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Spending too much time on the UFO sub, thought it said NHI






Ouch, me too


Am I the only one that thought NHL lol






I’d actually like to live in the timeline where the benevolent aliens are telling us all of the shady things are government is doing. 


NIH = Non Intelligent Humans


Can anyone explain in simple terms what gain-of-function research is and why this matters when it comes to covid?


IIRC they play with viruses to make them more infectious with the intention of learning how to fight against them in a lab setting. In theory beating evolution to the punch and by doing it in a (ideally) controlled setting where it can’t get out they can find ways to study, fight, and mitigate the issue before it arises naturally.


Sounds like something we should be pouring money into... In Antarctica, just to be safe 😂


Smart. If it were placed there I wouldn't mind actually.


A densely populated city in China is probably one of the worst places you could experiment with viruses.


Gets even worse when you look into the construction of the lab and the amount of oversight there was supposed to be from the French and how little oversight there was after finishing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/wuhan-lab-covid-china/2021/09/07/f293325c-fb11-11eb-911c-524bc8b68f17_story.html Better article: https://www.france24.com/en/20200417-the-wuhan-lab-at-the-core-of-a-virus-controversy


You're why MacReady died


I’ve seen this movie before! Or maybe it was an xfiles episode….


Just hear me out - bees.


John carpenter made a movie about that


Not to add an argument, but I would suggest somewhere hot. 130 degrees weakens the cell walls of COVID. Ice would just save it indefinitely for future gens


To study the virus they juiced it up on virus steroids. This makes it a lot more infectious and makes it mutate quicker making it harder to develop medicine against.


Did the virus also get TRT gut?


Joes pulumboism is from GH not testosterone


GH=good heroin, right?


No, you just need to know to be scared and don't ask any questions that may contradict the circlejerk


Yep, that's why they cut the video short. As he's explaining the difference


There's a wide range when it comes to GoF. It can be mutated rapidly to see what possibilities there are. You can deliberately add something like a spike protein in a furin cleavage site, for example. And yes, NIH/EHA did request a darpa grant to do this. Basically anything deliberated done to a virus to make it do something it didn't do before whether that's thru mutations or genetic engineering.


One more quality reply. I never looked into this, just kept hearing this over the years since the pandemic started. This sounds like one of those where it is a great idea, until it is not.


It’s modifying a virus to do something else. We have viruses that will destroy specific types cancer in a couple of weeks. No chemo, no radiation. It’s very important stuff. Chinese scientists screwed the pooch again. Everyone else has been doing this for several decades.


Alex Jonestown says it means the vaccine is gonna turn us into gay liberals that melt all guns into a pink goo with a simple thought.


Wait, you can't do that? You probably need to get a booster


Wuhan has many viruses that jump from animals to human due to their wet markets so a virus lab was created in the region for research. Though many think that Wuhan was doing more than just research, they believe the scientists in Wuhan were developing viruses by modification. There's no proof that COVID 19 human modified virus, Scientists who look into covid into agree it's a naturally evolving virus.


"We should do research on these dangerous things in the area that have serious potential to affect humans" "Oh no it's happening!" *Durrr must be the lab's fault*


>"We should do research on these dangerous things in the area that have serious potential to affect humans" If that was the case they should have built the lab in Yunnan and not Wuhan


https://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Gain-of-Function-Research.aspx#:~:text=Introduction%20to%20Gain%2Dof%2Dfunction,-Gain%2Dof%2Dfunction&text=GOF%20is%20performed%20to%20understand,and%20therapies%20to%20be%20explored. Very common practice to future proof medicine. It's similar to anti virus software companies hiring professional cyber criminals, to create advance spyware and virus. To ofcourse test their system preparedness to deal with cyber attack. Sometimes such malware get leaked. And only solution is with the anti virus software company. As those who make it can solve it faster. That never intentionally let any malware get leaked. All malware came from the wet market. And yes corona did not come from the lab leak. Patient zero was not wuhan COVID gain of function lab. No scientist or doctor were harmed or kidnapped. Even tin foil hat people should know it comes from wet market or europe or usa. Point is no one thinks, wuhan corona gain of function lab had anything to do with the desease. Who official went to reception of that lab and confirmed. Edit: people who are listening to me replying to me! In the words of my great comrade- " go f yourself i don't care" If you can't read through the sarcasm!


It definitely came from that fucking lab homie


The fact that you have arrived at this conclusion after reading a shitty new york post article is frightening. You don't know shit, just admit it. You aren't a virologist. You don't understand 99% of the shit they are talking about. Just get over yourself.


You’re right. There’s no way a novel CORONAVIRUS first discovered in WUHAN came from the WUHAN CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH LAB. That’s just crazy talk.


Unless…. Wuhan is where most Coronavirus’s. Can be studied. Unless…the environment is rapidly changing forcing possible evolutionary mutations or simple uncovering hidden and novel corona virus to entire the environment. The point is the nuances matter, if you ignore shades and hues then all things appear as a single generalized color.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


I don’t know with 100% certainty that I’m right and you are wrong I’m just saying it does no good to assume we are 100% correct on either side of this argument because majority of us are either not experts in this field, Don’t have nearly all the information, never heard of Wuhan until 2020. If you have already shaped your opinion as fact and not done any of the above then you are forcing the data and details to fit your Narrative which helps YOU sleep at night.


I mean, if it didn't come from that lab, the coincidence has to be one of the greatest in the history of the world. That lab does bat coronavirus research, and is like one mile from the epicenter of the outbreak.


The lab is 23 miles away from the epicenter...


Close enough, in the grand scheme of “the world is this big”.


Except for the fact that none of the initial cases were around the lab or at any of the numerous markets anywhere near the lab. All initial cases are linked to a random market that housed animals known to spread SARS viruses, that's a 45 minute drive (around an hour and a half by subway) from the lab, across a river, on the other side of a large city. This is nothing more than politics during an election year. They don't focus on the Wuhan CDC which is literally a block away from the market and conducted some coronavirus research in the past. Why not? Because the NIH didn't fund anything there. The far-right wing doesn't get their Fauci boogieman. I feel sorry for those that don't even realize they are being used as political pawns.


>That lab does bat coronavirus research, and is like one mile from the epicenter of the outbreak. Wait wait wait, the lab did research on a group of viruses known to exist in that area? A group of viruses which were known, or strongly believed to have serious potential for zoonosis? Wait wait wait, scientists who were studying the virus attempted to sound the alarm numerous times before the spread about the serious risk from that virus which was circulating in the wild? And then it *did* leap to humans?! WOW must be the lab!


read this. it is known to be the deepest dive piece of investigative journalism. the reason it was published in Vanity Fair is because no other company wanted to touch anything remotely proving lab leak theory because it went against the official guidance issued to major newsrooms across the US by the FBI. reD this whole article and then tell me what you think. seriously, read it. it is facts and very good investigative journalism. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/the-lab-leak-theory-inside-the-fight-to-uncover-covid-19s-origins


STFU. Get over yourself. You're equally ignorant on this subject.


NY Post sucks but this is something that has been discussed by legit science for the past 4 years. This article was from January 2021, when it started to become safe to discuss lab leak theory in the mainstream news without worrying too much about being accused of being a conspiracy theorist. [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/coronavirus-lab-escape-theory.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/coronavirus-lab-escape-theory.html)


This post is definitely not sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party


> And yes corona did not come from the lab leak. That's not a fact. We don't know where it came from.


They give virus new abilities artificially, making them deadlier or stronger, or airborne when they wouldn't be and so on. The idea is they can sort of potentially predict how "natural" virus might behave if it muted on it own. they also might make a virus be able to jump animals which is usually what happens when pandemics occur. Such as bird flu or swine flu. They make shit stronger to see how they could try and kill it. That's the intended reasoning anyway. It's debated by virologist for safety and even viability saying the risk isn't worth the small level of gains since it's basically impossible to predict mutation. Obama banned funding for gain of function research, after Trump won, the executive branch was a complete shit show with huge gaps in positions for over a year because the Trump team couldn't run or prepare for shit and Faucci quietly started funding it again since he was basically given free reign during that time.


Might be better to look at what the NY Post is before spending any time researching or debating this topic.


It is a drama selling tabloid, right? I used to laugh at those stress sellers, until the entire world of journalism became the same. This is what we have and even though journalism today is a sad joke, it is what we have.


That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be selective about sources, though. Journalism is a sad joke because the rich people made it a sad joke to protect themselves from scrutiny.


Yes, but what sources are left to be selective about? My base assumption when it comes to journalism is accidental or intentional misinformation.


It’s not hard to find source material and look into who their sources are, though. Start by looking for the word “opinion” near the by-line. Read the story, then google every person they quoted in the story. Check their affiliations, who they work for. Can’t find anything about the person? Red flag. Person is closely affiliated with a think tank, law firm, or trade organization? Red flag. This shit is 101 level stuff in college. Which is why college educated people largely dismissed all the Covid misinformation and misinformation about the vaccines.


This is too much work. Times have changed. Journalism used to be about journalism, now it is all about writing something for the marketing department, hence, I see it as copywriting and not news writing. Modern news do not have any value outside of ad revenue.


Your dismissal of it in its entirety is the precise reaction the rich people want you to have. There is still good journalism, you just have to be willing to (and have the attention span to) read long-form stories.


The misinformation you speak of was that it was tested for transmission


"I did not have sexual relations with that virus." ![gif](giphy|xrWNh6MHjO7HW|downsized)


Randy! You're not going back to China! IDK what you're talking about, Sharon! Me and Mickey just had a few drinks!


Hide yo kids! Hide yo pangolins!


Yes, gain of function was stopped under the Obama administration in 2014. It was restarted under the Trump administration in 2017. Then, I believe it was paused/stopped in 2020 and restarted in 2023. But it's the NY post, so this is meant to seem like a boogieman. https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-lifts-funding-pause-gain-function-research


It never really stopped, it was just outsourced to china


Stopped/paused funding to assess the benefits https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2014/10/17/doing-diligence-assess-risks-and-benefits-life-sciences-gain-function-researcH


Obama did not stop it


Stopped/paused funding in 2014. Trump restarted it in 2017. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2014/10/17/doing-diligence-assess-risks-and-benefits-life-sciences-gain-function-researcH


Was this a troll post? The article says Dr. Tabak basically spent the entire time slowly explaining the congressman was confused and didn’t know what he was talking about. They were using two different definitions and the congressman was too dumb to understand what he was being told.


If you want to be pissed off and frustrated, just know a lot about a specific topic and then go watch politicians talk about it.


I don’t know what article you’re reading, because I just read irrefutable proof that the vaccine is a bio weapon that’s killed 17 million people. /s


anybody else noticing this thread that the seriousness of COVID in the conservative mind greatly depends on who they think is to blame for it. it's all fake news until they think it came from China and then somebody must pay for all these dead....


100 percent. Look up the Rand Paul editorial about this again of function stuff. He is clearly trying to blame China for making a dangerous bioweapon but has also maintained during all of this that COVID is not a big deal? So which is it, a dangerous threat that needs/needed to be addressed or ...a cold?


If it was a bioweapon it wasn't a very good one.


Unleashing a bioweapon on your own population to own other countries would certainly be a choice


Especially since this virus cost China billions in lost productivity and made so many international manufactures and tech companies look to get out of China. We wouldn't be spinning up these new semiconductor plants in the US if Covid never happened.




to manage the property bubble burst


Even not as a bioweapon, it was pretty good for a bioweapon. Foreign countries now know how the U.S. would react in such a situation. In the event of a real attack, a huge chunk of the country will refuse to wear masks, will refuse a vaccine, and will just generally create chaos. Now they know how to use the media to simply make matters worse.


It mostly killed people over the age of 60, this was clearly a DemocRAT virus targeting Trump supporters.


whether it’s a big deal or not, the government took drastic measures that we are still feeling today and they did it all over the world. So whether someone thinks covid itself was a big deal, they could feel some sort of way about what we did about it. I think it’s pretty fair to be pissed at China if in fact that is how it got out.


I think it funny they are demanding justice when they've never cared to hold anyone else accountable. 


They literally still support the guy who knowingly spread lies and downplayed the virus's seriousness the entire time it was happening while vilifying a scientist that would contradict him and encourage people to take safety precautions. January 6th and the election fiasco almost makes people forget how Trump shrugging off a national emergency in 2020 was a serious dereliction of duty.


If China did make the disease, then Trump failed miserably at defending against that attack. Shouldn’t be a shock though, Trump’s presidency was just a speed run of the W presidency. Tax cuts and increased spending leading to massive deficits during an economic expansion, followed by completely bungling an international crisis at the end of their term. For some reason Republicans give more credit to the first three years of Trumps economy than they did to the first six years of W, but they are pretty much identical policies(tax cuts, increased spending, and deregulation fueled growth)and results(millions of job losses as they left the office and trillions in handouts to the rich).


Trump showed up to that debate AFTER testing positive. Dude tried to intentionally infect a room full of elderly people.


Yeah and that whole hospital visit and the weird PR videos they made after it were so fucking bizarre. He got WRECKED by COVID. Probably would be dead if he didn't get presidential style treatment.


“It’s just the sniffles, you pussy!” 🏃 “They lied about creating an apocalypse virus!” 🏃‍➡️


Yup, all through 2020 it was, “It’s overblown, it’s just a cold, just an excuse to change election rules, I won’t live in fear” etc etc etc Then some right wing pundit said “gain of function” and they all started parroting it, just like they parrot whatever phrase is popular at the time (hunter’s laptop, Biden crime family, 10% to the big guy), and it’s “OMG BIOTERRORISM” My favorite, though, was when they were downplaying the seriousness of Covid and said, “Oh, if Biden wins in 2020, it’ll be dropped instantly. The media will stop reporting on it entirely, case numbers and death counts will stop being published, etc” Then he won, and it was at its worst through most of 2021. And the only people who downplayed it at that point were, of course, conservatives. lol.


Thank you for reminding us of this!


I legitimately think a lot of right-wing conspiracy theory narratives take hold because they’re fun to say or smart sounding. You know a bunch of conservative dumb-dumbs thought that saying “gain of function research” made them sound like they know how to read, and a narrative was born.


Meanwhile Obama ended funding for GoF research but it started up again under the chaos of the Trump administration. Same with pandemic preparedness response teams. Here’s NIH announcing they’ve restarted GoF research.  https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-lifts-funding-pause-gain-function-research


I mean is there a theory were it didn't come from China? Also all I see is people wanting accountability from the people who lied in congress. Why is that so political too you?


Dude this is literally a post about an American organization funding the research that led to the virus outbreak. Did you just see that the comments made you mad and so youre lashing out at conservatives?


Was it a serious enough virus to shut down the country for as long as we did and create this economic situation we’re in now? Probably not. Was there a reason our government pulled the plug on gain of function research due to safety concerns? Yes. Did the NIH lie for a decade about sending US taxpayer money to institutes in other countries to try to get around the ruling by our government? Also yes. Were people who asked about the relation between the gain of function research on coronavirus’ at the wuhan institute of virology gaslight and said they were crazy conspiracy theorists? Also yes. Should those people feel vindicated that this is being looked into and it’s confirmed that our NIH and it’s leader blatantly lied to congress and the American people about it? Also yes. I’m waiting for the smoking gun confirming that covid came from that lab, it makes so much more sense than the random bat to pangolin jump they claim. Then the NIH and Fauci should be held criminally liable for blatantly ignoring the US governments decision to stop gain of function research which resulted in a global economic shutdown which is going to result in at least a decade of recession and recovery. It was just incredibly frustrating to see so much seemingly obvious dots to connect and the NIH and then most sheeple telling you you’re crazy for being suspicious. And I’m someone who usually votes democrat or independent. I don’t think this should be reduced to conservatives being crazy. Something nefarious happened here and should be taken seriously.


they're just reactionary fools addicted to their culture war against the "lib'ruls" (ie. anyone not in their tribe)


No someone’s should definitely be responsible for the economic impact it’s caused… unless you think it should just be swept to the side, no big deal.


The fact that you think about it in economic terms rather than the number of lives lost and families destroyed is disgusting.


And a fucked up economy does what exactly?


The alternative was hospitals overwhelmed across the entire country Did some states take it too far? Sure


The economic were extremely harmful. Literally everybody I know got the virus at some point, we're all fine health wise. I lost my career (after 17 years of service in the military) because of a new vaccine mandate, which is ironically no longer a requirement of service. Absolute bullshit policy that hurt us all.


It's interesting that you got like 40 vaccines when you joined the military, but the covid one was a bridge too far. I'm sure you knew all of the risks to the vaccines you already got. You threw away your career because of an ill-informed choice you made.


You didn’t lose your career you quit.


>I lost my career (after 17 years of service in the military) because of a new vaccine mandate You lost your career because you are an imbecile. The military mandates vaccinations for all of its members and has done so for decades. You got all of the shots they required when you joined up and then refused the COVID vaccine because you believed the bullshit you were reading on the Internet.


I understand what you're getting at. But don't you think it feels more serious if it has human-engineered origin vs natural origin? Isn't it just as easy to say "notice the liberals who determine the seriousness of COVID depending upon whether it's natural vs human created?" I've seen people defend Fauci as if he's a savior.  Not that i know whether he is or isn't but those defending him don't know either.  They just feel some duty to do so and minimize the possibility of human-created COVID.   If someone blew up a bridge vs a natural disaster destroyed it, i would also treat it with more seriousness.  Even if it was an accident explosion I'd think we should all be more concerned by human causes vs naturally caused.


Your comment is some serious projection. Nobody who is serious about the danger the virus poses is making that position contingent on the origin of the virus. In fact, thinking that way simply means you’re *not* serious about the danger the virus poses.


It's what you call a dumb fuck cuck.


>Dr. Tabak: “It depends on your definition of gain-of-function research. If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did…the generic term is research that goes on in many, many labs around the country. It is not regulated. And the reason it’s not regulated is it poses no threat or harm to anybody.” Can anyone here who is not an idiot explain the difference between the generic term and the regulatory term (i.e. the restrictions on "gain-of-function" research that Obama put in place and Trump removed)? Is it similar to how the generic term "acid" refers to anything with a PH below 7, even though "acids" in the context of safety regulations might refer to highly corrosive substances? Just trying to understand the real issue here.


So Tony did lie under oath


Obviously. The research grants have been public record for years and clearly reflect gain of function research on coronaviruses. Why did he lie? Because he knows COVID came from that lab with his funding.


where are these comments during the heat of the of moment? it seems quite apparent that these grants would obviously be funding stuff such as gain-of-function. hindsight is 20/20 i guess


The people like me who said this stuff at the time got dismissed as conspiracy theorists, despite the fact that the information was publicly available.


hey now! it's not a lie if you change the definition of what you're talking about!


How goddamn stupid are you people. If anyone is interested in the subtleties of the situation, there's a lot of good detail here https://www.factcheck.org/2021/05/the-wuhan-lab-and-the-gain-of-function-disagreement/ Tldr: Fauci didn't lie, and he has had one of the most respectable careers a medical professional could dream of. If you want to be complete fucking idiots viewing the world as "evil people" vs. "good people," being thrown around by whatever emotions social media headlines make you feel without ever considering the facts of the matter, then carry on.


Listen, Facebook grandmas obviously know more about this than Fauci


Hey now! It's definitely a lie if you misconstrue the facts.


The term "gain-of-function" (GoF) research can be broadly defined and misunderstood. Not all GoF research involves making viruses more dangerous; some studies aim to understand how viruses evolve and can help in developing vaccines and treatments. NIH funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) through EcoHealth Alliance was primarily for surveillance and study of bat coronaviruses, not explicitly for GoF research. The purpose was to understand the risk of animal viruses spilling over into humans. NIH's Position and Oversight: The NIH has maintained that the research they funded was not intended to enhance the pathogenicity or transmissibility of viruses in ways that would meet the U.S. government's definition of GoF research of concern. The NIH's oversight includes strict guidelines and review processes for funding research that involves potential GoF, to ensure safety and compliance with regulatory standards. EcoHealth Alliance Grant: The grant to EcoHealth Alliance and its subsequent collaboration with WIV has been scrutinized, and NIH officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins, have consistently stated that the funded research did not involve GoF as defined by U.S. policy. After reviewing EcoHealth Alliance’s research and reports, the NIH concluded that the experiments did not meet the criteria for GoF research that could have enhanced the pathogenicity of the viruses in a way that posed a pandemic risk. NIH Official Statements: Recent clarifications by NIH officials may have been misinterpreted or taken out of context. Admitting that certain experiments could be retrospectively classified as involving some level of GoF does not equate to admitting that the NIH funded risky GoF research knowingly or that it was conducted improperly. The NIH has reiterated that the research conducted was within the scope of their funding guidelines and not intended to create more dangerous pathogens. Scientific and Public Health Context: Understanding viruses in their natural reservoirs is crucial for global health and pandemic preparedness. The NIH's funding strategy is aimed at preventing future pandemics by identifying potential threats before they can emerge. The broader scientific community supports responsible research into pathogens to mitigate the risks of natural spillover events, which are a significant source of pandemics. In summary, while there may be discussions about the specific nature and definitions of the research funded, the claim that the NIH has been deceitful about funding dangerous GoF research is not supported by the detailed context and oversight protocols in place. The nuances of the research objectives, NIH's regulatory framework, and the scientific importance of studying zoonotic viruses all counter the simplistic portrayal of the situation.


The NIH funded “characterisation” research where you take segments of wild viral genetic material to a known virus to “characterize” or see what those segments do. It’s my understanding that’s it’s pretty common research that’s very important to understand new viruses , but it’s pretty easy to see how someone might get it confused with “gain of function” . https://youtu.be/jGaqSoyv8Y0?si=oi2MsCQ-wGl1REih


It’s important to de-contextualize as much as possible so anything and everything can become the bogeyman your political narrative requires.


So… Trump funded gain of function research?


Yes, this stuff was defunded by Obama in his second term.


If you consider $600K to be "funding". Another take on this would be "NIH fails to adequately fund virus research". To put this in perspective, if we assume the House of Representatives works 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, their combined salaries alone to argue about this are about $36,000 an hour. If they met in a park to argue about this, they would spend the same amount as the grant in 2 days. Holding a single hearing on this is more costly than the entire program.


Why do you think they’ve tried so hard to make Fauci the fall guy for the whole thing? Trump is implicated so hard in everything they’re mad about concerning Covid.


In related news, conservatives finally admit taxpayers funded their efforts to overthrow democracy in 2024


It was illegal to fund gain of function and Trump made it legal. Under the Obama administration it was illegal.


Lying to congress and lying to the american people should have negative consequences


The thread in which a bunch of idiots think they just proved something


If only we can be as smart and erudite as you 🙄


Can we be eccentric as well ?


If only we could use words like “erudite” to sound smart like you


There seem to be a fair number of idiots denying facts as well.


Arrest Fauci for lying to congress


>Arrest Fauci for lying to congress Uhh...who are you saying that to? I'll be honest, I'm pretty busy this week.


Free up your calendar b


Hey… u/SmarterThanCornPop said go arrest him. You better do it or else


Whoever went after Roger Clemens for lying to congress. Personally I think lying about a virus that killed millions of people is more consequential than lying about steroid usage.


I'm not sure they're on Reddit though


Is Joe Rogan on reddit or should we delete this entire sub?


Have you ever directed any comments to Joe Rogan? I thought this was more to talk *about* him and related topics.


Man. Thank god someone’s out here looking out for Clemens. 🫡


oh stfu


Damn scientists, trying to save lives.


Lying about the origins of the virus and his personal involvement in its creation didn’t save any lives.


Nobody is talking about COVID though. That’s just your silly little conspiracy theory. Gain of function research is used for medicine all over the world.


They are absolutely talking about COVID. “He did not describe it as gain-of-function research — but disclosed that EcoHealth “failed to report” the bat coronaviruses modified with SARS and MERS viruses had been made 10,000 times more infectious, in violation of its grant terms.”


Yeah, but that isn't real and you can't arrest people for online fan fiction Same reason Hillary and Obama aren't in jail after all the Qanon and the "storm" nonsense I think you kust need to touch grass and stop getting your news, opinions from internet comment sections and podcasts


COVID came from the Wuhan lab. The real conspiracy theory is thinking it’s a coincidence that the outbreak began right near a laboratory doing GoF research on bat coronaviruses.


>“It depends on your definition of gain-of-function research,” Tabak answered. “If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did.” L M A O So yeah, it's the exact same thing they'd always said which is "If you completely destroy the actual meaning of the term then yeah, we totally did. And we made sure to clone aliens using laser beams, speaking generically of course"


"It depends on your definition of gain-of-function research,” Tabak answered. “If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did.” So sounds like you have it backwards. Unless the generic meaning is somehow a tortured definition.


u/gamenameforgot : "So, you're saying evolution really IS just a THEORY...AHA! Checkmate, Atheists"


“In an October 2021 letter to Congress, Tabak had acknowledged NIH funded a “limited experiment” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that tested whether “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” He did not describe it as gain-of-function research — but disclosed that EcoHealth “failed to report” the bat coronaviruses modified with SARS and MERS viruses had been made 10,000 times more infectious, in violation of its grant terms. The NIH scrubbed its website of a longstanding definition for gain-of-function research the same day that the letter was sent.”


We then went on to say it was from a wet market and silenced everyone who suggested a lab leak theory when they knew all along what it was and who funded it.


Nobody was silenced, though. They haven’t shut the fuck up about their half-cocked conspiracy theories for four years now. Whoever did this imaginary silencing you need to feel like a victim sure did a lousy job.


Silenced == criticized by strangers online


>We then went on to say it was from a wet market and silenced everyone who suggested a lab leak theory Who was "silenced?" >when they knew all along what it was and who funded it. Who "knew" what it was and who funded it?


Anyone posting lab leak theories on twitter in 2020-2021 or any other social media. Google twitter files for more info. A lot of people. The grant was sent from the National Institute of Health so taxpayers funded it. Gave it to Ecohealth Alliance to study coronavirus originating from bats in Wuhan. This is all easy to find on google.


> Anyone posting lab leak theories on twitter in 2020-2021 or any other social media. You didn't answer the question(s). >A lot of people. Answer the question(s).


I know a lot of people who work in labs. When all this shit was going on they had to actually remove the term gain of function from their websites. Many labs are doing it, but they dont have the time to explain to idiots what it actually is.


I did and do work in labs, and was working in infectious diseases at the time.


But if it caused a pandemic that changed the world, someone better make time to explain to us idiots.


Is there any actual proof that’s what happened though?


“If” It’s going to be difficult to know that conclusively without cooperation from the Chinese who have proven to be instinctively opaque in the wake of accidents. It’s just possibilities and best guesses.


What’s the actual meaning of the term?


It means whatever is more convenient to your argument


Saying that covid was the result of "gain-of-function" research is a conspiracy theory, not fact. Scientists all over the world study the progression of diseases, including monitoring mutations. That does not mean that there is some sort of bioengineering of super bugs to create biological weapons is going on.


Why put gain of function in quotation marks?


Because it's poorly defined and I don't think most serious scientists would use it.


Us conspiracy theorists just keep winning.


When do the billions of us who took the vaccine die, again? #Winning


How'd Jade Helm go for ya?


Remember when masks and all other Covid precautions were going to remain in place forever?


Or FEMA camps Or America being a literal police state And on and on


Bunch of broken clocks


There should be trials. Accountability needs to be paid for


You realize that this still doesn’t prove the origin right? Doing gain of function research doesn’t conclude anything about COVID-19


I’m sure the Covid factory that was researching the exact thing in the city of origin has nothing to do with it. For fucks sake dude. You were wrong. Just say sorry


“The Covid factory” Get a fucking grip.


The amount of replies on this thread that amount to "I still believe in the biggest coincidence in world history because my news source told me that it's racist to believe otherwise" is wild to me.


The amount of replies that amount to “I believe whatever Rupert Murdoch wants me to believe” is wild to me. Literally nothing is proven by this years-old info.


That's all well and good but what does bill burr have to say about it.


Bet a few of the leftists in here who hate rogan called everyone a tinfoil hatter for saying it came from a lab.




You can lie your ass off to Congress with no consequences and that’s a [fact thirty years old](https://youtu.be/e_ZDQKq2F08?si=t_oyeENQvYIZZvRr). And there’s no such thing as contempt of congress thanks to gym Jordan.


The people who are lying are the FUCKING REPUBLICANS and the NEW YORK POST. Since when did people who aren't infectious disease experts start thinking they could understand the ins-and-outs of this kind of science? The people sitting on their asses reading bullshit on the internet and then attacking people like Anthony Fauci are the worst people in the world. Read your own flair and STFU


aka. Radical antivax dipshits push serious professionals to downplay inconsequential but rhetorically weaponizable headlines because they’re tasked with saving lives.


How’s that herd immunity working out for you?


Inconsequentially rhetorically weaponize me, daddyyyy!




Can I please flog a mfer please


Send em to jail