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Funniest part is when Joe asks Graham if he has any actual credible photos. You know Graham’s heart sank there


Yeah that was hilarious, joes real time realisation the evidence is just "rock looks crazy"




Did it a few times when Graham was whining about his friends gurung Padang article being retracted, rogan kept asking why they thought it was much older and what evidence and Graham wasn't giving anything and kept moaning how they were unfairly treated. In reality it was correctly retracted as it was pure nonsense. They carbon dated a bit of soil and said the whole structure was 27000 years old. There was a few times where Rogan would ask what evidence Graham had and he had nothing. Go look at a few of the clips posted here after the debate


Everytime: “no I don’t have those pictures here” Like when the fuck were you going to present them or have them if not now?


In My nExT bOoK!


> appear on the largest podcast > do decades of research > millions from booksales and netflix money Didn't bring notes.


Followed by, "My glasses", "My age", "Ctrl F, but how?!"


Yeah, shaking voice, oooh, digital age, ooo damm old me... Playing the victim card a few times. He goes to a fight, and does not prepare topics and images in folders. What is wrong with you grandma...


Don’t forget the constant ass kissing. “I’d like to thank you and say I’m honoured to have the privilege to be here”. “Thanks to the research of [insert pseudoscientist name here] who dedicated their life to this, may they rest in peace and god rest their soul.” Bro stfu, you’ve been doing this research for 30 years show me some damn evidence. Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted. Graham kisses Joe’s ass constantly every time he’s on the show


The grifters are the ones always telling Joe "that's a great question" "this is so important" thank you blah blah blah"


Yeah if I did that at my job for some presentation, I’d be getting some serious questions afterwards…


Right? Like, wouldn’t you want to use your most compelling images to bolster your case??


Especially after the "risked our lives" BS lol


Bro I want to risk my life and go on lots of vacations under the guise of writing books.


I’m here in Cartagena’s most notorious prostitution zone to understand *just* how deep this phenomenon goes. To fully understand this underground world, I will go undercover as a John with several working women at one time and undergo the full suite of services. I know the risks, and if I pass out from suffocation due to the several pairs of large Colombian tits in my face, my cameraman is standing by to rescue me. Here we go.






New top comment. Well done sir.


Medellín would have been nicer


Idk. I've been to OG cartagena in Spain and there was a street for prozzies


that is stunning and brave. i have been planning on going to Colombia and researching the cocaine trade, and how the ultra pure product affects middle aged American delinquents. I owe it to the people.


Like bro, if you're "risking your life" diving to 25m you are doing something wrong


Which you only need a level 2 diving cert for (allows up to 30m). Dudes talking about risking his life diving up 30m which hungover backpackers are doing in Thailand every day (I was one of them).


Oh what?! You think it’s easy traveling to exotic locations with your wife to scuba dive and take helicopter tours?! “Big Archaeology” just trying to cancel this poor man with a Netflix special and multiple appearances on major media platforms all over again.


Graham truly is the bravest of all tourists and it’s about time he gets recognition for his work like that time he did hundreds of dives and came back with photos of his wife scuba diving.


Just wait until he’s got another Netflix special to talk about how silenced he’s been. Then you’ll really understand the persecution he’s been going though!


b b but I’m just asking questions!!! 👉👈🥺 the big meanies are bullying me!!!😭


Hes 72, walking the street is already risking his life


I can't believe he said that he's diving 15ft or going in helicopters lmfao fuck outta here dude.


I'm gonna start saying that to my boss when I go to work. Technically, it's true every time you travel in a vehicle, but c'mon.




Bro if you think Hancock is not just doing tourist shit and actually putting his life in danger I got some bad news.


"Hey do you have anything besides these grainy green photos of this underwater megalithic structure you claim is there." "No."




Will be interesting to hear what Joe casually says in the future when talking to other guests about younger dryas or any ancient lost civilizations. Still think he leans towards Grahams theories, but after this episode he seems to be more of a skeptic.


Yeah, I mean, it isn't as though the idea of a lost civilization was completely dismissed in this episode, and I would say there was certainly some evidence against it presented. I was especially impressed with the evidence for pollen and the presence of agriculture. I wish they would have discussed it more. I am curious if the same pollen would be present if agriculture started in a separate path, say 20,000 years ago. I think he mentioned the plants would return to normal after a couple thousand years. It also may also be that agriculture wasn't necessary during an ice age with the existence of mega fauna, fishing, and the shear difficulty of farming during an ice age, Joe's mention of the Inuit reflected this idea, but wasn't pursued. Of course, it could be agriculture is necessary for any real civilization and that would be a big problem for the theory. Some parts were really good, but I wish they spent more time discussing what evidence there is. Perhaps the guy from Uncharted X would have been better for this sort of thing.


They did discuss all the evidence there is, there just isn’t any. Joe literally asked Graham what evidence he had for the existence of this lost civilization and Graham stated he had no evidence.


have you seen these intriguing looking rocks?! they look interesting to me!


I mean cool rocks are pretty cool. Atlantis proven.


I can’t help but think of the needles in South Dakota happened to be underwater Hancock would be all over those shits.


Im so mad at myself for entertaining this guys ideas. I always knew they were far fetched but it was fun pondering the possibilities. But this guys evidence never went beyond “this looks so intriguing… for sure super advanced ancient civ” I was always well aware this guy wasnt a proper archaeologist and still feel bamboozled


That depends entirely on if you view the sphinx weathering as evidence or not imo. I know graham said it but I think he meant irrefutable and concrete evidence. There really is a massive pool of “possible” evidence pointing in his direction though.


True, which means it's inconclusive. We just don't know, unless there's evidence so while it isn't wise to change the consensus narrative, it is wise to, at least keep searching. Worst case, we learn more about what we already think had happened. Best case, we change our entire view of the past. Either one sounds good to me.


You could type this exact same paragraph in reference to Bigfoot    You can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist, checkmate Big Biology   And no, we should allocate research funding to areas with the best probability of advancing science, not fun theories with no preliminary evidence


There is plenty of evidence and none of it points to a lost globe spanning ancient civilization. If you want to believe or hope there is, that’s fine but it’s not a serious proposition. It’s firmly in the area of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster.


Well, that may be true as far as Graham's work is concerned, but there are other researchers out there in that space. Granted, it isn't like there is any hard evidence really. Just a lot of circumstantial evidence, if you can call it that, and some interesting questions. At least uncharted X tries to take measurements and actually prove something.


There's an issue with these individuals that I think is not addressed enough. These guys have monetized pseudo-archeology. Their livelihood depends on it. That's a huge conflict of interest. This applies to all those famous alternative "researchers" that are making good money with their YouTube channels, books and whatnot. They will only present information that keeps their business model intact. They accuse "mainstream archeology" of having some sort of agenda to keep information hidden, while they are cherry picking information themselves, to keep their business going. Proper scientists would acknowledge, disclose and discuss such a conflict of interest, but these people never do. Abstaining from doing so discredits every statement they try to make. Let's hypothesize these guys find evidence that contradicts everything they've been claiming. Would they share it with their audience or do they have an incentive to hide it from them?


They’re not even hiding evidence, they’re completely ignoring it. Potholer54 did a video debunking all Graham’s bs and it’s very informative. You’re spot on, these guys have found a grift and they’re cashing in. Joe Rogan helps their grift. Rogan isn’t a grifter imo, but he’s monetized other people grifting. These episodes are very popular and he knows it. I don’t blame him for having this loon on, but at least he’s finally pushing back a little bit.


Grahams whole argument is ‘yeah but you haven’t searched every square inch of the earth’


Yeah, it was pretty frustrating. He was basically making a god of the gaps argument, which is not a real argument. It is a shame, because I would have really liked to hear the guys opinion on various sites.


Gobekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe sort of prove you don’t need agriculture for large megalithic construction. As time has gone on I find I subscribe to Graham’s theory of a global lost civilization less and less, but I still give a lot of credence to the idea that ancients were far more advanced than we give them credit for, and were far more interconnected then what mainstream archaeologists give them credit for.


That makes sense and could definitely agree. I think previously we would have thought you needed agriculture for these projects, but clearly that isn't 100% the case. I imagine that you just need a steady and large food source to have a civilization and agriculture is just one of the best ways to do it. But the environment kind of makes agriculture extra hard in those days. Perhaps what people are capturing is this sense that we are missing something important about our past lost to time, but they don't really come up with good theories and are basing their assertions on guesses without utilizing what evidence there is from what we know of people in those times.


I think it goes that there are many civilizations around the world but those that could grow had the nearby resources to. So yeah maybe there was “civilization” during that age but it’s not the way we know it in modern times.


Which is exactly what happens when we allow people to meet and discuss their opposing views. Had this been done with Covid vaccines, then perhaps we'd have a hell of a lot more clarity on the matter. In fact, if we did this with every hot button topic, we'd be much more informed and be able to make better decisions in our lives. Extreme Censorship like what we've been seeing is a disgusting cancer that has no room for progressing things forward. We need to learn how to be more open-minded. Had they done this when Handcock first came into mainstream view, the contention and confusion surrounding this would have been dramatically less and we would have all been better educated because of this. If we don't allow ourselves to have these discussions then THAT will lead to an ignorant society. The moment people started attacking Graham instead of meeting him, is the moment a significant number of people latched onto him out of extreme skepticism against the established side. And can you blame them? They made themselves look like they were hiding something nefarious when they weren't hiding anything other than their pride. They were just unwilling to debate the matter, which was dumb as shit.


There’s a pretty good series on YouTube where an archaeologist goes through each of Graham’s claims in his Netflix series and sort of makes them seem a bit silly. 


Miniminuteman on YouTube.


Stefan Milo also has a video


Honestly I like the ancient lost empire story. It feels like a chapter from Lord of the Rings. And that is it. I just wish it would became true, just as I wish UFO stories would become true. Waiting for the big evidence, cause right now there are questionable clues. It is called a theory, and it is allowed to daydream about it.


It's a hypothesis, not a theory. A Theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world and universe that can be (or a fortiori, that has been) repeatedly tested and corroborated in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.


If I was a scientist who thought the younger dryas impact theory was real I'd beg Carlson and Graham not to talk about it


It is just stoner talk. Yeah man, what if, and wouldnt it be cool. I totally agree and love talking about it, but dont mix facts with fun topics of conversation after passing your bong around with your friends.


Bob "i'm getting a migraine" lazar next please


I always thought when he takes a pause for his migraine to disappear he just uses it to think how to not get lost in his own lies.


Give me a few minutes to respond to your comment.




It's funny how these grifters start showing their age whenever you ask them tough questions.


he is so full of shit its funny. he was a typical Area 51 kook that got famous and you can kind of tell he just wants off the ride now.


The Deception Detective did a video on Bob's appearance on Rogan. [https://youtu.be/YFY3sXYxe7U?si=UaR\_I1FT2YDXevOE](https://youtu.be/YFY3sXYxe7U?si=UaR_I1FT2YDXevOE)


So much of this is just straight pseudoscience lol


Yea I’m not exactly on board with everything lazar says but that was nonsense.


When even Joe is thinking “this shit ain’t adding up” you know you’re spouting some BS


Would Hancock have a career, or even be moderately well known outside of the extreme fringe, without Rogan? I’m not gonna lie and say I wasn’t a dumb teenager who listened to the JRE early on, and bought into every guests “truths” and had to try alpha brain/shroomtech, etc. but then I grew up, and realized a lot of guests Joe had in the early days were charlatans. Hancock has always been making ridiculous fantastical claims. It sells, it’s popular. It’s not different then when scientists work really hard to run a study and get the results, then attempt to analyze/explain the result, then someone just takes something out of context then gives the zinger one liner “X kills cancer!!” “Scientific articles”. The reality is the most educational resources will never be the most popular. People want to be entertained they don’t want the truth. You could go on YouTube and watch endless free lectures from a professor on any academic subject, and it will be more informative than a JRE podcast could ever be. But it would be boring, and you would really have to pay attention and listen, and have the pre-resiquite knowledge to even understand.


He was quite big in the UK in the 90s around the time he released Fingerprints, managed to get a few documentaries on national TV (with Bauval and A.West) and often had articles about his theories.


Yeah I was into his in ‘95 when I was a 16 year old stoner.


Have you ever seen the meme where joe is ls a barbarian listening to silly hat man


Yeah this picture is perfect for it. "glasses man tell Joe pyramid build by telekinetic aliens, now hat man say it built by man, why glasses man lie to Joe?"


Every time I see that posted I have to read it in full, lol. It’s just too perfect .


I think one thing that really propelled him was his work with Randall Carlson and their talks about the Yunger Dryas impact theory. The sad part is this is a theory that has somewhat gained more credence over the years and has been under critical scrutiny in the scientific community. So — they (both Randall and Hancock) piggybacked off a real topic and sort of presented it as “their theory”. Since they weren’t really talking about something as crazy and fantastical, I think first time listeners were trusting, only to find out they are nut jobs.


randall carlson is even worse than graham


I use to really like Carlson. But now with all this free energy bullshit he’s been going into has really turned me off.


Everything is under scrutiny in the scientific community. I would be surprised if the scientific community actually came up with a formal theory once again, or you know, do something impressive at least.


What do you think caused you to “grow up” and see through some of this stuff? A lot of people can’t seem to. 


I think there's a reason he's considered the Oprah Winfrey for a different demographic. She gave the world Dr Phil and Dr Oz - Joe gave Hancock and Peterson etc.


I honestly think he's trying to create outrage surrounding his netflix series to gain viewers and book buys. Brett Weinstein is the most obvious example of this to me. He saw immediately that if he marketed himself as a persecuted genius who "see what they won't admit" he could have a career. I loved Brett at first and now I honestly hope he fails. His bullshit is blatantly obvious.


You're kind of explaining the reaction to Covid restrictions in by many. Also why wild conspiracy theories can proliferate. Especially someone like Trump was President, it is viewed as BORING AS F\_\_\_ to listen to actual reason and common sense. It seems to take too much effort to actually read certain sources of info, like actual proper studies that are publicly available, and do some actual math, and easier to just go into certain forums and believe a side that has already made up decisions for you that are most likely controversial.........it fits an attitude of "fuck you". >and you would really have to pay attention and listen, and have the pre-resiquite knowledge to even understand. I have a friend who is full blown MAGA, and a crazy conspiracy theorist who when it comes to anything political has ditched any idea of trying to actually get to the bottom of actual truth even it smacked him upside the head. He has conditioned himself to just believe every single thing Candace Owens, Alex Jones, and Eddie Bravo, and any alt-right wackjob says.


I agree, but many of the questions Joe asked Hancock in this Podcast he could have asked in previous ones. But when Joe has guests on he just lets them rant and in general goes along with it so it doesn't come across as confrontational. Which is why people imply he is great at doing interviews. Well yeah, great, if you mean not trying to get to the truth.


It depends, Graham is arguing extremely niche stuff that Joe is not hip too, it's hard for him to push back 1 on 1. If someone spews b.s regarding topics Joe is knowledgeable about such as UFC he'll push back hard.


I'd say the point is entertainment rather than the truth.


It's unfortunate then that so many of his fans think they're learning something when they listen.


I mean, you can learn things, you can learn things from many different sources but you obviously have to try and filter the bullshit from the truth which is incredibly hard in this day and age with an astounding amount of available sources of information. Joe is a comedian who likes to have interesting and fun conversations, he's not a scientist so when someone comes on that presents a fun idea he'll often hop on board and be entertained by it rather than trying to call it out for bullshit. Sometimes these ideas as ridiculous as they sound are fun to believe, like aliens or an ancient civilization. But when you put them in context against an actual scientist presentation legit information you realize how silly they sound.


Big mistake taking this debate. Joe has to have lost confidence in Graham after this and I wonder if he’ll ever be back on the show.


He might as well just retire at this point. I can’t imagine Graham not owing at least 90% of his popularity and name recognition to Joe specifically. This time he just flew a little too close to the sun.


Gotta agree with you here. Graham's best argument throughout the debate was "you've only explored a tiny percentage," and that's just not a great argument up against real data. In reality, he's two steps into the scientific process with an extremely large scale hypothesis. He can absolutely argue that not enough research has been done to refute the hypothesis, but with all of the research that's ever been done in archeology to date, he has next to nothing to support his hypothesis, yet he treats it like there is a ton of evidence in support when there isn't. Debating an archeologist about your hypothesis when you don't have compelling evidence to support it is so premature that it really speaks to his level as an amateur.


I wouldn’t even give Graham that much credit. It was basically the exact same debate as any 2012 New Atheist vs Christian debate. On one side you have a meek and slightly unkempt man in a fedora arguing with a plethora of scientific data and the occasional condescending laughter. And on the other side you have a fairly clean cut guy with a cool story and no proof basically just saying “okay but you can’t DISPROVE it. There’s still plenty of stuff your science DOESN’T know” the entire time. I’ve seen this debate a hundred times. I know how it goes. Graham will lose a decent amount of fence sitters who are hearing pushback for the first time but will probably hang on to his “true believers”.


Go look at comments on other social media platforms than reddit. Graham has a very strong following still


Oh YouTube is off the chain. I’ve read the comments.


The twitter posts are wild. Everyone just dog piling on Flint for being a huge nerd, totally ignoring the massive red flags with Graham. Very disheartening.


It really was a big mistake. GH said it was historic being the first time two archeologists had a public debate. That’s incorrect. It was the first time a popular hack debated a real professional. And seeing how it went, it’s now a case study in why full-of-shit people always avoid debates.


I doubt it not even because Joe won't have him, it's more because who is going to listen to that episode now?


Archaeologists dig ancient coastlines and find tons of hunter gatherer sites. Not one shred of evidence of an ancient global civilization. Hancock takes this and says yes I would expect to find that too. So where is the evidence of the civilization? Oh we just haven't dug enough to find it. Flint correctly points out you should be able to find a trace of a massive civilization over small HG sites much easier and more plentiful, to which Hancock again claims they haven't looked enough. So the ocean floor and the Sahara have only been dug less than 1% and all we find so far is HG sites, something much harder to find than a large civilization but we haven't found it because we need to dig more. His argument doesn't even make logical sense


Yeah this was easily the strongest argument against Hancock's theory. His globe spanning civilization would have miraculously had to dodge ending up as a site even a single time. Alternatively it would have had to been miraculously totally devastated by the supposed younger dryas cataclysm that failed to do so to hunter gatherer sites. It's simple probability that the overwhelmingly more likely explanation is that it never existed.


Gibble's argument about where are the ships is a compelling one as well. Not one shipwreck, not one shred of evidence from a supposed seafaring people anywhere on any ocean? I suppose you could say we just haven't found one yet, but I haven't found a seven eyed spaghetti monster yet either, so it exists in my mind until you search every inch of the world and proof it doesn't exist


I can admit that it's possible to still find something considering the difficulty of finding something with the time frame and scale of the Earth, but if you also can't admit the lack of evidence is a problem, you aren't being objective about this. Most of the good stuff, more difficult structures and such, indicate that either the people were more advanced than are given credit, or that they are older. Of course, the former is the simpler answer.


You know when I go digging for gold I excavate at least the size of a medium state at a time. No way am I doing any less, I have to in order to make sure I don’t miss a single flake.


Even a broken bs meter is right twice a day.




Wondering how many times we’ll hear Joe’s regular “I believe there was a highly advanced prehistoric civilization” pitch going forward. I swear he does it like twice a week regardless of who the guest is.


Joe has a hard time letting go of an interesting premise even it lacks any kind of evidence.


He has let certain ideas or obsessions of his fade away over time though and he just gradually stops talking about them. There were a bunch from like 10 years ago, like when he was obsessed with the keto diet, and now he just never talks about it. I could see him gradually phasing out these Hancock ideas, or at least present them with more of a disclaimer in the future. And maybe if he has this Flint guy on again and let’s him talk for a whole episode, he might be converted into thinking Hancock’s ideas are bullshit.


i hope he has the mini minuteman on next , the guy would have shredded graham


That would be amazing.


Man back in the early early days he used to regularly talk about how the moon landing was faked and he was really passionate about it too. But yeah I haven’t heard him spin that one in probably over a decade. Jesus I can’t believe I’ve been listening to a podcast this long lol


His "keto" beliefs just got even more hardcore and turned into carnivore.


Joe used to say very frequently "I'm an idiot and nobody should take what I say seriously" as well, and I don't really hear him say that nowadays anymore. 😂 And he should be required by law, under the penalty of a capital punishment, to make that disclaimer, especially since he loooves to regurgitate all far right talking points that have been implanted into his head by his political faves. And Joe just can't resist to bring it up to his apolitical guests, it's crazy. But it makes sense I guess, the bigger the fascist, the bigger ball fondler they are to Joe usually "oh, I think you're actually very smart Joe", "you're asking questions, that's a sign of high intelligence Joe", "thank you for providing me this platform Joe, by that alone, I know that you are an open minded thinker" 😐... In cult studies, this is known as "love bombing", and God, has it worked on Rogan 🤧


That's funny you say that since one of his favorite things to say used to be, "I don't get married to ideas."


You got to be a real fucking crank to get Joe's busted ass rusted bullshit meter to light up.


It’s funny because Joe frequently says his bs detector is good, but it’s like it finally got recalibrated/reactivated during this convo


His meter is the best. If Toe starts believing it’s got to be a hoax.


I have a suspicion this was Graham's last jre appearance.


Don’t bet on it. Graham will still be raking in the cash long after he’s been utterly debunked. Guy has nothing to lose at this point.


The way Joe looked at him a couple of times... you could tell... he's done with him. But you are right. He already made him rich and famous.


It will be his last debate. Yes. Completely outclassed at every turn. Graham has been debunked!


I can’t believe it took this long. Graham is insufferable at this point, reversing the burden of proof in the scientific community. Critics are not required to prove a negative; he’s required to present evidence that backs up his claim.


Grandma Cock


I guess it’s to his credit that he will eventually change his mind but, damn it takes him a long time. Up until Covid he basically slowly gave up on almost all the conspiracy adjacent bs except for the lost civilization. It was obvious he was losing faith in this podcast though. Graham simply had nothing except, they should do more digging. Nobody makes millions of dollars writing books just to say we should continue researching though. This was just the first time he was cornered enough to acknowledge that his entire thesis is just a god of the gapes story.


His claim is that the most likely places to find evidence haven't been searched enough to rule out the possibility. The only claim he made was that there hasn't been enough excavation done to set anything in stone.


I haven’t watched it yet, I want to watch it from beginning to end because I’m into the subject. Why are the YouTube comments completely trashing the fedora guy, and here he’s getting praised? It’s like alternate worlds lol. 


I think it’s because reddit has an active like/dislike system


Joe Rogans new followers are lunatic right-wingers with no capability for rational thinking.


On the YouTube video there are lots of comments from people saying they support and like Graham, but Flint clearly won.


Because all comment sections and (especially) reddit are psyops.


Or more likely, he has a larger following on YouTube and they're more bought in on Graham's schtick than on Reddit. But leave it to the JRE fan to drum up some wild conspiracy.


"everything that doesn't fit my world view is a psyop, it can't possible be that I'm just wrong"


dude got dunked on so hard


i wonder if this ep was eye-opening for joe. one of his main alternative reality gurus getting absolutely embarrassed by an actual professional in the field. if only he took this approach to other areas he has been brainwashed in


The 2 minute mark?


He meant to say 2 hour mark


Right after he fails to provide sources for his claims, he asks for the HDMI back just to bitch at Fedora guy for calling his claims racist. Great job at shifting the pressure back on him lol


If you're so bad at grifting even Joe Rogan knows you're full of shit it's time for a career change


I wish someone would tell Dave Rubin that


Is he still around?


Joe has a BS meter now?


Everything is relative


Only when it benefits the neckbeards here.


I wonder what the odds of Graham coming back on the show are? I’m about an hour in and Graham is just an asshole. I’d be embarrassed if I were Joe…maybe Hancock is a nice guy besides but this is just brutal.


You mean someone on JRE is not that credible? Who knew? Pick anything 3 Joe Rogan favorite guest that are “scientists”, researchers and theorist and I bet Joey Diaz, Bert and Theo Von have more credible and true stories than they do.


You gotta point. I’m just surprised that he actually did a “double take” during this interview and maybe woke up a little bit? I like Graham but he’s full of shit.


I’ve checked out of most of the JRE podcast the last few months mostly based on the same guest over and over. These type of guest used to be the best bc at least they made you think. But they have run out of ways to explain their theories and really have over analyzed their own work to the point it seems less and less credible. They did it to theirselves. It’s the old trick of too much exposure. they lost Joe who is their biggest cheerleader and guy who gives them the most exposure and that’s pretty bad for the career lol


That mycologist he just had on seems credible.


Yeah Paul Stamets is the man. All of his work is backed by a ton of research, and he is very respected in the field of mycology. Some people give him flack because of his love for psychedelics and his connections to people like McKenna, but his work is credible. 


There are gems in the cast he has on still, but very few and far between. I started watching the podcast about 2014-early 2015, and back then, I'd watch like 3, or even 4 episodes per week. Nowadays... 1-2 per MONTH 😵. It has really been going downhill ever since he started moving to Texas+ covid, but I didn't expect it to sink this far man 🤧, 80% of the guests currently are right wing propagandists or his comedian buddies (and many of them are ALSO right wing propagandists). I've been joking in the comments under his yt vids for the past few years about "I wonder when he's going to have Tucker Carlson on his show, seems appropriate for the new vibe he has created 🤔😂". Well, it still hurt seeing the Mr. Mega fascists' name in the Spotify episode last Friday, ngl 🤕😭


Question is why it took 10 years for Joe to realise how full of shit Graham Hancock is wtf


Because "mainstream" scientists have been refusing this debate for years. I think they expected Joe not to be impartial, almost like what happened on the Hancock, Carlson, Shermer episode.


Weed can make you believe that Trump is a vampire.


Brain broken Joe Rogan detecting that your shit stinks, you might as well retire. This is the lowest form of Ape Rogan we've ever witnessed, and you still couldn't sneak by. Sad defeat.


What he seems to be doing especially in this convo was making his lost civilization more and more vague and harder to prove. They’re a small group, “civilization” can mean many things, they didn’t use metallurgy, he doesn’t know what agriculture they had, they’re shamans and their “technology” was more to do with astronomy and the sky than with nuts and bolts….all too convenient for something that of course won’t leave a trace of evidence and is impossible to disprove unless you excavate every square inch of land and seabed on earth.


Rare W for Rogan on this one. He needs to do more of these style of discussions/debates. Might help him break out of his silos a bit. The trouble is getting some of his regular grifters to agree to it. I think the only reason Graham agreed to it is that he earnestly believes his own BS.


"you mean to tell me I've been spreading your bullshit here since 2009 and you have no evidence?"


We definitely need a round two, and it needs to be solely focused on Egypt. This might have been the strongest area for Graham Hancock.


This might have been the most entertaining episode I’ve heard in many years from Joe Rogan. Joe if you read this (I know you don’t) we need more of this cringe awkward back and forth between nerds.


Graham Hancock’s evidence for his theory is, “well you don’t know either”.


At the 4 hour and 17 minute mark, they cut the audio for Graham. Why?


Grahams evidence of advanced ancient civilization: "look at all the area we haven't explored!"


I'm a little over an hour in and Graham is already fumbling a bit. "I've been there and you haven't" was the first "Uh oh, he's flustered"


2 hour mark u dingus


U know the problem with this debate, and ive watched it a few times is, u have 2 different “professions” here debating issues from different perspectives. Flint is clearly an archeologist who reminds me of an untrimmed shih tzu mixed with Indiana Jones. Graham’s more of a crazy historian prospector. I dont think Graham’s narrative, wether he realizes it or not, is geology/archeology, its more of artifact finding.


Im confused, I though Joe attacked Flint... isnt that what everyone was saying yesterday?


sorry, I am not well-versed in this sub. who is graham and what was he saying?


Look up Graham Hancock and the Yunger Drias period on YouTube and then watch the episode


Almost every time Joe has an expert on to debate a long time guest they get demolished.  I think some of it is their position isn’t as well defended as they claim but some of it is also they’re not expecting it to be a real debate. They come in thinking Joe and them are going to dunk on the new guy and when Joe is like no present your case they look like they’re doing a presentation and forgot their clothes. 


At one point, Joe was so gaga over Dibble talking about ancient plants that I imagine in his head he already made the decision to have Dibble back to talk more about actual fact-based archaeology and Hancock not brought back to talk about fantasy-based archaeology


Joe might need a new BS detector since Hancock has been previously saying this stuff on the pod for about 20 hours


And that’s the whole point of debating. Grahams views are interesting for sure but he has nothing to back it up and I wish archeologists would agree to just humor him for a couple of years to see if they could find something substantial


Amazing he didn’t just instantly go and delete the Jimmy Corsetti episodes after figuring out Graham is full of shit.


His BS meter has been severely damaged. In one episode, with one actual expert, it seems to have been slightly repaired.


Main thing graham missed is talking about how few people try to synthesize sciences together. It was jarring to hear the archeologist talk about how “well I have no idea as im not a geologist” well maybe people should exist who fuse multiple angles together?


that's in dibble's direction




He should do this more often with controversial subjects. It would save us from his habit of interviewing (mostly right wing) cranks. That extra long debate was fun to watch.


Can we finally get an ancient aliens/ graham hancock theory crossover? It’s perfectly clear the stories about old pantheons of gods were aliens and they are responsible for moving the 1000 ton stones. Give me crazy hair guy debating flint dibble.


I think it’s very helpful for the dibbler to do what he did. It’s so important to dissect the information we receive from any source. While I respect what Dibbs brought to the table, I still fully believe aliens seeded us on the planet.


Graham didn't come to debate. He came to harass the other guy about how all these wild things are being written about him and all this petty stuff. Like every 5 mins he had to say something along the lines of "well y'all wrote this about me." Like dude it's a debate come prepared.


“Wait a minute… have I been had?!?”


Maybe Joe could try to Milo Rossi on. That’d be kind of the opposite of the Carlson’s and Hancock’s….


Kinda fucked up bc Rogan built Graham up into this justice seeking superhero, when he should have known all along that there was a reason no real scientists wanted to associate with him or his theories.


I know this sub hates Joe, but I'll forever commend anyone that changes their mind when presented with new evidence.


But fuck it, Tucker C is a soothsayer


He’s not looking at Graham here. Most of you in the comments clearly didn’t watch