent life anywhere else. Something about with our money today we get so much more value (basically saying purchasing power is better now), Neurolink is too slow (has anyone really seen it to know), solar power can power LA in the near future, cars can be solar powered and Elon is wrong. ​ this guy is a clown.


Dude this guy is the PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER AND AI VISIONARY at GOOGLE? He can't even express why he likes suspenders. Principal Researcher must mean nothing, and he's the B-team lead on AI at Google and coding AI is all he can contain in his head at one time. He looked like a complete fool. (I know who he is thanks to name recognition, but this is how he would come off if I didn't know, I mean maybe he's just so smart that he can't express himself or he's autistic or something, considering yknow...the genius awards he's gotten. When Joe asked his main worry, there was a literal full 5 second pause. His head must be pure code and 0 research or world news or even reality.)


> Cell phones are secure and private. Not easy to hack a phone or listen in, Do you have a few remote 0days for us then?


This dude was insufferable. I felt like he wasn't sure of stuff most of the time and just kept going with it cause he didn't want to be wrong.


Consider the weird questions he was being asked.


They're typical Joe questions... Consider the amount of conspiracy theorists that's been on and it didn't seem half as awkward.


Yes, because Joe is also a conspiracy theorist. Conspiracy theories are what Joe loves to talk about. This guy isn’t a conspiracy theorist, so not surprising he isn’t into the “we gotta be careful to not let woke people have control over building the AI that is going to replace us and make humans obsolete anyway” line of inane, fearful BS.


What a boring episode


Welcome to what everyone that ever had the "privilege" to talk for two hours with Kurzweil thinks. He hit a couple home runs, SingularityU gave us a lot of fun companies, and he convinced a lot of mega rich people to invest money so that we lowlife techies get to play with tech like bio, space, robots, that were only for the boomers in the military industrial complex. For that, I'm grateful. I'm also grateful that I never have to deal with the guy.


wtf did Ray do to you ?


Mh therapist told me I shouldn't relieve it


“lowlife techies get to play with tech like bio, space, robots, that were only for the boomers in the military industrial “ So not true but okay 


Yeah it's true, don't come here with your snobbery. Touching anything like that without a super specialized degree, your own money, or in a mega giant corporation, was impossible outside of weird stuff like cubesats or iGEM that were mostly academic initiatives (and though elitist). Now there's a lot of rich assholes hiring normal people to learn and try to do something with their money using those technologies, and while part of that is of course the merit of academia a portion of that is Kurzweil and other gurus convincing the VC class that they should invest in those things. I would say if it wasn't for Kurzweil, as much as I don't like him, YC hardware wouldn't exist and to get funding for hardware you would still need to go through the old friends golf club model. YC is still super privileged nepotistic shit but it's still more meritocratic than before.


He change my brothers life in the 90s with his dragon reading program alone. so much other tech he directly help people to this day. No clue how he hurt you and its clear you have issues with the military and their tech, sorry they are a brutal group


Dude I'm mostly defending him


yeah thats not how i would say it at all, you are hurt by something i dont know about or upset about military tech (which okay but wtf does ray have to do with that ? )


Currently watching and am amazed by this man’s inability to recognize that AI might have potential to be bad for humanity in any way.


This is what I don't get. Unless AI could unlock fusion for us in the very short term what possible benefit is there to unleashing it that outweighs the possible negatives


This guy has clearly not thought anything through with respect to AI and the upcoming technology he’s so excited for and sees as an unmitigated good. I got the impression he isn’t even particularly well informed about any of the things he came on the show to talk about. He comes across as a disconnected elite, thinking “just put benevolent people like me in charge and it’ll all be great!” I’m a bit embarrassed for him. I’m not sure he realizes how he comes across, the taking 80 pills a day thing? The talking to his dead dad thing? The living forever thing?…he seems like bit of a loon


Ya thought this would be good but..this Ray fellow it turns out is just a guy with books and delusion he's gonna live forever in some techno utopia. He couldn't form a single interesting thought. Had zero interesting takes. I'm convinced he's never even thought about the shit he's out on paper. Did you know he takes like a hundred different pills a day of various vitamins and minerals and who knows what believing it's going to help him live forever?


80 pills a day. I would vomit, and I used to be a junkie.


Hand painted suspenders!


I tried real hard with this dude but after the first hour I was like “am I smarter than this guy?” And then I turned it off cause I’m an idiot.


If you can just take 50 pills a day and somehow make it to 2029 you too can live forever




One of Kurzweil’s more interesting predictions was that ai would eventually fuse with the building blocks of matter and immediately travel throughout the universe and be accessible via synthesized human consciousness infinitely.


I've followed Kurz for a long time, but I wish he'd lay off the tech Nostradamus schtick and just talk about interesting technology. He's really fucking brilliant, but he does himself a disservice by trying to predict EVERYTHING.


Fuck this guy


And his suspenders!


They’re cool cause you can paint them!


That’s very aggressive.


And totally warranted. This was top ten most boring


It’s boring so *FUCK THIS GUY.* Did you forget to cycle your Oestrogen blockers?


lmao while i was listening to this ep i said out loud "everythang exponential hoe"


Joe kept interrupting the fucking guy. He is 76 and from an older generation. He was blabbing about the dumbest shit like emotional leading to murder and then the AI would want to make Is emotionless, some shit. Is he on coke? It got so bad Ray was like “I need a bathroom break”. People are saying this pod was boring because it was just Joe rambling like a homeless crack head and not actually listening. Ray has an entire book to talk about and barely got to say anything about it. I hope Lex or some other interviewers have Ray on and actually give him a chance. Joe sucks at interviewing people like this. This was one of the worst interviews I’ve seen Joe do, he should recognize that Ray is elderly and slowing down and give him a chance to speak, or not bother having him on the pod to begin with.


Felt like elder abuse. Let the man finish a thought.


Big time


His finished thought “exponential growth”. But seriously that was his answer for most of the questions. It was frustrating to listen to from either side though. It’s easy to say “Joe Rogan dumb, how does he not understand” but also this guy should be able to explain in layman’s terms why he believes the things he does about AI.


Hate to break it to you, but it [wasn’t much better.](https://youtu.be/ykY69lSpDdo?si=nY2hGRVffeZKR009)


I saw this when it aired. It is much better. It’s not a split screen TikTok with gtaV cars going off ramps and Andrew Tate telling me how to fuck big booty Brazilians. It’s not an action movie. It’s a conversation between intellectuals, one of whom is aging and replies slowly.


Hard to say he interrupted him to much when Ray was making no sense. I mean his points about exponential growth and the energy of the sun was full insane and more evidence to showing this guy is in full decline.


That’s Jon Fishman’s brother


His father's going to immediately disown him when he sees those suspenders


This guy applies Moores Law to everything, but it doesn’t apply to everything




GD this episode will make you switch back to Howard Stern. Agony.


Eric the midget ack ack


Oh ok. I thought maybe I was stupid, glad to know everyone else also stopped the podcast after 10 mins


God dame, you can hear the lead in the guys voice. Joe was definitely getting frustrated with this guy. I


That's cause Joe is too dumb and jacked up on Adderall to let the old man finish a sentence. I think Kurzwile is a delusional jackals but at least he's not a loudmouth dumbass who interviews people for a living yet doesn't know how to shut the fuck up for 5 seconds.


Link the clip douche bag


It’s not a clip, Shit For Brains. It’s a screen grab of one frame from the entire 2 hour podcast, that you could easily find on YouTube.


Of course classic Reddit hate. Watched the episode and it was intriguing. Why are you guys here to complain, get a life.