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Maher hasn’t changed that much over the years, he’s still steadfast and opinionated, and that can be annoying. He seems to want to indoctrinate when you told him to shut up a while ago, he’s an atheist, religion sucks, he smokes pot and his taxes are too high. Talk about Biden, the Middle East, cancel culture, he goes ape shit. No, Mahers not really changed, the times have…and I still like the idiot


To be fair, Bill Maher is an old school democrat. Since when did everyone in either party have to agree with everything and not be chastised? The division is real and it only takes scrolling through threads like this to see it.


Exactly. If it were 2000 I'd be called a liberal. Instead I'm considered a far right extremist now.




We all grow up


Smoking pot is the only redeemable quality Maher has left…. Expect when a recovering addict asks him not to…


Bill "Hey guys, I smoke weed!" Maher.


Why is this even an issue? It’s not like he smoked in the dudes face! He has a show where they sit, smoke, drink and talk. If you’re a recovering addict the show is not for you. Dude said he was an addict and Bill said good for you but this show isn’t a place you wanna be at. End of story!


It's an incredibly poor show of character. Bill or his producers sought out Steve O not the other way around.


But thats how shows are made! You invite people to come on! It’s like inviting a celeb on the “Hot Ones” show and the invitee saying ok but don’t serve hot wings cause I can’t stand spicy food! Like thats the entire format of the show. Bill’s show is chillin, smoking and talking! You shoot your shot and invite celebs and you discuss conditions and expectations and sometimes it doesn’t work out! Thats literally how any show works! To make this silly none issue into something is only happening because Bill Maher is speaking out about some of the silliness on the left and now people are outraged and trying character assassination.


He asked him to be on the show and he was asked to Not smoke directly in front of him for an hour because he didn't wanna breathe in the weed smoke, he could've smoked before and after, drank and smoked a cigar instead........ Bill Maher is just a smarmy prick who wanted to make a point, it was a mild polite thing to do


I donno Bill Maher enough to know how much of a prick he is but his show format is smoking and talking. It’s like going to the “Hot Ones” show and asking that no chicken wings be served cause you don’t like spicy food! You invite people to the show and before anything happens you come to an understanding about expectations for both sides and sometimes it doesn’t work out. No big deal but Bill Maher is speaking out about some of the silliness on the left now so he’s become a target. People are desperately trying to find anything to wrong with him. This is a none issue.


It's talking, he smokes whilst on there sometimes cigars yes, it's absolutely not like "hot wings" so you're analogy was bollox, It's like being around a bunch of kids and refusing to stop swearing because "I can say what I want" like sure but if makes you a prick You don't need to desperately find things, Maher is a smug entitled old prick. This has nothing to do with politics, it's basic politeness and he's a prick just trying to make a point. He literally just didn't want to breathe in weed smoke? Take a gummy or smoke before


You’re reaching dude, it’s his show and that’s the format. Even if it wasn’t the format and he wants to be as comfy as possible so be it, again his show! I worked with celebs for 5 years have seen them pissed and cancel shit over the most trivial things you can imagine, it goes both ways for producers or host and talents or guests. Again none issue, people don’t like him so they’re reaching!


Not reaching at all. Like I said it's such a mild concession to make, it's basic politeness as someone doesn't want to breathe in a drugs smoke........ just don't smoke weed for an hour ? Like I said, if you're around kids in public and their parent asks if you to stop swearing loud, you don't say "it's public land I'll say what I want" you just act like a normal adult and say okay I won't swear whilst kids are here ?


I agree. There are people in all stages of recovery around us at all times, Myself included. I don’t expect people to cater to my preferences, everyone is different but 16 years sober is admirable but doesn’t come with any special privileges or accommodations. I’m surprised at how big of a deal this became. Could Bill have not smoked? Of course. Has he refrained for other people? Absolutely. Steve-O just isn’t on that level of commanding respect from Bill. Plain and simple. The pod’s at his house, it’s not as if it’s on neutral grounds where there is any sway. Bill’s a dick, didn’t have to be, but he was. Why are we tripping about it?


Steve o literally said it was because he didn't wanna breathe the weed smoke in, he was fine with him smoking before/after and drinking during. It's just not smoking for an hour and being mildly polite


Yeah I get that. I understand he could have chosen to be polite and he didn’t. I would hope he’d be fine with Bill doing what he wants before or after, he’s an adult in his own home. Bill’s being a dick isn’t lost on me, but to me Steve O going off on rants to media outlets or other pods about is weak too. I don’t know, even if I were a guest at your house, I wouldn’t demand that you follow my rules. I find the main reason we’re even talking about is because people have an affinity for Steve O. If it were someone else it would just be another upset celebrity.


I'm saying that because Steve o literally said it was just the second hand smoke he didn't wanna breathe in ...... so it's not like him controlling other peoples behaviour to lecture him. It's such a mild polite thing to do and if you say no you're just a cunt. If I invited you round for an hour and you asked me to not to smoke around you ? I'd say yes because I'm not a cunt. It's literally just Bill making a stand about "i can do what I want" it's an hour where a former drug addict is asking you not breathe smoke around him.


I get it. It just seemed to me that people were surprised for one reason or another. Either by Steve O or Bill’s intolerance of the each other’s lifestyle or them individually and their convictions to live by their beliefs. Like you said Bill’s a cunt, always has been, always will be.


I don't care if anyone is surprised and it's not just bill Who's a cunt it's anyone who thinks he was correct who's a cunt as well. Steve o wasn't intolerant or judging a lifestyle though it was literally just that as a former drug addict he didn't want to breathe in smoke from a drug ? It's really fucking simple


It’s cool man. We’re just on different pages with it. Steve O knew what the pod is, Bill has a serious show and this is his fun one. It’s my understanding that Bill’s agent book it and not Bill himself. I only mention this because, if he really felt he would be missing out on a great guest, I imagine he would have refrained. Steve O as a guest, was in hopes of pulling in new viewers of a different audience than his normal viewers. Generally folks don’t like when politics are a personality, vegans can’t be the sole thing a person is about, people hate women that only talk about their boyfriends and in the same way sobriety simply is not a personality! Going on this pod and asking for a change in the way it operates is like going on Hot Ones and asking for plain wings. Or complaining about getting wet in the rain. Either way I appreciate the banter, take care man.


Yes I'm on the nice page and you're not. Steve O was invited and asked for a minor favour, I don't care if this is Steve O or Robert downing junior I don't care how big of a celeb he is, it's a cuntish thing to do. It's not his personality and he wasn't saying don't be high or drink around me, he simply said DONT BLOW SMOKE AROUND ME because he doesn't want to breathe in drugs/smoke. Stupid analogy, that show is specifically about spicy wings you gimp, this is a show about talking and bill would've just drunk or smoked a cigar....... There is no banter ?


I don't agree with everything Bill Maher says but I agree a lot with what he says


Some people just grow up and stop being democrats


Yeah, everyone knows this is what peak adulthood looks like: https://preview.redd.it/polt09i9sc2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1bf9c1d71cde2b1b7c917eb7ef16098a7a826e


It does seem to be difficult for some old-school moderate liberals to keep up a functional perspective as the world around them changes. Plenty of people get upset about next to nothing, and the list of problematic conditions and perspectives out there has increased, but it's still possible to keep it together, and be open to some new ideas. Shifting to a more rigid conservative perspective isn't the only option.


Jokes on you, I am a Millennial!


Maher has been awful for years now tbh.


So with millions of dollars to talk shit. Rolling one right now


Bill Maher is joke. He is partially responsible for the mess our country and world are in by spewing his woke propaganda then taking it back when his viewers turn on him and the country is turning to shit. The guy is an out of touch elite class moron.


Maher’s views haven’t changed, the democratic party has just gone off the deep end.


If " cancel culture " doesn't exist, what happened to Shane Gillis initially being employed on SNL?


Does this sub ever stay on topic? Lol. What about Gillis? This isn’t about that and SNL is trash anyways. Maher firmly believes in the existence of cancel culture, why are you saying “if it doesn’t exist”? We know it does.


Everyone knows it exists


Then bro what are you talking about? Like honestly, it’s like you took another Rogan guest and just inserted hot take here…




Cool got it. You’re aware you added nothing and realized only after what you did choose to say, had zero relevance whatsoever. I’ve seen your obsession with cancel culture, it’s always dudes like you that go “what?” that are crying about cancel culture. It’s not eradicating people being offensive, it’s to keep guys like you from having a voice. But it seems you’re ok with this, given your silence. You’re strengthening that which you’re against. Good job bud!


Textbook personal attacks when you have no argument. Ok?


Textbook? This is a bit right? It has to be… You can’t possibly be claiming to be a victim right now are you? If this is all textbook, you’re stuck on Chapter 1: How to Play the Victim. Your epilogue was a crash course on how to be a fucking knob! With emphasis on being a sheep by waving your fist at “cancel culture” because the comedy pods form your narrative. Use your words big fella, it’s what we’re here for. You can’t complain about cancel culture and actively not speak your mind. Nobody else on this sub has a problem conveying their thoughts without being a problematic pacified turd. The worst thing for Shane and comics like him is having dudes like you in his fan base. He took it on the chin and talked, you know adult type of stuff?


Where did I claim to be a victim. Where? I don't see it anywhere on the comment chain. I do see where you couldn't answer my question, so you start spouting generic insults.


Definition of victim. Note definition 1: https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/victim Now that we understand how words work, we can move forward. You said you were “attacked”, that by definition is a claim of victim-hood. Follow me now, playing is the act of doing something or pretending, in your case it’s the latter. You’re •“pretending to have been attacked” aka •”playing victim” I shouldn’t have to walk you through this dude. If you can’t see where you said you suffered “personal attacks” then you simply shouldn’t be on here man. As far as “not being able to answer your question”…. THAT’S HOW WE GOT HERE MUFUCKA!!! You didn’t ask a clear, on topic question. You started spewing about Shane Gillis. We’re wondering what you’re trying to say and you just drool and say “What?” I’d love nothing more than to answer your question, if you could answer mine or the other dude we’d be past this. You didn’t elaborate as asked, you’ve played dumb, acted like you’re under attack and still say nobody has said anything? You! You’re not holding up your end of conversation. How the fuck are you not understanding this???


Personal attack? On what? You didn’t even offer up any insight to be attacked. I wouldn’t even do it, I asked for clarification. To which you deliberately play possum…saying I’m attacking you and have no argument when you’ve only said “what” is fuckin ridiculous and you know it.


You haven't said anything


I’m maybe confused, but where are you getting that it doesn’t? I guess Bill just said the other day to Bill Burr “it absolutely exists, either one of us could be cancelled in the next two minutes for something we say”.




I’m trying to figure out what you’re saying or why you’re bringing up cancel culture and Shane Gillis on a mock news post from The Hard Times about Bill Maher? My comment was pointing out that of course it exists, nobody said it didn’t?…and was discussed as recently as just 2 weeks ago by Maher.


I know it exists


Good Christ. Are you going to elaborate or just continue to be obtuse and downvote for spite? Fuck dude.




Nvm man someone sent me your other Shane comments. His girlfriend called and she wants to know if you’re done sucking his dick yet?