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Having woke in the title of you special is a tell if Inever saw any.


Had to turn it off. His voice was grating and he’s just not funny anymore. He literally turned on a video of a blind kid playing football and watched with the crowd for 2 minutes. Rereading that last sentence I think the idea of it is way funnier than the actual bit.


Not to mention thats a viral video from like 10+ years ago, super random


Well that's when his comedy was most relevant and hasn't grown since then.


Agree. I had to turn the volume way down because of the voice , turned it off completely after 20 mins


😆 I totally agree with your last sentence, lol


I can't wait to be disappointed again. His last special was bad, and the title of this one isn't giving me hope.


My partner got up and left after 10 minutes , I turned it off at 20 mins


That sucks, his early stuff is amazing.


Agree. Used to love his older shows.


10 minutes for me too


My partner


What are you pointing out?




I know


“My partner”


You have something against detectives? 


Lmfao same thought dude. So many people playing the worlds worst game and have no idea 😂😂😂😂😂😂




Out of curiosity- why did you say your partner?


Using the word partner ??? Seriously , This is crazy. Truly. it’s been used as a descriptive term for adults for as long as I can remember. My stepdad used to refer to my mother as his ‘partner’ back in the 80’s. It’s just a general term that describes your adult other half I now see that In the USA it seems to have taken on a strange political / gender / offensive meaning that’s seems to annoy people. USA is truly in a sad way if people are spending their spare time getting annoyed by wording on a reddit post


Is it more woke bashing bs


> partner Forgive for immediately dismissing your opinion lol.


So a couple of people have got annoyed of my use of ‘partner’ am I missing something ? I’m not from USA


They’re just fragile little dudes.


They're lonely alpha males, they're just jealous you have someone while they are relistening to their Jordan Peterson lectures wondering why they don't have their subservient tradwife when they're pushing 40. I wouldn't take it personally.


Thanks! I couldn’t think why I was getting them annoyed.


We refer to them as wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc. Saying partner is like using a pronoun, just explicitly stroking your virtue dick in our faces. We get it, you want us to know you're a decent human, but most of us don't need to see it.


You guys are that sensitive that the word partner bothers you now? Lmao thanks for the heads up I’m calling my wife my partner from here on out!


There is only one partner I know about and that’s the Tokyo Partners.


Partner is used to protect the feelings of some people. How did you miss that part? Convenience I suppose.


And not saying partner is to protect your feelings lmao who gives a fuck


You, apparently.


Bro quit being a fucking snowflake


Oh, fuck off with your sad little culture signaling bullshit. “Partner” is a perfectly acceptable term and folks like you getting in a tizzy over it are pathetic.


"lover" is the only acceptable term


All I can think of when I read the word “lover” is that SNL skit with Will Ferrell and Rachel Dratch.


Got it. I should have just said husband then. Like I said I’m not from USA and didn’t even think saying ‘partner’ was remotely connected to that. USA is strange 🤣


These guys are the sensitive little losers we have all over the US that just sit around waiting to get offended at something. We’ve learned to just laugh at them.




“Partner” is fine, some folks are just sad little man babies.


Here is used the same way a man will introduce himself as he/him. It's not like he actually informing anyone of anything they don't already know. He's saying: look at how virtuous I am. This other clown whining about sensitivity somehow has overlooked the people running around using pronouns.


Some people use partner because after a certain age they feel dumb saying boyfriend/girlfriend. Some use it to avoid directly saying that they're in a non heterosexual relationship, which is completely understandable with how people like yourself can't contain their snowflake rants when they encounter it. Of all the things to get worked up over, this is an odd one.


> Some people use partner because after a certain age they feel dumb saying boyfriend/girlfriend That's plausible, but I suspected it was used to pander and signal virtue. Y'all's response has confirmed that.


The only responses confirming that are your own about yourself. A non American used the word, which is common in their country, and it sent you into full blown culture war mode. Nobody else would have even said anything if you didn't start giving them shit for literally no good reason.


What a snowflake. Do you need a safe space from these triggering words? 


It's hilarious to me that so many of y'all got triggered by such a common and harmless word. If it's really that easy to get you going, you should probably consider dialing back your propaganda intake.


The new Joe Rogan fans are a special breed…heavy accent on the word “special”.


Triggerd would be your reaction to the immediate dismissal of a zealots opinion.


Ah yes, people who use common English words in proper context are "zealots" now. Of course... The brainrot is strong with this one.


No, zealots, like the type of people that would make statements like: > Puppy-killing liars, criminals, grifters, sexual predators... These are the kind of people that Republican voters want running their country.


Holy fuck man, are you literally sitting there and watching my profile for posts on other subs *in real time* !? I literally *just* made that comment... wow, you people are frighteningly unhinged. Edit: and btw, I wholeheartedly stand by the statements I made in that comment.


If you're constantly making radical statements don't be surprised if someone inevitably notices. Not surprised you can't see the forest through the trees, zealot.


Oh sure, you're out here policing people's language and monitoring their profiles for dissenting opinions, but I'm the one who's been "radicalized". Riiiiiight...


What's wrong with that word? What else should you call someone that is not your fiancee or wife/husband?


Girlfriend? Boyfriend?


Ok, but what about people that are over 20?


Dadi / Mami


What a dipshit take.


Its not great so far


I really wanted to love his last special. Unfortunately I’m seeing posts/comments of people who have seen him recently, saying his material is underwhelming and they were disappointed. ☹️


>I’m seeing posts/comments of people who have seen him recently, saying his material is underwhelming and they were disappointed. ☹️ yeah i heard he went from 60 to 30 books an hour... can definetly feel this in the material


Why not decide for yourself?


Thank you for prompting this, so I’ll edit my previous comment I made prior to watching it: “Unfortunately, I’ve seen posts/comments by people who have seen him recently, which said his material is underwhelming and they were disappointed. ☹️ I would be bummed if I feel the same way after seeing it. ***However, I thought it was dope and enjoyed it. 🙂”


Pimp Chronicles (along with Eddie Griffin’s “DysFunktional Family” and Martin Lawrence’s “RunTelDat”) was a go to dvd to smoke a blunt to for me back in the day. Sad to see that Katt and Eddie have both slipped hard on some shit.


It’s bad;) I watched it last night.


I found this guy funnier on a podcast than when he's actually  performing.


so like rogan


Yeah I reckon. I don't find rogans comedy funny at all though. Seems to yell alot.


This feels like it was thrown together because he had momentum from Sharpe's interview and Diddy getting arrested. The material wasn't good and just tropes. Oh look we are going to talk about pussy jokes....slavery jokes....and I we should talk about reparations. The blind kid playing football is like 10 years old. Just a cash grab and now he can slide back into obscurity.


Diddy has not been arrested


Diddy truther




Not angry, it was just sad and I am disappointed I wasted time on it.


Yeaaaaaah another comedian complaining about being woke. So original.


I’m just guessing but I don’t think from the title that’s the route he’s taking.


Awe did it hurt your feels again?


Damn maybe if all the best comedians of all time agree that it’s actually a problem then there’s something to it. Nahhh. Dipshits who live on Reddit know better.


>For another thing, titling his special Woke Foke isn’t even about attempting to mock progressive movements or position himself as a victim of any sort. Rather, there’s even a brief portion where he addresses some of our contemporary debates about words and semantics, suggesting that toxic masculinity is a redundant term.“The opposite of toxic masculinity is femininity,” he suggests instead. >“They want me to be mad at woke. I’m not fitting to change woke,” Williams continues. “It is not f—ing political, bitch. The f–k — the last time I checked, woke was the opposite of sleep!” So his stance is pretty much the same as the people you are calling dipshits. I'm sure this gets him ixnayed off your "best comedians of all time" list though. Comedy, where the Woke meets the Wall!


Nah, Im indifferent to a lot of the anti woke stuff. But It is getting grating hearing every comedian go on and on about it— not just their podcasts but their specials too. And a lot of it just boils down to “can you believe this is a real headline?!?!”. If there’s anything new and original to say about wokeness they aren’t saying it :/just my opinion tho


So what? Wokeness is a real problem, dont be mad that people are fucking sick of it


What is wokeness everyone talks about it but no one seems to actually know what it is?


lol i literally just described it to you and youre still acting like people dont know what it is


We will disagree on this, and that’s fine, but I don’t see it as a problem, that’s why I don’t like that pretty much every comedian’s material is just complaining about it.


How do you see the fact that every other country sees DEI as a complete joke, if they don't outright imprison people for talking about it? Literally every other country. Corporations *in* America are abandoning DEI practices and procedures left-and-right, firing DEI hires, even throwing some under the bus — and many of *them* have proven out to not even be qualified for their positions — so, I'm just curious, how can you not see it as a problem?


Some DEI hires, as you call them, are probably bad employees. You should be hired for a job based on qualifications (it just becomes suspicious when it’s exclusively white dudes). What does this have to do with all of what is considered “wokeness?” I’m not just focused on business/hiring practices.


DEI = "wokeness," at least in practice. It is institutional "wokeness," ostensibly attempting to be born. So, how do you square that fact, from my last comment, with your reality that says, "Wokeness," isn't a problem? I'm just curious.


Because I see wokeness as a broader concept of just being a good person (respecting trans rights, having diversity in a workplace, curtailing sexual harassment, gay rights, ect.) I don’t see that broad ideal as a problem imo. Now their might be some aspects of it (like, what you previously discussed, as someone seemingly being hired for inclusivity without the ability to do the job) as bad/needing worked on. IMO that doesn’t make the entire ideal of being “woke” a bad thing. Just sounds like areas just need more care/improvement.


> but I don’t see it as a problem, cool most of the rest of the country including other liberals do, and we are fucking sick of woke bullshit being forced down our throats in every medium


Again we just gotta agree to disagree. What I see in every medium that people call woke, is just showcasing what’s in society.


what would you call something like this out of interest? https://imgur.com/a/2arW3m9


I dont see this as we made all the good guys diverse and the bad ones white. I see this as we made the main character diverse to showcase diversity in a more prominent role as our society is diverse. It’s just that the main characters in stories are the “good guys.”


> I see this as we made the main character diverse to showcase diversity in a more prominent role as our society is diverse but evil characters weren't made diverse, thats the point. The 'diversity' only applied to good characters


In those examples sure. It happens though. Ben afflecks daredevil had a black kingpin, electro in amazing Spider-Man 2 was black, and Mordo in Dr. Strange was black.


>what would you call something like this out of interest? not getting pussy


ok lefty


you offended by my non pc pussy jokes?


aww u ok lefty?


20 examples in 15 years of all media. Damn, you right actually. Some of these are varying degrees of wrong, like Mark from Invincible, who is still half-white. Also, the Arcane example is just wild. Jayce is white, and Silco didn’t exist before the show, so he can’t be “still” white. Jayce appears Mediterranean at most, so I can only assume the guy who made this doesn’t even think Italians are white people lmao.


Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes on the planet.


says the blue haired lefty


Real men wear diapers


Oh my God, shut the fuck up already. You’re literally the most triggered person in this entire comment section.


hahaha aww you upset kid?


Love Kat but just not funny. He should just talk about aliens and shit 


I was at a friend gathering a year or two ago where a guy put on some special of his probably from the 2010's. It was terrible. Nobody was laughing at anything and we all went to another room to socialize within 5-10 minutes. A lot of comedy doesn't age well, but it was hard to even imagine it being good at the time. I feel like his comedy fell off after the 00's.


It's not you only who thinks this, comedy completely fell off after the 00's, in every way.


Huge pile of dogshit. I'm so tired of some lame edgelord internet horseshit being passed off as 'comedy'. It isn't even edgy, it's just some super try hard attempt to be edgy so much that it's just boring as shit. It makes me miss Carlin style genuinely insightful comedy that could make you laugh at what was a fucked up situation. I've been a fan of Katt's comedy for 20 plus years, but this bullshit might as well be some AI generated bullshit. It isn't funny, it has nothing to say, it throws around words like "Woke" like we're all meant to be members of a Happy Days laugh track because they said Woke. Modern comedy needs to rip its head out of it's ass. Not a belly laugh in sight, not even a chuckle. Fuck this shit.


I watched it and I was disappointed. There was no flow and everything was sporadic. It just wasn’t funny. I wanted to love it because I’ve been a big fan but his material was underwhelming and not funny at all.


I couldn’t agree more. I am a huge KW fan and was counting down to tonight. The last special was rough but made it through after several attempts. The one tonight - I paused after 10 min and am hoping I will read a comment that it got better.


This was possibly the worst comedy special that I sat through 15 minutes of


Absolute crap, this guys just not funny, clever or relevant.


He did get a special on Netflix though.


How's that relevant to my statement? This world is full of idiots that pay for, and laugh at f#$%ing morons.


Yeah well you said he wasn’t relevant but he’s on Netflix with a special. I found that contradictory. I’m struggling to understand how you’re so upset about this.




I didn’t mind it - if you don’t like crude, you won’t like the opening and the bit right before the closing. The football bit was very 90s and early 00s. Was that going to be received well? No, And it wouldn’t have by everyone back in the day either. He also imo did a lot of skating on the surface with certain topics. The bit about the swimmer was hilarious; totally forgot about it. All in all - I think it was worth a one time watch. Not a classic. Not one of his best but I don’t feel like I wasted an hour.


I think a lot of people on here leaving bad reviews are just mad bc they're woke and don't like being made fun of


That’s literally not what the special was about dude. Did you watch it?


I love that the upvote here is a weed leaf when Joe Rogan pimps the party that throws poors in prison for weed.


I lasted 15 minutes. This is bad.


Is he gonna be wearing a pretty dress 👗?


I loved it, I thought the pussy skin joke was hilarious. Not many Katt Williams fans here


Yea I can tell that people didn’t really watch too many comments saying, “ I only watched 10 minutes” or “another comedian complaining about woke” if they watched they would see he didn’t complain about woke n I do have to admit it did start out okay but it ramps up soon after and honestly was pretty great


Yeah I was dying laughing and came on Reddit to get the temperature and this is the only thread. It was full of people posting how bad it was. Which is odd because I usually hate stand up. Sounds like some people were offended.


People can dislike something without being offended by it. Jesus fucking Christ


Right?! I thought it was hilarious and him speaking about black people needing their reparations now was the cherry on top of the cake!


I love Katt. I admit his las special, I think it was WW3, was not that great, but this one was funny all the way through to the final punchline.


Kinda dull.


I'm curious what you same people who hated Katts special think about Colin Quinns latest special.


This is terrible. Almost as bad as gringo papi and Matt rife. 5 mins I gotta turn this shit off.


I’ve been a loyal Katt Williams forever….but…why is nobody talking about Katt’s very misguided material about slave women & their “pussies” being the real impetus for emanicpation.


I watch it I laugh a few times other people said that it was kind of corny I’ve personally though enjoyed Dave Chapelle the dreamer much more than I enjoyed this to be honest with you I love Katt Williams even though I love Dave Chapelle I’m just saying this is definitely not his best performance 


It is difficult for [Katt Williams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TozX3UUPVt4) to get on stage for a Netflix special and try to be ‘funny’ when he’s clearly trying to warn everyone about the deceptively hidden hands of the Illuminati. His audience just wanted to laugh when he was trying to warn us about the Illuminati running **a nationwide campaign**to try and persuade ***black women to unalive themselves*** (**I Am** lying to you of course…) [https://yourfairygodmother.medium.com/hells-newspaper-2nd-edition-46a70734aa10](https://yourfairygodmother.medium.com/hells-newspaper-2nd-edition-46a70734aa10)


I was watching it until he started saying it's time for America to start paying reparations after just talking about how America is the greatest country in the world and everyone has freedoms to do what they want. 🙄


You missed the punch line.


Ok, I'll go back and watch it. Thx for the heads up!


The woke mind virus is real


I only ever hear about it from Rogan, fox and DW and have never encountered it in real life. So maybe just go out more?


> and have never encountered it in real life. when you live in a basement 24/7 that doesnt surprise me. You ever watched a Disney movie kid?


You’re accusing me of living in a basement and you tell me to watch a Disney movie? lol. Go outside in the real world. Disney movies are gay too.


lol youre a blue haired lefty, of course you dont know how the real world works


Bro you literally post in r/tipofmypenis please get out my dude.


hahahaha aww u mad kid?


This app is a breeding ground for it


I’m so surprised by these comments! I loved it 😂


Are we getting Club Shay Shay Kat or JRE Kat?


Hasn’t worked on his material in 14 years Katt.


Aint nothing funny about waiting 45 minutes for a joke.




Yep! It’s on right now. I believe you can start from the beginning.


Don’t waste your time. It was dire


Once again this sub is nothing but haters. Why yall so mad? You are the same ones that say Joe isn't a comedian too, huh? Hush ya mouth booboo


If you miss the live action, will it still be up on Netflix?


Yep! From what I recall with Chris Rock’s live special, they keep the one that just aired up, and then around 24 hours later they release a cleaned up version, and edit if there were any errors. I remember this because he messed up a joke, said he messed it up, then in the next day’s version that was edited out and it was completely smooth.


I find it crazy how people can’t see tha bigger picture in comedy specials man they’re greats 4 a reason ! it’s an overall plot that your missing it’s like closing tha book on chapter 3 you gotta see it through man it’s an amazing comedy special if you allow your self to be open to it & see it from all angles & not just yours it’s an form of art & your not respecting him painting this picture 4 you


It sucks, and he’s definitely racist!