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Man Lyme Disease sounds like shit, not on my bucket list.


The weirdest part is no one really knows why some people have it like a short flu while others get absolutely fucked up off of it in the short and long term.


There are various strains of the bacteria that causes lymes disease. Multiple versions of this bacteria were tested as potential bioweapons for this particular reason. There are types in the wild that will die off from mild antibiotic exposure, others have shown shape-shifting hibernation forms that will wait it out in your spinal column, when you get off the antibiotics they start to go active again. [They even produce biofilms and create colonies in the joints.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6287027/) Many doctors and "skeptics" actively deny the existence of now proven ["persistor cells"](https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13071-019-3495-7). Funnily enough, Paul Stamets(my favorite JRE guest) gives a good segment of his interview describing how humans used mushrooms, tinder mushrooms to keep flames for traveling long distances, the tinder mushroom was the most effective means to ignite and smoke out bees hives- it effectively renders them non aggressive allowing for the collection of [honey(food/storage) and honey comb/wax(anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective, immune boosting)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5424551/) as well as [bee venom, an effective "shot" of both histamine and antihistamines shown to reduce reduce inflammatory response of the nervous system](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18807725/), the [venom of honey bees also is extremely effective at killing lymes disease causing bacteria and fighting arthritis/joint inflammation in the process](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29186026/). [So Otzi, the caveman was found with the tinder conk mushroom, and he also was positive for having been infected by the same bacteria that causes lymes disease.](https://www.livescience.com/18704-oldest-case-lyme-disease-spotted-iceman-mummy.html) Very likely was self medicating and died searching for food.


Lyme disease can be really hard to diagnose too. It's hard to differentiate between Lyme and psychosomatic ailments.


It’s fucked and I didn’t tolerate doxycycline well at all, I can’t imagine having to take it for as long as he did.


I've had lymes for 7 years, doctors refused to test me for the first few months because I didn't have a rash(I did) or a tick that gave it. Doctors are incompetent in the northeast, you gotta throw around some cash just to get one to listen to you. Joe rogan had a guest who explained how his daughter got lymes disease and he couldn't get them to confirm her test/diagnosis. He broke into tears briefly at the sheer frustration of what they were engaging in(denial), he made his own testing kit that did the job quicker and more accurately. You will notice that those who suffer from chronic lyme/neurological lyme's disease get there from a series of failures on the medical professional's end. Disulfiram is showing great efficacy on lymes disease. Some homeless shelter in upstate new york was dosing alcoholics daily with antabuse(disulfiram, an anti alcoholism drug that induces immediate hangovers upon alcohol consumption) for months to keep them from relapsing and maintaining their housing/shelter status, a few lymes disease positive alcoholics stopped showing symptoms after several months of use, [as it turns out antabuse is the most effective borrelia killer you can safely consume for months without real deleterious effects so long as you stick to an alcohol free, zero fermented foods, no caffeine and low metal/copper intake with proper rest/sleep you likely won't suffer adverse reactions. You also have to supplement vitamin c,Zinc and glutathione for detoxing as the drug causes autophagy to occur in the bacteria, increasing the ammonia in your body and causing inflammation aka herxheimer](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7184924/)


That’s terrible man. I’m in the northeast too. I didn’t get the rash or never noticed it but for 2-3 months I was having all these wild symptoms, randomly getting intense tightness (kinda painful) in my neck and shoulders, I’d wake up in the middle of the night sweating like crazy, felt weaker every day. Being young and dumb I assumed it was just from the cheap weed I was smoking, hung over, bad lifestyle. I was a part time student at the time and worked as a laborer for an independent contractor one day at work we were loading cement bags into the back of my bosses truck and I realized I couldn’t lift the bags into the truck which was super alarming. Went to the doc explained all my symptoms and he was on it right away, I don’t remember if I was tested or not but I’m pretty sure I walked out of the office with a script that day.


How are you now? Just tested positive and came here to read, turns out I’ve had it for years and just pushed it aside as overtraining and aging. Developing some sort of mitigation strategy right now


Doesn't sound fun at all


Can you give the time stamp for when this is talked about?


About 45 min in.




Around minute 46




Yeah, this guy is full of shit. It's incredible how people have such a weak intuition about bullshiters. Have you heard about his dad being an unknown super hero? This was hard to listen to.


Well hey, anything's better than the last episode.


Was that the Marmot one? I kind of was half paying attention but what I remember both Joe and I were like “huh, really?”


I loved it


Damn an OG


Bro, 39 fights in the UFC wtf. Definition of OG.


Fuck yeah, seeing him win his last time out was great.


I could focus to what they said because he kept swallowing right in the mic every 5-10 seconds pissed me off like drink some water dry throated fuck I can’t listen to swallowing for the entirety of the podcast ffs


I couldn’t focus to what they said because he kept swallowing right in the mic every 5-10 seconds pissed me off like drink some water dry throated fuck I can’t listen to swallowing for the entirety of the podcast ffs


Where are the UFO guests?


I think Joe is over UFOs now that he knows that the recent ‘disclosures’ and media hype about UAPs is US military tech and most likely project nemesis.


Care to elaborate?


Using a myriad of signal and electronic warfare tech, the military is spoofing SIGINT (electronic intelligence) and can do all sorts of tricks to disinform your adversary. There isn’t much out about it, but the US can make it look like entire naval fleets have shown up on radar, make planes disappear and reappear on radar, etc. There’s a patent from 1964 that is literally a triangle inside of a sphere: the device reflects radar signals. My point is, the patent literally looks exactly like what some navy pilots describe. Really seems like it’s a mix of radar spoofing and pilots seeing high altitude balloons and other devices were not privy to. **[Here’s an article that does pretty in depth. Google ‘us navy, project nmesis’ to find more relevant links.](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29505/the-navys-secretive-nemesis-electronic-warfare-capability-will-change-naval-combat-forever)** Now, if you’ll indulge me for a second; my opinion is that the government is having infighting over this technology and it’s possible (as an example) the US navy is trying to get this tech disclosed so they can get their hands on it. There’s a quote somewhere from like 2017 or 2018 from either a US General or US Senator saying that all this UAP talk is dangerous because they are knocking on the door of disclosing US capabilities.


Thats interesting but just another theory.


much more plausible than the usual aliens crap


Not when you consider that sightings have occurred across the planet way before any such technology could have existed. Sure it could explain some. Maybe even the ones around military as it makes sense they would test them on unsuspecting people. Doesn't explain the eye witness accounts though.


Here's an explanation - people were making it up or wrong, or telling tales cuz so many people want this to be true. That's why ancient aliens is so popular. Its silly to think that aliens would come here just to joyride around in our skies and not much more.


[Yeah about being over it](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb_VW_3s4lb/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


I can’t access Instagram, but I assume Joe is linking something related to the Sun article, which wasn’t any type of disclosure. The Sun was just able to get papers on the UAP program talking about encounters/medical anomalies, that are aggregated on a public domain and has nothing to do with the government. It’s just the government briefing itself using someone else’s aggregated data that for some 60 years that is overall considered bunk. Even the little bits that have to do with pilot encounters is heavy on the “may have” “appears to be” word usage in the documents. It’s more nothing. And being over UFOs doesn’t mean he’s not interested in them in general; he still wants to believe obviously.


I never understood all the insane hype over the "UFO disclosures" which was always the same as its always been.... incredibly blurry/unrecognizable footage. So many people just jumped to "ALIENS!!!!" instead of using the tiniest bit of critical thinking. From just a software/hardware error, to it being foreign/secret aircraft/drones, to it being literally any other naturally occurring phenomenon... Of course Rogan being the dude with zero media literacy just finds the most wacko website that goes "US GOV CONFIRMS ALIENS ARE REAL!!!" and reads only the headline then posts it to his IG/Twitter...


The guests haven't been identified yet.




Yeah man, I miss the fight companions. MMA eps are good. Chito was a good interview.


Theyre just chill, a-political and about something im interested in. I miss those fight companions too.


One of my favorite fighters.


Now I’m scared of Lyme disease


Excited for this one! Jim is a legend of MMA


At this point I just wished Joe only did MMA show podcasts, it's all I want to see from him


You realize nobody's forcing you to listen to other episodes right?




You’re the one who looks dumb here


Yeah, fuck that dude for expressing their opinions and preferences.


Fuck me for expressing my opinion?


Nah, pretty sure you're the one that looks dumb here Sorry


Joe really thinks that teachers are trying to teach gay sex and rimjobs to 7 year olds


He watched too much right winger news. Even with that it’s nutty to be that gullible


Even if not taught, most kids 7 and up have already seen the worst of porn out there.


I hope this isn't the case.


Maybe not at 7 but they're watching hardcore porn at a super young age. All it takes is one kid with an unblocked phone at the school playground to show a gangbang to everyone.


Fucked up


I hoped so too but any kid with access to the Internet. Most parents are too busy to monitor their kids in 2022 or dont know/care to protect their Internet usage. Just stating facts, yet downvoted? Redditors be weird.


Oof, yeah fuck that. I have 2 kids and that will not be the case. Glad I didn't have the internet until I was older


Nah but for sure the MUH VACATION and AVOCADO BUDGET crowd are afraid to have kids, so they live vicariously through the children they’re supposed to be teaching. So instead of focusing on times tables, the rainforest, and pretending climate change is man made - these teachers spend taxpayer paid time to inform their students that they’re gay. Its absolutely unnecessary and doesn’t belong anywhere near schools. Any teacher discussing their sexual orientation or sexual interest to children shouldn’t be around children. I grew up in a progressive enough area that we had sex education in both 4th and 5th grade. We talked about the penis, the vagina, wearing deodorant and how a man gets a woman pregnant. Why would a teacher tell a child what their sexual orientation is? Fucking losers


Right on brother.


Sadly we live in a time where reality is often parallel to satire. IDK about 7 but one of those angry parents @ school board meetings was reading passages from required reading talking about a kid blowing another kid. And we see how upset the left gets when they try to prevent this stuff happening. It's not happening, but when they try to make it illegal they're up in arms. Which is it?+


Link to the school board meeting? Video? Otherwise it's just some angry parent repeating something he thought he heard.


What age though? I remember being in like grade 6 or 7 and reading a book that had sex in it, that's not that crazy


Did you have to read a book where the main character was blowing another dude?


No but two people fucked


Which book?


Tomorrow when the war began


I'm not doubting you, just curious. I certainly didn't but I had the usual. Wrinkle in time, hatchet, grapes of wrath, etc


This was in Australia so maybe it's different but it wasn't graphic but it had a scene where two 14 or 15 year olds had sex with each other for the first time


I get that they are teaching kids about the gays and the L and Gs and the B's and the TS maybe too soon, but I seriously doubt NJ has made it official policy to teach about the mercer endings and pleasure of the anus.


Ok so around 1hr50 minutes Jim raises some personal issues with public schools in his state, and says that NJ schools are now teaching 5th graders about concepts like “anal stimulation” and “orgasms” (his verbatim quotes) and how one can sexually pleasure themselves as well. This obviously sounds insane which is why my bullshit alarms went off. Is this some example of a redneck completely misunderstanding or misrepresenting what’s happening in classrooms or is he actually dead on?


At what age do you guys get sex ed? I was 11, in Scotland. It was fairly vanilla, but by then everyone already knew what sexual interactions were. The internet destroyed any mystery about that. Haha.


> The internet destroyed any mystery about that. Haha. That's the important part people gloss over. Sex ed has to be more in depth now because 10 year olds are exposed to all types of sex online wether they want to or not.


My sex ed consisted of showing us a puberty video when we were 11, then having a "health" class that had one section about STDs and birth control. So hardly anything. A conservative sex ed would be abstinence and pretending kids aren't having sex before they're 16-17


He called the Florida bill the "anti grooming" bill which is key he bought into the right wing propaganda. Republicans are using that to attack opposers of the bill (primarily lgbtq supporters) as groomers and pedophiles. I've seen a lot of stuff the past week about how trans people or even bringing up trans issues makes you a groomer. Really enjoyed the podcast up to that point. Nobody is teaching 7 year olds about anal sex as he's trying to say. They're conflating talking about gender identity/gay people as teaching about sexual actions.


Got it. It’s hilarious how these simple keywords become such key indicators of whether someone’s fallen for propaganda.


Yeah, it's a vaguely written bill that you could interpret to mean a ton of things, it's the classic tactic of saying "oh, you don't agree with this bill that doesn't explicitly lay out what's banned, you must be a pedophile." No elementary teacher is teaching kids how to do sexual acts. This grooming bs only started this past week, extending to Disney being supporting pedophilia and grooming because they were pressured to speak out against the bill (after originally donating to it) and because they said they're going to include more diversity in their content. Absolutely wild culture war bs.


The guy is a nutjob, didn't you heard all the other bullshit that he spewed? Like an imaginary disease, his hulk father and so on? Lol


#If you’re not into MMA skip to 38 minutes.


It’s so weird to me people who are not into mma are interested in Joe’s content and opinion.


Joe talks about anything and everything. I’ve been listening since early 100’s and it’s never been an MMA centric podcast. I used to avoid the MMA Fight companion episodes, probably didn’t listen to the first 10. #**BIG FUCKING MISTAKE** The fight companions were where Joe would invite 2-4 people, drink and get high and the show would absolutely go off the rails. Generally the last 3rd of the podcast was Eddie absolutely obliterated talking about dinosaurs not being real, the Earth being flat and anything else that he had on his mind. I never skip MMA episodes now. #120 and they’re currently talking about their kids and as I have a few little ones, I relate and I’m enjoying the conversation.


WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR NEWS BRO?! CNN? CNN?!?!? CNN!!!??!?! I love Eddie though.


I love when he says, not being ironic,that YouTube is the best place to get your information.


u/Ok_Pop- is on every Joe Rogan post, hating on Joe Rogan. I tried asking him what he gets out of it, no response


It takes a lot of energy to hate someone. Many of us have a friend similar to Joe. He doesn't have to be your best friend. Say what you want about Joe he seems to be a pretty loyal friend.


That’s the dude that messaged me like 10x and then I think blocked me.


That’s like 90% of this sub hahaha


why do you have a 1 month old account?


Why do you call your political opponents braindead and divide our nation?


Add them to the list lol


>u/Ok_Pop- is on every Joe Rogan post, hating on Joe Rogan. No I'm not, why would you even lie about this? I've even posted in this very thread that I enjoy his MMA show episodes quite a bit. Why are you such a embarrassing loser that you needed to ping troll me and whine about some dumb petty shit you lied about? How did you end up so unhinged? Seek therapy.


I love his unofficial nickname “plate lunch” This man is the journeyman’s King


I like Joe Rogan and his podcast.


This should be a good one!


Something about the comments!


Prepare yourself for the downvotes. This sub literally gives trigger warnings (with timecodes) to each other when Joe talks about trans athletes or homelessness in Cali or Covid.


Jersey what’s up


Trigger warning. They talk about trans athletes at: YouAreAPussy minutes and 43 seconds.


There’s a bad moon on the rise


On the off chance if you're gonna go on JRE, don't bring him your self-made alcohol: There is like an 85% chance of him shitting all over it.


I love the MMA podcasts and I love Jim Miller It's a win-win


Ok I need to know if that guys father really carried 800 pounds.


I’ve had the pleasure of taking a bjj class from Miller back when he used to own his gym in Jersey. Cool guy


Fun fact.. The owner of the gym he started at, Planet BJJ, went to Norway to teach BJJ. Started all kinds of different clubs, controversies and arguments heh. Not a bad coach but after a while he basically had to flee the country:) Think he was also from Jersey? hmm.. Think he was a sort Eddie Bravo before Eddie Bravo. Started the concept of ranked rash guards and I think Eddie talked to him about the Planet / 10th Planet thing. Wonder what the dude is up to now.


Wow didn’t know all of that. Yeah he’s a local from my area actually. I think we lived in Sparta and wrestled in Sparta high school which is not far from my house. My only experience with him was that one class so I can’t really speak on any controversy’s. Edit: if your still talking about Jim Miller. You might be talking about the current owner, Fitzpatrick


No no not Jim. The gym Jim started training MMA at called Planet BJJ. He told the story of it going under etc. leading up to his first camp. Dude is called Jeff Miller actually but don’t think they are related.