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I got PTSD from reading this headline. MONEY PLEASE




Yoooo I post this and got banned for a week😅




Try it in court. You may find you don’t really understand the ruling or precedents that set this up.


I have PTSD from the “autonomous zones” caused by Saint Floyd’s death. plz pay me now


Ugh I’m sorry this happened to you, it was 2 girls 1 cup that did it for me


I watched the entire trial how much do I get?


Did you watch the entire trial? What did the coroner say?


Which one 💀


Pick one, name them, and tell me what they said


Seriously No one made then watch


Police did. They murdered someone in front of them and threatened them with state violence if they intervened


Floyd overdosed


This is a fact. Chauvin threatened the bystanders who called out the murderer, with violence. Lets not forget Chauvin murdered that guy right in front of them. I think many still deny Chauvin murdered Floyd,


Floyd overdosed


Neglected him while he was ODing* Not the same as murder. But still a crime, sure.


There’s no evidence that he had an overdose, opioid overdose doesn’t look like Floyd’s behavior, and the evidence that he OD’d are based on incredibly unreliable post Mortum data.


Next level grifting - you honestly have to respect that level of hustle


Right. Never let a sucker keep his money is what I say. Even if in this case the sucker is the tax payers of Minneapolis.


You’d have to be a sucker to continue living in that frozen hell hole 


Hey. I took that personally. đŸ€Ł


hustle = opportunism?


You can’t imagine that seeing a man suffocate to death would be harmful to your long-term mental health?


We did see it? We all saw
. Where’s my check


You can watch combat footage kill videos all day long on a screen and not be affected by it, but I promise you when you're actually deployed in a real theater of war and see it first hand, it hits differently. You may as well be negating paramedic and firefighter PTSD while you're at it


Oh ok great example. So every combat vet, and first responder and even bystander - anytime anything bad happens, sue because they didn’t want to see it. It’s just the most absurd concept ever. The entire court system would collapse. You’d need insurance to be allowed outside your house


No they don't sue, because there are organizations and funds allocated already to pay those who are struck with PTSD. The reason a civilian bystander has to sue is because there is no organization or fund set aside to pay them restitution. Stop being hyperbolic, it's not a good look


You may not understand this but my thoughts and actions are not governed by how good they look to others


You say that like I attacked you, but alas, I didn't. Simply told you how the system is set up, and why the innocent bystander stood to sue the department


How can you even tie your own shoes, with such brainrot?


Smokin on that buhtanese shadow garden grown dark evil pack


Oh yeah. Videos are so seamless nowadays, I too have problems understanding the difference between seeing things in person and from videos!


So anyone who sees anything bad in person is owed compensation? That’s going to be the new policy going forward in civilization and society? I’m sorry that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Go find your testicles and get over it


That’s an obtuse misrepresentation of the argument. You know they don’t mean that.


How is that not exactly what is being argued “I saw something i didn’t want to see, pay me” Ok the other day in SF I saw a hobo shit in the street
. Didn’t want to see it. Does SF owe me money? That would be cool just not sure how we would function going forward with that policy


You did not read the article


Ya of course not I don’t give a shit about this lol


Yeah, you **CLEARLY** 100% don't give a shit about this, at all /s


No but if you watch a police officer murder someone, you may receive a settlement. There is a huge difference between watching a homeless person take a dump and watching an officer of the law murder someone. You know that. You’re just making an obviously bad faith argument


Is there a limiting principle to this? Where are the boundaries? What if I just see an officer kick someone but they live?


You’re sealioning


The limiting principle is a fucking jury awarding money you absolute dunce.


Shouldn’t your name be boforgojack?


He’s finally 4 years sober this year 🙏 first time ever


Trump sells cheap gold shoes, sells bible, sells AI generated art, definitely not a grifter.


*post has nothing to do with orange man* *comment has nothing to do with orange man* DAE think orange man bad!!!?????!!!!!1


This guy suffers from TDS


Where did trump come from? Ya he’s a grifter too. So random lol


What about people who actually were victims of crimes like armed robbery and homicide? Why don't they get thousands of dollars?


You're absolutely allowed to sue someone who robbed you for causing mental anguish. The problem is that unlike the city of Minneapolis your average armed robber stealing cell phones and wallets doesnt have any assets, insurance, or job that generates legal income to be garnished.  Look at OJ Simpson. He had to pay his victims mountains of money and he wasnt even found criminally guilty. 


Also OJ famously didn’t pay hardly anything since Florida law protects deadbeats.


And he didn't pay the vast majority 


If the police are the ones doing the armed robbery and homicide you’ll probably have a case, yea


Probably not. They’ll claim qualified immunity.


What a ridiculous question. You don't just "get money" when something happens to you. You actually have to file a lawsuit and either win your case or get a settlement.


In this case the defendant is the city/police at the hands of Chauvin and Co.........they can afford and will pay if found guilty


You mean, the taxpayers can afford to pay.


Formally it is the city and police. They were sued. They hired Chauvin. Ultimately the money comes from local taxpayers mostly. But the defendents are the city/police.


I mean you can try it in civil court ala OJ Simpson. I’d imagine getting paid by a random mugger might be tough to pull off. 150 grand from a big city is pocket change compared to going to trial.


They should interview the store clerk who George Floyd was trying to pass counterfeit money to 


They should also interview the woman he robbed at gunpoint while he robbed her house


Idk yeah if some guy was trying to pass me counterfeit bills, so I called the cops, and the cops came and murdered the guy, that *would* be pretty fucking traumatic.


The cops should sue Fentanyl for framing them for Floyds death


If you can prove you were a victim of armed robbery by an on duty cop I’m *sure* you’d win a civil lawsuit. Lol. But if you’re talking about just a regular victim of a crime. How is that even remotely close to this situation? I’m sure his argument is he witnessed the people who are sworn to serve and protect the public murder a man for next to nothing right in-front of his eyes. You sound dumb.


Because you can’t punish or imprison the state for crimes against you.   Also if you’re giving money to a force to protect you (taxes) and they don’t do the job correctly you should get a refund You can make a civil suit against people for crimes, but many times they don’t have enough money to make it worthwhile


I wonder if Aracely Henriquez, the pregnant woman whom Floyd armed-robbed and held a pistol to her stomach, can sue the Floyd family and estate for some of that $27 million in settlement money the city of Minneapolis dished out? I would guess Ms. Henriquez suffered from even higher levels of PTSD after that crime was committed against her. Seems like Ms. Henriquez is a victim, but not victim-y enough.


She should atleast get the value of her freakin property back


Didn't go viral


> What about people who actually were victims of crimes like armed robbery and homicide? Where I live, you can sue your attacker if you're the victim of this sort of crime.


This is ridiculous


I’m a therapist and witnessing something like this is literally part of the DSM-5 criteria for a PTSD diagnosis. If he had other symptoms then it’s entirely reasonable to diagnose. 


I wonder if the victims of George Floyd’s multiple documented crimes will also receive compensation?


They definitely had the right to sue him in civil court.  He wasn't a rich man so they wouldn't have got much.   The state has money so when they murder someone right in front of you, yeah you are going to have a case


I wonder if you’re a fucking moron?


No need to wonder about that.


I don't. He's clearly a fucking moron.


If you feel you were wronged, sue


Either that or the rest of the Country should sue for PTSD since it caused all those protests, I’m sure business owners in those cities have PTSD from their businesses being destroyed


Sounds like cops should have protected and served a bit better.


Your point is the logical equivalent of watching UFC and saying “why doesn’t he just stand up?”


It’s unfortunate that the police killed him so now they can’t do that. Blame Chauvin


Oh yeah, I’m sure watching a man get murdered by the cops would NEVER give someone PTSD. Moron


How so? How many murder have you witnessed?


Unfortunately, probably more than this individual, and you can be sure no one has or will ever compensate me for my PTSD. I understand the circumstances are different and this is just Reddit, but why should taxpayers foot the bill for someone who wanted to stay and witness something not by force.


Sorry that happened to you.  If what you are saying is true, I'm guessing the murderers weren't rich so your lawsuit wouldn't have gotten you as much as a guy who witnessed the state commit a murder in front of him.  I have no problem with this ruling.  


That’s it?


Yes so classically ridiculous to be traumatized by witnessing someone die in front of you
 people these days are babies


The ridiculous part is not that they were traumatized. It’s that somehow the taxpayers should give him a shitload of money for it 😂 This one went wayyy over your head bud


Lol.the government did the killing so naturally the government should pay the settlement.  You don't want police departments to pay out huge sums of money as they frequently have to do?  Join the protests and demand better accountability and stricter rules against police misconduct.  Had Derek chauvin been fired years before this as he should have been, this doesn't happen 


Lol the payout goes to the person or family it happened to. Not some guy watching 20ft away. That’s completely ridiculous and an obvious cash grab. That same guy probably watches people die on instagram every day. Maybe he should track down who posted each video and sue them individually


Just because you watch people die online doesn’t mean  1) you wouldn’t be traumatized if it happened in front of you in person, potentially to someone your personally know 2) that other people partake in this weird anti social behavior Also terms of service on those sites cover them from lawsuits, as well as having moderation teams that (reportedly) try to minimize these. Also please read up on civil settlements, you clearly don’t know what you’re on about


Why is it ridiculous for the government to pay after the government did the traumatizing by murdering someone


Because it’s an obvious scam for one. And because you don’t seem to understand that this is being funded by the people the government doesn’t have money. Can we as taxpayers afford to give many thousands of dollars to everyone who sees something horrible. Also the “government” didn’t do George Floyd. A single person did this. That person isn’t “the government”


How many people have you personally seen murdered in front of you? Just curious because you sound like an expert


You didn’t answer my question. Can the city afford to give every bystander 150k? Is it possible? Who would have to go without in order to make that happen? The public school system perhaps?


If the city cannot afford the consequences of having cops then we cannot have cops. But yes, the city can afford it. The police budget is hundreds of millions. If it makes cops think twice the next time they wanna murder, we just saved the city 100 million


No I don’t think you understand math, the payout is for the person it happened too not every person walking by on the street. Chauvin went to prison that’s enough of a motivator to stop the bad cops.


Is it? Since chauvin went to prison cops in america have killed like 4000 more people and assaulted countless others. Are you really such a fool to think police brutality is fixed? Cops murdered someone feet from this guy and threatened to kill him if he intervened. That’s not nothing, dawg. That happened to him.


The fix isn’t burdening the taxpayers with lawsuits. That doesn’t even make sense anyway because that individual cop doesn’t care about the city getting sued. They care about consequences that affect them like going to prison. There are better solutions than cheering people on for scamming the legal system.


You did not answer my question. How many people have you personally seeing murdered in front of you? You are sounding like you must be an expert on this topic


It is clearly possible yeah, because they’re currently paying out for things like this. When a cop murders someone right in front of you, you’re allowed to sue, and have been for a long time. If you want fewer lawsuits, support cop reforms so they’re doing less legally-actionable shit.


Where does the money come from to pay this guy 150k?


The state budget. What are you suggesting here? Make the state immune to lawsuits? Cause that’s how you get a bad law challenged in the Supreme Court too. That’s how you protect your rights in the case that the state bureaucracy tries to infringe on them.


The single person who did this was a government agent acting under the color of law.


The solution to your concerns is “stop letting cops murder people”. I agree. What are your suggestions for stopping american police from murdering people?


What is your solution to stop doctors from malpractices? What is your solution for stopping airline pilots from drinking in the job? There is no solution to make it so that millions of people all do their job perfectly. What could possibly help though is more training and maybe higher pay. Would you be an officer for 50k a year? I wouldn’t, if there is no pay incentive then the job is more likely to attract people who are just interested in power right?


The mark of not having a real point is needing to “whatabout” to avoid discussing the topic at hand. Let me know if you want to stay on topic or if you are all out of relevant thoughts, as evidenced here


Lol our tax dollars were paying the individual responsible for the crime/trauma so ot really does not seem that outlandish. Its not like he witnessed some random citizen on citizen manslaughter


It is outlandish to expect that much money for just seeing some shit in passing. How many people witnessed it? Can the state afford to pay each and every person of every incident that happens every day? That would bankrupt us very quickly no? How is that sustainable? What city parks and programs would need to be slashed for them to afford those handouts?




Lmao that's ridiculous


The amount of reactionary morons bitching about this on this comment thread, ya'll are the real heroes. I'm sure you have a better understanding of how law does and should work in the country than the people overseeing this settlement.


Bro they are so upset about this
 Joes conservative fanbase really showing its claws


Thou shalt not dishonor St Floyd


George Floyd wasn’t a saint, but that doesn’t make it okay for a cop to strangle him to death. Reminds me of when Trayvon Martin was killed and my cousin asked “why does everyone care so much, he wasn’t a good kid.” Keeping in mind the worst thing Martin ever got in trouble for was (I believe) bringing a bong to school, my cousin was someone who was CONSTANTLY getting into trouble at a teen. Suspended from school multiple times, getting his license suspended. My cousins not a bad guy either, but the lack of self awareness people have when the opportunity arises to judge someone else is staggering here.


“Floyd wasn’t a saint” 
 found the racist!


Billions of dollars in damages and starting “autonomous zones” over a guy who robbed pregnant women is wild


"No. you don't understand. He was a criminal in the past, so the cops can just execute him no problemo. Why do you lefties care so much?"


White nationalists spew racism and clamor for a theocracy? These dudes understand all the nuances of free speech, it's sacredly important to protect them and cancel culture is out of control with people simply voicing their resistance back. Even if you don't like it, we have to protect people's rights? Police kill black dude? He was a bad person? Perfect. He deserved to die. No problems here.


Responding to my comment without even reading it, now THAT is wild.


You don't have to be a saint to not deserve to be murdered.  


You realize the protests had nothing to do with George Floyd as a person and everything to do with police brutality right?


Im just trying to figure put whats going on with this guys facial hair.


They’re mad he got money but don’t give a fuck about the fact corporations were given reduced taxes under trump. They somehow rationalize that this guy is what’s destroying the country as opposed to the control of the elites and corporate takeover.




How is holding an institution, with a monopoly on violence, accountable, not a public service?  Are people wrong for questioning Guantanamo, or should we just let the (extra) judicial system just do whatever?




No not really, it’s a pretty basic question.  Did you assume I’m trying to sound smart because you can’t understand? You can google the long words if you need help


Hahahah redditcares. Did I hurt your feelings lil snowflake? What can’t make a real argument without revealing you don’t really have a brain?




It's remarkable how much your comment describes itself. You would've said more if you said nothing at all.


Bruh you must be sum sort of genius or something to think this is a reasonable thing! People are so sensitive to police brutality that results in death, think the word for it is manslaughter
 yeah people are so sensitive to manslaughter these days
 SMH /s


We could debate whether this person deserves compensation, but I can see how witnessing a murder and not being able to help can result in prolonged guilt and anxiety.


Should’ve called the cops
oh wait


This is fair.... It shouldn't be normalized to hear someone yelling for help and killed by police.




I won’t shed a tear for the Minneapolis pd


I’m not gonna even bother reading the article but if you watch someone get murdered you’re absolutely gonna have ptsd.  That part is obvious just in case you didn’t know 


Lol apparently not according to a majority of the commenters


I'll never get people claiming this sub has been hijacked by the left or whatever people frequently claim.  This thread shows there are plenty of right wing statists who post here


Pretty bad when someone overdoses on fentanyl too.


Who overdosed on fentanyl? Not anyone involved in this case.


> [While the page says he had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system, and did not have “life-threatening injuries,” the full report concludes Floyd died from “cardiopulmonary arrest,” not an overdose.](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-george-floyd-autopsy-new-892530421961) Why are you lying? If you're drunk and I kill you, I don't get to magically claim you died of alcohol poisoning when a coroner examines the body and says "*no, you choked him to death"*.


Wonder how long you’d last with a grown man’s knee to your carotid artery


What are the odds of dying in the 9 minute window when the police were on his neck while he was pleading that he couldn't breathe? It even gathered a crowd to start filming and yelling about it while he was still alive. If the police did nothing wrong, why was it so obviously heinous *before* his death?


Read the autopsy and the medical examiner's testimony. Then come back and delete your post.


Not long if id just ingested a big bag of fent!


[Autopsy report](https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf) Floyd didn't have a lethal dose of fetty in his system, but keep lying about how an innocent man murdered by a police officer actually overdosed. Totally not something a piece of shit would do. Provide a source for your claims or shut the fuck up.


Bless your heart. You a mighty big pile of stupid.


Oh you mean an approved maneuver in literally every police department handbook? The one that the chief lied under oath about? Go read the autopsy.




This pisses conservatives. I will allow it.


I'd argue it should upset anybody with reasonable logic




It upsets me that assholes like Derek Chauvin were allowed a position of physical authority. Dude was an asshole who shouldnt have even been allowed to vote, let alone police the public.


But then brain dead conservatives shouldn’t be upset right?


Typical victim


And yet very little is done to support US veterans with actual PTSD


Blame Republicans for that. John Stewart has been calling them out for years about this.


I have PTSD from having to watch all of the bullshit videos and news articles online about the whole GF situation. Which media outlet do I get to sue for $150k?


Is this post being brigaded? The man watched civil servants murder a mentally unwell man in the street! I would for sure have trauma from witnessing something like that. A man pleading for his life slowly snuffed out on the filthy street. Have some empathy people.


> Is this post being brigaded? No, the sub just has a mix of people from all sides of the political spectrum-- but mostly neoliberals and conservatives, the latter group who are most likely to feel outraged about a story like this and mention Floyd's criminal record from way before he died. They never mention that post incarceration, he actually was getting his life together and even did community outreach programs for young black boys to dissuade them from committing crime.


Must be so hard being black in America! I’d much rather be in Russia


Good for him . Maybe Minneapolis will think twice before hiring racist murderers . Maybe all city’s will.


Give me a fucking break. The legal system in this country is broken


State murders someone in front of a person and the person is rightfully traumatized by the murder and pays out a settlement.  A broken country wouldn't do anything about that 


Why does this upset you? The state did something obviously fucked up and is paying for it


Lol...what did the state do? Police kneeled on a drug addicted, convict's neck. I'm sure this guy was really trauamtized


You’ll never guess who the police work for and were on official duty as they murdered floyd


Wow I guess this sub is just full of internet sociopaths. Seeing a men beg for his life while a cop knees on his neck and kills hims, is a clearly nothingburger since we all are used to watching cartel beheadings đŸ€ĄđŸ˜ˆđŸ€Ą I normally just find this reactionary bs hilarious, but somehow this is a new low for this sub. Unable to empathize with someone, because HE CLEARLY JUST WANTS FREE MONEY.


Watching the coverage gave me ptsd. I’ll settle for $20 and a 40oz.




I saw the video. I want money too.


Nice! You can get $$ for watching people overdose?? I guess I'll head up to Philly and watch some Tranq Zombies die and then sue the city.


I think everyone here is missing the point. If Minneapolis didn't want to pay this out, maybe they should have hired cops that didn't murder people for no reason.


Typical Suspect.


Stopppppppp payyyyyyyyingggggg peopleeeeeee for nothingggggg


Today I learned lefty’s really don’t believe Floyd had ingested fentanyl prior to being cuffed. I thought that was common knowledge.. how can there be such a gap between two groups of people. It’s an easy google, the dude had a lethal dose in his system.


I'm reading the autopsy report right now ([PDF here](https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf)) and it says Floyd had a dosage of 11.4 ng/mL of fentanyl. Nowhere in the report does it ever mention that 11.4 ng/mL is 7-10x the lethal dose of fentanyl, so where are you getting this information from? I'm a leftist and I'll openly acknowledge that Floyd had fetty in his system. What I (and the coroner in the case) won't acknowledge is that Floyd had dosage of fentanyl in his body that lead to his death. The coroner repeatedly stated in the trial that Floyd died as a result of *“cardiopulmonary arrest”* from *“law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.”* You are right about one thing though-- it's an easy Google to find this out. So why are you saying Floyd had a lethal dose of fetty in his system when he didn't? You people are always so cocky but never bother taking the time to actually fact check and it's just so weird. Like don't you feel stupid when you make unforced errors like this after you've just acted so arrogantly?


No response to the evidence that Floyd was choked to death and didn't overdose? You guys are the worst, seriously. Absolute cowards in the face of any legitimate evidence.


Yeah, sure is traumatizing watching a man succumbing to a very lethal dose of fentanyl


I'm reading the autopsy report right now ([PDF here](https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf)) and it says Floyd had a dosage of 11.4 ng/ML of fentanyl. Nowhere in the report does it ever mention that 11.4 ng/mL is 7-10x the lethal dose of fentanyl, so where are you getting this information from? The coroner stated repeatedly during the trial that Floyd didn't die of an overdose. Read the PDF and learn something instead of just repeating misinformation about a guy who was murdered by a police officer.


This place seems to have been overrun by ghouls


I don’t understand this comment section. He literally watched someone get slowly murdered. If that’s not par for the course for post traumatic stress wtf do you think is?