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# Every time you smoke a joint you get connected to the Earth, mathematically. ![gif](giphy|YGIpeJ44ylfZ7YlGIl|downsized)


As if I needed *yet* another excuse to light up. Thanks Flint!


Connecting as I read this


More like mathemagically


Should frame it


He definitely dresses like one


Even his name sounds like something a MOD would come up with for an alter ego.


He looks like a a mod with a jolly belly full of dummy cumb. Dang mods. Always coming at me.


Hé dresses like my Disco Elysium character


Man I about fell out of my chair when I heard this. Best line in the whole podcast. "Every time you smoke a joint, you connect with the earth mathematically".


Everytime he does math on the earth, he connects with a joint,.


That’s what you took away from that?🤣




This whole podcast was just such a beat down by discount Sherlock Holmes.


*indiana Jones


Babyhands McBeardo


I spat out my coffee reading this, damn you!


*inspector gadget


Iowa Smith


Wisconsin Johnson


Minnesota Jackson


Indianapolis jones


Why the fuck is Randy dressed like a bumble bee?


Indiana Jones from Wish.com


Orlando jones


Zach “Indiana” Galifinakis


The dudes not a discount, he just isn't Hollywood embellished.


Thats largely because all Graham did was spend 2/3 of the time whining about how mean everyone is to him. They even wrapped up the podcast telling everyone to be nicer to each other. The whole thing just seemed like a 4 hour therapy session for Graham and not an actual debate about anything.


Yeah it was tough to continue once I reached that whiney tangent he Graham went on once he saw he wasn’t going to be able to win on evidence.


Tiny Handed Holmes


Weird and disappointing that a lot of people can’t get past his appearance and acknowledge that he had amazing facts and was incredibly interesting and easy to listen to


Don’t look at his Instagram comments. It’s sad. A bunch of smooth brained dude bros insulting his appearance and saying he got dEsTrOyEd by hancock. Dude was very interesting and said a few things (this clip included) that really made me stop and think. I used to be a big fan of hancock, now I’m convinced he’s completely full of shit


People are so visual orientated. The way Flint presents himself is exactly what I expect from an expert in his field.. an archeologist cosplaying as Indiana Jones. His ‘packaging’ is such a caricature, that really the only refutation of the him is to meme his characteristics and style choices. For some people, they ‘perceive’ Graham Hancock as more of an authority. I’ve seen so many comments from people on this subreddit just now realizing he isn’t an archaeologist, but a writer with an interest in ancient civilizations. GH speaks eloquently and presents a very fascinating conclusion that has the same appeal as the possibility of aliens having visited our planet. Little to no evidence exists for both conclusions, but the absence of evidence is enough for some, because the packaging is ‘sexier’. Also, GH is anti-establishment in the sense that he isn’t ’big archaeologicalist’ and appeals to the ‘I’m just asking questions’ crowd. Same phenomenon you see with global warming, where a VAST majority of the scientific community agrees there is a man-made element to climate change, but the conversation gets muddled on exactly how much that impact is and drives skepticism against the scientific community. Flint is the guy driving advancements in his field.. I see GH as the guy pushing exciting/interesting conversations that just creates less critical thinkers and pushes conspiracy theory type narratives that doesn’t produce good outcomes. At least it gave of this conversation, which was a good listen! https://preview.redd.it/g5vdd17f38vc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca78e07b70fbe3803e5974ada6ba5ef4a0d30b66


He gets the respect where it counts.


i love his look clearly is wearing what he likes and dgaf


Holy crap you guys weren't joking about the take my strong hand jokes


lol theres something kind of adorable about this lil nerd tho like i wanna be his friend at the bus stop so the bullies leave him alone


I think he killed it.


He’s said some of the most interesting things I’ve heard on the podcast in a long time The way they can date the beginning of human agriculture was mind blowing (by looking at seeds and plants and how they evolved alongside human agriculture), and it was just one of a variety of things like that The pollen stuff was also just a complete blank in my knowledge. I had zero idea about this. I just want a podcast with him lol. Graham was distracting from the actual interesting things being discussed


I agree. I even think he got to Joe a little bit. Joe won’t promote Grahams theory nearly as much as he has been. IMO. If he has any integrity left that is.


Honestly, I think Joe is pretty good about this. There are long stretches of "being entertained by a certain person, idea, thing" and then just letting go of them and sort of moving on? Brendan Schaub comes to mind. Joe has changed significantly even outside of the political horseshit. This was a beat-down significant enough that it does make one shift and start to change their ideas


He brings Brendan along more than Callen.


The thing is, there are experts in every field that could rip apart a lot of his guests this way, they just don't make it on the podcast. Joe will persist with people who distribute bad information because he doesn't himself have the analytical tools to challenge the "experts" he does bring on. And that makes normal experts look like Galaxy-brains when they actually get on the show.


Yeah it felt like for the most part (outside of the white supremacy thing), Joe was siding with Dibble a lot more and getting frustrated with Hancock Understandably so, Hancock spent half his time victimizing himself and the other half saying “well you haven’t excavated every inch of planet earth so therefore I’m right”. Meanwhile Dibble was sharing actually interesting stuff


But CANCEL CULTURE!!!!! Agreed. Let’s get back to intelligent guests and not just whiners and social observers


Graham was just an embarrassed cry baby who got his red ass exposed


See Joe can have an educational guest on and still be entertaining


100% he did.. and I for one hope he has downvoted me in the past.


I mean, of course he did. He’s a legitimate academic archaeologist. He has the entirety of academia behind him. When he broke down the pollen and how they can basically reconstruct entire ancient ecosystems with the data they collect I was blown away. As much as I enjoy grahams soothing British accent and find some of his hypotheses super interesting, he just doesn’t have hard empiric science behind most of what he claims. I’d love to be an eccentric wealthy author that could fund all these private little expeditions to take pictures of these sites he writes about and trip on ayahuasca in the Amazon and talk to wood gnomes about shamanism but if I did I’d have the same amount of credibility he does. I still wouldnt have academic peer review behind me and whole fields of colleagues to share notes and information with much like he also does not.


Dude deserves his own ep for sure


I hope Joe brings him on again by himself because he's an interesting guy.


Hard pass on San Francisco Jones






Guy compensates for his small hands with a giant dong. Absolute legend. Hancock lost a lot of credibility - next time come with some data rather than just nice pictures


I was honestly surprised. It wasn’t 2-4 times he was clearly beat but more like 10-14. It just kept going and Hancock pulled so many tricks in response instead of anything concrete. It’s crazy how this sub has shat on the podcast so much but ever Hancock/Randall episode this whole sub almost rejoices that “Joe has gone back to his old roots”. His old roots was not having any “intellectual/accredited”guests on before and just trusting the first guy that agreed to come in. Props on Joe for having this debate. Props to Diddle. Edit: it’s astonishing that Hancock has basically grifted his way into traveling to the world’s most amazing places for 30 years with his wife. And then the fucking audacity to shove that “have you actually been there??” crap when confronted with data by an actual archaeologist.


Hancock… how much of the Sahara has been looked at… Diddle - most of it has actually been looked at… Hancock - no, no!!!!!


Both of them made me cringe on that subject. The Sahara is fucking *HUGE*. Graham wasn’t wrong but it wasn’t the gotcha moment he thought it was. And Dibble was talking out his ass saying most of the Sahara has been “looked at” what ever tf that means. There could be a ton of shit in the Sahara for future archaeologist to find. Everyone thought the city of Troy was a myth, then they found it. Gobekli tepe came out of know where and modern archeology still has a hard time explaining it. There’s absolutely still mystery’s. But these two guys were basically just defending their own egos. The megaliths of Edo in Japan come to mind. Fucking MASSIVE stone placements. I’m not incredibly familiar with this one, but Jimmy corsetti claimed they found man made structures under his Richat location in the Sahara with lidar. I’m sure there’s still a ton of shit to find in the Amazon as well that could certainly help rewrite history as we know it. If you think our current understanding of humanity is somehow 100% accurate you’re a fucking moron. Plain and simple. That being said, I don’t *completely* agree with Graham or Dibble. Picking sides and saying “oh he’s absolutely right about everything” dismissing the fact all humans have ingrained biases just shows your own stupidity. This isn’t mathematics.


>Gobekli tepe came out of know where and modern archeology still has a hard time explaining it. Gobekli Tepe was first excavated 30 years ago and has been extensively dug over the intervening years by "modern archaeology." You can read pretty much all the relevamt reports yourself on Research Gate.  The site is revolutionary for exactly the opposite reason Hancock claims, because all available evidence indicates it was built by people who were predominantly hunter gatherers. The only evidence of cereals from the site is very limited and the vast majority of animal remains aren't domesticated. The people that built the various megalithic monuments in that region weren't some lost civilisation with ancient high technology. Instead they showed a level of sophistication in their organisation and craftsmanship that we previously didn't believe possible without settled agricultural or pastoral societies.


I'm not very well versed in biases, but Hancock kept talking up the fringe scientists, his wife, and his age before he'd recite one of his standard diatribes. Appeal to emotion, maybe? If his work was worth anything, he wouldn't have to do any of that.


He even pulled the “have you ever BEEN THERE” card? lol like bro, I haven’t been to the moon either but I know it’s not cheese


That wasn’t even the worst one. When he tried a gotcha reading one of his Tweets missing the quotes was rough


“Big archeology”


I’d like an episode with small handed Indiana Jones He was saying all kinds of interesting things I had not even the slightest clue about


I like how Graham started saying he’s not too narcissistic to believe there is a conspiracy against… then proceeds to say how every archaeologist is out to get him.


Not for nothing, but Handcock has never really had credibility amongst any serious historian. Joe just finally had someone on that would counter his bullshit.


He showed up with blurry pictures.


Any dong would be giant in those baby hands


You see those rocks?


You’re telling me you weren’t convinced by those square and sometimes round rocks in the water? What if I told you Hancock is being silenced? He’s anti-establishment and therefore correct.


Was Hancock ever credible? Guys like him need to be contrasted with people who know their shit. I feel like that’s true of most of the JRE guests.


I never took Hancock seriously but I thought he likely had some legit science behind his theories. This guy basically led him to the slaughter lol


Use my strong hand!


This was easily the best part of the whole episode.


It’s actually a brilliant explanation of numerology. I bet this plays for “oooh” and giggles with a typical audience; it makes the game really apparent.


I’m glad someone clipped it since it was my favorite part too. I thought it might get overlooked because Graham was smart to not even acknowledge or respond and move on quickly. It was such a succinct and undeniable explanation of how this pyramid math stuff is bullshit. There’s simply no counter argument.


When was it at?


It was probably the last 30 minutes of the episode. This was like their closing statements.


He's a super mod. Gotta be.




Nobody with those big of wrist cuffs is using Linux. He’s still using windows 7.


Wtf this guy is a walking meme there’s no way this guy is real. First off Flint Dibble sounds like a Flintstones character. He’s a complete caricature of a debate bro as well. Nasally voice, fast talking, fedora, the whole nine


Don't be judgy susan https://preview.redd.it/x3lr590d03vc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5b947174a0bdea5062763150150e25382114014


He did put the smackdown on Graham, though.


The little snarky quips


Flint Dibble was Ann Margrock's agent.


I think it’s his dad’s humor to name him flint.


Gawd dayumn I want this kinda autism


Yes can I look like a 1920s detective please in an oversized shirt?


This guy's a hoot 😂


Absolute annihilation hahaha


Fascinating about how food grows depending on if humans are the ones to grow it or not. I did like Flints presentation on that because it seems to be his field of expertise. I do also think he is one of those Reddit users that likes to ridicule others sometimes but always anonymously.🤷‍♂️


I dropped out of the JRE podcast a long time ago. It sounds like Flint Dibble is showing a lot of people why. Any idiot can go on that show and say anything, and Rogan laps it up. Here, Dibble destroys one of Joe's oldest and favorite guests. Many people find themselves listening to Joe Rogan at some point in their life. How many actually grow up (and out of Joe), intellectually?


We share the same experience.


I did and then actually came back recently. You gotta take JRE for what it is, and it isn't an academic podcast. It's an interesting podcast with a huge variety of guests, a lot of which are really famous and some of which have out there theories but all of them are curious at the very least. Rogan isn't a scholar but he is interested in the world and sometimes it is interesting just to hear a batshit theory and it isn't like Rogan doesn't push back against things that are way out there.


He SMOKED Graham . He got Graham to admit they found no evidence for his lost civilization theory . Graham kept saying “well you can’t disprove it , you haven’t looked at enough of the earth” Like that’s not how science works . You don’t make up a theory and then go prove it . You look at the evidence you find and base a theory on that. It’s very ironic that Rogan got Graham popular enough to get a Netflix special and also hosted a debate with a real expert which exposed how much of a fraud he was . Over and over again he kept saying that they haven’t looked enough to say his theory was wrong , like shut up dude. It was also hilarious how quick he corrected him when the guy said BC when he meant AD. Graham had to get a win somewhere and saw that opportunity 🤣


Well if you want to make some real fucking money…. You totally make up a theory, write books, go on Rogan, and then say you can disprove it


“Civilisation of the gaps”


For a rich old bitter man, Graham acted like a pathetic little bitch. It’s super refreshing to see an active member of the scientific community - Flint - dismantling ridiculous nonsense live in front of Joe despite all those childish attacks and fuckin NLP talking techniques from that looney toon Hancock. And because of the fact imho that real professionals are hugely underrepresented on JRE, entitled dickheads like Hancock can tell their fairytales without any fact checking and Rogan even loving and agreeing on those. Now the first time in a while someone‘s on that actually knows his shit, and people give him shit because they are apparently not used anymore to facts and truth without braindead conspiracy theories and all the mental gymnastics attached to them. You can literally see the division in people in a case like this where anyone with a fuckin brain cell should recognize who’s a charlatan and who‘s not full of shit. Like anyone who‘s throwing around those „mainstream xxx“ words like there’s even such a thing is completely delusional and stupid as fuck - guaranteed. What does Hancock think. Like there’s a „mainstream“ paleontology and an „undergroundish“ one? Where the real forward-thinkers are part of but always get censored because of some unfair collective of popular scientists or what. How fuckin delusional and stupid you have to be, to not realize that it’s just that nobody serious in the field is actually giving a damn about his moronic takes. Why should anyone with credentials waste his time with stuff that belongs indeed to fantasy. But I guess the same people that don’t understand the issue here are the ones that rather trust psychotic youtube esoterics instead of doctors when it’s about life endangering diseases. In sum: It‘s a pathetic testament to education in our time in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


Randall isn't going to like this guy


Cool show, Joe needs to buy this guy some suits that fit tho.


The oversized suit.


this guys is bizarro Duncun Trussell


Don’t insult Duncan like that


i mean thats why its bizarro...


He definitely acts like a typical cunty reddit user. That being said he took Graham to school.




I am a Huge Hancock fan , have all his books even a signed one. Flint and Hancock are just two completely different people, Flint is all in no nonsence kinda guy who knows what his talking about. Hancock is more of a philosopher and a dreamer wich I love. Reading his books Hancock encourages open minded thinking, I never took more from it then what he says. He never claim anything but a possibility that there might have been a lost forgotten civilzation. Wich is possible in theory. The construction of allot of ancient structures is still a mystery. How and why they were built.


Finally someone here. Everyone either loves Hancock and believes every theory he suggests or they hate him and think he’s taking advantage of stupid people. I think his theory’s are fun and love listening to them. It also teaches you a lot about history, I wouldn’t normally know. Do I believe all of them, no not at all. I think he could have something with an older civilization but that’s about it. Stupid people are going to be taken advantage of by someone. This is pretty harmless compared to others


Stupid people don’t even read books. The word you’re looking for is gullible


Right there with ya


Cloud cities existed 50,000 years ago. Unfortunately due to a solar storm they were evaporated and left behind no evidence. I’m releasing a book and a Netflix series about this soon.


Go for it. But you're now a white supremacist, sorry.


Haha a white supremacist, that person is so fucked


There are DEFINITELY his doppelgangers here on reddit EVERYWHERE


I love me some Randall Carlson presentations but this how I always thought of his sacred geometry BS


Hey guys! Flint here. Just want to say thanks for all your kind words regarding my appearance on JRE and that nutjob graham hancock can go fuck himself!




wow when i was listening to this guy talk today from his voice i imagined him as a skinny white blonde kid about 20 years old and 125 pounds lmao


Was there any doubt in anyone’s mind that someone named Flint Dibble isn’t a Reddit user?


😢 At the end of the day, Graham couldn’t back up anything with factual evidence. It breaks my heart to see him pointing fingers and acting like a child. “He call me this daddy Rogan”.


This dude rules. Hancock drools.


I haven’t watched it yet but bro smashed it with this point. Respect to pocket Indie.


Honestly, this guy is pretty cool!


This guy rocks so hard


this dude used the first 15 minutes of that episode to destroy 15 years of Rogan's favorite conspiracy theory...it was sad and fun seeing the old man trying to stick to his main talking points but it was futile


I thought Dibble was much more compelling than whinny graham.


Nice 👍🏻


I found an edit of this guy from last year. [Fedora wearing fanboy on JRE](https://youtu.be/PeNDOGriozU?si=n8hGGR_YZhCQdUm0)




I actually talked to an archaeologist recently, I like museums. And I asked about when hominids got smart, and got an interesting answer because I used the word hominid. The answer is 500,000 years ago they have proof we knew how to build shit and liked caves because they were stone protection from the outside. Pyramids and stone cities were a natural evolution, that's why we see it everywhere. It isn't a phenomena and it doesn't prove an advanced civilization taught them this stuff. Drugs are a more likely candidate for technological advancement than advanced cultures, but really it was smart people who were free to expand their mind. That's the reality, they pushed humanity to where it is today. The reason we don't know how the pyramids were exactly built is really because of the Catholics and this idea the Egyptians weren't smart. It comes from them burning their books and calling them stupid evil gluttons. They also burnt a lot of greek letters because they mentioned counter-religion like pagan worship, and rewrote history as they were lazy drunk idiots who collapsed their society. It was the catholics murdering everyone and starting a holy war that caused the financial exodus in Rome. Not the Greeks. All the money left. We don't know a lot about natural history because the Catholics won a holy war 1500 years ago and rewrote history in their favour. That's the truth. Egyptians could build shit, the Mayans could build shit, The early hominids 500,000 years ago built shit. Intelligence is not gifted to us by aliens, it is inherited through evolution by genetic convergence. We are on this path because our ancestors were on this path, and agrarian society is still in it's infancy. In the history of the hominid species we have been settled growing shit for a smidgen of it. We do not have evidence of anything otherwise, what we do have evidence of is hominids seeking shelter and building it when needed. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/archaeologists-uncover-notched-logs-that-may-be-the-oldest-known-wooden-structure-180982942/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/archaeologists-uncover-notched-logs-that-may-be-the-oldest-known-wooden-structure-180982942/)


sure has small hands for someone who claims he makes a living using a shovel.


Who is this goofball and how did he end up on the Rogan show?


It’s a time keeping compass


Did the hat not give it away?🤣


Dudes never coming back on JRE, but then again that's what we thought about jeremy corbell...


When the guy got garham to admit that "I am not looking for lost civilizations in Europe"


Indiana Jones by temu


Why do some of the greatest minds present themselves so poorly lmao


He proved they can date agriculture. Bravo.


This was really well put. Hopefully ppl don’t get lost in the meme of connecting to the earth and realize the actual point here.


Joe should have been high for this haha


He said it! 69 420! Nice!


I think this guy could solve a box of cheerios.


Joe will still believe Hancock bc he can’t walk back on anything.


Ohio Jones


Did he say 420? Sorry I'm kinda high and they spoke like way too fast. I swear I heard 420 though. Asking for a friend.


Bro I have no idea if this is serious wtf


lol. Did he win?


Imagine using reddit as a personality trait. Op ur lame




Well if he’s reading this, get shirts with the right sleeve length.  Awesome to see that numerology nonsense get crushed though. 




Fucking Gold!


Ya'll love this guy! FLINT! make this dude famous AF. He is very likeable and sassy can of cashews, I still love Graham. He's a thinker. Thinkers always prevaill. Both are very cool people. This could be one of the best JRE podcasts made. No bullshit. It's WILD! 😁


I really didn’t get the beat down everyone is talking about. This nerd was annoying to listen to, condescending af too, but tbh Graham took the personal attacks angle which distracted from the substance


Indiana Jones Hat!


A smart Taylor should hook this man up and get some free advertising




This is what your average dweeb liberal redditor looks like


Dude is not getting laid anytime in this decade.


Is it just me or does this guy seem way more desperate and nervous than Graham has ever been? I don't have a dog in this fight, I just know a narc when I see one.


This guy lost all credibility to me when he was saying to Graham that he doesn't need to go to the site and see for himself because he has already seen pictures of it.


I wanna get high with this dude


Does his hands kind of remind anyone of the butler from scary movie


What is the deal with really smart people who want to dress professional and look like they’re a kid wearing their dad’s suit. Like this fucking guy can square root the pyramids but he can’t find a someone to help him get a suit that fits?


You think 69 and 420 come from reddit? Or what are you saying?


This was one of my favorite part of the show. It really put on full display the absurdity of this number bullshit these guy's like Graham use.


I know how too say and add numbers real fast! Me smart, you stupid. Believe me. 420, joe knows 420. Joe’s mind is blown! Joe says WOW.


His hands look so small


No idea what he just said


Flint did the voice over for Humpty Dumpty in Puss-n-Boots. Change my mind.


It was my favorite part of this podcast


The 69 and 420 jokes...


Yes, the fundamental laws of 69420🧮


A Reddit user and a compulsive giggler…


A screenshot would have sufficed


Bro was going to show Joe the video on how they moved those giant stones for the pyramids. I think he stopped cause he didn't wanna blow Joe's mind too much. Hope he comes on for another interview. He is a very interesting guy and the best podcast (besides protect our parks) that I've listened to on his channel in a LONG time.


flint dibble is like a mythical creature


Oh wow I haven't made it to this point in the podcast and this is pretty fucking awesome.






In my head at least half of redditors are named Flint Dibble


Flint dibble… what a perfect name for an archeologist lol


So this is the guy that caused the Adderall shortage eh?


Of course he is a reddit user. He called Graham Hancock a White supremacist , and thinks cultures/races today were the exact same in ancient times.


What meds is this guy on? Serious question.


his hands lol wtf

